Another Tree 911 Job -CAPABLE HOMEOWNER this time tho

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the storm season here everything's blown down everywhere trees uprooting branches breaking crotch is splitting the grants past trees don't do well with snow they're like they're entitled they just sit on the couch and get fatter and fatter and then when hard times come they can't handle it see the last estimate of the day was a big cedar tree it's split in half at the union bark inclusion the guy put a little strap up tie down cinch strap it's way low so it's the tree's gonna have this can opener leverage it either way so it's not really helping it much it's kind of a race to make sure that it doesn't get rained on too hard or anything tonight and split off it's right above his roof right above their bedroom i just went back to the barn to grab some uh blocks and uh heavy rigging line and the grcs kind of band-aid it up for the night and then tomorrow morning probably break off and go to two different jobs with more storm work two guys will be working with the crane to remove this uh one lead of the cedar and the other guys will be back it's getting dark i just got a high tine and this whole side here all this that's big stuff one two three tops all wanting to split out right into the house it's cracked pretty far below the kodom union there so what we're gonna do is we have the grcs at the base we'll bring it up we'll set a block just in here where it's still real meaty and then we'll go directly across to another block on a pocket sling through the block and back to here and we'll choke it here so we've got the advantage of the grcs and we've got the advantage of two blocks up here and choked off so i'll show you when we're doing it and then we'll show a view of the actual pre-tension from like a third person angle all right guys i did a quick explanation of what we're doing so that you could visualize it in your head and now you can see it uh in material form so the uh polydyne is coming up through a block over to the other uh rock exotica omni block back and just choked off with a running bowl in here we've got a pocket or a whoopie sling here and a pocket sling over there and uh we'll go ahead and pre-tension it with the grcs hopefully you can see what's going on it's a little hairy up here so i'll show you the outside view now we don't have a lot of daylight here but samurai joe is going to crank this thing up right so it goes up to a block over to a block and then back to being choked hold on let me go to the side and see if i can see it move right crank it up [Laughter] crazy huh yeah it's good it can get no running start now that's a snow load but they sure do get big and beautiful these grants pass trees but it only snows once a year and every time it snows it's heavy wet snow so they they get a false sense of security for a while and then they crash okay joe's ready to go up [Music] impossible to tell now because it's sucked together this is really tight but in the wind before we put the safety on it this crack was opening and closing with the breeze with the breezes and if you look up i mean you can see it's just full-on school marm all kinds of nooks and crannies for the wind to bite on and the weight and the snow is what started it but that's a goof ball if i ever saw one this is troy wave troy hey troy owns the place he's done a lot of this well he's a do-it-all do-it-yourselfer except for this he says it was yeah it was blowing last night i was glad it was scrapped off yeah said the wind got howling so evidently it's good we hooked it up of course so i'm up in the top of this cedar that we rigged up last night it's starting to split at the base and i get three tops here one two three off this lead i only got one sling on the crane right now and i'm thinking about putting the end of the ends of the sling one on each of these and hooking it in the bite and cutting them both to be pretty even but we're thinking that uh that could cause some dynamic loading if they didn't come off perfectly smooth so maybe we'll just take them one at a time and make them a little bit bigger basically i was trying to save a trip i can hook both the tops right now or hook them on and go down and come back up and hook the other so we'll let you know what we decide so i'm i'm re-routing my rope right now so it's going to make for a clean rappel down through the canopy instead of trying to feed a rat's nest down just a little tip you can pile your rope up back and forth over a limb and then drop it straight down and it'll pretty much feed itself once it starts going just like that now we got a straight sort of straight shot down through the brush all right so we just had to take this in a one longer piece we got a half hitch here up near the top to keep it standing straight and then i'm gonna slide down through the brush here hook it again there's the end of our sling we'll get it set up and get down a little farther and make a cut so joe's got the first one hooked up looks like i'll be able to boom up just a little bit which will improve my capacity even more which is great this is just like emergency response so we're gonna put the stuff on the ground we're not cutting the whole tree even which is odd but um he could just fall it out into this field after this lead is off the whole thing will weigh out this way if he wants to follow it he's a do-it-yourselfer like i said pretty capable dude all right we're all hooked up here got it pre-tensioned it's not huge probably two thousand pounds if you factor in that it's full of wet brush and right [Applause] all right first pick off went smoothly all right thanks all right we're about to set this second sling this lead leans out this way quite a bit normally we would hook the sling on the back side it would make for a smooth take but because this is a codon tree it has no branches back here and a lot of weight out there so we're actually going to hook the sling on the underside of the lean and uh you'll probably see that it works out to be pretty smooth when it comes on all right we're going to leave you guys right here looking down at the pick and we're going to leave you also over here looking up at the pig and we're going to clean the lens a little because we love what we do and we might love you too won't you be my neighbor wow i had a little too much pressure on that one it's always weird all right we're back we're taking this next one in one piece um nothing too technical all of the limb weight is out here it's leaning out here we haven't hooked the same kind of on the underside uh we're doing just one cut through the wood's trying to go this way so we're cutting from the back in the shelf cut can get kind of it'll hold on to it for a while and then it will pop up out of it when you have pieces that aren't balanced so i just cut from the back just relieving the tension and letting it settle into the slings end up with a lot less surprises just a little bit at a time super happy with the uh seating arrangement on this cut though and sit up here like a mountain um wow do [Music] we got a rigging right here we put up last night got a block purchase on this stem here was splitting off from the main trunk down there in the wind we had a pretty heavy snow load uh over the weekend got the grcs down there look back to the uh up through the block through this big omni block that's one of the uh first time legit reasons we've had to use the new three-quarter wrench on me and hide back to the trunk for a nice strong strong anchor we did that right before dark last night and then back here in the morning taking care of it all right we set up on our last top here it's a little farther away and the same kind of thing it doesn't have any limit on this side it's all out there kind of leaning that way we're hooked on that side we're gonna just do a one cut let it settle in and it's nice to be in a tree um wow oh [Applause] this ones all kind of slide off of here that's a plenty on the boom down probably boom boom up a touch even oh man check this out this is a good video this swung into the limb and unlocked the hook and the sling is just hanging on by the gate make sure that doesn't happen put a log on it oh no no i meant like it swings in like this and then you hook it up and they're like all right take it away snap yeah we left another rope in the tree last night i just retrieved you got two tie-ins now that spar is staying we're just taking this one off here gonna do another pick here this is one of those reactionary wood it's like it's grown as a sweeper so it has like a j shape and sometimes those those j's have strange binds like like the wood is sprung under tension even when there's no pressure or any uh any leverage against it it's just like built-in spring sometimes it'll pinch a saw all right a little bit awkward you know this big dog right here i think we are going to use a bit of a shelf cut on it better jump in and just let it sit on it oh [Music] so so so we had it wicked tight last night and it uh taken those tops off brought it up enough that the rope was just taut but not like super tight anymore we taught that rope a thing or two see how it goes oh all right [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] um you made it [Applause] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see that curly looking limb right above me that's the one i'm talking about [Applause] wow surprised we're off to the uh mechanic that's how we it's how we roll but i gotta i gotta and i told myself on the [Music] i said this is the last job before i fix that and then an emergency came up and so here we are again but today i'm driving from the job you don't get on that fixing stuff
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 259,013
Rating: 4.8738108 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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