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[Applause] [Music] [Music] says [Music] [Music] the lord is [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] says [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] where you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning all nations good morning good morning my name is elder gwen blade and i'm here to lead us in prayer this morning we bless the lord for being able to show up on today this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah good morning to those of you here in person and to those of you online we love you with the love of jesus and if you would just go ahead and begin to stir yourself up in your heavenly language begin to talk to god commune with him worship him hallelujah however you do it whether it's in tongues or in english in french or in spanish hallelujah if it's turning flips down the aisles that's what you do if it's standing on the chair that's what you need to do hallelujah so we bless the name of jesus the word of the lord declares that before the day was he is god and that none can snatch anything out of his hand hallelujah and when god acts non-camera verses and so we say god have your way in this place act up in this place on today show yourself strong and mighty in this place on today we exalt the name of jesus we come blessing your holy name god we thank you that you are god and because of you god we are overcomers we have overcome the world by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony and so god we thank you right now god that we have overcome the spirit of fear we come lord god speaking forth your praises o lord god we come lifting up your name we come against every distraction god every distracting spirit every aggressive spirit we come against god delusional spirit in the name of jesus we come against everything that will try to get us off track on today god and we bless your name god we walk in your truth god because you're the god who does exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think and because you are an abundant god we will give you an abundant praise on today god and lord we come today god aligning our prayers god with the chief intercessor god we thank you that you've given us an intercessor in heaven who is jesus christ whoever lives can intercede on our behalf and so we align with jesus christ we allow with your intercessor here on the earth god you gave us the holy spirit to pray to make intercession with groanings that we cannot even utter and so we align our prayers with the intercessors that you have provided and so god we say we will be and we will offer abundant praise unto you god and father you are the god of abundance you are unlimited in what you do god you give unlimited favor to your people god and so we walk in favor on today i declare your favor over your people god in the name of jesus your blessings your strength your favor you're the god of unlimited joy and so we walk in the joy of the lord on today you are the god of unlimited provision and so i declare now that every need is meant for all of your people oh god you are our shepherd and we shall not offer anything god father you are the god of unlimited protection and so god we thank you now god we declare protection to god over your peoples with them for our protection for you neither slumber nor sleep god and so we thank you right now you're the god of unlimited healing and so i declare healing over your people god our eyes are healed our bodies are healed god our finances are healed our children and families are healed god our jobs and workplaces are healed in the name of jesus god you're able to heal not just the symptom of god but you can totally annihilate and obliterate the condition father and so we speak healing over in this place in the name of jesus your people are healed oh god we thank you that you're the god of unlimited mercy your mercy shall not their new every burnt morning and so we walk in the mercies of god on today we are send mercy to others in the name of jesus and lord you're the god of unlimited forgiveness and so god we walk in forgiveness we forgive ourselves on today god we forgive each other god and as you are the god of unfailing love unlimited and abundant love god we walk in love on today let the love of god abide in this place father have your way now god share your love o lord god with your people god we will love each other god even as you have loved us god and father we walk in love we walk in your provision god we walk in your protection and your mercy oh lord god and i think we're right now god that your strength god rests on your people we will not grow weary in our will doing god but we come against the spirit of rapture oh god that will try to destroy our confidence god we walk in confidence on today is that we confidently and boldly declare that you are god and there is no other god but you and so we fix our eyes on you god we look to you god lord we trust you father we love you and we thank you we give you glory we magnify your name in this place god in the mighty name of jesus hope how we come against the spirit of tradition god do what you will in this place of god do a new thing in us o lord god have your way god be exalted in this place oh god do what you will god and we will be receptive god i declare decree now god that we will receive god all that you have for us on today and we receive it with gladness in jesus mighty name and we thank you god enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his course with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good i said the lord is good come on from the fruit of your lips give god a good praise all over this house lift your voices in this room let's create an atmosphere for god to dwell in open up your mouth and give him glory he's so good he's so good come on praisers live to shout in this place father you're worthy yes you are we honor your presence in here we give you glory in here and we give you praise you're so good hallelujah come on praise and zip your voice and give him a shout in this place he's so good put your hands together we're just gonna worship together we're gonna give him glory on him praise because he's worthy of it hallelujah you're so good i want you to lift your voice and sing with us come on hallelujah you're so good father we honor your presence come on stretch your hands up let's sing to heaven you alone are [Music] [Applause] exalted above heaven [Music] share and we will be days is here we go [Applause] [Music] whatever you're so worthy [Music] [Applause] is put your hands together we're gonna lift up the highest praise in this place i need all the praises come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] the shadow praise the display father we honor your presence to this place you're so good to us we bless your name you already lift it one more time here we go [Music] your favorite hallelujah [Music] [Music] lord we [Music] hallelujah me [Music] your presence for your goodness and your mercy and your favor for your goodness and your mercy and your favor for your blue for your doing this and your mercy and your favor for your goodness and your mercy and your flavor for your goodness [Music] and your mercy and your mercy and your kindness and your kindness and your kindness and your timeless [Music] [Applause] and you're great you're great [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's because of his goodness in this mercy that we are not consumed [Music] honor you you're so faithful we honor you we honor you come on stretch our hands towards heaven let worship fill this place with the fruit of your lips father we bless your name you're so worthy [Music] you're so worthy you're so worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] for from you all things [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] far from you all things [Music] and you're there [Music] [Music] lift your voices in this place [Music] so if you're worthy [Music] and everything in the middle [Music] [Music] from [Music] and from the fruit of my lips [Music] day [Music] [Applause] arise [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey thank you [Music] [Music] do everything in the end your everything in the beginning your everything and the answer you everything in the beginning in the beginning you're everything you do everything your everything your everything your everything your everything [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you decide the glory [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] can we begin to just exalt our god for only he deserves the glory only he deserves our honor only he deserves all praise i wish he could just begin to evoke what it means for him to be both alpha and omega he perceives everything that has happened in your life he precedes every issue that you have he precedes everything that we encounter and he's on the other side and he's going to see you he is on provision all provision comes from him all rescue comes from him so only you deserve it lord only you deserve it lord all things come from you all things that are beautiful all things that are right on things that are holy on faiths that are good only you only you only you deserve my praise [Applause] only you are worthy only you are holy only you can bring me out only you can break the curse only you can do it only you can do it i'm just like you only you can do it only you can do it only you can do it only you can do it [Music] this is what you've been praying for reach your hands up and receive the inheritance of the lord whatever you've been praying about it's the open heaven right now reach up and get it only he can do it reach up and get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] only you can only you can do it only you can do it only you'll be good only you can do it [Music] only you are holy you are the all-wise god you are the omniscient god you are the omnipresent god you are everywhere and you know all things you know the concerns of these people who are in this building and on this life and i ask you o god to meet every concern in this moment and we surrender in this moment saying that only you can do it only you can fix it only you can break it only you can move it only you only the hem of your garment can fix this one [Music] only you i don't trust the chariots i don't trust in horses i only trust in my lord and savior i tried it on my own and i found out for myself that only you can do it only you can do it bless your name jesus i don't know what concern you brought into the building but this moment is yours whatever it is that you've been wrestling with the answer is only he can do it we bless you almighty father o lion of judah oh bright and morning star oh holy one elohim el shaddai the rose of sharon we come to you oh jesus jehovah jireh he will always provide jehovah rapha i will always be there to heal you we call upon you jesus we call upon you jesus only you can change it [Music] only you can make it happen only you [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] nothing else matters but your will oh god nothing else matters i surrender my will and wherever you lead me i will follow where you go i will go what you want me to do i will do you are my king and i don't question your authority [Applause] hallelujah [Music] you can have your seat if you can as i was praying on today i heard the lord say to follow the incense of your inheritance and i didn't know quite what that meant until now but the answers that you've been looking for the provision that you've been praying for the the rescue that you have been petitioning about you just have to follow the incense of what he has for you the praise team prophetically declared that if he's already gone before you then there is not a thing that can stop the will of god and the answers you've been looking for all you have to do is follow the sins of the inheritance that's already written over your life god has not he has already made up his mind about you and he has never second guessed it so that means that everything that he has for your life the plans to prosper you and not to harm you are already edged in stone follow your inheritance in jesus name bless your name jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's funny i was going to make this declaration a little bit later but i think one of the graces on pastor christabel's life is that she carries the anointings of deborah and that prophet we don't actually get proper accounts of her prophetic message but she says one thing in the book of judges that makes all the difference has not the lord gone before us then surely we will be victorious let me decree that over every person in this room has not the lord gone before you is he not in front of you does he not lead you then if that is the case then this obstacle is already overcome if it has a name he's already overcome it so i don't know what it is for you i'm sorry just give me two more seconds whatever that is for you has not the lord already going before us is he not already on the other side of your situation leading you saying follow me and i'll show you the way out oh bless the name of jesus [Music] all right i have the the great pleasure to lead us in our tithes and offering for today jesus help me until [Music] answers are being released from heaven right now you've been praying for there to be a divine interjection on some of the things happening in your life and you've been asking god what is the answer for this problem and i dare you if you just lift your eyes toward heaven and just rest your whole hopes on zion the answers will start to fall from the sky-like manner and everything that you've been petitioning god about is about to be released unto you now god bless your name and one of our access points for every provision that god has for us is our tithing and our offering i was praying as to what god wanted me to say in leading you all on this charge and he actually took me prophetically i believe to the washing of the feet that jesus does for his disciples and i said god why is this something that matters for tithing i don't see the connection and he started to walk me through the account of john and in the account of john we are given an account of the washing that not only mary does to jesus's feet but then jesus does for his disciples and when mary anoints his feet she illustrates a moment of service that makes it so that despite the price of the oil despite what she lost in that moment despite what she had to surrender we we come into an inheritance of the fullness of what god was about to walk into it was a preparation moment and despite the criticism of judas who sits there and says why in the world would you give him your most prized possession despite all of that she gives this offering and she gives this moment of sacrifice to her savior saying i trust you above all the other logic of the land yes it's my most prized possession i'll give it to you anyways i'll surrender it to you and then jesus turns around and does the same for his disciples and he says if i then your lord and master have washed your feet ye also ought to wash another's feet for i've given you an example that ye should do as i have done to you verily i say unto you the servant is not greater than his lord neither is he is sent greater than he who sent him if ye know these things happy are ye if you do them the cheerful giver that the bible calls us to be is not just about a seed of offering it's about the tent that is owed it's about the tithe he has created us for an example that mandates that we give as he has given unto us and there's a beauty in luke's account that when we look at the passover meal that he does with his disciples and apostles right before he is betrayed he says and he took the cup and he gave thanks and he said take this divide it among yourselves divide it among yourselves and he took the bread and gave thanks and he broke it and gave it unto them and said this is my body which is given to you do this in remembrance of me i know this might be a stretch for your theology but even as he divided the bread and he divided the cup he gave us something that was necessary for our next and he said do this in remembrance of me i challenge you to get your tithe together the tenth which is owed to him and do this in remembrance of him and divide that which has come into the storehouse for yourself not because it makes mortal sense i've been in the place where i only had a few dollars in my account and i did not allow what logic told me to tell me what i could give i was like mary and i said jesus this is all i have left but i'm willing to wash your feet in this moment i'm willing to put all bets on you i'm willing to trust you with my life i'm willing to give you the resources i have earned and it's not because it makes sense but it's because i trust you so with every phone raised over this building let me pray over your tithe and offering and online just go ahead and just just touch your phone and just decree this with me dear heavenly father i just decree over every device that is about to give unto these your people that this becomes an increased point for their lives and that every petition that they've had that we just laid at the altar that there starts to be a movement that happens in the spiritual realm that there starts to be a move that happens in the spiritual kingdom that comes to manifestation here on earth you told us that what we loosed on earth was loosed in heaven and so we decree and declare in this moment that what we decree here reaches the heavenly gates and what we decree in this moment with our sacrifices in our hands it will meet you and it will meet into a manifestation of what we've been praying for i decree that this tithe this submission to what is owed to you will start to unlock doors of health it'll start to unlock doors of promotion it'll start to unlock doors of provision it'll start to mend marriages it'll start to heal and protect children it will start to defeat this curse known as covet 19 and i decree and declare by the power of the holy ghost that works in me that the power of this tithe will not just be for this moment but for generations to come and we decree and declare with the trust that's within our hearts that we will walk into the greatest season of our lives not because of any work of our own but because you are before us if he is alpha if he is omega then what thing can stand against these your people i decree with this offering and this time that this be the access point to the next of these your people may they come into the greatest inheritance that they have ever seen may they come into a generational blessing that binds every generational curse may they come into a greatness that only you could have given and we lift up our foes and we lift up our offering and say lord this is yours this is the oil that i have to give unto you it's not because i have plenty but it's because my trust is bigger than what i have so i trust you i trust you i trust you i trust you in this moment with all i have i give you all that i have in jesus name amen who bless your name jesus i have the distinct honor and pleasure of introducing one of the pastors of this wonderful house and she is not just a psalmist she is not just a prophetess but like i said i believe she carries not only the blessing of deborah but the blessing of miriam and every place in which she sings and dances the power of victory abides in that place and i also i'm sorry pastor chris bellamy let me just prophesy to you for just two seconds i also decree over your life that you will have not only the power of miriam but you will not falter unto the curse of miriam that your ending will not be leprosy but it will be the breaking of things like leprosy and you will have the power in your praise and in your dance to break generational curses to heal wounded hearts to mend grieving hearts and as you walk in this faith journey i decree over you that you will start to understand the call of prophetess that is over your life and i decree and declare in this moment that you will start to see the understanding of the why why the things had to be the way that they were and as you start to walk into the fruition of that you will start to see different things in spiritual realms different deeper understandings of things in the land and there will start to be lives that are changed indefinitely women who will dedicate their entire salvation and their entire deliverance to the moment where you cried out in the moment that you danced when it didn't seem right to dance and the moments where you sung where it was rough terrain to sing and you will start to see provision not only for your house but for everyone attached to you because you decided despite what you were going through that you were going to walk into the spirit of miriam and decree victory even in a desolate time and even in a desolate land and so before you even grab this microphone i speak confidence to you woman of god that you walk into the fullness of the call on your life and as you understand that prophetess is not just a word attached to your name it is your mandate and you will start to see things that are pertaining to people who you come in contact with and you will just start to sing and worship and give words of wisdom to them and there will literally be physical manifestations that happen mark my words as soon as you speak to them and i decree that this blessing that is over your life shall not be heavier than your shoulders he will reaffirm you he will hold you he will give you the power to carry this mandate as you walk into the next season of your life and these things we do pray in jesus name so without further ado i introduce to some and present to others our wonderful pastor pastor christobel clad [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i was glad when they said unto me i don't know about you but god's presence is so sweet in here i don't know if you can feel it but i just feel a weep about to come over me his his presence is so beautiful and worship was just i i have no words i really don't but um this this melody it's a very old song you probably won't know it but i kept hearing it last night all last night and and even this morning um during worship it says um spiritual the lord we surrender now to you speaking of the lord [Music] take the liberty to move [Music] and move within this house as we sing in one a accord we give you access to our hearts spirit of the lord just take a moment to worship him right now father we welcome you in this place we thank you that your presence has already come into this room to touch to heal to deliver and we thank you father for the word i'm so honored to be bringing the word today in pastor's absence he is in huntsville and um and so i told him i will i will preach today and so i am very honored i'm very honored they went back to 11 a.m services so um we'll see what that means for me amen you know as i was preparing you can take your seats as i was preparing for my message this morning this is something that has been burning in me for for a few weeks probably about a month now and um i was praying about something that had happened you know pastor normally is the one that gets the revelation out of the daily things and we're like how do you get a whole message out of that um but i believe that god just began to reveal it and show something to me um over the past few weeks and as i was preparing my message i believe that the lord showed me that many of you in this room are struggling with your confidence because you feel excluded from the favor of god you know you feel excluded from the future that people say i know the plans i have for you plans to give you a hope and a future and a purpose and you're like where is my jeremiah 29 11 i feel like i'm just stuck and you're having a hard time grasping walking in the freedom that you see others walking in but today i just want to declare that we are going to break the back of abandonment so that you can walk into everything every promise that god has for you today every promise that is applicable to your life as a child of god is yours and we are going to access that today come on somebody shout i have access and that is the title of my message today it's called all access now when you think about what excludes you when you think about something that restricts you from the blessing of the lord you know the the word of god in proverbs 10 and 22 says the blessing of the lord makes rich and adds no sorrow and we declare that but why are we so sorry right why are we still struggling so much why does it seem like that's not that it doesn't seem like it's applicable to me because i'm sad and what i realized is the number one reason why we can't walk in the fullness and the blessing of god is because of condemnation okay and it's not it's not always that somebody else is condemning you that could be a possibility but a lot of times we are condemning ourselves we're saying i'm not worthy of it i can never get that i've done this nobody knows i've done this my my lifestyle i'm struggling here and you begin to count yourself out because of the condemnation that you feel and it's not even that anyone else has to tell you you ain't right you're telling yourself i ain't right i don't deserve that i can't walk in that that's not for me and but the word of god romans 8 and 1 says so now there is no condemnation for those in christ jesus so if you how many of you say that you're a believer a blood-bought believer okay that's a lot of hands that's that's almost everyone i'll pray for the rest of you but if you if you declare that you are a blood-bought believer then there is no condemnation so when that when the enemy begins to just whisper in your ear like you back at it you you don't deserve that you ain't gonna get you ain't gonna walk in those blessings because you you ain't right you can say shut up devil just like our shirts say don't just wear it declare it right so when you begin to hear those voices say i'm not i'm not worthy i'm not that's not for me you begin to shut the the voices of the enemy and say that there is no condemnation because i belong to christ jesus the second one is worry that excludes you because faith and fear can't be in the same place so either you're gonna be full of faith and you're gonna believe that everything is applicable to you or you're gonna worry and you're going to say i don't know i just i feel like i'm supposed to but but and that is right there is what cancels out your access but philippians 4 6 one of my favorite verses says don't worry about anything instead pray about everything tell god what you need and thank him for what he's done that is your recipe right there don't worry pray tell god what you need and thank him for what he's done so when worry tries to get any creep into your mind and tell you i don't i don't think i could do it i don't think i could do it i don't think i can preach this it's just not my thing i'm a singer give me a mic and i'll sing preaching no thank you but you tell that worry and you tell that fear shut up the third one is doubt you know a lot of times we doubt ourselves we doubt what god has spoken to us we doubt the word that was prophesied to us at 16 that you're you were gonna have a powerful ministry or that you were going to be a prophet or that you were you know you're you were going to be signed or you were going to have an album by the time you were 21 and you're like i don't i don't think so i mean i i don't have the money i don't have this i don't have that i don't have the band i don't have the people i don't have but god when he calls you to do something he he supplies everything that you need so you've got to get rid of doubt james 1 and 6 says but when you ask be sure your faith is in god alone do not waver for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown down and tossed by the scene so here is my scripture reference for today it's hebrews 10 19 and 22 and i'm reading the passion translation and it says and now we are brothers and sisters in god's family because of the blood of jesus and he welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm boldly and without hesitation for he has dedicated a new life-giving way for us to approach god for just as the veil was torn into jesus's body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to him and since we now have a magnificent high priest to welcome us into god's house we come closer to him and approach him with an open heart fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him for our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove to remove impurity and we have been freed from an accusing conscience now we are clean unstained and presentable to god inside and out you have access but a lot of times we don't know what's included because we don't read we don't like to read a lot of us we'll do audio books right but the problem with audio books is a lot of times you start multitasking and it just becomes background noise so when you're not reading you're not applying you know how many of you have ever gotten a new phone you tear it out of the box you power it on you put your information in and that's it's that easy the phone is is working and you start going straight to using it right you send your text messages you take pictures but you don't read the the booklet that comes with it you just know what you know turn it on it works i'm good right but then you go on youtube and tick tock and they start showing you things you didn't know your phone did and you you didn't know you didn't know none of that you didn't know you could go to settings and you know brighten up your pictures you didn't know that because you didn't read you only heard it from someone else and that's how we live our lives a lot of time we don't know what applies to us we don't know what we can have access to but we only take a portion of oh i heard this i i found out i found out i can do this but you didn't know it for yourself so you don't know for sure what you already had access to so we got a read we were on vacation in jamaica recently back in july and pastor and i decided that we were going to pay for premier access um to some of the the amenities and some of the things at the resort and it gave us access to you know the stuff that the general public didn't you know wasn't able to do or get into um they gave us complimentary massages right we got access to an elite lounge we were given access to a private part of the beach where you can have a private cabana but that was only for those with a premier access wristband uh we were given a personal concierge that would you know set up excursions for us that would call us daily and check on us to see if there was anything we needed or anything they could do if they could make a reservation for us and they were just very diligent to make sure that we were having a great time and if we needed anything you know they would be calling back so these are all of these wonderful amazing things that make us feel like all right they care about us and we even had access to like the neighboring resorts and and their pools and their amenities we we got the vip treatment but there was something that we could have had access to had we read the full pamphlet the concierge when we were checking out she said oh i noticed you know you didn't uh utilize every every night at dinner you could have had a a bottle of wine and you know you wouldn't have had to pay for it you just come and tell us what kind you want and we just take it to the restaurant and i'm not even fam i'm not even a wine drinker right but the fact that i had access to that i just put on the table made me look like somebody but i missed out on communion because i didn't read entirely what i had access to and that's funny but how many times do we do that we only hear in passing a part of the word we hear it so much so many times it's like a game of telephone we start quoting the scripture all wrong try the spirit by the spirit that's not in the word there's certain cleanliness next to godliness that's in the word no it ain't y'all just heard your grandma say that so there's so many things that we twist up that we say is the word of god that we say i know is there somewhere and it ain't [Music] but if you would just take the time to read the word and study the word for yourself it's a study to show yourself approved but if you're not studying if you don't know what you have access to you'll never walk into it second peter 1 verses 3 and 4 says everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power for all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through the glorious manifestation of his goodness and he is so good as a result of this he has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price so that through the power of these tremendous promises we can experience partnership with the divine nature by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world so so the word of god right here is saying everything we could ever need for for life and godliness has already been deposited in us when was it deposited when he laid down his life for us when he when he gave us access when he tore the veil that is when we had access to everything that we ever needed and i believe that a lot of us have have allowed life and have allowed hardships and have allowed just different things that we walk through to to cloud us and i believe that is a part of why we pick and choose what parts of the word we'll use because some of those parts hurt some of those parts we don't like because it means we have to change our ways some of them are not just oh the blessings are mine some of it is uh you carry your cross and you be crucified with christ some of it is you you will in this life you will have trials not you might not when you come to god your everything becomes daisies no it says you will have to suffer with christ but those are the parts that we that we don't want we don't want access to that but you know hardships this pandemic alone has certainly just really shook you know shaking everyone it might be a divorce it might be family disputes it might be a repossession it might be an eviction a layoff the loss of a loved one that has caused you to shut off yourself from the word from reading the word from spending time with god but it's time to get your faith up you know when we were new in ministry i i overheard pastored telling or listening to someone he was on speakerphone and he was the guy was saying i just i feel like god called me but i just don't have you know that nobody will help me nobody will you know i i ask you know if they want to donate if they want to sow into the ministry and seems like no one is is willing and i'm just i'm starting to wonder if you know if i'm if i should have even started and this wasn't even my conversation and i don't know if it was because i was you know new and the prophetic i literally told him he had to mute me because i said tell him to get his face up or shut the freak up [Applause] he's like hey hey i'm trying to but i was like if you know that god called you to something if you believe that god plays something and here's the thing the enemy doesn't give you good things to do the enemy is not going to say go start a church but then i'm going to take all your sponsorships like that why even do that so if you have a something that you believe that god has called you to and you believe that this is the will of god then you walk in it and when things don't seem like it's adding up you keep your faith in god you stand on his word what does his word say you don't just give in and say well maybe i wasn't no get your faith up somebody shout get your faith up oh you already have access he's already given you access so here is what you need to do i'm going to give you four things number one is petition matthew 7 and 7 says ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you so you have to petition god here's the thing if you already have access you don't have to beg god for anything all you have to do is tap into it lord can i have that now if it's not the time then i will wait on you but i already know that it's mine because my dad already gave it to me so you don't have to beg like what i thought you know no all it says is petition ask and it will be given it's that simple number two perceive that means to become aware to know isaiah 43 and 19 says for i am about to do something new see i have already begun it do you not see it do you not perceive it do you realize can you at least get with me on realizing that i'm doing something so when you are when you have access you have to realize i do have access okay i might not see it in its fullness right now but i know he's working something he's doing something new and i need to just open my eyes and be ready to see it number three is pursue you have to go after it matthew 6 and 33 says but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all the things will be added to you it says all the things but you have to pursue him you have to pursue his kingdom you know a lot of times we think that just what we want is what god wants for us and that's not true at all because when we leave it up to our flesh and our desires we start wanting some really crazy things but when we when when the word says that he gives us the desires of our heart that doesn't mean he just gives us everything we want all the cars in the houses and the money and everything what that means is when you begin to seek him first your desires begin to become his desires and then you're able to walk into everything that you've been praying and believing for the last one number four is posture posture yourself to receive it mark 11 24 says i tell you you can pray for anything and if you believe you received it it will be yours so we have to stand in that rest in his word know that if he said it all i have to do is ask and his word says all i have to do is believe that what i ask for that i have it and it's mine so it's not a matter of begging it's not a matter of it's it's a matter of confidence and standing in it saying i don't have it right now but it's already mine i already have access to it and i have access to claim it we have access somebody shout it's mine we are not abandoned we are not forgotten the king whom i know has given me access you know when you go to a concert right and you pay for vip you get you know different perks that a regular ticket holder doesn't have right you might get a a better seat you might have a meet and greet with the artist you might you know get refreshments in just different little things that make it better you know worth the price to pay that extra because you are getting something additional that regular people are not getting but guess what you show up like it right when you purchase that vip ticket you ain't wearing no concert t-shirt you pulling up like uh tiffany banks and ashley landers like just bam fly you come up there looking like uh vincent tharp and kenosis [Applause] oh yes vip thank you thank you oh this is my seat yes you walk in there with confidence you walk in there dressed your hair is done you you don't know who's gonna see you but you dress like you know everybody's about to see you the concert is gonna be dark but you just full face because you know that you have access to something higher you have access to something that other people don't have access to so you look like it but but this access that i'm talking about today was already bought with a price i know i know the artist i know him personally i know the healer you need healing let me show you i know jehovah rapha i know the healer you need peace i know jehovah shalom let me take you to him you need deliverance deliverance is the children's bread i claim it i'll take that too that's mine you need restoration come on somebody say it's mine you have access shout i have access you need joy the joy of the lord is my strength i need strength to i'll take that too i have access you need love he's got love for you i know the owner i have access comfort he said my peace i leap with you and i'll send you a comforter i know him too come on give me that you need a raise come on i know jehovah jaira call on it i'll call him because i know him what do you need come on look at your neighbor and say what do you need what do you need what are you believing for come on you have access you've got to know that i'm a blood pop believer he died for me uh he's given me everything pertaining to life and godliness he already gave it to me it's mine i don't have to beg i don't have to tell the devil leave me alone i already have it it's mine somebody shout it's mine come on everything that you need everything that you need is already yours stop complaining stop doubting stop worrying stop beating yourself up with condemnation he already died for that he laid down his life for that so that you can have life so that you can have access he tore the veil so all you have to do is come to him and say dad i'm struggling right now i need a raise i'm trying to get out of this apartment try to get out of this clunker i need a new car and guess what it's yours we just have to access it access your faith begin to stand on the word and not doubt in your heart because if you believe that it's yours when you ask it's yours that's what the word said i didn't make that up so you have to stand on it what are you believing for come on just begin to declare it right now begin to declare what you're believing for and then finish it off by saying it's mine it's mine it's mine healing is mine deliverance is mine refreshing is mine joy is mine everything that you need is already in you it's already given to you my dad already took care of it thank you but i'm good so it's time to look like it it's time to like you put your your best concert clothes on you start dressing like it you start walking like it because i have access i am vip and i have everything that i need i don't got to beg for it it's mine that's mine that's mine too thank you i'll take that faith is mine hope is mine everything that i need is mine so so lift up your head square your shoulders just begin to declare i it's mine i have access i have access i have access come on shout like you believe it some of you are still doubting i have access i have access that's mine too [Music] so i want to pray for you today if that is you and you believe that you have been struggling in an area a lot of times it's not that god left us a lot of times it's that we left god we walked away because of disappointment or what we thought he should have done how we think he should have handled it how he let someone talk to me like that you know god gives us free will god is not going to go up to your enemy and to hold their mouth shut people can say what they want but it's up to you to receive it or say you know what shut up devil so if you heard something if you heard a negative report if somebody did say something rude to you if somebody if you feel you know abandoned if you feel sometimes it's on us it's time to rise up and rise in faith and begin to walk in who you are and whose you are you are royalty you have access to the king it's not like in the old testament when you would get killed to when you just rush in daddy i need you you can run to the king of kings and he's not going to deny you he's not going to turn away he's given you everything that you need and all you have to do is ask and access it so father we thank you god [Music] thank you that faith is rising in this room thank you that our hope is in you thank you that our hope is being restored in you [Music] that everything that we need everything that we are asking for everything that we're hoping for is in you and we thank you father that we'll begin to lean in lean in to hear your voice we'll spend more time with you we'll get in your word it's not enough to just read a five-minute devotion and be done but father we seek your kingdom first and your righteousness we can't forget that part your righteousness and everything that we need will be added so father we thank you for it we give you glory and we give you access to our hearts because you've given us access to come closer your word says draw nigh to me and i will draw nigh to you so father right now we just take a moment to come closer [Music] we come closer to you closer than we've ever been [Music] closer than we've ever been closer to your heart we give you access because you've given us access [Music] it's the great exchange father because of all that you've given us [Music] we just lift our hands we open up our hearts and we give you access spirit of the lord [Music] spirit of the lord we surrender now come on just make an altar right where you are father everything that i've been worried about everything that i've been doubting you about i lay it at your feet right now and i repent for not trusting you i repent for not knowing what i have access to but father we stand on your word and we come boldly to the throne of grace because you have given us access so we come closer we come closer in your presence there is fullness and we can literally stop right there fullness the word says fullness of joy but we can find fullness of peace we can find fullness of restoration everything in you is full everything in you is complete so right now we step into it we access it we thank you for it we thank you for it we know that it's ours if we ask and we believe when we ask we thank you that it's ours so we come closer we come closer hey we come closer [Music] we come closer [Music] [Applause] we [Applause] oh is there's no doubt in my mind we come closer [Music] we pursue every promise we perceive that you are doing something new in our lives and we ask and we sing and we knock and we ask and we seek and we and we ask and we see and we [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] healing is mine deliverance is [Music] so we ask can we seek and we knock and we won't stop but we'll search your word and we'll get closer to you guys that's all he wants from us he wants us to read the owner's manual because we're the owners everything he's given us is ours but we gotta learn how to use it [Music] we've gotta learn how to access [Music] every promise and it comes by reading the manual comes by reading the word father we thank you for your word we won't take it for granted we won't just read it and hear it in passing we won't go sunday to sunday expecting pastor to give us our word but we will seek for ourselves we will search the scriptures and we will walk in the fullness of your promise in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] it's mine it's mine it's mine oh [Music] [Music] it's [Music] deliverance is mine victory is mine victory is mine victory is mine everything i need is because i know the keys is said it is believe it if he said it i know he will perform it he's doing something new all i have to do is realize it all i have to do is watch [Music] is i want to give you an opportunity to sew on that word today [Music] if this word was for you and you believe that you have found new faith today to believe in the promises of god and to not live beneath your means because you haven't been reading the manual because you have access i want you to get a seat in your hand and i'm not even going to tell you how much [Music] but i want you to sow a seed of faith seed on that word and in the memo just write its mind i have access every word because he tore the veil and gave us free and fresh free free access you don't got to pay for your own vip [Music] he already paid it it's mine it's mine it's mine hallelujah it's mine come on if you've got your seed why don't you lift your phone up it's mine it's mine [Music] it's mine every promise every promise everything that i need oh god it's in you and it's mine because i have access because i have access come on father we just thank you god for every seed that is sown today we thank you god that you are a god who never fails but you hear and answer prayers father you hear your children and you know what we need today father we know that you already know that some of us have been wavering in our faith some of us even walked away because we were living in condemnation that we put on ourselves but today we declare and we claim that there is therefore now no condemnation because i'm in christ jesus and you've already given us our vip access passes so everything that we have access to is because you already paid it all so we thank you god that as we go about our week that that doubt is going to dissipate that fear and worry are going to dissipate they have to bow because you already overcame it all for us and when you tore the veil you gave us access to you so we will walk and carry ourselves like vip because we have all access so we claim it we receive it in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus one more time somebody shout it's mine i have access hallelujah you are dismissed in the name of jesus i love you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: All Nations Worship Assembly- Memphis
Views: 1,518
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b3ZnrSUnaTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 28sec (5788 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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