Dumpster Diving at a Well Known Drug Store – Why Weren't These Donated?!

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good morning everybody okay sorry it's been like a week since I posted last but I'm back we're gonna go to I'm standing super excited yesterday it was 80 degrees outside and I literally wore shorts all day and today it's like the gloomiest Lake overcast freezing cold day ever so let's see how long we can dive for before I'm too cold okay I think I'm gonna try to go to some retail shops today because Valentine's Day was two days ago four days ago Valentine's Day was recent and so I'm gonna try to go see what kind of Valentine's stuff we can find so here we go all right very first stop there's a lot of books are you kidding my very last video I found all these books now a ton more okay a baby thermometer makeup a charger look at this they ripped the covers off of all the books none of these can be sold but I guess they could be put in like a free library okay this is what I'm taking all right let's see nothing and nothing nothing ketchup I'm assuming those are empty because that's a restaurant so none in any of those okay well I wasn't having a ton of luck at the retail shops so I am at apartments now there was nothing in that one but let's keep going in suit we find there was a bird okay nothing in that one that bird scared me okay well I'm just driving around I'm near the campuses right now and normally I just kind of drive around and look for apartment complexes sometimes I'll just get like a good feeling about one it's so here miss though and this video might show that they like dumpster diving it's not like you just go out see like here's one that has a bunch of stuff piled in it so I'm gonna pull in here cuz normally the ones that have a bunch of stuff in them are the ones that like somebody just moved out or something and so they put all their stuff in there but I just kind of look around and see which ones look good to me and then I pull over and get out there's like a little puppy over there and I don't know if he has an owner or not oh my god [Music] give me a baby okay do you see him he's right there he doesn't want to come over here and he's just barking at me but he's right by this main road hey puppy hey are you okay [Applause] are you okay well I'm not gonna go near him if he's gonna be barking and stuff cuz I don't want him to be mean it's okay he's still back there barking oh he's looking at me he's right there okay well I know last time when I saw a dog everyone was like you should take him home with you but I'm not gonna go near that dog because I don't want to get bit and he does seem a little aggressive but maybe that's his owner someone's over there messing with him now I'll keep an eye out though for him okay no let's see so this is one I pulled over for it actually might have some good stuff in it but I need to put my gloves on really quick okay [Music] one shoe a couple lightbulbs in there but you can tell them well these aren't in the best condition but they're definitely still wearable so I will take them to donate I'll clean them up a little first but there we go one pair of shoes actually let me look on this side I didn't really look over here okay there we go a pair of shoes and I'll go check on that puppy again see if he got inside okay so he's still in the street but everybody that tries to come up to him he just barks whoa hi hey hey get out of here puppy hey okay I guess I'm gonna call animal control hold on so I called animal control and they're sending somebody out to help him so normally in situations like this I would actually like help the dog like it has a caller on it and it has tags so I would pick it up and call its owner but since it was really aggressive and it was snarling a lot I'm not gonna go near it and I don't want to get bit by a stray dog so I called an old control they said that they're sending somebody out right now so I think we're good um I also think that that dog just lives at this apartment complex right here like it somebody who lives here owns it but since it's out and it's in the street and everything and it's barking at people I just wanted to go ahead and call so there you go that's the update on the dog and I'm gonna go dumpster and more I guess I'm not really finding anything but that's kind of what I was saying earlier like it's super hit or miss with dumpster diving sometimes you just really don't find anything and sometimes you find all kinds of stuff so you just kind of got to keep going I guess like that's really the best thing is just like if you're not finding anything keep going and eventually you'll find something maybe this is a new angle I've never done this in my videos I kind of like it though cuz as I Drive I can just like talk which is kind of fun normally I listen to music but I'm I don't think I can play music during my videos because it's like the coffee write stuff like I wouldn't be able to monetize my videos if I played someone else's song in the background so I'm not playing music but normally I just listen to music drive around I should probably get into listening to podcasts because then I could be educating myself as I Drive around but I like Justin really really love music I love singing along so I like podcasts but I don't really get as into them but if y'all have any good podcast recommendations let me know because I really would like to start listening to some some more educational stuff just since I'm in the car like 4 or 5 hours a day it would be better probably for me if I was you know using my time wiser but I really just like singing all right so here's a dumpster with a sofa in front of it or a chair so again I look for that stuff because it sometimes means that somebody moved out they threw the chair beside that I'm straightening this like maybe through the rest of their stuff in the dumpster you never really know so I'm gonna get out my gloves great I'm just gonna leave it at this angle so that it's all just one shot so there's the chair and nothing all right keep going it is kind of nice though I thought it was gonna be too cold to be outside it's like in the high 40s but it actually feels pretty nice so not the worst day just kind of be driving around okay I parked a little closer so I think that this one might have stuff just gonna throw that away um so the creepiest thing to find in a dumpster all right well we've got two ladies picture frame all right hold on let's look in here there's a little teapot okay all right well I'll take that and I'll take these well that one's pretty squished but this one looks like it um I don't know could still be used I guess I'll just throw it back here cuz that's so creepy to me she's got some great hair okay well I'll put that there this and I'll take this picture frame too all right there we go all right let's see no what is that weird stuff all right nothing in that one keep going there there's a little thing here what is this is it a desk oh very broken okay No that's the first one that's had a lot of stuff in it but nothing okay nothing there okay I was just watching my video back and editing it and I realized I left so many books here so I'm back at the very first hipster and I'm gonna get some more of the books even though they don't have covers they can be donated they're obviously still readable so I'm back let's get some more books okay my god [Music] all right well I'm glad I went back that's a ton of books again none of them have the front cover but luckily most of them still say it on the first page that's probably 50 books in there maybe 30 to 50 awesome all right what's up okay I'm back home I have everything laid out not on the table but over here I'm just switching it up today I'm gonna start with the books I have them all flipped backwards since they don't have the covers just so that maybe like it can give some hints as to what they are there's 53 books here these were all in a drugstore dumpster so an actual retail spot this isn't someone who threw these away this is a company so these are all brand new um and 53 books these so easily could've and should have been donated but or at least recycled there was a recycling bin right next to their trash can but they're all in such good condition so I'm probably gonna donate these put them in little free libraries they look like they're like little mystery novels and everything so there's 53 books that we got out of the dumpster then okay we got a pair of shoes like I said they're not in the best condition but they're wearable so I'm gonna donate them still we got the iPhone charger it's not really focusing but there's the iPhone charger this toddler temperature taker thermal monitor thermometer um we got this beautiful lady hi Peggy um I think this is like real human hair cuz it's really really soft I gave her a new hairstyle to get it out of her face so there she is then this is the makeup that was in their beauty balm and it looks like maybe it's been used like once maybe so there's that now here's the frame and I went ahead and took out the pictures and put our pictures in it this is what was in there it's little 4 by 6 artwork prints they're signed on the back I'm just gonna use these as thank-you notes so I can just write on the back and then that way they don't have to go to waste someone's art isn't being thrown away but I'll just write thank-you on the back there not like as happy as I normally put in my thank-you notes but if you get one of these know that it came from this picture frame right here which okay look at baby pilgrim that was back when we were living in our van actually I think all these pictures are from when we were living in our van there's us in Chicago there's Pihl gout on a walk he was probably only like one maybe like nine months he was a little baby there is no let's see your baby picture so there is a puppy these are just some pictures of Alex and I from a family trip and that is when we first moved into our old house that we rented and that was the very first picture we took in it so there's that this is a nice frame originally I was like I'll just donate it but then once I got all these pictures in there I think I actually really liked it and we'll just put it up in our room then this little teapot super cute little Christmasy teapot no lid if it was supposed to have a lid but it's in really good condition and I will be donating it gosh I just can't get over all these books so there's all that and there's all that this is kind of a smaller hole but 53 books not bad at all and I honestly now that I'm looking at it more I'm really excited about that picture frame we have so many pictures that we've taken of us together and we just don't really have mini up around the house so I'm excited that's cute oh look you guys these are all my letters that I get from y'all I keep them all I've been trying to write everybody back lately so hopefully some of y'all have started receiving my letters back and yeah there we go I have a surprise for y'all to the end of this video is gonna be an outing and me and pilgrim are gonna go somewhere together so pills do you wanna go to the dog park do you go to the dog park oh my god do you want to go to the dog okay the last part of this video pillock and I are gonna go to the dog park yay he's getting very excited [Music] I have never been to this dog park before I got lost coming here but I think I finally in here I don't think there's any other dog so we're just kinda pilgrim is the only dog in this whole park he's having the time of his life out here by himself like this is like four acres he's just having the best time by the way if you're seeing his do not pet collar and wondering why you can't pet him that's the only color that I have that's like pretty sturdy and there was a point a couple years ago where he got really bad ear infections and he like did not want to be pet while they were healing so we bought him that collar during that time and then it's still just like the most durable one so if I take him on a leash I'll put that collar back on him but just so y'all are seeing and knowing why he's wearing that he's not aggressive but during that like short time where he was sick he kind of was so he still just wears it every now and then he's just think sniffing around and being a dog I do wish there were more dogs here folks I was so excited to like show off all the dogs at the park and see which one is the cutest it be pilgrim alright well I'm back home again and the dog park wasn't quite as exciting as I was expecting it to be but I'm putting that clip um from in there anyways because why not and it's more footage of pilgrim and yeah kind of a weird ending to this video but there you go dumpster diving parks dogs pilgrim all the best things in life alright so there you go I'll see y'all next time hopefully not another week from now and if you want to follow me on Instagram I post there a lot it's a press kissed if you want to follow me on Poshmark at breasts kissed if you want to sign up for Poshmark using my code to get $10 off your first order my CODIS Fresquez so there you go you guys have an amazing week I will talk to you all soon and stay safe bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 111,486
Rating: 4.914145 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, denton, dog park
Id: LGnKhwFiEjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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