Aphmau is the ULTIMATE VILLAIN in Minecraft!

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weird that Zane joined Aphmau when Aphmau brought back his cat.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shadow-player24 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
the most powerful villain in minecraft has appeared on our server and when the hero show up i get to play the bad guy my job is to cause mischief and mayhem while making the players believe the hero is actually the villain and when i need help i can make normal players work for me will i be able to make the heroes look bad and prove i'm the best villain ever or will my evil explosion of fun turn on me oh and for some more villainous fun be sure to like and subscribe thanks finally i made a potion cleaners calm down what is the big deal your stupid cat ate all my fish again oh come on it is not the cat's fault all right he was just hungry because he is a chunky boy oh a chunky boy he is oh yes mr chunky well how about if i eat chunks over in this tree what what don't you run back in there all right i'm trying to make pierce die like a man for trying to throw my cat in a tree oh hey i didn't succeed did i here she's not holding you against you put your arms down what happened exactly look pierce just got all upset because the cat tried to eat some of his fish and then he decided to take retribution and throw the cat into the tree but he ate all my face i got i spent a lot of time testing it don't worry this tacky gets some exercise by walking down wow never fear the hero ian is here and i'm i'm trying to figure out how my wings work but i will save that kitty hello kitty what am i looking at he's not going to drink daddy's god hang on yes we need to get in and the hero is here all right oh he made it yes i am ian the hero and i will get this cat out of the tree and uh yeah come with me kitty and uh uh yay ma'am is your kitty it's not my kitty that's his kids ma'am [Applause] just keep your cat away from my fish supply alright jeez i will maybe don't buy such alluring fish next time all right let me feed your cat you guys take care of your cat i got other things to do so there's a hero on the server is there well as a master villain it is my job to make sure to get rid of that hero and since he likes to save cats i think i have a great idea on how to start getting rid of them okay sorry all right okay i've made an exploding cat look at that i have quite a few of them all right all i have to do is just put this cat up in the tree and make sure he doesn't seem oh actually i need to change out of my villain outfit just a little bit make sure nobody sees me i should've done inside the house but whatever it's okay i'm a villain if they see me i'll just get rid of them okay perfect there we go all right let's go place this down that way he won't be suspicious of me if he sees me and my villain outfit running around all right here we go maybe put this uh right on here perfect kitty cat do my bidding all right lure the hero up here oh and i actually have to set the uh the detonator to go off what was that my hero senses are tingling or was it that pork chop i had earlier hey anyway there must be another kitty to save i mean let me search high and low record i see the kitty in the tree don't worry never fear kitty i the in the hero will save you and away [Applause] that was actually didn't have to go too far that's nice that's nice okay kitty who's your go kitty no he's there out here oh my god i heard an explosion did you see that i fell in what happened what happened what happened i i i mean that's my question uh i let's see i i jumped in the tree i got the kitty country seriously ian nothing like that should ever happen again yeah you're supposed to be helping us as a hero you know well no need to fear i just need to head back to my hero base and regroup i i i don't have my power suit or wings so i'll i'll just walk okay all right well try hard it's not very heroic to blow up cats ian hmm he said he had a secret hideout i think i need to follow him there just to make sure everything is okay i'll just follow him to make sure everything is okay let me just grab a few things there's going it's all w what oh my god when did he have time to make this wow that must be why he hasn't been on the main hub in a while interesting let's go see what he's up to got a new set of got a new hero suit i don't know what happened where i lost the last one geez i think i know what a villain can do to make a superhero suffer that's my job after all okay let's see so let's just jump right into explosions oh my god he's singing oh no okay all right you know what keep putting some of this stuff down here we go over here all right so this would be pretty oh hello kitty just what are you doing here what's this dean's cat all right so fine you know what i'm gonna take you with me but just don't think that i'm good or anything all right i'm supposed to be a villain here all right and i would leave you here but you're kind of adorable so whatever okay all right fine let's just keep uh putting this stuff down and then in order to make ian believe that this is actually a cat in trouble there we go the exploding cat and just to be safe i'll make sure that i put the remote access tool there we go all right kitty kitty kitty okay there you are all right so come over here follow me we gotta wait i gotta do my my secret technique to get uh ian to come out there kitty okay all right here we go meow meow meow meow meow meow just don't judge me okay i'm trying oh i thought i was saving cats today uh kitty is there a kitty out here that needs saving but hang on put all this dirt around my house hang on kitty that kitty looks familiar there we go i knew it whoa whoa whoa what was that what happened i'll tell you what happened it looked like a pretty sick explosion happened that's what's happened what what happened here what what's going on what happened we came when we heard the explosion what i don't know my my house my hero base i spent so much time building it blew up that's pretty messed up man about it i'm kidding i think i might be being haunted by cats or something that's too you know what you know it's okay and i've i i'm still your hero more work to do i can be a hero even without a base i oh geez well it sounds like he's really determined to make this work right yeah if he's being haunted by cats at least he's got nine lives out of it speaking of that has anyone seen pepperjack anywhere why are they so sad for him no sorry not wait my house whatever i've got other i've got hero stuff jack might have better not be in my house again he may look ridiculous in the suit but he does have determination you got to give him that yeah i mean can't be hating on someone who's that dedicated to be a hero this i mean [Music] oh come on he's not that great my goodness and it wasn't the cats it was me all right fine you know what i think i need some help from someone and i think i have the perfect candidate in mind he became a hero oh my goodness all right zayn's house you should help us be a villain so here's what i'm going to do i'm not going to walk in like a normal person no that would be not a villainous at all whatsoever so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to play some dmd right outside of his house if i could do something like this to bust down the door stand back kitty i don't want you to get involved in this over there and perfect come on let's go let's go see how things are going might have put myself at a you know disadvantage with climbing but no worries we can always work around anything and everything so let's do something like this there we go and where's the kitty i'll grapple you over here too there we go and bam thank you kitty alright just got you okay all right let's see what's going on over here oh diamonds perfect okay so let's just light this place up a little oh maybe i shouldn't have done that uh oh hey zayn i saw you left some diamonds what are you doing in here two diamonds i can have them right they're out in the open fighters keepers uh that's not really how it works uh mind telling me why we have you standing by my diamonds and then a fire right behind them well first off you're just the man i was looking for i need some help with something yeah definitely a good time to start asking for help so what are you thinking about well ian's been on the server right he's been a little show boaty lately don't you think i mean as determined as he is yeah the gold armor's a bit gaudy it is a big gaudy and not only that he's trying to steal my spotlight as the villain on the server as you can tell i'm evil right now so yes very obvious thank you thank you thank you so i was thinking that maybe you could help me get rid of ian and if you don't i'll make you anyway so also here's your cast i brought your cat back okay fine then let's make this happen wait really i don't have to throw a potion to you or anything or no you found my cat that's literally the highest bar that i have for this situation all right then we're gonna have to cause a lot of trouble on the server so just so you know i plan on making ian really really suffer okay because that's what a villain does a good villain especially and just so you know what i've been doing i've been putting down exploding cats like like this isn't that evil oh well look at that weight is this an actual exploding cat in my house yes it is uh well can we not have the exploding cat that can actually explode in my house don't worry it's not set to go off it'll be fine okay okay all right um you know what we'll be fine don't worry pepper jack's fine let's go come on evil stuff let's go zayn watch this i'm going to put this down it is called multiplying tnt it'll help explode ian's house just a little bit more all i have to do is just stick down like this there we go put that down and it's going to spread under his house and under the entire server it'll be great look at it go all right perfect all right now what do we plan to do to get in out okay is is we're gonna set pier's house on fire all right okay i see where you're going with this i am so glad you're on board with this look you have flynn still right uh can you hand me that one yeah yeah i'll get you one get me another one don't worry all we're gonna do is set it on fire and we should be good i'll get the top you get the bottom okay got it this is for denying pepperjack fish you monster wow you guys really got into it earlier huh of course he keeps trying to throw out that salmon that he knows pepper jack likes hey wait and when he tries to blame him for everything what's the sound oh oh no oh oh no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no come on no no i'm coming pierce okay help dawg get out get in here i'm coming it's okay it's okay got noise in there okay all right [Music] is here wait is that a screaming woman not here i'll save you my voice isn't that the power of hero water oh okay okay but there's a lot so um hang on uh some more yeah nice safe way out hey i think it's working oh no the water's going in front of the door i can't get out don't worry citizen i'll save you oh well thank you sir well i uh i threw you into a tree you can get down yourself wait right what is that what is that my house [Music] let's go on to the next thing come on this way lead the way oh all right perfect so here's the plan okay this quicksand over here is meant for one of the hostages now i need you to go get a hostage okay but the most important thing is that you make sure that ian somewhere lands around here and then we'll let things happen as they happen okay okay i see where you're going with this but uh before we do this can i just go ahead and drop pepper jack off at kawhi chan's house i don't want him getting involved in this yeah go ahead and drop pepper jack off at white champ's house all right she's right over here it won't take long time pepper jack hey uh kauai chan you home oh hi zayn noye um what are you doing here uh well hawaii chen and i were uh baking some cookies a little bit earlier want lunch you were you were baking cookies with kawaii chan yeah nice cake can you come see if you're gonna be baking cookies you're gonna need plenty of batter so why don't you just get down there and get plenty of it yourself all right what the okay uh zayn this is this is not funny it is to me someone who needs the help of a hero uh reluctantly with yes help please hello appears so their seem stuck in some quicksand allow me to assist thank you for noticing now could you please get me out yes hang on hang on i just need to uh did you realize this is quicksand yeah surprise okay oh thanks quicksand that's that's dangerous stuff you should not be playing with quicksand yeah i wasn't i was thrown in as someone's hostage don't you please wait a minute wait a minute citizen there appears to be more danger don't look now but right behind you there's an explosive titty i'll save you get away from it wait wait oh you are welcome i saved you from this explosive kitty someone sinister someone who is not ian please help what's that noise are you kidding me oh i couldn't have went better all right anyone it's okay let's keep going come on okay zayn the final cherry on top is this right here look at this only real heroes can press this button and this is the button i made the panic button the button this is just the thing that ian would fall for exactly and when he pushes it this entire server will explode okay so all we gotta do is just go watch let's go watch from your place maybe a round oh absolutely we're gonna have a great view up there oh wait there he goes there he goes there he goes oh watch over here oh my god this is me so good is gonna be so good it's gonna be something doing a good job rebuilding your house there pierce oh thanks uh i guess no thanks to you sir what yeah what's that supposed to mean what i mean to say is that you flooded my whole house and then exploded it i did not explode it i put the water down to put out the fire and um you know other stuff happened yeah also you can see you did a very good job put out the fire it's i can't reach up there about material ian what a villain on this server and i am convinced that you are helping him what i think you're right all these events everyone getting blown up with romeo and quicksand am a hero because this is what heroes look like and um yes heroes and super villains they usually tend to wear the same thing just colors changed that is not true what is that i mean the only bill in history don't sidestep this situation okay okay there's got to be something important what so don't you what what is this would you back away is your back away it's the moment i've been waiting for it says only real heroes can press this button to you extremely suspicious sir suspicious buttons don't worry citizens i will be a hero and save the day please don't ah please don't i hit it and i feel like a real hero oh boy good job hero rebel i'm just gonna get it i think i heard something yeah what so hero he was the villain did it did it go to my secret base go away no i get up don't let it get away out come on let's go come on come on we got to be like come on let's get him i knew he'd go back to his oh look at that it's my best big old my face okay i mean all things he seriously built a gold e face is okay must be e for exterminate all good things on the server ian your time has come yeah it's been a rough day you know heroes gotta take breaks every now and then there's been a lot of stressful things things have been blowing up and hang on one of you guys bring another explosive cat what do you mean exploding cats it's the thing get out yeah [Laughter] uh i guess we figured out what the e really stood for explosion exactly you're not very good at this sorry i'm exhausted let's go exfoliate our experimentally let's eat exorbitant amounts of fish ah yes that'll be exciting i will be elated just as pepper jack will be equipping a hero i haven't eaten in forever it's gonna get a eggplant i hate eggplants let's go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,317,658
Rating: 4.871223 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft villain pranks, pranking my friends as a villain in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, villain pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a villain in minecraft, pranking my friends as villain, pranking my friends as villain aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft bad guy, bad girl
Id: zbX76ZHMgrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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