''...Anyways, We're Married Now"

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like the video and subscribe right now or skeletor doggo will be hiding in your closet tonight reddit what's here anyways we are married now story in second grade i was voted class favorite why was this ever a thing horrible idea for kid self-esteem along with a weird fella who i had trouble believing anyone even voted for because he was quite reserved and bland in the fifth grade i remember the same guy getting called to the front of the class to write his answer on the board he was awkward and dressed accordingly the girl seated behind me very quietly commented mmm his booty look like it be eaten his pants only i heard this but it was a humorously accurate observation after fifth grade i never saw him slash heard from him again until we were 21 he showed up at my house to purchase a vehicle we had for sale after my dad passed exactly one month earlier i only recognized him after my mom wrote his name on a receipt for purchasing the car i reminded him of our time as class favorite and my mom made a show of breaking out the yearbooks anyways we are happily married now i had a cold and went on a date to an irish pub i was eating bangers and mashin had the urge to cough i tried to keep my mouth shut but just wound up spraying his face with gravy and mashed potatoes through my pursed lips i was still coughing so i took a sip of my drink to soothe my throat it was beer the bubbles tickled my throat more i also spit that all over his face he stared at me in disgusted horror as gravy mashed potatoes and beer dripped down his face onto his shirt i laughed and laughed and laughed making my apologies sound very insincere anyways we are married now thank goodness our booth had high backs so only he suffered now there that's a story you will be sharing with your grandchildren that was hilarious met a girl online about 20 years ago one summer after college found out we live in nearby towns so decided to get together go out on a few dates drive by local preschool me hey that's where i went to preschool huh that's where i went to preschool that day we find a preschool class photo there we are two feet from each other a few months later my dad finds some old footage of a christmas player our preschool class put on we are standing right next to each other met a girl online about 20 years ago i was like had a there wasn't internet in oh wait you know that moment at church the pastor says now stand up and say hi to someone you never met anyways we are married now when we first met his first words to me were i'm gonna wife you and i scoffed anyways we are married now we met in the psychiatric hospital anyways we are married now 30 years this june sometimes that person who understands comes along cheers to 30 or more my great-grandparents met because my great-grandfather was delivering the newspaper to my great-grandmother's house and her brother though he was trespassing and tried shooting at him my great-grandmother felt bad and bought him lunch they were together for over 75 years and lived a very happy life good thing your great great uncle wasn't a good shot my neighbor invited me to a cookout and he was like by the way my wife's cousin is here she kinda wants you to date or whatever and ate we did she's been by my side through my drug addiction as she stayed sober from alcohol she called bcfs on me and had my daughter from a previous marriage taken from my custody and into my second mom's care when i was very strung out if it weren't for that slap in the face by reality i wouldn't have ever gotten sober she not only saved me but my daughter and i's relationship as well i got clean my daughter back and now i'm in school to be a social worker i'm doing much better now and she and i got married on july 4th last year we celebrated the birth of our second daughter my second her first even though she's a wonderful stepmom to my oldest daughter on july 3rd this year and our first wedding anniversary was about a month ago i love that woman so damn much and both my girls i was flying short haul domestic 1.5 hour flight i was sat next to this beautiful woman and i found myself doing the opposite of what i'd normally do in that situation i made small talk with her we chatted for the entire flight and we both seemed to not want it to end but end the flight did and we parted ways without even exchanging numbers she was a visitor to the country and i expected never to see her again a few weeks later i'm boarding an international flight and there she is on the plane about 10 rows in front of me after tiki off i asked the lady next to her if she'd like to swap seats with me as i had an empty seat next to mine she accepted we spent a 12-hour flight chatting again this time a lot more deeply anyways one thing led to another and we got married less than three months later unfortunately that's not the end of the story she passed away less than a year after we were married but that time we had together was perfect every last second of it edit thanks everyone for your kind words it was around 14 years ago now so thankfully the pain is no longer all edited too i'm glad my story has touched so many of you it truly was the most wonderful time in my life up until when she passed she died in the days following a car collision i was the driver and nearly died myself as you can imagine following her death i then experienced some of the worst feelings of my life but please don't despair the experiences both good and bad have made me what i'm today i'm so very happy that i was afforded the opportunity to meet my soulmate so many people in the world are never given that chance so when my wife were dating she got pneumonia and didn't have health insurance asked her to elope to get on my insurance and two weeks later we are married uh living in the usa can be insane sometimes i swiped right on someone who was the exact opposite of my type short big teeth not ambitious really skinny he was leaving town the morning after our date he was a good half hour late to the date muttered softly and was bad with eye contact i only went on the date because i had really ducked up stuff happened to me and i just wanted one date with someone that wasn't going to lead to anything just to feel normal anyway we just had our first kid congrats on the mini person i moved to china to teach middle school was introduced to another teacher while we were still in the beijing airport so anyway we are married now and have adopted two kids from korea good for you too and your adopted children my uncle met my aunt while on the side of the road drunk while his friends laughed hysterically she was walking somewhere that i don't remember even stared at her for a solid minute then passed out she started laughing and they started dating two days later anyways now they are married and that son is why drinking is good for you my dad threw a paper airplane at the back of my mom's head in college she told him to grow up anyways they've been married now for over 36 years i'm willing to bet he still hasn't grown up though i met my husband when i got a new job at a grocery store and the guy from the delhi came up and yelled at me for hanging up on customers when i couldn't figure out the phone transfer process he was that guy from the delhi and anyway we are married now i literally dread when anyone calls my work and asks to be transferred i rarely do it and i don't think i've ever done it successfully i give them the right number first and say and now i'll try to transfer you call that number if i accidentally hang up pretty sure i hang up every time in college this girl like fell on me i was sitting beneath her bed watching a movie in her dorm room by ourselves as a bro knight i thought she was super cute but i didn't really think i had much of shot with her we had also just become friends not too recently before that and i didn't want to ruin this nice connection we had been developing in any case she kind of jumped on top of me i had been a wrestler in high school and she had mentioned before how she wanted to pin me she definitely didn't pin me though even being out of practice in college i still gently kicked her ass later on that girl said she really missed a cuddle partner and wanted to spend the night in my arms which i assumed to be non-romantic cuddling i declined worried that i'd made it awkward somehow it took me a bit to put those pieces together in any case we are soon to be married now edit for anyone wondering how i finally figured it out she literally had to tell me after i told her i wasn't sure if be a great platonic cuddle buddy she explicitly told me that she was looking for more i had figured she might but i didn't want to be guess wrong and potentially mess up out friendship we've been together ever since hooked up from craigslist anyway we are married now substitute yahoo personals for craigslist and that would be us met for a hookup then spent the next few months trying to pretend that we weren't falling for each other didn't work been married 17 years now co-workers boyfriend's brother came up to stay with them we have to have you out for dinner with him you have a lot in common he likes nerdy things too you're not allowed to date him though definitely dated and married him co-worker and now brother-in-law broke up around the time we got engaged he's better without her i was in eighth grade and she was a year younger i had a thing with her best friend was walking home with said best friend when she joined us absolutely lost it inside when i saw her looked so beautiful and cute walking home with her violin in hand her parents had a rule about dating till she was 16 they came around eventually not for a few tough years today was eight years together known and been hooked on each other for 11. getting married may of 2022 i still wake up every day and realize how absolutely lucky i'm to have her p.s she is way out of my league our first date was a disaster of epic proportions ended with me yelling at her and her paying the check while i was in the latrine just so she could get out of there quicker anyways we are married now over eight years strong two kids i can't see my life without this beautiful crazy person and i like to think she feels the same way on a first date at a starbucks we were getting to know one another and the conversation turned to the general location slash neighborhood in which i lived i mentioned the name of the apartment complex i was currently living in which she ended up being quite familiar with being a 911 dispatcher local to that area in south florida so she jokingly responded wait you're not one of those rehabbers are you and i responded that yes yes i was there was a good minute of silence after that a few awkward attempts at some more small talk and the date ended but anyways we are married now a friend of my brothers had a drinking problem in college one day he crashed his truck in the side of the road and a man walked up and said you okay yep you drunk yep get in my car i'll get in here and tell the cops i lost control the guy got in the man's car got in the back seat and sat next to his future wife edit the strange's daughter is now his wife on our first date he tried showing off by drifting down a gravel road and tore through a ranch fence anyway we are married now ah so you married jeremy clarkson fun edit wait he crashed ah so you married richard hammond fun so my brother's college room had called me for legal advice because his crazy ex was being super crazy anyway we are married now seven years come november two kids and a house when i was younger my best friend made an offhand comment of if you were a girl i'd want to date you i think it was meant as a joke at the time one transition later he was true to his word anyways we are married now the drummer for a band i was in told his girlfriend at the time that she wasn't allowed to talk to me because she would just try and duck me anyways his now ex-girlfriend and i are married with four kids can't say he wasn't wrong though evidence shows you two thick at least four times i met this girl she started calling me then every time i went out to eat or to a movie she showed up sometimes i would come home from work and she would be waiting outside my place with dinner the last time she came over she never left sure she leaves for a bit but comes right back anyways i said why the duck not and we are married now you sir married a stray cat don't leave food on the deck made a redid account just for this 20 years ago an exchange student transferred to my school for the year and although we didn't talk a lot we had so much in common and it was really nice to be able to talk with someone who had super different views on life we actually both played the same instrument we had the same model guitar surprisingly anyways she went back to her home country after the year was over and i never spoke with her again however she got me fascinated with her culture so i researched a bit and eventually a year later i was able to transfer to her country through a program i got placed in a random school throughout the entire country i joined the school's light music club and as i'm walking in on the first day there i open the door and guess who i see the same girl playing the duck out of her guitar i kid you not as soon as we made eye contact i just sat there with my door open in disbelief i dropped my guitar to the floor causing a chip that i can still see to this day haha anyways fast forward to today and we are married wife asked me to add this part we ended up forming a band for the school summer show and after our performance backstage with all the adrenaline running through our veins weakest slash confessed our feelings it's not as romantic as you'd think from an outside view it was probably seen as to awkward teens pecking haha she makes fun of me saying that i would never had the guts otherwise but seriously what are the chances edit for those asking the country was japan you've been visited by a leprechaun doggo you will gain this doggo's luck but only if you comment thank you doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 25,167
Rating: 4.9797101 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, marry, marriege, wedding, relationship, dating, we got married
Id: FPClPrdIecM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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