Playing Minecraft as the MASTER Villain!

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Are we not gonna talk about aphmau looking like season 4 mind controlled aphmau ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ’š

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/-Home_girl- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

mystreet season 4 remastered

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ellie_Ato ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Idk but it does look a bit similar. I guess she needs a new style for it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shadow-player24 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
on this server i become the best minecraft villain you've never seen and my first evil task is to make the other players on the server turn against each other without letting them know that it's me and as a villain i have the ability to recruit my very own villainous minions to do my bidding with so many new items at my command can i make sure the players of this server have a bad time of course i can also if you want to help me out be sure to hit the subscribe button thanks welcome today i am playing minecraft but as something really special you ready for this i am playing minecraft as a villain okay so what does it mean to be a villain in minecraft well we have to cause mischief and trouble and that's exactly what's right behind me right now as you can see over there i've got a little trap set up and it doesn't look like ian's coming out so i gotta figure out a way to lure him and i have a detonator so all i have to do is just make it look believable enough which is just by putting down a sign that clears me of any trouble saying from pierce and maybe what i'll do is put something right here there we go okay put this down and then maybe put like a little flame and then this uh paper bag okay all right so there we go now all i have to do is just make sure that i light it appropriately like this there we go all right it's on fire now and i'm going to come over here and hopefully you'll see the bag [Laughter] [Music] oh what a nice guy you know what um i didn't get him anything i really should but first i'll get these now it's um it's uh it's safe right see okay let's see here we go what perfect what is this what all right cheers let's see how it is i see you know what this calls for retaliation of course pierce does something so so amateurish like this she wants to see how evil of villain you can be i'll show him how to be a real villain okay you know what i'll show him a real real villain by making him my minion hang on a sec and um uh okay got it oh hey hey uh how's it going app now fancy seeing you here i just finished brewing this little little potion it's an emerald potion and uh yeah you know doesn't do much just a little bit of uh this huh [Laughter] i am the greatest villain of all time i am so scared oh my gosh i feel like i can't control myself i just may have to burn down your house just a little bit you know what oh no no no no hey hey hey it's not supposed to do that um what can you not hang on hang on hank just stay there for just a second did i not do that right you made your potion just a little too weak you have a baby potion very tiny potion but see a true villain like me has a potion about this big that that's that's that where'd you get a bottle that thing look don't ask questions okay i just broke a lot of glass like your window uh but yeah so it's time for you to become my minion how about that no no no no no no no hang on let's talk about this it's gonna be afraid you know let's talk it'll be perfectly fine to talk no come on you don't have to do that wait wait a minute something's different something yeah feels feels feels different look you have to obey me now i have to obey you now yes sam awesome yes haha you are awesome that's good oh no okay all right how about here i'm gonna just uh felt weird you don't actually say i'm awesome okay so let's ian you're not by me oh okay oh welcome okay welcome welcome you know i thought i was gonna be the villain but um guess not nope nope nope so so i'm gonna show you how to be a real villain okay so what you gotta do is just follow me i'm gonna take you to my secret lair and i'll let you in on my top secret plan all right oh okay yeah yeah i i want to know what we're gonna do let's take the background villainy yeah because peers totally blew up your front uh totally blew up your front uh yeah did you see that i don't have a front front entry any more we'll go out the window i uh i did not see that so uh come follow me this way to my house over here come on uh don't tell don't tell him i did that guys don't tell him what was that nothing nothing nothing let's go to my house my house is over here let's go now i'm going to show you something that i've never shown anyone else all right my secret villain base okay it looks like your house no this is not it okay it's far more fantastical than anything else as fast as it holds the word because i'm a villain and i made it a word i went to dictionary and i wrote it in that's how evil i am you wrote in the dictionary and i didn't return my overdue library book trampoline of evil right here pretty good uh i love it i mean i hate it oh be careful because it does get a little slippery right here pool of evil and over here is the uh shed of evil my secret laboratory is down below that's a small ship okay so my secret secret villainy base don't you like it it so so so what are we doing here there's not much room it is small but you know what um it'll be bigger in three two one oh oh hey free potion nice oh i'm saving that one finally you know you i'm glad you're like i didn't even room in the landing pool for me look you missed the one spot all right now only true villains true villains can make it past this little jumpy puzzle okay so watch watch watch only true valence can make it past jumping from one block to another yes because we have to jump all around our lives because we're villains okay yes master okay let's see got it master [Music] oh my gosh you almost and uh touch it a little bit you know that's okay okay over here oh did i help you okay you know what no no no no no you're gonna kill me i'm gonna die i'm gonna burn i'm gonna burn there you are all right perfect so i'm going to show you what i've been working on in secret okay what is it it is a secret mod all right secret very secret very evil okay very very evil so i love people what i want to show you right here is this this is called multiplying tnt and when i place it down it'll multiply so watch watch carefully ready okay bam never heard of multiplying tnt but you know what oh master i'm excited to see see there we go oh that's cool isn't it cool now break it because it's uh it's it's very yeah yeah no no no this is this is the part of my secret plan all right my plan is to blow up the entire server the entire server so what we're gonna do that's a great plan is we're going to place it right over here okay i need to make sure that i open this i forgot to open it but this will spread underground basically so you forgot to uh make a gate for your big plan well it's dangerous okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna place it down here okay place it right there it'll start multiplying okay and it'll multiply underneath the server look at it go explosive okay now what we have to do what we have to do is a bunch of villain pranks okay to get everyone distracted because if they dig down they're gonna find the tnt okay okay oh yep yep you're right about that mm-hmm come on all right so we gotta go make sure that everyone to close the door my goodness you're villains not heroes command me to shut the door i'm just a minion doing your bidding my goodness all right so let's come over here so my first little act of villainry is to give pierce an explosive chicken we know how much he loves chickens exactly and i love explosions exact same same thing they're so villainous all right this chicken will explode at a moment's notice i don't want i don't want to be near the chicken oh yeah no no no don't worry it's only for people who really hold it for a long period of time okay okay yeah that's so good i'm not gonna talk chicken chicken get away from me so ian i need you said you're my minion to deliver the explosive chicken to pierce do you understand i don't want to touch the keys but you must obey me exactly exactly i don't want to carry the explosive chicken don't worry you'll be fine just don't carry it for too long okay all right that's all pierced all right are you ready to do this you ready to do this i guess okay all right get the chicken go go go go go just just come here chicken okay fine okay chicken chicken all right you stay right there don't go exploding or anything trees okay i don't think snowball's working um how about sticks harris get out of here i should get him hello hey what broke my windows snowballs let's go rob breakfast marshmallows don't let them see you get over here my god thank kids hey get off my lawn wait what's all the sticks here hello little chicky boy hey how are you doing bloody good explosion oh look at you all nice stuff i'm gonna name you smith come on smith let's go he is really really bad with names oh my god tell you what it's really cold out here i'll take you right inside the house it'll just keep you keep each other nice and cool there you go you can hang out on my bed i figure i'd build a new place for oh this is gonna be great i mean okay what i don't know what ticking is in terms of hobbies but you know it's it that's why what did [Music] all right need to test it uh ian ian uh where'd you where'd you go oh the other one i was checking out underground it's looking great all right perfect just want to make sure um so i need to test out something for me okay so one thing that we're going to have to do is hang on hang on not right now there's gold at the end of this let's go well that was easier test than i thought okay there's no gold down here i just wanted you to see really quick the thing i had set up so i mean is it i mean is it is it in this maybe not why didn't you tell me i did technically tell you what i was going to tell you but you kind of just went on your own i just wanted to make sure that it was foolproof and it wasn't which means to come down here there we go all right come on in come on in where'd you go come in come on let's go we just gotta wait for them oh i know yeah let's wait let's wait let's wait let's wait you ready oh yeah so what do you think if we were to make chocolate cake instead of strawberry cake this time oh i like that idea oh yeah or even better chocolate strawberry cake [Music] oh so many cake ideas what's this i don't know [Music] here we go [Music] i got all my bones ready [Laughter] [Laughter] come on we have more work to do let's go my minion more villainous things to do yes are you done up there yet not yet so watch this you see this up here this is a multiplying silverfish block all they have to do it's the pinnacle of villarreal it's perfect okay so literally all they have to do is just touch it once and it'll continuously spawn silver fish this will be fine i don't want to touch any of the things that you make look look okay i'm a villain all right i i work very well with these things so so we just got to make sure that they don't all right boy you're ready to do something today you got it gotta get it ready and ready to go i just need to go grab something because uh let's see i think i have torches over here hold on let me just uh okay what are we doing we're doing some redecorating around here i really like it yeah i don't want to talk about it ah there it open i will say i like the sky like the uh yeah it's more just sky awake hold on you see what i'm saying yeah it's like some kind of block above your roof all right there we go a little bit further a little bit further a little bit further and i hit my head i guess huh i guess it's just stone i guess oh oh oh oh oh [Applause] [Music] figure this out [Music] what are you doing here hey guys you know just um setting your house on fire because i'm the best villain ever wow i know what um you okay best film in the world just kind of exploded ah there you go guys i have saved the day wait after yes and he is gone don't worry he's gone forever i am a hero that's right you didn't do anything and my house is still on fire and filled with silverfish okay you're welcome citizens goodbye so kawaii chan you know her she cannot resist a picnic okay so what we're gonna oh definitely i know we're gonna make a little picnic area here because if we build it kawai chan will come trust me absolutely yeah yeah [Music] see that so watch this that's cool thunder show me your best evil laugh ian your best you will laugh oh i'm an expert in evil laughter let's eat their cake cause we're villains yummy yes get out of here now snowballs come on let's do your parkour like a good villain all right let's get it over here i'm an expert at it now yeah i know you should be able to do it in one go okay that's exactly what's needed there we go uh it's the power of the villain in me look at you getting to be a better villain see i told you all right let's go check on the tnt oh that's a lot of tnt perfect okay all right so now that it's spread enough we have to go push a button okay i'm going to get the button all together we're going to go to the center of the server and we're going to explode everything all right you ready this is going to be awesome okay spread far enough okay let's get going let's get going i'm excited to see come on let's go i got stuff in my house yeah let's go well you were close you know you were very close okay so all we have to do is place this down like right about here this is exciting we have to explode the server button okay all right and and now we can finally press it are you ready yes okay waiting so long hey oh no what a mess there you watch you out i see what's going on you can't lie to us what the trouble we've been having are all around the service but caused by a villain oh no and whatever you're planning ian we're here to stop you that's right hang on what yeah obviously it's you and you've made poor half bow your minion yeah yeah yeah you're trying to do making like you're not a villain i mean oh it's true he is the villain you even made her cry time's up let's go oh no no okay [Applause] [Music] you're really bad at the spilling thing that that was totally part of the plan yeah it was worth it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,390,149
Rating: 4.8739786 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft villain pranks, pranking my friends as a villain in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, villain pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a villain in minecraft, pranking my friends as villain, pranking my friends as villain aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft bad guy, bad girl
Id: mfoLxw71aEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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