When Guys Forget to Turn Off Their Mic...

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like the video and subscribe right now and this will not be your next wife gamers have read it what is your this dude forgot to turn off his Mik moment back in the Halo 2 days a team was getting yelled at to get off the game he called his mama [ __ ] and she responded with an ass-whooping that sounded like a hyena getting mauled by 50 cats in a plywood box the team's kid brother got on during the beatdown saying hell yeah he never lets me play little man was actually pretty good from what I remember too wasn't really at this dude forgot to turn off his Mick moment but rather he was trying to play it off as if it was I was playing call of duty modern warfare when one of my teammates dies and his left us pecked at me after a while he says he has to leave and then proceeds to moan loudly at first I thought he was jacking off until he leaned into the mick and in the worst girl voice you can imagine said can't believe guy's name has a 7-inch penis I just laughed uncontrollably and he responded with sorry man was having sex wow this really blew up thank you all for the support kid on PC arguing with his mom because he didn't want dinner I was so hungry and his mom sounded sweet don't eat the mother so basically me and three other dudes underscored one was living with his parents and grandparents his grandpa barges into his room and after mumbling something he yelled pull down your pants dude was just wearing some dirty pants but we fully misunderstood the situation I laughed so hard you don't even know why was he telling him to pull them down though if they were dirty I feel dumb for missing something here older sister was telling his little brother our teammate that is her time to play and she will turn off the console if he doesn't get up he insists just this one match please no no no one disconnected law years ago Hale and three my cat was being unusually affectionate and cuddly I killed a guy in multiplayer and was distracted by the cat I start asking who has a fuzzy belly who is my fuzzy girl and it turned out the guy I killed could still hear my voice and he was having none of it I wish I still has the X BL message he sent he seemed really insecure about his fuzzy belly yelled at his new wife while she was asking for help with groceries and their three months son we chose not to hang out with him after that that's some real [ __ ] man I hope she has a new husband I've had this happen with a dude we used to play with literally yelling at his wife on Mick we stopped playing with into basically the sky during my game was saying we needed to finish it quick his girlfriend was coming over this was during a ranked game so the guy didn't want to leave it ended up being a pretty hard match it was daughter so it ended up being 120 minutes long he started to flame everyone on Mick because his girlfriend was almost here and we needed to end the match then we hear him apologize to his girlfriend because he can't leave and then she says it's alright she wants to see how focused he can stay thank God for the ability to meet people otherwise we would have heard him getting his dick sucked for 20 minutes he didn't stay focused on the game and we lost the biggest lie here is someone playing dota had a girlfriend caught my friend jacking off on Mick thinking he muted himself I heard him groaning so then I shouted no coming in my party oh come on man I was only having fun it was the strangest noise like a thousand bananas being peeled very rapidly not bad but memorable I get to my buddy's house and he is playing Cod has his head set on this house is a work in progress so every time I get there something has changed I walk into his gaming room and see he has made some modifications to the house and asked him about it he proceeds to give me a lesson on construction fundamental / building technique / in the Y after about five or so minutes he realizes he was nicked the whole time and he goes oh [ __ ] someone chimes in hey so that was actually really interesting and all but can you shut the duck up I don't think we ever laughed as hard hey at least the kid wasn't a complete dick about it oMG this happened to me my press to talk button was stuck and I had gotten up to feed the cat I always sing songs for him as I'm feeding him and apparently my Mik picked everything up so when I got back on my entire raid was singing about my cat and I was embarrassed as hell I don't sing in public at all I find it hell are embarrassing no mayo duck in an had made they were repeating it cause they loved it I don't have any as weird as the ones here but I definitely recall one time getting ready to pull a red boss in whoa double you and hearing one kid's mother yell at him to take out the trash the kid was sixteen or something and all 24 of us were like nope not pulling yet go take out the trash for your mom I also have a friend who used to fall asleep on discord after taking ambien and some of those conversations were hilarious but I'm pretty sure he knows where I live and will kill me if I share them on reddit I was that dude once nothing scandalous just embarrassing you know how sometimes couples will be all sugary sweet lovey-dovey to each other when they are alone in a way that they'd probably not do in front of other people because it's so cringy don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about people in relationships anyway I had my headset on and was being a typical idiot with my friends my then partner was nearby so I took off the headset forgot to mute the Mik and commence the instant transformation into this over-the-top cute as he loved a curtain you can imagine how much I wanted to crawl under a rock and die a few minutes later that was like 12 years ago I was extra careful about the Mik from then on I wasn't playing or watching the liver stream but during an eye racing event NASCAR driver Kyle Larson did not realize his Mik was on for the entire group and therefore was bring broadcast advice which said can anybody hear me hey n-word very next day he lost his real-life nasca sponsors and his real-life ride well imagine losing your career on iRacing he was part of the DRI for diversity program a program dedicated to attracting mine and women to Nazca just today I was playing Modern Warfare and this guy on my team had his mic open his phone rang in the background and he picked up to his wife talking about how he needs to get off his ass and go to the store he lead with profanities and ended with a fine [ __ ] and went back to playing I said into game chat so are you gonna go to the store unfazed he said nor his wife needs to leave him holy [ __ ] some dude confessing his love to a girl and then singing a song to her it worked in the end it we all cheered for him was it the neverending story chillin in a squad when someone doesn't have push-to-talk on and they start yelling at their family and occasionally letting out a giant scream from dying sorry but I'll never use push-to-talk bro I can't tell you how many times it's gotten me killed and how much of an inconvenience it is having to listen to their TV in the background or when they aggressively snort in Hawks phlegm bro mint or push-to-talk please was playing onyx go server the squeaker comes in the server acting all tough trash-talking mocking other people etc now it's about 11:00 at night now and we hear this kid saying but mommy I don't want to go to sleep I wanna play we all started laughing our asses off and he disconnected edit while didn't think it would get so much support thx I love how I know the exact type of person you mean by squeaker and it's always the ones whose voices have just broken that make fun of the squeakers - like 12 to 13 year olds I also forgot the word autistic was used as a petty insult until I got back on CSG Oh recently fun times a group of five of us had been doing several runs in whoa double you and had been chatting it up the whole time about whatever one woman's boyfriend came into her room and asked her if when she was done if she could look under his balls he had a bump and didn't know if it was a pimple or a boil he was talking about how much it hurt and it's turned he tried using a mirror but couldn't get the angle right she let him go on for about two to three minutes as we were all busting up laughing before she finally told him her Mik was on happened to me a couple times the bull thing not the open make first time was an ingrown hair that one sucked second time was cancer no longer surely ingrown hair sucked I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas a whole while back got myself a few friends in and also had a couple of stragglers we were pretty decent as decent as team we'd not lost for a few days although playtime had only been a few hours due to work anyway these stragglers who joined got added to our chat talked strategy with them they seemed alright two brothers from Georgia we start playing and we are AB sealing down the roof running through casinos and everything is going well a squad are racking up kills but one of the stragglers keeps dying his brother is complaining guy who keeps dying grabs the briefcase and runs we are calling to get him him to come to the lift shafts but he ignored us run straight to the windows and gets taken out drops the case in a room packed with enemies we can't get it in time we lose the useful brother starts complaining and muttering under his breath then talks louder like we couldn't hear him before and says sorry about his brother's mistake we will win now we switch to deference the useless brother runs straight out of the vault despite telling him to wait at the back stairs goes and gets killed his brother is mumbling again clearly agitated now the useful brother is defending the case anyone who gets past the three main defense points he is picking them off and doing great case never leaves a sight despite the back stairs not being covered useless brother sees someone in the case room decides to throw a flashbang we all get blinded look around case is gone as we are going chasing after it the useless bro apologies his brother says whatever and in his mumbled voice he seemingly thinks no one can hear says this is the exact crap that made me [ __ ] in your gym bag the character of the useless bro stops dead in front of me as we are chasing the enemy then there's a loud noise on the other brother's neck followed by what sounded like the the biggest bitch-slap open-palm strike whatever I've ever heard useful brother character suddenly stops to me and my squad are laughing wondering what's going on as we lose the game and on the mix we can just hear one of the brothers crying and then among shouting in the distance someone with a rope and make instructing his girlfriend to do a blow job here I go doing a blow job again okay so this one was actually on me I first got caught three fro ps4 awhile back like I was a serious squeaker so eventually I joined my first online match and was getting whooped I kid you not my mom was making tatter tots that night and proceeded to yell loud enough for my dinky little ear but makes a pickup oh in your tatah tots already not my proudest moment that I still laugh at it I played a game with the guy whose kids were playing in the background he kept telling them to relax keep it down and whatever more and more aggressively at some point it all just goes off and you could just hear how he slapped the [ __ ] out of at least one of the kids kids crying and screaming tumbling sounds dude yelling off the top of his lungs skin getting slapped everything in game just stopped and the rest of the team were just in shock my friend says let's back out and we do I wanted to hurt this man so bad I'd call the police he started reading out loud to himself an erotic furry hentai novel I don't think this was an accident on discord and just start hearing hey and a bunch of fapping noises I have two stories I've been waiting for this thread forever first story I was playing black desert online with a group of my friends two of those friends are married we'll call a Barbie and Barbie Barbie goes to the kitchen to make food while muting her Mike meanwhile RB tells us be right back guys and runs off to the kitchen as we just finished grinding I parked my horse and Wilier and we all started hearing moans coming from B's end of the make turns out RB and Barbie were having sex in the kitchen and Arby's headset unmuted his discord somehow when RB got back we were all trying so hard not to laugh and Barbie comes back like babe did you ducking forget to mute your Mick they immediately left the call and we burst out laughing they didn't join back for three days second story my friend from school who will call G has a little bit of a temper problem and rages like every other game one day as we are playing league with the boys G's girlfriend comes into his room and we immediately hear top theory rape coming from the other end like shut the duck up you can't all you do is spend my goddamn money I'm so sick and tired of this [ __ ] you stupid insert the n-word hard R asterisk you know him broke right you could hear his girlfriend crying from the other end of the MiG and the next thing he says is sorry guys what did I miss the saddest part of this story is that G and his girlfriend still together years ago I was playing Gears of War on xbl and his kid joined my gang from the sound of his voice he couldn't have been older than 12 or 13 but he was talking trash the whole time you know the usual stuff you suck you're gay duck your mom et Cie apparently his mom walked in while he was in the middle of throwing yet another of his dumb insults at me and his Mik was on she came in and was like what what are you saying is that how I raised you slaps sound ha ha you talking like that answer me did I raise you like that more slaps and he's crying and saying mama I'm sorry I didn't mean to mama please let me finish my game and she's like oh hell no you're not finishing nothing and then he's dropped out of the game you've been visited by cannibal dog oh this dog Oh will eat all his brethren unless you comment stop eating dog goes thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 352,305
Rating: 4.9516778 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, forget, turn off mic, microphone, gamers, gaming
Id: FEl3Qw7DmWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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