Tattoo Artists: Which Request Stood Out?

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like the video and subscribe right now and dragon doggo will not attack your city to two artists have read it what's the most beautiful saddest request you've ever gotten or one that has stood out a young woman came in wanting a belly button to two when i asked what she wanted in her belly button she said i don't have a belly button i want you to tattoo one on me she was born with malfunctioning organs and as a newborn the doctors had cut her open from sternum to tailbone in order to remove said organs and then stitched her back up leaving two small holes in her side for waist she was perfectly sealed up apart from those two holes after i had to toot a dainty little gray and pink navel she got up to have a look tears wellered in her eyes and then she did a little dance as she squeaked i've never felt closer to my mother the shot got a little dustier that day that was just about the best feeling i've ever had after completing a tattoo i tattooed a pig and rooster on a young couple's feet he got the rooster she got the pig traditionally sailors would get these designs tattooed as a superstitious way to keep from drowning a few months later he contacted me to let me know that a while after they got the tattoos they broke up she then took her own life he came back to me to get the pigtailed on his other foot to match it was a heavy day for sure my oldest ever client she was 76 and had just received a bad diagnosis so had come in with her son to cross off get a tattoo from her bucket list she wanted a blue dragonfly on her collarbone but couldn't stand upright and steady for long so with the help of her son i had to lay her down on the bed to apply the stencil wherever possible you should always apply a stencil with a client standing naturally so that the design isn't distorted when gravity shifts their body she laughed hysterically when she stood up to check the stencil placement and it shifted from her shoulder and disappeared into her cleavage we had a great time during the tattoo the three of us laughed and joked she had a great sense of humor and was really positive despite her grim diagnosis two and a half years later she returned to the tattoo shop now 78 far less energetic this time she asked me to add her son's name beneath the blue dragonfly he had suddenly fallen sick and passed away before her hopefully this doesn't get buried because in a 20-year career i've done many memorial tattoos but none that had ever made me cry besides these a couple came into the shop they were clearly distressed but in a calm beaten down kind of way the man stood back but the woman spoke with a shacky nervous voice she clutched some papers that clearly were important to her papers that had tiny footprints on them now just a side note before i tell the story i can tell from body language and what is being shown to me that a memorial tattoo is being asked for when a trammer is still on the surface i try to steer the conversation into how the memorial tattoo is to be without getting into the story of the passing so my customer doesn't break down in the middle of the lobby i try to keep that for when they are safely in the tattered chair and in a private setting this couple clearly needed privacy they were so distraught they had twins that passed and wanted to use the ashes in the tattoo we did a consultation i drew up what they wanted then a few days later they returned for their tattoos i ordered a new bottle of black ink mixed the ashes carefully into the bottle with the utmost respect then sat them down for their tattoos they were very glad to get their tattoos but were quiet and holding back tears i'll let them talk as they needed but i could tell they were still unable to process their losses it was still so new what they could choke out was one baby was born still the other born with a rare condition where the organs are all reversed the second baby didn't live long it was utterly heartbreaking the couple couldn't say a word without tears and i could barely tattoo through the tears i'm crying right now writing it out i had never seen or been a part of such crippling heartache they wanted these babies so badly once we finished dried our eyes i handed them the bottle of black ink gave some suggestions for our projects they could do with it and i sent them on their way no charge there is a saying in the tattoo world earn your tattoos and it has to do with the pain i felt this couple had already earned their tattoos they cried all over again thanked me and left i thought that was that the next day the woman came back into the shop duck i'm crying again she thanked me again and handed me a card and left i opened it and inside was a beautiful card a letter and two expensive scratch-off tickets i won't type the letter word for word but it read that her and her husband had 8 ivf treatments over the course of 10 years they had all failed except the last one this poor couple had gone through such a tremendous amount of loss it's unfathomable miscarriage after miscarriage when they found out they were pregnant with twins that all washed away and they had settled into their new life of parenthood happy they made a beautiful nursery they bought every baby item they could find they lived with the reality of becoming parents she carried the babies to term then the day came with one twin born still and another born incapable of living devastated isn't even the word i often think about them and i wish 1 000 babies on them a child in their home would be the most doted unspoiled child all deserving the world seems so unfair the death of a child isn't just a loss of life it's the death of a dream it's the death of all the lives around it motherhood and fatherhood was essentially their lives i won 200 on the scratch off ticket btw more than what i would have charged for the small tattoos anyways i keep the letter over my station so i remember what's important sometimes take care of each other my partner pro bono stuttered nipples on women's reconstructed breasts she is a cosmetic tattooist and post-operative breast cancer patients are referred to her they often cry when they see themselves after the procedure they say they it is feeling whole again after so much trauma myself got a tattoo of a mal and had my brother's ashes mixed with ink for the owl's eyes my brother had very vibrant and striking blue eyes and the owl has the same shade of blue eyes mices is an artist she had a client she really liked did some good portraiture work on the client was out at dinner one night when she suddenly got a headache and died on the spot from a brain aneurysm leaving behind her young son my sister did a charity event to raise money for her family and to two dozens of red balloons in her memory i'm still really proud of her for doing that edit holy [ __ ] guys wow just wanted to say if you're having the worst skull splitting headache of your life do not hesitate call 9 double 1 it's slim but you do have a chance if you know what to do i managed it at a shop and we were about to close when a group of six well-dressed people came in i asked if they came from a wedding complete opposite they were coming from a funeral all of them got a paper plane to two most people this was their first tattoo they kept getting calls and eight more people came totally almost 16 people getting tatted plus guests hanging out i had to ask artists to work overtime and stay back but they all wanted to help this family and group of friends go through this tough time for privacy i won't mention how the person they were paying tribute past but the reason they got paper planes is because she looked exactly like mia apparently and paper planes was their inside joke with her we let them take over the music for the shop and blast that song as loud as possible and to see sad broken people smiling and dancing and celebrating this person's life touched me edit wow the response has been unbelievable thank you everyone for the love they've shown on this comment i hope it inspires people to be nice and try to uplift someone having a bad day whether someone close to your or a complete stranger you really have no idea how much of an impact you can make on a person's day not me but my artist a guy came in his shop and asks for a street george killing the dragon tat my artist did the job and that was it like a month after a girl came in the shop and she asked two for the same design and my artist said something like oh but i have done the same picture like a month ago so i'm still fresh and can do a really good job and as soon as he finished the sentence the girl started crying really really bad the guy was her brother that committed suicide one week before and she wanted the tat for legacy he did the job pro bono i was an apprentice and i sold custom drawings at the same time i once had a woman who wanted a rainbow heart that looked like shattered glass she then explained me that it was in memory of her daughter who died from a car crash the day of her death she came out to her mom as a lesbian her mom didn't react well and the daughter went for a drive to vent a little that drive is the one who killed her i could tell through the mails how devastated her mom was and how guilty she felt it really broke my heart edit wow i didn't expect it to blow out like this thanks kind strangers for the awards for more details it was in france several years ago i was a part-time apprentice it was one of my first customers kind of a brutal start in the business i was just 18. i'm now 25 almost 26 and quit the job since and it still haunts me sometimes it was heartbreaking xgf is a tattoo artist she came home way late from work one night two british dudes drunk off their ass came into the shop a few minutes before the shop was going to close they wanted to get tatted right then right there my ex she wasn't really having it until they explained the situation they were in the states doing a cross-country road trip that they had been planning for years there was another buddy that was going to be with them but he passed away a few months beforehand so they wanted to get a poorly done to two of his face because all of the dead buddha's tattoos were really bad on each of their ass cheeks so when they went to all these places that they had planned to see they could show him well the ex popped open some whiskey threw on some metal and started getting to it the dudes were apparently utterly hilarious and had everyone in tears from laughter the entire time one of the tattoos she's most proud of but the fact that it's so poorly done on purpose she can't really have it in her book i love the image of these guys getting their butts out at all these famous landmarks your ex should work for nasa you know since she put a man on the moon my tattoo artist got asked to tattoo a kid 11 years old that has maybe three months left to live to to to the superman logo on his chest he had to refuse because he has no medical tattooist but he told them to paint his chest every time he comes here for free he is such a cool guy he was invited to his funeral and tattooed some fake skin don't know what he meant with that and they put this in his casket awesome but very sad my best friend is a tattoo artist and a client walked in he asked for it or two of his daughter scar in the same area so his daughter won't be self-conscious about it throughout the appointment he talked about his daughter and how proud he was of her when my little brother died i asked my tattoo artist for a memorial tattoo for him a calico cat me and an angelic corgi him corgis were his favorite thing in the entire world playing around in anchor he was in the navy for years it was personal to me and he did a lovely job we both cried when he finished and i was checking it out in the mirror and he gave me a really big hug edit for people asking for a picture honestly i've put on some weight since i got the tat grief plus quarantine plus shitty hip and it's gone blurry plus it's hard for me to get a good close-up due to the fact that the tat is on my bad leg and it's difficult to bend over not a tattoo artist just heavily tattooed one of my artist friends told me a story about a guy who came in that had lost his firstborn at six years old to childhood lymphoma the guy wanted to have a full body suit done of all the kids drawings the drawings were terrible but he never wanted to forget them for saddest i get a lot of miscarriage tattoos one memorable one was a lady who wanted this baby with wings on her belly it was very awkward because she was silent the whole time and i'm not very good in situations like this so whilst i'm here does anyone have advice on how i can help women whilst doing these types of tattoos on them i'm normally joking around with customers but figured that would be very inappropriate the most touching probably that my studio does a yearly semicolon mental health awareness day five pounds for the money just to cover costs it raises awareness and i hear so many stories from every customer on why they are getting one whether it's to remind themselves of something personal for a family member many are mental health nurses many people say the tattoo helps them stay strong i've done most of them ovarist scars it's so nice to be able to do that for people edit just remembered another one a guy ran into the studio one day sweating and out of breath he says do you have any purple butterflies i say sure we do all sorts turns out he was off to the funeral of a close friend who loved butterflies and he'd been running to every studio in town trying to get a purple butterfly done before the funeral when i finished he he was nearly crying from emotions and before i could say anything gave me a big hug feels good to be able to do stuff like that for people edit thank you so so much for all your help everyone a lot of people suggested asking about the baby's main i think i will try that if i feel the person is open to talking i really try to make it a comfortable experience for all my customers and strive to have an open environment and your advice will help you've been visited by an aggressive seal this seal will never attack you with a knife but only if you comment stay away danger seal thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 151,669
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, tattoo, tattoo artists, funny reddit tattoo, tattooing, ink
Id: e-_gU5p3w98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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