Dumpster Diving + Curb Alerts! Let’s Look Through These Mystery Bags!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel okay so i started diving already like a while ago i have like an entire car full i was just like driving around i wasn't really planning on doing a video so i'm just in the car i was just gonna kind of like go out and look for some stuff i ended up finding so much stuff like these bags let me like rip into this one okay well that's like a bag that's not cool but this is like you can see this is like a necklace in here it's like all of these clothes electronics shoes in the bag in the trunk there's like all of these ugg boots in it all these like curling wands and hair styling stuff then i also have this huge box right here in the bag inside of it those are all filled with kids toys it's crazy i've been finding so much stuff today i've just been like loading up bags into the car oh look there's the trash man behind me there he goes so that is another reason why i'm just kind of like grabbing all the bags and throwing them in the car is because it is trash day i know that they're coming um but like i'm super excited let me show you some of the stuff that's in the trunk okay as you can see the trunk is um completely full and there's a little dog sparking at me over there but look in this one there's all these cute boots this one is actually ugg they're in good condition like they look really cute this it looks like bags some clothes maybe some school supplies so yeah the trunk very full oh god the paper's flying out okay i'm gonna close it up and i'm about to drive back past by the curb alert so i'll show you guys that where it was all out on the curb there's still a lot of stuff i just am not gonna go through everything this is not safe i need to not drive and film okay but here is the curler it's just right here um and so i grabbed like three big trash bags from it i'm not gonna go through their actual trash can so i'm super super excited about it it's a lot i think this video since i didn't really film the actual dive portion of it maybe i'll like go home and show like it everything laid out just to see like because i want to see what's in these bags too so i'll probably go home right now do that and i'll show you guys what's in all of these mystery bags yay okay so i'm back home i brought everything into the garage and i told y'all in my last video that i was like maybe going to transition the garage into more of my work space so i can get out of the guest bedroom and i have actually started doing that so i wanted to show you like a little bit i'll turn the camera around oh until it's here okay let me show you this is really the part that i'm like the most excited about i brought in that outdoor rug everything in here is like from the dumpster like all of the cabinets all of the items obviously that white chair actually is not but like everything that you see is from the dumpster over here is like where i'll keep the items that are currently listed already this is like a storage area it's still messy i'm still like working on it and then this is where all list stuff so like if i was photographing this tape measure i would like put it there and that way it has like a nice wooden backdrop and flooring for it so that's like what this is then over here is my garage sale pile it's like really big and messy but that'll be later this year whenever i have a garage sale and then these are everything that i got today in the car so this is like really cute well this is a little igloo cooler but this is like a mini mouse uh like little kid storage thing for like shoes i grabbed that today it has like mini on the side super cute there's all of these bags here's woody i showed him on my instagram he's missing his nose it's kind of creepy and he doesn't have his boots anymore but i like him he's cute so there's that and then there's these bags so this is what i'm gonna be going through right now and i laid out a tarp just so it's like i don't know nicer i guess but yeah so there's the like three four bags that we're gonna be going through right now i'm gonna go inside and get gloves and like glass of water and then i will show you what's in the bags so i'm just going to start with this bag this was one that i got it actually a different spot the rest of the bags are from the curb alerts i'm pretty sure but this one was a dumpster that had the minnie mouse uh storage thing in it so i think that it might just be like more toys there might be a lot of trash in these also because i didn't go through them but we're gonna find out all right well there's definitely a lot of stuff a little hat reusable bag always good to have this is an and-one jacket that's actually really nice texas longhorn shirt some rope a broken lightsaber shirts some levi's jeans visor so it looks like there's like several little plastic toys like that those are always fun a little whale more clothes a cute little stocking more clothes right here this one still has the tags on it right there that okay let's get the clothes out of here this is pretty like a waist belt oh that's the other part of the lightsaber a pillowcase i guess this is like a little baby seat oh yeah like a booster seat that's cool okay and then the rest of this stuff in here i won't pull it all out at once here's some hot wheels uh but it's like a lot of there's a lot of trash in here but then there's also this is cute like some little kid toys this little national parks that's cool cute okay so like some little toys like that like hot wheels here's zelda [Music] book sweet okay so i'm gonna say that's the first bag um that one i was like the most unsure about but that's actually like a lot of really cute stuff um lots of little kid toys and then a lot of the clothes so okay let's go to bag number two and i'm gonna set this over here this time okay let's go with this bag it is one of the ones from the curb alert cute two pillows little decoration pillows those are really cute here's a pink backpack this might be a little too far away let me bring it closer how about like right there okay there we go okay so again lots more clothes some women's stuff uh christmas pajama bottoms oh this is cute like a little night top okay let's put all these clothes push them over there so lots of clothes hi pill girl hi what's up oh oh what are you doing you know lay down lay down lay down he's so weird um this is what is this thing it has like all of these velcro things on the back but then it's shaped like a little like apron i don't know what that is it has all these pockets down the front that's cute okay this is really cool it's a perfume bottle should i spray it yeah oh it smells really nice actually that's super cool it's really really pretty that's cool okay that might be my favorite thing so far there's that tiara this is like letters and then like some miscellaneous pens and pencils and stuff i'll just keep that together right there cute here's a little like shoulder bag where am i putting all this stuff so here's two curtain rods and then this one's still attached to the curtains so there's that a headband okay this is a lot more clothes in here it's weird that it's all like pajama clothes like all of these are oh that's cute so it's like a um okay so not all of them i guess oh this feels really soft this is a hoodie sweatshirt t-shirt pajama bottoms more pajama bottoms they have lots of like flannels like they were gonna go on somewhere somewhere colder i don't think you need flannels here there's a candle but it is out i was hoping it would be has something in it t-shirt clothes and pants okay is that really dirty or is it tie-dye oh it's like a tie-dye it just looks brown sweet so there's that tons of clothes i'll lay all this stuff out at the end too so i can show you oh god my phone was sitting on that okay um what else here's a pretty diaper bag right here so it's not a diaper bag i was wrong but it's like a roxy messenger bag style i guess it has a lot of papers in here there's like a cute little folder organizer it's got a lot of stuff in there a sketchbook there's still a lot of pages left in there too so there's that like after like those pages it's like all still brand new that's cool um some journals and some pictures there's just like some papers left in there but this bag actually is really pretty and it's big it has the like big strap and then also you can hold it like that those are cool oh here's another purse this is another really pretty one it's like a light pink inside of it is more bags wow they look brand new this one's like a crushed velvet kind of look oh my god these are really cute is this super broken oh wow so there's one there was another one in here i think oh no this is just a reusable bag oh cute it's like a little backpack i guess it's from a marathon dang in puerto rico that's cool okay so there's that this little purse is seriously super cute and then this big one too it's like a little dirty on the inside but i think i can clean it up it looks like it's just makeup but yeah that's really really cute look who's back uh we got a cowboys mug i think that goes with that okay next bag oh this is the bag that had the boots in it so these honestly aren't in bad condition these two aren't uggs they also aren't matches oh there's the match for that one so those are really cute we got woody already showed i'll put him there okay all right cute this is from victoria's secret this is like a little reusable bag it says the victoria's secret tag on it brand new that's really cute we're getting a lot of good bags oh we got bed head wave artist this is actually like kind of what my hair probably needs like i probably have curlier hair i just maybe don't take care of it so it doesn't curl properly or something this is like a dog brush i'm pretty sure but yeah this is cool i might actually like obviously sanitize and everything but like try to use this because this is something i would never buy for myself but getting to try it for free is like pretty awesome so that's really cool i'll keep that a loofah probably just gonna trash that for sure oh these are really cute look at these shoes oh they're a size seven and a half that does not fit me darn those are really cute he's really sniffing those boots a lot um okay let's oh here's the other one oh my god these are really cute i'm honestly very sad that they don't fit me they got the big puma across the back those are awesome wow this is a lot of cool shoes okay so here's one of the actual uggs oh here they are so these are real ugg boots they look like pretty okay there's like some stains on the side ew flies others coming out of this bag that'd be gross there is um trash in this one like actual trash oh this is the lid for this it was like a little reusable bathroom trash can that's really cute an empty candle i guess this is just like a decorative ball like for a centerpiece maybe on your table i'll keep it we'll put it in the garage sale pile this candle is like really low but it smells really cute i'll probably still use like the last tiny bit of that just because that's fine oh look here's another one i think that these might be like you put them in a bowl um bath salts that's awesome and i can smell that from here it smells really good um bubble bath oh my gosh i'm gonna be having a relaxing evening here's a shirt okay i'm trying but like there's like a lot of trash in here so here's another little trash can but it has trash in it so i should have brought a trash can and set it over here near us but oh well okay that's wing stop trash oh whoa this is totally full and it's still sealed so this is emergency perfect for right now keep your vitamin c up so there's that i'm surprised it's still full so it has 30 of them in here that's really awesome i'm keeping that for sure more trash it still feels really heavy though maybe because of this this candle has more left in it but still not a lot i might keep that one too i don't really like the smell of it it's lavender that might be pretty in like the bathroom but it doesn't have very much i don't know i'll decide i think i'll probably keep it and just use like the last little bit um okay so just trash left this is a bath mat but i'm not gonna take that out i don't really ever take those um so then it's just the trash left so that was actually a pretty good one i'm gonna go ahead and take this like right to the trash so that i can get it out of here oh good boy he hears the neighbors starting their car hi hi oh i don't want to touch your face hi thank you he's so cute okay we got another bag let me move this this seriously really is so nice though being out here in the garage like it's a little hot obviously like we're gonna get like a window unit in here eventually but it's just so nice like not having to bring this stuff inside like it can get everywhere out here because it's fine but like bringing it in is kind of gross a lot of times okay we already have oh that looks like a nice brand here's the little back can you help me with this i think this is is this not the piece that goes on the back okay well i'll have to do this in a second but it has like you know i'm pretty sure this goes back there oh wait look it goes like this there okay it's all good i'll test it that's really cool that's a nice uh hair dryer for sure okay put that over here with our curling wand we got a walmart uh desk for employees all right i wonder if people buy those on like poshmark i started getting a phone call and my video turned off but as i was showing these they're really really cute it's weird like the exterior is in like really really nice condition but then the interior is like kind of weird it like looks like they're way more worn when you look on the inside but those are really cute there's those we're gonna have a lot of shoes to list here's a necklace okay i'll untangle that in a minute oh wait look it's easy there okay so this pretty necklace it has like lots of different stuff on it that's cool oh here's another necklace a pretty lightweight like wooden one a belt here's like a cozy oh this is a onesie so there's like a holiday looking onesie these are cool oh my gosh they're rampage i actually think that's like kind of a nice brand or like you know kind of popular wow they actually look like they're in really nice conditions that's crazy this is so many shoes oh there's an earring it looks like it matches that wooden necklace here's more shoes super cute with the strappy ankle another boot i don't know where these are from oh oh there's a sock in there i was like i can't see the brand oh but i still can't okay well anyways they look like they're in good condition i don't know i don't see the other one yet though devil horns come here come here see it sit sit you can do it sit good boy wait oh it's beautiful oh you look perfect [Laughter] you look so cute with them i don't even think he minds them [Laughter] good boy good boy good boy oh my god he's precious that's what i want him to be for halloween this year just those little ears oh cute we got a little off the sleeve shirt that's really cute oh my god this is gonna be so many good pieces of clothes here's a really cute backpack and it sounds like it's full of stuff it has perfume that one smells really good that smells very like fresh out of the shower smell um there's some skin stuff that one doesn't really look used but i don't really ever keep this stuff unless it's actually from like a oh that's a thong and main event gift card i'll keep it see if there's anything on it i'm still doing that video i just really don't have very many gift cards so i'm like not sure if i should do it with just like 10 cards okay this is the other stuff in there um these actually all feel pretty much full that's just like a cute face mask scrub so okay we'll keep them for now because those can be donated to okay and the cute backpack that it was in jansport a clear reusable bag bra straps more clothes that's trash what's this box cutter it's kind of cool it has like the protective face i actually probably will just carry this around with me that's like really convenient to just have a box cutter i wonder if it's sharp okay actually that like cut right through the box yeah okay it's pretty sharp hi you're so weird i don't know what you want stay away from my new box cutter sweet okay there's that and then this looks like a ton more clothes here's the other boot yay so there's another pair of boots all of these clothes are just like really super cute they're very like girly oh i love that dang this person had really cute style like these flowing sleeves oh my god this stuff's so cute dang this dress wow american eagle like knit shawl kind of thing oh my god this is so pretty okay that's the front look at the back it has like mesh it's like sheer down there that's so cute it looks like a prom dress but it has some stains on the front so i don't really know probably a donation madonna yeah i was like did i say it scrubs an inhaler oh my god a super cute corduroy skirt from the gap oh you put this with these boots and these it's amazing dang okay this is just like all clothes in yeah lots of like athletic stuff american eagle wow so cute okay so there's all of the clothes and pilg all the boots and everything [Music] this is so much stuff okay and then this is the last of what we have to look through so there's like a little cloud i guess some christmas lights we can definitely add that to the gift card pile and then i also just liked this little tub it's really a cute like toy box and then this looks like it's also all gonna be closed jack skellington oh look at this this wasn't even the same place all right now i got to put these on him pilgy stay good boy wait good boy oh that's beautiful oh it's beautiful you're such a queen good boy good boy oh my gosh he's so cute all right what else this is pretty he's so weird oh my god he's so weird okay we got some jeans here's just packing paper that's actually really good for me to have um some shirts what's this solar one this is kind of cool i wonder if this is like the interior of a motorcycle jacket oh it's a thin slit huh i don't really know what that means but i still think it's maybe like the interior for a motorcycle jacket that's still kind of what i think it is but i don't know y'all tell me there's that there's a bug more jeans more jeans what's this and this maybe a tint oh look it's from the bass pro shop fiberglass tint nice and it looks like it's in there and then these ones feed the poles for it that's convenient sweet okay so those go together and then there's the clothes i already showed this mini it's got the really cute little drawers okay so i'm going to clean up this mess and then i'll lay it out a little bit nicer so that you can like really see everything so okay give me a minute okay so it's still pretty messy but it's a little bit like easier to see everything um i'll start over here with the shoes i obviously really like them a lot because i showed them already like in full detail so there's all of the shoes the hair dryer and the thingy curling crimper bed head what's it called bed head wave artist so there's that there's lots of bags here this is just a little toy the clear ones two backpacks there's also the jansport backpack right there these two cute throw pillows uh these can be taken off and i can wash them so that's totally fine there's woody the emergency some random bath products more purses back there there's all of those there's a little mini uh cabinet for like shoes or toys or something it's like pretty lightweight you see how it like wobbles it's like not very durable but it's really cute and then over here is all of the clothes and then there's some toys over here in this chair so there's some of the toys this is three different infinity scarves right here with different patterns the hat and then we have some perfume here that i already showed brown shoe very cool um a tiara the adorable little like wood antlers two necklaces those two uh this little starfish bracelet here's another perfume just a little bit left in there uh the two decorative wooden balls with like gold carvings in them they're really cool um there's that little purse again all of the clothes the clothes honestly are really cute like okay well there's the little purse but these are all like really awesome styles um they're all like really they remind me of like coachella like just like bohemian kind of vibes i've never been to coachella but from what i see in like pictures you know there's like just a lot of really cute like peasant tops um these are like all shirts down here sweaters so there's a few really pretty dresses also this red one they're really cute these are just some t-shirts right here just a variety of brands and then more cute clothes over here lots of women's clothes this like really good condition h m sweatshirt lots of shirts texas rangers this is that really pretty dress that had the like mesh back it has like rouging right there it honestly is so pretty it's from windsor there's that and american eagle this the knitted like sweatshirt and a couple of mins there's a nike so there's all of those oh my gosh it's so many it's so cool these are a bunch of pajama bottoms just like fun fleece pajama bottoms there's still a ton of stuff in this box that i just haven't taken out i didn't lay out all of the clothes but this is still pretty much full of clothes and then there's more right there uh this bag is actually trash other than the shoe box i'll just keep for shipping this is empty um there's some more clothes but i didn't clean up everything yet but it's a good start so i'm gonna keep working on this today i'll be sanitizing and listing everything so yeah and this was all from an apartment complex dumpster and the curb alert outside someone's house so there we go not bad yay so there you have it that is today's haul and the first time i've ever laid stuff out in the garage um i'll probably keep doing this um i think i want to get like some tables so that it doesn't have to be like on a tarp on the ground but i'm pretty happy with this i mean it gets hot in here like i had to go in and cool down for a little bit but once it's like gonna be like two more months and it's gonna be perfect weather it's gonna be so nice so i'm really really excited to be out here in the garage and i'm really excited about all of these clothes oh and this too this is like a is that just costco i thought costco had a t in it anyways here's the little booster seat and yeah that's everything there's pilgrim one last time and thank you so much for watching i hope that you enjoyed this video it was a little different this time but it was a lot of fun and i will see you next time happy diving and have a great weekend bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 102,136
Rating: 4.9421945 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast
Id: qxssynl0Qq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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