220ft fir tree cutting....long way down !

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hmm that was just a preview to get you interested if you've never watched tree work before on this scale but before we carry on i'm just going to answer a couple of questions that i would expect to come up in the comments and it will save me answering the same ones time over so firstly the tree was inspected and it was um determined that it was decayed down at the base on the inside leaning hard over the highway so that's why it was decided to take the tree down but this is not a log in operation or anything like that none of the logs were sold they were all just pushed back into the forest to decay so there's no need for anybody to tell me that they wished i was dead and the tree was alive or they'd like to see me fall out the tree and die um trees are the lungs of the earth and all that spare me the virtue signal in it really is wasted on the likes of myself secondly we're using a wide-angle lens on the helmet camera so it has a wide view of things but what it also does is um squashes everything it kind of makes objects look narrower and shorter so the tree will look narrower than what it actually was in reality as will the chainsaws also it rained hard and it's very dusty work and sawdust and rain make for a sticky mess so um it was hard to keep the lens clean at times it does get quite blurry but i did my best i didn't capture everything that i wanted to capture and there is a few malfunctions on the camera but it's still well worth a watch and lastly there was no damage to the road at all you'll see some massive logs falling from great height onto the road and there was absolutely no damage before you asked we've worked on that road many times and dropped huge logs on it much bigger than what you're gonna see in this video and there was no damage then and there's no damage now okay enjoy the video hmm so so okay i'm gonna let a small top go and um there's a chance it might snap and hang up in the other tree or break some branches so don't let the cars go um hmm right just hang on a sec matt well i have a look hang on just hold on a second while i have a look okay matt comment below i was boiling up getting up oh me too now i'm sort of about the right temperature now if i'd if i'd left this side if i was gonna okay mate if i was gonna uh i was gonna take the sweater off now i'm glad i didn't yeah you know i mean i did keep stopping on the way up just to cool down of it yeah no yeah i'll say it catches up with you later um ah um are you gonna cut ryan oh wait okay mark you can move in copy that here we are again so ryan's just in that tree he's going to shorten the top of this one he's taken one huge limb off because they want to try and save this one but it's a huge head lean on it seems inevitable that it's going to collapse at some point same with this one here this looks like a short tree but it's not sure it's just that this one that i'm in was so high so um there's the top of ryan's helmet there handsome fella that he is so we're trying to get on with it because um the wind is coming definitely this time they've given 90 kilometer gusts so uh yeah we've been just trying to get these limbs off quick so it's safe to work i can stay tied into this one and then move down and swing across and do the shortening on those limbs and i'll be safe i think and then i gotta come back up bring down the rest this log i'm gonna just bring this log down a bit more so that my 200 foot line will then reach the ground because right now it won't reach and there's a couple of bits like a fort ascender that i might need and i forgot to bring it with me so uh out for now wow [Music] hmm um hmm okay i've just finished the reduction on the tree down there my radio broke before so i've lost that just got to bring the rest of the logs down now we're just letting a load of traffic through then we'll start stop starting again it's the weather's turned nasty now there's no wind though and um i should be pretty safe even if the wind gets up as long as another tree doesn't fall on me so i'm just waiting now really hard to communicate because i have no radio and the noise of the rain on the road the cars [Music] um [Laughter] hmm [Laughter] [Music] ah [Music] ah um um [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] oh um hey martin might have some uh work down there for you yeah i probably would load up and head down there yeah [Music] [Applause] uh yes just so many logs oh my gosh it's amazing how many the tree that never ended yeah no it just kept coming it's funny up there you look down and you think i'm getting somewhere and then the machine goes under and it looks tiny yeah i think oh
Channel: Reg Coates
Views: 132,611
Rating: 4.9525461 out of 5
Keywords: Tree Falling, Tree topping, Climbing arborist, Dangerous job, vancouver island, cathedral grove
Id: ZS-hdmwvySA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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