The Complicated Continent of Lyg - What Secrets Lie Here? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] i give my soul to the magna gee saith the joyous in paradise for they created mehrunes the razor in secret in the very bowels of lig the domain of the upstart who vanishes though they came from diverse waters each get shared a sole purpose to artifice a prince of good spinning his likeness in random swath and imbuing him with oblivion's most precious and scarce asset hope ligue was ruled over solely by the tyrant drake kings each to their own dominion and border wars were fought between their slave oceans they were akin to the time totems of old yet evil and full of mockery and profane powers no one that lived did so outside of the suffrance of the dregs or so they fought for hope is the most potent of potions to hope is to believe and to believe is to create reality every fiber of dagon's divine raiment is soaked in this hope and in his forehands he holds a storm a rush of plagued rain all the tinder of anu and the very eyes of padham dagon looked upon league the realm of the upstart lore khan and his hope became a promise of liberty of new manches the thief taker mehrunes god's body may ruins the red arms that went up mehrunes threw down lig and cracked his face declaring each of the nineteen and nine and nine oceans were now free when the shackled slaves of league saw those four great muscled arms frost skyward in defiance they threw off their restraints with hope-fuelled might and rebellion spread like a conflagration engulfing the slave oceans of the dreg kings as if the water was oil the towers of kimmel garjig were pulled down the templars of the upstart were slaughtered and blood fell like dew from the upper wards down to the lowest pits where the slaves with maniacal faces took chains and teeth to their jailers and all hope was brush fire no corner of the world was safe from dagon's red legions suns were riven from the sky as they rampaged across league and mires were drained to reveal cowering slavers doomed to die in the red tide and so lig faced a new dawn and was freed this cryptic tale of a bloody rebellion in a distant but close land known as ligue was first documented by the prince of ambition mehrunes dagon himself in the desert of rust and wounds the deadlands it was then interpreted by the cult leader of the mythic dawn mancar cameron this mortal had created his own realm of oblivion with this knowledge and changed his very name and biology with dagon's razor many call him mad and how could you not be after opening your mortal mind to the cataclysmic secrets of an immortal being and then his interpretation has once again been interpreted by another mortal me we'll never know the exact details of this apocalyptic rebellion but it seems the mythic dawn aimed to recreate this revolt in tamriel in an event called the oblivion crisis thanks to a hidden dragonblood heir a nameless hero and an avatar of akatosh tamriel escaped dagon's enforced freedom but it seems ligue was not so fortunate this mysterious continent was supposedly destroyed its towers were torn down and it was set free but the true fate of this parallel version of nirn that fell to dagon in another calper is anything but clear the revolution comes at the end of lig's story and there are plenty of other secrets to unearth about this mystifying realm in today's video we're going to speculate on these secrets and discover all there is to know about this perplexing parallel place whether we imagine league as lorcan's previous project or perhaps a coexistent one adjacent to nirn it's regardless difficult to imagine the dregs in positions of power when we look at the dregs of tamriel we see territorial crustaceans fish near to extinction by the dunmer of morrowind their hides and whacks are valuable and even the deepest recesses of the padamic ocean could not save them from becoming an endangered species with severely hindered intelligence it is believed they were once a sapient race but most of the stories are very old and come from sources that lean more towards poetry rather than scholastic integrity in forfeira tamriel the greatest sign of intelligence comes from the dregs who cut fishing nets to scavenge fish meanwhile in their fertile stage the dregs change form and emerge onto dry land this process is called carvinism and landrag are known only for their mindless aggression comparatively the dregs of league and the drakes of ancient times seem alike only in name mancar cameron described a drag civilization that was mired in constant and total war carried out by ruthless totalitarian kings but we can learn more from the warrior poet and demigod of morrowind vivec his lessons tell tall tales full of embellishment and they're often crammed full of cryptic language obscuring reality and metaphor until you get a kind of mythology that is both fictional and factual why are the universe's greatest mysteries written about by tamriel's most enigmatic characters perhaps it's because all of the rational intellectuals unknown have a propensity for disappearing the moment they get a glimpse of enlightenment i'm looking at you kagrenac but whatever the case a great deal can be learned from vivec about the ancient dregs and their mysterious master vivec told the story of the netchiman's wife who was thrown into the ocean and taken by the dregs to their underwater castles of glass and coral the best known of the vex stories about the drags tells of the ruddy man sermon 28 says when the dregs ruled the world the daedra prince molag bal had been their chief he took a different shape then spiny and armored and made for the sea vivec in giving birth to the many spawn of his marriage had dropped an old image of molag bal into the world a dead carapace of memory for context in an earlier sermon vivec told of his marriage to molech bal vivek gave the prince many children in return for the secret syllable of royalty kim but that's not a story for today vivec's claim that the dregs ruled the world implies that they ruled nirn as he didn't specify that they ruled league but if lig is a parallel version of the familiar world or the very same world in an ancient time then the distinction wouldn't matter as an original spirit molag bal as well as all the other gods could have meddled in the affairs of both league and nirn so when vivek gave birth to molag bal's children in tamriel it's entirely possible that echoes of the daedra lord's past would be passed down hereditarily to the offspring molag bal was the pre-eminent chief of the drag tyrant kings of ligue and now vivek had unleashed a piece of that primordial monster on nirn this dead carapace of memory was picked up by a young unmarried child from the village of nicest vivec sought out this corrupted child who was driven to barbarity by the shell when vivec found him near the boy's village there was a violent clash of arms and an upheaval of the earth their battle created the west gash wanderers that still go there here still the sounds of it sword across crust the grunt of god the snapping of his monster child's splintered legs after his victory vivec took the shell of the ruddy man to the dregs the queen of dregs whose name is not easy to spell was in a period of self-incubation her wardens took the gift from vivec and promised to guard it from the surface world this is the first account of drex being liars so which world the dregs once ruled may be up for debate but the presence of intelligent dregs in vivec's lifetime is undeniable or at least as undeniable as any of the vex stories in ten years the ruddy man appeared again this time near tear the carapace was worn by a wayward shaman who followed the house of troubles instead of guarding it the dregs had imbued the living armor with mythic inflexibility it molted soon after skill draping the shaman and stretched his bones to the five corners when vivec met the monster in battle again he saw the remains of free villages dripping from its feet he took on his giant form and slew the ruddy man by way of the symbolic collage since he no longer trusted the ultima of the sea vivec gave the carapace of the monster to the devout and loyal mystics of the number room and from it these mystics created a philosopher's armor whatever the true relationship between lig and nirn may be these crustaceans seem truly overworldly and even as their mental faculties dwindle away lost to the ebb and flow of the tides reverberations of their long past dominance in an alien realm still resonate from their abyssal cities of glass and coral their ineffable names and their strange magics if we shift focus from the dregs of tamriel back to the tyrannical dreg kings of league we can see yet more parallels between the two continents so far i've hinted at the idea that league was another of lorkhan's attempts at creating a mortal realm to say whether this attempt predated the creation of tamriel would be irrelevant as outside of the mortar world there is no linear time that is a function of auriel or akatosh in creation you could argue that league occurred in a previous calper a previous cycle of the universe's life death and rebirth but to the gods involved in creation establishing chronology would be frivolous it would be the kind of unnecessary context that only a mortal could need just like the creation story we all know so well that brought tamriel out of the dawn era and into the murafic i believe ligue was created the same way lorkhan asked the original spirits to help him with his creation our definitions of edric and daedric had no bearing here magnus was the architect of the mortal realm and his magnege aided in this process before fleeing to aetherius when they learned of the cost when lig was born the magna gee saw the tyranny of the dregs and their chief molag bal and they felt compelled to intervene this is where mankar's commentaries once again come into play the magnage created mehrunes the razor in secret in the very bowels of lig they shared a sole purpose to artifice a prince of good spinning his likeness in random swath and imbuing him with oblivion's most precious and scarce asset hope this original spirit was created by the magna magnege with the single objective of preventing mortals from growing corrupt with power to stop them from subjugating those beneath them the magnage noticed this fault that is innate to all mortals but they over-corrected for mehrunes dagon would achieve so much more than the toppling of tyranny and the exchange of power but we'll touch more on this impact again soon as i wanted to interject at this point an interesting parallel between the story of league and the kajiti creation myths the priest amandro wrote about the manifold spirits of the cat folk in his text on the adversarial spirits he talks about molag the elder spirit of domination merida the daughter of magrus and merons the demon cat in these myths the wild and destructive marines came toe-to-toe with molag inside the great darkness molag bested the demon cat and took him prisoner molag tortured and tormented merrins and the captured god thrashed his four paws against his cage and dreamt of freedom it was meridanunder who broke him out of captivity for she aimed to use him to help assault the lunar lattice the barrier between the mortal realm and oblivion in one story dagon was freed in the other he was created in one meridian used him for his powers of destruction in the other she made him to liberate mortals from their oppressors these distinctions do not change the end result for in both stories mehrunes dagon attacked the very structure of the mortal realm if dagon were to tear down the lunar lattice nothing would separate tamriel from the realms of the aedra and daedra and in league dagon achieved just that he liberated mortals from existence from mortality itself the closest will ever come to hearing about dagon's revolution against the tyrant kings of league comes from mankar cameron's interpretations in the mythic dawn commentaries but it paints a pretty clear picture mehrunes dagon did more than simply overthrow the corrupt crustaceans who ruled lorkhan's realm of leak dagon and his red legions tore down the towers and slew the templars of the upstart law khan dagon delivered the people of ligue the magic word of new manches means liberty ultimate freedom you see dagon was imbued with hope so that he may be a prince of good for the people but the magnegi were blind to their divine hubris for mehrunes dagon would liberate the people from the greatest tyrants of all the gods dagon delivered the people of ligue from their jailers by destroying the realm at its foundations in the words of mankar cameron your dawn listens my lord let all the orbis know itself to be free may ruins is come there is no dominion say free will the mysterious continent of league is an adjacent place it exists alongside tamriel not the same place but a parallel version lig was another of lorkhan's attempts to create a mortal realm with the aid of the atarda only this parallel version failed the success of dagon's rebellion freed league from creation it unmade the realm mancar cameron and his mythic dawn plotted to bring about this same fate on tamriel by unleashing dagon on the white gold tower the mythic dawn wished to free tamriel from creation but this plan was opposed by the might of the cyrodiilic empire the dragonblood heir stood up to the prince of destruction and succeeded where the dregs failed with the aid of akatosh and of shore the covenant was restored and dagon was sent back to his infernal deadlines so what was lick's fate menkar's words suggest that this parallel world was unmade while an unofficial but no less important source michael kirkbride who wrote a great deal of the canon law we discussed today claims that it's one of the adjacent places and it's still there but in what capacity is it still there i wonder and his wording even suggests there may be other adjacent places we've never heard about with the failure of the oblivion crisis i think it's likely that we'll never hear the name league uttered again but the presence of at least one parallel version of tamriel is undeniable this realm crumpled beneath the might of mehrunes the razor but on nirn the tower of white gold withstood his assault the mythic dawn was averted mortal life on tamriel goes on but there you have it guys i hope you enjoyed the video and maybe you learned a little something about one of the older scrolls most perplexing places thanks for watching guys i've been drew this has been fudge muppet and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 154,355
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, fudgemuppet, oblivion, oblivion lore, daedra
Id: 85ST_DQwdyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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