We're TRAPPED On A RAFT In Roblox!

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[Laughter] all right guys our raft is complete and we're ready to go set cell you ready guys are you sure all right here we go launching this will be great i'm not everyone likes i'm not feeling too great about this raft this is the perfect raft okay we got this all right let's go guys we're doing it this is the best draft ever we can't build any better it's working are those rocks be careful i think i see rocks up ahead is this wrap gonna see like it's gonna hold for rocks no no no no no no just don't panic get everyone okay all right no one's gonna die no one's gonna try not to battle someone paddle someone paddle i don't have a pedal oh my god from here okay okay how do you stay here the guys are at the front maybe the water is nice and warm if we end up falling in yeah yeah no i i don't feel good about being here in the front with the rocks coming at us and uh [Laughter] [Applause] there's bigger rocks we're in england oh my god [Applause] i didn't realize my chair floated so oh my gosh [Music] [Laughter] wait it was max i didn't want to be in my chair anymore i was afraid but um here we are is matt just living life oh my goodness she's still alive she's alive we're doing it on this little dinky wrap guys we're doing it look at that you know yeah okay i didn't believe i didn't like that before but i'm feeling really good about this oh no your chair oh no okay it's not good anymore it is no longer good guys we ran back over completely oh my god okay all right guys we need to build a better raft we should all work together to make the better wrap this time yeah yeah it was a good start but maybe not the best thing okay so let's start laying down the foundation all right we need to get some some wood in here all right everyone just start building okay okay okay okay look at this and everyone knows the best rafts have cannons oh my god why oh okay it's been facing the right way yeah um you know what uh i'm i'm um i'm gonna let you you deal with that no i'm putting on the door right yeah we need a door guys i'm not going to ask any questions yeah it's going to be our home it's going to be our home we make a houseboat houseboat guys oh my god i love houseboats there's a there's holes you guys it's okay we've got this all right mac there's no right way to build a raft okay hey i feel like there is a right way so we don't die but you know i'm not going to be the bearer of bad news over here so yeah you're not going to be a bear you're a person oh my goodness now whenever we have neighbors over who want to come in and they're not welcome they open the door oh guys look i got it i got this whoa that seems like a fun seat and then this what else do i have oh my god guys i think i'm gonna get some more oh stop wow that would be good yeah stone put it around the front now we have a good cause that's a really good idea yes a good strong foundation yes exactly look at this oh a pew guys we got all this stuff hang on i'm trying to build a solid back wall because we gotta put somewhere to put our engines are you ready for the coolest thing ever what would you guess whatever i got these weird purple blocks oh look how cool they are that is really what does it do nice what does it do i i don't know they just look pretty they were like purple like yarn and i feel like yarn is strong right works for me sure you guys seem like you're really apprehensive about this punching glove if we build double layers then all the rocks when they hurt they'll only hurt the the one layer um words it makes sense i promise what did she say look look we're doing a good job okay don't question anything and a punching glove would you put this on your refrigerator if you could is it is it refrigerator quality good what this raft yeah so i think this is where the engine should go i answered your question don't worry about it [Music] she hates it guys i'm feeling really good about this raft yeah look we got the only one i'm gonna i'm gonna set up some chairs so we're all set to go yay navigation there uh weapons control over here um shields we don't have any shields over here oh we got lots of iron at least and uh rockets uh back here you know what um [Music] how many rockets do we have you guys i don't know guys look this is the best wrap we've ever made oh my god guys guys guys guys oh there we go yeah yeah i have the most amazing things in the world i'm putting them on the boat right now oh wow you're not gonna know what they are but they're gonna be great trust me trust me they're great where are y'all sitting i think i'm gonna sit next to the cannon i'll sit right here probably ah it feels like band class wait for the cue to pull the cannon there we go all right okay i'm over here on the right i'm feeling pretty good about this okay i'm next to the giant punching glove okay i'm putting my chair right there there we go i'm making sure there's no holes in the ship i think we should be getting tons of holes plenty of holes it's probably fine the queen ventilation okay all right do we have everything that we need is everyone good to go like do we have any more cannons do we need any more noise do we even operate the cannon wait wait we need one thing we need one more thing every captain needs a good uh gotta find it oh you already put it okay guys i think we're ready are you ready to set sail yes let's go i'm gonna i'm gonna leave this boat how do i save this boat i don't know how to say very carefully all right all right we got this let's go ready launch and let's go here we go we did it again shall we activate a cannon captain activate the cat wait no not yet we gotta so just to make sure can we actually open the door when we need to fire the cannon i don't know i mean i don't think we should the door is right behind uh uh that's true oh my god kill me i'm dying oh yeah there's a cannon right behind you listen i put the cannon there you put the chair there after i put the can in there well my chance to see how we do oh my uh we can go fast past this point [Music] wait what nice rocket power tube all right i think we're doing a good job don't worry gentlemen this is going wow look at the flowers there's no i got a sword i know right oh you got a sword honey oh i took it down from the mask there are some pistols by you guys well you can grab those things that's pretty cool oh wait i got one too oh all right i want a gun i got a gun hang on let me let me go get one it's my iron holding up i'm in the cannon oh my god [Music] [Applause] i feel the boat rocking are you even wearing your seatbelt nope don't worry i got a new chair guys we're making it really far okay we're making it really i know oh my goodness [Applause] oh my god guys guys guys guys we gotta get oh my god [Music] this is fine okay keep firing keep firing oh no oh candy oh my god this is so funny oh i want ice cream how do we scare this thing oh no no no no no no no my hair's gone these are balloons watch oh my god i like training oh nice oh no we're fine we're fine we made it through i'm firing at the ice cream oh my god oh i want a lollipop though shoot the lollipops what is that oh what is that oh oh they're being shadows there's so many piano things here [Laughter] this reminds me of a song the last time i was out to see sailing on the high seas remember these words three don't die please do you think we can make it out of here live yes uh i don't know there's a lot of holes by me now and we did lose our two towers oh my god i guess i'll be cosplaying with the wings i'ma fire the donuts [Applause] we still haven't [Applause] because i am i am the greatest pirate you've ever seen because i'm handsome wow all right sailors we could do better than that all right we can build the best wrap ever yay okay [Music] let's put the butter there's the butter guys butter maybe we can keep our hair this time no just because you lost your hair doesn't mean that everyone else has to all right let's get started [Applause] i don't know i'm trying to build something good okay well i'm just gonna build the front again see if we can get that okay see if you get spun around the city i'm just building a little cargo platform back here you know i've got a lot of stuff i want to bring this time oh you got a lot of junk in the trunk i hear you i'm putting it away guys guys i can buy foil the blocks are bouncy and maybe we'll bounce off the rocks oh my god wha wha wha what is that ian huh want that i told you i'm i'm bringing some stuff well well wait that's gonna be on the boat with us you're lucky i can't read so i can't tell what it is but it looks bad it looks red it's gonna be fine actually don't worry yeah i don't know about that i don't know how i feel about any of this what does tnt stand for not trouble totally not trouble got it it's tint toffee nut it's hair dye it gives you the right tint of hair that you want oh the tip to make sure what happens if we lose our hair again i really don't want to this time um i i don't worry i've got an emergency right there there he goes nice nice nice look at all that noise has all right so i'm building out the foundation you got yeah you guys build a round oh my god what are you doing ian i'm i told you i'm loading get supplies ah okay i don't know oh i'm gonna put some torches right here everything's high i'm gonna put some torches right here oh yeah that's a good idea we want to make sure we have lights so we don't trip over the supplies perfect all right we got plenty of lights i'm gonna put a thing right here should we have other precautions against what other precautions for what uh uh a precaution says what i what ah nice no more tnt then that's all my tnt oh that's beautiful i love what's going on here oh wait a minute oh i can jump up oh that's so smart whoa yeah what if we put our houses up there oh my god our seats i got some emergency supplies up there i got some emergency supplies up there all right good good good good good all right so i'm on windows what is this i can't build up to the top of the stupid thing here in oh what how's that my fault i'm trying to get up to the mast oh my goodness that's a big word how do you know that word i don't even know what that means it's the top of the thingy i think or maybe it's some actually i don't know what it means either [Laughter] i just remember what a pirate said once what'd they say what they say masked vast you have a mask no yes but what is it a pirate map ian i'm getting rid of this cannon i don't know give her that cannon what gotta put somewhere else man we're trying to try to build up fine i'll put it somewhere else thank you i'm just saying not that it's a big deal or anything it's probably gonna be fine girls away my boy oh my god oh my god oh my god what do you think i don't know this does not turn out the way that i thought it was going it's fine we're still above water aren't we yeah oh my cannon guys guys fire off all the things we can on the thing okay my cannon left pew pew pew did you want to work on a new raft or watch his there's criminals to pieces hang on uh oh no i made it to the tnt oh no let's see if i can uh up it'll be fine i'm gonna try to get back on the boat okay i'm trying to hit the button oh i made it back to the boat i made it back to the boat [Applause] the jets are gone see uh okay i think we're actually stuck now no we're good oh oh we may have the raft we may have the raft we may be able to do this oh no i got thrown out into the river i was about to ask how you weren't dead yet but i guess that answers my question who else is not dead i just died guys i think you're the last one left captain shooky guys i think i can make this oh my god you can do it i believe in you oh my god oh my god guys we made it to candyland look at this i wish i was there okay look all right guys we're making it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god we're gonna make it past the train yeah it's my hair and see the tnt is saving you is helpful oh my god no don't get any weird ideas it's not the tnt you just gotta climb the tnt it's yeah oh no i i i put on the rockies this bed this is [Music] just imagine the fireworks show and it finally goes off you can't go wrong with the tower of tnt that's what i always say it's what my grandpappy told me your grandpappy oh my god grandpappy you know he taught me how to build boats he was like hey you gotta you gotta put some tnt everywhere and every something goes wrong you go boom and uh you know what he was oh no correct i listened to him all my life oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no what is this part oh my god where we watch the fireworks you know good thing on second thought uh you didn't think you weren't on the tnt tower anymore wow i think she even still has her hair oh guys i think we're gonna do it are you gonna get a strike bowling pins wait guys is that the treasure yeah there was treasure oh my goodness you're almost there you didn't get the treasure oh now you got donuts oh give me give me give me your nose oh [Music] wait am i alive wait i think you are are you under the ship oh you don't look alive oh we tried tried
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 10,194,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox raft, roblox raft survival, surviving roblox on a raft, lets play roblox survival, roblox raft bedrock, bedrock raft mod, stranded in the ocean in roblox, roblox raft game, roblox challenge, roblox mod, raft aphmau, raft survival aphmau, raft, roblox stranded, roblox survival, roblox secret raft, raft survival, raft in roblox, roblox funny moments, roblox no swears
Id: l_eY2lPjrZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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