A Tree 911 call (wife blames Ax Men Show)

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I don't think I'm here in time it's gonna go it's gonna go better stay back I don't think it's gonna yeah [Music] no I don't think we can get to it in time let me see if it's gonna clear I was parked right under it it might miss it might miss that fir tree might cause it to come out here and miss the powerlines no because that cedar is gonna push it Cedars gonna I don't know if I can get to that and time the trouble is this tree is shoving it toward the power line and that that fir tree might stop it I think you should close the gate yeah because it's going to hit it for sure otherwise [Music] this this tree right here is shoving it that was their due so here's to you this way that's gonna run it into that one I wonder if there's anything I can do it's just it's cut off the stump so there's just a little bit of holding wood nah it might be something to just throw a line over it and pull it really hard this way that yeah because I got attractive just nerve-wracking to touch it when it's about to go through the powerlines and implicate myself Friday pretty easy day well you know took the day off actually the crew is out having fun in other places and a lady just called and said her husband was fallen a tree and it didn't go the way they wanted it to she said it's threatening the powerlines and her fence and her gate so some poor husband somewhere right now is that guy he's feeling like that guy and and the wife has gathered valuable ammunition against any of his further ideas right now we'll go check it out I'm in my tennis shoes but I got a few items that I might be able to actually I don't know what I'm gonna come in to I don't know what it looks like sometimes you get these calls and it's no big deal you get there just a little thing and it's big to them and other times you roll into an actual dangerous dynamic situation so we're about to find out it's just nerve-racking to touch it when it's about to go through the powerlines and implicate myself yeah that big arm off of that cedar is gonna stop me from getting any travel this way ah if it goes if it goes straight then yeah it'll probably be trouble I don't know I'm just trying to think of something to do here huh [Music] [Music] oh that's why Oh [Music] okay so basically I'm gonna put the rope on it and I'm gonna pull it hard this way but this trees gonna be trying to stop it so if it skins down that fir tree and goes on that fruit tree out there that would be better than anything so I'm hoping to spring it a bunch that way I don't know if I can spring it and drive the truck at the same time but yeah I need to I need to put some some load on it and then probably as it's being loaded real hard cut this off so that this twists around and falls that way oh this is this is better for reaching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 1,223,519
Rating: 4.7968102 out of 5
Keywords: stihl, timber faller, hazard tree call
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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