Collect Calls | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is bishop dale brother thank you so much for joining our youtube channel today if this is a blessing to you i want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notification hit that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro atlanta area on a sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8 30 a.m 11 a.m or 6 o'clock p.m our scriptural text today comes from jeremiah chapter 33 verse one through three in the new international version of scripture notice while jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard the word of the lord came to him a second time this is what the lord says he who made the earth and the lord who formed it and established it the lord is his name call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know want to talk today simply from the subject collect calls collect calls some of you are old enough to remember collect calls when you had folks that lived in another city another state that reached out to you and the operator would say that i have a collect call from so and so will you accept the charges and that we would have to accept the charges in order to have a conversation and uh i remember over the years receiving collect calls from so many uh inmates that were incarcerated and they didn't have the money and they would call out from the prison and call friends and relatives and they would have to go through that same thing i have a collect call from so and so would you accept the charges and you had to accept the charges and here god is is telling jeremiah jeremiah call unto me and i will answer you he's like i'm going to accept the charges and one of the reasons that we understand this is because at this particular point jeremiah was incarcerated he's in prison he's he's in prison for for for doing what's right for speaking truth to power now he's incarcerated and he's in the prison and and god speaks to him and said listen jeremiah call to me and i will answer you and i'll show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know i'm going to open up some things just just talk to me call me call me call me it was one of god's special ways i think of saying that you know you have the privilege of prayer and though you may not have anything if you'll call me i'll cover all of the charges i think that jesus uh covers those same charges for us because romans 10 13 says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved if we just call on his name and jesus paid all of the charges it doesn't cost you anything to be able to call the name of the lord and then you will be saved it's the greek word they're so so saved delivered healed set free she delivers us just from a call if you just call him then he'll he'll reach out and he'll respond to us in kind with grace and he says i'll accept all of the charges he took all of the blame on him she paid the price for us that's why we are bought with the price this is just call me i've already i've already paid for it it's no cost to you just call me just call me he's just letting you know there's a collect call and everybody has the same privilege of jeremiah 33 3 call unto me and i will answer and i will show you great things unsearchable things that you do not know because god is omniscient and there is so much that we don't know and so much that we don't understand and he's trying to bring us into a place and it's interesting here that while jeremiah is locked up in prison it reminds us of this truth that people may be able to shut you in but they cannot shut god out they can shut you in but they cannot shut god out where can you go where god does not have access where where where i mean the psalmist asked this same question in psalm 139 notices in verse 7-12 where can i go from your spirit or where can i flee from your presence he says if i ascended to heaven you're there if i make my bed in hell behold you're there god says you can't go too high the way i can't reach it you never go too low to where i cannot reach you and then notice he says if i make my bed in hell you're there if i take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me and and he says if i say surely the darkness shall fall on me even the night shall be light about me indeed the darkness shall not hide you uh hide from you it says because the night shines as the day in the darkness as the light they are both alike to you he says where are you going to go where god has no access god is just saying call me call me you know why because prayer is our ultimate wireless connection and one of the beautiful things about it you ever know how you go into some area sometimes you put into a neighborhood you get by some water come by but some mountains or something and you know then how your bars will drop down to like one bar and your reception is very very poor god says there's absolutely no place that you can go to where you won't have connectivity you will have high fidelity in sound he says just call me call me prayer is our wireless connection with god where you'll never get out of range where it'll say out of service or no service you'll always have service with god god says you cannot go too deep and you can't get too high to where you'll never have a service of where i can't hear you if you'll call me he said i will answer i will answer and i love how the bible says it in psalms chapter 42 and verse 7 deep calls unto deep deep calls unto deep and i don't think that our human deepness is the same as the deepness of god i think that when we're talking about deep as it relates to human beings we're talking about depth in proportion to height you know how you can get down how you can get involved in some things in this world and you can say i'm down today we can be down in the dumps down in our spirits so there's sometimes that we have deep disappointments deep depression deep pain deep sickness we we can have just deep uh situation deep failures deep insecurities we can have a lot of deep things but it is out of the depth of our pain that we cry out to the depths of the resources of heaven the god who has everything it is deep the depth in us the depth of our depression the depth of our sickness the depth of our disappointment the depth of our frustration the depth of our anxiety and out of the deepness of where we feel like we're in a deep hole deep calls unto deep unto the the powers that are deep in god not deep in in in god from a sense of just height but deep in terms of not shallow that there's a depth in god that never runs out deep calls on the deep my deep need calls under his deep supply it is my deep fear that calls under his deep love it is my my deep insecurity that cries out to god to his deep safety there is a depth in god the depth of our need reaches out to the depth of his supply and so there is a there's a connection there the deep calls on the deep deep calls on the deep and that's why god says just call me call me he says i've got the charges call me if you're in deep pain if you're in deep isolation if you're in deep confusion if you're in deep bondage if you're in deep addictions god says call me i've got deep deliverance i've got deep joy i've got deep love i've got deep grace not cheap grace deep grace god has a depth in him he carries a supply that never runs dry you can never bankrupt god's patience you cannot bring god into a place where he runs out of love his love is everlasting god has a deep reservoir so whatever we have deep needy and god has deep supply he's deep in it he's he's deep he's deep in time he's eternal god has nothing but time on his hands so whenever you feel like you're in deeply in the dumps reach out to the one that is deep in the resource of everything that you could ever imagine everything that you could ever need from god because deep calls on the deep deep calls on the deep and i i just want to let you know this whenever you your life seems to have roadblocks and take detours and take delays those roadblocks and detours and delays never have the ability to stop god's will i want you to know that that any roadblock any detour any delay that happens in your life does not have the power to stop god's will you know you can do some stuff in your own rebellion against god you're not going to stop god's will you'll only delay it but your delays does not stop god's will it may delay it it may slow it down a little bit but god's will still is going to be done so whatever you're dealing with if you're frustrated because of delays and because of roadblocks and different things god's will will not be stopped by a delay it's not going to be stopped by a roadblock it is not going to be stopped by a detour god says you're still going to get there it may take a little longer because you went down some wrong streets and you chose to be with with henrietta and you chose to be with billy bob and god says you know what that that that just delayed it but it's you're going to get there you're going to just just hold your hold hold your hope you're gonna get there you've not stopped god's will you've not stopped his will and i want you to realize that when you get rooted in god and he's telling us call me call me because there are some great things that i have that are unsearchable that you do not know uh one of the the things that that i'm reminded about in in deuteronomy chapter 29 it reminds us there of how the children of israel as god was delivering them out of bondage in egypt and bringing them over into the promised land you know that journey took 40 years 40 years that's a long time and the bible says in deuteronomy 29 verse 5 there that their clothes didn't wear out and their sandals their shoes didn't wear out have you ever worn something for 40 years can you imagine i mean i don't have any 40 year old clothes and 40 year old shoes and you're walking every day and it didn't wear out god says i've got things that you don't even realize that i've been doing on your behalf and just because it wasn't spectacular didn't mean that it wasn't miraculous so you have to realize that there are some things that god would preserve in you because you didn't have the money to get a brand new car that he kept your old hoopty running when you couldn't afford the new one and you driving around with bald tires and you're just wondering how in the world did i make it and sometimes you can get beyond it you realize how little money that you were making and you had those three children that you had to feed and keep food on the table and you can't even figure out i can't even understand with that little pitiful amount of money that i was bringing home how i was able to be sustained in that and yet god told them these are the only clothes that you've got that's on your back right now i'm going to make them last for 40 years your shoes for 40 years even though you're walking in them day by day they tell us we shouldn't wear the same tennis shoes if you're exercising on a regular basis you need to change your shoes every year for 40 years their shoes didn't wear out their clothes didn't wear out it was a miracle it wasn't spectacular but it was miraculous and what is it that god is preserving in you because i'm telling you god has been sustaining you because you don't look like what you've been through my god if he lets you smell like the places that you have been and all the drugs that you've done the alcohol the dissipation that you've spent your time in and god was preserving you miraculously does anybody know what i'm talking about today the god has a way he has a way of saying that i i didn't let it wear out on you some of you it's amazing that you even have a mind today as much stuff that you did to burn your own brain cells out and the stress that you have dealt with in your life i'm just here to tell you that god says i've been preserving you and you've been walking in a miracle and you didn't even know it and god says call me and let me tell you about some stuff that would have worn out in your life but i am the one who was sustaining you when you should have worn yourself thin your mind should be gone your body should be gold your kidneys ought to be gone your liver ought to be destroyed by now your heart ought to be messed up but god says i have been preserving you he has a way of just walking with us even when we don't do the right thing he's just letting miracles and he says call me call me we need to talk sometimes he's like i've got to catch you up because it didn't look miraculous there's a church that i ministered here and they've had revival for a great number of years in that place and i went and the pastor told me he said you know we haven't changed this carpet in here in over 20 years and i was absolutely spellbound by how incredibly well preserved it was and tens of thousands of people have walked through and trampled that carpet every week and it was amazing i mean the only thing that dated it was its color and its type you know when you look at it you go into somebody's home and they got carpet from the 70s it sort of looked like that but it was in perfect condition and it has never been replaced and somehow over all of these years the glory of god has just preserved it god says if you'll call me i'll tell you about some things that i was doing when you didn't think i was doing anything i'm just telling you that there's there's a glory dimension of god that he's been looking out for you even when you were not aware that he was looking out for you that he was covering you that he was sustaining you that he was keeping you that he was extending your life that he was giving grace to you and i'm grateful to him for what he does on our behalf but you know god has has promised to protect us and to rescue us but he gives us some requirements he said this is not available just to anybody he says two things you got to love me and you need to trust me you got to love me and you got to trust me i want you to see it in the word of the lord in psalm 91 verse 14 and 15 notice this the lord says i will rescue those who love me and i will protect those who trust in my name you see that and then he says when they call on me i will answer and i will be with them in trouble i will rescue and honor them but notice the caveat here i will rescue those who love me shout out i love him i love you i love you lord i love you lord if you're watching online just type it in the comments there i love you lord and then just type in there i trust you lord if you love him and if you trust him god says that i will protect you i will rescue you and i will protect you you're in abusive situation my god if you love him and if you trust him god will keep that person from killing you i'm just telling you god has a way of rescuing you and protecting you has anybody been the victim of where god has had to rescue you out of a dangerous situation and he's had to protect you when you were in a precarious situation god in his infinite glory his mercy because we love him because we love him and we trust him we love him and we trust him if you love god and trust god god will rescue you and he will protect you he will rescue you and he will protect you let me just tell you when he's saying call me comey call me call me and i'll pay the charges do a collect call to me he says i i got it it won't cost you anything but one thing it won't cost you money but it will cost you your pride it costs you your pride to have to call god you know have you ever been in a situation you were trying to do everything on your own you got to break down that and it will cost you your pride when you call god as your way of saying that i i've i've been leaning to my own understanding but i can't do this on my own there's too many things that i don't know there are too many variables that i don't know this is above my pay grade god the only thing that it costs you to call god is your pride that's why he told the second chronicles 7 14 if my people who are called by my name would do what humble themselves and pray humble themselves and pray humble themselves and pray humble themselves and pray it'll cost you your pride if you're gonna call me you're gonna have to humble yourself and then pray humble yourself and pray and let me just tell you this only humility can get you out of what your pride got you into only your humility can get you out of what your pride got you into and here's the thing that i want you to see pride makes an excuse humility makes an adjustment pride makes an excuse humility makes an adjustment when you've tried to correct somebody instead of coming up with an excuse pride always makes an excuse but humility makes an adjustment it says you know what you're right i was late today and i should have been on time yeah you know if you live in atlanta and you're giving somebody an excuse about traffic you know about atlanta's traffic it didn't happen yesterday you get up somewhere somewhere late you just say you know what i didn't leave in time just humility makes an adjustment pride always makes an excuse you can tell whether person is suffering with pride or whether they're blessed with humility and there are some things that pride can get you into that only humility can get you out of pride always makes an excuse humility makes an adjustment to say whatever is necessary i'm going to get this right i'm going to get this right and god says just call me but it'll cost you your humility you'll have to humble yourself and then pray humble yourself and then pray god doesn't listen to a haughty person's prayer you can't be arrogant with god as though he needs you you got to come and say you know god you know what i know people think that i'm all that in the back of chips but lord you you see all of the flaws in my in my life you you see behind the scenes and people think that i'm all of this and all of that but god you see the real deal it is your place of just being honest with god and he's looking for people that can just be authentically themselves and be transparent with god don't try to put on heirs with god he knows he knows the real you from your resume you can't come with your resume credentials and impress god with who you are he knows you he knows you but the good thing about he knows you and he still loves you he still accepts you he still says you know what i'm still going to use you i called you even when you were not what you thought that you were he says i still i still have a plan for you i still have a plan for you and may i say this to you that sometimes you would think that your collect call to god comes from the words that you're able to articulate out of your mouth but oftentimes when this deep calling under deep sometimes the depth of your calling under god is expressed through tears and sometimes when you discover that god has an ability to be able to interpret the message of your tears psalm 56 and verse 8 says this you keep track of all my sorrows you have collected all my tears in your bottle and you have recorded each one in your book guess what god is able to record the message of your tears he collects your tears in a bottle and he puts that message in a book every tear that falls out of your eyes god knows whether these are tears of pain or whether these are tears of joy but he's got a he's got a book of your tears and he's able to interpret sometimes you hurt so badly that words escape you our tears call to god you know when words are inadequate to express our sentiments god knows how to interpret our tears have you ever hurt so badly that you couldn't put it into words what you were really going through what you were really feeling and all you could do was cry because people had hurt you so badly because they had betrayed your trust because they had abused you and abandoned you and sometimes you can't even articulate the pain of being molested you can't even speak it out how it left you feeling defiled and guilty and dirty and defiled and violated words seem to escape you but when god sees your tears he comes with his bottle and his book because your tears are being translated to god in a language that only god can understand but god says i got you i saw you when you were crying all night but you have sown in tears but you're getting ready to reap enjoy he says i got something for you i got something for you i love the promise of god's word in psalm 127 verse 5 and 6 notice this those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy that's a promise of god you cried enough he says they weep as they go to plant their seed they weep as they go they weep as they go you can't just sit there and suck and cry sometimes you got to keep on moving while you're hurting you got to go to work even while your heart is broken you got to go to work even while your children are still dependent upon you and you're being driven and you got to go anyway and so while you got tears you got to still be crying and working at the same time but you're going and god sees it and he honors it and he's actually the one that's given you strength to even move on it's amazing he's an amazing god and i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm so grateful for him and let me just show you this that whenever things get really hard and painful on the outside it's time then to turn inward whenever things get really painful on the outside that's the time to turn inward isaiah chapter 40 and verse 31 says this but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength notice that those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength let me tell you this strength is internal might is external strength is internal might is external when you find somebody when somebody says hey hey that's a strong woman they're not talking about her biceps and her triceps they're not talking about her gastrocnemius her latissimus dorsi they're talking about a strength of character on the inside the a strength of her will they they're talking about an internal strength that you don't get in a gym you build might in a dream in a gym but you build strength in time with god when you pray your internal strength is being renewed when you're waiting on him something on the inside when you're still trying to do right and people are doing wrong to you and you got to be strengthened it's like god give me strength in the midst of this when you don't understand why you're hurting so badly god can strengthen you with might in the inner person strength is internal might is external might is external it's amazing that i discovered that when i when i find angry people angry people are always angry over what happened in the past when i find stressed people and worried people it's because they're living in the future but then when i find contented people contented people are people that realize that god is with me right now working all things for my good and that it's all going to be all right if i can just hang in there that's where that contentment comes from it doesn't mean that everything is perfect but it means that i realize that god is with me right now i'm not in the past of what happened to me and who hurt me and who abandoned me and mistreated me and abused me and i'm not running in fear and anxiety in the future about what i'm going to do tomorrow but i have a contentment because i know that he's with me right now he's holding me and god is walking with me through my pain he's walking with me through the darkness through the confusion through the frustration he's got me right now through what has happened in my life that i never saw coming god's got you right now and he's gonna work it all to your advantage he's gonna work it to your good and to his glory and i'm excited about that and i celebrate him in psalm chapter 32 and verse 5 he says i acknowledge my sin to you and my iniquity i am not hidden and i said i will confess my transgressions to the lord and you forgave the iniquity of my sin i want you to see again that iniquity is internal transgression sin or external iniquity is internal it's a heart of iniquity iniquity is an evil intent in the heart an evil imagination that if you don't deal with it while it's internal it'll turn into transgression transgression is the outward working of an iniquitous heart what an iniquitous heart has imagined so iniquity is internal and this is how the bible talks about give me a clean heart purify my heart and cleanse my hands because if my heart is pure what my hands do will be right but if my heart is a heart of iniquity then the works of my hands will be dirty but it all starts in the heart evil imaginations evil intentions evil schemes and devices wickedness starts in the heart and we always get enamored by how a person looks on the outside that's why god looks on the heart to see whether there's iniquity in the heart because they can be smooth and well put together on the outside but if you've got to be able to see that heart that heart is going to show you what their hands will do and where their feet will go is determined by what's in the heart that's why i said whenever something happens go in and that's why you have to guard your heart with all diligence guard your heart with all diligence so that you don't become offended with god and the moment that you become offended with god it begins to turn to resentment toward him and bitterness and then your heart will devise something that will spit in his face and god is saying just walk with me just walk with me just walk with me and hold your hope and i will turn things for your good if you'll trust me and if you love me if you love him and trust him god will work it but remember iniquity is internal transgression and sin external and then never notice psalm 37 verse 8 that says cease from anger and forsake wrath do not fret it only causes harm anger is internal wrath is external anger is an emotion wrath is an action now a person could be angry over what you did but when wrath is in manifestation dishes fly when you see people throwing stuff that's wrath when you see them fuming that's anger and that's why the bible says be angry but sin not it's okay to be angry at the moment but he says don't let the sun go down on that don't dwell on that too long because it's going to turn into wrath if you meditate on it if you keep thinking about what he did and what she did is going to make you vindictive and then you're going to carry it out in some work that becomes evil but this is why i say when when things get pressured on you from the outside that's the time to really turn inwardly notice first john chapter 4 and verse 4 notice this but you belong to god my dear children you've already won a victory over those people because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world in other words greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world god's greater he lives on the inside of you the holy spirit lives in you turn inward whenever you get pressured on the outside use your inner strength to defeat external pressure use it use it isaiah 40 into 29 says he gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless he gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless so use your inner strength to defeat external pressure use it use it use it and just remember that everything in the kingdom of god everything in god's kingdom begins and ends with a call god begins it with a call and he ends it with a call in first peter 2 9 notice what it says but you are not like that he was talking about these other individuals that were involved in some other things he says for you're a chosen people you are a royal priest a holy nation god's very own possession and as a result he says you can show others the goodness of god for he called you out he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light he called you out he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light he called you out of the the darkness into his wonderful life and just understand this principle that god never just calls you from something he also calls you to something and what he calls you to is greater than what he called you from he doesn't just call you out of inebriation and alcoholism or drug abuse he calls you to sobriety he calls you to his kingdom he calls you to godly character he calls you into the family of god he calls us god calls us into our vocation and i want you to understand that our vocation is a call from god to embrace a certain way of life and purpose it's a call though it's a call he calls us into a vocation uh our vocation allows us to use the gift that god has given to us and serve him and also serve one another he he uses that vocation to be able to serve him and also to serve mankind and so i mean during the pandemic we've come to appreciate some different vocations and because people who had to try to homeschool their own children start appreciating people that had the vocation of teacher you didn't know what a challenge it was to be with your child all day long and try to keep their attention except you know and have to fix their lunch and and all of this it was just we had a different appreciation for those that were called i mean to get your hair done i have an appreciation for hair stylists barbers and beauticians that's a calling that's a calling whether you're in landscape whether you're in design or architecture and whether you're in leadership and management it's a it's a calling it's a calling it's a gift you use it to serve god you serve others as well it's a vocation it is a calling literally the word vocation is the state of being called vocare it's a calling it's a calling god calls us to do what we're doing i'm doing what i'm doing today because i'm called to do it i'm not really educated to do it i'm called to do it there has to be a calling to do it to be really effective in it and to have the gifts of god and the flow and the anointing of god to flow through you it it happens with a call you'll notice in in matthew chapter 4 and verse 18-22 notice this as jesus began to call people as jesus was walking beside the sea of galilee he saw two brothers simon call peter and his brother andrew and they were casting a net into the into the lake and for they were fishermen and he calls and says come follow me jesus said and i will send you out to fish for people and at once they left their nets and followed him and going on from there he saw two other brothers james son of zebedee and his brother john and they were in a boat with their father zebedee preparing their nets and jesus called to them and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him and the most common command that jesus is still giving today is come follow me he's calling us come follow me follow me follow me come follow me come follow me come and follow me because leadership is always visual you can't follow what you don't see he says come come follow me watch me watch me follow me follow me he's giving them this this this word of of resurrection come this word of initiation come come he's saying change your posture change your position you know why because motion creates energy motion creates energy when you're laying in a big lazy ball chair laying in the bed when you're just lying there you don't have any energy but when you get up and start exercising when you give energy you also get energy because motion creates energy so he says come don't just sit there he says come follow me and you'll feel it once you start coming you can so much better feel your way into action than you can act your way into feeling you have to really move yourself to do it even when you don't feel it you got to act like you feel it act the way you want to be and soon you'll be the way you act you know why because as soon as you bust a move as soon as you bust a move energy begins to come you don't feel like doing it until you get out of the bed and once you get out god will start going with you until he says when until when you put one foot in front of the other to start following him there are certain things that you still are loaded with fear until you start coming until you start coming and with every step you get stronger and stronger and bolder and bolder as you start walking towards your destiny with every step every step gets better and better and you find the energy because while you're still lying there you're just wondering god i i don't feel like it i'm not able i'm not able but the moment that you start coming you start getting the energy nothing happens and jesus had to stop people and say come follow me there you in a dead-end job and he says come follow me maybe he's calling you from something that does not ignite your passions that something doesn't bring any fulfillment in your life and he's saying hey what you're doing right now come stop that i got something better for you and i'm going to take all of the skill of what you've been using over there but i'm getting ready to shift you now i'm going to transition you into an area now of where you're going to become engaged and impassioned by what i have trained you in over there thinking that it was for this but i'm shifting you now i'm calling you to come up now he always calls us up before he calls us out and i declare to you in the name of jesus today the last call that you'll ever get is a call to hey come on home come come come he calls you up and then he'll call you out he see there's a caller said come up hither the last call that you'll get is a call to come home there was a gentleman in east tennessee by the name of ronald reagan no no relation to the former president his 25 year old kid rambunctious rebellious living his own life doing things his own way in and out of crime and disrespectful behavior involved in drugs and alcohol one day he gets in to fighting with a man out in front of a liquor store and he knocks a man down and when that man got up he went and grabbed a bottle and broke it and that man cut him and he was lying on the sidewalk bleeding to death they called an ambulance and there he was in the ambulance on the gurney enroute to the hospital 25 years old dealing with drugs alcohol crime and all of a sudden he lost so much blood that his heart stopped he descended down into hell he said intellectually he knew that his body was still lying on the gurney but he said it felt like he was passing over an open on top of an open volcano he felt the heat the fire of hell and looking there he saw some familiar faces and they called to him and they said ronnie you don't want to come here because you can't get out they said don't come here and somehow they got his body back on the earth and as soon as he recuperated he repented and gave his life to jesus he was 25 years old for the last 40 years over four decades now he's been passing a church traveling city to city state to state and country to country telling people about this god that redeemed him from hell he said when he saw the faces of people in hell that he knew he said his body jumped on that gurney as though he had been electrocuted somehow he knew that god was real that heaven was real and hell was real and he repented and he came to and gave his heart to jesus and he spent more than the last 40 years he's pastors to emeritus now but he's still winning souls to jesus every place he goes in east tennessee traveling the world telling them about it because he was called to do it he was on the wrong road in a place of darkness and yet god called him out of the darkness into his marvelous light [Applause] he's still calling he's still calling for people now to come out of your darkness out of the darkness of self-centeredness come out of the darkness of your depression come out of the darkness of cheating and scheming to get by come out of the darkness of just doing things for the aggrandizement of your own flesh he says come out come out he's calling us he's you're called out you have to be called out he's calling you out he's calling you out we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give now button thank you for what you do
Channel: woffamily
Views: 25,671
Rating: 4.920464 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Encouragement, Hope, Message
Id: tA9dFhMaWok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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