Making My Friends Tell The TRUTH In Minecraft!

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Police confessions techniques #23

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Getix792 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
my beautiful friends are liars in minecraft i caught them red-handed stealing my potatoes chickens and even diamonds and they lied to me saying they did it but that's okay because i have the very first truth serum in minecraft this serum when splashed on a player makes them tell nothing but the truth and if they lie they explode now i'm going to find out who has stolen from who on the server but some troops may reveal some deep secrets will my friends tell the absolute truth or will they explode let's find out oh and tell me the truth are you subscribed then please subscribe just like me oh wait okay now i'm subscribed ah today is such a great day is what i would be saying if i didn't know that people were stealing from me on the server that's right i've had many people steal from me things on the server for example look the one thing that i have is my prized chicken my prized pink chicken that hasn't been stolen yet it's over here and it's still it's gone ah i can't believe this why would somebody steal my prize pink chicken it's okay i have my pink pig i should have fine i have my potatoes uh are you stealing my potatoes uh die borrowing them i see i got an appointment i gotta go wow okay it's fine it's fine it's fine what huh are you stealing my pink chicken what not no that this is my chicken also it's uh this isn't pink what are you talking about it's not it's like a it's like a it's like a a warm blue a nice sunrise bowl not a blue that is ian it's pink no it's blue it's pink it's blue it's pink it's blue anyway i got things to do with my chicken so i'm just gonna go it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine but you know why it's fine because i have a truth potion right here that is right this is the first truth potion in minecraft this truth potion is going to have people tell me exactly the truth no lies only the truth so let's go ahead and find piercing uh see if this actually works his house is over there so i should be able to go see if he will tell me the truth all right mr pierce let's see exactly what you've been up to this truth serum is going to give me all the information oh um pierce what come out oh hey hey yeah thank you uh what brings you to my humble hop abode piers i have a simple question to ask you okay get up no problem what's going on what's troubling you all right pierce have you been stealing my potatoes uh no no no no definitely not why would you ever say this literally saw you do it up there pierce wait no no no no you don't need to look over there don't worry about it you can't prove anything by the way prove it he says oh i can't prove it can i well how about you try how do you feel now pierce scared very intimidated scared wait why do i why did i say that uh uh fine i admitted i i lied i took your potatoes i took him i'm sorry it was just they're very shiny and it's very starchy and i was feeling like i really wanted some starch in my life and he's just a lot of time it's okay don't worry you know what here i'm going to give you this one real potato there you go take it take it you it's very kind of you it also very cool i'm going to see you later i'll check the truth potion bye wait wait why would you say real potato you like you said specifically this is real potato what do you mean because pierce the other potatoes are explosions i don't know who i'm talking to any of their number he got exploded that's what you get from that tell the truth you get exploded tell the truth please let's go let's go see who else i can oh quiet this is gonna be great all right kawaii chan what are you up to oh she's got cookies oh perfect all right all right oh there she goes there she goes okay what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sneak in very quietly okay i wanted you to tell me the truth so i gotta get her trust me okay so let's see uh if i put this right maybe like right around here safely quietly quietly quietly all right perfect perfect okay she won't notice anything oh so much stuff in my inventory that's fine that's fine i'm just gonna give you that there there you go all right and then maybe something like this there we go all right all over the cookies perfect she'll never know this is gonna be so great it's gonna be so great i put all the chew serum on those cookies she'll never know okay oh it's a little breezy in here wait what um my cookies oh no do this oh man all the cookies are gone oh no the ones that i put the truth serum on wait a minute what about those cookies don't they have the truth term on them don't they have the choosing on them no they don't dang it oh my god wait a minute someone broke into our house how dare they break into our house and cause a disruption oh i can't believe it's the nerve of some people right oh all right you know what someone must have taken those truth cookies wait a minute why am i sitting around i can just go splash with it quenching huh gotcha where'd you go hello all right welcome to my house it's time to tell the truth all right kauai chan you may think you're unaffected by the truth potion but the truth always comes out one way or another potion let's test it out let's test it out so quad channel [Music] question we gotta sit down and talk about this okay because look the truth is the truth has been mine so if you don't tell a truth question you will explode okay okay fine i'll tell the truth tell me i like zayn okay all right question you have a good day i'll be back bye i'm using the door by the way you gotta get uh your kitchen looked at i'll just let you know serum works i can't believe it i'm gonna get everyone to confess to their crimes on the server where did they go all right so i'm gonna find out who to kauai chan's cookies because someone's stolen they're lying so i'm gonna get them to tell the truth and i know that this will lure someone in particular out of his house all right let me just polish this here and he's down to hear it oh that my senses are tingling oh there he is there he is look at him coming over here oh there it is look at you gorgeous oh my goodness is a great day oh yes all right now let's get to work hello ian look at what have you done what happened you know you really should look when you're mining like you should look forward down below you just just saying okay all right why when would this happen um you know when you see just like random blocks of gold out in minecraft whatever okay look you buried me i did bury you because you know why and i'm telling you the truth because bam uh no i don't know why good because i have made a truth serum and ian you know what the special ingredient is i do not oh so here's the thing ian here's the thing we live in a society where you need to tell the truth all right you need to tell the truth ian you sure about that yes yes we do all right so here let me ask you a few questions have you stolen from anyone else on the server no [Laughter] why am i still here all right next question ian are you going to keep stealing uh no no definitely not okay okay okay come on okay last question last question okay ask me your questions or release me did you steal karai chan's cookies just now sir what did you did i what did you steal her cookies no wait you're not exploding wait you're like exploding wait yeah i what i didn't steal quite chance cookies but if you did it what then what's all the explosions over here oh hi hey noi how's it going explain okay you know what shh before i ask you a question you have to answer the truth too because we know you can't do that okay all right so so i just did no way about hi noi all right i have some questions for you because i see you've got a very special cookie there you must be feeling really truthful right about now huh oh yeah sure i mean it's delicious i got it from kuachens a little bit earlier kind of tingly i think she used mint uh wait you got it from quite chance you told the truth okay why would i lie about that fine fine how often do you take cookies from other people's houses well like from time to time i mean if someone bakes something he gets compliments to the banker to you know appreciate what they make right all right fine fine do you feel bad about stealing from people tell me the truth tell me the truth um yes i do feel kind of bad but but but well just yes i feel kind of bad about that sorry i don't want the other guys on the server to think that i'm not cool oh no you're just a big ol no no no no okay excuse me i know that i'm not a softie [Laughter] ow wow okay guess you get so you found out what happened to quiet chance cookies yeah i did i feel so betrayed by my own conscience so uh you are you gonna let me out now no what do you think i'm cool uh yes i do i just don't wanna explode anymore see ya what no don't leave me there's zayn and look what is he is he eating something oh he's eating something oh my gosh i got this what what do you do what did you do to my door oh oh you know what you're right you're sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry let me let me get this right uh wait what do you mean get what what did no that is not right zayn what did you just do what was that you've been hit with a truth potion darling a truth version because you know why i'm tired of people lying to me telling me that they're not stealing stuff on my server okay all right so uh good luck with that cause i never lie [Laughter] ah you're about to be zayn that's right exposed all right just just give me a second and let me finish this cookie here all right how many does you have uh well that was just the one there but oh something feels weird um you know what i'm just gonna go see how kawaii chan is doing she very pretty but me want to make sure she'd be happy make make me happy too wait day why are you weird why are you wearing why are anyone weird ass mal oh no he's getting too too truthful that's that's super bad that's super bad oh no oh no i do serum and the cookies out of me yet oh my gosh he's got double he's got triple dose of cookies oh my gosh wait say no no maybe just go listen come back here come back here uh wait zayn over here over here oh talking a talking head i'm going to be scared by that for life now oh saying don't okay zayn let me take you home how about how about this how about this buddy we just go you can lie down okay you just need to lie down all right you just need to lie down how about that no the darkness that feeds my soul has no need for your pitiable sleep what what what i can't i can't keep a job for longer than a week because i have to take care of my plushies oh look this is a horse why didn't my mom give me a horse for christmas okay all right um oh okay you know what you know what i'm gonna go find someone else someone else on the server who uh who kind of needs my oh mac mac that's right right wait wait wait can i come out yet um no but uh here's here's a flower there you go this truth serum is just the strongest oh mac that's right back let's see what she's up to chop these carrots i'm gonna make a really good carrots really this is gonna be so good okay let's wash them over here all right so mac is inside of her house making some vegetables that's right she's making vegetables i can't believe this so i'm gonna sneak into our house quietly and put this tooth serum on her all right let's see let's see if she does she really like vegetables we'll never know all right so get the ladder then go all right now i gotta sneak in carefully to where she doesn't hear me all right just very carefully wash these babies they're very freshly picked from my garden [Music] and then [Music] perfect all right what did i get what was that what are you doing girl flower for you and i should ask you the same thing what are you doing in your kitchen oh i'm making a carrot smoothie do you want one they're gonna be so good here's the thing mac you're not gonna be able to lie to me anymore so tell me tell me mac do you really like eating only vegetables well yeah i'm a vegetarian i love vegetables they're so good oh hey cool i'm a militarian oh cool i've never tried me ever okay okay okay okay okay okay so um i may have tried meat once before i've only been a vegetarian for 10 years so i've i've had i'm old so i've had them for many more years but it's fine it's fine we don't talk about that but vegetables are really really awesome which is why i eat them because they're healthy what are you doing you're waiting here to explode vegetables no no vegetables aren't wait what no girl they are really good here i got you some beets i got you some potatoes i got you some carrots do you do you know what's under my mask they're not now oh my god what what is it it's freckles oh um okay okay honey you do you you you be your strong independent zayn you got that yeah okay all right mac come back here get back up here get out okay okay okay okay some actual truths okay where all right where were you last night okay where were you last night um let me think last night was a um or you know what i'm probably at home cooking or something you know with the vegetables and then the food and the cookies are you cooking what exactly were you cooking though um let's see it was a well i think okay probably vegetables honestly like what else am i gonna eat what exactly were you whoa were you cooking mac huh okay okay okay you got me you got me i was cooking tomatoes okay i was cooking tomatoes i got confused i don't know the difference everyone knows that tomatoes are fruit italian fruit yeah no it's isn't it a vegetable though why oh no oh no vegetables no vegetables no all right all right my serum should be fixed especially after all that stuff with mac i mean it's definitely gonna need it needed a few tweaking and things like that so let's just eat it i got some questions why were you over at my house reason no sometimes i'm thinking about dyeing my hair no you did not yeah why are you stealing one of my sheep no i wasn't okay oh oh no ian how could you all right all right hang on everybody stop what is going on what i think brussels sprouts are actually from brussels oh so you know all right everybody we need an intervention i don't know what's going on what's with those weird cookies that uh uh oh well i i know nothing about these cookies i actually prefer oatmeal raisin over chocolate chip oh you traitor can't believe this wait are those like cookies i've been eating cookies uh all behind your back this entire time why am i saying this oh okay yeah i have no i never mind i take it back i have no clue what cookies we're talking about don't worry about it okay okay you know what um um um i i really gotta figure this out what was that that you just threw off now nothing nothing at all nothing nothing nobody look at me nobody look at me what was it really nice it was really nothing it was really nothing okay it was it was totally nothing uh no okay all right that's my that's fine okay okay um ian were you trying to take a sheet from my pen yes yes i was i guess you don't want to get exploded because you can't tell the truth like nothing i just i didn't actually splash splash potion on me that's right what's been sometimes i think leaves are just solar panels for trees oh my gosh zayn you just need that one all right okay hang on we all need to have a sit down compensation we're gonna figure it out oh no i wish i could take my sweater off because i am sweating profusely in this weather take a seat do you mind when kawhi chen and i bake together i absolutely hate it when you and kawaii bake together [Applause] [Music] i don't like you wait right now do you like my one [Music] wow he didn't even answer okay okay do you think i look fat no oh i knew it ow do you really love aaron you can't make me commit my crush you can't do that you can't do that no we can't answer the question no yeah we want to know i'm not answering any more questions don't ask me any more questions that could possibly pile up on me all right uh why do you have so many potatoes and why do you like diamonds so much um do you like cats more than dogs have you ever played pranks on us um why don't you like gold [Music] what happened i i am not telling the truth i can't i can't i can't i can't i'm just going i'm getting out of here
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,172,529
Rating: 4.9177394 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, aphmau, truth serum minecraft, minecraft aphmau, aphmau truth potion, aphmau truth potion prison break, emerald secret minecraft, minecraft truth potion, funny minecraft challenge, funny minecraft truth potion, minecraft prison break, minecraft funny moments, family friendly, no swearing, minecraft truth potion prank, truth potion, 24hour, trapped my friends in a minecraft prison for truth potions, wishes in Minecraft
Id: W3Wx8kviBTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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