Dumpster Diving After the Texas Power Outages!

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what is up you guys i am so excited to be back if y'all don't know i'm a texan we live in north texas and this week has obviously just been insane with the weather we have had like unprecedented snow and power outages we had to boil our water for a few days and i know that like word our house is back to normal now we're fine but there are still so many people in texas and other states that are out of power and out of water and like i just been sending all my best love to you guys i know that that was like really painful week and lots of people are still going through it so best wishes to people who are experiencing stuff because of these crazy winter storms um but yes i'm back today i am gonna go try to see if anyone threw anything out this week and we're gonna look through the trash hopefully find some good stuff and yeah let's go okay the first place i'm checking is a grocery store still got snow on the ground oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no [Music] i always get so freaked out when there's so much because it means i have to stay longer so okay i'm gonna get my grabber we're gonna start grabbing stuff yes so i saw in portland that there were police officers like guarding a dumpster uh where they'd thrown out a lot of food and people were trying to get it because we're hungry and they you know legally weren't allowed to people were telling them to go it's really sad so let's try to get some of this food so okay so modelo i got these strawberries just now almost looked and fell and here's some of the other stuff cokes big thing of oranges and apples we got a bunch of pizzas they are still cold uh these are the refrigeratable kind so i'm not sure but they do still feel cold i have like five of these in the back also and then there's a 12 bottles of modelo for some reason okay so okay y'all know i don't like to stay at these for very long because i would rather get what i can and leave without getting caught then stay and try to get a bunch get caught potentially i don't know have to put it all back or whatever their rules are so i got what i can and i'm gonna go uh but yeah we're gonna go to some more spots i'm checking the old navy who knows if they had anything to throw out but uh they didn't all right there we go nothing there moving on all right i already see some weird stuff i see this oh that is ice okay this has like baby bibs and blankets in it oh wow that has kids books all in it and then oh my god oh my god i saw this which is interesting that's just agave i'm gonna leave that it looks like it's there for someone okay i'll take this though you know maybe i'll yeah i'll take this maybe i'll leave it i don't know i always get torn at situations like these because i know that there are a lot of people who walk around this area and might see this and need it and actually be able to like benefit from it versus me taking it and then potentially getting sold or donated and it ends up never being used or needed so i get kind of torn when i'm in situations like this i'm not really sure i think i'm just gonna go ahead and take it though since there's stuff in the dumpster i wouldn't want someone to come by and just like toss this whole thing in so i will go ahead and take it i'll just grab it there we go oh and there's some books under it oh i gotta be careful all right there's that here's the other pizzas that we got so there we go all right [Applause] more ice oh we got flowers in here all right let me take this oh look there's one beautiful so wow there's obviously too many flowers for me to take them all oh i forgot my bucket all right here's all of my beautiful flowers 12.99 a piece for all these roses there we go that dumpster was full of flowers oh no all the coats all of the coke spilled onto the floor that's okay we're getting a nice little uh hole going we got a bunch of roses strawberries fruit pizzas cruisers i guess that's fine like that all right there we go this is awesome okay i just got to the next spot i came to like a dollar store kind of place and i was hoping there was gonna be stuff here but actually there's already people here diving they're getting some stuff they've got all these boxes outside of it it looks like they've really collected a lot of good stuff from it so i'm not gonna dive here at least while they're here i like to give people like space and privacy and i don't know whatever i'm not gonna go up to them and see what they're working on but they do have a lot of stuff out there so i'll probably swing back by and see if there's anything that they didn't take in a little while so we're just gonna move on okay i have like five seconds i've been waiting for this delivery guy to go inside but i think there's stuff in here like all of this it's ripping okay hold on oh they tore into all of them okay oh my god all these vitamins so much sunscreen in there i'm gonna use this i wish i had a bag [Applause] okay i got more sorry all that angle was terrible but i got a whole another bag and it didn't rip uh of sunscreen i believe let's see yep all this sunscreen did it expire does sunscreen expire tanning glow this thing more sunscreen awesome dang and i grabbed these two before i started filming so here's all these hydrating sunscreen for the face i guess and all of this fiber more sunscreens these gummy fibers and more sunscreen so there we go oh my gosh there we go that's awesome okay you know i might put the camera down and go run and just do like another quick check before i go because i feel like there's more stuff in there okay i am i'm gonna put the camera down i'll be right back i'll show you what i get if i get anything else okay i'm glad i went back i got more sunscreen uh and i got all these voss waters uh i don't know what's wrong with them there's two missing from the package but they're like the big giant boss water ones and then i also got more sunscreen and some stuff for sunburns and stuff so wow cvs's are paying off today that's the second one i've gone to today we only have two really in denton and both of them have had tons of stuff so sweet there we go okay as you can see i'm back home i have everything laid out on the table but before i show you guys anything that we found today i want to talk about something that probably everyone in the dumpster driving community is talking about right now and that is amy's accident um with freaking frugal her dumpster diving channel i'm i know like so many people have heard of it she's a huge inspiration to the dumpster driving community they rescue food like crazy they're just a really awesome family and amy was in an accident i'm not exactly sure when last week uh probably around and she has suffered like second and third degree burns on the lower half of her body so what i'm wanting to just say in this right now is i've linked their gofundme in the description they um do not have health insurance they don't have a way to financially pay for all of the procedures that she needs to undergo so it's really just an opportunity for the dumpster driving community to rally around someone show that we love them and support the other people in this community whether we've ever met them or not they're a big part of this community so if you have the financial ability to donate to their cause the link is in the description if you don't if you're not able to financially donate but you still want to help you can watch their videos and just let the ads play instead of skipping them and that will you know compensate them through youtube so they'll get paid for people watching their ads so if that is something that you feel inclined to help with please do so again the link is in the description i'm also including the link to dwayne's video her partner who uh has you know described in more detail exactly what is going on what happened in the accident and everything so if you're out of the loop if you haven't heard yet you can watch that video to know and then again yeah the gofundme is in the description so i just wanted to share that with you guys um i'm you know obviously we're wishing our best for her and for a speedy recovery and for everyone involved in that whole thing to just you know know what to do and be able to get her back to dumpster diving and back out there uh and making videos so there's that and then i'll show you guys a little bit of pilgrim as a segue and then we will get into our haul and what we got today oh man look at our backyard this is the remnants of the snow it's definitely melting everything's just muddy now and pilgrim had a squirrel cornered up in this tree but it looks like the squirrel got free hey pig come here come here what's up oh what'd you see obviously he's been kind of cooped up the last week we all have with the snow and everything so he's very excited that it's a beautiful day uh it is really nice blue skies it's sunny it's like 50. so pilgrim's feeling good he's he's loving it hey bud hey bud you mud hi hi hi look at how he needs the brushing watch this his undercoat is coming out i'll brush him when the video's over he's got oh you're good boy all right you guys let's see what we got today in the dumpsters all right here it is i love this haul okay where should i start i guess i'll start with the pizzas this is three six seven take and bake pizzas from aldi uh it looks like they went out today uh february 20th is today so and these are 20 21 or yeah february 21st so these are actually all still fine uh and like i said earlier they're all still cold i mean i've had them in the fridge now uh but they were all still cold i felt all of them they had a nice chili temperature to them so i'm pretty excited about all these pizzas they barely fit in our fridge so there's all those i'll probably bake several of them and just keep cold pizza in the fridge for leftovers because it's like my favorite way to eat pizza anyways so there we go lots of pepperonis smell we got cheese i think it's just the orange ones are the cheese and the blue or the pepperoni so there we go we got a lot of each nice good amount of food we got some bell peppers no problems with them we got all of the oranges i didn't see any bad ones uh but i haven't actually opened it up yet but oh that one's a little squishy oh it's this one okay so this is the bad one so i'll take that one out wash all the others and those will be good to go a nice bag of oranges i also got a bag of apples just like this one but i took out all of the ones that were pretty bad there were actually several in it that had like really big bruising and dents and like kind of you know the slimy stuff so i threw those out these are all good we've actually recently started dehydrating apples and making little like chips with apples like a little snack so these are probably gonna be perfect for that that's what i'll do with those we got the beautiful roses they're just gorgeous there were a couple that had like a couple leaves you know right there maybe a little bit but these are just beautiful flowers i'm sure they were from valentine's day and then three more bouquets of them right there i only have one vase so i'll have to find something else to put them in and then decorate our house with all of those so there's all the beautiful roses i'm so glad we found those we got oh my gosh there's so much stuff okay all of this basically is from cvs aside from the case of modelo which i still don't know why that was in the dumpster um there's nothing wrong with it and they don't go bad or anything so there's a whole case of modellas so that's great we'll keep those and a whole case of coke as well and then all of this stuff from cvs the drugstore we got oh my gosh more lotions and sunscreens then i i mean no i can count this i'll probably count them but we got so many this is a sport lotion sunscreen this is some ear uh pain relief drops and all of this stuff's like summer stuff and i don't know if i need to show y'all that it's actually in here it's not just an empty box but the stuff that's in the boxes is in there like all of those are in there i just been leaving them in the boxes so there's that uh perfect for summer coming up all this sunscreen there's three cerave hydrating sunscreens and this one that comes with a little extra moisturizing lotion so there's all those then we got a bunch of copper copper-toned sport ones uh let's see we got one two three four five of those right there we got two copper tone tanning defend and glow those are cool and then we got one two we got six of these which i wonder if these are just the same thing as this one let's see oh it it's smaller okay so it's like a mini sized one it's like a little bit smaller of one 2.5 fluid ounces and it is 50 which is great uh that's what i use on my tattoos because you're supposed to put a lot of sunscreen on them to keep them like bright and lively so i'll probably either donate these or sell them at my garage sale or something since they're 30 and keep the higher ones but so there's all those uh there's six of those then we got a sunburn uh relief cooling gel just like aloe vera gel right there we got fiber gummies uh they expired not yet two months from now they expire in april so i don't know what's wrong with them there's those and then we also got this original formula daily fiber it's like a powder in there i can hear it shaking around uh and it expired in february so it does say that it expires this month but this is just a bunch of powder i'm sure that this is totally fine and the month's not even over yet so there's that uh man that might be about it i feel like i'm missing something but oh do you know what it is i didn't bring in those little baby uh blankets so those are still in the car i actually need to go get those and wash them because they're pretty damp i guess it snowed on them and so they got damp in the snow uh so i need to wash them that's probably what i'm forgetting so that is not included but we did get that box of like bibs and baby blankets and stuff and then we got all of this this honestly is like kind of one of my favorite hauls in a while uh i love all the flowers our house is going to be so beautiful for a while and then i think i'm going to dry them out and maybe take the petals and do like potpourri or something i don't know i've never done that before but i'm kind of curious that i have so many of them i might as well try so there we go y'all this is awesome our whole whole on all of our pizzas there it is all right you guys that is this video thank you so much for watching thanks for being patient while we hunkered down and didn't do anything while it snowed i'm excited to be uh diving again and i'm so stoked for this haul it's really is one of my favorites that i've had in a long time so it's really awesome pilgrim says hi to everyone and sends his love he's so cute um so yeah there you have it i hope everyone's staying safe out there and again don't forget if you want to uh support the freaking frugal family in any way their links are in the description and you can see them there so yeah there we go uh much love to everyone and i hope you'll have a really awesome weekend i will see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 156,852
Rating: 4.9349179 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast, texas power outage, north texas, power outages, winter storms, food waste
Id: xMhU7GqpEvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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