Crispy Dead White Oak Over Backyard Patio

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it's that time Oh Damien wants to talk to me the viewers what they notice about it there's two things they should notice what do you think Wyatt I think it's a new chain maybe we should let him try it play like the rakers it's nothing I know I know it's wrong but now that look let's wrong her that it's definitely all backwards ok I'm glad I didn't grow up in the age of cameras oh my god caught doing that put my spurs on backwards here we are YouTube's another crane job and it's just the limits of our reach I think I might have to get a little bit fancy with how we do it but using all the space again as you can see I can still walk through there so that's not bad but Outrigger in the garage type of thing there's no basement under the garage and Outrigger in the at the shrub pavement border which is always a chance for us to practice cribbing to protect the pavement in the irrigation without the crane this would all be hand carried up through here down the stairs super steep Bank the tree is there between their deck and the stairway down crane looks pretty useful you may end up doing some craning synonymous with rigging from the other tree the live tree and this is the access on this side which is more of the same look at this old school has pretty cool pole pruner good one yeah it's got a steel rod instead of uh yeah no rope on it so here we are as per usual tree and deck glass railings new deck patio this tree is still in good shape which is expend expending it's real glass yeah so the tree above the deck could come in handy for these big pieces we're gonna cut it down to the top of the ivy but eventually you'll need this monolith removed that you'll need this you'll have to have the stem kind of deliberately removed cuz if it falls over it'll take out the deck which could be a excuse to get some new stairs I guess so the guy the stem would is you know always a bit of a challenge especially there next to the stairs but he said he wants to leave it let it get covered with ivy and he's saying it'll outlast his lifetime I guess I'll I guess we'll go along with that and we'll see how it goes okay YouTube update we're gonna get Jeff SRT kind of set up in the tree that's alive there they give him a tie-in to use for the whole time while we work the dead one that is my max reach right there so we're gonna be rigging things in such a way to swing them into my reach and it'll be lightweight stuff so should be no problem all right so I'll just a pastor cut right [Laughter] okay bring that bring it to me yeah let it let the pump go down a little yeah okay I'm letting on the back towards you before you pick up on it is that all of it that it [Music] yeah I'll cut it when we get it down here I'll pull it in half [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Yeah right out in front of you where that spiderweb is yeah we'll hook it right where the spiderweb is well actually maybe back a little bit yeah just a little bit forward of that right there yeah right there and then we'll cut it off now you can put a lot because when you booms up it'll it'll be going up at an angle oh you want to know what I think I think that pic was can you slide over I was just trying to get to quiz it I was just trying to get the flag I wasn't trying to get you yeah I get that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here we are as you can see we're cutting all the wood into six teams and we're not chipping it the chipper could chip it but if grandpa Hunicke gets word that we're throwing wood like this this diameter dry oak that he could be using into the chipper we'll be hearing about it so we're gonna buck it into 16s and make make it firewood so that he'll stay happy checking in we have quite a few pics out of the way I don't remember how many but you got this one basically balance hooked that block is 30 degrees the angle of the boom is 30 degrees which is too low of an angle so I need to bring it up so that's going to move the block out over here until I'm at 40 degrees which means this one's gonna swing quite a ways and that might be eyebrow-raising to somebody but it's a light enough piece that it's no big deal small pieces there's a there's a butt line that kind of a control line that we put on it first and it's a little above the point of control is a little above so it actually be helping with the initial weight also so the crane will only have half of that dead limb so should be good I think I'm good for like at 40 degrees about 1,500 pounds which isn't a lot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get some za PO action here little more zoppo action here he knows to take it off and to undo the nine a little demon action here one-handed no problem little Wyatt action here oh yeah buddy last but not least little Jeff Schroeder action big man on campus today very guys some day some of my axe we got a move cameras around guys to get Damien I mean getting all the ropes and stuff put away we okay so that's it another puzzle solved not the most pretty way of doing it but sure didn't involve a lot of labor so and kind of good for us I guess he wants to leave this tall stump he wants the ivy to cover it and from his view in the window you'll like the greenery he says so have a column of ivy and yep no broken glass no surprises it's all over he'll need that column cut down later and he's like well it's gonna outlast me so I know I don't want to throw a blanket on his longevity but I I agree it's gonna outlast him you [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 36,293
Rating: 4.9396796 out of 5
Id: IXGutaFr5Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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