Playing Minecraft as a WITCH on HALLOWEEN!

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on this minecraft server i'm able to become one of the cutest witches you'll ever meet complete with spells potions and even a hat but when one of my friends accidentally finds himself turning into a cat the clock begins ticking as we have to find a way to turn him back but there are some obstacles that will spawn crazy traps will we be able to help my friend in the stamp oh and if you're around for a spell be sure to subscribe and hit that bell welcome everyone to our spooky server as you can see things got really decorative here and i'm practicing my witch spells on this pumpkin so if you take a look i can turn this pumpkin right into a rabbit okay don't blink don't don't blink seriously don't blink okay all right here we go here we go all right let's see if this works uh let's see i think if i do something like this then oh there we go it worked hello funny oh i'm gonna get out of this because i don't know if i'm gonna turn to rabbit oh bye buddy it was great to see you okay all right so obviously i've been practicing some magic okay some nice magic what's going on over there who would that who what's going on over there what are you looking at um why am i so low to the ground i'm not gonna um uh tail uh furriness hairball like a cat what did you do what did you do okay okay real talk i didn't do anything you're the one who for some reason broke into my house and uh fell inside of the cauldron change me back change me back right now i don't want this well in order to do that uh we would need to gather quite a few ingredients for a potion in order to reverse it okay because i've been practicing some magic um and uh okay sounds simple enough what exactly do we need for this uh so we need a spider's eye uh a uh gold tooth or as the book likes to call refer to them gold nuggets um some nether quartz a whole stack of diamonds um that kind of you need all of that yeah like a ton of things and i i literally amounted that's gonna take forever isn't there something else we can do i suppose we could check with everyone else and see if they can help us maybe like everyone on the server uh i'm too impatient for that as well okay okay okay here's the thought here's the thought uh-huh what if instead of asking for everything we just take everything we need oh my gosh you know what how about we do both first we try it my way the easy way and then we do it your way the dumb way come on let's go but first say meow you've got to be kidding me meow [Music] come on let's go kitty cat oh this feels uncomfortable look at everyone's house but have you seen all these decks look i'm so proud of you guys you've done such a great job they look a lot bigger from this perspective at the moment oh because you're a kitty cat but that's the least of my problems right now i want to get out of this okay okay fine fine fine all right we're gonna go figure out a way so let's go ask mac and see if she's got any um oh her door's open oh but look she's got a lot of courts see there's a lot of courts at her house so maybe she might have some nether quartz let's go take a look and see what we got over here oh um oh yeah there's a that yeah that's normal this is mac mac are you here if you if you're not here don't say anything this is a little spooky oh my god oh my god hi wait zayn why are you a cute little kitty cat don't worry about that right now oh you're so cute yeah real cute i'm adorable look we need help and you're a mouse and he can't eat you because he's so tiny and small how does it feel to be small oh no you're smoking i can still scratch her eyes out if i wanted if you can reach me okay okay all right anyway um all right so we're here because uh long story short accident happened zayn turned into cat uh i need some stuff in order to make him not a cat anymore do you happen to have any nether fort flying around um another quartz another course uh no but my dolls might be able to help you [Music] i don't want any lady i i don't know i shared dolls we got dolls over here we got frog i got another little kitty cat they they definitely can help i'm feeling the hair build up on my back here oh come on just step in the circle step in the circle come on okay okay so no i am in the circle there's something else i can put in the circle like uh yeah we're fine out here yeah yeah yeah what can i do oh oh oh they need cake they need cake okay hey all right you know what i can do this i can do this um how about how about i do something like this see there we go perfect perfect okay and now oh oh where did that come from i don't know my dolls could help i knew it you know i'm gonna go we're gonna go ahead and head out of here come on zayn let's get it are you sure my dolls can't help with anything else oh your dolls did more than enough just enjoy your tea party and whatever this is okay goodbye yeah we're leaving let's let's go see if we can get somebody else to help us okay let's go to that come on uh quickly very quickly and far and away very fastly let's go okay so now we need a gold tooth or a gold nugget and this is probably the best person to fight ian's house and and come out see here he's actually not here okay you know what uh scott no he's not that's perfect now you can just take everything we want don't close the door on me you're a cat oh my god you can open doors you're a cat look here's some gold right here we oh no it's fake what it's fake what do you mean fake what well i guess it would make sense for you to have fool's gold but wow then where's the real stuff at i don't know okay he is obviously what is he doing in here okay you know what you know what let's see if we can search around here maybe there might be something oh this looks promising [Music] i think so uh okay okay nothing's happening let's just keep looking see if we can find something in here i don't know if you should go over that trap again one more oh no what's that what what what what is that i don't know ah is that a golem i don't know it's a why does ian have a golem in here okay all right it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay all right we got spells all right so i'm gonna give you some of my spells you can have legal powers uh all right so let's see uh there you go you should have some my powers now all right okay okay okay okay okay just go ahead zap the thing get rid of it okay here we go here we go here we go oh okay all right be careful be careful be careful be careful oh first out oh oh god [Music] okay oh i think it's oh look there it is oh wait was that in its mouth here how about you hold it there you go no no no no no there you go oh no it's still wet all right come on we need some spider eyes now let's go we gotta go find them oh did i lock you in okay come on kitty let's go ugh okay no i'm perfectly capable of walking on my own okay all right you know what then go ahead and walk sir do the catwalk go yeah i will my four little paws will make that wait we're not going in there are we yes are you scared of spiders no that's pierce's house yeah i know that's pierce's house but you know what we need some spiders eyes right and obviously he's got spiders or something in there right what do we really have to mess with pierce for this yes we do why what their problem yeah it's pierce i don't want to mess with him okay well you know what just pretend like you're a cat and you don't have to talk to him at all okay just just that's all you got to do pierce pierce hey oh hey hey how's it going nice costume uh thank you costume yeah oh uh yeah the the the the toilet paper you got on you oh yeah costume definitely absolutely anyway is my cat uh me yeah what what was that wow yeah is that that color insane isn't it i told you this would work okay oh i took a little kitty oh i want to pet you i'm gonna change him back to normal and i need your help please don't oh please don't whatever you do you can you can i'll help you whatever you need just don't change him back come on you're that's the whole reason i'm here pierce okay oh but it's funny come on oh yeah all right look at me laughing look at me laughing ladies ladies ladies you're both oh my god you're both pretty okay all right all right good good good so pierce we need some spiders eyes you have a spider decorations and obviously we need them so give me some spider eyes please uh yeah i mean i i do have a few spider eyes not because of the house by the way that's weird anyway if you need them to change zayn back but i'm not gonna give him what oh i'm not gonna do it that's uh oh my god oh my god okay no it's okay it's okay he's like don't worry he's got his shots he's got all his shots i will be back okay okay can we spider eyes and anything like that look at you okay it's fine don't worry guy you can't go killing people like that okay no one blames the cat if a death happens okay but look look you can't get caught all right so here how about this let's do a little bit of a uh a transformation spell okay so hold on tight because we're going to there we go see now we're his precious sheep but only for a little bit okay doesn't last too long big question here how come you can change us into sheep but you can't change me out of a cat into a human uh because i don't have enough power to do that i need the stuff okay oh likely excuse me okay come on all right so a sheep got out let's see does he have uh all right nope let's go come on come on don't get too excited by the way all right don't [Music] mean gertrude pablo how did you get in here let's oh i don't even have any wheat uh just just go back would you push wait fire why is there fire no spiders oh no oh they're attracted to the house oh no oh did i just make this really bad idea don't you like spiders i don't know if i made that house like this oh did he just oh wait did he just burn himself because he could ever run away from the fighters okay all right good good good let's uh let's let's quickly before he comes back check the chest it's gonna be here somewhere oh he look at this all right there we go there we go all right we got it we got we got some yeah let's go i got 15. hurry let's get out of here let's get out of here okay just before i go just gonna uh a little more you know maybe we shouldn't have gone too far with pierce i'm kind of getting a little scared that maybe he might come back for us or something you know stop worrying about it come on let's get this thing over with all right let's get going my house is right there okay so we need to actually go to your place to see if we can find uh maybe just a little bit oh hello hello traveler how are you doing today nobody not this boob again oh i know what you guys are up to and that is what are we up to exactly you don't know anything you and you are planning on turning him back into actual zane aren't you yeah also max here hi yeah i can't stay a cat forever oh uh here's the trick though i think you can and i am here to make sure that is exactly what happens you're not allowed to laugh on the server nailed it oh my god so yeah can't let you change your back sorry would love to but can't okay first question why oh i think you know why i think i know you know exactly why don't you say no i have no idea what you're talking about uh-huh what cat got your tongue [Laughter] nice one zinger it was really good saying what did you do what did you do i did nothing oh he didn't what did he tell you then huh oh well let me be the uh first tell you your friend over here caused uh quite the catastrophe earlier by exploding by sheep zayn [Music] okay fine look look i enjoyed doing it it was hilarious what and i was going to do it again but aphmau caught me sneaking into her house to get more explosive potions oh so in other words you failed in what we were trying to do in the first place well guess what i broke into her house too and i got a little bit of spelling magic stuff for me as well and for that too yeah yeah yeah mac and i are here to finish you off math finish you off look i'm just here because pierce promised me diamonds and the dolls may have told me to do it too so you know i don't think it was the dolls oh god they got my spells how could they do this yeah whoa whoa what's that phoenix is this this is all right well we got some phoenix how about some guys oh no oh no okay um i can't believe your hair balls are actually the things taking people out this is kind of good yeah this is kind of surprising let me try it again come on i was just kidding the doll told me to do it it wasn't really me it wasn't really me we're gonna have to change your mindset about that [Music] okay zayn you know what let's let's keep you out of trouble okay i you're gonna get you're gonna get carried okay i'm i'm carrying you come on let's go we're gonna go to your house and get some time let's just get back you're not getting those diamonds anymore the last thing we need to complete is the whole stack of diamonds okay all right right why that's i mean that sure is all a big ingredient to have i mean it's too yeah too bad i don't have any diamonds on me oh really are you sure about that yeah uh yeah i mean it's just the craziest thing i mean you think that's the one thing we would need there but i just i am fresh out of diamonds i mean they are a rare commodity here after all and as a cat i can't dig any of those up well how about we try this on for size [Laughter] all right so you know what i'm going to do i'm going to put this right here and every time you respawn you're going to respond right there and i'm going to keep exploding okay hang on give me the diamonds let's just nah look i i don't know what you're talking about we i don't have any diamonds to worry about you know you stole diamonds from pierce you can't lie to me i mean i mean diamonds are such a rare commodity with inflation and everything i mean they're so hard to find nowadays i don't care about inflation i don't know what that means okay okay okay stop stop stop stop uh-huh uh-huh i have diamonds i'll i'll show it to you just don't do that again okay come on show me where the diamonds are just follow me up here okay the shambled version of the steps all right show me where all your diamonds are mister all right give me give me a second please hear your diamonds yeah right there all right zayn all right so let's go ahead now i can make you that potion to get you back to normal come on let's go oh yay back to humanity come on let's go right into my house this way all right so let's go ahead and make this potion so don't jump in here yet because you'll just turn into a super cat if you do okay super cat that kind of sounds cool but yeah let's not focus on that part right now okay all right so here we go look so what you need to do what you do is i need to go ahead and put some of the uh oh oops wrong spell there we go the summoning spell on okay so now that we got this all going here we go so first off we need to add in the nether shorts there we go we need to put in the spider eye and of course if you have the golden tooth if you could please put that in uh okay i'll just i'll just toss it out here yeah okay did you just pair all that up okay here we go here is the golden tooth oop i gotta keep this on i gotta keep this on nope keep that on right perfect and then we put in the one diamond inside of there there we go okay the one what wait what one diamond you just told me you needed a whole stack well you see that's the thing it needs one diamond but my feet to make the potion is like 63 diamonds so just putting that out i'm serious all right all right all right zayn step in the pool and you will be cured go for it okay so it better work there you go [Music] i think it worked oh that feels so much better oh i can't believe that actually what are you what what's wrong what happened uh wait what i've gotten one of the ingredients mixed up maybe i need to add more dough why do i hear you super what what no no what are these what aphmau what did you do this time thank you for coming to my uh little wood shop bye no no no no no no no no no no wait no no we need to fix this we need to fix this no refund don't just don't deny me ah no refunds bye are you get out of here and you fly away you're a cruel mistress i'm a real witch
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,774,821
Rating: 4.8965487 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby witch pranks, pranking my friends as a witch in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, witch pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a witch in minecraft, pranking my friends as witch, pranking my friends as witch aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, witch minecraft
Id: 5WZXOnqttsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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