Aphmau Was BANNED From Minecraft!

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has been banned in minecraft one of my friends pranked me which caused me to glitch out and get fans and being banned in the game takes me to this in-between world where i have access to all of our minecraft servers and here anything can happen i can even interact with my friends or even prank others who pranked me into getting big what will i do with this new ability and will i find a way to go back to minecraft let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks all right kim today we're going to learn the importance of minecraft tools and when and when not to use them do you know that are you still new to minecraft or do you need that list yes i am oh i don't know how i survived for this long look you have all of us to help you so you'll be fine so here i've made a lot of tools here and i'm gonna tell you what each one of them does you should know by now but we're gonna have a refresher because i think that you may have done some minecraft crimes yeah i think you may have what's a minecraft crime a minecraft crime is when you do something that the gay minecraft doesn't like like for example digging straight down you know that's the worst of them all but i've done that before if you don't use the right tools for certain things then you'll get banned all right just ban minecraft does not like when you use the wrong tools for wrong things i don't think i've ever actually seen anyone get like get legitimately banned i mean ian does about things all the time and he's still around you know oh come on that was fun i swear kim don't follow his example but wait how come you can do bad things and not get banned my uncle works at mojing no he okay look look don't listen to ian kim pranking people isn't against the rules all right that's not gonna get you banned but like something like breaking diamonds with a wooden pickaxe is forbidden that's dumb no it's real that'll actually get you banned oh it's real huh give me a second i'll be right back okay anyway like i'm sure he won't do anything bad no he won't get anything bad yeah show me the tools so i won't do bad things okay so a lot of these tools are iron tools all right but oh that was fast oh my god anyway uh hey hey hey guys how's it going guess what kim you know what's great about minecraft mining diamonds like like this one right here you know why don't you take this iron pickaxe and mine the diamond with it uh kim no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ian ian hey okay don't mind that don't mind that ian i know you all right and i know that you are you're gonna get tim you know kim give me a pickaxe i'll mine it you know i know you want the diamond i know it's i mean yeah i like diamonds weird i don't know it's a just a normal iron pickaxe okay all right i oh why i'm gonna go ahead and uh mine this yes [Music] oh you know that iron pickaxe it's a little dark oh you tell me i mean guys come on you feel like you can actually get banned from minecraft what's happening ian stop playing a joke on me uh th this isn't me oh he got you two today huh you pink let's take him out let's get him wait where am i why is there whoa this looks weird wait wait did i die what's happening oh there's a door here hello anyone here [Music] okay um spooky but i will actually uh i'll you know i'm gonna go through the door fancy oh this looks weird it leads to nothing it literally it's nothing there's literally nothing or anything going here hello if you want me to go give me a sign we're done with minecraft oh spooky even okay i'll go this way i guess it's my sign okay i'm going in huh what the where am i wait i'm banned i didn't die i'm banned from minecraft there's got to be a way to get back there's there seriously has to be a way to get back i mean where how do i even get out of here can i just can i just get out of like this thing and oh there's nothing in there okay all right you know never mind i'm gonna leave them um okay all these terminals look weird what if i break the game again oh uh i guess it wants me to go what's going on here well wait this is noise please hello dinner how would you like to join me for a nice juicy steak how's it sound how's that what are like what exactly do i do here huh oh uh i guess i press the button uh let's do it huh what the i'm a sheep as far as i'm concerned this seems to be your issue here ian not mine not tim's nobody else's but yours i'm back in minecraft i mean technically it's her own fault she did mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe that i may have disguised to look like iron oh it was your fault it was you guys yelling about it what's going on uh nothing nothing everything's fine oh wow that's so impressive they're so sad about me being banned so there's gotta be a way to get her how do i get her back okay maybe uh maybe we can find some clues inside her house you know she knows tons about minecraft so maybe she like left a clue i mean you better you better figure something out boyle okay sure uh all right everyone let's search the house oh all right diamonds diamonds and gold yeah [Music] uh yeah yeah you know what i'm gonna go i'm going what are you having to fly oh why are you getting banned from fine i don't think so sir i don't believe flying is enabled on this server yeah some tells me that might be illegal in frat oh well there he goes oh what are we gonna do now i don't know i didn't see anything in her house that would help us did you sheep i'm gonna go check her back household maybe maybe some in the backyard no i think your sheep is hungry oh hungry well i got lots of wheat then you want some wheat once again and oh it's talking i didn't know she can talk night is that like a swedish sheep or something what does that mean um oh great sounds like it's saying band at least they can understand me a little bit kim kim real talk though i i'm a sheep and hurry up you gotta put the oh man this has to be the coolest place ever to get banned but it's also super scary because there's an endless void and i have no idea what's gonna happen to my minecraft account this is crazy okay all right let's see if there's anything i can try to do noise still with his sheep as usual kim is probably reading some books and uh but what is that what is that well those are minecraft players oh they're by the fountain wait isn't there a fountain one somewhere uh let's see oh right here right here whoa ian okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what was what's up okay okay so i i got i got the trap dug up you got you got the lever heck yeah i got 11. all right you know where to put it right uh yeah absolutely but just in case i forgot not that i did forget but just in case i may have forgotten uh all right all right come on come over here you see you see noise house over there yeah i marked the lever spot with a stone brick all you need to do is put the lever over there and then it's going to open the trap right in front of his house it's going to be great come on let's go okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no no okay okay okay here we go there we go i think again when you flip the lever yeah there's the trap oh no no no i'm gonna no don't go over there maybe i can change this maybe i can change this oh no huh oh hey beers what's going on hey could you come out here for a second bud i i noticed something there's some weird's going on with one of your cows and i feel like you really should see this uh oh yeah let me check on that just a sec and okay what's going on so stand there and look at your cows real quick and nothing else i'm going to stand next to ian here's also very concerned about your cows yes very concerned very concerned um and gotcha now did he just jump off oh my god hang on what a basement this wasn't supposed to be here just get out of here what did you do no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no go go go go go no no no did you ruin the trap how could i i was busy being the face you put the leverage down the cows are okay oh i guess they just touched my explosive gas police noise okay so so obviously things didn't work out over at noise place but we could still we could still uh make up for this all right we just gotta keep getting yes what's the plan oh there's all right books here okay i feel like we planned too much on the previous one so how about this how about we just roll with it you just go up and we we and we just try to trick her as we go you ready uh what's wrong with their door like static electricity oh hey anyway we're we're here to kiss because we're thinking that maybe like i don't know um what he was trying to say is uh uh uh uh uh yes yes we can bring athena back what we need to do is um uh it's uh making a cake a cake yes yes we need a baked cake so uh we need you to get some eggs and bring them over to uh my house sure yeah yeah do real quick you have to uh we have to do it the next two minutes or else uh if they'll be bad forever yeah oh geez okay uh i'll go get those eggs then okay perfect okay now they're tricking her can't they'll do it they're gonna pull you into a trap take six where do i get eggs i don't have any chickens hi horse i don't have any chickens maybe i could do something like that oh eggs spawn creeper that's a funny way to say chicken okay well i will bring them to ian and pierce and we will make a cake she is so innocent look at her okay this is gonna be perfect because they'll store them okay ian so what i'm thinking is we can convince her that diamonds he'd also be in cakes and she gave us all her diamonds i got the eggs now we can make the cake and bring back our mouth perfect yeah absolutely those look weird though what what kind of eggs did you find hang on those don't look like chicken eggs wow these are some tough eggs i don't know if we'll kiss this yeah at least give kim some chickens i know she loves chickens oh chickens yay now i can get some real eggs to make the cake bath now i changed my mind here let's plaid from now on hang on what are all these doing here i mean yes we wanted eggs but i didn't want the actual chickens there's too many chickens i take out of chickens i mean maybe you can't get duck that's not a good idea i gotta get a chicken piling on me tickets hopefully i can keep doing this forever oh man at least i'm still invisible but for how long okay all right i'm still banned it's great ian oh my gosh she's the one who got me in trouble in the first place must be super lucky to be him you know gets all forgiven by minecraft and everything it's me here in the band room because i don't know super lucky ian this is the weirdest band ever but you know what this is kind of cool okay all right so that's ian i am going to go around this ian you know what i'm going to start with uh with pierce because they have been super bad today so let's see if i can come up here i got to do a perfect impression of ian if i'm going to sell this okay oh um pierce what uh hey uh ian what's going on um well i thought i'd come over because you know we're bros and everything yeah we all are that we are yeah yeah it's so totally yeah i was what accepting so you destroyed all my sheep earlier come on man oh you're fine you know i i think it'd be really cool if we were like you know best friends for a little bit um you got any gold because i mean uh uh i i i don't think i have any gold i don't think so hey why do you what do you think gold is great anyway also wait wait wait what happened to your voice um you know it it got hotter you know it really does did i don't uh yeah yeah that's true that's true okay well did you check upstairs i think that's awesome gold the other day when i was stealing some stuff from you so if you can go check that'd be great sure wait stay ah never mind uh yeah yeah yeah uh here we go uh no that's that's banana you know uh yellow though oh that's a rubber ducky hey ian do you want do you want something that's actual gold gold or do you just want like something that's like yellowish i want uh something cool i'm cool i mean i don't have a lot of that but uh not good and almost done and all better oh ian hi yeah no i'm perfectly fine i just thought i'd bring you some tnt you want a christmas tree made of tnt look at this we're not allowed to celebrate christmas before halloween seriously that's okay you know what at minecraft crime oh you know who got banned from minecraft i don't know maybe sorry my voice got really hot there for a moment but um [Laughter] all right that enacts my revenge on ian and everyone will see what a jerk he is because he got me banned in minecraft i don't know how i'm gonna get rid of the rest of these chickens yeah hang on hey noi what you wouldn't want some extra chickens i have do you oh maybe not some chickens but right now i want blood you'll blow my house take the chickens not me [Music] and i just finished building me ian try to catch me if you can get back here oh oh no i don't know what happened what are you doing oh two for the price of one what [Music] it's a cake i made it to bring half mel back oh wait oh boy she made the cake yeah yeah i see it i situated the cake here have a chicken uh uh pierce maybe we should tell them fine hey kim uh hey you you know you definitely probably heard about this because apple's so short but have you ever heard of like tall tales goodness are you saying the cake is a lie uh uh you did a good job that but it's also it's ian's fault oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no the the trap was my fault the the half-mouth thing was my fault and stuff but pierce the cake was your idea i just thought maybe it'd be a nice thing to do for rapha when she eventually gets back if she gets back uh also we are what no no no no no no we are not broke yeah you blew up my house like what okay that was my fault too they were coming back look on the bright side okay it looks delicious we'll enjoy it and it does yeah maybe we'll see if now again at some point somehow yeah we'll enjoy it why can't i don't don't cry let me in oh my gosh [Music] uh yeah why don't why don't uh why don't we eat the cake um what what's going on hey let's do it hey also what do i got lightning coming out of this mysterious cake is okay alive uh kim kim what did you put in okay you're still alive did you take it to the food cake [Applause] oh boy uh [Applause] did you put a little too much salt in the cake or something i don't think so oh don't worry kim if you i know you can't hear me but what the whoa oh [Applause] [Music] i guess i was only banned for a short period of time but ian how could you do that to me you tricked me it was a prank i didn't know that you'd actually get banned besides you're back and everything's fine now everything everything's good right i mean i guess whatever but you know what fine here how about this here take this it's a gold ore that i found it disappeared in my inventory when i was like in the band zone or whatever oh i gotta mine it i got it wait i i only have uh an axe does anyone have a pickaxe uh uh fresh out i do here's a fresh new one oh perfect an iron pickaxe well thank you i do love gold yeah what's up this is taking a while but you know what our friendship is all that matters as long as i get gold oh that's right that was a pickaxe he gave me that was actually a wooden one you can't actually mine ores you know you can't mine oars with a wooden pickaxe that is against the minecraft wall well time to make another cake oh yeah if you guys do that i'm gonna go band myself to my bed i am typing that's weird
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,705,484
Rating: 4.8752203 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau banned from minecraft, was aphmau banned from minecraft, minecrfat ban, minecraft deleted, banned minecraft pranks, what happens when you get banned from minecraft, how to get minecraft account back, aphmau banned, aphmau pranks, aphmau minecraft pranks, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau funny moments pranking, best minecraft pranks, did aphmau get her minecraft account back
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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