Playing Minecraft As A Half ANGEL Half DEMON!

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What's the mod..?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/C_1_P_H_3_R 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

what mod are you using?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/romanreader2 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
today i play minecraft as a half demon half angel and my friends have no idea i'm watching over them my angel abilities allow me to protect my friends and even bless them with amazing treasures but if they start trolling each other my demon abilities give them a taste of their own medicine will they let me be their angel for their demons this half demon half angel is about to find out okay so i am the server's guardian angel but also half of a demon so i'm gonna be watching over everyone down below as you can see they're all just kind of doing their own thing right now and so my job is to make sure that they're all good but since i'm half demon i'm gonna make sure that if they're bad maybe some interesting things happen hey guys what are you up to uh nothing just i have fun not too much you know it's a beautiful day outside the birds chirping not a cloud in the sky but you know what such a beautiful day like today only deserves one thing what and that's to hunker down in the mines and pretend that the day doesn't exist nice in the mines that's a great idea you know that that's great i'm just taking care of my pets in stable yeah yeah that sounds like a great time i'm not doing much i'm just like you know out in the woods doing my own i get it it's totally fine yeah just uh look let me uh you sound a little frustrated is something happening yeah i'm being uh um attacked by a pest oh no that there's something good flying around trying to get me but uh you know don't worry it's a not a big deal are you sure yeah yeah you know just uh a weird annoying pesky little mob where are you um um um okay you know what no uh no i i i feel i feel threatened i feel of this dangerous guys there's something trying to tell me help okay i'm on my way what's going on what's wrong there's like a there's like a little demon trying to get me and i don't appreciate this little demon but look at this oh it's so cute and very also like classically angel i don't know what you're talking about man i don't know this is the most angelic demon i've ever seen a demon you wait you guys fight oh wait you said demon and age oh my god you guys found the half demon half angel those are super rare oh my god i can't believe it uh okay what uh why was it trying to destroy me i don't know i was trying to destroy maybe did you do something bad or good i'm not sure definitely something good i wasn't doing anything bad okay so here's the thing it is the guardian angel and it is here to protect the server and honestly it can bless you with a lot of things okay like what oh it can do some really really cool stuff like amazing things and what what's it doing what what what are you what's new to that tree oh that was a really nice tree it's doing something weird and what's happening [Music] think that's kind of lame oh settle down mr gold boy we got this under control yeah yeah sure it's going to make another tree it's going to be very cool whoa well that's kind of useless i don't know what you're talking about i i think this is pretty cool you know what you know what uh a little little angel friend i think all right oh well you see there's a little thing that you got to do so in order to get those blessings you have to do really really nice things on the server like you have to like it has to catch you doing a good deed that's what you have to do okay but what is defined as good deeds look i'm not sure exactly what it means but you guys got to figure that out okay i can't give you all the answers to everything i've already told you enough about the half demon half angel oh i know what i can do just you wait right here time to go be an angel what what does he have in mind i don't know but i feel like we gotta come up with some ideas too yeah you know you you can have the diamond tree i want the cool video i would rather get this out i could be good hey hey uh everybody doing okay uh today is everyone being good yeah yeah oh hey hey pierce oh yes ian you know i heard that you were looking for more sheep and uh me as your as your good friend good buddy old pal got you a sheep that you can add to your pen so you can raise them and love them and be very good to them hey oh my goodness this is so incredible what a good friend you are ian good friend yeah yeah annoying what's up have you seen a sheep on the server somewhere i can't find mine oh you know what i i found a sheep for pierce i can find you a different sheep later yeah could you turn eye open i mean it's an orange sheep and uh uh huh hey wait a minute why do you have an orange sheepy in oh i can't believe you did this why would you take my time [Music] i just heard you give it to pierce i don't know what you're talking about but no i i got you a sheep here you go buddy i'm gonna go i i forgot that i had mutton in the oven hold on um hey uh you want to put me down you nope that's two arms oh let me get out now oh wait what happened did you did he jump in lava uh i do not think i'm getting out of here oh okay so i saw what happened here's the thing if you do something bad the demon part of that half demon half angel will uh you know maybe pay you a little visit that's not very nice uh but that was not nice at all ian come on let's go okay yeah yeah i'm ready what's up what's up okay we we got to figure this out right like there's good things happening here and we're missing out on this opportunity and we know between you and me that knowing is gonna get all of this he's too good not too much of a goody two she's a sheep and stuff she's gonna get everything uh so here's here's we gotta be good we have to be but you know it's so hard to be good you know i know i know i know look at me look at me believe in us you think so we're gonna start you know how we're gonna do it we're gonna start by helping knowing oh if we help the goodies of the goods then all of a sudden we're good right i think that's how that works we got this i got an idea i got an idea you know uh follow me follow me hi guys where are you isn't she cute yeah i just saved her from some mean nasty wolves i made sure that she was safe and well here we are saving baby sheep from wolves that's all pretty good yeah yeah i think we could do something that's a really good that's a really good deed you know what you know if if you have like the fairies circling you or something you should follow it oh there she goes i guess the angel likes it when you save sheep from wolves huh yeah it does very specific oh if it starts doing a little dance somewhere put like a put like a block there put like a dirt block or something like anywhere what's going on okay i mean the angels all right baby sheep hang out for a sec angel gonna do with the dirt dance it sounds kind of dirty i'm not really into it wow [Music] thank you so much little angel i think i see some potential good deeds over here let's go oh yeah oh that's dude there's some sheep need rescuing let's see oh just grab one of mine it's fine it's fine oh no oh jeez there's some sheep right uh here oh but there's a there's a wolf here oh no time to save some sheep oh hey hey oh yeah they're so fast hold on let's get more sheep to kill let me know [Applause] get away why do i smell steak all of a sudden it's chasing me i didn't do anything you know what you know i don't we can't just let that happen we're not capable of that step into my office look at those two those two are probably up to no good whatsoever but meanwhile look at noi oh he's so nice he's like the nicest person on the server i swear like this is why i'm going to bless him as a half demon half angel if you look at him he's probably going to go over there he's going to ask pierce for something nice like maybe some sugar so we can make some cake cause that's how sweet he is all right what is he up to that's what we have here what wait what is it wait what what what what wait what what are you doing oh no oh no i got something good oh hi half now not too much just uh look it's way uh yeah just uh heading back home was checking in to make sure nothing had happened to pierce's house because uh you know there's a lot of scary things on the server exactly the there's the angel demon on the server but you know that angel also has like some you know again it's a half demon half angel it has some nice little paths that go with it you know yeah i think it really likes you i think it really really likes you especially knowing that you've done so many good things you might try to do something really nice for you wow thank you little angel an entire diamond house oh this is so cool you so cool something really really good to deserve that i can't believe it i know look at that oh my god diamonds diamonds as far as the eye can see wait a minute um uh guys guys uh what's up are you okay oh did you die in the diamonds oh no no i'm not that's not good that means that that's curse diamonds okay so my house is cursed now yep it's got curse diamond and the only way for that to be fixed is if you go apologize for whatever you did and tell the truth hey pierce can i uh can i talk to you about something yeah uh i tell you what i'll meet you by the fountain huh uh how's that yeah let's uh go talk by the fountain so i have to tell you something i admit i uh yeah what's up bud i took something from you no no wait wait you took my diamond i'm sorry come on they were so beautiful and i made them into a diamond block but well you're supposed to be the best of us come on maybe you can't be okay but okay fun just give me back my diamonds all right all right so here you can have it back i'm so sorry dude i took it you made him into a you even turn him into a block i mean okay fine but like i hope you i hope you learned your lesson at least annoying like this is something did you ugh a cursed diamond gorgeous i guess the diamonds are uh still cursed wait you took a cursed diamond oh no oh well he's a not nice person uh out [Music] let's go inside let's just oh okay crying eyes yeah you're right you're right you're right okay okay okay okay what happened what happened the way it's not good what this turns out it's been on all an act all the whole time i knew it i knew um it doesn't feel nice when it happens to you how dare he doesn't he know we're supposed to be good on this server oh my gosh uh you know you know what that means you know what that means that means all bets are off you know what hang on i feel like we have the moral high ground now right we can we can prank him all we want it doesn't matter exactly exactly i i got a plan oh no oh oh man that's terrible no geez what what oh guys something terrible just happened pierce and i we were trying to we were chasing your kitty we were trying to save it but it ran into the nether oh wow we gotta save it we gotta they came right out they took it away oh sorry you're a tragedy are you mad come on oh yeah that kind of happened uh don't go inside by the way it's kind of cursed but uh anyway yeah uh we got to save your your kitty and let's uh you know let's suit up i think we we need to go in and say yeah safety first uh-huh all right good idea and and look okay yes let's go let's hit it let's go let's move okay here goes nothing i think i saw it go that way oh towards all the lava and zombie pikmin in danger and such you got to be careful because you know some crazy things might happen in the nether yeah i better be careful yeah like like gravity fluctuations hey hold on oh i think i saw it right on the edge of that lava flow you better really take a closer look and you know what pierce i think i think the zombie pigmen stole it we ought to get revenge on them get them they're the ones that cost you all this misery and pain mr meowzie i am aiming at me aiming a yeah attack oh we better you better fight them they they they don't seem to be responding oh yeah thank you so much well we got your back we'll find a fight as best we okay guys tried to trick me to get me to go in the nether all right well i think i know that revenge is a dish best served cold let's do the best prank ever [Laughter] oh no oh actually [Laughter] [Music] perfect oh pierce here's ian hey pierce hey there you are hey hey how's it going what's going on so uh yeah i mean i know we're trying to prank noi and all that but right uh you know just uh had an idea that uh oh you know we're bros so what what was that ah you know just a little friendly punch yeah that's sure yeah little pro punch i got it yeah okay no no so uh yeah i think we should you know play another prank on him uh sure yeah i'm up for that what what are you thinking i think we should go steal something and uh okay go get something out of his garden all right yeah yeah i'm a little hungry yeah but let's uh yeah so uh let's let's go uh prank him okay yeah i like this idea let's what's this you know let's go uh maybe should we just grab some weed or like ernest fields why are you burning yourself here uh i i'm not burning myself what's happening okay what are you doing i'm being broke but what hey what was that in your hand nothing nothing nothing that that is not the put that away this is the one and only true golden hoe this person who says anything about us out of turn is gonna get a whole lot explosive to the face all right we're gonna figure this out together all right we're gonna figure out who's the real one and who is the opposite okay that's what happens all right guys guys the angel turned into a demon that made the snot please and the problem is that you're gonna have to figure out probably really soon who the real ian is that guy is totally the imposter i'm totally the no you're the imposter i'm totally the real one no you're the imposter hold on hold on come on pierce you know that i'm the real one but i'm the real one tell me something that uh that only the real you would know um um um gold is best um that um i'm totally not watching you from a secret base what both of these sound exactly like what something would you would say you know what oh well you're right wait that was no i ugh yes i'm the real one i told you all along it's me the demon still doesn't seem pleased okay well i mean the demon told me to do this sorry friend i didn't do anything what other things should i do oh oh it worked what i don't know why that works great oh i bet the demons very pleased but the angel probably isn't what what what's this can i do anything right come on listen learned there's no substitute for being good that's why i'm good at this
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,859,036
Rating: 4.8654575 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft aether, minecraft angels, minecraft heaven, becoming minecraft angels, minecraft heaven aphmau, minecraft aphmau, how to go to the aether in minecraft, minecraft aether portal, minecraft heaven mod, minecraft mod, we became minecraft angels aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, half demon half angel minecraft, half demon half angel, minecraft demon, minecraft, demon angel heaven minecraft
Id: Dld4uV2_nzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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