Women of Faith Conference 2021

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[Music] joining us this evening those who are in our sanctuary and those who are tuning in online we want to welcome you to our women's conference which is so appropriately titled in his presence anybody wants to get into his presence tonight where there is fullness of joy we believe that at the right hand of jesus our pleasures forevermore hallelujah let's stand together this evening it's friday night i trust that whatever may have challenged you this week you have come prepared to leave it in the presence of jesus christ hallelujah he said come unto me all he will who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest and tonight we know that in the presence of the lord we find rest amen even before we sing a song just lift your hands towards heaven just tell the lord thank you for something he has done this week just tell him how much you appreciate him tell him how much you love him tell him how much you adore him tell him how much you worship him just tell him how much he means to you i don't know about you but he is everything to me he is the heir i breathe he is a song i sing hallelujah he is my life support he is the one on whom i depend holy hallelujah and we thank god for who he represents in our lives tonight come on lift your hands all over the house in his presence if you know you came to get into his presence tonight i implore us all to just block out everything that may be distracting to us and find a way to find the god in whom you see he said if we search for him we will find him if we search with all of our hearts not sometimes but all the time hallelujah and tonight we've come to shove with each other come on just wave your hands towards heaven oh and we worship you jesus come and say lord i search for you tonight i'm on a quest for your presence a precious [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i will search for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] anybody came to find the lord tonight just to draw closer to his presence [Music] [Music] see [Music] say is is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] me [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus is here to meet your needs tonight if you have your bibles let's turn to psalm chapter 91 hallelujah let's stay in the attitude of worship oh hallelujah brings peace worship brings joy worship provides the answers we need hallelujah i challenge you if you don't know what to pray worship [Music] [Music] psalm chapter 91 [Music] again our conference is titled in his presence it means he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noise of pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor the sorrow that flieth by day nor for pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasted at noonday a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou hast made the lord which is my refuge hallelujah which is even the most high thy habitation thy hiding place there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone those shall shred upon the lion and utter the young lion and the dragon shall trample on the feet because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation that's the commitment and the promise of god for those who dwell in the secret place of the most high shall we pray this evening let us pray together father we thank you this evening for a place to hide we are so grateful of god that when our hearts are overwhelmed you lead us to a rock that is higher than us god you have been a shelter for us and a strong tower from the enemy and so this evening god in your presence we have come to dwell in your secret place oh god we shall abide and hide under the shadow of the almighty god tonight we have come to say of the lord you are our refuge and our fortress god in you we will trust god we surrender this evening to you we surrender this worship experience we surrender the word to you god and as we extend our worship oh god and it comes into your nostril as a sweet smelling savor god we ask that you'll open the windows of heaven hallelujah and pour us upon us blessings oh god that we don't have room to receive we receive healing tonight oh god we receive breakthrough tonight we receive blessings tonight that cannot be numbered oh god we receive oh god salvation for those who need to be saved we thank you for the word tonight that is on time oh god and that it is powerful oh god and that it is sharp oh god and that it will divide i thank you for prepared hearts tonight that are ready to receive your word god we will not leave you the same way we came as god we are on a quest for your presence we thank you for our man and woman of god pastor sandra and world waters we thank you for this vision god we pray blessings and increase and anointing and favor upon their lives and god as you bless them you bless us in return god you alone be glorified in this house as we extend it all to you in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus for the lord [Music] [Music] is there a you are more than enough for me in the house somebody bless the lord tonight we lift his name on high can we just close our eyes tonight all over the house just close your eyes for a moment just lift your hands and say lord bless me indeed touch me god like you have never touched me before i yearn for your presence awaken my spirit oh god to your move tonight in jesus name come on just take the same hands and wave them towards heaven [Music] anybody want to worship the lord [Music] thank you [Music] too jesus we live too high and our hearts open wide as we cry [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fade away [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh well [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] we're [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] say [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] away [Music] take your place in my heart take your place take your [Music] place in my spirit [Music] [Music] somebody say draw me close to you lord just hit your hands and say draw me close to you lord never let me go never let me go hallelujah i don't know about you but there's nothing like the presence of god thank you hallelujah oh what peace we forfeit thank you oh what needless pain we bear because we refuse to carry everything to god if he draws us unto himself then the burdens of our hearts are lifted and the spirit of the god lord grants strength in areas of weakness tonight is the prayer of our hearts to be drawn into the presence of god [Music] [Music] hallelujah draw me close to you [Music] never let me go [Music] you are my desire [Music] no one else will do [Music] cause nothing else can take [Music] help me find a way bring me back [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hands up towards heaven this morning and make it up this evening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and nothing else [Music] [Music] bring fear back [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] help me jesus [Music] lift your me and just worship the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the lord of god [Music] somebody say jesus you're wonderful jesus [Music] [Music] this is your temple father come and dwell this is your temple for the commonwealth talk with us tonight reside with us move what needs to be moved come on wave your hands towards heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] i love god i love him [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] is [Music] and tell your father [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my future [Music] [Music] is me [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me hallelujah those hands went down too fast come on live those hands to the presence of the most high god hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah god i thank you for your presence just take a moment and just bask in that presence just enjoy the presence of the lord for a few minutes hallelujah we bless your name god we thank god he he is here tonight do you believe that he is here tonight and because we are children of god we are carriers of his presence so wherever we go we should be carrying his presence amen and imagine we're all here as children carrying that presence amen so anyone that's here tonight that is sick that is depressed you will not leave the same like you came in jesus name amen because the word of god says in his presence there is full joy and at his right hand their pleasures pleasures forevermore come on put your hands together for jesus tonight hallelujah thank you singers hallelujah thank you hallelujah we bless the lord we thank god for bringing us back into his house for night 2 of our woman of faith conference and i'm so pleased to see the number of women in here tonight i am so pleased put your hands together for yourselves come on hallelujah god is good and all the time god is good i'm here to extend a warm and refreshing welcome to each and every person that's seated on the views tonight and if you're standing i'm welcoming you as well on behalf of the leaders of this house our pastors pastors oral and pastor sandra walters and all the leaders ministers in their respective places we thank you so much for joining living world christian center international ministries tonight to celebrate with our women of faith and we thank god for each and every one of you all the visiting churches that are here tonight i can't really see what's going on down there so forgive me if i don't say a name i see faces but you're all our sisters right we're sisters in the lord so god bless you thank you so much for joining us those that are viewing by live stream welcome to living word to our women of faith conference this is something that our pastor sandra she takes it very serious every year she puts a lot of hard work in putting this conference together and it's not for her but it's to ensure that her women get fed what they need amen and we thank you so much pastor sandra for thinking about us all the time come on stand to your feet and give a round of applause to or first lady or leader for the women's ministry our mother yes god bless you god bless we so you you lady lady sandra we so appreciate you and we pray we appreciate our pastor where is he he's probably busy somewhere working but we appreciate our caster who is always standing alongside her and support her and all the endeavors and everything she plans for this uh conference so we thank god for him we thank god for all the pastors pastor desiree thank you so much for visiting tonight and mother walters god bless you god bless you god bless you i fear our theme tonight is in his presence and the conference is woman of faith right can i just share real quick you know we take it for granted because we live in a land of the free right home of the brave and sometimes as a praise worship leader we we sometimes feel very burdened when we stand here and people don't really respond but i've learned over the years to get over that however when i read what's happening in the world i understand that when i worship is not just for those that are in front of me there are a lot of people in this world who they aren't they don't have this awesome opportunity to stand in a church house as beautiful as we have and open up their own mouths and worship they're being persecuted so there are six women from the persecuted church to be inspired by us tonight i'm only going to talk about two one her name is rebecca from nigeria rebecca and open doors spartan in nigeria was forced i know okay rebecca was forced to flee from our home twice to escape boko haram but she has started a small ngo to serve widows and orphans in her city she said we were all refugees at that time and we all needed help but i saw that many widows needed more help than i did her team of volunteers are supporting 2 000 widows every month isn't that amazing okay now i'm going to talk about mina and sunita they're from india mina and sunita are sisters from a hindu background who decided to follow jesus they were beaten by their neighbors for their new faith cenita was beaten until until she was unconscious then dragged to the edge of her town when she awoke her wrist was broken a bone was sticking out of it she had no idea if her sister nina who was also beaten was alive or dead she hid in a goat shed and prayed i can die or i can witness make me a witness for you can you imagine that it's not inspiring so we take our our freedom here for granted we haven't even begun to do anything yet so when we stand and we tell you to lift your hands and praise the lord lift your hands because in a moment that freedom can be removed from us amen and let's just pray for those women women of faith who are really facing persecution throughout this world that is standing on god and on the faith that they believe in imagine they knew they were hindu got beaten and they still decided beaten or not i want to be a witness can you say that tonight can you say that tonight beaten or not you want to be a witness we thank god for you women tonight god bless you god bless you god bless you i encourage you in the lord i want to encourage each and every one tonight just to pray for the the our minister guest speaker beautiful beautiful beautiful woman of god who has been with this minister for many many many many many years and she did an awesome job last night can you stand to your feet and welcome or guest speaker stand to your feet [Applause] no other than our own prophetess barnett amen and god had used our mighty last night i'm going to hide from her tonight but god used her mightily and i know he's about to do something spectacular tonight so just sit and enjoy and wait on the lord because god never disappoints let's welcome our guests dancers tonight none other than compassion heart ministries are they ready heart of compassion ministries are they ready put your hands together then [Music] i [Music] of my soul [Music] there's something so amazing that i love about this relationship with jesus is that we tell them all the time that we know that you're a jehovah gyra we we know that you're our peace we know that you're our rock [Music] but here's one thing that i love about him i know his name but he knows my name i'm i'm talking to some worshipers tonight they call you all kind of things that they said you wouldn't ever be anybody they said you never amount to anything but i came to tell you it doesn't matter what they called you he knows your name and guess what he calls you the head and not the tail he calls you above and not beneath thank you for knowing me thank you thank you for knowing me thank you for knowing my [Music] [Music] thank you for your grace keeping me when i didn't do everything right thank you for loving me back to you thank you for your blood that was keeping me when i could keep myself his power is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know my [Music] know how you oh how you talk with me [Music] that's gonna say oh how you tell me [Music] i need somebody to lick your voices and give god praise just because he knows who you are somebody shout in this room somebody shot in this room somebody shot in this room in this room is it all right if i prophesy to you is it all right if i prophesy to you i came to tell you that eyes haven't seen this the wrong side it is heaven heard somebody take your hand and say the kind of blessings that's about to fall on me i need you to tap those people beside you and tell them a miracle is about to drop on your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this victory is here i need you to get your foot off the ground and kick the feet out the dog god's doing a new thing god's doing a new [Music] and i'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on hallelujah hallelujah come on let's give him a wave offering tonight come on let's lift up the name of jesus come on let's lift up the name of jesus that is how you move in his presence that is how you move in his presence oh come on somebody let's hear it one more time for our lord and savior come on let's hear it one more time woman of faith woman of faith woman of faith hallelujah we bless god tonight we bless god tonight you see god understands the things we go through and god understood the faith of our bishop and that's why it is so evident that he allowed us under his leadership and the leadership of our bishop and our first lady sandra walters to have a beautiful building like this that we can come and worship and fellowship and giving praise and just get everything that we need in our spiritual lives and so tonight as i'm here to just lift up the name of jesus the lord says that you know um he loves a cheerful giver so let me hear you shout hallelujah one more time to our father come on let me see some uh that one was for me that one was for me and i know i'm cute but let us hear really really really for our lord jesus christ [Music] because we know that he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be honored and so many of you understands you know as as uh mercier mr mercy was was speaking about what's happening in other countries we are so we should be so grateful that we can come in his presence and just worship him and can lift up his name and so tonight as i ask you to dig deep i want to go to a familiar scripture tonight and just read in luke 6 38 where it says give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to you again and i know that many of us are going through financial hardships and it's not easy i know it's not easy especially in this time of the pandemic but i believe in god as we come in agreement that the same benefits the same blessings that are on our ministry that it will fall on our homes the same way that god is gonna pay off this building come on somebody your houses will be paid off your cars will be paid off your children will go to school on scholarships come on somebody you will go to school on scholarships because many of us need to go back to school many of us really did not finish or wanted to start and didn't get to start so if your faith is lifted up tonight it's your faith as you're sitting in this in this sanctuary i'm just enjoying the beauty of it i'm gonna ask you to dig deep i'm gonna ask you to just join me as i read our affirmations tonight as bishop would say as we if we work with god we have to work with okay lord according to my faith and because of the principle of sowing seeds i receive my overflow abundance and prosperity i believe i decree and i declare that i'm empowered to do in one year what i have not been able to accomplish thus far in my lifetime i agree that you have honored my seed and have sent your angels to lead me into your divine presence and into full manifestation of my purpose and destiny father i praise you and i proclaim that it is established and even every second and fourth wednesday this ministry feeds approximately 200 plus plus plus plus families every second and fourth wednesday do you not know that you're in a ministry that god is blessing because as we bless others that is how god is going to bless us okay so i just want you to dig deep pasta dab yes see you prophet and i just would not be here not to say that my daughter chanel is in the building so that's a little one for me i'm excited so i just want you to just follow the leading of the ushers as i pray father i thank you father i lift you up and i magnify you god we thank you lord god for blessing us that we can give and so we give so we shall receive lord god because we know the law of harvest is real and so god we thank you tonight for pastor sandra as she comes in faith and stands lord god we pray lord god that after this conference there will not be a deficit lord god i pray in the name of jesus father that bishop oral saint patrick walters lord god will continue to pray as we pray we'll continue to walk in faith lord god father just thank you that as we come together and lock arms lord god and dig deep in our pockets tonight lord god i thank you lord god for blessing us that there shall be no luck in our households lord god there shall be no luck in our lives father and i thank you and i praise you for healing in our lives lord god as i say thanks as we walk in our overflow in jesus mighty name we pray amen i'm going to ask the praise and worship team to come at this time so when they're if you look on the screen you see the different ways that you can give zell cash up and credit card we are a chosen generation call for to show his excellence is [Music] [Music] is i know who i am [Music] i know who i am know who i am [Music] i can you see me [Music] [Music] i know it doesn't matter oh [Music] is good hallelujah the lord gloria i want to thank everybody for turning out tonight it's our second night and i stand before you to introduce the speaker and first i would like to honor some of their pastors that may have come in late um dr azlin facey praise the lord come on let's honor them these are women and men that work hard in ministry pastor darby again it's good to have you always a pleasure to see you sir and um dr sonja lee hallelujah glory to god it's wonderful praise the lord we must always learn to honor the men and women who serve in the vineyard of the lord hallelujah because you know who you are so you need to honor them glory to god um quickly i will just introduce the speaker can can we just stand for a moment as can we just point to pastor sandra and just pray for her for a little bit just a little bit it's not easy to put this thing together it's not easy to have gone before the face of the lord to find out what to do and to carry it out in all obedience so if we could just pray for her just a little bit just a little bit father in the name of jesus this is your daughter she's of abraham seed she has surrendered her life to you god and she has walked in obedience to this conference in your presence and so god as your presence hover over us i pray god that you give her fresh strength in the name of jesus endu her with fresh strength in the name of jesus lord god we ask that you will wet her ankles and wet her knees and wet her thighs and wet her ways and god that the power of the anointing of the holy spirit would overflow her tonight in the name of jesus that god she will hear you deeper she will see you god almighty like she has never seen you before even in the midst of this conference god father we thank you for her faithfulness and god we know that you're a covenant keeping god so we know god that you will be faithful back unto her father we thank you we thank you for all the prayers that have been prayed tonight in unity that god you have heard and you will answer and we tell you thanks in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah our speaker tonight again is no stranger to this house and i will be quick if you weren't here last night watch last night i have the whole bio red but i'll just read just a snippet tonight doctor sorry evangelist joyce and barnett an intense desire to help others reach their potential and live a balanced life through the word of god has been the life has been her lifelong mission born into a family of preachers and leaders her path to the pulpit has was long unwinding jocelyn answered her call to ministry in 1976 beginning a 45-year journey of preaching and teaching that has spanned the globe though she was born into a godly household joyce rebelled against the church and her family's teaching spending her formative years in the fast and glamorous lifestyle of new york city proved an effective destruction she lived recklessly and dangerously on the streets of new york city until one ordinary sunday night a night like tonight became an extraordinary experience she was sitting in the back view of a brooklyn new york church when she finally heard what the lord had to say her spiritual mentor and god and good friend jacqueline mccalla delivered the word of the lord that faithful night and the power of the preached word reached through her barriers and delivered her from the bondage of sin for the past 41 years reverend barnet has preached and taught the gospel throughout the united states canada europe and the caribbean she has delivered her message through the mediums of television radio and in writing three adult children corey christopher and angela know her as bong she is married to minister terence barnett the loving memory of her brother bishop michael reed and the loving memory of her parents bishop bishop septimus and missionary lewis reed provide the loving support needed for her to continue to embrace her destiny before the woman of god comes i will ask dr deborah brown to come and minister in song when they come could you please honor them by standing amen [Music] can i bless the lord in this house hallelujah thank you father we give you praise glory and honor we thank god for this day we thank god for this is the day that we have not seen but his grace and his mercy his unmerited favor that we are still here and we are still i'm just so honored i came in this place and i say wow hallelujah look what the lord has done for my brothers and sisters in this place and um we are so excited about the word tonight anybody ready for the word hallelujah we have a phenomenal preacher tonight and she will preach and can preach and so we honor god and we just thank god because i believe as we set the atmosphere for this woman of god to come forth we thank god for who he is we thank god for his mighty power we thank god because before we can do anything we have to reference who he is holiday before we can sing before we can preach we set this place we set this atmosphere we honor his name we reference his name we glorify his name because he is the great i am he is the elohim i call shaya he is the elohim the god the creator of the universe he is our savior he is our redeemer he is the great i am that i am and so we thank you as this praise team come and help me out tonight hallelujah the song that simply says lord i lift your name on high hallelujah anybody lift him up tonight hallelujah lord i lift your name on high lord i love to sing your praises i'm so glad you in my life [Music] i'm so glad you came to save us come on all over the house i'm [Music] come on [Music] [Music] just [Music] and [Music] [Applause] from [Music] yes [Music] [Music] my dad is [Music] yes yesterday [Music] victory [Music] because of who you are [Music] because of who you are because of who you are because of who you are because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hallelujah i have faith that sees the invisible expense the incredible receives the impossible anybody have faith in here i have faith that can conquer [Music] anything faith that uproots my problems favor to know that god can saw them favor to envision my freedom i have faith in my fire that can [Applause] to reach the unreachable faith to her to fight the unbeatable faith to remove the unborn i believe god tonight that we're going to experience that in this season of miracles times and wonders if you believe it open up your mouth and shout faith to reach the unreachable pace to hey [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] five it is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] atmosphere [Music] [Applause] i believe [Music] and just say i believe god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on i need you to lift your hands i need you to i need you to give god a mighty praise right now i feel like running i feel like jumping i feel like praising the lord come on and let god have his way with you tonight hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh come on and praise him right here [Music] [Music] [Music] come on church come on church praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody pray everybody praise him praise him praise him praise him in the morning in your midnight praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise him praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody [Music] now come on in praise and praise wow grab your neighbor grab your neighbor say neighbor may i have this dance please when i think about jesus jesus how are we down on that tree says [Music] when i think about jesus put it up [Music] jesus [Music] all night [Music] we're praising then [Music] that's what that's right praise it raise them on the organs praise them on the house of their symbols raise them on the trunk raise them on the gupta raise them on the face [Music] me me [Music] foreign he's done [Music] oh praise the lord [Music] look at your neighbor say neighbor i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i didn't come to sit down i came to praise god i came to clap my hands i claimed to dance my damn i came come on and shout for joy i came in here tonight to praise god let everything that have prayed praise ye the lord [Music] [Music] come on and clap your hands and bless him he's worthy you're clapping your hands because you know that he's worthy [Music] i don't even know why jesus loved me i don't even know why he cared but all i know is he sacrificed himself [Music] so it's i it's the very least we could do to clap our hands and to lift our hands and to open our mouth [Music] for the last i don't know how many years five six years i've been traveling to beijing only last year and this year of course we have not gone as a team and the church there is under such persecution [Music] and one of the members we contacted her and we asked about one of the particular churches that we had visited and her american name is shirley and i said shirley what's happening she said pastor they closed the church down the government came and shut it down and then the government moved the church to another location they removed the pastor of the church and they replaced him with a government pastor so i said well shirley what does he do she says well he teaches you know he gets up and like he'll teach about mark or matthew or something like that and then she said i saw i said shirley so do you steal it have you followed the church what are you doing she said yes i went with the church i said well why she said because no matter what they do they cannot interfere with my worship [Music] so they can't they can't interfere they can't stop my worship government can't stop worship they can maneuver everything else but they cannot stop worship so in this very sacred moment will you just lift your hands you don't have to if you don't want to i'm not trying to make you a robot but only simply because the lifting of the hands signifies a surrender to god and if you just lift your hands and thank him for the freedom that you have to worship i know you're going through some things i know everything may not be what you wanted to be but in the midst of it the presence of the lord demands that i that i worship him why because he's the lifter of my head [Music] see [Music] come on let's just sing a love song to him i love him i love you i love you lord today [Music] because you care for me [Music] in such a special way that's why i praise you i lift you up and i magnify your name that's why my heart is filled with praise [Music] [Music] in such a special way [Music] and i'll lift you up [Music] that's why that's why that's why that's why my heart is [Music] praise him god help me [Music] he's worthy [Applause] [Music] i just want to praise him you've been so good to me set me free [Music] [Music] jesus is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now [Music] somebody help me call his name [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i need a church that will call him [Music] to stop you know i didn't want to stop i heard every keychain i wasn't ready to just stop right now dr brown you could have just finished and i would have just gotten up and took up a seat offering [Music] you know today i couldn't even stand on my right leg when i tell you the enemy has been attacking my limbs every part of them jesus i need you if you're sick tonight lay your hands on yourself call this name jesus come on whatever part may be ailing you jesus jesus jesus [Music] i gotta stop one more time jesus [Music] why am i praising them [Music] the lord really saved me i was raised just stay right there but just bring it down you say i gotta explain stuff to you because you don't understand sometimes things don't go the way we want them to but i praise him because i was raised in a home by believers just stay right there don't leave me mr b3 and at about the age of 18 i decided i wanted a taste of the world and i stepped out you heard some of it in my bio that's why i keep it there i know it's stupid it's not modern but i have to let everybody know that i got saved i was i was addicted to cigarettes i smoked then the next thing you know i'm rolling joints i smoked so much reefer until i had to have a bag a dime bag before i went to bed i had to smoke before i went to bed i didn't i used to buy ounces of it and it led to drinking i started drinking i used to drink so much and get drunk pass out i worked in harlem 125th street and i would go to a bar before i came home and i remember a night where i passed out on the subway and i believe that god kept me because there was destiny on my life when i woke up there was nobody on the train to train y'all from new york y'all know what i'm talking about the train was at the end of the stop then i was crazy i was seeing a therapist nothing with therapy but i was crazy and in a place like this i was original party girl out as much as i could had a six had a son had a son that i never took to church i never went to church i took him to get christian that was the last church he ever saw so when you see me stand up here preaching the gospel and praising god you got to know where i came from i didn't just rise up and just say i want to when i tell you the lord saved me and i knew i was saved i didn't need nobody to tell me the 10 steps that of salvation i knew that i was born again hallelujah to the lamb of god i knew that on that sunday night in brooklyn new york on picking avenue that the lord's presence came to pull me out of sin lord have mercy and he is here tonight that same power that same power that raised jesus from the dead is here tonight to quicken your mortal body give god a praise right now [Music] but you know what i want to do i want to i want to do something they used to do in the old church i want you to turn to your neighbor and testify if you say if they don't testify then you need to bring them to the altar if they don't say back to you i'm saved sanctified holy ghost field fire baptized that i got jesus on my mind and i'm running for my life and you need to bring them to the altar you're not gonna leave here the same way you came in jesus name come on somebody [Music] look at another neighbor say neighbor are you saved are you sanctified are you washed in the blood of the lamb listen i'm not talking about play places i'm not talking about you talking about well i confess jesus lord you gotta do more than that you got to do a little bit more than that you got to give him your heart you got to give him your soul you got to give him your mind you got to give him your whole life ah your mother my body belong to god i know i'm preaching to somebody right now we got too many can i preach like i want to just give me one minute and i get to my text but i need you to know that there is a hell oh nobody don't preach to you about hell no more but i don't want to go and i don't want you to go so turn to another neighbor say neighbor i'm doing the work of an evangelist do you know the lord have you met jesus [Music] you see i don't know who you are my brother but i'm gonna talk to you you see now we got a church that drinks see the lord delivered me from alcohol but now the church is drinking i know you ain't saying nothing to me now now the church is still smoking reefer see i got delivered from that so i don't know what this kind of foolishness is now the church is sleeping with other people oh i'm preaching to somebody right here right now right now right now you're still sleeping around with wrong people you're still drinking you're still acting out you're that's why you don't know the presence of the lord that's why you don't know the present but god's presence you better hear me today his presence is seeking somebody out right now [Music] i know somebody's saying she just need to preach and leave us alone [Applause] so you don't understand i feel a pleading in my soul and it's not me it's the holy ghost the holy ghost is pleading with somebody you ju you can't keep acting like you say when i left that church i knew don't ask me how to explain it i know now i know how to quote second corinthians 5 and 17 now therefore if any man be in christ he's a new creation all things about i know that but i didn't know that then all i knew was something had changed on the inside something on the inside i knew that i didn't want to smoke no more y'all not hearing me i was with a group of people we used to smoke every week so they called me on that monday they said we're coming over i said i don't smoke no more they say you lying i said no i'm not lying i i don't do it no more they came to the house they rolled the joint and put it in my mouth [Music] but the taste was gone see that's what salvation does salvation take the taste of you [Music] lift your hands because some of y'all still got the world in your mouth say god deliver me come on in from your head say deliver me you the only one that know what you need to be delivered from you need to be delivered from sin you need to be delivered from sexual sin you need to be delivered why are you sleeping around and you know you're not supposed to [Music] oh y'all don't want me to preach up in here today why are you still taking booty calls after midnight when you get out of church somebody texting you talk about they want a little peace [Music] my text let me tell you what my text is that i'm just because you know the text is the text i got saved under john chapter number four the woman at the well i got saved under that text you hear what i say i got saved from the preaching of the word of god in john chapter number four and the lord dealt with me today he said you're talking to women and and the reason that you have this thing in his presence is because we have women that don't want god's presence you don't want a holy presence women are seeking after men today i'm gonna put i'm gonna just say it we have never taught our daughters to reverence the presence of god the woman at the well had five husbands you know what that's talking about that mean that she after everyone she's seeking for something and that's what women do we get attached to a man and we want to drain him of everything he got oh no i'm talking i know y'all don't like me now because you think that he can give you presents pres you think that he can get you okay holy ghost i hear you see see earlier today in the room he said i want you to go to genesis 29 and so here i am genesis 29 is a story of two sisters who loved one man jacob and uh aaliyah okay rachel and leah love jacob so y'all know the story laban fooled uh jacob and when he thought he was marrying rachel who was the second daughter he was really marrying leader so he married leah but here's the thing i want you to understand this text this text says my brother that when god saw that leah was hated because as a husband he refused to give her presence he didn't want to be with her that's what presence is it's being with someone it's been face to face that's really that's really the the definition and i'll read it more to you last night i said it's the shabbat it is the glory of god reaching out to you jacob refused to reach out but he did not know that there was someone greater than any of them watching it was god the father so so now leah gets spread so what the bible says he shut up rachel's womb but he opened leah's womb so when he would come into leah she would bear a child so her first child she called him reuben so she says now listen to her thought process now seeking presence that's how we do as women now he will hear me i just want to you know i just want to talk you know you know i want to cozy up to him at night whisper thing now he'll hear me and and then then he doesn't hear and then the second one she has is sim she names on simeon look at the names now now he will see me see that's what that's what women want we want that man to see so we buy mac makeup we're gonna buy 500 wigs we're gonna we're gonna buy the tightest dress you can ever we got all this all out we gonna get fake ones big ones cause we want we want somebody to see they're seeking presence we want somebody to see us that's why we have so much exhibitionism in church ain't nobody coming in here to see you we trying to get hold of jesus we need him we need him so then then she has a third son the third son is named levi she names him levi now what does this means now he will connect with me he'll attach to me this is what we want amen come here come here let me show you what we want this is what we want just why we can't find the lord because if i find him and if he just connect with me sometimes we just want the man to just put it on facebook [Music] we got saints on facebook now showing off relationships where they are sleeping their vacationing with with men y'all better talk to me like you know what i'm talking about don't play don't play they're not married they're not married everybody if you go on a cruise with a man are you not married you know you're sleeping with that man stop playing with me stop playing with the church stop playing like we stupid [Applause] [Music] yes so levi means maybe he'll connect with me now that's what women want we want to be connected we want to go somewhere and have somebody on our own we want to be somebody on candy and we want him we want him to see us you see me honey we want him to hear us you hear me i know i'm aggravating but you hear me it's okay [Applause] so the moment he don't see us the moment he don't want to connect the moment he don't want to be bothered then you fall down in a pic come on you gotta you gotta hold me up i'm about to fall down again hey you on the phone with your girlfriend he he don't want me no mom what i'm gonna do now you you the praise and worship leader this you uh-huh you're the head officer uh-huh uh-huh you the sunday school teacher this year what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do he actually he don't love me no more he ain't like he don't want me [Music] [Applause] so we seek the presence of friends you am i preaching that's what we want friends to help us anything but prayer anything but going before god in his presence so so this woman let me wrap this up this woman has she doesn't sought this so no let me finish let me finish so she has levi and he doesn't connect levi doesn't connect she has a fourth son four boys in a row this is where she shifts somebody said you gotta shift she shifts now in another direction she says i'm going to name this one judah because now come on preachers on the front row [Applause] let me throw y'all a mic that's what i just need a little bit of headaches just dude just do that a little bit more because now i'm going to praise the lord that means now i'm going to get into the presence of god i haven't found it in a man i haven't even found it in my sister but god had mercy on me god had his presence to empower me to bring me through a loveless marriage well but i want to preach the last part of the story when jacob died he tells his sons in genesis he says bury me with leah he buried rachel on the side of the road but in his last days he said bury me with leah bury me with the one who i ignored bury me with the one who i didn't have to connect with her because now i know listen i need you to understand your husband may not love you the way you want him to love you but there is a god who will show you compassion who is seeking to love you seeking to walk with you and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share [Applause] [Music] as we tarry there [Music] none other has ever known [Music] this woman couldn't find it in five men she came to the well alone i got my notes i just ain't going there it's still closed god bless the notes yeah god bless him you can move this for me son she lived in a place called sick car no just move this a place called c car which means drunkard liar an abandoned city she went by herself because the women at the well usually when at six pm when the sun went down if you ever been to the middle east it's very hot she went in the sixth hour of the day she was broken she was bruised she was empty listen i love my husband but i had to realize that there are things he cannot give he his love cannot imitate or even come close to the presence of god there are days when i have to be by and then high noon hour the sixth hour it was the sixth hour when jesus was on the cross that the sun refused to shine everything went it was the sixth hour that they say adam and eve ate of the apple it was the sixth hour critical time and who seeks her out jesus tells his disciples i must needs go to samaria there's somebody empty there's somebody that's been seeking presence seeking connection seeking being seen seeking being heard and she's come up short and that's what the presence of the lord is you know what convinced me of my salvation son when they said to me jesus meets you at your point of need in whatever circumstance can you imagine she's at this well and when i was reading over the scriptures this afternoon and i got to that part where she jesus tells about this water that he has and she she says to him sir give me this water so i don't thirst anymore oh my god that just did something to me and his response to her go your husband and when you're in the presence of the god lion lifts off of you and she says to him i don't have one i had five of them and he says and the one you have now he's not even yours thirsty was thirsty for water she was thirsty for presence all the way from old testament i love old testament god who would come down in a garden to commune god who would be cloud by day and fire by night the god who would live in a wooden thing called the ark of the covenant just to be with us just to move with us walk with us talk and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells [Music] and the joy we share [Music] [Music] has ever maybe you're thirsty tonight maybe there is something in what i said that was true maybe you're like that woman i was like that i was the woman at the well that's why the the mccullough priest she said is there a need in your life and i swear to you beloved beloved tonight i don't know how my right hand got up i don't know how my brain was intercepted and i looked in i said my hand i was a sinner you're playing something and then da da where are you today the presence of the lord is reaching for you it's not me anymore it's him and if you're here and you say preacher you you kind of like preach my story will you just lift your hands we just lift your hands there's nobody but one person i preached to the whole time on just lift your hands there's a place that's empty it's a place that's not filled you've been running after something and it's not bringing you fulfillment just lift your hands don't don't play in the presence of the lord don't flex in here don't flex in the church what's that song end up and something will come down [Music] why won't you let the lord use your life that night when i went to the altar i did not know i would end up in a pulpit i had started to study eastern religions reincarnation and the presence of the lord met me i'm pleading with somebody and i'm i'm crazy let me tell you right now if you don't raise your hand and you sit here and act like i ain't saying i ain't talking to you i will walk down to your seat and get you so don't play tonight to you know there's sometimes maybe you can play but not in the presence of the lord lift your hands if you need something greater than what you have right now and the high places shine [Music] come down father i pray that every high place every stronghold that has been established in the hearts of these beautiful women of god that he will come down now i'm so thirsty i'm so thirsty i'm so lonely so lonely and i need him yes i need if you need him just take a step i had to get out of my seat that night january 11 1976 i had to get out of my seat and come to the place of decision i couldn't do it in my seat will you just get up out of your seat ladies that need him you you're thirsty come on come on just a friend right here come on i love you lord i'm your friend come on here i didn't come to condemn you the bible said jesus didn't even he didn't even come to condemn you he came to set you free i want you to have a freedom i want you to have a love i want you to heal your life yo come on come on come on i see you want me to come get you i love y'all i've been there you can't get here if you've never been there just keep playing it'll come to me sometimes the words don't come all the time [Applause] [Music] come on somebody i'm waiting on about if you know somebody that needs to be on this altar just [Applause] [Music] your presence here come flood this place [Music] just forget about everybody just bring it down just a little bit just keep singing [Music] on this pew i this little seat i'll be what 72 on my birthday in a couple of months so i'm not as young as some of you guys man my knees kind of wore out and even if i have to sit and preach i got to tell somebody and you got callings and anointings on your life and when i stood at that altar all those years ago nobody knew that i was a preacher but god drew me and he drew you is there one more than i'm waiting for holy spirit said is one more why am i waiting on you why don't you just get up [Music] all i want you to do now is just lift your hands [Music] talk to the lord where you are right now say god i got some struggles i had struggles i was struggling in my marriage i was struggling i had no faith [Music] i had started to snort cocaine [Music] and he reached for me let him reach back to him today his presence is here in your struggle [Music] father i'm not going to lay hands on you tonight god's presence is enough give him that struggle give him your thoughts give him the fight you're having stop fighting him tonight after workers will y'all come and just even if you just have to stand next to them and let them know that they're not by themselves just stand next to somebody come on let them know i'm here i'm here for you church i'm going to ask you to stand stand with me church and point your hands to the altar father i praise you father i praise you for every soul father i praise you i just want you to yield yourself to him so here i am lord i know i'm a mess i know i i need to do better but don't take your spirit from me whatever you do don't take your precious presence from me give me a clean heart renew the right spirit within me and whatever you do don't take your holy ghost [Music] [Music] come on those of you online come on and pray praising that's right let the tears fall the emotion just praise him oh [Music] just praise him give him your soul your mind your body your life submit every part of you to him so here are my lord hearing my lord [Music] father we need your blessed holy spirit to fall tonight let's praise [Music] just pray i come against frustration i find frustration just trust the lord he's working it out for you just trust him [Music] hey come on church help me come on you got to help me pray [Music] we're breaking strongholds tonight [Music] just pray come on y'all help me on come on baby all you got to do is just give it to him give him your whole soul give him your whole mind give him everything you got just praise you struggle with it you struggle with the love issue but jesus said to tell you i love her i love them from the foundation of the world i love you and i come against the words that were spoken in your life from a young woman that tore you up and tore you down and i pronounced healing in your emotions i pronounce healing healing you will not struggle like you've been struggling you will not struggle [Music] somebody help me just praise him if you know the lord see y'all not lifting your hands and helping me praise him just praise him i want your presence there it is [Music] you got to do is say yes baby don't that's right come on come on come on out of your mouth just praise and praise and pray out of your mouth yes lord come on come on come on i'm pulling the praise out of your belt out of your belly shall i flow rivers of living water out of your belly i both shun that up i said cash that's it right there come on come on come on that's it right there right there right there just praise and praise him praise him praise him yeah just pray in the morning in the midnight prayer just praise him praise him like you won't and praise him like you need praise and praise and praise and praise and praise just praise him come on come on i know you got your mask on but just help me praise and when i see somebody want to get crazy in the purple shirt that's a vans hey come on both of y'all [Music] [Music] oh come on don't play with me don't play with [Music] just me [Music] you know what you're doing [Music] that's how you receive from the lord you lift your hands come on listen don't ever be afraid of an altar call dr brown you're still here [Music] come on i need an ultra worker i need another alternative i want you do you have the holy ghost you speak in tongues [Music] they don't don't let them sit in church and don't have the fullness of the spirit and let them think that it's all right to be just like this who else i'm coming for [Music] hey baby you all right you're safe [Music] safe safe just coming from work you got the holy ghost no stand up on your feet back come here baby i know you came for work go to the office mother just lead her to the altar she don't have the holy ghost now you see i'm walking the aisles so you want to beat me to the altar you always wonderful dancers [Music] for his presence his presence is breathing let's go back to the spirit of the lord [Music] this place [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands help me help [Music] lord i need your ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm getting ready to leave [Music] i'm shifting i'm shifting i'm shifting unknown [Music] fall on me listen listen i know you need the power of the holy ghost that's the presence of the lord in our church now he who dwelleth on the inside of you you need the holy ghost i i want y'all to begin seeking god [Music] that's right baby that's right baby holy spirit fall upon them tonight anointing dr brown i'm so happy thank you so much oh lord just raise your hand father prosper doctor prosper her prosper everything that she place her hands too i thank you for a greater anointing on her life thank you lord keeping her body healed in the midst of this pandemic thank you for touching her from the crown of her feet to the crown of her head to the sole of her feet touching our eye for a cometh to you saith the lord follow me [Music] sweet anointed [Music] strengthen him now [Music] raise him up raise him up raise him up in these last days raise him up raise him up to be a voice raise him up he could shut up everything in his way i'll pull it down your holy ghost in my soul jesus help me help me [Music] let the power [Music] [Music] let it fall down [Music] [Music] [Music] we need let it fall down [Music] let it fall down [Music] [Music] let it fall down [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] unknown me you know [Music] i want you we're still worshiping but i want you to get a seat open in your hand lord i love you i got all these songs in my spirit and i can't [Music] get it [Music] i want everybody that you can it's friday night i don't want to leave because the sun you're with her debt or bill [Music] just if you would just help me with the 50 offering that's all can i sit i'll sit over here somebody had that phone over there let me sit and look at y'all just want to tell you hey i see you why i see you now [Music] just [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] just [Music] just [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm working y'all i'm working i'm working i'm gonna help [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love you [Music] is [Music] just [Music] [Applause] [Music] wanna oh you [Music] [Music] is [Music] with all your cheese [Music] i love you [Music] you jesus oh [Music] love you jesus [Music] with all of my heart [Music] lord i love well i need somebody to give a praise somebody just accepted the lord see it pays to walk a little bit [Music] [Applause] i need somebody to jump up on your feet and give god a holler [Music] [Applause] [Music] right there that contrast our hope lord have mercy lord have mercy loud have mercy jesus jesus jesus he come out of our side come on michelle evans michelle come on pray for it too i got all of i got all the power praying for you tonight her name's chad hallelujah that's my new friend right here i feel god come on come on let me see you clap your hands and praise him clap your hands and praise him come on clap your hands and praise him make cut out of all shots praise him i thought praise him on another lord of our son praise the lord praise the lord wash them down him on an ocean looser right now loose right now looks right now jesus i need somebody to help me cause praise him daughter come on come on come on i'm coming in your shot keep coming jesus i can't get nobody to help me say jesus can't get nobody up and say jesus say jesus i know you got your mask on but say jesus [Music] lord help me i feel like working tonight [Music] [Music] purple shirt clap your hands open your mouth say jesus y'all help these young people say jesus i'm coming to the outside damn you wet look say jesus baby say jesus say jesus jesus i need a brilliant church right now i need to pray in church right now hey i feel holy ghost right come on come on daughter come through tonight come through tonight come through in jesus name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus come on looser right now looser right now holy ghost looser right now looser right now right now right now crazy come on praise him just praise him baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i know that wouldn't interrupted the phrase but i need somebody to sew tonight [Music] can i get you to just reach in your person i'm sitting all kind of crazy way and lord look i'm sitting right in front of you in the name of jesus thank you baby now look at the baby girl and come and put something in my hand lord jesus that's it clap your hands i know you feel god in this house how you doing you all right [Music] now why i sit in front of you right now in jesus name i need you to sow a fifty dollar seat tonight come on grab in your purse come on grab it and run up to the altar come on just just fifty dollars [Music] [Music] that's right just like that just come on just come on up this is y'all they often [Music] i'ma get mine in a moment that's right come on take em come on just come on out your seat and say here's his sister barnett i'm gonna sew with you i'm gonna sew with you [Music] oh come on you could give him a better dance than that that little wheat dance come on come on stage come on that's so hey pastor how you doing [Music] so [Music] come on whatever you have now come on i need everybody to soak grab something in your hands come on come on you got to show your way through this pandemic come on come on [Music] come on come on go online whatever you need to do that's all right come on everybody everybody [Music] do it [Music] [Music] you can sew online earlier they showed you the four ways on this screen up here [Music] when i'm in my home church i usually sew online it's just seems to be easier [Music] everybody's staying i want to it's a very sacred moment i believe in giving [Music] i had a church that covenanted with me in the pandemic to send me three hundred dollars a month they all the way in connecticut and they take care of every month every month tell me god won't open up a door when there seems to be no door tell me god won't open up a way when there seems to be no way lift your hands in this very sacred time because our father wants to bless you for what you have given all night long this is what i want to sing i'm going to close with this zionist calling me to a higher place of praise oh [Music] is upon the mountain and to glorify his name to tell all the people [Music] bless their lives [Music] blessed [Music] [Music] god bless you i love you all it's been a wonderful pleasure to be with you see you next time to tell all people and every nation every nation is [Music] [Music] and to glorify his name for my worship to tell all the people and every nation every nations [Music] i hear the lord say come up higher [Music] lord help me [Applause] [Music] [Music] him i know it's late but just just give him some worship hallelujah to jesus oh let's just thank him for all that he has done in the house tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to jesus god is truly a faithful god his presence his presence his presence again let us pray for the woman of god tonight ah come on let's speak anointed words over her life as she is poured out in the name of jesus ah father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus ashimandorubo kata father in the name of jesus [Music] our god pour into her fresh strength we ask god almighty that you would strengthen her in the name of jesus that god you will take her deeper in the name of jesus you would take her deeper god you will take her deeper in the word in the name of jesus that god you will hide or in the cleft of your presence almighty god in the name of jesus that god you will take her to dimensions not yet known in the name of jesus almighty god continue to make ways for her out of no way in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah hallelujah god let her stretch her ted pegs even now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cause your river to flow out of her again god give a fresh touch of the anointing in the name of jesus christ ah god elaborate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all her needs are supplied in the name of jesus she will warn for nothing in the name of jesus christ new doors will be opened unto her in the name of jesus new doors will be opened in the name of jesus ah different nations almighty god open the doors of new nations unto her in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus christ god calls her tongue always to be the pen of already writer [Music] and that god almighty her life will be an epistle read of men that god she has come in the volume of the book that is written of her that god she is doing the will of the father in the name of jesus oh glory to god oh glory to god father continue to give her new revelations [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] hear jesus heal jesus is [Music] [Applause] [Music] she has much work to do [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] father we tell you thanks we tell you thanks [Music] thank you for the healing god thank you for the healing god thank you for the healing god thank you for the healing god this affliction cannot happen again this affliction shall not happen again [Music] in the name of jesus father we tell you thanks oh we tell you thanks jesus can we all stand uh [Music] if you're really in the presence we're really in the presence [Music] of the spirit of the lord is sweet sweet [Music] oh jesus is sweet jesus is sweet jesus is sweet jesus showed up jesus showed up if you didn't get your touch it means that you moved because he was here he is here [Music] he is here but now i want us all to continue to carry his presence so that we can change the territory the territory of our house the territory of our street the territory of our schools the territory of our neighborhoods ah shemandai parents change the territory of your children because you have the presence of god we have been taught tonight glory to god hallelujah hallelujah can we raise our hands glory to god i love this jesus i love him i love him i love it with all my heart mighty god i pray almighty god that you will continue to be with your people that you will overshadow us even now in the name of jesus god i pray that you will cause our eyes to be open to discern who you are and that god you never leave us not forsake us and that god you are true to your word you watch over your word to perform it in our lives father i pronounce a blessing upon your people almighty god hallelujah that your face will shine upon us hallelujah in the name of jesus your face will shine upon us almighty god that god the world will know that we are on fire for you god that the world will know that we are of a different kingdom hallelujah and it's a kingdom that will reign forever father bless your people bless us in your going out god and in our coming in let our store basket never go empty god father god increase us even the more in this pandemic in the name of jesus hallelujah increase us god in the knowledge of who you are increases god in the anointing of who you are increases god in every facet of this society in the name of jesus so the world will know that the church is the church and it's alive and well in the name of jesus go thy way in the name of jesus christ and be blessed hallelujah glory to god see you all sunday morning if you don't have a home church this is a good place to be hallelujah hallelujah glory to god i want to thank all of the pastors that came out and support all of living work hallelujah we're proud of you all the visiting churches thank you for coming see you on sunday morning at nine o'clock in the name of jesus amen [Music] you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 338
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Living Word Christian Center, Church, Worship, Praise, Coral Springs, FL., LWCCIMFL
Id: qRovp3W63jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 48sec (11208 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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