My Evil Wishes as a CURSED GENIE In Minecraft!

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be careful what you wish for as you might just catch the attention of this cute minecraft cursed genie she's ultra powerful and super mischievous and when my friends seek her out for wishes she'll grant them just not in the way they wanted will they survive her cursed wishes or will they have to find a way to bring this cursed genie down you'll just have to watch to find out oh you want to know what a cute curse genie wishes for well if you can like and subscribe that would make me happy thanks welcome everyone i am a genie of chaos that's right or as other people would know me a cursed genie and i happen to make wishes come true that are just a little i don't know interesting so instead of granting three wishes i only grant a few maybe one depends on what i feel like i'm kind of like you know a mean genie a meanie okay oh wait uh you know what we're just gonna uh uh oh uh man i i sure wish there was a genie on the server who could grant wishes so you know i can maybe get some more gold that guy right there that's ian i mean i'm sure you all know him but he's been looking for me all day because he wants some selfish wishes so of course i'm going to help him a little bit what are you doing down there sir uh wondering uh you know what what's a guy got to do to get some gold around here because you're genie you're supposed to help people and grant wishes and um yeah yeah i want some i want some gold please oh you want some gold okay well you know what i do want some gold you could just i don't know go mine it or something like that you know well yes i could and i've done that but i i don't have time i need gold now okay well you know what you haven't really found my magic lamp so uh you know what here here take my magic lamp and make a wish oh yes okay magic magic uh i wish for uh lot lots of gold i wish for gold okay your wish is granted there you go gold there's gold on the ground and gold in the trees and go ah my uh my sheep you guys okay um you know what that's fine that's fine i got cold i've got gold i got wait what why does my hand look like this um take a look at yourself wait hang on hang on why am i gold i can't oh i can't i ca i can't i can't see blue i can't do the things i don't want to i got hang on hang on um you know what uh why would i want to take this lamp back and give me back my body oh you see there's a thing i only grant as many wishes as i want and you only had one wishes so see you bye [Applause] see ya oh that was so much fun all right who else uh does somebody need help hi somebody offering help i really could use oh are you in trouble over here oh hello floating woman yes no absolutely a bit of a curse really cool you know what i wish if you're a genie and all that i wish i wasn't trying well here first you have to take my uh you have to take my lamp down there and then you have to wait where it's down the bottom you know just uh you know but i can't swim well genie rules i can't really help you unless you uh you know get the lamp so uh okay i got it i wish i was detroiting anymore all right i will help you here we go [Music] you said you wish you weren't drowning so uh you know i uh i helped you out a bit there okay but how do i go back to my house and watch tv like this i don't know how to do this anymore that's uh that's not my problem anymore you only get one wish for me i told you i was a cursed genie oh well i mean it's better than drowning but still come on my house is right there i just okay okay i got this i think i got this i just got a and a one and a two and uh three oh oh i think i made it only one problem [Music] um you know what i saved them beautiful i did it yay wow would you look at this sunset it is so romantic and oh speaking of romantic what is going on over there uh did uh did you enjoy dinner kauai chan yeah it was very good thank you so much zane no it's no problem i mean i just uh the thing is i i wanted to do it so i could just i wish i could just find the words just tell you how i feel and i i have so many emotions and no uh-huh okay i i i anything i just he said that i just wish my fields would just spill out of my mouth you know it just i want it in any way i can i just want it to come through uh-huh oh that's very nicely his wish is my command is it i'm glad yeah you know what man i wish our dates were a piece of cake oh why didn't they always have to go this way yeah come on i'm just going to go [Music] bruh [Music] let's go see who else i can help i hate this why no one taught me how to do laundry i don't know how to clean anything i have this whole pile this thug i just ah i just need to walk i'm over it i hate this i hate life i just wish i was a kid again you guys hear that did you hear the magic keyboard wish just maybe i can go somewhere and just what oh my gosh is this what i think it is you've summoned me hello welcome you want to be a kid again well your wish is my command here we go what um this isn't what i meant by being a kid i need oh no oh no oh no what am i gonna do help help somebody help i didn't i didn't mean for this literally don't worry it's nice being short trust me you'll like it also um you know you'll be perfectly fine you're a kid you can live on your own [Music] i wish there was someone around to fix this i wish there was an adult or someone who was really responsible who could help me your wish again is my man oh no i know your wishes again this is gonna be bad oh there you are oh that that's not so bad i landed pretty okay that's not bad [Music] okay my wish was not to bring ian literally anybody but ian yes yeah oh there he is this time you shouldn't explode don't worry you should be fine are you sure there's not a more responsible adult somewhere no this is the best i can do right now so ian this is your new new daughter this is mac you are this is now your daughter you you are now the adult uh good luck being responsible wait i wait hang on was this a wish i didn't wish for this i didn't wish for this either see that's not what i heard so uh yeah so here how about here you pick up your daughter pick her up okay and i'll give you guys a magical oh no no no no i don't want to take your daughter there you go oh look at that and then here here you take her oh look now you have a new house since you're the adult uh it's all yellow my house these are my vegetables this is my laundry that i don't know how to do hang on wha why does a child own a house uh because she was an adult but then she made a wish to be a child and now you're her father i made you that i made that happen you're dead okay uh okay um so hey you you needed to do some laundry let's uh let's see huh how does this work um you know we'll come back to that later a food food is good we got um let's see nothing in the fridge we got um ew we got we got fruits and veggies these are delicious no there's no good this is all gonna have to go get rid of that what are you doing are you a young lady if i'm gonna be your father you're gonna live under my house live by my rules and um uh you know you know what uh go to your room you know what you know what there's not really that much room here you know maybe uh maybe you would like another wish ian yeah take this thing away from me i don't want it okay okay you know what uh genie ginny i'm ready for a new wish yes i wish that this house was double in size double in size you say well yeah i can make that happen how about we do this oh no oh no oh that's awesome what no look how big the house is and uh oh you're you're a grown-up again oh you are a little bitty baby wait what what why is the world so big you didn't say you did not tell me i'll make you wish you never laughed at me word wish don't say the word wish yeah i i wish that uh mac uh had had uh adult responsibility no no no no no no no no my command mac here you go no no no no no oh oh that turned me into it i have to deal with responsibilities [Music] i'm gonna go cry i'm so small oh my house is so far away now wait we gotta figure this out guys i mean uh right now how things are working out it's not working out i know it took me so long to just to not be gold again you know as sad as that was i had to do some very unspeakable things to not be a shark anymore very unspeakable guys why don't we just ask her why she's upset you know communicate our feelings no no that's that's or even worse angry and we just ask her and communicate oh no this must be really easy i listen to the first half of that wait do you think what i'm thinking i'm i'm thinking what you're thinking you know what she said apples angry stop stopping yeah we can bring your fruit it's really healthy oh no no but but food that gives me an idea yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go to your place what is it what is it okay yeah yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go girls go away we got we got important planning to do we got this girls we got this don't worry about it you and i we're we're masters of all this don't you woman done all right okay so now we just have to wait for her to come over here and walk on over yeah we can like hide behind him just make sure not to walk over that patch of grass right right right absolutely i got it lodged in my brain that i am not gonna walk over toward that mud no matter what no matter who and watson uh-huh you guys this isn't gonna work i'm sure it's gonna work silly nobody can rest resist the sirens call of mutton nobody and he forgets that he set the trap let's see patience patience wait what what am i doing hey ian how you doing uh good you know wait we've been waiting yeah no i mean it feels like it's been waiting hey look mutton what no beer cheers did you really sound like a trap like that's so dangerous no it wasn't gonna work uh you know i can just uh i can just float right oh yeah this was a bad idea wait where'd the button go ah what a relaxing day nothing is going to go wrong after i put those guys you know in their place i think we're ready to go huh remember yeah yeah yeah yeah what's happening we'll be able to get rid of her if we blow up the lamps of her power yeah [Music] trouble aiming right no no yeah hey so what you guys aiming at oh just yourself hi hi hi how's it going hi it's getting pretty good i see you're trying to get rid of my lamp there no no no no no no no we're not we're trying to uh uh we're trying to get rid of uh this blue lamp that's what we're aiming at but uh let's just try to get rid of these arrows they're very dangerous see i'll see i'll just shoot it up at the sky so that way it's it's gone out of sight out of mind right you don't have to worry about it unfortunately see very dangerous very dangerous unfortunately neither of us are really good at aiming i i wish one of us was good at aiming you know it is what it is i will make a wish come true and make you hit something okay how about this wait what uh oh this sounds bad this sounds bad i'm back hang up it sounds good what am i doing what am i doing oh [Music] [Applause] here you go wait me no no no no i don't need that you know what since i'm a genie i want some more puppies puppy wow whoa look at all these puppies move puppy look at that oh nice more puppies okay ian did you bring what did you bring the stuff oh i got the stuff i got brand new silver swords oh i just got a regular silver sword oh my goodness did you get the garlic some wooden steaks in case we need him because um i i think you have the wrong mythical creature here she's a genie not a vampire silver sword steak and garlic to fight vampires i'm pretty sure those are genie things yeah i really really think we should just talk to her tell her to be a little nicer to us not we're here to take you on you've done too many mean things on the server and it's time for you to stop oh okay here let me just grant my last wish which is wait what what wish what and then wait what happened to you why do i have wings we could i can fly actually actually it's quiet wait wait pierce why i just remembered why this is fruit why do you mean by that that's the bad fruit looks like they really sank their fangs into the fruit the exploding fruit well it looks like the humans have stopped trying to bother me today and stop trying to get selfish wishes so i should be pretty good about that oh no oh no oh no oh hey hey genie um listen listen hang on hang on hang on listen today i know things have been a little weird with us with all the crazy wishes and the trying to you know capture get rid of you but you know we've decided as a group that everyone else is working on i thought we wanted to give you some gifts as like a like a piece of break you know not some kind of trap is it no no no no no i promise it's not a trap this time it uh anyway anyway we all thought it'd be good to give you gifts so i just wanted to bring you some gold you know i thought you'd like some gold you know not half bad human not not bad ian's gold here why is this a gold hair why is this a gold hair ian um listen listen when i was solid gold i i may have tried some new hairstyles and then i found out oh it it just stayed gold so you know is this like you've got some free gold nuggets i don't understand this whatsoever fine you know it'll suffice it it'll suffice it will do well but though oh okay more again okay more please uh yeah more guests [Applause] appease me okay hello welcome uh yes so i present to you as an offering of forgiveness and uh sacrifice uh daniella the sheep enjoy here you go i would give you more but i didn't want to so yeah why would you think i want a sheep i don't know i mean are pretty nice and they're they're they're fluffy like you first [Music] that was fat no no no no i didn't say fat i just he didn't say fat bring me your next gift elsa i don't know okay uh uh hi um i brought you hey but did you not hear what he just said oh wait what did wha what did you say what did you say to her my next gift who's got the last gift i'm coming i have a gift for [Music] [Music] it's delicious it's healthy and scrumptious and nothing about your figure nothing at all listen listen it's not nobody brought her a salad in a healthy body is a healthy there's not even bacon bits in the sun oh did that make her mad listen listen this is good this is good oh yes that is good but also his earthquakes there you go oh goodbye genie where's the last person where did he go you'll never find me in noyes house you would never destroy noise oh hi hi okay you're shaking me up in here it doesn't feel very good oh okay that was bad i didn't feel very good oh you know what i'm just going to eat the salad anyway i need healthy things it's been fun causing chaos today eat your greens guys oh i wish i had another salad
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,926,067
Rating: 4.904902 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, gameplay, minecraft, funny, 2019, new, minecraft mod, minecraft gameplay, minecraft playthrough, minecraft roleplay, minecraft video game, yt:quality=high, 1.14.2, playthrough
Id: y9iqdbdNuYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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