Lords of the Arena Quarter Finals | TheViper POV

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okay so it's uh it's the quarterfinals of the lords of the arena you can see the banner below the stream is hosted by drakken hosted by drakken tv uh quarterfinals are best of fives so i'll be playing madre here i'll also show you guys the bracket uh actually an upset already or two i'll show let's have a quick look at the brackets here you can see that accm lost to running running the semifinalist or runner-up then why did not use that joke for the tournament um running a runner-up for the german championship and we had dracon actually beating tattoo 3-2 i'd say that's a little bit of an upset so we are playing as madre and we have doubt against john slow on the other side as there's a draft here i'm guessed [Music] let's just pull full screen here while we're drafting so i am on the right side he's in the left okay he bans britain's uh what i want to bring uh no c sees the band by the way so everything is available let's ban burmese [Music] okay again coming into tier two what's this this is the steel right yeah there's a steel so at the end of the draft today like after the draft is done oh i'm banning again oh byzantines after where it's actually going to be a steal so i will be able to steal a save from his side and he will steal from my side side which is pretty interesting you see a delay for his stream it shouldn't be [Music] let me get over here a lot of subs coming in we had taiwan hong with the 30 months squeaker with the nine i love rezno with 22 months mem with eight months westchief 85 with nine panth eleven twenty eight oh two with the nine silent mishra with nine months as well manifold with the five kagan coming up to tier two in the six months and then torelli's here with 30 months in the end there thank you very much guys appreciate that kagan thanks for extra tier why not 1080p there should be 1080p unless i've done something wrong again which i shouldn't have have i streaming no it should be 1080p right i should probably pick sieves there's 1080p okay good okay um this is i don't want to go to uh i have five seconds uh ooh let's finish i guess sicilians are there i'm not sure how good they are in arena though where's jordan i don't know which bear things for nine months uh coastal air has not been patched out yet but or fixed but um [Music] uh but yeah digo rocco thanks for nine months they are not banned everything is available in this in this matchup talent but no farm things for nine months i need to actually get my head in the game here to pick good sims we have burgundy ghosts for burgundians italians oh we're going to have good gunpowder italians had the ballistic university change besides that not much else i think i'll go for ethiopians maybe titans actually i don't like ah where did i go tootin's now he can actually snipe it that's bad than me i allow him to snipe tutors now forgotten thanks for nine months yeah i should have just left putin's there so he would have picked it and i could have sniped it from him right now i just chose as he can snipe it yeah not snipe steel sorry steal it you can steal burgundians though i don't really want bragandians yeah i imagine he will steal tutans what do i steal from him would be the question but that luggage you shouldn't pick any strong steps you shouldn't pick at least the sieves you want i would say that's the main thing [Music] i do sicilians as well give him the choice where he has to decide what to snipe you could also snipe lithuanians slavs are still free spanish are free italians are free a lot of good still civ's ghost left it's the best of five italians are very strong on arenas i think portuguese a little bit slow on that one again i'm pretty sure he's he steals tootin's here i'm thinking about stealing malay maybe frank's [Music] i'll steal malay tutus bye bye there we go so he has students now i have malay in my drafts i have malay slavs sicilians ethiopians vietnamese and lithuanians miles cox thanks for that 22 months [Music] what's that sign even wait this is a is this like a wolf chasing a horse or something i don't know what i'm supposed to see there um okay i'm looking at my draft am i happy with it i don't like that i gave twothens like i said newton's counter almost every seal i have kelsey franks i'm are good as well all right oh good we wing it anyway i think what sift i want to start but i think i might even start with sicilians throw in a bit of a curveball there and see how they do yeah i don't know what to expect from them so uh i don't really know how they will play out in arena either i don't think they're necessarily a great sib but we decided to try them out i think that ship has sailed any tips on how to get your hands on a 3000 graphics card are they not in stock [Music] feels weird to play i'm such a caster now i want to see okay i should not delete walls there i have one gold outside we have well otherwise it's a pretty decent map what's 70 again franks [Music] hello i'm a big fan of my woodlands but it's what it is is it okay to play broken seven tourney yeah they are all saves are allowed i don't think bragandans will be or are broken yeah one unit that is ridiculous at the moment but besides that i don't think they're broken could you explain why the meta is built in two houses instead of three houses at the beginning because if you build three houses with one villager each you will have a time window where you're actually a population capped well if you have two villagers building one house you will never have a situation where you actually cannot produce the next unit so it's just like small efficiency saving a few seconds might drop a house there and delete these walls did that make sense [Music] so what bill do i even go for here i guess i guess i don't take less counter less conversion from monks just because i have the counter sicilian steam bonus thing i guess that's not how it works frank's very good arena for sure very hard to play against [Music] i'm still not actually sure how this is how i should play sicilians i wonder if just going full sergeants might be the player interesting let me know if sound volumes are fine i might have to do some slight adjustments since after the casting weakens is my chat dead do i just not have viewers or is is my stream is twitch actually down i don't actually know there's no movement in my twitch chat maybe it might be broken you guys don't want to talk or station my end now i see a test dead no dead just frozen i am i'm stuck at like connecting to chat i'm not sure if it's a twitch issue or not but either way we'll uh look into that after the game chat is dead now we're back i think we're back right but my overlay might be messed up now over they won't detect if we are fixed was that twitch [Applause] no what's your overlay i mean overlay is frozen but i just now was able to connect again to uh oh the sieve thing i always that there just now i was able to connect to my chat again okay now we're back on stream as well okay that was weird weird weird weird okay we'll survive uh goose thanks for six months edge in audio thanks for three four 200 places 69 with uh nine months [Music] uh one cynical senpai thank you very much for the tier two sub and the five months everybody can you appreciate that a lot [Music] uh yeah for eu thanks for 33 and ocrs thanks for eight months if a unit is not working as antenna wouldn't it be considered broken yes so the unit of regards is broken but the civilization itself isn't necessarily broken right there are people pointing out that the sieve is broken which i don't think it is i just think that unit is broken as previously pointed out legend park things were nine was in the program today well we're playing a quarter fans of a tournament here you kick it off at least and we'll take it from there actually have a decent monastery with sicilians if i remember correctly never mind they're it could have been decent [Music] obliteration thanks for the crime it's the burgundians who actually have a decent [Applause] first relic spotted yo reagan low coming in with the five gift subs to the channel thank you so much breaking ball [Music] great canada [Music] experiment fight going to get involved with my scout here hope that he doesn't but he did [Music] let me make scouts if i go for night here be the question [Music] i'm gonna let him poke me once i think i do have the ceilings right so my my scouts do take less damage from piss see some paper oh there is that like my scouts should take less damage from this sound experiment guys i only see one relic you might even sneak in blacksmiths [Music] it's a big ass investment it's really hard to compete for middle against franks but i mean we're gonna have to try at least at the minimum to force him to keep investing up there i mean i have the let's see how little damage we take there [Applause] looks like a pretty decent fight for us so far have a feeling we got out okay there got one relic so far i really need to heal up my life together and my units for that matter but the issue for me right now is more that i don't i don't have vision of a relics at most i can maybe compete for two here that's a lot of spin i don't think i don't think i will make more units now i don't think it's worth it anymore [Applause] i cannot compete for that one you'll be all about this middle [Music] because you will get the others at this stage that's pretty much confirmed so we'll have a he will have one relic advantage not sure about economy advantage though [Music] [Music] this bonus relic damage is actually pretty neat i mean the counter damage we won that fight easily oh there's one more relic oh my god i'm actually gonna get the relic advantage i feel like he invested way more bonus relic damage okay what i'm trying to say is counter damage against pikeman or extra bonus damn bonus damage resistance on land units okay you satisfied i think that's what i'm trying to say hey i'm trying to talk and play at the same time okay could be some slack bonus damage resistance okay i assume that will be the last really available on the map i still feel like he definitely invested more on that than us [Music] i will get the relic away so it's not really that's actually a big deal at this point these mark these units are irrelevant i would say might lose the fight though overall snipe him come on okay so how do we approach this now um i'm gonna go full sergeant i think i don't know how they do against for example i don't know how they do against throwing axles for example how do we do have albedo as well bonjour siege ram okay not too bad not too bad [Music] i feel like i invested so little compared to what i could have for that matter rather country to me to to him now we don't want to have any forward castles happening that's for sure i think we clicked up before him here [Music] what [Music] yet [Music] don't like this house timing here i'm just making some more light cam now in order to like ensure that he doesn't move out i don't want him to be able to move out i want him to stay in his base don't mind showing upgrades either on my on my live cab okay there's the five town centers double check actually don't have bomber cannon [Music] okay how to play the sim now honestly have no clue i want to apply pressure in this region because he has stone and gold there while i sort of keep one pike [Music] and we take a really little damage there [Music] what to convert that [Music] gonna need some houses here because the first crusade is about to strike in a little i bit it makes sense to go online as well for me nah first crusade boys let's go lead sergeants are almost there you want to go straight for his castle here i think as well is that's not a good way for you to fight [Music] guess i tried to fight here thank you should definitely be a good counter man these targets are slow okay i'm actually queen of i'm not feel my units aren't producing there's a waste of trebuchets [Music] okay that's not great this unit not overly impressed with the power spike of the start i mean canary is natural counter so that makes sense [Music] what's wrong here food costs so so i wasted a lot of trebuchets as well i need to get farms that'll be the main thing missing here for me more is i can still do some siege on the shenanigans okay one dungeon [Music] you're spending quite some time on taking out even these [Music] but i i will definitely need to add some other unit though down the road the texture is very limited as the game goes on is [Music] i think we're trading well still all things considered [Music] guess you counter castle drops with donjon why do i still have sergeants there they were in this equal as well rating looks pretty solid all things considered but it was definitely strange definitely plays out very strange i could build dungeons with my units as well here but i think they should yes they are elite sergeants i'm not even sure if he has noticed that i'm writing him just know what i'm seeing here like he's losing a lot of use in the back of space the stage is something i could consider he still hasn't noticed has he what is this dude i'm raiding with an orange back your base lingerie and under the underrate is strong boys i mean i guess i can also make sperms and it's not going to be bad [Music] whoa whoa whoa no villagers why are you guys [Music] okay trap down yeah it looks looks pretty solid still i still have a lot of i could even should i just try like if i make prepare like three trips i can try to force the issue because my castle drops happen so fast like i build the castle so fast that i'm planning out to like drop a ford castle so i'll make it so that i have let's say oh you know what if i can rage with sergeants i can actually i can actually what am i trying to say here i can actually build dungeons in his base that's what i'm trying to say boom big one do i also repair my castles at the same speed by the way i don't know okay so repairing is also still slow [Music] get my laundry there to open up this area to raid shooting micro there trying to get a shot in those not a good shot my theory now is that if i can raid with dungeons i can also start you made a siege shower as well copycat i can also start um building don jones in his space pretty much that's what i kind of want to try to do okay good damage good damage i'll dungeon build dungeons okay let's do this so i'm gonna go for that and that cast is gonna go up in no time guys i promise you [Music] look look at this castle he cannot deny that no chance no chance it already up dude crazy okay we will finish that one i have so much gold still holy cow i did lose the trap so the follow-up wasn't really as strong as i wanted it to be still good i also still have this upgrade scootage [Music] where i can what's it called where i can get like that 15 is it 15 gold per uh html 15 gold per military unit that i own if i managed to like time that as having 80 military units still pretty decent uh he show hisherrow he hi thanks for prime beer funky things for eight months dark crazy things for the prime sunset bro keology thanks for three years all the og's remember top of this tc the antenna things for two years with the new changes scouting and map vision has become super important so i've been using outpost a lot more and it helps make up for not being the best of scouting that's awesome to hear that's certainly how it should be wait see i was even able to place a [Music] don john here on his farm because i didn't have the arena and what strategy would you use on canoe thanks for six months man of thrust ninja nine [Music] coming with 800 bits here uh britain great britain's on arena and what strategy would you use uh the strategy very much depends on who you're playing against what no please no i don't want that strategy will depend a lot on what civ you're playing against but i rate them among the top like top tier they're really really good on an arena usually you'll end up going for some sort of so a lot of people like to rush up the 5tc and rush first crusade but what but just making it an imperial age transition rather it's still 50 units for free and you do get that like it still get going really nicely disable that mod absolutely will do this is the draft he lost with franks i won with sicilians what do you go for next aztecs can be super scary i mean i have malay yes two things portuguese students let's go for what do you feel like hopefully if the opens dave wood blue thanks for 10 months nerve damage thanks for the three where's the clown outfit saving for the final actually i was looking for a hair the other day i couldn't find the hair wig or the wig but the nose and the should be around hour now things for seven months and i actually was my room was fairly warm earlier today so i turned off the heating and now i realize how freaking cold it has become it's just turning off the heating is when you are too off please uh portuguese is unfortunately not one of my picks so i cannot play them it opens against aztecs i think we got a pretty good draw there if the open should be fairly solid question is just how do i play castleage bro you're doing a fine job thank you beccos much appreciated five months there on you no you count a norwegian guy and you ask him if he's a swede you have any idea how of offending that is [Applause] but anyway the chat is gone again wait what oh i'm on the wrong scene it makes a lot of sense it's not only chat everything is gone that was not just chat over there it was the whole hole everything is gone never turn off hitting low rate if needed yeah makes sense makes sense [Music] let's find out if i shouldn't be able to delete those so what i go for as ethiopians what do i expect from him do i just go through tc give him the relics and go for like a i hope i can win with the army i have so long term i'm probably lost but can my army win before relics become an issue would be the question if i could even go for fairly fast open i mean this one look very close i could maybe snag that it feels weird but it would feel weird to not to come to not contest the relics against aztecs so i think i'm gonna have to do that two relics fair look like if i get to here's five euronians as a replacement for wasting my twitch prime on another streamer sorry for i have sinned glh i'll never forgive you dude but uh thank you very much for the five euro you don't have to do that feel free to subscribe to whoever you want to everyone there's a lot of good and worthy streamers out there so you have to apologize oh you're joking but still some people might believe that's the case just remember guys you don't have to apologize for subscribing with your prime to someone else i mean i will ban you from a channel and you're not really welcome here but you don't have to apologize right just taking it a little far okay [Music] should be pretty fair okay too like am i satisfied if i just get those two relics in which case i could go for i might even just go without any military units his eagles there ship thanks for the 27 long months i'm very indecisive right in my mind right now in my mind on how to play this [Music] i'm thinking as well he might expect me to do the fast fuel age that a fast castle ethiopian can do which means he might with that in mind just go straight for monastery and no military units which again would allow me like he thinks he might be able to pick up the relics without investing into military units which again means if i go for a stable suddenly i might be able to get all the relics so there's some mind games going on there at the same time i feel like that's unlikely is there is it even an option to go castle drop shuttles and castles and fight for the relics with shuttles you have so much damage output you own eagles that's actually a very interesting idea i must say i don't think it's better than it should be better options rather the thing is if he didn't doesn't invest in the relics suddenly you invested a castle and shuttle warriors and you came out of it with just the relics to show for just the relics to chauffeur is this a good matchup for shuttles in general for sure i'm probably going to spend all the way into the castle to decide my approach here just so you guys are aware then again he's an arena clown as well right maybe just goes for full out moncrush but then again if i take stone early enough you have a forward stone i should be able to castle defense last time i played him in the show match he was incased and he went for the full eagle play and my castle defense alone was enough i think i'm making one villager too man here okay thanks for the four months lsr things for itchy sweatpants thank you for the two months as well i'm still loyal daddy viper cray guys i'm awesome thank you very much get in there you can do it the new dog likes to pee inside he lifted up his foot twice as if he wanted to pee inside but luckily we he was in our vision so we spotted that immediately so no harm no foul so far why did not pick khmer they're not really that great in arena due to missing uh bomber cannon but awkward in that face of the game that's about 24 pop from him turning into an arena clown i've always been an arena clown up at heart that deep down three relics in the center potentially ready to be picked up here [Music] yeah we'll do one scout see if i can actually should see more there should be one relic in this area maybe there and the hell is the best arena yes [Applause] absolutely give the divine divine asia tv sorry for butchering your name but thank you for the host this is in a three things in a tree thanks for 11 months well both two remaining relics are quite unfortunately placed for my taste try scout his walls [Music] see if we can see something cool see i should go here because he knows these two relics are there so we might have a monastery double eagle so he's doing something let me check the market stone has not been sold spearman as well okay he's investing heavily don't like that i was hoping he wouldn't go that hard since i'm personally going quite hard [Music] don't see any relics picked up yet he's a guy that also likes to go for the forward relics first his army really isn't that scary if i get one or two more knights out okay there's one little picked up he's splitting up i can actually kill this then i think that's a mistake for [Music] him see if he has a monk on the outside here i did grab that one i might have to [Music] surrender the third relative [Music] i'm gonna pick up that one with catch [Music] not the path thing we wanted from you okay i still think my arm is actually stronger than this right now [Music] what what oh that's so unfortunate okay well i will have to be happy with [Music] three uh two relics here in the end [Music] [Music] hello from youtube hello from twitch how's it going how does he play late game here is it monk how does he play like him here feels like viper is winning i'm not so sure i am fairly satisfied with the other traits i've had here at the same definitely time been better and i got a really bad luck on one of the engagements with the scouts or not luck that's not the right term i pulled my villagers away too soon where we were fighting vision in case he was so aggressive is that he has monks that can convert them but it is of course very micro intensive so i wouldn't rule it out either i wanted to put a forward building up confirmed it's expensive though very expensive technology okay i don't think i want to do the four building i changed my opinion today it was a an outpost he wanted to drop i think i want to click up oh oh [Music] become yellow thank you it's a very lonely monk see if i can get the conversion off i probably won't there's too much hp and two monks otherwise behind but i'll take that trade still [Music] then i'm going to open a few ranges go for our blust an opening to take some map control hopefully at least and then transition to shuffles potentially as a follower that's the plan i foresee right now i think i'm actually way ahead of him into imperial age as well surprisingly which means i might be able to get a forward castle going here as well actually surprised by how far ahead it seems we might be okay he's going for a long play seems like this resource to the top there's also resources to the bottoms i kind of don't want to mess with that i kind of want to maybe fight on both sides i'm actually gonna just get a castle up there and trap down his production should be very annoying for him to deal with uh [Music] i should work in this production actually i'll change my mind here should be a safer choice i'll see as well how many monks you commit to jaguars let's see how many monks he actually commented on and decide where i do heresy and such a counter monk upgrades so to say jaguars that is compensation [Music] still very good trade for us no doubt about that his production is gone he doesn't have any updates on castles i can even arrange his trebuchet with our blast and now is a good time to switch the focus to his castle thanks to fire from the castle that was pretty sweet okay what do you do from here do i go for some engines i'll go elite shuttles most part we have a full control of this region [Music] again i'm kind of indecisive now in terms [Music] i'm doing everything hey what is wrong he does have one extra relic than us not elite jaguars yet which um makes you more resistant to conversions it might be coming in a wrong time though as i killed almost all his monks i just invested like 2 000 gold into something i might not even need but then again i'll drop siege and do let's do some target fire here oh i didn't know we had a unit behind there it's going actually full see john here just surprised me [Music] you must admit but he doesn't have any monks anymore there's some monks behind there oh i'm not watching that's ugly hmm i might lose this position actually it doesn't have elite jaguars though maybe torsion engines is my best player at the moment i'm gonna run this [Music] need to decide on like actually committing a conversation upgrade everything now and i don't have anything feels bad man he's actually saving i think he wants a monk to convert here give me a shot in a shot there we go let's see forgot anything [Music] another castle about to go down i don't like it i think i may have thrown this game honestly should still be okay but um by not commanding a comp on a composition i also gave him a chance to make a composition that makes sense now i'm just stuck in this indecisive land of indecisiveness he has elite jaguars now as well i think i need to see if we can sneak back on there i have torson engines now so there's that that could be quite juicy going forward yeah i think i think we're trading well enough here no matter what all the oranges are gone he doesn't have many monks now i have herbalists [Music] should be fine this keeps moving forward why dude you're running into what what's this i'm stopping workshops take this i can't believe how many upgrades i did i mean to be fair all the upgrades i did is also kind of what it's making me feel comfortable even now because i i can choose any tech i need at any point i need it right i didn't have all the upgrades i did i probably wouldn't oh [Music] i'm actually not going to commit here it's more of a debate the first volume split the second goal in i will lose my castle here but i should be able to trade off his like a lot of his army should be a good one um i still clean his whole army by doing this so game is still a very good trade for me unique is did you get that cast as well so i can also rate this gold which is probably mined out anyway at [Music] he's moving forward army as if he dude you don't have army to move forward with your trips what are you doing this is so painful for him what like he's moving forward as if he's about to go and kill me right he doesn't have the army good i still have two i have two bombs kind of on the bottom which i don't know if you guys noticed but i'm shooting at this stuff another one down no no no one got through one got through no okay one down okay could have been worse not my traps what my traps live still playing a little bit with fire here but you know it's all good not ideal [Music] he's making a very cheap army though to defer [Music] i have to be careful one messed up could cause there's a lot of dead units ah not like this it's time to mix in skirmishers but this is we're reaching a point where i could suddenly think about adding olives now he does have a relic advantage but i think we have had enough of map control to take all the extra resources and i think his gold is running out he did use the whole market as well so it does have that quantum point but yeah again like just this now what i'm doing now is i'm working with production and him losing all that production is going to be really painful frame as well let's remake everything i already have thorson engines the way i lose this game is by running into really bad laundry shots [Music] that's kind of what we're playing to avoid at any cost oh i don't have too much population he doesn't even that makes me more confident he's about to overchop there ain't eight is six more trees upgrades are also left on the skirmishers if i saw that correctly that doesn't have all the armor upgrades i kind of want to try and break there let's huge tower shuffles for the win see about that one it's just a palace at walter breaking and oh here we go ah there's longer there oh i'm actually going to benefit from not taking out these uh i took out the range he was pretty much sitting there with engines baby oh the torso engines baby [Music] he's losing like all his pikemen to just vomit cannon all right let's go the trip the monastery is also exposed that does excite me deadly army in the end that we came a little bit awkward though i must say the way the way i attacked into everything but then i didn't really make anything kind of yeah it became a little bit awkward man i mean those are three relics right i did keep enough map control to the point where i could take all the extra resources i think he um he made a really good composition but he was also quite wasteful i must say in certain engagements engines baby indeed [Music] hello what's up where's my phone i'll do it um please go through the game quickly hustlers aren't the best for it opens you missed the last armor you have a really good good military composition oh we unlocked it again another one nice eddy quite good in our favor in the end gold he had more but he used the whole market i didn't actually use the market much what's wrong jay yeah can you guys see him if i put you on camera no i can't he's afraid to be lifted up is spam allowed her i am surprised like how that we were up two minutes faster than to imperial edge at timing it feels weird to me that i do have that much of a lead but i look at the ablation difference there look like i did a solid eco certainly a tricky tricky match in the end because he he did go for probably the best composition you can make against um i guess if he opens with aztecs then it's all about micro and such i'm not sure who what save i should go for next i have malay i have slavs lithuanians and vietnamese four pretty good serves he has teutons portuguese burgundians celts i'm pretty sure he will go tewton's here because you will want to um it's probably his best bet for a win now i'm not really worried about celts with any of my sieves i have a thing slaps i feel good about almost everything malay i'll probably go i don't know yet i have to do something quickly guys i have to do something quickly what do you think about malians and arena actually very good arena set but they struggle a bit when it gets to post post imperial age right late late game is where they might struggle what am i going for here i think i'm going malay [Music] uh vanna teal thanks for the four months did you see nell's unlucky poker video that's a long many many years ago but yeah of course i've seen it and new egg thanks for seven months we got his prediction or his civ predicted right so against tutans i might do something really cheeky here i think it will work maybe we'll find out it's not like oh my god amazeball strategy right but it could considering his playstyle i think it could work out pretty well math kills people things for seven months melee masterpiece incoming yeah we'll see i'm actually thinking to just ignore the relics drop three tc immediately build up to like 60 villagers and then go to imp and go our bliss something along those lines arbales bomber cannon try to take map control put pressure on him maybe drop a forward castle he likes to play stable fight for relics and then he would transition that to a very strong post imperial age where you make plays habitat omg and then even potentially cavalier the game goes on team game masterpieces is coming anytime soon left time was amazing are you talking about the siege tower drill plutonic knight shenanigans we pulled that was pretty good but it always depends what's available right if there is a good team game around i don't hesitate playing team games the way you analyze you are potentially a really good chess player what do you mean potentially i am already a fantastic chess player like 1400 elo on chess.com like are you kidding me that was a close one mother is by the way one of the like he's one of the best arena players for sure like one of the best clowns just so i don't see anyone throwing any beds words that direction what time controls all of them actually i haven't played chess in a while i don't even know what my what my chest hero will be right now i was hoping i might be able to play in one of these pog champ tournaments one of these days who knows maybe down the road mother is not too bad in arabi either i don't really have i haven't really played with him on the other maps then arena i can't really say but will you surprise me if he is pretty good there as well just wait for the deer to come walking by actually i played more on leeches when i played chess as well i didn't really use chess.com because i don't play it on each s i liked it better pretty much felt better smoother what's with the circle before the boar what's with the circle before the boar what i don't know what you mean sorry i can't watch right now would it be possible you lose so i can watch next game i mean he's playing students i have won a really bestives arena in arena as well with malay but students are really really good so i might not need to help him in this victory just so that's clear what happened to your fantasy hat did you bring it to germany i actually don't remember i thought i did but at the same time i haven't really seen it anywhere here so there's a chance i don't have it here see a scout i might try to engage foreign we're all fantasy hats i think i'm going to try my strategy here where i don't really compete for for relics rather try to win the game with an early imprison take back my control get position on him and then maybe maybe [Music] maybe even get his relics if i got a four castle and like bomber cannons are blessed and there's a chance i could actually even take out his [Music] i might fight there i'm willing to take the risk here because i'm not committing on the middle right anyway so i might as well take a risk why are my leg in arena you have an amazing economy and we won the scout war as well so the risk paid off yeah you get off to a really good start you advance to the next age 80 faster or is it 66 now 66 faster and you can use that to get a great economy lead okay i'm expecting stable from him pretty much immediately stable and he should have a scout out on the map again very soon but regardless this force is another reaction from him right even if he wasn't intending on making a scout he now definitely will feel like he should because of the food thank you because he doesn't have any more control all of a sudden thank you let's send a scout back because you will not last long when the new scout comes out and you loom donny i know how to play this game look do you see this market donnie it's all the way in the back i've changed oh there's the scout the meta is no longer ford markets it's now backwards markets whenever i see your stream these days you're just dying on what's it called the hard game demon demon souls i was not ready now to drop my uh stop my farms that was bad dark souls that's that's i actually have to analyze my map a little bit here gold i mean that's the one in the back i should be finer either way it should be good second time against mother the other time we played was just a show match now we're playing a lords of the arena tournament it's what it's called uh awesome one goal is enough i'm not making any goldenness right so i'm not really in need of or anything i think he won't over invest here right either right i mean he made a stable that's about it he shouldn't be too far down economically the whole game now depends pretty much on how much i can do with my fasting privilege can i do enough rather with the fasting privilege [Music] not sure if that's a compliment or not honestly but thank you you got a relic i know you will get all of them it's part of the plan you might say so for six wheels i'm doing wheelbarrow i think i will idle and do hand cut right away not yet i need more transition to go as well imagine they messed up the settings again and left the victory religion it would if that happens usually we just play on and if it ever gets to the point where the relevant win might happen the guy who has the relics just drops them out of his monastery or like one relic out quickly and puts it back in again to reset the counter roughly 30 farmers and not long nothing of what i will do here is going to be a secret to him as soon as i show my buildings i also will build my buildings here i don't really care that mine that is in range that is in this vision because i need my production units to move forward and the question is how fast can you react yeah i'm gonna stop making wheels now actually and then we're gonna think about imperial edge [Music] [Music] not a big fan of this i'm gonna be imp and i'm not gonna have any buildings to show for i think i may have even made too many forms surprised he doesn't have his monks forward it would be perfect perfect for him to be annoying and convert here under the hidden cup qualifier start [Music] might be next week i actually don't know let's move out see if he has anything here foreign priority changed i think maybe even the siege tower here could have been great so he did adapt and he idled his own economy to get up faster not sure how the situation is done i think he's walling as well to be ready for a siege tower certainly looks like it still don't really need it yet what do you look at when you stop making villes and go to him i don't really look at anything it's just this this time it was part of my strategy i didn't really look at anything he did translations right off the bat interesting decision and for me i will just use bomber cannons to find fight trips and maybe keep applying pressure on his base just a relics can i justify not switching to pikes i don't think so i might honestly run in and snipe my my trebuchet is here as well dead i don't think we're dead i think it's a very close games though has to be a little everywhere that we put this one in here and separate me foreign his castle is gone which means my bomb can can certainly go forward he's not even finishing my castle oh my god that's amazing for me this is looking really good now just like that that must have been a misclick from him honestly there's no way he should not finish that castle [Music] not in a million were worlds should we let that castle stand the relics are out oh it's actually making stuff down there i don't like when he makes stuff he definitely stretch his eco trying to counter this right so he definitely suffered economically in order to defend this yeah i think he okay so if i want to explain my theory on how i think he wins this game right now he's just so much in the back like corner in the back of his base yeah he lost the relics he's not taking gold anymore i mean he does have a gold there but still he has no no space and everything got so slow down but i think he should have done i think the initial reaction was good but i think he needs to one second let me just update the score i think he needs to those seven eight cavalieri had here that killed my seed workshop those have to run in and dive on my trebuchets right if he um he rushed crenellations in order to be able to deal with my bomber cannons which weren't really the threat but if he dives in my trebuchets and manages to take my castle out suddenly he's fine i think but still late game i think cavalier is probably never going to be a great upgrade because malaysia switching to alberta is right let me compare the timeliner well ahead i mean we have a villager lead all the way through there and then as soon as he realizes that we are going imp it seems like he stops producing villagers himself so we do catch up or probably quite equal in economy even here and then we have more bills well that went that worked out pretty well according to plan so i cannot complain about that we can have a quick look at the brackets here if you if you'd like oh something i want to share as well so before we started in the lords of the arena discord tattoo left and accm left because they're out of the tournament and then doubt comets the viper left the group in three hours which is like right before my set started so let's go down he's on the other side of the bracket let's see here so this is the bracket we have at the moment so as we saw earlier accm lost to running here running who came second in the german championship as we know running is very good on arena so we're not it's not really an upset but accm definitely on general term viewed higher doubt against john slow is probably happening tomorrow today i don't even know when that's happening but it will be happening one of these days because i think the finals are played this weekend i'm not mistaken i would have to actually check that uh i beat madrid now so i'm through where i will be facing dragon who beat tattoo interestingly enough oh they're playing in an hour okay maybe we maybe watch that we'll have a look but yeah so that'll be a draken and we're going to face drakken in the next round should be fun um yeah that'll be it for for lords of arena for today at least on my end we might cast out later
Channel: TheViper
Views: 39,948
Rating: 4.9413919 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: YGcaotdMKvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 55sec (6175 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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