Untangling The Inverted Octopus Tree

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so here we are like two weeks into this coronavirus massive shutdown in Oregon tree guys are under the jurisdiction of the contractors board and we are allowed to work as long as we follow the distance guidelines and so we do I haven't really even minded staying home now look I'm going to go to work and I pick the day with sheets of rain nice yard kind of pretty kind of well groomed and here's the tree right in the corner here Diadora cedar no crane the wind just kicked up like a lot of cuts the other thing I got a different bid but the guy told him that he needed to get his bucket truck in here and in order to do that he had to cut down all the guys little shrubs of course they're not very little though those things are like eight feet tall about to start up the tree just thought I would talk about it just for a second all I'm gonna do is basically just cut off everything I can easily cut off on this side because we're gonna be swinging everything else into this side so it's just like before all the other trees where you cut off everything that doesn't look like a stump until you're done first cut so the quarter pitch is a little bit dainty okay YouTube's checking in I've just been hacking away people want to know how how did you get your rope up there well I climbed up here and put my rope here so that windy and rainy and that's not super cool just been hacking my way up get into a place where I can put my tie in and a rigging line for the G RCS good morning guys good morning we're here today we're working in Medford Oregon and we're working on a Theodorus heater just talked into the corner of this house we've got the big man today Augustana key and if you can see he's up there I got a light start on their cording this will be our ground cam for the day he's got things kind of tidied up and he's opening up some rigging and he made his way up to the top he just set a block we've got the G RCS today so we're gonna want to block up top so we have low friction in the canopy so that we'll get everything we can out of our pre-tensioning with the with the G RCS we're tucked in the corner here and so I've just been making a big nest just kind of counting on everything under me to to hang up and then I've made myself away to get rigging and then I'll just get the Betty the nest out yeah I mean everything that you're trying to nest okay so we talked to the neighbor and make sure you understood what was going on because we're also gonna be doing some n weight on this tree this cedar is coming out and this one's gonna be getting end weight like with that heavy limb that heavy limb this side is probably gonna be pretty good because it's all tucked in and conglomerated in there so it hasn't grown out as bad as the other side this is our access for removal as we've got this plywood cut sprinkler another sprinkler no sprinklers sprinklers where those three cones are we've got bricks protecting them credit rig it get it down chunk wood all the brush out would stand all the woods gonna get stacked up along this finish line blowing the fence line in got the chipper down here we got the main man there this stuff's a little brittle and crispy so we're not doing any turning I've got a pivot point there with that plywood you can straight line it here and then pivot a little bit more to come back out down here so you're not dropping off the curb and we're just tipping everything out here cuz the machines you know the words we are the unstoppable so anyways August is healing headache a bunch and he's dropping a bunch of stuff like that right now freeing up space for rigging and then things will start going faster once he can start putting ropes on things so that's I I cleared the nest under me and I've got an omni block here because we're gonna be doing a lot of lifting I usually use rings for rigging but we're doing lifting today cuz you'll see later we have a lot of cranking to do with the G RCS but there's a where I cleared the nest [Music] I have a lot of work to do so I wasn't really videoing that tedious work of making the rope paths and stuff but all of that is this tree that whole big mess is gonna have to be wreaked around to that little spot right there since these are all tipped eye setups we're gonna go ahead and use two climbers otherwise one climber will be going up and down and up and down see see all these all of these most of them need to be tied it on rigged onto the tip and then the gr CS cranks them up and then the we need a guy down there cutting them at the base so it's going to be silly for for one guy to climb up and down and up and down when we got two climbers here we've got like three climbers for and I'll leave a climber up here oh I'm getting a phone call hey Joe I'm up a tree yeah sorry I'm gonna be delayed for a while now I'm in Medford what time is it noon I didn't get up this tree till 11 which is ridiculous but big tree late start always always hi Jeff we're up you just want to hide for now slider on the back cuz that's gonna slam in there [Music] gonna be a pain for a while this tree wants to be a forest it'll be a pain at first we'll get better and better once our highway improves case the viewers are wondering sprinklers and a lawn we're rigging it [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that August has got all the rigging open so that he can rig freely August is doing nothing but cutting and jeff's up there looking and hooking so Jeff's hooking the tips and August is cutting the butts and I'm pre-tensioning down here on the G RCS when needed [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna try to fish this one out [Music] let it down I got a better view of it I couldn't understand why you weren't letting it down so now I see that you thought it was impossible now it like three feet out of that tall one and then coming down and hook it over there on the next one down yeah like four feet out disconnected just waiting on them [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a little more this one's another tip Thai that's gonna have to be cranked all the way up and be cut down there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right this one's half hitched up here terminate it down there and then we got this other piece slimmed off to it [Music] what let it down [Music] [Music] [Music] basically is that the GRC s is the Creed yeah you gotta be careful and make sure nothing something's not crossed up that you didn't see or something yeah yeah and it always kind of shifts around and tries to eat you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my combat letting it down I'll help ya [Applause] [Music] yes this is a look at it which I look at it crank faster poor guy sorry oh it's starting good it's starting to go okay let me clear it what a pain pain tree you get her cranking yeah creaking like a chainsaw crowd man that can crank faster than Damien well hey man I free fell a bunch of this making me jumpy nice when there's bunch of raccoon I mean poo [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh another one down and [Applause] okay crank it out Oh I can clear that I put my phone down and quit goofing around don't do that okay well then you're gonna have to clear Oh ace in the hole I'm so tired of dealing with it [Music] do it for the gram well okay okay okay yeah it's a challenge challenge just like you got to do it in the right order that G RCS is awesome [Music] [Music] well hold on let me get let me give it a shove Aroo Sheva Rooney [Music] from our well at six o'clock probably you think I don't know 6:40 started up at 11:00 that's just one of those busy busy trees that I got a late start yeah still it's a lot of work we'll just have to do a dish some more tomorrow I like how it looks now better than it did earlier no no when you get up there though man everything is just Spaghetti Junction we've been making a lot of firewood out of this tree we don't have a closed dump site so it saves our truck from filling up with chips we got no damage anywhere which is pretty normal
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 149,720
Rating: 4.9477611 out of 5
Id: P35BVx-Ft0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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