Are the High Elves Liars? Could Maormer be the TRUE Desecendants of the Aldmer? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] the mayomar the seals or tropical elves you can even call them the fish elves if you're truly trying to be mean they are the inhabitants of the island kingdom pioneer far to the south of the somerset isles for most of somerset's history the mayamo have assailed its shores with invasions and raids in an attempt to reclaim what is supposedly rightfully theirs this has carried on for millenniums for the ultima have never been able to erase the threat at its core in the year 486 of the second era a small mayo mary fleet was sighted off the coast of eleanor and king heidelith ordered his navy to give chase the navy followed the ships through uncharted waters into an ambush in pyendinia itself most of the elenori navy was destroyed but a single warship returned to somerset to describe the land as a sea jungle massive plateaus spilling over with vegetation form mazes around valleys of ocean waving tendrils of kelp trap all but the mayama's own ships and provide a well-camouflaged home for the sea serpents that are organum's guards and occasional mounts mist storms spill over the land further disorienting one's views that even one ship survived the visit is a testament to the maritime genius of the ultima welcome to fudge map but ladies and gentlemen my name is scott and today we are discussing a wild elder scrolls theory one which we talked about in our elder scrolls podcast about the sea elves is it in fact possible that the mayama are in fact correct in their claims is it possible that these elves are closest to the ancient old ma perhaps what the high elves say and profess is actually not the truth of the matter i mean you must remember that this is the elder scrolls and there are basically no absolute truths just lots of likely and less likely scenarios scattered amongst alternative but plausible series of events thanks to the unreliable narrator we have little in the way of concrete information but then again that's the beautiful thing that gives us all the wiggle room we need to make wild theories so come on a journey with me and let's indulge this claim of the myanmar that they are the purest of elves and that the elves of somerset are the mongrels well first it might be helpful to punch some holes in the ultimate series of events so that you guys may be open to the idea that the supposed purity and direct line of ancestry for the ultima may be wrong this is what's said about them in the pocket guide 3rd edition the oldma the progenitor races of all elves arrived in tamriel from their original home in old maris or old elnepha in ancient times we don't know what precipitated this exodus or even the location of aldmeris if it still exists today most scholars believe that the old man settled somerset first and then spread out across the rest of tamriel but there is some evidence to support the theory that somerset was only one of several initial settlements of the earliest oldmer in any case somerset became one of the earliest centers of ultima civilization which developed over thousands of years into the ultima of historical times it also says the ultimate changed over time culturally according to their new environments being at first temperamentally and then physically very distinct races separate from one another the ones who stayed in somerset became known as the ultima in valenwood bosma in morrowind kaimah and dwemer in cyrodiil aylid and in high rock a mix between nedick and oldmer birthed the bretons so in essence these passages are saying that the order of operations was aldema flee aldmeris they come to the somerset isles and then afterwards the rest spread throughout tamriel now we could look to topple the pilot's exploits detailed in the father of the nibben and see where some problems arise he left somerset to search for aldmeris and instead discovered the coasts of tamriel but among his experiences of its earliest inhabitants are the mysterious cat demons on the coasts of modern day elsewhere these are commonly believed to be the ancestors of the khajiit or rather the khajiit themselves just not known as such yet so there are some immediate problems and inconsistencies you see the khajiit believed they were created from elven stock that inhabited the land chosen by azura to become the khajiit this is quite plausible azura after all has a penchant for changing elven races just look at the kyma and dunma now this supposes the idea that the elven stock must have predated these cat demons that toppled discovered because the khajiit had to be made from the elves that were there before but according to topple tamriel was new and there were no elves on tamriel at this time what is interesting is that their neighbours the wood elves also claimed that they were originally from valenwood they claim that they were once part of the ooze a formless chaos that was then given shape by ifry and the green pact which gave birth to the wood elves as we know them today so these two elven groups of southern tamriel according to them must have predated topple and other aldmeri exploration of tamriel in order for him to experience these cat demons aka ancient khajiit the pocket guide 3rd edition also says the hist trees of black marsh most say were the original life forms on our continent followed by the progenitors of the modern khajiit the modern argonian the modern sload the modern dreg and other beast folk some now gone our land some so shy or rare that their presence is seldom detected but this again would not stack up with the entirety of khajiit or bosma belief as they originated in tamriel according to them we must also consider that certain other elves have no direct explained migratory route to their creation or existence for example we have the dwemer who are said to have been in morrowind before kaima arrival and we also have the falmer the snow elves who have no direct explanation of how these pale elves of the north came to be to clarify this does not mean that they are not related via aldmeri migration but their existence is not explained like the aylids kaima or durani who all left somerset isles at some point sharing a common ancestry and culture you guys are just going to have to trust me this is still a video about sea elves but there's a lot of background info that needs to be established in order to have this crazy ah mayamer the true elves theory to have any respectable amount of credence it is entirely possible that like the khajiit and bosma that the phalma and dwemer have always dwelt in tamriel contrary to imperial understandings of the world via the pocket guides a key piece to the puzzle is aldmeris itself because there are various understandings of this mythical mysterious place of old some believe it to be a literal lost island where the aldema came from others believe it to be a metaphorical ideal and others believe it to be a sundered continent that no longer exists listen to the annotated anuad a commonly referenced piece of information which is a simplified version of the creation myth sourced from the mythic era also known as the merethic era on the world of nirn all was chaos the only survivors of the twelve worlds of creation were the el nafee and to the hist the el nafee are the ancestors of myrrh and men the hist are the trees of argonia known originally was all land with interspersed seas but no oceans a large fragment of the el nifei world landed on nirn relatively intact and the elena fey living there were ancestors of the myrrh these elena fey fortified their borders from the chaos outside hid their pocket of calm and attempted to live on as before other elena fey arrived on nirn scattered amid the confused jumble of the shattered worlds wandering and finding each other over the years eventually the wandering el nafee founds the hidden land of old elna faye and were amazed and joyful to find their kin living amid the splendor of ages past the wandering illness expected to be welcomed into the peaceful realm but the old el nephew looked on them as degenerates fallen from their former glory for whatever reason war broke out and raged across the whole of nirn the old elena faye retains their ancient power and knowledge but the wanderers were more numerous and toughened by their long struggle to survive on nirn this war reshaped the face of nirn sinking much of the land beneath new oceans and leaving the lands as we know them tamriel akavir atmora and yakuda the old el nife realm although ruined became tamriel the remnants of the wanderers were left divided on the other three continents so let's annotate the annotated annuity and explain in the simplest terms what this all means the old el nephi the ancestors of the elves had a solid realm which they literally called old elnepha just remember that the term old illness gets used to refer to both old maris the place and ancestors of the myrrh but i said simple so this area was aldmeris the wandering elna faye ancestors of men were happy to have found aldmeris but the old elena faye told them to get stuffed you're not coming in so a war ensued and this sundered the continent into four tamriel akavi atmora and yokuda so if i were to run with this sundered continent idea of aldmeris then technically all elves came from aldemaris but aldmeris was sundered and its remnant became tamriel now look this is all dawn era stuff lots of myth and legend plenty of crazy conjecture but the takeaway here is that is it possible that the bosma elven precursors of khajiit the dwemer falmer etc were all on tamriel since the dawn era it could be that the aldema who found somerset were lost at sea during the cataclysmic war and have since been obsessed with finding a place that no longer exists as they knew it long story short the creation of an actual world is very confusing mostly relegated to the realm of myth and the ultimate version of events is only professed because they were the dominant culture on tamriel for so long and established many of the fundamentals of modern tamrielic society such as elements of the speech and writing as well as most arts crafts sciences and laws of the empires of man however when you look past the thalmor propaganda you may find that the claims the elves of the somerset isles profess are in reality just as uncertain about their supposed ancestral homeland of aldmeris as any other elf is and that their understanding is mostly a mythical one okay so now that we've established conventional ultima ideas are not infallible and that alternatives are available let's get to this mamma thing let's have a look at what the mayama claimed to be the truth the sea lord malaroth of piondenia says many still believe that the mayama race of pyandiniya diverged from the racial line of the ultima when they were exiled from somerset isle as criminals this is the great traitorous lie of the altima translations of tapestries in the crystal tower reveal that the great mayomar race is directly descended from the purest strain of our aldmeri ancestors we certainly did not come from somerset but originated in our ancestral homeland of aldmeris the ultima themselves are a mongrel race they are the abomination that drove our great leader organum to lead our people through the impenetrable mists to our haven of pyandiniya for centuries we have marshaled our forces in preparation for our triumphant return somerset is ours by our right of birth as the one true old mary race all trace of the inferior ultima race and their mongrel blood must be wiped from the face of tamriel our time has come arise maoma take your place's rightful heirs to the old mary legacy though on the contrary hayden drill of skywatch says i fear the fallibility we have developed in our fall from aldmeri grace has led to the common misconception that we are close siblings to those who dwell in pioneer but the truth of the matter is that we are far distant cousins with only a shred of common ancestry this welcome revelation comes from previously untranslated old mary tapestries within the crystal tower the unmitigated truth revealed at last after painstaking study speaks not of a common plight of reluctant migration and tragic diaspora but a tale of treachery and exile now it's hard to say which is propaganda and which is truth but let's for a moment indulge the idea that perhaps the ultima do not like what the tapestries of the crystal tower in fact say and simply translate them differently to fit their own narrative is it actually possible that king orgenum and his folk were banished from aldmeris during the time when it was still one continent perhaps there were disputes about how they should deal with the incoming invaders the wandering illness perhaps it was simply a dispute over the throne perhaps these two factions were lost to sea and in search for aldmeris one found somerset and one found pyandiniya perhaps the sea elves see somerset as the last identifiable piece of aldemaris the rest having changed drastically who knows the third pocket guide says orgenum their leader and self-styled king according to the legend was a phenomenally wealthy alderman nobleman who used his finances to launch a rebellion against the powers of the land he and his followers were banished for this to a place separated from aldmeris by an impenetrable mist pyendinia the veil of mist this boundary proved so effective that the followers of ognum never again disturbed their former countrymen the new aldmeri homeland of somerset however was not so lucky ultimately there is a lot of he said she said going on but i wanted to point out just how the high elf's claim to being the purest descendants of the aldmer is just as valid or invalid as the mayama's claim because it's all based on their own mythical stories of heritage rather than strict historical evidence like i briefly mentioned before aldemarys could also be an ideal a metaphor for a pure aedric elven civilization that is closer to the divine yet a place that never did or will exist but let's look at some biology we all assume that the ultima most closely resemble the aldema why because they said so we do not have the falmer opinion or the dwemer opinion perhaps the bosma would think the high elves were created from the ooze just the same shaped by different gods to ifry it's important to be open-minded here but what if the maimo were the ones who most closely resembled the aldma or the proto-elf take away for the moment your preconceived notion of what an old man looks like before they were alma they were old elna fey now el nafe were a group of et ada which means original spirits so it's reasonably fair to imagine them as not entirely physical if we actually look at the elena fey who did not become the races of men and myrrh the ones that became the earth bones they can still be seen as guardians of nature who look rather ethereal and spirit-like so then let's look at the mayama's physical description they are known to possess a strange chameleon-like skin an involuntary process that is similar to the forest coupling skills of the bosma and we see them in person in the elder scrolls online they possess elven-like ears along with these milky kind of undefined eyes and sort of translucent pearlish white skin now these base elves are different from the leviathans which are scaled and monstrous made from the sorceress coupling of c elf and c serpent interestingly that in itself is another example of elves transforming and there are plenty of examples that seem to allude to the idea that the elves seem more fluid in their physical forms when compared to men but i digress look at the mayama and imagine that these are the very first transitory forms of el nephei to uldma imagine that the first transition from spiritual to corporeal looked rather strange its physicality was not yet defined by the same skin and colour that is shared by later descendants maybe all the ultima elves looked like the mamma but after ognam's rebellion he was exiled to pioneer where they stayed mostly unchanged except for some subtle features in the ear or other changes brought on by sorceries as is the case with the leviathans perhaps the fact that they can change their form with sorcery lends credence to the idea that they are closer to the ultima a sort of elven proto-form if you will which is perhaps more easily changed compared to others as for the rest of the aldema they shaped and changed and became the elves of tamriel with more defined and mortal appearances milky vague eyes turned to eyes of bright colours with clear pupils and iris skin developed colour of different hues along with hairs of golds and browns their appearances were made like the other mortals and creatures as reality was made concrete and lorkhan's treachery complete while not a piece of evidence as such i will say that thematically this kind of aquatic jellyfish-like appearance fits our ideas of what an evolutionary ancestor may look like considering that in our world aquatic creatures were the first hence we usually think of them as prehistoric and ancient so thematically it's easy enough to see the mayamo with their physical descriptions as a sort of proto-form which would become the more familiar land elves we see also to continue to challenge the ideas of the old ma if i took all the sea themed armor and weapons and clothing from them and put the base mamma on the moon and said that their moon elves i think most would simply accept that their alien appearance does not look strictly aquatic at least to me and remember i am talking about the pearly skinned bass stock not the leviathans which have been changed by serpentine sorcery look i don't know if they are the true old ma and the ultima the mongrel race as they say but i think it is an often overlooked possibility mainly because of the ultimate dogma that claims to be the truth but it is a narrative that is filled with many gaps and mythical explanations that run contrary to the ancestral tales of other elves or elven derivatives such as the bosma of valenwood or the khajiit of elsewhere who were changed by azura from elven stock you may not be convinced by the end of the video but at the very least i hope you have had your elder scrolls world view changed and have been made aware that ultimary dogma is not strictly true and just as susceptible to subjective mythical narrative that does not equate to an all-encompassing evidence-based world view history is skewed by the first to write it and it just so happens that the ultima had the head start on civilization in tamriel but remember it's always healthy to question your thalmor overlords thanks so much for watching the video guys i hope you enjoyed this titillating discussion i would love to hear your thoughts below what was or where is aldmeris are the mayama right are the ultima right or are they just both foolish racers who are hung up on ideals of ancient homelands and common ancestors that may have never even existed it is a conundrum to be sure if you want to see the origin of this idea and you are interested in the mayama as a whole do be sure to check out our recent elder scrolls podcast we did on them let me know what you think in the comments below thanks again so much for watching my name is scott from fudge muppet and i'll be back to nerd out with you again next time [Music] you
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 146,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls, maormer, aldmer, aldmeris, sea elves, sea elves lore
Id: pLd6VxS6bbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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