$1,000 Best of 21 | DauT vs JorDan | Day 1

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just quickly this is the best of 21 is doubt without and jordan it's a thousand dollars prize pool espresso 21 um it's gonna be three different streams we have seven day seven games today seven games tomorrow and then whatever is left on friday today i will be solo casting tomorrow i will have t90 with me and on friday i will have mem with me or tomorrow i'll do half half with member 99 we'll see how how things play out and how likely it is that we have uh more more games than not we'll see we'll see what happens if one of them wins tomorrow that's when we'll if it looks like one of them will win tomorrow we will go for uh for uh 50 50 with member uh t90 tomorrow out if he's losing the best batman moves they have usually good ideas guys is it 2012 or what what what boy oh boy he was preparing that one hold on oh i i yeah i didn't get that one no i did my tweet and i thought oh that's nice that was my tweet but did you see my tweet do you tweet the other day i did oh i did see that feed yeah you want me to show you my my cabinet check i can do i can respond if you want yes you can but find the red bull one no that's one i don't have that when i ask well this is not about me right now though let's focus on you guys so what's about you you guys okay let's focus hi there jordan oh all right thousand dollars online best 21 you guys love the settings i know because i asked you about them and you all were like super positive about them so that's great especially without special doubts since there's so much empire wars and he is after all the empire wars champion so lucky yeah there is there's a lot of water maps and i'm playing this admiral oh that's true as well yes and also drafting will be a huge impact as well i cannot wait for portuguese war on islands all right either victoria for the win that game should be extra day just one day speed that one would be fast speed and uh what's it called ludacris map size let's go um but either way where's the turn one you guys played one in the past you've only done one in the past right well how did that go that's what we are getting to doubt just relax okay continue continue yeah you played one in the past right yes okay jordan how did that go why did you ask me ask doubt no no no i haven't asked you jordan i wanna hear as well well still hurts man i came down five thousand dollars short the pressure that time was on you you're like upcoming star like i'm dominating i'm best yeah yeah that was the issue and now but now it's a bit different out that's cool yeah no one cares about us anymore okay who's who's favorite here jordan who is the favorite in this business 21 right now i mean you advanced way further than doubt in the recent hidden cup so way further yes way further the guy who beat the man you slapped the guy who beat out one mister zero four three three one what wait what's the score four one one man four one you zap the guy that beat doubt four one so do you consider yourself the favorite no why not say so i still think doubt is a bit stronger still okay but i think it will be very close so you're putting all the pressure on doubt doubt yeah you consider yourself the favorite yes good talk yep what do you think the end result is in the end and don't say 11-0 11-8 like last time yes let's go let's go all right well i would say we can just get into it i don't think there's too much trash talk to do yet we have to see some games first but what if i lost and i have nothing to church talk about that i already said it's not about the money here it's about who has the banter position yes i mean we're gonna we're gonna well do we do can we go on voice again after the end of the day or do we also want to do one in between like after three four games we can also do it after four games i don't care okay depends who is winning yes and also very important thing i just discussed with doubt if i lose the best of 21 i will have to get rid of the admiral in my name oh please okay i'm cheering for doubts let's go and i will put natural i will take the title no that's not how it works no doubt let's go i have to i have to think about something which he has to do when he's losing so i'm open for suggestions i can put admiral that's bad enough don't have to tweet two weeks in a row every day about what that's that's you up to you you have to make funny tweets two weeks in uh two for two weeks every day yes he has to stream with webcam oh jordan did you see my tweet i like that one no let me check find my twitter you will like it hey focus on the games guys we are ready to start here we are ready to start uh his name is more doubt yes you're following two people who is he following it's still team secret i like that that got into my mail a few days ago and i was like does the viper have this one you're playing against me not against him did anyone else get or is it only made for rebel three though well the only one that matters all right well i think we're good to go you guys seem to be ready so i would say you can just go ahead and start and we get going asap yeah okay all right i like this more good luck boys see ya thank you all right that was the introduction to the best of 21. good talk now we're gonna get straight into the games i think they're pretty much ready to go so it should not be long until we're in so who's the host the host is me i'm the host who do you favor i think doubt is a slight favorite i'll probably cast fairly serious for the most part but obviously when i'm on voice with them we're gonna have to trash talk a little bit but yeah i think i think that should be a slight favorite considering the map pool and everything speaking on that pool i will uh can i bring it up here or did i have that headed somewhere i'll show you guys the settings in full quickly here all right we have some beautiful graphics made by uh i just have it here okay beautiful graphics made by kagan here mr kagan so we thank him for that so it's the best twenty one thousand dollars seven day seven games per day i would say seven days seven games per day these are the home up settings of acropolis rock slide crossed atacama bypass rocky forest islands land madness slopes mediterranean kawasana and ghost lake so as you can see here game one is a set arabia huns war and then game two is the loose the losing player of game one which means that if doubt loses game one he will pick one of these home ups and that home up is then done you cannot pick it again and obviously they will have to plan ahead here in the end if it goes all the way to 21 games all the whole maps will be used so they have to plan and everything regarding when when to use whole map and also cool thing both players can apply empire wars once during their whole map so if doubt lost game one he could say okay i do cross and i want it to be empire wars and then he has done his uh his home up with empire wars so yeah that's pretty much the order of things they all can use each civilization once per player like they can use each civilization once so we have if doubt uses aztecs for arabia he cannot use it for any other map as with jordan uh but hans which is a set sieve for two maps is available for for um let me i have i forgot to start capturing it um yeah hans is usable hello one second guys just quickly trying to grab this sorry i'm totally prepared for this right capture is working let's go okay just let me quickly fix this all right apologies now we are fully focused no that's the wrong one [ __ ] okay now we're fully focused let's go all right oh [ __ ] how is this messed up i thought i prepared all this last time i'm sorry guys let me let me just quickly take care of this this is quite a disaster hello that's not supposed to be there that was chat where's chat there we go i think we're good okay we should be good i'm sorry for that yeah here we are yeah so we have admiral jordan against doubt both playing so we went for this is a classic match best of 21. they played best of 201 in 2012. where oh date life is hard man why is sneak showing up all right now we're good okay sorry now we're good so let me speed up here quickly so we're live um they play the best of 21 in 2012 doubt 1.1 11 8. so they have had a kind of a jordan has come back now to the game like three four times already and every time he came back the logo oh my god every time he came back they had this trash talk between themselves about doing another best of 21 and so forth and yeah figure this time time we actually make it happen so we're doing that and we're playing with some classic settings huns arabia war is one of the most classic uh settings so that's what they are starting off with and um without taking some damage down the scout jordan in the blue dealt in the red first game arabi hansbor and i'm sure this is a game that will kick one of them off to a really good start so both of them are going to be looking to win this one antomish thanks for the sub there isolator things for the uh three months the five minutes 17 months as well beetlejuice with five i defixed with 30 health screen with nine aswath with 18 gibbon with 18 as well oh with five thank you guys have a quick look at the maps we can see that um jordan has a forward gold but he has it kind of semi-protected by some woodlands here so in the end this should not be a problem for him you can easily secure this with some walls and the military buildings in front here there's back barriers back woodland so you will surely be happy we're happy with that doubt on the other hand has i remember how to use health he's nice doubt has a fairly open left side of the map but he does have a gold quite close to the town center if you place the mining camp here the villagers are pretty much protected by town center so he is probably very happy with that goal as well both of them are dancing to the tutelage jordan is doing 20 pop delta's doing 21 pop jordan will be slightly faster but that will have the slightly better economy this is the first game indeed let me see if i can add like oh i just heard the red sound it's not supposed to be uh playing enable scoreboard the thing is you cannot put best a bit of an issue they all um this is kind of bad this is enforced okay i can do like this best of 21. i might have to do a manual uh scoreboard rather okay home connected to the game how do i go back to the game okay there we go yeah we'll see how we do this yeah logo coloring dot text yeah logo would i place it i put over my webcam there we go all right focus on the casting now looks like both players want to go for a classic scouts opening no attention at all yet on gold so both planes just collecting wooden food and they will go for the scouts play so we're getting an absolute classic um match to kick off i don't go opening scouts in enhanced war was the meta back in the day as we see jordan is up slightly faster his scout is a bit out of position though so he can't really pick off that scout but he will scout whatever doubt is doing over here and change jordan's name do i do that casting oh [ __ ] should not start doing these things okay that works that's better okay speed up to live am i not live thought i was live all right we are catching up again i thought i already did this yes seems like we have not some walls coming in for the out here securing the top side of his bias as they are both opening spearmen and scouts one villager down for doubt already so jordan after a good start here so we just speed running until we're caught up live okay we should be getting close to live now i think we are alive now so jordan off the good start here picking up one villager how did i change that again and remember how i changed the bottom this information there you can't no i should be able to out of our position again jordan coming in there but he does have three spearmen here so he should be fine but yeah jordan i think is after a good start minimal investments in defense nicely walling off his base now moving to gold as well doubt is coming around with four scouts here alt c ah no not working okay it's fine we'll live with this for now yeah alt x and c is not working nice quick while some jordan here saving picking up one scout as well you have to say jordan got off to a really good start there he lost his own scout though in the back yes uh village count is equal jordan is one villager ahead just about and they're both playing very very similar so far you haven't seen any archer range come up as but as i speak archery range is up there uh jordan trying with some quick walls but he's not really able to pull it off but then against three skulls being chased by spears it's not really that concerning or strange coming up for doubt as well as they both are trying to prepare their fully weld bases that will actually be fully walled here jordan on the other hand his left side is obviously super open so he probably will not be looking to wall that that is not a horse collar indeed so that is going for a more of a greedy approach where he's going to try to get the castle slightly faster but long term it will hurt his economy compared to not doing it so economically jordan should be in a slightly better position we're not hear any game sounds visual and combat volume it's a bit weird i only hear villagers working i'm trying to click this i feel like the overlay is a little bit bugged i should restart it quickly let me restart capture it quickly guys still doesn't work i don't know we'll just go with it for now uh without trading again one scout for a spearman gordon is securing his gold nicely here with the two ranges and the walls arch is coming out for both players blacksmith for doubt first want to drop a blacksmith oh no he's not but yeah it looks like they're both transitioned to castle and it looks like they will be hitting castles around the same time so the doubt decision to go for no horse color is kind of turning out to be a putting him in a worse spot in jordan jordan will have a better economy in theory as the game goes on it should anyway yeah the the controls are not working for for that i don't know what death clicking up and jordan will fall just a few seconds after so it's a 10 second advantage to cascade for doubt very close though uh very close situation third range for uh for jordan so it seems to me that jordan will be aiming for cavalry archer play as the game goes on without mixing in a few skerms as well here two skirms i guess it was just to be a little bit safe and from the initial opening but we still see they'll see a few ranges for jordan so jordan seems to be thinking armor numbers here again three range makes sense if you're going for cav watchers two range makes more sense if you want to stick with the crossbow skirmisher play so if that doesn't add a third range he will probably have more wood for say ballistics maybe for for a town center and so forth yeah doubt is four whales behind but he does have wheelbarrows so doubted wheelbarrow jordan did not that's why the village difference is so big and also jordan killed one villager from doubt but the big one is that doubt doesn't have horse collar that's the one that can really hurt uh doubt's economy in the long run there nice scouting here by uh by jordan he does see what's going on knows where the army of doubt is so he knows he is safe on the front of his gold all he needs to do is now make sure he doesn't take any damage from this initial army here from doubt that with some nice moves though the scout's pulling the archers away and then he's moving in on the right side with his crossbows jordan good reaction there as well with spearman coming in there's the cast stationed out he does have a small army on the front though more archers coming around and doubting sticking with the crossbow play archers crossbows coming out well i do expect jordan to be making a cavalry archery switch here but coverages are worse than crossbows until until numbers are bigger and here we are we might have the first big skirmish at the of the game there's a 14 crossbows for jordan only 11 or nine crossbows and two skirms for doubt so jordan gordon has a better army here but doubt has the hill and now we're gonna have to see the micro this will be the first big engagement of the game and the good thing with doubt is that he's the aggressor here so jordan is the one who is chasing around and we know that jordan is quite exposed on top side here there's a big chance jordan will take a lot of damage if doug just runs straight by and looks like that was doing that jordan ends up chasing ballistics is almost in though for jordan so quick look down here doubt is uh that was doing a university there but he changed his mind okay jordan nicely getting in there in time so he will not lose any villages or take any damage but having ballistics is going to be a massive advantage it's only 10 seconds left until the ballistics is in we can already see jordan mixing in those cavery archers and that one for eco approach he has horse claw now he has double uh oh he has bosa nice microwave from doubt actually jordan is trying to out micro ballistics i don't think he realizes that doubt doesn't have it doubt is getting a really good trade considering the circumstances here it's going to trade just about equal jordan is going to get out of this with slightly more numbers but considering that jordan had ballistics and doubt did not that should be very very happy with this trade it was a very good trade for him without also making a cavalry actually switch now it's just it's a bit slower or cross was coming in here being a little bit annoying but jordan's pulling the villagers away car watcher number is already in favor for jordan with eight well doubt has only four without now doing the third tc we're only adding a second right now so i would say military wise it's looking good for jordan uh but economy wise it's looking like doubt is about to pull a little bit ahead but this could be a big moment here as jordan comes in keep in mind jordan has ballistics doubt does not so as long as the army numbers are in favor of jordan he can always take good fights although jordan is just finishing bloodlines now and if he came in a little bit earlier this tc could have been in big trouble for doubt without getting it out up in a nice time to stay safe here that's still only on two ranges though though jordan again he will start out producing doubt if he keeps the rangers working really really solid play from both you can tell that they're taking this serious no none of them wants to lose this a really solid player from both good micro here from jordan good microphone doubt as well without actually getting the kill there's finally a third range for doubt even a fourth range a doubt now now that doubt has the three tc's he's going to get into this position that he really like where it's just like get those cow shirt numbers rolling and there's something delta has done for 10 years already as a hunts player good pick up there from jordan mike ring didn't lose a single carter and if you is like the military count 20 to 14 so jordan is right ahead in that aspect but now without adding without adding a fourth range honestly i wouldn't be surprised if we see a fifth and sixth even seven range from doubt either down the road uh jordan's still sticking with three going for a fourth uh third tc himself now so um surprisingly it's not surprising the village account jordan is still one villager ahead but he doesn't have wheelbarrow so doubt has definitely surpassed jordan on the economic aspect going with a nice patrol here to make sure he sees what's coming in am i doing the best one against the winner if the winner dares i would do that it could be i mean it's good content and it could be fun both players really act this is what's what's good about hunsport as well right both players are really active and that's always fun to see when there's always activity a lot of military dynamic game that's what honest guarantees you pretty much it's dynamic and that's what white hands wars have been so popular over the years population count doubt is now pulling slightly ahead i feel like the extra production he has from the ranges as well is gonna put him in a really good spot jordan did pick up three villagers here but again they're also fighting at the back of jordan's face and your doubt will get some kills as well but still doubt does not have ballistics yet it's coming in now question is did jordan get value from the earlier ballistics i would say so because he's now five villagers ahead of course wilbur is still not in for jordan but i think he should still be satisfied with his uh situation uh for jordan i would say he needs to add more he's going for a forward siege it makes sense to pressure the forward goal of doubt but do you like that decision oh the trap the trap from jordan man nice move it's gonna kill up kill all the couches but you might lose a villager or two in return looks like one villager will go down okay maybe two yeah two villages down so it's not in the end it's not a terrible trade for doubt good thing for dalto is that he has both his secondary goals in the back of his base so even if the front goal gets pressured he should still be all right here five eligibility for jordan military count also in lead for jordan so it's a super close game right now they will play it's the best of 21 so whoever gets to 11 wins first will be the winner of the match and the match will be over we don't play after one player has 11 wins without your thumb ring i don't think either player has numbering yet but i cannot guarantee that there's another range for doubts he's gonna be up to five ranges here i think jordan needs to respond to this jordan is still only on three ranges and while he has good numbers now that will change really fast if jordan does not add ranges himself there we go there's the range he does identify the situation and this is going to be massive amounts of coverages against each other here plus two armor coming in from doubt as well is going to get us slightly there still not using the seat workshop he made a zero shot here jordan but he hasn't built a single unit with it the output is 25 couches actually going aggressive this is a very risky move if you ask me because he's cutting himself off from reinforcements and while he's going to get a villager kill here or two he's kind of positioning himself in a way where jordan will be able to catch his army this really looks like 2012 i know right him a tribute to prize pool um not through me handpan i i don't want to have donations come into my channel it just adds complications for taxes and whatnot so if you want to contribute to price pool you can make your own inner contribution and say hey i will donate x amount to whoever wins and whoever loses and you can do that on their respective channels that's uh at least the way i want to do it i don't want to make it complicated for my it might be selfish by me but it adds tax complications so so we have the the six ranges in doubt massive production there jordan's still only on four as you can see the military numbers now doubt is at 47 while jordan is on 39th so even though jordan has he doesn't even have a better eco right don jordan doesn't have wheelbarrows just finishing now equals a very similar but doubt is the one who is switching on the production uh earlier and that is going to put out in a really good position i think i think that has the hill here as well with some units but jordan with the military numbers there should be able to clean that up but i still think that is happy with the trait but yeah jordan mixing in a mangano trying to finish off oh he's going jordan switching to skirmisher jordan is going for the economic uh counter unit play i can see being a good option here because he might feel like he cannot compete with the character number so well anymore but doubt responding immediately adding his own lead skirmishers so we're we're seeing a very much a mirror matchup uh happening right here this this honestly this looks exactly like uh uh huns of the old days scouts into arches into mass cavalrges into skirms it's it's we're pretty much watching a a uh 2012 hunts war right now population doubt is 25 ahead so yeah that extra production has really shown to be valuable for him going with some nice reaction again a really solid play from both players i have to say that they're both playing really well here not making any crucial mistakes very close and tight game two manganese coming in from jordan now definitely gonna contribute a lot to the fight skirmishes attacking here well dalton's not paying attention jordan just had like 600 food but he just burned his whole food bank so uh imperial age is still going to be quite some time away one manual downstairs is picking up the manganese with the cavities but all jordan wants to do is uh pretty much lower the square numbers still doubt uh built your numbers it's such a close game man but doubt has a big army on the front side until now eight skirms from jordan five from doubt sixteen cavaliers to nine this is nice this takes you back to zero and price casting on wars and all right i think still jordan needs to kick in kick his production into a higher gear aka adding another range of two or three maybe even uh doubted at the fourth town center by the way so he's definitely looking to pull heaven villagers as he is i think what we're gonna do now we're gonna see just skirmishers facing off and then we'll see a slow transition into into imperialis for both players here they're going to make skirms manganese and just keep steady steady like a stalemate in the center and then we'll see it imprisoned jordan already kind of stopping production because he's dropping a castle you can see his resources he's banking up the food to go to the imperial age so he'll do a castle to make sure he's not he's safe on the front and then he will go to the imperial age belt does have more forms at the moment but he's still producing more uh units he's even doing armor haired out and made one single knight adding more stables in the back is doubt so he wants to get some car units on the field which might hint that doubt is going to delay his imperial age time slightly oh mangano shot here from doubt they missing the target jordan not missing they doubted get the shot in the end to get a good trade but without losing one two three four cab watches for free against the castle there and again jordan having some nice defenses ready to defend and he will respond to this again doubt being very aggressive with his units putting him in a position where he might be able to be cut off from reinforcements and cleaned up jordan on the way to imperial age handcart coming in imperial edge doubt on the way to him as well john will have a one minute time window to do some damage here with uh with his imperial age so um one minute doesn't sound like a lot but with imperial upgrades one minute is quite significant actually jordan is trying to quickly hair to make sure doubt gets trapped but this pasta gate is still super weak he just deletes it to build probably a building siege workshop indeed and the army from doubt is now trapped it's going to be a nice cleanup from from jordan here out still i had roughly 10 villagers but um yeah this this is as close as the first game you could have asked for the skirmisher is very nice move by jordan not losing any couches only investing skirms to clean up these whole couch armies very nice moving jordan indeed i am curious where any of them will go for tarkins right now we see a light cap for both players so both of them are making the typical huns composition which is uh star and caviar archers but yeah i think tarkins could have been a sick move here for for both players honestly without now doing his own cast in the center this hill can be a very crucial point in the game and ooh jordan with the imperial edge upgrade cap drum coming in immediately i think jordan's gonna push this castle really hard really fast i don't think he sees it though yeah he will see it now so he might regret not moving in earlier but with cap tram with trebuchet coming very likely soon and second seed workshop as well so jordan is going for cav archer siege to open up and then he will probably switch into uh into hustler as the game goes on i like doubts transition better looking at economic economy right now that is 50 on food jordan only has 31 and usually as you transition towards the imperial age you want to have a large food supply coming in so you can make that mobile rating unit i like what that is doing as well outpost everywhere stout is getting full map control sneaky stables in the back as well i don't see any relics picked up yet so none of them has really focused on that but i feel like doubt is setting himself up better for late game but jordan has a time window here where he has some nice units that can potentially do a lot of work yeah again this is we couldn't have asked for a closer first game as the push comes in four five cap drums which is that's quite a lot of armor but still a capture not really the same as siege ram you can see how the range units even are taking out the rams and then the lights can come this is this push from jordan here is probably not gonna work out he probably want to rethink that and pull back jordan now doing the plus two armor as well so he wants to switch into her star as well but he really needs to get that oh nice pick up here from jordan denying the stable very good for him jordan needs to get his food count going doubt already has 50 plus and jordan is only on 37 and now you can see the light carry coming in to raid just finishing the last armor upgrade as well so this is going to be a massive hit to jordan's economy not only the villager kills but the idol time is what is going to be very painful here for jordan doubt is on 200 population and yeah it's not it's the important idle time as well which is the farming area right now gordon has still 14 skirmishes kind of wasted population on the top side there yeah doubt is cementing a really comfortable position here for himself still some nice castle position for jordan on the hill here trebuchet is on the way but still it feels like doubt did set himself up for imperial age better and he is now reaping the rewards of that another forecaster from doubt on the hill and it feels like the author's just in firm control this map this game went from a very super close game into a really dominant uh position for doubt simply because he set himself up better economy wise for the late game now it's still super close it's still only a 20 population difference and that's not a lot in privilege it just feels like that is um you know very comfortable spot trebuchet from doubt on the middle as well both of them are traveling different castles interestingly but the adult has begun the hustler spam with 60 farmers you can start spamming those hustlers forever and it's it's jordan who has the idol economy it's jordan who is struggling to deal with the raids he needs the couches to deal with the hussar but he also needs a couch here to deal with the character of doubt without even doing heavy calorie archer you can tell how how much his food eco has been ahead of jordan considering how many of these things he could afford sniping the trebuchet here as well and i think we are approaching the end this just went from a super close game to doubt over running jordan within the first couple of minutes of imperial age yeah jordan is just struggling to respond on every other every frontier suddenly a 50 population difference as well jordan is trying to enemies by all means but he's only down to 20 like he has 26 active farmers at the moment he lost his castle on the front he's gonna lose the castle on the hill so his economy is gonna be in shambles he has a nice castle in the back here though but it does not provide enough and there we have it doubt takes the first game best of 21 uh play all uh let's put it on seven for now because we have seven games each uh each day so doubt goes up with a one nil um yeah what do you say about this was a classic onward for sure and the big thing here again is what i pointed out that while they had a really close early game i think jordan should be super satisfied with how he played their other game it was really well reacted and everything but doubt just showing his experience transitioning to the food eco uh more focus on the food eco adding a fourth town center and it just made considering how stalemated the game was it just made the hustler switch so much more important and yeah as soon as doubt started the raids jordan's economy kind of fell apart and uh without just safely taking the game from there so good job to doubt it goes up to a one zero lead let me update the score there as well i think i could i can see the i should be able to see the stats as well i don't remember how i did it in capture age but it's fine we will just check the stats in this scene our military kd very very similar economy is where we're going to see the big difference right delta had in every aspect now a lot of this is due to the idle time and imperial age but you can see the food eco in particular without just pulling ahead there i think jordan had a good cast laser where he could have made things happen but the big difference there was jordan adding um control alt s ah there we go there we go the big difference was uh how doubt added more production earlier uh throughout the game to ensure okay because we rejoined the game we didn't we don't have the early parts there yeah we doubt adding like the fourth to 56th range way earlier than jordan also meant that that was able to stabilize and catch up in uh in military production and military units so well done to doubt he takes a convincing first i wouldn't say convincing it was a it was a really close first game but obviously he's in the lead now so he's surely happy about that connected to the game we are trying to catch up asap to be live and there we have it game number two jordan wins 11 to nine too bad i gotta go to work hf all uh thank you bsk poison thanks for five year donation enjoy your day at work and yeah we'll see we'll see that is off to a good start for sure as you can see this is acropolis guys you can see both players start on their own kind of plateau where they have some wood they have some gold some stone and some food but the woodlands are thin as you can see and you will eventually have to move down and get to the bigger woodlands on the low ground around this has a gold and there's also stone around on the low ground too and the relics are of course also spread out there is a little pond in the middle but there is no deep fish so in theory you could dock here and take some short fish and maybe do maybe do some fishing ships and fish traps but it's probably not worth it right we can see right away doubt decided to go for the low ground with his first lumber camp and jordan let's see he goes for the up high ground either way looking at the civilizations we can see already so a lot of people well a lot of people there was some concerns regarding that we're going to see mirror sieve every time but i think the whole map pool i chose guarantees that sure there will be some mirror saves but i think most maps have multiple options so i think most games will actually be in non-mirror there's also the mind mind game here where you can think and expect oh he will go distance so i can try this sieve yeah we have slabs for admiral jordan we have franks for admiral doubt he wants to be called and yeah both obviously very good scout openings very good food economy franks with the faster berry collection slabs with the faster farming so it's not unlikely that we're going to see scouts opening from both players here again i'm trying to think late game who i would prefer i think the helmeteer x-men composition can be really good for frank's even hank and ears is an option there the slavs you probably want to play like hal hussar siege something like that i feel like frank's might be it's a very close matchup i think it's roughly 50 50. i wouldn't be able to say that hey this civ is better than that jordan played this map like a beast and it's so much against bliss it would make sense that he picks it then if he feels comfortable with this map and recently had a really good experience on it it's probably a good home map pick for him of course both players also have looked at the maps they probably have thought about them prepared or like decided on what sales they want to spend on which map because again um every home map will be played if it goes to 21 games so they would have to prepare a sieve for every single home map all dealt with the doubtless can you do it can he do it hey that did it good job going on both of them are just playing very very um passively here using uh the time they have in the dark age to lure deer and just further their own economy here so it looks like we're seeing exactly a mirror opening from the last game where both will open scouts and then probably transition into it is normal to go scouts into nights in a match like this a hot dog to the doubtler of course but i've seen jordan especially when doran plays franks now jordan is uh slaps right now but i've seen jordan play archer follow up even with civs like frank's so honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see jordan going for scouts into arches you know with slavs well i expect doubt to play full meta which will be scouts into knights without going for a really fast up 19 pop jordan going for the 20 pop so both will have a really good uptime but this time doubt will have the slightly faster one barracks is probably coming up for doubt indeed jordan is moving his second lumber camp to the low ground while doubt seems to be sticking on one lumber camp which kind of makes sense considering considering that you are going for a really fast uptime this guy just found it better to stand there and hold the wood for some reason showing off how rip it is we think you will prepare some matchups for deathmatch world cup um not initially maybe i'll think about it as as the thing goes on jordan's doubt is about to run into tc doubt what okay uh i guess none of them was playing paying attention there now there are no walls at the moment on the top side for either player so we're looking to have a really aggressive game here as well stable gonna come up from doubt right off the bat here and the scout's production will begin immediately jordan opting for some walls in the left side looks like he can wall to the edge of the map here so that should be a really nice setup for him without obviously being frank's he gets extra hp on his scouts he has 54 to 45 so the initial scout wars should be favorable for mr doubt but once bloodlands is in thordan scouts will be stronger mutual respect is that what you call it i'm not sure if mutual respect is what i would call uh that with some safe walls making sure you're safe from cavity rates and um yeah both them kind of securing their their woodlands a little bit here farming two farms for doubt jordan's starting farming now as well so again we're seeing a very very similar uh match to the first game but doubt is looking to put some pressure on the bears but jordan is almost about to finish the wall this wall comes just in time just as the spear and the scout wants to enter all jordan's gonna take it all this is massive for doubt that's a really big mistake on jordan's part he pretty much gave a scout away for feeder he will not be happy with himself for that but also good pressure from doubt i don't think jordan expected the spearmen and the scouts from doubt to be there already so it's both a mistake on jordan's end but it's also a good uh pressure from mr doubt what's killing this guy with tc not considering as laming early on well it's something you can do something about you can not run into the tc of your opponent some other laming is pretty much that the opponent cannot deny it in any way jordan did lose the scout and he sees the tower from doubt so he's responding with his tower right off the bat there's a big fight up here as well doubt is coming doubt is going so aggressive this game picking up all the scouts all the spirits i think jordan's still got a decent trade there without six population ahead andy this was also a really good reaction from doubt stopping this time i think you should put one more tile back because this tower is still in range but the aggression from doubt is relentless here jordan kind of probably switched into only spearman i don't think jordan should make scouts anymore you should make only spearmint from now on and just try to hold great tower from doubt actually it's not in range so jordan will have to give up this woodland completely and also kind of have a wasted tower there so uh doubt is putting on some relentless pressure and it's really nice execution so far jordan having a lot of idle time now we're having to run all the way back and at the same time that's economy at home looks also very solid he did a second lumber camp on the woodland ii army eco is about the same as jordan and keep in mind you also get horse cover for free as frank's which also helps the economy which is why you can put this type of early pressure on all right yeah jordan i i don't think jordan will be happy with his spot here at all this pressure from doubt has just been so good to the point where jordan has a scout alive where is it am i blind cannot find the scout but either way um yeah jordan jordan will like right now if you're in jordan's shoes let's check his point of view this is what jordan sees right sure he's some somewhat walled but you feel like you have no initiative whatsoever in this game you feel like you're only reacting and trying to respond so jordan now will not know what's coming if doubt behind this was making a archer follow-up jordan would instantly be dead pretty much you see that's still producing scouts i'm still very confused as to why the overlay says there is one scout alive no that's in the queue right wait okay that's weird jordan now and you can see this is also what i'm saying right the reason jordan is making that scout is because he has no vision vision he has no vision so he doesn't know what's going on he feels that so he needs to make a scout cover simply to get that vision dealt with big scout numbers though actually engaging with what's for spearman and he's killing them all so again he's gonna stop picking up villagers jordan will have to make even more spears he has to use the one scouting scout to defend as well this is just looking really really rough for uh for jordan here he has somewhat safely walled out the back of his base so castle age is also something he should be able to reach although he is 200 foot behind out and village is going back to spearman going back i think he has enough now to be safe but still this also just made jordan have to invest even more into spears that he didn't want to so he's just falling further and further behind doubt even has wheelbarrow in already and doubt is looking to click the cast latch while jordan just doing wheelbarrow although his castle shouldn't be too far off a nice economy development from doubt as well seven on gold and he should click up any second second stable coming up as well it looks like doubt is going to commit fully on the scout play that's jordan here i probably would think about adding a second range in order uh second barracks in order to produce even more oh he's trying to trap the scouts which he will accomplish but he might lose a villager in exchange actually everything survived nice move by jordan there and then suddenly jordan has just called it and jordan's about to click castle as well but he's missing the second building which is the blacksmith oh it's still lagging a little bit behind there but it was a nice trap indeed i'm curious to see what jordan's follow up here will be obviously i can see everything so for me it's easy to say i think you should go double barracks pikeman but still this map is also a lot about mobility and having to run around and chase knights is never a good feeling no commitment yet for jordan just one barracks just unstable uh the first two 11 wins is when the tournament that the show much is over or the best of 21 is over okay i think this is a mistake from jordan i understand that you feel like you should go knights but feel like you're just playing catch up from the start then that's kind of what i don't like uh jordan is getting good scouting though with the with the scott carry so he should be happy about that but but still he's just gonna play catch up here four villages ahead though is jordan with wheelbarrow now three of those bills will be or two of those wheels at least will be caught up with a cast lash upgrade so some reason jordan has more bills maybe doubt sacrificed some teaser time in order to get army out and we can't see that here with the one minute idol this time from doubt so uh jordan is not as far behind as it might appear but he is behind the technology he's going to be facing knights any second now just to make sure he doesn't overchop here and lets the knights in it's going to be really important for him second night's enter the economy is going to be a mayhem rogan thank you for the four months by the way biraneto thanks for the two tc from jordan immediately he knows he's going to be under pressure so he's looking to secure this area with a town center i like that decision i think jordan all in all has recovered really nicely here knights are out to defend as well with bloodlines plus two armor is on the way they'll test plus one plus one and doubt is committing inland villages here which i think is a good decision jordan has the quick wall the wood who he fails he fails with the quick walls and he's going to start losing villagers oh yeah and the thing is knight takes a long time to kill other knights so there's very likelihood of two at least two wheels down here indeed now jordan will clean this up but still two villagers not only the two wheels it's also all the idle time knight's coming in on the wood line here as well another villager two villagers down spearman goes down as well this is the thing jordan is just chasing units around but at the same time jordan has to score lead it's a lot a lot of it should be scouting at this point but he is playing catch up in the night numbers and you know it looks like he will survive and stabilize and clean this up this is causing so much damage if you compare on the bottom right you can see the idle economy time you can see that jordan is up to 22 minutes while doubt is only on four and a half minutes so now jordan has cleaned up the initial wave so his night numbers are now enough to sort of deal with this but still it always hurts your economy when this type of thing happens doubt has not added a town center though because he did do the forward tower so i'm starting to really like jordan's position even though doubt is five years ahead and has had a smoother game so far i think jordan has really done a good job at minimizing damage and stabilizing as they're doing it just passing here what what okay just passing i guess that was a strange one monk is on the way though for jordan if these knights commit under the base now jordan is going to lose so many villagers just sent all his knights through and he knows it as well he knows it he deleted this farm to try and make quick walls he knows that if those knights get in he's in big trouble and they are getting in jordan again having to react so heavily with the walls and quick walls he's gonna lose so many villagers already one villager down and doing some nice walls here so he's he is minimizing the damage there's still a gap on the top side there he did get a conversion the monk is not in though he's at the same time counter-attacking but doubt does have a monk and knights in defense so i feel like this trade-off here is getting uh he did get in here toward losing more villagers this trade-off is getting way way better for for doubt in the end now he did again minimize damage but there was still enough damage here for this to be very very worth it for doubt and don't be fooled by the score difference guys if we check both the point of views you can see this is jordan's scouting and i think for eve every percentage you scout you get 10 score if you compare to doubt scouting um it's very minimal so the score difference here is heavily impacted by the scouting that jordan has done it's one of your casting as since i started losing tournaments i had to make that natural transition military number is now 12 to 3. i assume jordan didn't notice the cavalry as they passed there and doubt probably saw the cavalry so that's why doubt decided to jump under the tc because he knew he would be able to get damage there so that was a very good call but i missed it out and again jordan with idle time 39 minutes idle time versus seven it's such a big difference there and yeah doubt is in the firm firm control this game at the moment and in the driver's seat no question about it jordan did save the monk nicely and it's gonna clean up again but again it's all about idle time right doubt is now up to three theses as well has a smooth super smooth game at home picking up the relics adding a fourth town center as doubt he's just looking to further his lead even more he's 15 villages ahead right now and a wise man once said if you're ahead get further ahead and that is what that is doing right now oh doubt got the kill and then the delete uh really nice move again score is so deceiving right now yeah i mean again jordan is also stuck on his plateau right jordan doesn't have a way um to get down to low ground safely it's only a five military difference which isn't that massive but there's a 20 village difference right now now i think we have to point out as well that i think slavs should be a slightly better sieve and keep in mind i mean frank's should be a slightly better sieve and keep in mind that jordan will have frank's in the future for another map while doubt will not so that is spending possibly one of the best civs in the game on this map while jordan is using more of a middle of the tree type of civilization here so i think even if jordan loses this game he's not gonna feel too bad about the situation doubt has so many memes about him but he actually plays very very solid yeah of course you don't you cannot you don't win a red bull tournament and participate in one of the top teams if you are not actually a good good player jordan keeps frank's game 12 when it will be over not impossible but if you guys hear the the sword noise in the background it just means that people are completing the raid tutorial uh i don't know how it should not play on this scene but it does for some reason but yeah thank you very much maybe i can fix that give me a second here no i can't uh but yeah i appreciate a lot everyone doing that you will say that has no micro i mean compared to the other top 10 micro players in the world that can be made to seem like a fool but it doesn't change that against the other 99.9 of the world he has great micro we're just making fun of the out for the most part yeah another great way from doubt here is 50 villages ahead doubt can decide how he wants to kill jordan right now there's some counter raiders that is losing the villagers but yeah it's it's it's futile right now we know what's going to happen this game doubt has too much of a lead where he can ever throw the game and jordan will look at the score and he'll be like i might still have a chance this game but the truth is he is 40 villagers behind and um yeah he will have no way to win to win this game castle up from doubt as well is jordan aware of the 40s of doubt one two three he only sees three townsends of doubt but if he sees the fourth as well i think jordan will start to realize that this is uh he probably already knows that he's quite quite a lot of trouble but yeah yeah i mean jordan is desperately trying to make things happen but yeah it is it is an upper battle no question about it and then jordan does have his military lead though 22 to 16. fifth town center for doubt of course of course but now if that cleans this up the military account will be similar again jordan finally moving to the low ground striking that's easy but then that comes in with a monk is that gonna notice is it gonna start converting yes yes there's adding insult to injury as doubt clicks to the imperial age while jordan is doing sanctity jordan has a time window of three minutes to kill or equalize the game and how likely is that not very likely this is still a scary army by by all means but still you just feel like no matter what that can lose third think about this doubt can lose 30 villagers and still be ahead that's pretty brutal yeah pike investment makes sense here for both players i think doubt feels confident enough in a situation that he will just go full nights to do with this uh which also should be enough for him we're kind of just waiting for doubt to stabilize here hit imperial age and then jordan resigning that's kind of what we're waiting for i'm sorry for killing the hype but that's that's pretty much what we're waiting for and jordan getting some military kills here jordan has 69 bills now nice i still bunch of monks forward as well but it should not be enough either way well we're down to just 30 villager difference 25 so jordan is definitely making things happen here but second castle to add security and doubt now they have the same amount of knights jordan coming with jordan will actually win this fight or should don't lose this fight i was just kidding sorry and yeah i think the second doubt hits imperial age i think jordan will instantly resign we'll see if i'm correct in that so we have another 15 seconds uh of this game probably happening doubt is just in too much of a solid position adding stables forward as well and there we go imperial age coming in and i think that uh jordan will resign the game and we have it gl doubt is victorious i realize the l is blocking all right so yeah doubt up to zero great start for him but i think again jordan shouldn't feel too bad about this he got a bit over like he got off to a rocky start in the future and uh doubt does have a really good sieve for this map with frank's so uh jordan probably has frank's prepared for another map though so we'll see where he goes or with that let's see if i remember what day i remember let's go venomvero things for nine months we have junior vars versity with the tier 2 sub for four months high viper future gl benchwarmer here hello there and thanks a lot for the tier two extra tier four month reset there so scour thanks for the five months did you max out on the rage shot legends yet if so are you gonna do a force nothing tournament i will not and no we haven't maxed out i think we are getting close to the 550 though i will look at it in a second here but yeah great aggression from doubt really punishing uh jordan here uh with some good pick-offs in the early game and just kind of cementing his leading position i think the big moment here was let's try this let's try this not working how did that bring up the timeline guys for like going back in time i'm trying press t i've been like i'm i've been trying every single combination ctrl t ctrl alt t shift t ctrl shift and all it is is clicking t i try every combination with t except just clicking t feels bad man all right i wanna i wanna show the the the crucial moment in this game it's right here this is the crucial moment of the game where both of them are doing a just passing and i think doubt saw this actually i think doubts saw this because he's now moving his knights and jordan did not and doubt always knowing okay this is a long way away from doubt space so doubt knows he has time to now dive in on the economy of jordan and this is the game-winning moment here where um where jordan has to spend so much idle those times quick walls losing villagers so much idle these time and in return he didn't get much damage done at all so that was probably the game deciding move right there all right that leads us to a 2-0 lead for our lord and savior yeah was a that was a solid decision-making game from doubt for sure this is why you should use patrol mob it it's situational but patrol move is very often a good decision so now we have a doubts home map and we see land madness is being selected as we speak okay we're going to enter the game here just give me a second there we go i'm going to catch up here quickly and we have that madness and oh here we go the admiral is indeed using frank's on this map he just lost the previous game with frank's and he is now picking frank's for land madness so there's there is logic to the madness of not picking franks on acropolis pun intended and doubt going for another super aggressive civilization in the magurs also one of the go-to civilizations for land madness so um i think i think both players here have really good sieves obviously the starting scout of jordan will have more hp in early future while doubt will have forging for free i think doubt wants to be really aggressive once again it seems like it based on how he has been playing so far nice backward down here for jordan quite close to the town center and quite safe second one as well the good thing for jordan's map here is that these wood lines go to the edge of the map right because if you compare to doubts woodline there is a lot of room for scouts of jordan to run around on the backside which makes the woodland harder to defend but jordan he has two wood lines that are on the edge of the map so they are way easier in theory and in general to actually defend or in there again is the admiral there's two bores as well on this land madness map uh the other features of the map is pretty much that there is gold stone and berries and deer spread around the whole map like this and you can see the eye circles around the woodlands you cannot build on top of them which means that woodlands are always quite exposed the way you would have the wall would be to place like wall there well there and wall there that will kind of secure your wood choppers on each side but you cannot build on top of the ice so it's kind of guaranteeing very exposed and exposed wood lines and a lot of aggression maggars do not need the blacksmith to have the have the upgrades they get forging for free right as soon as they hit castle uh fuel each the admiral doing a little bit of an uh not admiral jordan doubt doing a doubtler here as expected so i don't think anyone are surprised here there we go he does bring the deer in completely though similar openings for both i think we're going to see exactly the same as before and scout opening for both players which has been every game so far and it fits both these player styles i wouldn't be surprised if we see that quite frequent well not come around this map kumar is an option for sure but i feel like both of them probably want to save khmer for a later a different map both pairs again opting for no scouting right off the bat if you see the point of view of both players they've only scouted their own maps so they're both taking a very economic approach doubt now finally moving out to look around but uh lauren dear has been very much a focus for both players they want to have the super strong economy i download rate on mobile will it count yes if you use my link it will count as long as you use my link and then complete the tutorial hack last tech things for nine months eduardo teach with 15 and when you guys hear the sword noise in the background that is whenever someone is completing the tutorial we're moving out there to do a second number camp on top side field agent for doubt already jordan is about to click himself jordan will go one village later than doubt once more so it'll be 19 to 20 pop up here in favor of doubt uh as in the lower amount being faster jordan queuing up another villager oh jordan is housed wait what's happening here oh that was a disaster for jordan what happened there he was housed so he mega super fast built the house at the same time his tc was idle that was a disaster for jordan which means he didn't produce villagers which means it wasn't advancing to the next age maybe he was missing a mill that could very likely be it as well there's a big chance he was missing the mill as well yeah really rocky opening then for uh jordan again but we'll see frank's is probably one of the best sieves to recover with so in the end he should still be okay but there's now suddenly there's a almost a minute time window between the feudal age with only one village disparancy and this scout now has plus one attack as you can see five plus one so we'll see if you can do some damage second mill for jordan as well the reason why franks are really good on this map as well is that their foraging is 25 faster or is it 20 i don't actually remember but that makes frank's a really good um oh yeah i could rewind uh i don't want to rewind right now though let's rewind as the game ends stable from jordan again spearman immediately spearman and scouts both from doubt so yeah doubt is gonna be looking to be really aggressive here and magos is probably the best aggressive civilization so uh it's looking really promising for doubt in that regard two spearmen one scout to kick it off jordan will have defenders advantage though although that's not really you don't really want in theory you don't want to be depending on defender's advantage because that means you're in a bad spot oh there it's fifteen percent faster foraging okay still pretty solid but yeah the good thing for maggots here is that even these spearmen will have plus one attack because they do get the forging upgrade for free jordan again idle time he has four minutes idle time versus one so again jordan off to a really rocky three idols under the town center there's two idols on the berries here jordan jordan feels like he's really suffering from the pressure of our lord and savior here um numbers are fairly equal jordan what you got the shiniest charizard yeah oh my god my heart skipped like seven beats there you guys did you guys hear her could you guys hear her i got like oh you heard her oh yeah jesus oh my god all right let's try to re recover here it sounds like fox's mating i'm wondering why you would know why fox's mating sounds like first of all but okay i'll take your word for it all right jordan did stabilize he didn't lose any villagers and while he did have a little bit of a messy economy it is a very similar situation right now jordan coming around with some raids or some scouts around the back this palestine has a very low hp if jordan does okay without reacting with some quick walls here that has also nicely secured all the resources with some neat little paddle sidewalls and he's using these production buildings and military to defend his front berries yeah and then i think jordan again did he did a good recovery it was definitely a bit of an awkward opening but he has recovered and is now looking fairly okay for him as well but yeah jordan is the one with the exposed villagers right now but these scouts only three of them there are spearmen around but there are three spears from doubt as well coming in so there will be some pressure here jordan might be looking to bring back his three scouts to help defending this upgrades please how do i turn that off on guys tell me how do i activate that i don't know how how i have deactivated that anyone know how i remove the upgrades from the overlay alt f4 is not alt t okay thank you thank you very much i need to get like a i need to hang like a list over my screen with the numbers uh with the hotkeys for all these commands all right so we have a no horse collar for doubt doubt again opting for no horse collar which means he can be very aggressive but it also means he's farming long term is gonna hurt look at all these farms they're about to expire and that's all because of no horse color wait how does this getting more food what huh sorry a big fight big fight massive fight this seems to go heavily in favor of a doubt in the end because of their spearmen seven spearmen left over from doubt with forging it's the food the farm produces that the will can collect that's confuses me okay i i'm i'm okay that's a weird way of doing it how do i see how much food is left on the farm that's super weird but okay there was a big fight there i don't think any villagers were lost it was just a big spearman uh advantage for doubt here uh obviously he has forging on the spears jordan has done armor and fortune himself now so jordan is committing heavy on the spearmint even doing investing into the upgrades for them food equalized 23 for jordan 21 for doubt so both players still it's still super close game just like all the other previous games it's been very very close uh jordan is behind to one villager though doubt is doing wheelbarrows so doubt still has a better economy in theory but yeah considering the rush distance you can see how close they are with the military military buildings getting the spear advantage could be crucial and right now jordan is the one who has that i understand that the farm grows but like why would you why would you use that mechanic to show how much food is left on the farm and not just give us the food count i understand that there is this amount is the what villager can collect right now from the crop but that's not how we're used to right all right um yeah i think we're gonna be trans okay bloodlines come from doubt uh never mind the transition to uh to a castle age both of them are still jordan is the one who's actually thinking about castle age doubt on the other hand invested into even more scouts and also now doing bloodlines jordan got to pray to the lord that he has no holes right now and it doesn't look like he does the gold is a bit exposed so the scouts could come he could even pick up villagers on the farm but not a nice reaction from jordan and jordan again do some nice quick walls getting up another barracks so he's opting for the pikeman play this time he did secure the walls in time so he is safe but again this will be a lot of pressure but he's about to play castle there we go the last gold is in and castle h should be coming in any second now as soon as this villager is done mark it come with jordan as well all right i i really like jordan's position because doubt has no ranged units and jordan has committed on double barracks so jordan will play pikeman in this game and as long as there are no archers on the map pikeman counters everything that doubt can throw at him in the feudal age however i have to point out we did see a few games where people just go full fuel edge full scouts full cavalry and they simply use the mobility to dominate as you can see here doubt you know scouts against pikes he still takes the fights because he has bloodlines he has the attack upgrade and then but still i think that was a good trade for jordan that has now stopped production so doubt will go to castle edge himself but there will be a time window here where jordan will be able to do a lot he's going for double stable double uh barracks play so pikeman knights probably mixing in a monastery as well and he's gonna have a one and a half minute time window where he can probably do a lot of work with some knights and the castle edge technology pressure is still on though without being really active with the scouts really trying to um again just force mistakes out of jordan which he has been very successful with over the last few games jordan only has 5 on gold which means double stable production is not really going to be a thing or scholar now coming for doubt that's gonna be a big one for the game as the game goes on again jordan has enough spears he's i think he lost one villager and eddie eco no he hasn't lost oh yeah he's lost one villager so jordan has stabilized really nicely here and done a real good job at not or minimizing the damages taking here and now we have double stable knight production squires squires is coming in to make the spearman faster oh the time here might be a little bit awkward he's trying to get the villagers in the woodland but he has two quick qualities okay jordan sacrificing one of the villagers in order to save the rest was a good move from jordan indeed she's still chasing the pikemen around but yeah this is the big one knights are gonna come in i'm surprised he's taking the like i'm surprised he's going around i would just when i had this tech advantage i would just go straight through straight through the base and just start fighting here right because you have the knights you don't have to do like a sneaky move around uh the sword sounds i'm sorry it's whenever someone completes the tutorial of raid is the sword sound i'm sorry for that i look after this game to see if i can deactivate the noise of that one easy coming up from jordan as well that's very nice for him gold and bearish and deer perfect easy spot from jordan here and that just noticed it and here we have the knights doubt does see the nightstalls he's trying to write with some walls which he does nicely leaving one guy out behind though and uh yeah more nice coming from the side i really like jordan's position in this game it started off quite rocky but i think he is in a really good spot right now yeah pikeman upgrade from doubt jordan picking up two villages there very nicely done pikmin upgrading is in though so we'll see if jordan will respond with pikeman himself i think he will and should but we will see about that also both of them are just trying to raid each other while defending with the spearman at home it looks like neither player is really taking damage here 49 villagers for jordan 44 for doubt so it could just be a frank's or a really good sieve we saw that the last game and we see at this game as well we'll fight here for doubt though not sure why jordan is uh committing still being active with the knights he's microing here against the pikeman really good microbial really good micro by uh jordan there are two villagers left outside now as well for doubt so another two villager kills for jordan indeed dc really risk it easy from doubt but i think he will be fine here nice quick balls again from jordan jordan is definitely getting to test his quick walls and this set he has done a good job at that and now the knights are going to be trapped against all the pie spears really nice cleaner for jordan guys i think jordan is about to score a point oh he even broke through the golden door on doubts gold jordan is 15 villages ahead all of a sudden boys 15 villagers the admiral looking to strike back i wanted to do day one by myself for casting by the way because uh to keep a little bit more control of the uh because we were doing some voice with jordan and doubt and just making sure everything is running fine and also i still wanted to push the raid stuff a little bit today uh but tomorrow i will be joined by t90 and possibly memph and friday uh possibly memph depending on what happens tomorrow i might do a t90 tomorrow and then member on friday uh we'll see jordan has opened this so if doubt comes around here with nice there is a chance for a couple of dead villagers there 12 military to 14 and a lot of those are pikemen so not a lot of damage dealing units right now forward siege coming for doubts doubt seems to be planning a big push with pikeman and knights jordan doing a third town center as well i think jordan has to be careful now that he doesn't under react on military he does have the pikeman upgrade himself but he needs to keep production going right now he's only producing one night so i feel like military numbers jordan is going to fall behind soon and that's something he cannot afford because this map is a map that can go it can snowball really out of control really fast if if you ever fall behind significantly in military numbers so for sure jordan has to be careful that that doesn't happen another nice raid from jordan here killing a pikeman in the night and killing another villager 20 village elite now for jordan again the big issue i see right now is that jordan's military production it's it's good now it's looking good now three pacman queue two knights i think he needs to add another barracks on another stable just to he knows he has an equal lead so the best way to make sure you don't get caught off guard is by adding more production and giving yourself more room to to react and looks like doubt does not have husbandry while jordan does because he's out running this or outpacing these knights what is this right click from jordan here jordan right clicking the monastery wasting two nights and a lot of hp on the others knife jordan this is a one way to start throwing the game and they pick up a nice villager there stopping another barrage from doubt and there we go reaction with just another box he saw the seal workshop he has a monastery he has another barracks i think jordan will start mass production on military and he should be fine here 24 village advantage as well for mr jordan here to 21 22 military i think jordan he senses a danger now and he will react accordingly as he saw the seed workshop with uh garrison that's mixing the scorpions behind this clever choice clever choice considering the amount of pikemen that are around 24 to 21 like if doubt gets a really good fight here concerning that he also has three battering rams this could quick really quickly oh my god this could turn really quickly doubt seize the castle doubt this is the moment guys that has three rams that is gonna pop out the scorps it's gonna pop out the rams oh the perfect position for jordan here the knights pop on top of the siege this is the best possible fight jordan could have had here where the spikes are fighting the pikes and the knights cleaning up all the siege jordan taking a super convincing trade here and he's going to be very happy with that when he's going to get the castle up he has a third village lead this is looking like jordan is about to score a point and we're going into a 2-1 lead for doubt jordan with a bit of a shaky opening but really really really solid follow-up and really good reaction afterwards uh well done to mr jordan we're going to go quickly back here i want to see what happened to jordan's dark age where it was about him clicking up to the next stage but jordan did a barracks so oh that's uh okay i'm a little bit too far forward okay so this is where jordan is um so we have jordan here there he got housed and then he canceled the villager could and he wanted to click feudal age then he realizes he doesn't have the second building and he is housed so he's like in between there's trying to get rush up the house but the mail comes up at the same time so best thing for him is just get the mill get the fuel edge and take it from there um without the saying he was trying to go full fuel late yeah that was trying to go full fuel but jordan had pretty much walled in every resource and jordan added a second barracks as well which allowed him to to defend in the end so yeah and then it was very it was a full field is very viable on this map but i doubt add so many scouts while jordan was walled and there's still a lot of potential for mistakes to happen on this map this map is really hard to make sure all resources are walled so going heavy scouts is not really it's not really a bad option because um even if you go heavy scouts you're guaranteed to force the reaction and your cast slash time shouldn't be that much slower which also was the case here um so yeah i don't think it was a bad decision by doubt to go full scout and uh he was a minute and a half later to cast at each time it was also a really good reaction from jordan so yeah doubt used frank's on acropolis soaring ostrich kd heavily in favor of jordan in the end here both of them got one conversion each army council very similar economy doubted more food jordan no delta more wood jordan equals actually really similar the main difference was the stone income of mr jordan here all right well done to mr jordan he scores a point and we are now in a 2-1 lead for doubt which is i think this is really good because if we went to a three zero lead for for doubt that would be a really hard hit on the motivation probably and the and the confidence enjoy quickly i'm going to put a point of view on jordan i'm going to take just it's just going to be quick two minutes guys i'll be back i need to pee i'm sorry there's no sound on this i'm sorry for that as well but just give me two minutes and i'll be back you grab me another camera yes all right sorry about that guys uh let's get captured up and running all right connect we should be pretty much live here all right all this flat we are back excellent thanks for the for the prime marxist thanks for nine months can you call out princess for the next games and that'll fit them better indeed how's the gravy at inspired prime as well every two player with 11 months lara tops with eight months uh did we have sound guys by the way on the swords do you still hear the sword sound i think i muted it now right so we're playing nomad uh we have a persians against malians again every match okay so you still hear the silhouette sound okay i will i will investigate that again after this um what did i want to say again people were voicing concerns oh we're gonna have mirror match every time not a single match has been a mirror match except the set sieves so we have a normal game here jordan's doubt looks like jordan was stealing a boar from doubt's area but still doubt has one more he's getting a second board so he should still be fine the princess here playing as persians the admiral playing as the malians both great normatives funny how both the dogs are in the exact same spot as well so this is gonna be really intense doubt has three uh two more fish no never mind i was looking wrong belt has one fission ship earlier than uh jordan slightly faster so to say but yeah considering how close they are this is going to be a really aggressive game i think also how why is that sword noise always there sound mixer has nothing to do with that did you try to turn it off again on and off boom i can't find it because batman okay it should be no sound now i hope okay we should be gone okay focus on the game again a few days coming for both players they're gonna hit two days around the same time uh it's gonna be a few legs roughly the same time second dock coming up from jordan second dog from doubt man every game so far has been like literally mirror match up the way they've been playing as well it goes to show how similar they think age of empire is but also how close their skill level is so the big difference you can see here now is that why the georgian change color by the way a big difference here is that you see doubt gold situation for doubt at the princess is quite difficult it's forward and exposed so if jordan gets map control delta is going to struggle a lot for resources here as we have a tower happening right now without reacting with five more villages going forward jordan not sending those yet two fire ships in production for both players and uh yeah it looks like a jordan has a wall the rest though because the villagers without sending back i thought that would send villagers to actually engage this tower he only sent one version for that okay jordan is now responding with extra villagers himself and the tower is now up fire ship situation is again two to two none of them are really fighting yet that has got the better uh starter oh jordan with some nice mover putting the fission ship in front to tank damage and now bringing the fire back to repair very nice move by by jordan there indeed the admiral knows what he's doing here he's also trying to fight there but the tower needs to kill his villager and it finally is doubt again with a nice reaction jordan should probably wall this villager now a lot of the game hinges on how this tower fight here plays out now for both players there we go jordan with the walls looks like jordan might be able to win that tower even and if he does doubt is now moving to the top side here to take gold as the fire fight seems very similar this still has only four hp jordan should maybe commit on that fire ship he does not he's going to lose his own fire guy in return i want to see what jordan sees here oh he's color six now too don't see his embarrass coming up there but he also knows about this gold so we noticed out this problem moving there for gold which makes sense reacting with the barracks as well as uh jordan here this is typical nomad super messy and so forth i know i can change clear color but i let them play with their colors here still water fight very similar looks like jordan is outnumbering him slightly nice again jordan trying to block with the fire ship here try and trap them but he wasn't able to pull it off so the thing is as well jordan has been taking gold the whole time doubt has not you see jordan with almost 200 gold in the bank dealt with only 29 so fire gathered production should be heavily in favor of jordan and we can see that as well with the four fire gals for jordan and only three for doubt demo though demo coming will say it could have been a way bigger demo but it was already big enough to the point where jordan has to pull everything back and probably get to safety and repair four fire ships for jordan 5 for doubt so that still has all fires alive good reaction here again from jordan jordan's microwave very well on the water here range coming up for jordan doubt not having a few lich army yet or military building yet just pulled all the wheels off of stone to try and get that wood eco going but doubt has 20 villages in wood right now 20 and only five on food if you compared to jordan 13 on wood 12 on food jordan's economy should be way more balanced and i think jordan is looking way better for the transition to castle right now nice demo hit there from well nice it was a one for one it was uh okay-ish good reaction again from jordan here with the demo that might lose the dam ware for nothing we lost the demo doing nothing i yeah that's the worst situation when you invest into a demo and then you don't get any value for it at all that's the most painful doubt committing on the tower with jordan reacting in time jordan will be able to save this tower is repairing and he's doubts just gonna lose villagers here jordan pulled 11 villagers to deal with this maybe a slight over extension but without this pyramid is throwing away four villages here and it's looking like a fantastic situation here for or the admiral the princess is definitely in trouble no question about that two villagers down for the princess for sure just a second uh jordan maybe i've overreacted a little bit but still he's in such a good spot here as for some reason it looks like doubt is winning water it might have been a demo hit there that i didn't really notice but i i don't know understand why some of the water is looking so good for that persians do have faster production on their docks that might be a contributing factor but yeah so the admiral has archers out which is gonna be the the threat for doubt but yeah the princess did take some stone so the princess does did have enough storm for a second tower and he has his own range out now as well with some skirms and some archer very intense very uh tricky map situation to play for both players but looks like the princess is kind of taking control of water jordan has not given it up though he is queueing up more units but he is losing his fisting ships so doubt has an advantage in that aspect because his fishing ships are still working but if we look at the food economy here there are farms already down for jordan he has a mill on the berries so i still like jordan's long-term economy development better but um obviously if jordan doesn't take out the fish of doubt without even adding more fish and ship doubt is queueing up even more fission chips so he's going really heavy into the fish boom now which is probably a good decision on his end so uh jordan will have to sort of make sure he deals with that why are mali is good on nomad malian's a good announcement because at the start of the game as we see jordan with two archers on left side mullins have a discount on their wood cost for every building in the game so the dock is cheaper the house is cheaper the town center is cheaper meaning with molly's you can make a house a town center and start producing fish and [ __ ] from your dog right away uh similar to how persian can do it so and then molly's as well have her full texture in the castle age and um you have a really good monastery as well which means you're really good on on close situations like we're seeing right here let's move from jordan picking up two archers causes some idle but time we're gonna have a big uh release here now jordan released a fire ship first and then two demos he didn't get the best demo hits there but it is showing that he doesn't want to give up water and uh with the reinforcements they're being so close i think jordan will be able to compete here and certainly doubts have investment on the wall fishing might backfire a little bit here another tower from doubt out is playing very safe the big diffic big issue i see for doubt is still his equal balance he has 28 villagers on wood which is uh probably way too many you could have easily taken ten of those or seven eight of those wheels and made the mill on the berries there but i doubt again he does have control of water so the fish boom is definitely gonna help him out but i do see a potential problem with the long-term map control here for mr princess doubt there we're finally moving on to the middle as well jordan if you look at jordan's resources it's the whole point where he transitioned to the land economy earlier there's 400 food in the bank versus 18. the castle age time for jordan is looking very good i split their fish is running out though on the left corner so the fish from doubt isn't as efficient anymore as it has been but yeah doubt still the good thing about this is that it still forces doubt to react doubt has to make more water units because doubt cannot afford to lose his fish out might use the market here a little bit the balance is eco and get some of that extra juicy food market coming up from jordan as well and there we see the market abuse from doubts on the doubt has 600 food himself and castle's time probably won't be that far off considering the person's town centers also work faster yeah suddenly their castle charm is going to be similar that's what a market the market can do for you right still feel like jordan has a way better balanced economy considering he has land economy fish economy is good but it's also it's exponentially worse right as the distance become longer and you run out of deep fish you would have to make fish traps to make them efficient again see jordan coming with a really nice tower on delt's gold it is in range of uh the house i'm sure the tower can be reached by the tower of doubt but yeah this suddenly means that doubt has zero golden combos and funny thing here i missed about a boom okay it's fine the funny thing here is that doubt just used the market to sell all his gold to buy food and suddenly we are in a situation where doubt does not have access to any gold anymore now moving over to stone trying to recuperate a little bit and he doesn't see the gold that is right there as well the extra dark areas is what he hasn't scouted so doubt a little bit of extra scouting he would find a safe goal that he could use but for now that's not on the menu you an archer and a skirmish are waiting a bit for doubt that should be cleaned up quite fast by the admiral and yeah when you're when you're winning water so convincingly and yet you're you're still behind in the score that's never a good sign you always want to be ahead in score if you have water second stable from doubt doubt where are you getting the resources from he went back on the gold here as soon as vodka vodka comes in this will be a rendered useless crossbow bodkin right away from uh jordan bloodline's armor on the way so it's crossbow and probably crossbow monk play from jordan maybe mixing in some camels and then there is a night play from doubt here without selling some stone now to get gold to be able to produce those knights but i was would lean towards their crossbow monk play here in such tight closed locations here gordon might be able to pick off a knight he does not don't finish in the wall as well i really like the way jordan is using his map control here secure the walls make sure that there is no way for doubt to get at you so the same as doubt keeps expanding with dogs to get better fish out is forced to pull off he only has two knights the lack of gold is definitely hitting him here he's doing a mangano doing another town center as well and he's off the gold again because the body can never come in but yeah jordan has to be careful now there's three nights four nights soon and a mangano so jordan will have to microwave his heart out here we can see on the minimap as well jordan is adding two town centers and here we have the micro good split and reaction from jordan here oh splitting sort of into the shot but still good enough and the manganese is down and now it's all about the microwave to see if jordan can clean up all the knights from doubt looks good for jordan here and gordon should come out of this with five or four crossbows alive if my person's knights have extra two attack against archers so a good microbiota jordan here and jordan just keeps cementing his position really good here belt's in massive trouble simply because he has no access to uh gold he's selling all his wood there's 30 on wood still 18 on food which are fish and chips and zero on gold however he is taking a lot of stone now so i reckon we'll see adult castle to try and secure some gold here soon but jordan now reacting with six camels of his own and yeah jordan will just have no no resistance on the land military front there's a manganese is gonna pop is it gonna pop okay it does pop inside or stay inside for the time being but it's looking very very good for for game legend jordan oh doubt did jump out but i'm trying to shoot the crossbows with nice micro hair by jordan and jordan again very very efficient trade as doubt goes for another talent center what do you do when you don't have access to gold make more town centers makes a lot of sense monastery for doubt that jordan as well here is probably gonna drop a seed bookshop himself and behind this guys jordan is already on three thesis himself with a very healthy economy not relying on fish at all and has full map control jordan is in a really dominating position here let me see i did doubt see the gold with yeah he doesn't know about the gold naturally as the magnet was down there but uh no there is no map control whatsoever for the princess here i would like to see jordan invest like say five six extra villagers onto a stone to be able to drop a castle but okay another thing worth pointing out is the delta's doing crossbow man and he's getting ready right he's he's been selling his stone too he's doing archers i thought that might drop a castle and then do the commander run upgrade to go for trash pose but even that seems far-fetched at this point yeah i just feel like jordan has got himself into such a good spot here a really good use of malians and land aggression while still competing on water you'll pretty much cement your own uh just get the full map control and behind it also a really solid economy jordan loves his nomad indeed yeah i mean like the outmost just feels so cornered here and now great move by jordan again he invests one night to run past everything just to get scouting intel and what does he see he sees four arch ranges from doubt and look at jordan buying 200 stone and we see the villagers come forward and there is the get out of my game castle you are dead i don't want to end this game anymore get out the game is over the game is mine please resign as doubt oh boy it's happening boys it's happening doubt responds it has this picture for a reason doubt responds by buying stone himself and dropping a panic ass and the lumber game is blocking the surface area just leaving the lumber camp and trying to react now but the castle from jordan will still go up first and behind this thought is losing so many villagers and we are ending this game with a doubt castle as the castle might still go up but look how he's clicking castle will go up but it is a glorious castle and if jordan just thinks twice now he will idle his villager production and just go to the cat to the imperial age and win the game from there the thing is this castle as well it takes up it takes away half of the economy of doubt at the same time so double siege workshop from jordan and jordan wants to push this in the castle edge which also is not a bad option you can just go full ramps here because the rams will be protected by his own castle and even behind it is also doing pitard's so this game is firmly in control of jordan haley the admiral as doubt against selling wood to get some gold desperately trying to get some rams or anything out on the field at this point finally showing his crossbows as well the three crossbows he has at this point you are thinking how can doubt ever lose this game and that's what we're seeing here jordan could just send the ramps right away he has two rams ready to go he has four petards and uh yeah this is everything that tests his whole economy everything is cornered into this little space and this is all about the map control the power of map control on nomad conversion even there adding insult to injury conversion for the admiral and four rams i think that should be a good time for jordan to charge four rams and four pathards should finish the job very quickly as dolph jordan might just commit and run past here with his crossbows looks like jordan is going even safer waiting for maybe six or seven rams there we go commander run for doubt he's gonna start making those trash balls the commander on upgrade means that their crossbows only cost wood so um that's kind of raining probably they have four ramps coming from jordan probably taking the market first and then the castle and clearing the way for the targets to run in and finish the job and as soon as this castle goes down we will see gl doubt and in the towel as we are adding more insult to injury a term i've been using a lot in this set where with another ford castle just controlling the rest of the gold there you go petard's coming out with the rams and this castle is a goner boom there we go castle is gone and doubt has no choice but to hand in the towel call the gg and realize that the admiral has equaled the game and made it a 2-2 so a good job to jordan this was also a classic nomen game water vs map control and i think we see more often than not that map control is uh is victorious in these circumstances we can argue that doubt was a little bit unfortunate not scouting this but still very well done by jordan here even especially this tower here this tower tower coming up just as doubt had spent this whole gold bank to buy food and on the way to castle this tower came up to deny the golden come from doubt it was a fantastic tower by jordan and as we know it has now equaled the scepter so i'm trying to work my way through the ha i know the hotkeys again and there we go fission ships max 13 fission ships for doubt in the end villagers 30 more for jordan military kd better for jordan in the end naturally economy also a lot more wood for doubt which was pretty much the only resource he had access to and every other resource heavily in favor of the admiral so we have a two-two here i think this is a good time to get the boys on voice shall we to have a few words to have a few words with them to see what they say right to hear a little bit of their thoughts and feelings about the situation serious man well we can already start talking though i mean first two games didn't go too well for you yeah i mean you played well the first game but you kind of an early imp doubt suddenly took full charge but after being down 2-0 how was your thoughts and emotions they were okay because the first game was very very close and the second one i felt like i had the weaker sieve for the map so i was still okay we we have frank's for like madness we should be the favorite there uh but then he picked megures well that two two is the best it's a good thing for us yeah that's a good time to to come to uh voice now you can finish your your sentence there jordan yeah um maker has caught me off guard a bit and uh i had a horrible start you saw that so you saw that yeah i was a bit tilted can you imagine being down to zero and then that yeah exactly i was like god damn it but yeah i was able to somehow pull it off and then the last game was pretty pretty close as well so yeah a very very tough series uh when you say you were caught off guard by maggers is it like did you not consider that for that map or why did it catch you off guard because i thought frank's is a must on that map and the thing is i don't have too much experience online madness maybe i played it five times in my my life right so but considering i always thought frank's is the way to go yeah but then again he used frank's for acropolis right so what kind of civ were you expecting from him i was confused man okay all right doubt hello hello hello how are you how are you feeling man you weren't up to zero you probably felt pretty good about that how do you feel right now i feel amazing jordy jordan actually played the quite well as game the map awareness was really good something i failed he controlled all spot from feudal age and i was surprised i won't watch it without god yeah how did you do that so are we don't know what happened there that brings me a bit of hope but yeah losing the gold and then second tower like i had registered then i removed them like okay i don't need someone i'm not progressive and then tower in my goal but the tower on your gold was uh oh you mean the first house second second second second yeah it was quite late right it came at a perfect time because you just sold all your gold to buy food yeah and then all the way to castle age was the best timing yeah yeah that was lucky luck you mean basically well let's roll back a little bit the first game was arabia hunts war it's like i felt like we were watching a huns war from 2012 it played like exactly out except like usually it was four ranged cowards back then but that changed a little bit but still it felt like a huns were from from the good old days yes i assume you guys felt that too and probably enjoyed playing that game yeah for sure i don't think the meta change is just we never see huntsville anymore it's always like draft and different saves so yeah but it's fun to play right it's dynamic yeah there's action throughout the whole game it just it was a fun watch fun game to watch as well and i can imagine you guys have fun playing hi had fun as well i love arabia huntsvore it's uh very fast paced and uh it's not so much about walls but more about engaging properly and uh yeah it was very fun yeah it was a super close game throughout the whole thing where did you think it kind of slipped out for you jordan i think in general he did a better job in raiding my economy and yeah i was not really able to to do that as good as he did and then i invested into thumb ring pretty early and therefore also sacrificed a bit of my economy and i think it didn't really pay out i also had a siege workshop in the front which i wanted to utilize but uh he always got me so busy that i needed to invest resources somewhere else and i was not able to push him but the economy was very similar throughout the whole game uh all the way to limp so you weren't behind in eco in any way really okay it surprised me doubt what do you think why do you think you won that game map control i was trading army for map control and villagers and eventually the 40c not sure if jordan had that no i didn't i i had 40c well did you yeah but you had your fourth uh later later yeah yeah and also he built castles on like i every cast was so weird like the last one like in the corner was like what the [ __ ] jordy last one on the hill yeah was not the best castle his economy is full open and they just reached the castles and game was over yeah the biggest difference i could tell this was was the farm count hitting imperial h jordan was on 30 committing on like cav watcher that had like 55 yeah so i think it felt like that just set up for the imperial age better yeah for sure i was overwhelmed at one point yeah we had acropolis game two franks and doubt jordan says he was surprised about your pick because he thought frank's was a must for or land madness was there any consideration on that front from your part no i think frank's burpu smackers equally good probably frank's safest because they're like economy when economy is always safe to go but my biggest mistake there was i'm talking about acropolis now you won that game oh yeah oh wait i'm talking about different game then yes you're talking about land madness yeah yeah i mean jordan jordan said he thought frank's was must for land madness i'm just asking like regarding why you picked frank's on acropolis then uh because i feel frank's a veteran across police than online madness online madness marcus can beat the frankfurt easily but on the couple it's such an open map and economy comes more in play because we are further from each other i'm not giving 500 euros if you want tips there was there was one moment in that game where you had like six nights each and they passed like on the hill of jordan did you guys see each other's nights there i did okay i will go with that one i did okay jordan what's your thought process then by letting them pass and just going for the counter attack when you have nothing at home well the thing is he was always raiding me and i was not doing anything to him and i figured okay i have monks at home so i will be able to defend that but yeah i took a lot of damage there correction you had a monk at home oh it was a bit earlier yeah okay yeah i'm talking about earlier where i quick uh yeah as you guys passed five and six nights against each other you went for the counter attack he came into eureka at the same time yeah and you weren't able to do anything to him and he did a lot of damage to you yeah i stopped that you saw i prepared the difference yeah that's what i thought i thought the outside but i wasn't sure about jordan and then jordan says he saw it so that makes me confused like i guess you didn't see it that moment then no i saw it okay then but i saw it for sure miss judgment then i guess miss judgement yeah the right the thing is i thought he was going for one tc right because i didn't see him being on stone and he built a tower so i figured okay he plays one tc yeah so potential for doing damage there is high but uh yeah well you know to do that you actually pulled the head in villagers early castleage and but i did okay that moment pulled you put you behind again but i was then doubt up to zero feeling good jordan nothing too good but then we hit land madness margaret's against uh franks what do you think you went wrong there that horror scholar do you think that was uh it wasn't okay so it wasn't on purpose uh no i forgot to click it and then i plan to go full stable like four stables feudal age and then farms keep dying i cannot have the stable and the full bank up because you cannot keep up the production it's only too stable so i like let's go up and obviously i'm lazy to click up and jordan raided me constantly there was no hope yeah i thought it was a purposeful decision to like be super aggressive in the early game but okay jordan did you feel the pressure of the game yes especially after my fabulous start for sure yeah that was beautiful but it was not perfect huh what do you think you went right in that game like indecisive moments i felt like when i clicked into castle age he did some commitments with his huge army where i don't think he traded that well and i was able to get into castle age with a rather good economy was able to expand and did some raids on his goals as well without failing with the quick walls that really helped me and yeah uh i think i took it from there okay cool and we already kind of talked about nomad so i guess there's not too much to say there but all right so we have a two two is pretty much the best we can hope for so far how are you guys feeling going into the next games it's gonna be doubts home up next map what matter we're playing well map isn't out at the camera empire wars as well oh boy without using the one empire wars he can on atacama here or you want emperor wars damn right they do well jordan you should be familiar with it we had emperor was not the comma last red bull right yes yes yes so right okay any final words of trash talk before we move on good luck jordan android doubt just i did not expect that one from don'ts do you think he had nice no i meant it okay yeah yeah sure enjoy that let's go game connect to game there we go and uh you can see it we are here we can see it we are on emperor wars as you can see you start with a barracks you start with a blacksmith you start with farms you start with mining camp so everything is kind of really pre-set up for you without going for a dock immediately here not opting for a stable we have jordan opting for a stable right off the bat and also doing a dock civilizations are bulgarians for doubt and huns for the admiral you might ask why can you pick huns again because the first game was a set map so they are allowed to use huns once outside of the start as well jordan doubt is going for the dock and then the mid-arms play here good reaction from jordan with the quick walls we actually trained this a few times for red bull and we found bulgarians to be insanely strong on this map and that forcing the multitasking from jordan harris jordan fails the quick ball and he's being attacked on the woodline doubt doesn't have any upgrades yet on his uh military forging is on the way bulgarians have cheaper blacksmith upgrades as well and yeah jordan lost already lost one villager and he's under heavy pressure here as forging just kicks in now so doubt probably wants to take the fight right now as we speak three villager advantage for doubt already villagers slash fish and ship but jordan does have some sperm but then there's this spear coming in from uh doubt here as well which is gonna just apply even more pressure on jordan as jordan can't really engage this properly and that gets away the four villages chasing this army the whole time as well that's pretty much idle villager economy work time here one fiction shift for jordan two for doubt we have a proper engage jordan did do horse collar and bit x though and he cleans it up very nicely nicely done by jordan as there are more arms coming in here very very close game so far for sure i think jordan the fact that he's knocking horse collar and videx is quite impressive and he has also dealt very nicely with the pressure but if you compare now 22 to 19 so it's looking good for jordan on that phone as well dealt behind this has dropped the stable and he is doing scouts so he will follow us up with even more pressure as he moves the villagers to the wood in the center as well i would say this is a really nice strategy by doubt obviously we found it to be very strong during the training for the last red bull event but jordan has reacted very very well so far and now jordan has the scout numbers that does have two spears but jordan is doing the armor upgrade so he will have armor on those scouts so he might be looking to fight even though there are spears although three spears might be a little bit too much and jordan should probably get out of there as uh happening action happening here as well but you as you can see you start in field age as well and you have a lot of preset uh the situation is kind of set up for you to fight in the futile age and as you can see a lot of actions right from the start here not a villager down for jordan so without still keeping a three worker lead and but now bringing the scouts to deal with this so doubt we'll have to get out of there there is no bloodlines for either player forging coming in from jordan as well now so jordan's still committing on the scouts i think jordan in particular should probably switch on to range units here without adding a second stable so he's switching into full scouts here will be a lot of scouts involved once again bloodlands coming in from delt as well the others going aggressive he sent all the spear forward as well but the scouts from jordan are coming in now and doubt is quite exposed on the back side here does have some spares on the wood line but still he is exposed going for the counter attack as well and jordan is exposed jordan has no military at all he might lose villages carrying food as well uh that little misfocus they should really focus there three scouts coming up there are four spearmen as well keep in mind they also have forging uh upgrades so jordan cannot really engage this and he's not finding any damage with his own scouts one of the only down though i think that's actually really good for jordan that he didn't lose more a lot of action initially here and jordan with the second staple as well so it's full scouts for jordan full scouts for doubt and they're playing spamming as well we'll be curious to see if any one of them switches into archers here north dock true they both are dock in the top pond as well ah jordan is losing two villages here yeah yeah that's quite painful for jordan indeed he might he's gonna lose another two at least at the same time he's not getting any damage and he lost scouts to the spearmen and he's losing these scouts now to the scout so though jordan feels like he's simply falling apart here doubt suddenly with an eighth worker advantage showing his prowess in empire wars is doubt here uh with a prepared strategy and um and yeah it's really paying off so far question now is how will jordan continue from here it's still a close game but doubt is pulling ahead in the work account as we spoke about triple stable from doubt now even so the scout production is going to be off the charts as jordan is a ford villager for some reason trying to quick wallet but he was not able to this was the villager that was building a dock on the top side by the way if you're wondering which villager that was but a lot of scouts not in for jordan they're on staying ground what is happening he's taking a good fight but he can only fight until the spearmen come in at the same time there's action on the berries there's action on the woodline doubt again gonna find so much damage with his scouts while also defending his own at the same time i am confused as to why jordan is out here with villagers on the woodland still focus all your wood income on the center and you can defend it with your military being so spread out as jordan is right now just gives him gives out room to do damage as doubt is now 12 workers ahead yeah doubt has killed 13 economy aka 13 villagers and lost zero so that explains the 13 worker difference here jordan is winning in quotes the pond on the top side so that's something that could definitely help pull him back into the game armor upgrade for his uh infantry as well here as doubt suddenly starts to it's going to build a market here probably buy some food and he might even think about cast leech here god will know that he has done so much damage that he probably feels like castle h is a potential option for him here jordan again yeah that cannot commit there is simply too many spears the big difference with a big thing that was so beneficial for bulgarians in this game we found was that you can also do a crate post as you hit the castle age so cape crepel's through the center can be so strong so that did market abuse he balances economy using the market buying and selling resources and he is now queueing up the gas stage while jordan is really trying to apply so much pressure with the spearman and scouts now but with the villagers involved as well you just feel like this should never be a good fight for jordan it's also close to the reinforcements of mr doubt jordan with the forward barracks now hey jordan you're getting a little bit ahead of yourself sir forward barracks okay um but yeah doubt just has enough he has so many spears himself he has enough numbers and doubt as we spoke about is on the way to the castle age so it's very likely that the castleage alone will trigger a gg call from jordan as he will not be able to compete with the castle technology yeah doubt just really showing why he is showing why he won red bull right he's showing that there's a there's a difference here in the empire wars between him and uh amir pleb jordan managed to click to uh to click to the castles though again doing some nice quick walls sacrificing two villagers and nice gate i mean if anything jordan has gotten some really nice quick wall training in this set i fear that they will walk out though and try to build this oh he's gonna open the gate jordan no oh okay they didn't nice so you got that quick walls down and i also managed to clicking to the castle age i feel like for hans you would have to make like a cup or just switch to have any chance here but with only three on gold that's also something that seems quite unlikely at this point uh jordan does not have to use the empire wars option he can decide to not i just wanted to add some more complexity to the whole situation and also regarding um now he's doing a range so he wants to go cav washers uh regarding sieve picks and when to use what sips i wanted to add some complexity to that which is why i put both players getting one option for um for uh empire wars but yeah again they don't have to use it there is no that much option though yeah empire 4 is also fun to watch out during the light car upgrade plus 2 is in deep mine blacksmith upgrades are cheaper on the food for bulgarian so it is really strong tc coming up as well doubt is taking no risk four stables right in the back as well but still doubt has the answers uh doubt is just in firm control of this and would not be surprised if we see a gg call from jordan very soon and indeed very well done by by doubt he just took command from the start of this game with his opening and yeah jordan killed the veil indeed 21 equal dead to 20 to one that is a massive difference all right doubt taking back the lead of this um of this series with an empire wars victory on on atacama so good on him again showing why he is the reigning red bull champion it was quite convincing from start to finish really so i don't think there is too much to analyze here we will just go back and get ready for the next game because we like those so we have rocky forest i'm sure some of you haven't seen this map before this is a map that was it's made by kragini and it was used for the ao2 german championship that i hosted um how this map looks like is like this there's wood in a circle through the middle but there is a gap in between now this gap here cannot be walled the uh the rocky ground here means you cannot place buildings or anything on that also you can see the wood the forest is also surrounded by rock rocky terrain so you cannot build on top of that either so it's really hard to uh to wall you cannot wall the center at all you can see in the center there's a ton of deer there's a lot of golden stone and around you see there are extra berries and the woodlands are around as well so this was a really good map for the aoe the german championship and i am curious to see especially i doubt assuming doubt has never played this before i'm curious to see how he will approach this map well jordan obviously played it a couple of times outside is on his stream he's never played this note before yeah which would surprise me if he has it was very specifically used for the aoe to german championship right so jordan is going for the aztecs here probably a pick that stems from his experience with the map and we have jor a doubt one from mongols which also makes sense considering you see how many ibex are in the center to account shall we 24 36 ibex in the center of the map that's a lot of food so yeah mongols with the hunt bonus probably want to make sure they can get some of that but jordan obviously will be very much aware of the mongol sound bonus and therefore try his best to deny doubt from getting any of those your voice is so sexy i'm getting addicted to your stream what should i do please suggest just stick around or subscribe so you can hear more of my voice right war coming in here this will be a very interesting game again first of all doubt has no experience on this map and so it will be interesting to see how he decides to play mongols here and then jordan with the experience in aztecs i would say mongols as well as a very awkward save to play because you want to play mangudai in most scenarios and manguda in 181 is a very hard unit to get to and you have aztecs who are possibly top 317 in the game on average uh which also has a it's a pretty good counter sieve to mongols honestly because yeah those eagles and earl imp really do well against joy storm tried to hide his villager trying to hide his villager i wasn't just waiting for the wood probably waiting for the wood those pesky eagles and all right okay so yeah i mean doubt would love to get to the middle obviously and use the ibex so i'm curious to see whether he will decide to go for the center at any point jordan is opening with a barracks this looks to me like a drush actually it's already starting to wall somewhat off as well this is how you can wall you can wall yourself to the edge of the map but you can never close the center entrance there will always be a way to enter that center and jordan's gold is quite exposed so if doubt starts to put on put on a lot of pressure with for example archers down here the gold of jordan is indeed very much exposed you can see jordan going for the full wall affair and looks to me like it's going to be a rush fast castle from jordan boy here and he's also doing a barracks before a meal so it's going to be really early militia here or at seven minutes already to militia out on the map still no utilization of the deer from doubt without opting for drush himself and no signs of the feudal age for him if that man manages to trade off this drush nicely he could use that time to send wills out and start hunting the deer or ibex as the best of 21 ever been played in one day uh yes me and doubt did a best at 21 which turned into a best of 37 and we did that in one day i killed him so fast investor 21 that matt salsa extended it to a best of 37. i think we ended up playing like i don't even know how many games all right the josh is uh or kicking off i think it's a decent trade for for both players here jordan will win the rush overall but uh okay he got rid of the he got wait thousands winning the rush doubt has to go back here but there's only one eagle left so in theory now jordan uh doubt could send wills to the center oh that was a mistake from jordan he got he took arrows from the town center and ended up losing the villager this is the moment where doubt just sends six villagers to the center there we go he's sending four villagers he definitely wants to start using that deer hunt and is jordan is this a bug again or is jordan actually producing oh he's actually producing more militia so he wants to add another minister or two and probably start killing deer in the center would be my guess here because obviously he will understand now that doubt will go straight for the ibex so we'll see what jordan does here with the deer belt also on the way to the feudal age that was also full open here going to goal looks like fast castle from both players at the moment question for jordan is is he going to play eagles or is he going to play archers maybe even monk siege is an option here but that's if if doubt is doing a fast castle the castle age time will definitely be quite far ahead of jordan here jordan one militia desperately killing the ibex but doubt is just hunting the ibis on the other side so it's not going to make that much of a difference are these walls real efficient uh jordan's walls i mean it's just a safety layer right if archers come in here obviously the gold is quite exposed but it's a just like an ad an extra layer of safety and security i think that we'll be able to do a fast castle because of the hunt that's what's allowing him to do a super fast fast castle if that makes sense only one farm two mills on berries so he has five eight villagers in paris and then the four wilson farms he's trying to kill the ibex now before jordan can lame them that's good on him but jordan will just move on to the next pack range and the range in the center as well i like the way doubt is adapting to this map the range will provide like he will have control of this with this army coming from the center so i think i think the way doubt has played this so far has been very good and he's he's using a sieve as well to the best of its ability he can click the cascade as well very soon his castle each time he's gonna he's gonna be clicking castage before jordan has futile age this could be a really powerful opening for for doubt then he queued up another villager i think that should even consider casting the veil drop off the food and just go to castle h it's gonna have such a fast castle ash compared to jordan here there we go food is being dropped off jordan justice and jordan that's 500 food in the bank castle is on the way for doubt and jordan uh he should be able to click up as well but i think we will definitely see a tower being forced here from jordan yeah indeed already doing a tower because he probably senses what is happening what's going on now aztecs is one of those says that you can be as far behind and as far ahead as possible or let's say as far behind as possible and still make a comeback i will rule that out but fun thing fun fact doubt is not going crossbow doubt is going cab archers i think in some ways it's a mistake but then again he sees the tower from jordan so maybe kowacher is the right play here um interesting choice either way aoe marine thank you for five months squid jet with eleven months almost a year there uh vola thanks for the nine months do you think mr was handsome absolutely good paladin 100 bits alex zimbo thanks for seven lacuna one with the two months monte junior thanks again warrior bun bun with the prime negality thanks again wish it all the love guys knight siege better knight siege kind of gets hard counted by monk siege though so yeah but that definitely looks like he's going for cav archers with a 16 minute castle time opting for the couch to play we're just going to see those couches being queued up there we go two couches right off the bat the issue for doubt is that crossbows are better in the early castle age and if jordan gets control here this production is exposed jordan could make a seed workshop he could ram this down and from that point just take full control of the game bot canary on the way for doubt yeah i have mixed feelings about this approach from doubt it can work but it can also backfire immensely he's even going for the counter attack big balls on this guy so he will allow jordan to get i don't know he's standing bills to repair he will lose a villager here he won't lose the villager there so he bought himself some time there he doesn't obviously count the four to town center because he is um because he is uh he spent the stone on the tower but yeah i mean he's forcing the couches back it's just showing that uh crossbows are better than coverages in early castle age and until there is like 15 calories on the field look how look great micro from jordan by the way picking up three couches losing only one crossbow in return unless you have the big numbers advantage crossbows are simply better than couches again great microphone jordan another two couches down the the the cost efficiency of this crossbow army for jordan here this just goes to show you how much capture is lag it's fine on my end if anything is lagging it's probably my stream oh i have frame drops it's my stream guys [ __ ] it's my stream is having issues guys it's not capture age i'm sorry guys i realized that uh we're having some issues right now i'm not sure if you guys can hear my voice but apparently the stream is having some issues with bitrate with i'm dropping thousands of frames the stream is you guys can hear my voice yeah i'm sorry apparently we're having some issues with the stream right now let's hope it stabilizes uh by itself uh but i can describe what's going on is still there's crossbows fighting cav watchers stealth has three ranges now both of them are microwaving their hearts out playing one tc and um don't touch it seems fine now i think we're i think we're back i think we're good it could be twitch but my obs i was struggling to send bits to okay we're good yeah so doubt managed to clean up the big numbers of crossbow now but still there are enough crossbows still i think jordan should make a ram here but the question is is ah looks like that is stabilizing somewhat so it's delta has 18 villages on gold by the way this is a full one piece of play from both players it's all about the control in the center here for both players five couches for doubt ah looks like jordan is suffering a little bit on his production here market coming up another range very very close game indeed kd 23-21 still super close game yeah it looks like we're back i'm sorry for that guys i'm not sure what happened there but we had some frame drops there for a minute restart capture age after sometimes the hogs ram there was no ram issue there it was frame drops on the internet there's nothing to do with the ram yeah third is going for the camera jordan is going for a counter attack and he's switching into skirmishers he's gonna play mangano skirmisher i find this a bit of a strange decision rearranged crossbow skirmisher mangano trying to close up the gap i mean the counter attack doubt is now probably understands what is happening and it's going for uh tc at home to guarantee some safety but counter-attack could do a lot of work here very close game at the moment revelation lead for delt milton is very similar manganell is on the way for jordan now and he has elite skirmishes now with plus one armor so doubt has to be careful with how he engages this good micro from jordan here he just has to not take the hits from the magnet he's doing a good job on that so far it looks like he's cleaning up all the cab watches first and he might be able to take down the magnet afterwards but now delta is finally getting some decent trades but reinforcements are close there will be reinforcements here helping out and cleaning up um oh two skirms dying okay that is getting way more value here than i anticipated two villages down as well this magnet is doing work lost one village in return i'm not sure if delta has noticed this but there's it's a very intense moment now for both players what i guess the i guess the magnet took a hit and then the doubt finished it off with the character i clicked the farm i think and saw full hp so it was weird for me to see the magnolia diet but yeah jordan is on the gold of doubt no reactions over three villages the four villages are down five villages down doubt has not reacted yet the counter attack is doing so six villagers doubt is not reacting there finally reacts seven eight villagers nine villages jordan is getting so much value with this counter attack ten villages down and suddenly the village difference is ahead one for jordan where it was uh quite a few village elite for a doubt now doubt is doing some pressure himself so he's losing the manga now to the tower and suddenly jordan is just in looking in such a good spot he also has the counter units as doubt 243 tc oh another villager down for doubt here 3tc for the princess so he will recover that villager and number quite fast but the question is how does this game play out now i think jordan just will have a better army and he might retake all the map control in the center which means he might also clean up the whole production like the whole production line of doubt and then the question is will getting an equal lead even matter as doubt has four villages on food seven now and out again with jordaning with some good micro with the skirmishes cleaning up the couches that has three tc's but he has eight on food which means he can barely sustain virtual production from two town centers even okay manual microwave really important jordan gets the magnet kill as well it's looking really good for jordan once again to level up the playing field on his home map rocky forest another counter attack coming around as well again doubt has no protection here it's very like they will see these six crossbows doing so much work once again as they trade one for one manganal in the center country number is now coming from dalton will probably clean this up but this game is becoming uh harder and harder for doubt i reckon from here even though doubt now five villages ahead again but he doesn't have the control of the game and the control the game is for mr jordan plus two armor on the way ballistics on the way for jordan as well so these units are just gonna start trading so much better as town center second town center for jordan as well now but he's not gonna let his ego dwindle behind for too much longer look at the eco upgrades as well jordan has both saw doubt only has double bit x so that's also a factor but bosa is now coming in for doubt as well we have the counter attack keep in mind jordan also did ballistics now so there's so much more potential here probably just to go down and we're just gonna have to watch jordan should force a fight here now so without micros but yeah another one wheelchair down two bullets down three villagers down doubt is basically chasing this army and he doesn't realize he's losing so many bills again there he finally realized another five six villages down for doubt down the drain at the same time jordan microwing here well as well killing two more couchers and yeah jordan doubt after this doubt is still only five villagers behind the issue is that good migrated by jordan the issue is he doesn't have like jordan also has the counter units and going for him so uh this is going to look really really good for our admiral jordan here crossbow still doing work in the back of doubt space as well yeah the kd is looking brutal eco kd jordan has killed 24 villagers doubt has killed six and still the village difference is three that's quite insane okay that is coming up with the characters now i should clean him up doubt obviously doesn't have he doesn't have bloodlines he doesn't have husbandry he doesn't have ballistics certainly will be really good upgrades for him he'll clean that up quite nicely though without losing much but yeah this is the moment where jordan could mix in our battering ram and just clean up all the production of doubt i'm looking at the resources as well jordan has 450 stone in the bank so i would not be shocked to see a castle plunk down right there that's still hunting though this this honestly i think this is what's keeping doubt in the game the fact is still is hunting that's what's allowed his food equal to keep running five tc for doubt what is he expecting you go five tc boom with mongols against an axe text player i feel like you're just gonna take so much time to get to imperial age and by the time your enthusiastic player will already overrun you with them with eagles do we have a flag again frames let me try to restart capture age quickly in case that is the issue which you guys suggested okay we are back after a quick restart your voice is always fine okay yeah i don't really know what what the issue is but okay let's hope it hope it stays well or good there is the castle we were talking about this might be the get out of the game castle that um mr jordan is looking for it's gonna take out two townsends of doubt and give jordan a free way into the economy of the mr doubt so question is if doubt will have any formal response to this at all ah doubt has his own oh guys oh wait wait wait don't tell me okay oh if that gets a shot here oh my god oh okay okay that could have been like if he started building the castle the castle could also go down they trade one for one but the castle is coming up and there's some characters in the back of jordan's eagle but jordan has ballistics he has any skirmishes and doubt oh no doubt no don't do it oh god here we go again boys it's happening without using the market buying the stone he needs and another del castle is on the way uh mangano trade uh jordan will probably finish the magma and he still has his own manganese doubt is gonna lose a lot of more villagers now and this is about to just get even more brutal okay okay i guess the cast is up but two tcs are rendered useless or at least the wood income from the front and i think jordan will now just stop production and go to the imperial age and from that point it is likely that gordon will be able to close the game out you can see the resources already jordan is looking very good for hitting in privilege asap yeah i'm sorry after i restarted um we started capturing we lost all the total numbers on the eco kd and what not so i'm sorry for that jordan using the market as well buying his way to imperial age doubt suffering is going to be so far behind as jordan just picks up doubt i predict will not have clicked to the imperial age as jordan hits it and jordan he has a solid echo behind this as well if he switches to heavy gold income now he could easily afford uh eagle spam he also has three relics in the bank so i think jordan should be very very happy with his situation right now uh mbl fan willow viper fan thanks for 11 months and no 415 thanks for the for the prime aoe marine thing to d5 but not for this this map is called rocky forest so doubt thinks i will not be able to compete with imperial age so what do i do he's going for the rams four ramps on the way has manguda in the castle jordan doesn't uh jordan has to make it on the way so he needs to make sure he can repair this if this castle goes down jordan loses all of his initiative for early imperial age it is four ramps and a castle i can't say for sure if this castle will stay up jordan garrison the villas by accident he should jordan repair jordan did he just throw his castle one ram down 402 the cast is going down oh two rams down oh this is such a clutch save jordan will hold it that was so clutch but he almost threw that castle damn that was clutch holy moly without now doing wheelbarrow that's been a long time coming already yeah that was super close and i could have gone the wrong frame really fast but yeah without still quite far away from clicking up to the imperial age even and jordan is about to hit so it would not surprise me if we see a journalist by we're waiting if we see a gt call from doubt now as the imperial age is in there's a 2 three almost three thousand squally two and a half k score lead for jordan here so that doesn't look like he wants to resign yet university is on the way i see his mic ring is hard out up here against archers letting the bear kill he wants the bear to kill the to kill the crossbow probably but yeah that realizes what is up and again we have a 33 v3 set and edge mythology de confirmed are you kidding how where is that confirmed why are you guys just debating not true okay uh bolt thanks for the raid by the way maybe that's why people were baiting because you're a mythology streamer after all so that makes sense yeah very solid uh performance from jordan i think that looked like he was in such a good spot and like i think if doubt just goes crossbow i think doubt wins this game but as mongols that wanted to go for cavachers and okay that's that's two strong words for me i don't think he wins this game but i think archer's crossbows are better uh so yeah i think uh decision unit unit choice was probably wrong for doubt here but still the counter attacks is what killed the doubt right those two crossbow raids in the back of the gold base that killed probably roughly 20 villagers in total was insane that didn't know outside was open well that's his own fault if he thinks if he thought this was the whole that he should have checked him out then he has himself to blame for that see the settings katie always in favor of jordan economy and favorable jordan as well and society yeah we obviously missed most of the game since we had to reach that capture age all right it looks so good we haven't dropped any frames uh lately aka the last five minutes so that's promising right the game has begun so let's get ready all right here we go rebel arabia okay i spot right off the bat that they are super close to each other we actually have an empire wars with ethiopians were this is the first mirror match we see where they have free choice of civilizations so we have ethiopians against ethiopians for both players both players opening with an archery range and the wall they're based off i don't think they know where each other are yet right jordan has no idea where doubt is and doubt just now found jordan so they are super close to each other which pretty much guarantees a super aggressive game possibly from both players here this will be the last game of today which makes it roughly three and a half hour session which is a probably a good way to do this so we have like three to four hours of content uh for three days in a row potentially i'm sure both players will be capable of playing more games but i think i think seven games is a good good start but jordan is sneaking two archers around the back delta sneaking to archers around the back both of them are going to catch a walling villager and potentially get some damage in here and the spearman did get a hit off on the scout but yeah jordan would have to react he racks with a house while he's trying to get the wall off he probably should rather react with archers which he is doing at the same time jordan has been keeping busy with the scout and two archers coming in here as well i think this is a good start for mr jordan here he will have the numbers to defend at home and he's also applying the pressure here where he's probably gonna get one or two villager kills indeed one villager down second wheel just should go down as well jordan doesn't miss micro which he does so only one villager down here for doubt as doubt brings to reinforcements uh still one villager is one villager and without getting a good trade on left side all of a sudden as well as all jordan sent the low hp villager back if doubt spots that he might try and pick it off but he does not so we are um keeping with it uh some idle time as well obviously for doubt five minutes idle time versus three and a half so jordan after a good start here on the um on the empire wars arabia which is a map that might favor our lord a little bit too we ever see a bested tune on one day uh it's possible do we ever see it not these days i think that's only it's only happened once pretty much i'd be trying hard to sound like a caster dude i need to move to my new ex field of expertise considering how my tournament games are going these days i'm just trying to make the transition okay go easy on me this lumber camp is a bit off for doubt you might just want to reevaluate having villagers there jordan might be the same there the about them are now pretty much fully walled they're transitioning to very similar uh map that is rushing a market quite fast here it makes me wonder if he's gonna sell his stone i think that will sell stone and wood and buy food to click up to the gas glitch but the cool thing here is guys you can see how much is used in the market now so he will almost click up but jordan has doesn't um jordan has does the jordan has does can't talk without just now picking up jordan has just done an oh my god i can't talk jordan has done an amazing job macroing here as he's already on the way to castleage with a minute advantage on doubt and jordan didn't use the market either so for some reason the idol eco time isn't that big either idle tease the time also in favor of jordan zero guys look at jordan's idol tc time here zero idle teaser time jordan's macro has been on point this uh this game no question about this he's on the way to the castle faster he has had zero idol teaser time and the kd is also way in favor of him so this has been honestly a really impressive uh game from jordan so far a little bit of a micro skirmish here in the center but if jordan knew how big obviously his lead is to get to the castle he might want to just sit on the hill until the castle age is in there third range coming in from doubt here as well jordan's still sticking with the two ranges not sure why he has one archer garrison in each range does he not realize this it's probably something that doesn't really cross his mind he's probably not thinking about it but yeah those ushers should definitely be ungarrisoned and allowed to join the party because two extra crossbow will help a lot okay he's finally realizing send them out and one of them got trapped inside but that's cool so again we have a time window here where jordan can do a lot doubt is about to hit the castle himself again that sold his stone so he cannot build a tower and jordan is about to put the pressure through the palace at wall the strong thing for jordan here as the follow-up is that after they have traded a little bit on the front side here it's gonna be mangunos joining the party see if doubt does uh he did a second lumber camp so no sign of a commitment on ballistics nor a sea workshop well jordan again 76 600 food in the bank as well does jordan have that's a a lot of food indeed he might want to rebound his equal a bit probably too few on gold for jordan right now somewhat of a decent trader for both players i would say great micro by jordan actually a great micro by both players here right where credit is due good micro from both players but now doubt is chasing up the hill ah jordan is getting a really fantastic trade here now doubt had so many more numbers and they're going to come out pretty much even so i think i think jordan indian got a really good trade now the mangano pressure is on the front as well 11 to 9 military so it's about equal but the technology and the position on the map now is very very good for jordan and next thing we're seeing is university university coming up for jordan university coming up for doubt so it's going to be a super intense and aggressive game from both players why ethiopians they're a really good save for empire wars because you start with 100 extra food and 100 extra gold as a save bonus you have completed the tutorial thank you mohit i appreciate that yeah this i mean this is going to be like uh if oh it's still open there ballistics coming in from delto second armor upgrade as well the second one of them make a big mistake in military it's going to snowball out of control nice pickups there from the jordan another two jordan still has zero idol these time guys jordan could idle sell wood sell stone and go to the imperial age don't have zero idol t's a time that's quite impressive but he does have a huge food bank so it also makes sense uh to a certain extent horse caller coming in now for jordan's way second as well second armor pretty coming in he's gonna take the healer and try to take some fights both jordan still doesn't have ballistics they're still getting really good uh pick-offs here one range down for doubt that definitely feeling the pressure let's go and try to do an outpost on the side again jordan is taking a better position getting the better trade-off uh even though he's still lacking ballistics here macro maybe slipping a little bit for jordan here 600 wood in the bank losing some wheels here on the back side as doubt still had two arches there i would like to see a market from jordan another range a town center i would like to see a market to balance the equal a little bit wheelbarrow on the way okay he's now spending all his uh wood indeed still no ballistics though we invested into a university but for some reason he's not doing then ballistics here 50 to 52 villages though without losing another villager it's still still doable for doubt no question about it but jordan is in a better spot for sure another two ranges jordan has deltas lost two ranges so you had to remake two ranges which is quite massive without this had a position here jordan could just go in with two manganos and attack the woodland but he's choosing for the safe damage which is just hitting from afar both the gold and the woodland are exposed well he still has a secondary army in the back so great maneuvering of his military here from jordan just constantly forcing that to react doubt has to chase doubt has to move and idle his economy as magnus are now in but there is a magnet from doubt as well ooh that's gonna get a really good shot there but it'll do a trade one for one and some crossbows as the cross will come in on the woodland again from jordan and another great maneuver here doubts crossbows are chasing cannot find anything yeah good solid micro there from doubt but now it's going to hit on the wood line so he's going to lose a lot of stuff manganese one for one but doubt is losing so many villages on the bottom right there really good work from jordan who has now ballistics as well and doubt is just losing so many villages there there's suddenly 10 11 villagers behind while he is cleaning up this army he still is losing so many villages on the backside and cleaning up the uh army from doubt in the back as well and jordan is on stone second tc is up very very very solid game from jordan i feel like doubt in this case now is forced to go for an all-in-ish type of approach where you have to put a lot of pressure on with manganese punch across for a bunch of magnets but again he's taking a bad trade here although he will clean up this a great micro though again jordan is microwaving out of his mind he will lose his fight though but still very good trade all things considered especially considering that he cleaned up those crossbows on the front now doubt can sit on the hill here he can sit on the hill and kind of stabilize and try to hold but yeah no extra town centers i think doubt can't even consider adding townsends at this point he has to be full one teaser play from uh doubt mangano come in here let's see oh man shot from doubt and the crossbows to finish the job indeed great move from jordan trading one defending his whole crossbow army from the fort menu but he might lose his own manganese at the same time good moves by our princess and yeah suddenly the whole attention is on the center again military count 19 to 19. however there is a magnet out for jordan so doubt cannot really engage there until he gets his own mangano into the fray he has the hill advantage though but there oh it could have been a big magnet shot one big magnus shot here could finish the game off in a moment take a breath dude i'm the rap god man yeah massive villager lead for jordan 13 villagers advantage he still has two magnets as well against one so he has a big big advantage on the technology of his uh military here oh this could be a really okay that did spot it but every move like this oh boy oh boy okay sorry uh it's oh no oh no oh i can see oh uh uh okay let's see what happens oh this feels so tense okay did pick up the mango now good job from doubt he lost the magno there though and he still feels like jordan has a better numbers and jordan is also killing villagers here again 20 village difference now as jordan is adding more ranges just to keep furthering his lead still has two to one manganos the doubt is still playing a very much a catch-up game and it's looking very good for jordan to enter day two of this having a uh lead unexpectedly possibly as well both of them really migrating hard out here but jordan now sitting on the hill getting the mangano getting some decent shots there he has three magnets to zero one mangle is coming in though but yeah it's just looking better and better for jordan every minute not a good shot with the mangano there gordon could possibly send up a little bit of an army to go for a counter attack there is this the last game for today yes it is jordan he's even farming towards doubt that's confidence right there third tc for jordan as well 79 wheels to 55 i don't see how jordan loses this game from this point forward it's it this has been a this has been a really impressive game from jordan no question about it uh i don't play mythology now if there comes an ancient mythology d e i will play it but besides that i probably won't really touch mythology unless there's something special yeah jordan are coming with the raids again build-out villagers are so exposed he's losing three four five six villages goes down without any counter damage and without descending his army to counter attack the issue for him is that jordan has three tc's jordan is safe at home we're approaching a 35 village elite even more potentially here uh jar jar yes this is a really impressive game from jordan no question about it i think they will trade one for one here should delete now the kid that actually missed with the target fire but still managed to do enough splash damage then killed one or two villagers and lost a few crossbows in return jordan should clean that up quite easily once he sends the units there yeah doubt is just desperately looking for damage somewhere but he cannot really find it i think the most impressive part about this game from jordan was the feudal age right doubt used market to buy his way to the castle age jordan was faster a minute faster while just having solid macro uh there was no like market abuse or anything and doubt is open on the bottom so the crossbows can enter one for one magnet there we have another good trade for doubt there but jordan is actually in on the bottom he could go further in which means he can find more and more kills as doubt didn't manage to repair the mangle in time yeah comes in here as well i mean he's getting gonna get cleaned up there by crossbows and yeah this was a really really solid performance without from jordan no question about it very very impressive uh considering the empire wars is was supposed to be doubt's potential strength the red bull champion you know but uh yeah just gotta give it to jordan that was a that was a very very strong display and this ethiopians mirror match and yeah we're going to get the boys on voice again and talk a bit about the last few games and talk to them about expectations for the next matches and tomorrow as well and they both kind of agree that doubt was the favorite as well and here we have it jordan is in the lead last game again very very impressed by the last game here so uh let's go back there wasn't really too much to say about the stats jordan kind of had in everything let's get on voice here kagan sent me some cool graphic now it's a bit hard to okay i i see it looks it looks pretty nice let's have a look i'll show i'll just show it like this and not insert it as a file so this is the dots on the top drawer on the bottom and if you tilt your head you can read the maps as well so doubt won the first two games jordan wanted two next ones then doubt and then jordan won two in a row now there's some fancy graphics here a little bit hard to read but it looks looks nice i like it let's say let's get the boys on voice shall we where's my discord okay there it is voice own voice exactly exactly all right but yeah we have reached the end of the day for for day one of the better man let's go play more stick to the script scroll the script let's go yeah you can guys can play ranked games or something go enjoy yourselves no those doesn't matter exactly oh i didn't know geordie that you can go around on the trap that would help what what check rocky forest at all i i went to the nearly vod and just checked like jordan played mine and then brush opening into fast castle okay i got the plan with mongols in the middle oh you didn't then like yeah okay well you had a better position yeah i was like why is he not what why doesn't he react because i was thinking it's impossible then like i asked you because because i was thinking you passed me between not i think i was like jordan is there passing are you like what i didn't understand like i i just of course we played like whole tournament with this map what are you asking me you were you were saying something with outposts that i was like what is this guy talking about i was not sure how do you end up with the archers there well why didn't you just check the map viper did you check them up for the 30 minute we haven't started playing it yet okay will you check it yes i will all the maps i have to because jordan is on my team yes fair point exactly i don't know what you're trying to say viper but i will say yes indeed all right well i mean day one is over you're not allowed to play more no no no let's go no no no well then you are playing without a prize pool and the event is over then so who cares let's go enjoy yourselves get out of it enjoy it let's go for them why are you still here why you're still here jordan we're going to organize our own event now go ahead go ahead george let's go best of five today that doesn't matter with best of 21 just our own best of five i'm leaving for three though i don't need more yeah but that we played tomorrow continue that so now now we play best of five now we play best of five just our own show much mini one are you guys willing to watch that sponsor because viper sucks who do you think is the sponsor of this don't you maybe maybe not um all right well why are you guys still here then go play or best of five yeah i am just too tilted because of that game and then combined with the last game oh boy what's wrong with the last game man that was just yeah and i didn't finish the whole like i was like okay i'm about to finish my wall let's move out yeah it should not work but you guys moved out at the same time you both hit the guy walling in behind right yeah there was more was more resources where jordan was coming in because your bearers were there but they kind of played out kind of similar for both sides there yeah the problem was i sent the second group of two archers forward as well and they were stuck in the hill as well they were defending i would be okay with i was like okay let's go all over the place for jordan because i feel like he's full of wall it was still a really impressive game from jordan like you used the market to get up as well jordan had like zero idol tc and super smooth transition to castle it was quite impressive i assume you felt good playing that game jordan yes thank you uh yeah for sure everything i did not as i wanted so it was clean and beating the red bull champion on empire wars something even larry beat me in ethiopians were under there on the final he was britain's you were ethiopians well you didn't use my plan correctly i did but then i react again there's the unit all right uh that was the seventh game let's go back so we had rocket forest which was jordan home jordan home map for game six where uh apparently doubt you didn't know the sights didn't keep the map download man but there was game five as well right yeah i know we're going to that we're talking about doubt losses first okay yeah it's fine so uh i mean you've been from mongols there obviously probably heavily encouraged by all the ibex in the center of the map i assume and you got into a really good spot where you were able to take hunt and you had a castle age time minute before him but you decided to go for cave archers don't you think just going crossbow would have been better i didn't understand that move as well if you go for crossbows you mongols coward should fire faster yeah but this is bonus i'm talking about delta that's how he is that's how his brain functions i know i i was so surprised that he went for the ca so doubt the question was directed to you sorry if you read the civilization description you don't read anything special about crossbow but just read something about kelly archers oh what's about them ah they shoot faster oh well okay well then it makes sense well there you go well but real talk don't you think crossbow in the end or in hindsight would have been a better choice now but i know there are openings inside i would go carry out just for sure okay all right fair enough um we opted also for no walls i i guess it's because you but aren't you confused as to why jordan went for full walls because you cannot go around he went full volts every single game why would i be confused by that what you went you went wars on hunt's game i didn't both been welding like all games anyway so yeah yeah that's i'm like okay he's fully world i've been not invested in the walls i invest into middle control gears mongol bonus you know yeah one more i used everything once there okay so i should the game follow-up question after the first time when he came around with crossbows and killed like eight villagers you were tilted so still i am did you ever consider preparing or checking for a second potential time i i asked him oh that yeah well good preparation i was not sure if he passed to me without noticing you know my apm yes i was like you saw my tc spots like i made him to the middle so he cannot pass right i was like okay i'm fully safe that's awesome i was so confused by the tc spots like what is going on here so that's why you place your faces there so yes he has to be safe if at least it was some gold okay that's good so how did you feel when the second wave came yeah then i realized something is off guys can someone clip without reaction please to those weights i want to see yeah what was the important thing okay i also picked rocky forest that early because i felt like maybe thursday or friday he will check it so let's pick it right now makes sense makes sense i did check like youtube on nelly i think when you play why would you check nearly i also well i was casting i put like a german championship and like jordan and they got that okay fair enough he pays man oh it's even prepared well it was too lazy to download the map like there's like 200 maps we only played well it's not my fault nearly didn't check the size of the map oh yeah it was fault yeah i gotcha gotcha screw okay anyway before before that whole uh parody there of that map we had an empire was you applied empire wars to your atacama home map and you picked bulgarians a sieve we tried quite a few times in the past i'm not sure if jordan was part of our preparation for red bull three i don't remember okay were you expecting bulgarians there no i was uh confused really i was surprised i was thinking your practice with us yeah we used that we used it but we didn't yeah yeah yeah yeah you were there i i didn't qualify for this don't even qualify maybe he didn't take too much part in that yeah yeah that's where you practice a lot did you know how we played bulgarian like how it was meant like how that was going to open did you expect that opening i expected the men at arms okay right because you did it once against me if i'm not mistaken on haboob so i kind of expected it i think i defended it well but things fell apart don't know why well doubt invested everything he sent everything to middlewood right and you kept woodlands spread out i think that kind of makes you a little bit vulnerable but yeah yep did you feel like and that did you feel like you meant arms did anything at all did you feel like after that you were fine or was it still i mean part of the plan i was like it felt like it was even cheap it could have been amazing i had the amra attack upgrade i had i didn't grow up in many times and my spearman was like clueless what to do so it could have been a lot a lot better it could be a win game but in the end like i forced a lot of idle damage scout gets map control and prepare to to the scout so i felt like okay it's more or less even but yeah could have been a lot better yeah i mean from that point you got some raids and i think at one point it was like 13 villager kills to zero like in midfield so that was yeah pretty brutal class game yeah and there was at the end there jordan you went for like a super all in push did you expect him to be up to castle when you went for that yeah if you'll push yeah i saw that i saw that he was upping so i knew i'm uh on a timer but uh yeah he defended and killed my army i knew it was over yeah you went for a forward barracks yeah is there a question behind that what was the idea behind that i lost to that guy get the spearmen out asap okay okay i gotcha all right i think we have we have tattoo in our voice here taddy man i see you've been casting you've been casting an espanol or what yes hola amigos hola guapos das do you have any comments or questions or anything you want to throw in there teddy some trash talk well actually i told the viewers to clip that reaction because i was counting the village and it was check his stream because he will say like oh no and then then suddenly i was a bit late and they kept the second reaction i was no no this is not the first one and then i watch i get to capture it again and i see the second i was now this cannot believe yeah how are you gonna check them up man i check on youtube i was thinking it's enough oh yeah disaster yeah really i love it i love it like that game basically cost me two points like the last game was tilted still so you're blaming the previous game on the last game as well no credit whatsoever to jordan's really smooth good play it's easy to play smooth against ai you call yourself ai yes basically i didn't do anything and he was like i'm chilling okay okay i liked it like taro you were saying something before that cut you off at the end what was your thinking out there oh rolling it back all the way to normal yeah no but when you were when you saw that he was like you had no ball and you were like corner what do you decide to add tc's what what is the question is that the question why do you have this instead of like going for like heavy army there try to recover with no gold how do we make without go i could make skirmishes in spearman but i don't think that would work i mean like i think you could have protect your secondary goal that that's to your second goal much better yeah yeah i was a bit like uh wiper said earlier i was selling everything to click up and then tara gets up and i mean come on jordy the timing and the time oh yeah but still i mean the question would can we go ahead yeah a question would be like just to follow up on that normal game like adding theses and bills on wood doesn't really bring you anything right isn't it better to just invest everything to try and get some map control back because else you're losing the game anyway pretty much yes it's better nice good talking okay so easy why do you want to fight with me okay yes you want to fight and you sold your stone as well why not just build a castle with that stone to try and get it it was a mistake you're right i realize now next he admitted it no no the plan was actually to get the eunuch tech and get united he's such a smart player i was aiming for that one yeah gotcha all right well day one is over are you gonna play your best of five now yes okay enjoy uh but day one is over we're gonna head into day two with a fourth release for for jordan jordan how do you feel after day one all together very very happy with the results so far we cannot i knew it was going to be a super super close one and the first day has proved that so yeah let's let's see how the other ones go but i happy for sure how do you feel your play was overall i would say as good as i can play oh hidden cup admiral is here yes this is the best you can do now there's a tomorrow there's a forward berry coming to you oh boy well that was you're laughing but i mean you're behind four three so you're entering the two uh you were the clear favorite right you were expecting an 11-0 i didn't say 11-0 well you said the 11-8 you thought it well i always go for 11-0 it doesn't always work out yeah how are you feeling did you feel like you played well today do you feel like um you are are you fearful of potentially losing the series i'm only fearful of the some ups like islands that they will get me off guard like that freaking normal game with gold you get easily tilted these days i don't know what's wrong with me stage man they say calmness come with age but no no no so maybe i'll say just give him admin win and we go for the next one so i think well it's up to you there's a 50 price reduction for giving admin window oh and caller can we price pool for the quality jordan changed the color there i'm considering yeah yeah that was annoying there was nothing in the rules well suddenly you became purple i didn't like that but okay i don't know why though because i played with uh alt g anyway yeah this is mine so why would you pick purple that didn't make any sense really it's fine we forgive you we're not nearly yeah but the good thing is i have two empire wars maps uh gone already and i made it one one i expected 3-0 so that's that's positive well you have one empire worst map left you don't have to apply empire wars on your home maps yeah that's what i'm saying right three in total and two of them have already been played yeah so oh i just realized that what they should have done oh and they were i was surprised that you did not do that i don't know now i am now i'm preparing for them now you're preparing for the games that are over fantastic now go go and check rocky forest and prepare for that all right well uh we are going to continue tomorrow i think it's a good it was good like we got three and a half hours of gameplay i think it's good to call it a day here for seven games get ready for tomorrow i mean this the result also guarantees guarantees that we're going to have a lot of games on friday as well most likely so i think it was a good good day one yeah another one it's as good as it could be right four three is perfect especially when jordan is in the lead right oh yeah i like that i know one way that it could be better relax tomorrow relax tomorrow don't go 7-0 man i see that would be weak today i really saw it first two games no actually it was really good i have to say even normal game i don't know how i wouldn't watch without gold i actually was surprised by that yeah believe me guys no one was as surprised as i was but nomad is jordan map man yeah no my lover so yeah and then the german cup map like like i feel a bit rigged in this tournament dude you have like four potential empire wars games as the red bull champion if anyone should feel rigged as you is uh jordan totally there is only one clear water map so but we should hide our identities for jordan to hear advantage no but uh no a normal map in islands it's in the map pool two classic maps that have been with us for 20 years that you have played for 20 years and you feel rigged against no no no those i like oh they're like oh yeah yeah yeah it's one map from a tournament norma they like kyle you could have checked the map it's not that hard or two years more you could have checked the map it isn't that hard out i know i was thinking nellie's enough but you'll never trust nil again why would you just trust him to begin with because like it made more sense to see like the map and what jordan likes to do and i saw him playing mayans joshua's castle so i made a good plan actually so like and then you might have given me the errors for not careful archers maybe but there's in the middle okay you should not you should not lost that one for sure a stable and [ __ ] would have been better i had zero farms you had hunt yeah but i don't know if he's going eagles or crossbow i scouted only one i didn't see a single range unit for some time i was uh not sure if it's eagle or not all right well it was a good day one i'll be back tomorrow at 13 gmt continuing on so thank you guys for the games and always being nice and supportive and not trash talking your host i appreciate that thank you for inviting me for making this happen like you're very welcome yeah you're very welcome um yeah we will see you guys tomorrow so have a lovely rest of your evening guys it's always a pleasure talking to you guys i really enjoy it all the time and my teammates we go to war together brothers in arms i appreciate guys thanks for being here i'll see you guys tomorrow we'll be on voice before the day starts and talk about your preparation for tomorrow i assume you guys will spend hours now preparing so uh we're excited for that thank you guys thank you thank you so you can finish the youtube recording i have nearly tonight right as well i need help really tonight what do you mean a tv event with million slime oh when what what time [ __ ] 21 gmt oh i haven't even i have to watch that jordan let's watch together and laugh prepare the popcorn is it streamed i haven't lost you now i want to watch that why do you you hit nearly last time yes guys this is why you guys are so obsessed with nilly what is this because it's dominating that mushroom it's not that much here yes all right well with that said i think we ended for today thank you guys i'll see you around bye-bye see you bye-bye bye-bye all right let's watch the clip guys we have we have it ready oh come on good okay stupid ass map yes the side is open oh my god give me the map i don't know he hasn't only can only blame himself for not checking the map oh come on good okay your yes the side is open okay that's funny give me the map i don't know okay well he has himself to blame i'm not checking them
Channel: TheViper
Views: 49,963
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: lKcWYo5pz2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 50sec (12110 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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