This Dumpster was Full of Hallmark Cards and Bagels!

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel i am on my way right now to irving there's like a big bizarre like grocery store there so i'm kind of just like curious about it and i figured why not drive to a new city and do some dumpster diving where we have never dumpstered over before so we're headed that way and i'll see y'all there okay i'm here i'm pulling around the back it looks a little bit sketchy back here oh no they have a compactor okay they have a compactor so that's fine [Music] all right first new place and this is a mall i'm kind of nervous okay there's nothing all right leaving oh no i can't get this shirt okay nothing in there but there are a lot of other dumpsters at this mall and then like you can see we're kind of in like an urban hell basically like everything around here is just concrete buildings so there's a lot of places to go to around here so this will be good this is more businesses but i actually see a garbage truck all the way down there it's hard to see but he's all the way down there so i'm wondering if these are all going to be yup empty that one's empty all right so these might all be empty there's some stuff by that blue one right there so i'll go check that one hopefully it wasn't trash day here but it's kind of looking like it is um but that's fine like i said there's like a ton of businesses around here so i don't think we'll run out of places to go hopefully just all of them haven't just had the trash picked up so we'll keep going and find out all right let's see what this is hmm that's like gloves in there all right it looks like this stuff's just trash and this one's locked i wonder if there's stuff in here yeah okay so it is locked [Music] i even see some stuff i feel like but all right well that one's locked so we're not getting anything out of that one all right i'm at some new ones but they're locked there's this little bag in front but that's just trash just some random empty boxes of stuff and a lock on that side darn hopefully all of these aren't locked up here but they might be so we'll check them out let's see totally empty in there all right that one i can see from in the car all right there's that just trash all right y'all i have gone everywhere in this area so it does definitely seem like trash got picked up this morning here all of the dumpsters are completely empty so i'm gonna go ahead and start driving back towards denton because there's like two more cities that are really big on the way back so i'm probably just gonna stop at those and move on from here but i love this area there are so many businesses and a lot of them do have actual dumpsters so it looks really promising i'm gonna come back like at a later day in the week and see but yeah it looks really good it just trash just got picked up so oh well we are headed to a new spot and hopefully we'll find stuff there right what do we have not really anything pretty empty some parts of a christmas tree some solar spikes and a j all right there's those our first and maybe only finds of the day there's a little farm and a little tree all right two more things there we go all right new spot okay oh look at this a bunch of candies a little headband all right there's a whole box of candies they're buttermint creams i've never tried those before but all right there's that i see i think i see a whole bag of them oh yeah okay another bag oh look in there a couple packages of bulbs more mints there's clothes in here this is either target stuff returns maybe or it might be an illegally dumped bag the clothes it looks like these clothes are from a place called the children's place which means this is just a lot of kids clothes all right that might be everything in here that one's great so we got all these mints probably 15 packages or something of them there's all those and there's all of the clothes the children's place is a similar resell shop to the one that i always find a bunch of kids clothes at um just a different name for it but there's a bunch of little clothes right there and all the mints awesome hey i'm so happy that we found stuff all the clothes all the mints that was an awesome dive the minster from a party store and then the clothes like i said are from like a children's boutique that like buys and sells children's clothes so they probably are just i don't know out of season or something but like look how cute they're still on their hangers little matching tank tops more tanks they're all in great condition and they all smell like they were just washed they have like a really strong laundry detergent smell so maybe someone just didn't come back to pick up their clothes or something i don't really know but we got them we got all the mints lots of different fun colors for those they're all perfectly sealed in the package and it says their best by date was actually may of so that was about what eight months ago but little candies like that they're not gonna go bad they're totally fine so there's a whole bunch of party mints we got a whole bunch of clothes but there we go we are finally finding stuff lewisville has been the spot i guess trash wasn't picked up here today so this is awesome we're gonna keep going and just try to load the car up even more all right let's see darn nothing in there and also nothing in there done all right oh wow so many bagels this is a huge bag of bagels into the trunk oh these are greeting cards oh my gosh so many of the cards fell out so [Music] so okay i'm leaving look at this two huge trash bags full of bagels and a ginormous box of cards so many cards they're so cute yay oh my gosh okay i left the box by the dumpster always clean up after yourself if you're dumpster diving don't leave a mess that was a good one oh my god i'm so excited about that okay well there we go a bunch of cards a bunch of bagels i'm out of breath so okay headed to the next one okay this one i'm just curious about it's not normally here this is a huge one it's got a lot of boxes in it it might just be for recycling but i wanted to walk around it and check it out there's nothing all right nothing in there and the big one looks like just boxes aside from those with chairs right there but all right nothing at that one moving on all right this one says what it is right there oh look there's the soup bag right there all the makeups in there covered with lotion and foundation very gross all right and the other side over there is actually locked so i can't check over there but yeah everything that's probably going to be good is in this bag but all right nothing there moving on all right anything there's like a lawn mower or something yeah not in there all right nothing in there today that might be the last spot our last stop of the day um but if i see anywhere on the way home i will stop if not i'll just see you guys at home to show you everything we got okay i decided to stop at one more spot on the way home and i just peeked in and there's like a bag of light bulbs that bag right there it's like basically the only thing in here but it definitely sounds like there's some broken ones but i'm wondering if some of them are like still good you know so i don't know a lot of these are in the package this is a thrift store so if someone like donated a bunch of these light bulbs and some of them broke maybe they just threw all of them away and then the other thing was this basket and pretty box uh the baskets handle's broken but i can still hold stuff and then this little box right here is just nice i could use it for shipping or something and it has the cute little lid with it so i'm gonna throw the handle well i guess i'll leave it so there we go we got that and a package of big bag of light bulbs so there we go and that is officially our last stop of the day i'm gonna go home i have to pick alex up from work in just a couple hours so i'm gonna go home lay everything out for y'all show you what we got and we'll do that right now all right y'all i'm home there's piggy in the background i have everything laid out on the table for y'all it is way more than i realized i am so stoked about this haul where to begin we'll begin with pilgrim hi what's up bud okay you guys this is so much stuff i'm gonna start right over here we got all of the mint candies from the party store there are different colors there's pink purple and blue ones back here but they're all the same flavor they're just butter mint creams they're basically just those really really soft uh good mints like from chick-fil-a if y'all have been there so there we go two four six eight ten bags of those mints and from the same store we got some lights these were obviously from christmas and they threw them out this is a light up led necklace and there's three of those two are in the packages this one is loose there's that one and it comes with the little crown and they do light up there's that one it flashes they like have different settings they'll flash fast they can just stay lit up or you can turn it off i haven't tested the little crown oh that one kind of burnt out right then oh well it's kind of going it tries but i do think this one is broken so there's that that might have been why they tossed it but these three all appear to work perfectly um we got some random little things this is just a little plush little peeps like christmas tree this is a solar powered light up candy cane uh it's missing one little bulb right there i haven't been able to test this yet i think i need to set it out in the sun uh they're asking 5.99 for it it might be broken um it doesn't turn on right now but it also might just need to sit out in the sunlight for a little bit and then maybe it will work i'm not really sure right there we have the little farmstead it's just a cute little decorative uh wooden plaque i guess you would call this and this is from ollie's as well ollie's is kind of like a discount uh big discount store that's why like you see their stuff it says like their price 7.99 our price 5.99 so there's that it's maybe like a cheaper or like less organized tj maxx so if you don't have those that's what it is but those were all from there then from the thrift store we got all these light bulbs these are the ones that are all still in the box and i've tested them well some of them i didn't test all of them uh that light bulb actually in that lamp is one of the ones that i just found so we bought this lamp at an estate sale a while back but this is just like a really pretty lamp that we got obviously we need to get a shade for it because we don't have a shade yet but now we have the right bulb that actually works with it so i love this lamp i think it's so pretty so we got that at an estate sale but that's cool that i now have a bulb for it so there's all of the bulbs and here's one energy smart one so there's that there's the cute little christmas box that we got right back here just says season's greetings and you can use it for organizing or i'll probably use it for shipping and then we have all of the greeting cards and i am so excited about all of these greeting cards it does look like most of them were christmas uh so you know no longer christmas right now but uh they don't have dates anywhere so you can use them any year there are some granddaughter ones great granddaughter there's just daughter these again are holiday ones holiday for your nephew look at this though like there are there are actually hundreds of cards right here hundreds of them and i'm so excited because i was out of little thank you notes when i do my packages i always like to include a little handwritten thank you note in them and i was out and look at these this is an eight pack comes with the envelopes brand new they're um expressions from hallmark and we got one two three four five six seven eight nine of those so nine times eight 56 48 70 something i don't know how to do math okay but uh there's nine of these and there are eight in each one i think that's at least 70 thank you cards right there so there's that and then again all of the other greeting cards and this isn't even all of it i actually put more of them in this box under that we got the white little basket right there and i actually fixed the handle already it was really easy to fix um well it actually it doesn't quite set right on it now um but i was able to like pop it back on there so there's just a basket this will just be a you know 50 cent garage sale item or something so there is that and these are all the rest of the cards more cards in here more hundreds and hundreds of cards cute kittens [Music] these are christmas and they have the other holidays too they have like some with menorahs on them some jewish holiday cards and other ones so there's lots and lots in here oh my gosh unfortunately they didn't have any envelopes um but that's fine they're still really cute cards they oh a lot of the i see these little thin ones are uh for gift cards it looks like place money or gift card here so there's those they're like thinner than the other cards but we don't have any envelopes for them but i think that's fine um if i ever find any envelopes anywhere else i can add them to this or something but there's just so many greeting cards i am so excited about all of these from hallmark these were all from the dollar store so lots and lots of cards basically there's all of those and all of those on the table it is a ridiculous amount to throw away and to not even put in the recycling bin these are just in the dumpster so they could easily be recycled but what should really happen to them is just get used next year like i said there aren't any dates on these it's not like they say 2020 anywhere so you can really use these any year so cool so there's all of the cards and then the last thing i have to show is the bagels so um according to their little sheet here and it was accurate i counted them it was just off a couple uh but there's 75 in here i counted like 68. so there's all of those it says uh the reason code 1109 i'm sure that just means they were out of date but it shows all of them there we got the mini crescent rolls plain bagels cinnamon bagels everything bagels and twin bs b s rolls i don't know what those are but there's only two of them so there's all of those and they are all in here i'm about to sanitize them give them a good spray down and then i'll be taking them to the little free pantry and i'll take you all with me whenever i do that but yeah here's all of the bagels it's about two rows deep right there there's 40 in this box right here and there's the remaining ones right there so and look at that they wrote trash on it all that just got tossed i didn't see any mold or anything on them um like i said when i first found them they are out of date they actually expired uh right before christmas but again they're really processed bagels um the bread in them and everything lasts a really long time so there's no visible mold no visible like any type of you know just like yucky stuff that you wouldn't want on your food so i feel comfortable taking these to be donated as soon as i spray them down sanitize them and everything i'm totally comfortable with that so there's all those bagels and there's everything on the table this was a good haul i am so excited about all this stuff the little candies here will also go to the pantry i'm not entirely sure what to do with them other than that i thought about like including them as a little free gift or something when you buy a you know item off my website but i don't want to give people stuff that they might not want or might not use and end up throwing it away so i'm gonna just go ahead and donate these take them to people who would like to have some candy and can't really afford it so oh and here's what i forgot this whole entire bag of kids clothes this was an illegal dump oh no it wasn't this was all from the children's place which is a little resale shop for kids clothes they sell gently used items so these must have just been not like gently used enough but i mean i looked through them i don't see problems with these clothes so i don't know what they were seeing some of these are still brand new they don't have the tags but you can see they're still on the hangers and everything so just a bunch of clothes this is actually not a kids shirt but this is a nike top extra large adult shirt so there we go lots of little kids clothes and everything on the table all right i just got to the little free pantry if you've never seen one of my videos before where i visit this place it's just like a little you know standalone free pantry it looks like that if you can see it and anyone can come and take food if they're in need and anyone can put food in here if they have excess so i love coming here and donating the stuff that i find and it actually is very full right now it's normally pretty empty for the most part so i'm glad that there's a lot of food in here right now but that means i'm probably not going to be able to fit everything that i brought so i'll just try to fit as much stuff in there and hopefully we can make a difference and use this food that was going to get thrown away to you know give back and help other people who are in need so all right let's load it up so this is what it looks like little free pantry there's access to narcan so this is all really cool stuff in here lots of food like i said already it's pretty packed over here on this side also so we'll try to put some stuff in here okay one of the breads was really smushed so that's still in there and then we still have the whole box right here i guess i'll put the candies in and some cereal boxes okay so i did not put everything in there i still actually have the entire box of bagels there's probably i think 40 bagel packages in there since it was so full i really want to space out because i don't see it that full very often and so i'm kind of thinking like i don't know maybe it would be more beneficial for people if like this day it can be full and people can take stuff and then like the next day tomorrow i'll take more stuff maybe there will be less stuff in there i don't know i'm just trying to like figure out what would be best so i didn't put everything in there right now i'm gonna wait take it tomorrow and maybe there will be like more space and it will be more needed at this time but that is this video that was the little free pantry and my whole dumpster diving experience i hope that you guys really enjoyed it as always thank you so much for watching it means so much to me that y'all enjoy the weird dumpster content that i'm putting out so thank you so much for watching i hope you'll have a really awesome week and i will see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 60,864
Rating: 4.9391637 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diver, kelly sparks, flipping, reseller, reselling, flipper, trash, upcycling, recycling, waste, american, garbage, dumpster, diving, scrapping, haul, dumpster haul, clothing haul, texas, trash picking, salvaging, reduce waste, throw away culture, budgeting, save money, couponing, dumpsters, trash flipping, breafkast, dollar store, bagels, food waste, hallmark cards, greeting cards, christmas cards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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