Aphmau Is FORGOTTEN In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KiinDoge 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] has been forgotten my friends have been pulling pranks on me on our minecraft server so i made a forget me potion that makes them forget i never existed which allows me to see what they would do if they never met me but the forget me potion didn't hit one of my friends and they still remember who i am while everyone else doesn't can i protect my friend from everyone's pranks in a world that never had me in it let's find out oh and by the way i want you to remember me so don't forget to hit that subscribe button to come back and visit every now and then i'll miss you thanks all right guys i got something super important to talk to you about today okay because ian has been going crazy with pranks he's been pricking me all day and not only him kauai chin noy a little bit of zayn you know he he switched out my french fries for actual potatoes he didn't surprise but you know what you know what that's all gonna change because i have the best prank plan for them all right i just needed some wood to make this armor stand and i got everything wait why is this open oh yeah that's open i'm gonna close that up just go right there and let's see zayn's in my house and my door oh what is he doing in my house okay should just take that okay how's it going uh well i mean it's going all right i mean why do we have to do this ian i just came over here to use our enchanting table for another reason and now you got me making this stupid thing for it i know we need the perfect prank that's why we're doing it come on zane get with the program it's for the awesome break anyway i'm gonna go set this up so uh you're gonna you're gonna get that potion ready right yeah yeah yeah yeah i already said yes no just go ahead and get it over with ah boy here we go ian's making zayn make a potion of pranking for me oh no oh no that's not good okay you know what you know what this prank is gonna get even better because i have a potion called a bridgette potion how much longer is this gonna take fine i'm just setting up the anvil don't worry okay yourself all right all right there we go perfect all right i'm invisible enough okay we got the anvil nice nice okay and you got the potion all set up yeah once it drops we'll be able to use it whenever we need to all right i'll let the others know yeah great that's pranking you that's great but i have something great at myself uh are you home yeah i came through the back door what's up guys oh you know we're all just uh hanging out kauai chan made a new cake for us isn't that right i'll be out one second just let me uh get dressed really quick uh just hold on okay okay we're waiting yeah and are you sure we really want to go through with this of course don't you know this is out now we're dealing with if we don't strike now she will get us back maybe oh hi guys i'm here are you excited for some cake oh yeah i am so excited oh my gosh right there [Music] my neck's a big stiff so i can't really and you know just uh i lost a few pounds you know just stuff yeah you know what you know what that cake's looking that cake's looking a little uh tall for you why don't i uh flatten it a little bit oh i mean it's [Music] that wasn't supposed to happen like that oh no no no no no no uh uh oh this is bad this is bad this is really bad guys guys we we need to do something quick what do what what what do you mean do what about what i mean look look this giant hole just appeared here we got to find athmos somehow that is a big hole and uh who is that yeah i don't know what i'm doing here i i got stuff to do i'll see you guys later uh yeah i only came over i don't even know oh weird i'm going home too then the giant zane exploded hey wait a minute do this there we go perfect all right let's see what are you guys talking about this is aphmau we're talking about she lives in the big purple house right up [Music] big purple house zayn are you still yelling about that still nothing bad there was there was a house right here right here on the server what what is happening right now okay zane zayn you gotta calm down who is this aftmouth person you're talking about the it's f now it's the one we all know dresses in purple always loves to pray pranks on us all the time [Music] oh it's an imaginary infant oh hope you're having a nice day up there my isn't the weather nice oh would you cut that out hey guys tomorrow i'm launching our new wolf jewelry set complete with earrings and a necklace launch is tomorrow and only for a limited time and limited amounts be sure to check it out on apple.com tomorrow february 14th for valentine's day thanks you all i don't know what's going on here but this is not a funny joke we need to find athmo stat and you all are gonna help me one way or another uh well isn't she right behind you no she's not anywhere that's where we gotta find her um well listen i gotta fix my house someone filled it with gold for some reason i gotta get my diamonds back oh my gosh what i gotta figure out who's gonna cast it for me so oh my gosh yeah i think i'm gonna go work on my phone wait a minute [Music] you're the one that's supposed to love gold remember oh no no no no you remember what are you talking about i'm the diamond guy you know i'm the one on the server it's like diamonds are the best thing ever and no one else really cares about diamonds that's why i like diamonds i i need to lie down for a second yeah do that buddy [Music] i wonder what's gonna happen ooh this is so exciting maybe i can prank them while they forgot me okay all right let's see what i can do all right you know what it's been a while i'm gonna go see how let's see if we can talk about athena out here because every time we go and talk about aphmau everyone acts like she doesn't exist which she's short she's potatoes she's purple and no one seems to even know what the color purple is anymore so i walk up to ian's house and i go in he and why don't you tell me about half mal and what do i find doesn't even have gold anymore it's all diamonds so he's even forgot that as well so now i tried to look for athmal's house and there is no half mouse house it's just all forest and grass and dirt and no even holes no even big holes that i could have made so now what i'm gonna do what do i do now how do i prove it how do i find her yeah he seems fine he seems good okay all right so let's go ahead and see what everyone else is up to uh maybe ian ooh that's right if i'm gone and he forgot me who is he gonna prank now i mean what even am i gonna do with all of these why who put this prank chest in here i i don't even like pranking people psych okay let's see let's grab some tnt flint and steel take one of my anvils you got a prank now all right zayn is being a little weird you know hey noise hi ian what brings you here to my house yeah what's happening what is something wrong no i'm just gonna go to zane's for a little bit oh okay have fun old mcnoy had a farm e-i-e-i-o oh no on this farm he stole some stuff [Music] he said a trap didn't he oh man now that i got annoyed let's go see what ian's doing to zane maybe i can help out a little bit here let's see if you can see future future maybe maybe the future rambling about something i don't know anyways cameras cameras [Music] where is everyone someone can't mess with me while i'm trying to figure this out some kind of connection maybe underground uh so what is it now this is getting ridiculous who did that who did that you're welcome babe you're some kind of conspiracy going on here i'm going to get to the bottom of it one way or another all right now that ian is safe from zayn let's see what's kawaii chan's up dude why can't i try to prank merely with a prank cake how has her life changed now that i've been forgotten hmm oh she still has cats okay that's normal oh all right you watch my cakes mr mittens mr mittens upstairs okay all right mr mittens hey hey i got a grow potion uh let me see uh how about we do something like this to get her attention bam mr mittens what's going on who did this huh oh this is fun this is so much fun all right let's go see what else is going on oh she's being silly it's fun especially since she tried to prank me with a cake nobody knows my food and gets away with it what happened to you guys my cat got all weird and big i got hit by a little electricity from nothing and nowhere in particular hair's still standing a little on a hand okay listen listen we all know this is zayn's server and he likes to play pranks on people so i'm thinking it's him oh things change i think you're right oh my goodness like some 4g chests hi everyone uh don't mind me i've just been drinking a little bit of coffee while i've been trying to figure out what's going on with aphmau so i got a little bit of caffeine in me don't worry about that hey hey hey calm down there calm down there buddy oh anyway um things going well with the whole uh aft afmoo thing uh i've i'm a few theories but i'm trying to make things work it wait a minute what you all look a little rough what's going on no no reason no reason hi yeah wait nothing happened at all oh no no no no no no no something's been happening oh i know what's going on here oh yeah aphmau's doing this this is awesome oh i'm sure she is this is all lie down quiet you i'm sorry sorry sorry you're killing me i'll tell you exactly what's going on here this is all karma for you being bad friends to afmal yeah that's exactly what it is so you in order to reprimand this you all need to perform good deeds to make up for it and get the bad karma out of this it's place like uh hey guys guys zayn seems kind of crazy i think uh maybe we if we play along with this but he just wants us to do nice things for him right that's what it is but let's do so okay uh hey zayn yeah yeah you know what that is our bad we've been a bad friend too half mao and we're going to be nice and we're going to do some nice things for f mal isn't that right yeah yeah well don't just stand around there get to it yeah okay oh you're somewhere get to it chop chop chop chop chop chop it right all right okay okay all right all right so so what is what is aphmau like um i miss you see many things many things potatoes yes she loves potatoes oh potatoes well then i'll just plant her a new farm uh how about right around oh that's a good spot ah here we go okay and why are they what is he getting here you should let this farm grow a little more you know like maybe do something like she likes potatoes right so potato potato potato potato help make that little farm grow closer look at this here [Music] okay what else what else what else we need to do something else uh uh zane if you want to come over to noyes house i found a now a nice little plot to build something nice for aphmau okay okay i'm listening i'm listening i'm hearing i'm listening uh you know it seems like mao has been really stressed recently isn't that right kawaii yeah so so so i built for half mao a nice little uh nice little hot tub to come and relax and you know get all the coffee out of their system and you know just just just relax and chill out a hot tub yes you idiot you know she can't swim what oh come on come on it's not even that deep it's only like a foot deep a foot you know she's short you imbecile how am i supposed to know these things is she a minion yeah you look it's time for your son you sit in here it's a good time you have a nice relaxing actually i did a good job this feels nice how about some nice little cake oh whoops um you didn't see that here have some cake guys something nope [Music] i told you i told you she wouldn't like this and now look what's happened did he blow another hole in the ground yeah yeah he did but was it me that wasn't me it was her it was her i tell you hang on i don't remember adding this huh what guys what happened into the ugliest thing in minecraft what happened hang on hang on i got i got to see i got to see mirror perfect oh very funny zayn oh no this has nothing to do with me this is your this is your penance this is your penance for being such a bad friend got it got it yeah that's my pants for being a bad friend this is the retribution it's taking place all right this will do it this will definitely do it found the puppy i found the puppy that atma wants it's more of a it's more of a full-size puppy but it's a puppy nonetheless all puppies are puppies regardless of what the full size they're not uh this is going to work just fine i know she's going to like this if you can hear me i brought you this wonderful little puppy don't you love it uh i think the puppy brought something along with it what what yo what what got a bone to pick with us that was terrible instead all right all right zayn that is enough i am out i'm out zayn i did everything she wanted no no no no no no this is not what you're supposed to be doing you're supposed to break got him okay all right so i think this has gone on long enough let's take things back to normal and you know see the where things go so let's see i gotta make some remember juice some apples some melon put that in there look at that go oh it's so pretty oh look at the remember at the end of the day i really care about zayn and i care about everybody else so uh i want to make sure they're all doing good so let's go see what they're up to uh where did they go oh my gosh i gotta help zayn clean this later okay what is this now i don't know it's a cool looking spot though yeah yeah we got it got it all set up but i still don't know why why why are we doing this again now this looks fantastic we've got the cupcakes and the cake here and the difference in the ice cream this is just wonderful it's my room what what what are you wearing oh no no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine uh listen i just wanted to say how sorry i am for acting so insane these past couple of hours here i think we can all agree that things have gotten a little out of hand here am i right okay yeah it's uh yeah you know another day on the server am i right yeah yeah yeah yeah so so listen i i i was freaking out the entire time about aphmau and i was i was the only one that remembered her but then it just it hit me like like a bolt of lightning like how we can actually get her back what get her back oh yes i mean it's it's completely simple i i should have thought of it before but i'm sorry i brought you all into it we're gonna open the nether what why the nether because that's the only place you can possibly go his imaginary friend is a god okay i get it oh boy okay let's just uh i think he's losing it guys we're gonna have the channel i don't know now he's building a nether portal on the stage uh one more there one more there oh i might have to make this a little bit it makes him happy though listen i'm gonna grab some snacks and that should about do it and let's crack this baby open all [Music] all right so this is gonna work just fine i mean we've got all her favorite items here we got a nice party to welcome her back so everyone go ahead grab a nice drink and just wait for her to come back to right through that portal it's gonna be a good time okay okay now enjoy yourselves i don't know if this is gonna take a few minutes or maybe a few hours but just get nice and comfy all right uh to to our friend athman [Music] any second now all right what what what's up what's up i've been looking everywhere for you uh i was in my house this whole time what what do you mean you were in your house your house is not there anymore oh what are you talking about what yeah that's where my house is yeah man yeah i mean that's why it must have taken her so long to get here it's a kind of far away exercise man you know me oh it's hard this takes the wind out of me anyway now that you're finally here we can get this party started oh yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah that's uh that's that's great i'll just um i'll i'll just close this thing up and we'll just uh have ourselves a nice little yeah i think the nether portal was kind of kind of extra yeah i got diamonds yeah for some reason i have a diamond pickaxe oh weird wait what yeah isn't that weird oh no no no no no what the i can't believe you summoned the wither ah oh no oh wow i got the power to kick to the pendulum accomplice and now the server is gonna be destroyed i'm gonna i'm gonna go take a nap in my home bye guys see you later who filled my house diamond get your help about this weather wait who am i again
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,720,630
Rating: 4.9135766 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau has been forgotten, aphmau forgotten, aphmau gone, aphmau minecraft, aphmau missing aphmau is missing, aphmau missing, aphmau disappear, aphmau went to heaven, aphmau funny prank, pranks to play on your minecraft friends, minecraft friends, funny prank moments in minecraft, aphmau missing in minecraft, aphmau death, aphmau is kidnapped, minecraft funny pranks
Id: eKVuziuye1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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