Another Huge Dumpster Haul! I found tons of electronics, vintage, and toys!

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what's up everybody okay I just got to the first apartment complex and it's like really gross I was gonna show y'all just like how much trash is everywhere so I don't know if I'll actually find anything here but I'm gonna look [Applause] I mean that's kind of a nice like box but I'm not okay well there's nothing here that I'm interested in really just the chest which I actually will move it out a little further so other people might be able to see it better but it's like broken [Music] Oh that's actually cool these bath crystals I don't even know that they've been opened that's really wet okay well I am gonna take these charcoal and bamboo infused sea salts sweet is heating out the little scooper alright so there's that all right second stop of the day this one might actually not be hmm since it was so full I wanted to check it but it looks like it's just looks like there's a mattress in there or something big that always like makes it look like there's a lot of stuff but there's not actually okay nothing here moving on okay I am at this apartment complex dumpsters it like always has stuff in it and it does again today I really want this trashcan because I've actually wanted a better trashcan for our kitchen we just have like a black plastic one right now here's some cannot see this yeah these are clothes right here a couple sweaters and a big like coat okay I grab this little basket it's really dirty on the inside but you can like take this off and wash it and if not if it doesn't get clean then it's just like a little basket under there so I am gonna take that I'm gonna take this it's kind of dented in some spots and like the little part where you put your foot it works it's just like broken but after cleaning it up it's still gonna be nicer than the one that we currently have so I'm gonna take both of these and these clothes right here there we go okay I peaked in this one and it looks like there's clothes so we got all this stuff then there's like hangers and there's shoes down there so let's try to get this is just like a bunch of socks in here a bit see these socks still have like the labels and stuff on them like a full bag a little trimming scissors I'm not taking the whole bag just because the bags like really wet there's some super glue and some protect their things this is something but at some bulbs Jim so I don't know what kind of thing it is girl take it it's pretty Oh oh my god these are like us Wow okay that's cool if someone watches this is it's empty and here's a lock that I wasn't gonna take but it actually has the key in it so it does work oh shoot this is someone's wallet all right I'll take this whole bag because it is just shoes in there I'm out I just fall can you tell that priority mailbox is full of CDs there's like the front of a car I guess I only get that bag and I want to get those CDs so let me get my grabber actually this one is just trash okay maybe not actually we got some boots actually it's not new it's open on the back so I'm not gonna take it because you don't know what's been on there this song is Holyfield okay I got the box of CDs there's a bunch of them we got Barbra Streisand okay and then I also sold this bag which looks like a house stuck in it definitely does that is so pretty that it's like hand handmade it looks like or you know like that looks like really like hand-stitched like this whoa oh my gosh that's so cool so and this dog has a bunch of cords in it I bet that the cords are in there for this thing look at all those poor chargers and everything I think I might just be able to take this whole bag right here there's a bunch of like washcloths these are like um ripped like movies like these are like the you know bootleg I mean yeah okay I'll take this whole bag and look for it later but there's what we got plus all the shoes that are in the car so a bunch of CDs and maybe some DVDs too we can watch on that Sony player and then like a bunch of miscellaneous stuff and like I'm pretty like excited about these like watches and stuff these shirts there's some cool stuff in there so not that out of it the Sony player instrumental something oh these are more CD's dang alright cool well there we go awesome okay this is the new apartment complex and we got a little suitcase and a whole tub of stuff okay but I saw a chair on the other side that I really want to look at it was broken okay well this looks like a lot of it looks like a lot of papers but it also looks like a lot of Christmas stuff photo album lots of crafting stuff and stalking some frozen gloves cool and in this little suitcase there we go it's not bad okay so I came to another apartment complex it's like right by our house because I was expecting this to be my last stop well is this like completely full so it is gonna take me a while to get everything out but we will start right now okay so the first thing that I saw was like all of these vintage baby clothes well I guess I don't know if they're vintage but they look really old so this has like some of that stuff it literally is just full of little baby clothes so I'm gonna take this whole thing and I look in here toys clothes so here's a little baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is what I got so far I'm gonna trying to get in these because I'm wondering if they're just full of clothes like both of these laundry hampers so I'm gonna try to do that but I'm gonna take these to the car first okay I got it out it was full of clothes and the ones at the bottom are like just all still folded up like there's like jeans and stuff down there there's like all still folded so it looks like they like all just got washed they all smell like laundry soap like really good so there's that the car is now this is gonna be my last stop so we'll go see what everything is okay so I'm home now I am NOT gonna show everything off today because we just cleaned the house this morning we're having company over this whole weekend they're like a friend is coming to stay with us so I don't want to like take it all inside cuz I know I'll just have to like really clean everything that we did this morning so I want to show some of like the coolest things though so I'm gonna show right now like those vintage baby clothes I really want to check them out and then I don't know maybe a couple other things that like I didn't really show off that much but since so much of it was just like grabbing like bags and tubs and stuff I don't even really know like everything that he got so there could be some really cool things that I might not show but I will update y'all and I so except literally today was like every dumpster was a jackpot like maybe if this is a good time like people are moving out or something but like so many things like each dumpster was like multiple multiple bags of stuff so the car is totally full I'm so excited about today and yeah I'll show you those I'll show you the little baby clothes okay hold on hey bud okay so I just filmed everything and I showed y'all all the cool stuff that I found and then I saw that my phone had not been recording so I'm gonna show it again but it's already like laid out now and stuff this is all the vintage little baby clothes that we got there's like some little flat bears in here I've never seen anything like it before that one's like a lion okay so here's all these tiny infant dresses and they are they're wet and they have like rust-colored stains on them I'm hoping that they'll like wash out at least somewhat look at how pretty these are [Music] look at how cute they're all made in the USA what's this one say oh that's JCPenney Wow so it's like some vintage JCPenney baby clothes that one's Old Navy that one's not vintage this one and then over here there was like and they're pretty much ruined because everything like I said is wet but these are real fur mittens and then it has like a matching real fur hat and it I mean it is really I mean you can even see how much it just looks like it's like a wet dog right now but there's that they're so cute I just feel like it's like the most like pure little thing like just like a little tiny infant vintage baby dress it's so cute so there's that in here is like there's a doll that's full of clothes this one's also full of clothes again mostly kid clothes like little jackets and stuff these are some adult clothes back there suitcase it's full of kids clothes this had Crocs in it maybe they aren't even Crocs it says sport on there but they look like Crocs to me so there's some shoes in there over here is like the laundry basket full of more clothes all of these CDs and probably some DVDs in there - you got Barbra Wow so there's all that a bag of shoes yeah not a bad hole so there we go like I said I'm not gonna lay everything out just since we're having company but there's a few things and I will keep you updated on if there's anything like else that I see in those bags that's super cool but yeah that's the video this is a car full there you go that is this video I feel like this was like one of the best ones as far as just like every place that I went I feel like the dumpsters was full so I have a lot of stuff to go through super excited about it and I hope to have a really good weekend happy diving I'll see you next time bye guys okay here's an end of the video follow-up I'm currently looking through all of the bags earlier that I didn't get a chance to look through and I found um well I guess this is what I found and it's not a real gun but it's a BB gun it's a marksman what it was called marksman repeater and it is a BB gun but I I saw it in the back as I was clean like you know getting stuff out of it and then all of a sudden I lifted something up and underneath it was a gun and I like freaked out like Alex is sitting in the background over there I like you had to like go get him to like he like put on gloves like I was thinking it was gonna be like a murder weapon like I thought somebody threw away a murder weapon and I found it but um thankfully it wasn't that and we very carefully flipped it over and read that and we looked up in its BB gun so there you go that's my adventure from looking through these bags that's like the craziest thing that's ever happened and so I am including this if you watch till the end of the video then here you go thank you for watching and I'll see y'all next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 104,509
Rating: 4.9200602 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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