I found 14K GOLD in the DUMPSTER!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel or hello for the very first time I filmed an intro before I delve and then it didn't end up making anything so this is the first time I'm filming an intro after my dive and basically all I'll say is um this was like the best day ever ever I'm so excited if you like vintage stuff if you like cool old things stay tuned you're in for a wild ride and here we go what do we have okay these look like some kids for like a big here's a little plastic bin but it is cracked in the bottom this looks like a bag of miscellaneous crap oh there's like some colorful goals but there also looks like just like dirt and stuff welcome back to packing peanuts I will definitely take the packing peanuts those are awesome for my shipping's oh wow okay oh I always I'm so sad when people throw a photo albums look at this family I love it oh look at this okay hold on let me set up that are just full of pictures here's an American Airlines mail sign it looks like this could be worth something it's nice and metal it's heavy People magazine there's some little cat stuff some postcards those are really cool okay now I'm just gonna take all of this stuff and look through it at home since I don't know what in here is potentially valuable it looks like they've got a lot of postcards which is cool lots of old photos and everything's in the ziplock bag so everything is in really nice condition a little cross necklace that's so cool it looks like they're from all over the world there's a box right Wow oh well there's the little charms that say good times just lots more postcards and letters family photos cool okay so I've got a lot of stuff out of here and it's all like memorabilia like family photos and stuff I also got this big bag of just gift bags all this stuff in this box we can but there is somebody here at this apartment complex and they keep coming out and just like checking on me basically so I'm just gonna grab as much as I can and just throw it in my car and I'm sort through it at home and that way nobody gets upset or authorities are called or something like that so y'all hang tight and I'm just gonna put all this in my car okay so I drove to a different apartment complex to show y'all this is crazy too all of this please from that that one dumpster this is just a whole box right here of old postcards and old photographs like all of these are just filled with photos and there's just stacks and stacks and stacks of them so there's that and then what I'm really excited about is in here this book so this book is just full of postcards and like artwork it's just like from all over all their travels everywhere they've been Tanzania like I'm not San Francisco st. Louis Tucson where why would they throw all of these away yeah this is such a beautiful collection of postcards Horace I don't I mean this is just unreal they have so many photos just all tossed in the trash there's just so much stuff what's this oh this is just a big sheet of different stickers or oh these are fridge magnets that's cute so yeah I just am baffled look at all of this I mean all of these zip locks are just full of postcards from everywhere that they've been there's little notes is this this isn't in English I'm not sure what language this is that looks like it says donkey or thanks in German can anyone translate this or tell me what language this is isn't this beautiful though I don't understand why you had just tossed it out there's a magazine page that's ripped out I don't know if they wanted the recipe on this side or the dream trip to Milwaukee on this side a coaster this box really is just full of someone's life memories and that one there's this whole one too back here now this this is just wild to me here's a postcard from the National Aviation Museum just someone's whole life story right there okay I'm at a new apartment complex it looks like they keep all their furniture in here kind of a cool lamp but it looks a little busted it's more um no that's just a magazine money and that's a cool little Tim so I'm just gonna put this whole bag in my car cuz I don't want some money to fly out right here we've got like a little flower thing inside of this bag so I'll take that Hawk wing but it looks like someone I don't know if I should take this I think I'll probably leave that in the dumpster whoa you'll see that right in here is a family memories it's the same person because this is not in English is it maybe they just not read their handwriting I just not be able to read their handwriting I don't think that's in English this might be the very same person from the other dumpster how would that be possible that's very slight okay this is the other Hawk wing right in here old old mail huh I don't know but I can tell for sure that that is not English maybe it's Dutch or German I'll take it I don't know but now I know for sure that this is definitely the same person which is really weird it the two dumpsters I've gone to this person whoever this is dumped in both of them I think the storms from the hurricane and the storms in Houston err maybe about - it's getting really windy okay so in here more postcards [Music] your writings and of 1984 North Atlantic Girl Scouts this postcard actually was sent that's really pretty my handwriting 1972 it's really windy and it keeps getting all crooked here's them towing away this color the whole set of photos showing it this is somebody's checkbook of everything that they spent money on it in 94 1994 here's some really pretty cloths [Music] oh my gosh I think that this is the box that they're all coming out of first thing I grabbed is this I'm not sure what it is but it has these little hands hey I think this is a hole punch there's one really pretty earring it says something right there on the back okay maybe we'll find the other one wow this lady in the notebook oh it's not a notebook it's the book Wow cool it's hard with these goals 19:53 it says and it's in whichever language it is that all these other things are in Dutch maybe for president I have been at this same dumpster for almost an hour you guys not only am i finding so much stuff I just found this ring oh my gosh it says in the interior sorry my hands are shaking 14 karat this is real gold oh my god I don't know how to tell like I don't know if this stone the gemstones real or anything but look at how beautiful it is I am so excited and look so this is hi all of that too this whole table right here is what I found of jewelry and little wallets and watches so my phone keeps getting overheated and then it dies so I can't keep filming while I'm out here thank you guys this is crazy all from in here all from in this dumpster okay my phone is cooled down enough for the time being to be able to film a little more and show you all that I'm getting in here I'm still at the very same dumpster and if you see money in there it's fake just like this I've been taking it [Music] just note some stuff orange down in this corner more slides so these are all these pictures like that gosh look this is a telegram oh my gosh 1966 I've only ever seen these in the misty Balto [Applause] I don't know it all quit cuz it just seems like it's never ending and what do you think don't know what it says I have a really good time looking all this stuff up and translating it I don't know if this is accurate for the photo inside this is 1967 couple cute little gift bags just like Easter basket filling stuff some tickets some airline tickets all this tissue paper for my ship man don't issue Cooper there's three steps right there souvenir votes postcards look at that hairstyle pretty nice there is still a lot left but I just can't get it all so let me show you everything my whole front seat packed full everything in the back packed full and I still need to put that in there okay so I'm home and I have all of the stuff I have not gone through it all but I am so excited about all of this stuff okay this is all my back ice this is um boxes that you'll make to cut packages in them this bag I have not even looked through I can tell that it's like some trash some ornamental festive stuff this is all postcards and old newspaper clippings and tapes The Hunt for Red October tapes they're just it's just a ton of memories and memorabilia that's what basically all of this stuff is this whole box right here just full of stuff like a vintage notes and vintage postcards and photos just so much stuff these are all letters and notes that they took like handwritten notes these people were very organized - everything is in its own little bag and most of them are dated so 1974 same with this bag it's postcards some potpourri it's like their entire life it really is what it is and then what I have out on the table some of the stuff that I'm most excited about I'm so excited about all of this stuff this is a really pretty comb it's not super heavy so I don't know if that's real silver or not but it's really cool-looking these are earrings right here this matching pair this one is cracked but I don't know if they're ivory or bone or just some man-made material I'm not sure some bracelets this gold earring I couldn't find some of the earring pairs so some of them are just by themself this is a clip on one these little cans that I showed earlier glasses this watch Seco Salvatori okay so a watch some coin purses this little calculator this little thing lots of buttons okay and here we have the ring that I found earlier or I showed earlier okay and right there it says 14-karat and then it looks like it says TS - 2:8 above it but I'm not sure if it says that or if it says 7s - 2 8 either way I cannot figure out on line it doesn't say anything about what that might mean here's the gym on the top that I don't know if it's real or not it could be fake that's insane to me and then this which based on these people's postcards and travel history I would not be surprised if this was something that they purchased in a foreign country and these aren't sharp teeth so it's some type of plant-eating animal I would imagine so I don't know if it's anything worth money or not but I think it's really beautiful here's the top of it there's also all of these ticket stubs so this is from the National Bank of Kansas this is an airline ticket from when is it from I'm not sure this one's from 1966 it says that they flew out of JFK and they are going to Munich so I think the they are German there's just so they collected matchbooks so all of these matchbooks from it looks like from all over the country I mean from all over the world okay this is the bag that I just grabbed earlier because somebody was coming out and kind of looking at me suspiciously and so I wanted to just hurry up and get everything in my car as fast as possible so this bag I have not looked through at all so I'm gonna look right now so Priority Mail Boxes if these can still be used then these are really helpful for me there is some just traction here some old boxes okay now this bag has these and then they have little Clips and I think so there's candles right here I bet that these are you put the candles in here and then you clip them somewhere in the window or something so here's a pack of candles an American flag and the metal thing there's a little flower in a little wicker basket here the necklace to necklaces this one looks broken but this one has see shows all on it okay that is dusty in there these are glasses in their case we've got two student ID cards from UNT from 1977 so that's kind of cool some gold chains this bag just has like these metal balls inside of it here's a broken part of the watch an old key that's cool and here's a little mirror one more chain and here's a very dirty but delicate feeling maybe this is like a table cloth maybe whoops you know I'll sweep so very pretty I thought I'm gonna leave this bag is super dusty okay this is just a bag of tapes different types of packaging tape here's another photo album this one doesn't have anything in it it's just blank a family photo more candles a tote bag [Music] yeah racquetball things things are shuttlecocks okay I switched to angle up because I noticed it was kind of dark when it was pointing from over there so hopefully this is a little bit brighter maybe you can see more what I'm showing paper [Music] whoa this is art now these don't look like originals to me at least that doesn't Wow how cool I'm shocked right now I was not expecting to find cool art prints in here [Applause] and one fell of a couple of cells I've even been dog eared at the top and these are the same we'll see of those are the same castle in church maybe oh my gosh this is a newspaper from November 26 1988 it's just the newspaper that's so strange maybe they were featured in it oh wait these are all different this one's from 1987 1984 88 1960 in curious if there's okay it looks like they were just using this newspaper to roll this paper this wrapping paper okay very cool this is like absolutely one of my favorite days this is crazy and one of the things that we did yesterday for our anniversary is we went to this really cool vintage like eclectic shop in Dallas called dolly Python and I've got it's right here I got this flyer from them that says everything that they purchase because they bind stuff to and they purchase old photos old memorabilia yearbooks like basically like all of the stuff that I found today this place pies and they especially buy tickets like old tickets like this so I'm gonna sort through all of this and decide what I want to try to sell on maybe like eBay or something where I would want to get a little bit higher value for it and then the rest I'm just gonna box it up and take it to dolly Python and see what they'll give me for it they're a really really cool shop and I love the idea of all of this stuff being taken from the dumpster and going somewhere where people want to purchase it like they want these old photos they want the old matchbooks to decorate their homes with and all that kind of stuff so I just think it is a really cool way to give all of this a new life so I'm just so excited that the timing worked out perfectly that we went there yesterday and found out that they buy stuff and now today I've found all of this vintage memorabilia and photos and everything the same exact stuff that they buy so I'm really excited about that if anybody lives in the Dallas area you have to go to dolly Python it's very very cool this is wallpaper a vacation died I'm sorry it's dusty a bag of fake fruit okay so that's the end of this bag right here this is unbelievable to me there's so much stuff it's crazy here's just a quick recap of a couple of my favorite things that I found the matches are definitely one don't do that sleep I'm really looking at all so this one this one doesn't Oh Colorado Springs [Music] this one's from another country the clay pot this one's from a Chinese restaurant oh right here in didn't that's no longer in business this little one El Chico Locust Street grill this is so cool cuz this isn't here anymore it's neat that a lot of them are local hmm that's awesome okay so all the matches I really loved and then these are all stamps down here and they're not been there well I think they are vintage just because that's only twenty years ago but they're not really old to where they might have value or anything like that this one is 1947 through 1997 this one's date is 97 this one's 98 so they're not super old but I do really love the stamps I think those are really cool here's these Marilyn Monroe stamps then these are receipts from Target and from Dillard's so that's kind of cool then this this is a camera flash I think it definitely goes on the top maybe it's not a flash maybe it's something else but there's this just some vintage photographs that I really liked sons from 1971 and then this the American Airlines male passengers Express I really am interested in this I haven't looked it up yet but I really really like it you can pause the video if you want to read this whole thing right there so yeah just a few of the things that I thought were super cool and then obviously the jewelry and the ring and everything so there you have it that was my dumpster adventure for the day I am seriously just I'm just thrilled well I'm thrilled for me I'm saddened by the fact that people just throw away all of this stuff but I'm excited that it's gonna live on and it's gonna have a new home and I'm so excited to share it all with you guys thank you guys for watching thank you to everyone who commented and wished us a happy anniversary uh we have just a blast yesterday and it was just so awesome reading through all the comments of everybody this morning and just seeing that all they're really nice things that y'all had to say and we really appreciated and thought that it was pretty funny that everybody thought we were so young so well I mean I'm 27 I'll be 28 next month and then Alex my husband is 28 as well so we got married young we just celebrated our 6-year anniversary but we're just living the dream digging through trash and yeah thank you guys again for watching and I hope you enjoyed this really long video and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 398,807
Rating: 4.8255062 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas
Id: sTGJcmfjN7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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