Make More Money on Etsy this Black Friday - The Friday Bean Coffee Meet

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hello there oh it's very bright it is very bright it looks it looks very nice it's very wonderful i had to do it a little differently this week wispy so guys um mark sat last night for a very long time and tried to fix the issue that we've been having with the camera for the last few weeks so hopefully it's fixed he ran it on its own three hours yeah no issues i got with elgato last week you don't got to tell them and they did not get back with me so i called them yesterday so hopefully the issue that i have found is done and we won't experience it again if it doesn't it's class action lawsuit no i'm just kidding we'll figure it out if it doesn't we're just gonna keep calling them until they answer until they fix it yeah so guys happy friday um it is october 1st which means it's the first day of happy halloween happy halloween i think i said that on september 1st too i think i said that it was the first day of halloween um so for those of you who follow the alpha adapt brand um our next collection will be launching in time for halloween we are doing a crafty witch slash seo wizard collection so here's a little sneak a little sneaky preview no sneaky preview a little snicket preview of what you can expect for that collection it's very alpha alpha witchy so um yeah did you notice that there's an alpha logo on this one do you see that i hid that in there this ain't working for me snuck that in there um guys today we're going to be talking about black friday i've got quite a bit that i want to cover this is going to be our first black friday video of the year but you can expect a ton more over the next few weeks because obviously black friday is the day that we want to optimize for now this is the time to prepare we are hitting october this is when holiday shopping season really starts so you don't have any more time um if you're one of those people who is saying i'll do it next week i'll do it next week i'll do it next week should probably go ahead and do it you're out of wheats you are now to the point where you have used up all weeks now is the time when you have to start taking action we are going to be here every friday to help you through that process but we also need to see you guys doing your work as well things that you don't want to touch right now are your tags and titles of listings that are performing well i wouldn't touch tags and titles at all right now unless it's you know listings that you're adding brand new um because if you start toying with your seo right now you have that potential to fail you have that potential to start over with your ranking and lose current positions so don't touch tags and titles um i would start making sure that your photos that's the most important thing make sure that your photos are good uh if you are been waiting to start those social media platforms to market on start them now i recommend if you have not started doing that you're kind of out of time to gain an audience so start with instagram and start doing reels get you know i would say post a couple photos in your main feed every day so that your feed looks good and full your actual profile feed but then rely on reels to gain new people that is that is a difference this year uh you know that we didn't talk about last year because we didn't have reels last year if we did they weren't doing what they're doing now now they're the best way to gain new people are they being here yeah and if you guys want a friday bean uh candle the friday bean collection is available now we got hoodies we got blanket hoodies we got blanket hoodies we got real blankets we have uh cozy friday bean candles and all other coffee themed things so go check it out um but a couple of other little quick things that i wanted to point out about black friday this year big distributors are already running out of boxes and are they really good god yeah packing supplies are already disappearing if you haven't ordered those you need to do it today i i this isn't this is not a drill this is not a scare tactic you need to order your shipping supplies today if it's bubble wrap if it's boxes if it's bubble mailers get it done get it done and get a little more than you think that you're going to need because usually after the holidays it's going to take a while for them to restock that stuff back up doobie says a little about it though don't don't go nuts don't go crazy but do buy a little bit more than you think you're going to need and ultimately it's tax write-off anyway yeah it's a well depending on where you are it's a tax write-off it's packaging material that kind of stuff and you'll use it if you don't use it for black friday then you just don't got to place as many orders it's that's just how it is yeah um so get your packing supplies oh my goodness the other thing that we the other thing that we need to make sure that we're all doing like as soon as possible is setting your shipping deadlines for those who are not aware the usps has announced that this year is going to be slower than ever and the slowdown is intentional i believe that they're going to try to kind of slow things down to ensure that things don't go the way that they went last year where there was literally food and rotting dead animals in their facilities um simply because everybody had to shop online so you want to make sure that you're planning for that uh they are also talking about a price increase for the usps this is going to basically i i assume it's going to try they're going to try to kind of um alleviate some of the stresses of those very very busy holiday seasons by charging us a little bit more that way they can pay employees a little bit more and that way they actually have people coming to work because last year it got so crazy that people were just quitting because they they couldn't go to work they couldn't handle the stress um so just prepare for that now the usps and all other mailing services if they haven't done it already they'll probably do it soon they'll announce their shipping cut-off dates don't believe them i don't care what mailing service you use don't believe the shipping cut-off dates i would recommend adding two to three weeks on top of whatever they recommend if you are in the us and you're using usps just for your local orders i would recommend cutting off around december 1st last year everybody got mad at me they said you are leaving money on the table and what happened last year we had hundreds and hundreds of sellers reporting that they were not there their packages were not arriving on time and customers were messaging them and leaving bad reviews and everybody was panicking and everyone was super freaked out it doesn't mean that you don't get to make any more sales this doesn't mean that you don't still get to sell what i want you to do is just throw in a photo into each of your listings that says our shipping cut off date is blah blah whatever it might be um if you order after this date we cannot guarantee that your order will arrive by the holidays now that's not saying that it won't arrive that's saying that you can't guarantee that it arrives and when they place that order i recommend even making yourself a swipe file that says hey you know my shipping cutoff date was actually last week i just wanted to let you know do you still want the item because it probably won't arrive by the holidays or there's a chance it won't arrive by the holidays i would rather cancel an order before i've started on it and not get that bad review rather than have that customer get mad have to deal with all the angry customer service issues during the holidays stress about whether or not it's going to arrive and then risk getting that bad review so be the first to reach out and let them know in most cases they're just happy to be aware and in most cases they'll say oh you know that sucks but it's no big deal i i can wait um yeah exactly they just they just don't want to be left in the dark they don't want to buy something and think it's going to arrive and then it not arrive and unfortunately with most buyers they don't understand that it's not a you problem yeah they don't understand that at all they think that they don't understand that it's a that it's a postal service issue they bought it from you and they expect you to get it to them by the time they need it um even if it is completely beyond our control so you good yeah i'm just making sure because it looks kind of grainy so it's not actually grainy like that it's not and for international orders i recommend cutting those off even earlier um i i don't even have an estimate right now for when international order should be cut off but i know a lot of people typically do it around black friday yeah early yeah early early early this year it's like deb said last year the delays started november 6. i don't think they're going to be as bad as they were last year the pandemics kind it's i'm not going to say it's under control but it's a lot better in control we've adapted too yeah we've adapted to it big time so be prepared for it to still be kind of crappy because they are they or they did send out a thing a couple days ago saying that uh they're already looking at increased prices and increased delays yeah so they've already guaranteed it yeah so be aware that uh you're probably gonna have a couple pissy customers but if it's outside of your control it's outside your control it's just that's how it is yeah um so those are my big disclaimers for before we even get started into the big topics this is i'm using my serious voice because i it happens everybody's starla yeah well it happens it happens every year where i will like find something out or we'll get a whiff of something treacherous that's about to take place and i'll let everybody know and then the group will still inevitably be full of people who are like why oh why did this happen to me who could have predicted and then mark and i are just sitting here like wait we did the we did the whole thing we did the video so yeah and amber did say as well shout out to the uk sellers with the fuel crisis there yeah there probably will be some add-on effect for that as well with the fuel trucking companies are probably going to have trouble with that at least for a few weeks yeah can customers leave a bad review for mail delays um i don't think that they can stick if you message etsy and it's something that's literally like you shipped it on time yeah like six weeks early etsy might side with you but don't take our word for that here's the thing i've seen it go both ways yeah me too probably depends on who who you get with the support yeah i've seen it go both ways i've seen some people get those reviews removed especially when they mention like a postal service at the same time and whether or not etsy does it for everybody or i don't know but i've seen some people who etsy have said you know well it's the review stands so i would rather not risk it um but yeah okay so um guys this is going to be a more general black friday q a just kind of to get you guys thinking about it even if you're not in the united states and you don't celebrate you know black friday like like we do you should still prep for black friday still selling in a platform that does exactly if you sell to individuals within the united states you want to make sure that you optimize for black friday because black friday will have more traffic on etsy than any other day of the year you it was it would be like if you were 50 more likely to win the lottery if you played tomorrow would you play heck yeah you play even if you didn't win you'd still play um and really what's there to lose right prepare because honestly you're not gonna lose anything if you plan for black friday but the gains the potential to to gain are just so phenomenal that there's no reason not to so prep for black friday even if you don't plan to host a sale um there's still going to be a lot of shoppers and once a shopper is in the heat of the moment where they are buying they're buying they're buying they're buying some people won't even worry about discounts though the discounts on black friday is definitely something we look for here yeah you know here's the thing if if if there was ever a day to host a sale black friday is the day no matter where you live yeah like if you if you don't host sales any other day of the year host a black friday sale let that be the one sale that that you that you host um and you know it etsy's gonna start sending us emails oh you do this go opt in for etsy's black friday sale you must offer at least this percentage off yada yada you don't even have to do all that i i just ignore those emails i'm i don't care about being a part of etsy's site-wide black friday sale i do my own you can do your own just as easily and today i'm going to teach you a couple things most of you are probably familiar if you followed me for a while but it's never a bad idea to refresh and start thinking about these things i just released the black friday toolbox this is the biggest free resource that i have ever offered i offered it last year and this year and this is by far the most valuable thing that i offer because i created everything for you specifically for your black friday success the strategies that are within this tool box helped me to have what was my best black friday i don't remember a lot it was like it was over six thousand dollars that was well over that if you include the day's following for the entire black friday sale it was like 15 12 or 15. yeah and and paula hoss when she did it she made uh ten thousand dollars on black friday and then she had another that was that was like her first one that she did and then she did another one a few years later that was even better so guys if you have done my black friday strategy feel free to post in the comments your own experiences just so everybody knows you know and it doesn't it doesn't work for everybody it's it's there's also a bit of reliance on your audience and how long you've been around and how many people actually know you exist where what niche your product falls into and your ability to market which is why you'll notice like there's been a theme to our videos over our friday bean episodes over the last few weeks they've all been about like how to use canva how to make instagram reels how to make you know this these photos how to do this how to advertise we've been doing that for a reason that way you guys can start kind of stretching your muscles and getting experience with it that way for the holidays you are ready and now it's time to use everything that you've learned everything that we've taught you over the summer it's time to bust that out because now you need to start marketing for the holidays and you need to start getting ready for black friday and we are going to be talking about black friday probably every single week until then so if you hate black friday um i'm sorry for you but it is the best day to make money on etsy by far all right let's go ahead and i will show you guys the black friday tool box with two's two sim really simple questions that's fine uh see where did it go oh goodness i lost it somebody's oh yeah there it is that's he allows you to ship fedex would that be better but expo everybody's gonna see the lights see delays everybody's going to see delays fedex will probably be better i don't know fedex is tied to usps i know there is some sort of a tie because we accidentally turned in a fedex package at usps and it shipped no problem so i don't i don't know if either of those is going to be better ups probably will be better but i don't know about that up above that uh if i offered 20 discount for black friday would people still use the member yeah yeah and we're going to talk about that here in just a few minutes uh how much discount can you go maximum that is entirely up to you and what you can support whatever keeps you whatever keeps you in the green and whatever you're comfortable with um though there are some numbers that people like seven percent is a happy number but it's not like a preferred 15 anything about 15 is typically the best anything above 15 is the best i personally wouldn't offer anything less than 10 if you do pick a number that like i said is like a happy number like seven people like the number seven but try to go 15 or higher otherwise some people some people get offended at things that are less than 15 percent and yeah it's silly but there's nothing you can really do about that if you just started your shop would you do a black friday sale yes i absolutely would yeah there's no reason not to it's a good easy way to get customers if you can support it if you can financially support it if it puts you in the red then don't i met a couple people okay my shop had been open for two months and i did starlos double dip sale and i made two thousand dollars in one day i already i did already have an audience but the strategy is what worked yes and you guys still have time to build an audience do instagram reels so if you if you're like wow i want to make i want to do this but i don't have an audience instagram reels please watch our instagram reels episode i teach you exactly how to do it i work you and i'm having them pop up on facebook i yes you can select in your instagram reel if you want it to show to facebook yeah and then every once in a while when i'm scrolling through there's a little thing that pops up that it just shows me people i'm not even like associated with they're just random reels that have something to do with something i've talked about that's that's what's great about it is they don't have to be following you they're just out to the world if it's popular it's just going to show it to random people yeah that's why they work uh we both have four week production time and two week production time pod products uh would you deactivate or not include the four week items in your sales since they won't make it for christmas no no no adam put just put in your thing what your production time is and that they won't arrive by the holidays because if it's something where you specifically say how late it's going to or how long it's going to take they can't hold that bad review against you they do put one not to mention most people also shop on black friday for themselves just for fun uh we do we buy every we buy everything that we need that we've that we've wanted if it's we just wait till black friday and then we buy everything that we're waiting to buy we need we need a vacuum cleaner we go we buy it on black friday free black friday sales are also a thing to look out for if you shop on your own if you shop for tech pre-black friday sales are what you want because everything will sell out by black friday and there's already a shortage on just about if there's was a silicone shortage earlier there's a i think there's a copper shortage for the specific style that they use for like chips and stuff there are shortages everywhere so if you need tech keep an eye out i think we're probably good to go ahead and do sales people get featured higher ranking on etsy no hosting a sale does not rank you higher usually uh etsy will have a featured like black friday sales people um where they will feature a few shops who did their little checklist perfectly yada yada they offered a certain percentage for this many days the thing is it's like winning the lottery right there are 4.6 million sellers on etsy probably more now and um etsy usually picks like 10 to showcase you'd be better off going and buying a lottery ticket you don't have to do exactly what etsy says for their sale if you don't want to do their sale you can do your own sale you don't have to follow how they do their whole little sale where they say you have to offer this much off uh you don't have to do that you can offer whatever percentage you want because it's your shop all right are we ready yeah i think we are good lord this mustache gets any bigger i'm gonna need a cowboy hat big text look how big that thing is all right so let's look at the black friday toolbox together you want us in the corner or know us in the corner i don't care either way no leave us in the corner okay we're here so this is where you guys sign up for it um if you are already on my email list like for example if you received an email today about the friday bean you technically don't have to sign up for this because i will be emailing it to you tomorrow but if you want it today you can go ahead and sign up for it um if you are in handmade alpha academy you do not need to do this you already have access to all this stuff it is in the bonuses section so don't sign up for this if you're already in haa uh go into the bonuses vault go into the holiday bonus and everything is already in there for you and more uh you guys get more stuff but basically everybody else you'll want to opt in this won't double subscribe you to our email list um but this will allow me to send you an invitation to our black friday lifeline live stream that we do every year so sign up for that and right when you sign up it will take you here i recorded this yesterday look at lucky me so you can watch this little introduction video zoom in a little bit so they can see a little better okay here we go you can watch this little introduction video of me hamming it up talking awesome damn him talking about what's included um but let's start here most of you already have the swipe files but if you don't this is the first thing you're going to want to download and this is an instant download you just hit the button and boop it starts to download uh the swipe files are going to help you in so many different ways so for one these are going to help you to communicate with your customers and build good customer service right these are going to walk them through the entire process of placing the order it's going to tell them you know that you've received their order because sometimes when you place an order on etsy it's just like did they get it and then you don't hear anything for a while and you're wondering like oh my god did they see it especially if it's somebody who's never shopped on etsy before it's probably really scary so you let them know that you've personally received their order and then you can uh that's the sale message and then ship is going to tell them that you have shipped their order hey you know just wanted to let you know i shipped your order it should arrive you know in so many days blah blah arrive is when you see that their package has arrived uh and you send this to them basically based on the tracking which i recommend using the delivery status tool basically this will show you all in one place all of your orders tracking and if they've arrived and you don't have to go and click through them like you do on etsy it's just all on one page so that's e-rank's delivery status tool uh and then this is also a way that we can ask them for a review basically you say something to the effects of um you know thank you so much for your order i i noticed that it arrived i just wanted to make sure that it arrived safely um if if you would like to leave a review and you don't know how to do so here's how and then it links them to an etsy page that teaches them how to leave a review and it's not asking them for a review it's telling them showing them how showing them how to do it if they don't know how to um but it's just a little nudge reminder and this right here is the most important message in fact etsy even tells us to do this i've just made it easy for you by putting it in a swipe file you can either copy mine or you can use mine to write your own because if my brand voice doesn't fit your brand voice then you know you don't have to use mine and it's also a double whammy too because there's a lot of people and i know some of you have experienced this where a package will arrive and then somebody will say that it didn't show up if you notify them before they have a chance to message you and say that the product didn't arrive all the little stinkers that fake a product not showing up you can show them that you're aware that the package was delivered before they have a chance to do something like that so it's it's a double whammy it's a good thing to keep in contact with your good customers and it's a uh it's a yeah it keeps the keeps the danglings away and then nobody likes danglings and then r in the ss is for review so when they leave that review this is kind of an optional one where you can just send them a quick message like hey thanks for the review and this is kind of to help uh encourage them to buy more in the future this is like your repeat buy um insurance but the ssar swipe files are going to help you to get more five star reviews we have thousands and thousands and thousands of alphas that use them they got so popular that etsy even recommended that we start doing the same thing as sellers they totally ripped off my idea um they completely follow etsy's terms of service because they are transactional messages as long as you are sending them through etsy and not via email which i don't even think we get buyers emails anymore do we i'm not sure um like i said you don't have to follow them exactly how mine are mine are just an example and if you just don't have the time to write your own then you can um but copy and paste them super duper easy uh and and when you start getting these five star reviews these are going to help your listing quality score this is what we want this is what is going to help you rank and search higher listing quality scores come from sales reviews uh positive interactions with your listings this is going to tell etsy that people are interested in this product in that when they buy it they're satisfied therefore etsy is going to show that product to more people by increasing the visibility of it so getting reviews is insanely important so you can download these here um you guys have heard about my holiday marketing calendars in the past i have booted out all the other months because you don't need them i've just got october november and december if you don't have these these are going to give you key shopping dates when to expect to launch certain products when to plan your sales just what to prep for what days to host sales little tips and tidbits holidays things like that so you can download those and hang them in your office next one is the black friday survival guide which i'll actually pop this open this one is going to also talk about key shopping dates what all of them are so black friday small business saturday cyber monday um a little bit about my personal strategy and then you're going to get a black friday survival checklist this you can print out and you can check it off as you go and it's going to tell you exactly what dates to do everything if you're planning on hosting a black friday sale it's going to tell you when to start marketing it it's going to tell you when when to start emailing your vip list if you have an email list it's going to tell you when to start like checking listings and what to plan for and how to get your shop ready and it's going to tell you how to actually execute your sale and you all you have to do is follow along with the dates and check them off as you go and then you're also going to get 30 alpha phrases to use in your marketing these are just different catchy little phrases that you can use in your captions if you're stumped for ideas and you don't know what to say with your marketing photos for example the sale so big i can only afford to host it once a year i can only give it to x number of people or i'd go broke and then just like pick a number that's bigger than what you expect to get i always said i can only give it to 100 people when i first started my business and before i knew it i actually had 100 people so then i would increase it i can only give it to 200 people so just set the bar really really high for yourself if you want to use that one um if you if you've got an email list you can start touting that by saying reserve your vip discount for black friday so lots of different ideas here um for double dips we'll talk about these here in just a minute but double dips are another way to get sales and i've got a couple exclusives just for double dips and then we also have information on the alpha holiday cyber crawl which is a instagram shopping event that we host next thing is the most valuable this took hours this is this is probably the the biggest freebie that i offer this is our alpha holiday graphics pack i shot every single photo included in this graphic pack or graphics pack with my own camera i edited every single photo i cut out every single item by hand because canva does a good job of erasing backgrounds doing it by hand will always be crisper and better so you will get how many are there 74 assorted holiday graphics that you can drag and drop you can use them in ipici you can use them in canva you can use them in photoshop you can use them in um and you can use them for whatever you want they're completely licensed free royalty free because they're mine so as long as you're not selling the images to somebody else which would make me really angry they're all yours you can download those just don't do this from your phone this file is massive um your 74 high def images you're going to want to make sure that you're on your computer then you get a video that will teach you how to use them i've included a full training series to teach you exactly how to use the graphics packs next thing is the double dip strategy video we will be doing an episode of the friday bean explaining the double dip strategy a little bit more in depth but this is how i made thousands and thousands of dollars on black friday and everybody in the chat who was talking about making a bunch of money on black friday this is what they did as well a double dip is basically when you run two sales on top of each other now with etsy you can't do that right with etsy if you are hosting a percentage off sale and a coupon code the shopper can't stack those um so you're safe if you don't want to double dip and you're worried that people are going to stack their discount coupon on top of their sale i know that um eastern inspiration said that they didn't want that to happen or they mentioned it so on etsy no you're fine if you're running it through etsy with a double dip though this is for those of us who want to encourage people to do that because if people think that they can stack coupons they are more likely to buy because there is a thrill in doing so it's almost like there's like a gambling element there it's like a there's an excitement there when they get to stack coupons don't you get excited when you go to checkout on an online website and there isn't like a one coupon per thing and they give you a bunch of coupons and you can just toss them in there and start stacking them up that is what we're gonna do so with a double dip sale what you're able to do is basically run your sale through etsy you pick your percentage that you want to run uh maybe it's your whole shop 10 off and that's going to be your public sale right that's going to be the sale that anybody browsing at sea can stumble across and they can get that discount your double dip sale is the one that you offer to your vips these could be people who follow you on social these could just be email list members these could be people who you you know target through your reels and basically you offer them a coupon code that you set up through an app called etsy on sale and they can take this coupon code and then stack it on top of your sale actually did i get that backwards no you set the sale up on etsy on sale and then you set the coupon code up through your etsy shop yes i had that mixed watch the video it'll explain it but this will allow you to host stackable discounts and what we did with uh art by starla moore was we always did a 30 off sale in the shop site-wide if somebody found me randomly while browsing they got 30 off but then we offered vips a stackable 30 off coupon code now in your brain you're saying 60 right it's not 60 psychologically our brain tells us it's 60 it's not it's not sixty percent it is thirty percent off and then it is thirty percent off the already discounted price exactly so it's not a it's not a stacky stack there is a psychological element here as well that is very very enticing um and it it is my best strategy of everything that i teach we have so many alphas who report making thousands and thousands of dollars using this exact strategy so now it doesn't have to be 30 no that is a very large discount for some people we we understand dude like we said do do what works for you yeah do i do do for you do 10 and 10 uh 10 and 5 you know whatever whatever works for you so you can check it out here there's a link for etsy on sale there was a little typo in the video i recorded this a couple years ago but um yeah next thing is if you run uh emails if you've got an email list this video is going to teach you how to add a countdown timer into your emails because people don't like i mean they like to see countdowns but they don't like to see them because it makes them nervous and when they see a countdown timer ticking down and they only have a few hours left they're like oh crap i gotta buy so this is gonna trigger fast buys which is what we want we want people to not forget we don't want them to see our email and be like oh you know i'll buy this later and then forget about it we want them to buy quickly so this is going to teach you how to do that next thing is last year's black friday lifeline live stream obviously anything that we've done in the past is still applicable so you can watch this coaching call that we did from last year yeah that was chunky you were a little chunky or weren't you yeah it was like 25 pounds ago but if you're not interested in watching last year's that's okay because since you signed up for this i will have your email and i will send you an invitation to our 2021 coaching call where you'll be able to sit with us and we will coach you through setting up your black friday sale and that is going to be on november 12th this year so in 42 days uh so whatever yeah make sure that you use an email address that you check so that you get your invitation to this live because this is going to be kind of like like a webinar type event where you get to sit with us and hang out isn't it awful that we're in like the last quarter of 2021 and i'm still like processing 2019 yeah yeah like last year just didn't happen so guys um there are so many freebies here take advantage of these i will be taking them down probably i don't know because you can do black friday small business saturday you get a little break on sunday and then you have cyber monday so i will probably take them down on that tuesday you know so the and after that you have to wait a year unless you're in handmade alpha academy handmade alpha academy students you guys get it like perpetually all right deborah said yeah go ahead and get your questions and if you have questions i'll scroll up through here in just a moment actually i don't think any have come in since our last there's one yeah guys if you have questions get them in they can be about this preferably about this but if you don't have one about this if you have a any question we'll do yes we will try to answer it to the best of our ability yeah because we're gonna this is more casual i want to start hitting the black friday stuff really heavy um in the coming weeks because i and if there's anything specifically that you guys want us to talk about for black friday can you post it in the comments like something that you would like a whole episode about maybe it's making i don't know marketing photos for black friday just anything black friday specifically related that you would like friday bean episodes about um maybe just type in friday bean and then your topic so we we can scroll back through and find it later no i skipped it why did i do that i was stupid i am starving i am so hungry my stomach my stomach is violent right now eastern inspiration said something he's lost the comments oh my god yeah i have lost it i haven't i have trouble with all the lights and stuff because i have blue eyes so everything's so bright i have trouble focusing on where the actual text is but i'm old but the webcam hasn't messed up a single time it has not thank you yeah if we have time in a couple of minutes i'll let people know what the frick was happening because i think i figured it out i love it oh there it is i'm afraid to ask customers if they liked our product after i ship it please don't be afraid of that that is good criticism if you are going to like spend the rest of your life cooking for your family and you are an awful cook would you rather than be honest with you so you can feed them good food for the rest of their lives or do you want them to just suffer and eat your gross slop for the rest of your life so you want that feedback here's my you guys ready for starla hard truth uh oh hard truth i don't do this very often but no she doesn't that's why i look the way i do starla hard truth um if you are so nervous to ask for feedback about products that have already shipped that you are afraid to ask someone if they like them then you're you should not sell that product because you are not confident in it you need to be confident in what you sell you need to love your products man you have to sell something that you know that people will like i don't mean to sound like a hippie i'm sorry guys if you don't know that people will like it then you either need to tweak it until you love it or you need to really look at the positive feedback that you've received until you feel good about it and i know that it is scary it's scary starting out but once you start doing it it just becomes another part of the process so your products are great there's nothing wrong with your products you're one of our students i see your products all the time you've got to feel good about your products too so don't be afraid just dive in feet first and if you do ever get like okay so here's another great thing about the swipe files is that i haven't head first if the person doesn't like the product and you've asked them personally they're not going to run off and leave a bad review they're going to tell you because you've opened the door to communication you have opened that door of communication with them therefore if there is an issue with the product that they don't like they will message you so that you can personally resolve it rather than running off and leaving a bad review so i would rather than message me and tell me that there's a problem rather than leave a bad review and then me not be able to get a hold of them again to fix it uh if they're even willing to do that so i would much rather be messaged about bad feedback than have it reflect my show yeah and and that uh whole thing about loving your product it's it doesn't apply if you've just been making the same thing for so long that you currently hate the product because you've been making it for so long we all get to that point i do the same thing with my music i play it for so long and then i just hate it but you don't have any choice but to keep going i feel that way about the book the book that i wrote it's coming out in uh hopefully january how many times you've read it like 10. i i read it and one sometimes i'll read it and i'll be like this is great everyone's gonna love this and then i'll read it since it's garbage everyone's gonna hate my book it's a good book it's a good book and that's not just because i'm your husband because i don't even really like to read guys read my book in january please i put my heart and soul into it you can sign up for the email list at it the email list pop-up should pop right up but if not it's in the about page where you can sign up i have 15 off on some of my items and also a coupon called pickup for the locals for no shipping charges well these work at the same time no you cannot stack coupons no not without using etsy on sale that's we have to use an external app to pull off a double dip but if you're just doing both coupons through etsy they can't i was told i shouldn't contact the customer for reviews they left so did stuff so i did stop which i hate because it was invading their privacy and illegal which is correct no no it's not no it's not i mean you shouldn't reach out via email unless already given explicit permission to do so but you should definitely reach out to them via etsy unless it's something you think etsy needs to resolve go with them first it okay so this is all about framing yes what i said isn't message them for a review that is not what i told you to do what i said was you're going to message them and let them know that they are pro that you saw that their product arrived and you want to make sure that they like it like it did it arrive safely are you happy with it and you're going to tell them if you would like to leave a review here is a link from etsy explaining how to do so yeah don't explicitly tell them to leave a review yeah that's rude anyway this is where things get misconstrued because people will say that i said something that i didn't say but i did not so it happened anyway it's already too late so just follow the swipe files i literally did it for you i did it all for you and yes it or no illegal no it's not illegal reaching out via email yes you're violating the gdpr laws and can spam act you don't want to do that doing it on etsy is fine if you do it the way that i do it i know that it's fine because i verified with etsy personally so is it too late in the year to start an email list no it's never too late it's not too late it's never too late start it now though even if i say it'll be all right all right okay three days grace yeah i actually don't like three days crazy i know you don't that's why i was confused can you show it what the bizarre generation doug uh can you show us the website you use for the countdown so it can be posted in social media it cannot be so posted in social media no i tried it works it restarts itself every time the page is refreshed it restarts but ah lovers yeah you can only use it in emails unfortunately that's trying to kill me the video the video explains how to do that for emails but you can't post we tried and yeah i tried i tried a couple of different things i recoded it a little bit with the actual code that it posts in it that doesn't you could figure out a way it looks like it's working like if you post it in on facebook it looks like it's working but then it just resets itself yeah oops there it is how long after i start selling should i go into the black friday so we mean that doesn't matter new shop old shop doesn't matter yeah there's no time we already kind of answered that one anyway what's there to lose that's the question kitty well will you lose money it's a sale yeah you shouldn't be losing money you should be making less money don't make sure there's a difference there for you but what i'm saying is participating in black friday as long as you can afford to do a sale you're going to end up making more sales hopefully if you do it right yeah like even if you don't make any sales you didn't lose anything maybe like a little bit of time you had setting it up but you don't lose anything nobody nobody's gonna come punish you for for hosting a sale that didn't work out and then you can just do it again next year when you have a bigger following use it as a practice round is there a way on etsy or ranked e-rank to tell if a customer is a repeat customer you should see it on etsy mm-hmm you mean they used to have a little star next to their name right do they still have a small star was it a star a heart i can't i think it's a star don't they still someone likes to know i'm pretty sure that it's right next to their name and if they're a repeat customer it'll ask us questions too quick like that and then we go full stupid i was just on etsy and i thought that i saw it a little star no i have my etsy shop set up so they get 20 off the entire order for buying three or more items i renew that every month when it expires i wish etsy lets you run a sale longer yeah they used to it's probably for safety because some people just forget and they're like why am i making so little money yeah they used to let us just have perpetual sales but y'all getting on me for saying for saying hippie i never said there was anything wrong with hippies i was just saying sorry for sounding like one because you'd be surprised at how few people want to take advice from somebody that sounds like they haven't been off the plant six years that's true yes i'm a man i'm i'm about as close to a hippie as a metalhead can get i think i mean i grew up on stuff like pink floyd and here's the thing mark can sit in the garden listening to pink floyd in his headphones and just meditate and you guys probably think i'm joking but i'm not no does that do i do that when i need to i'll sit and i'll listen to chill music i play lo-fi music all the time but at the same time i also pop on some white chapel and make myself feel like i want to break a bunch of tvs with a baseball bat sometimes you need both and if you're into metal music you should balance don't you balance to the balls all right i have 10 people on my email list and no one in my facebook group yet is it too late to try to do some aggro marketing to get it's never too late for anything it's never too late i mean unless you're like trying to sell christmas stuff in february then yeah probably it's not too late and you'll have them for next year and any future sales you have so start now start now hi do you recommend a mix of digital and physical products in my store it's hard to set for holiday i don't think i could make my store ready for black friday and christmas any ideas i sell special needs communication cards but yeah there's no in the world was that made a noise please don't break what in the world was that are we still here it made a noise and now it says that our timer start restarted see that yeah are we here are we still here am i here is anything even real am i real there was a glitch but it's fine okay okay we don't have any dropped frames so that's still super weird i heard a blip okay it's looping a glitch yeah it just blipped okay we're good then all right but anyway if it's looping i'm sorry refresh i guess we'll hear that anyway um yeah there's no reason to not have both in your shop just make it clear so that your customers know the difference otherwise you'll have people who buy a digital file and then they don't understand why it didn't come in the mail i started my email list in january with a discount in my shop and i have 166 signups i don't know if that's good but it's better than zero absolutely oh no that's great that's a great turnout that's a that's actually a phenomenal turnout um and then wait there was one stop don't move what it was right here your swipe files have led to loads of five star reviews thanks starla i just wanted to read janice's comment you do care what i want no i don't it's all about we're gonna probably have burritos again today i'm dieting and i have a very specific type of food i can eat he can get it's either a burrito or we go get barbecue you get to choose oh my god go to the corner nobody puts scarlet in the corner i do repeat customers have a star next to their name yes i thought so so on etsy repeat customers just look for the little star what is your opinion on selling from black friday to cyber monday if you can perfect do it um so here's how i do it okay if i'm doing a black friday sale um i will start it on thanksgiving night guys if you didn't know this start your sale on thanksgiving night don't wait till friday started on no start it on thanksgiving for sure thursday night you want drunk uncle buying your stuff thursday night uh dinner time i would say dinner time in the united states anywhere within the dinner time window um is usually best to optimize for because people are they've eaten and then they're sitting and looking at their phones so i know that that sounds crazy but it works but advertise it all day because if they're at relatives you know what they're doing they're bored and they're sitting on their phone drunk uncle drunk uncle selling the drunk uncle or you're selling uncle urkel you're selling to family of drunk uncle drunk uncle's already asleep but they're sitting on their phones they're sitting on their phone because drunk uncle's being obnoxious over there breaking stuff i know that that sounds crazy but i'm serious it's targeted for around dinner time thanksgiving night with all the people that are sitting there waiting on grandma that's taking 45 minutes to eat a single piece of turkey come on i'm serious we're just gonna name all the stereotypes for american thanksgivings let's go you're just just i thought you were describing your family i thought we were literal i thought you were just going through family members anyway yeah i mean that's not wrong let me get back on time i have grandma that eats too long but i did have a lot of drunk uncles so started on thursday run it through friday if by the end of friday night you are not satisfied with the results run it until small business saturday and then if you're not happy with your results by saturday extend it out from sunday to cyber monday and then do cyber monday and then you will have a five day sale just go play it by year if you if you get flooded with two i mean we've had alphas who get too many orders and they just have to cut it off they they have to say i can't do anymore and they will just cut the sale i feel like if i have an email list i need to send constant updates though the year and with my full-time job through the year and with my full-time job don't have time at the moment uh i also have no idea what updates i'd send our once a year email is okay no no no no no no and do you talk to somebody in a store and then remember them a year later if you don't hear anything else from them it doesn't make any sense so email list here's the cool thing about mailchimp if you have a paid membership you can just schedule out those emails and then you can set like if you know that you're not gonna have time you set and you spend a day where you just schedule out a bunch of them and then you walk away that's what she does she'll spend a one one twelve hour day on your weekend sacrifice that one day you were gonna go to the bar and have a couple of beers and just do it all serious i'm sure that they were gonna go to the bar and have a couple so many people that complain i don't know he's got drunk uncle on the brain yeah drunk uncle on the brain all right drunk uncle no for real like i know a lot of people that do are trying to do like their business stuff that say they don't have any time but i can almost guarantee that you have a weak day on your weekend and it's one of those things that like if you're legit trying to make this into a thing unfortunately until you're able to quit or move to a part-time job you're gonna have to sacrifice some of your free time to make it work you don't you don't get free time if you want to be an entrepreneur you work up to having free time yeah and that sucks but that's how it is and it's all about being able to segment so like i said schedule those emails now ask for what to send go through each of your products one by one and you schedule out an email about each of them today we're showcasing this item oh wow here's all the benefits so you can buy it here link that is what big companies do uh you can also do emails about sales you can do a work in progress i'm working on this thing here's a picture of it there there are so many things that you can do um and i honestly just talk about the products that you already have like you probably have plenty of products right talk about those start showcasing those and you can schedule those out like i said i schedule out everything two months in advance so i am scheduled out currently until i actually need to do more scheduling but i'm scheduled out till christmas right now yeah i don't got to do anything until christmas and amber said don't mention pink floyd yeah see here's the thing most modern music would not exist if it weren't for the things that they did don't don't get me on this freaking started they made the first guitar effects processor which evolved guitar for ever that just you know what get out of here with that if you don't like pink floyd you can take take take yourself and just just swim okay so so here's the joke behind that we told amber when she's here with her husband that they can talk about anything they can curse in front of our family like our family is just chill they don't care they're a bunch of their bunch old hippies polyphonic freaking sound concerts with more speakers than just in the front and i told amber there was nothing that she couldn't talk about and then her husband said something bad about pink floyd and i said okay there's one thing that you can't talk about because mark's dad will kick you out of the house if you talk bad about thankfully these these men and their pink floyd i don't understand it i don't get it i don't understand it i don't know because i'm a musician and i understand how important they are it's that is one thing i don't understand and i don't understand mommy python those are the two things that i don't understand i don't understand you like them because they're the most popular british people in the world i don't think that's probably why i'm not as popular i don't understand any of it i started my email list a year ago but it seems difficult for customers to sign up i only have 35 subscribers and i do offer 25 off while subscribing should it be so hard what's hard about it you said it's hard but you didn't explain why it's hard what's hard about it because it might just be how you're marketing it you might just need to hone in on your marketing skills it might not be you know if if you put something out into the world and nobody opts into it it's not it's usually not them it's usually something you're doing so you might just want to present it and frame it better i have just found out that you have to make at least 10 sales to be a star seller between the period they rate you for my one shop got all 100 but it was low in sales and i didn't qualify amber and i don't qualify yeah i wouldn't worry about it don't worry about star cellar it's nothing it's as of right now it doesn't affect anything at all no it's nothing it is not anything and buyers are not only buying from star sellers there's no it's pointless oh it's silly i i don't even pay attention any of that crap when i shop on etsy and i shop on there pretty frequently no not even worried about it and pam duffy she had a meeting with as an etsy employee and they told her that they didn't have it and they didn't care about it and that's how you know that it's that when an etsy employee isn't concerned about having it for their own shop that's how you know that it doesn't matter my mom specifically requested a link to my other half's metal playlist so she could listen to it while painting and she paints fantasy and portraits see that's dope you can't say that you're into music and then like discriminate there he goes you gotta give give everything a shot if you don't understand it that's fine is anybody like this with their significant other where they just start on something that they are just obsessive about you're just like oh my god it's the same when i talk about fantasy books mark's just like yeah because what you read is girly foo foo fantasy book it's no it is uh how early is too early to start creating buzz about black friday sales how early is too early we're leaving november 9th for a week-long vacation i want to create buzz before we leave so people will hopefully wait to order till we get home schedule out your posts for while you're going um but you can start anytime just do it like whispers of like oh it's coming it's coming on black friday i mean don't i would just be very very um don't don't give away the whole enchilada too early make them wonder because they're going to stay interested if they wonder if they know everything that you're planning to do for like on this date we are having a 30 off sale so make sure that you watch they're going to forget but if they're like what is she doing what is it i want to know they're going to pay attention to it the tux said burritos and barbecue for a diet that's a diet for me it's because i can get specific foods that i can get portions of i know i can get like i know how many carbs this tortilla has i can get chicken or steak or whatever i can i can count the macros that are in the food yeah let's see uh if we live in the uk should we schedule our black friday for u.s time i probably would yeah i would i definitely would i would by the way you might have a couple uk or european buyers but most of them are going to be u.s yeah i would definitely schedule it for u.s dinner time maybe central time zone so you're smack dab in the middle do you know the threshold to be in the top one percent of etsy sellers i'm in the top two percent can't wait to get to that top one percent it's awful waiting for that isn't it that is like that's the biggest hump to get over unfortunately it really is two percent to one percent is the hardest and i don't i don't think there's a good way to really calculate it because there somebody had posted in there that there's four million some odd shops but i don't know if etsy calculates every single one of those shops into that equation or just shops that fit a certain threshold like have been active in x days is it everybody okay yeah excuse me two percent isn't as hard to get to one percent is the hardest to hit like for any question would you offer a promo to only vips emails or everyone a few days later i like giving the vip something better so do a general sale just for people who browse and find you if you're not double dipping um just do a general discount and then for your etsy you know your actual vips send them an email list send them an email let's send them an email through your email list or post on social media and say hey you know you might have seen in my shop i'm doing a sale for this much but you guys are my you guys are my favorite people in the whole world you are my biggest supporters and because of that i want to give you an even bigger discount because i love you so much and i want to spoil you with this big thing i missed this one victoria said i just tested incognito the 15 plus the coupon code and the free shipping for my locals with the code pickup and it worked you do not have to have or you do not have to put in the 15 code wait 15 plus the coupon code so you're saying you had a 15 percent sale plus a coupon code and it worked and you shouldn't stack those that's always been the case that you can't stack on etsy this might require future or further testing but i don't i'll send that to you we'll test that afterwards because that's been the thing for like 10 years like as long as i've seen the 15 well of course you don't have to have the the 15 off and then pick up was for people that are picking up the orders and free shipping it's not for a discount off of the products and maybe that's different i'm confused we'll take a look at it i'll send it to charlotte now okay as if so because if so that would make uh that would make email lists or not email list double dips a whole lot easier it would but i don't think that's how it works nope if they change it that'll be dope because you guys will get an update soon uh yeah lucy said i work a full-time job come home and work until 11 pm every night yup i make items to clear out some supplies and tend to load them last minute to have stock to put in the sale but they obviously not have good quality score and late to the etsy algorithm thoughts no thoughts there's you that was just a fact that you stated nice there's no thoughts um it's not bad it's not a bad thing because here's the thing if you do have a listing that someone finds organically in search that does have a listing quality score then they might go to your storefront to add more to their cart so even if they're not finding those listings organically in search they're still going to go to your storefront to see what else you have that they might want and then they might buy some of that stuff so if you have items list them like i even if you're worried that they're not going to rank in time it doesn't matter just list what you have list everything first by design you can stack free shipping coupons and money or percent off coupons but you cannot stack two money or percent off coupons got it there you go that's probably for seller safety more than anything so that way if you have a coupon code that you have not deactivated somebody doesn't go into your shop and end up getting like more than a hundred percent off of a product and you end up having to like it can i imagine that confuses etsy system and it just keeps things simple yeah uh monty python yes i love monty python i love it uh future stuff like tim and eric and i think you should leave you should watch those i like i think you should leave you should watch both because tim and eric is just as good i like i like i think you should leave and i like white as kids you know those are the widest kids you know is is where it is up there r.i.p trevor and trevor's stuff high in church is one of the funniest things i've ever watched in my life uh my husband says he'll kick you off the planet if you don't like pink floyd i agree i saw you sneak that cheese shop reference in there a lot of people talking about monty python i know i know but i'm a teacher's pet and i feel the ptsd of needing all a's on my report card oh for the for that star seller uh i'm the teacher y'all i'm the teacher over 16k sales and they don't qualify for star seller it doesn't have anything to do with the max amount of sales it's your i think it's reviews plus sales over a certain period of time no it's like whether or not you reply to messages in within 24 hours even if it's a holiday or a weekend and if somebody just sends you a quick message that says thanks like in response to your message because they were the last to send you a message you have to make sure that you get the last word yeah it's stupid it's stupid and etsy knows it's stupid and they even said that it's stupid so we started our email list about six months ago haven't got that far in aja yet eep and have about 150 subs we send an email out once a month as an update for product launches it's perfect once a month is is is fine oh my lord phone calls galore today top one percent is just under 3 500 sales all right uh yeah i agree thrift and flip hit the like only 38 likes on 176 watching that's sad that's sad do you not like us do you not like us because we're like almost at the end here we're running out of questions and i got a hungry tum tum i'm so hunched so if you got a question and it hasn't been asked yet i don't care what it is don't be bashful need you freebie guys it's like freebie like likes for freebies um guys don't likes for freebies that sounds not good don't say that i guess that could be taken out of context i just did um anyway down below if you click show more it will expand out the description where you can find the black friday toolbox link you're going to want to grab that i'm also going to if you're already on my email list i'll send it to you tomorrow but if you want it today you can sign up for it it's not going to w double opt you into my email list um but that's going to include all of the freebies the cheat sheets the checklist the uh the ssar swipe files the marketing calendars the video tutorials the graphics pack which is the one that is the most valuable um yeah so feel free to grab that and start now start planning your marketing start building your audience if you're starting from scratch i recommend going back watching the instagram reels video that i created and start working on building some instagram reels because that's going to be the best way to generate a new audience oh that is great oh my that was wonderful doc thanks for that i need it i needed that laugh that was spicy the silliest walks that is spicy tis butter flesh wound uh because the beetles endorsed them and paid for their shows hot take i didn't like the beetles my dad is a huge beetle's nut and i do not like the beetles never have i've tried to too uh you don't have to be the last message for start star seller you just need to respond to the first message within 24 hours i thought you had to also respond to the last yeah i thought you weren't allowed to have anything i thought it was like a tit for tat thing where you had to reply to all of them i don't know because i'm not aiming for one i don't care amber do you think we'll ever be star sellers in elf adapt let me know i don't think so did faulty towers make it over there i'm not sure off the top yeah pbs ran it okay i think i think that's what linda had said a question have videos on its coming sale linda was there more to that question have videos on she'll get it if she does she's got a minute i don't like being on video can i use product shots for reels oh yeah yeah that's absolutely fine and if there's not like a safety reason for it you should try to get comfortable being on camera you don't have to though people but for future proofing there there might be a point in time where you're going to need to be on camera for something what if your product blows up and you end up like somebody wants to interview you or like could try to get comfortable with it i know it sucks i did not like being on camera when i first started either but you guys should go back and watch the very first video that mark was in on my channel the tech friday video oh god it's so cringy i'm good now which is funny because i've been a performing musician my whole life so i don't know why i was not i was it wasn't even really like a stage fright thing i just wasn't good at it i didn't know i didn't know he like sat and he like you aren't good at it either you would have just like always stare right at the camera because people used to yell at me for some reason people used to get really pissy when we wouldn't look at the camera they'd be like oh you need to look into the camera well i say i stream for two hours on most days you want me to do this is this what you guys want is this what you like do you want me to just stare into the camera all the time because i don't want to do that how'd that look was that hot i wasn't paying attention reading questions was that sexy sexy hot find out afterwards sexy hot elephants videos on it's coming sale to generate buzz but not to tell what is a free gift i still don't understand what you're asking okay so you're offering a free gift and you want to make videos for advertising to promote the upcoming sale to generate buzz but you don't want to tell them that the sale that the the thing that you're offering is a free gift yes you can do that i would say for your marketing just say something coming something's coming something big is coming on this day something super special for my my most loyal followers i'm doing this really cool thing keep an eye out watch your calendar here's a countdown um i would just tease it like that if i were you so that's it we don't have any that's it don't worry about it let's go oh there's one one more one more last one i offer husky embroidered hats visors with different eye colors and fur colors it's hard to see eye colors in the initial photo and they are all separate listings how can i make it more clear like the photo itself or the fact that there are different colors what i would do is um can you pop up alpha dot up there for me just go to etsy and then search alphatop i'll show you what we do for our variants you could probably just google it well if you google it you get why be normal do we that's that's strange it's um yeah that's weird just go to etsy i'll show you what we do for color variants there we go okay okay so for example um with these we'll just grab one of these because we do it on all of them [Laughter] but good job amber she said brown eye to the light oh god amber no all right so what we like to do is in canva you can make these little frames that you can drag images into and we will just put them along the side you can just throw in the differences like the different eyes and blow them up so that the eye is really big and you have it in its own little circle and then you have the full product here that way they can kind of see the variance so we kind of do this with the logo so you can see um same with the blankets they've got all these little icons and things friday being related stuff but then i do all the different ones in the pictures so i said the differences between them yeah that's what i would do for you that's that's what i would do and if you really wanted to if you can get them like one eye and a good light you're trying to show the differences in colors you could actually take the photo yourself of the eye in good lighting and then separate the actual physical like picture of the eye on each one like what she had there yeah because this clearly tells you like if you were looking at this you would know that i'm offering this thing in these colors and if you did it with just one then it would show you know just like a close-up almost like a little magnified version okay we can quit screen sharing now all right hey style i'll do that one more time i'm studying your awesome eyeliner technique i can never get it right my eyeliner technique is far from awesome it seldom matches and on most days i have to wipe it off and redo it eyeliner i'm not good at eyebrows i'm very good at because i practice eyebrows a lot more than eyeliner just like this smear it no my brows are actually symmetrical today alpha every once in a while should get two eyebrows wildly different that's pretty funny you can't eyebrows yeah eyebrows should be sisters not twins shut up good lord we're fun to fight we should not say stupid stuff like that on camera and not get punished for it i don't he says that he does this during like when we when we have family over he'll say something like that and everyone will look at him because they don't understand our humor we just i am not serious by the way for any of you people that like think that i'm abusing her i don't do that unless she asks me to [Laughter] no we uh we are awful in public because people probably think that we're fighting because we'll just start yelling at each other but we won't just make things up to yell at each other anyway music is different than talking you're right yeah if you're into metal you should for sure head over to youtube and check out whitechapel's new track a blood soaked symphony it is like it's a banger of a song yo really i thought that a blood-soaked symphony would be a country song yeah mine's a banger it's probably one of the best songs that they've written in like the last five or six years it's great my mistake that sounded like soft jazz soft jazz it's a little it's a little on the opposite side of that my grandma owns a bar and she used to have a band that would play in there called fetus omelette and i'm just like oh my god grandma no it's not even that kind of stuff isn't even music though like i really do try not to judge but it sounds like if you took a microphone and put it in the toilet and flipping it yeah and that's it that's the whole song anyway well we'll end on fetus omelette we'll end that for the day sorry for anyone who's offended by words i i named the band i didn't either you get don't grandma's the one who always books weird bands in her bar for some reason i don't know why anyway we love you guys if you're not subscribed to the channel yet make sure you subscribe all applicable links should be down below uh like the video if you liked it like it if you didn't like it anyway and uh we'll probably see you guys soon don't good god i'm just going to end the stream on that no that'd be the last thing and we'll set that as the thumbnail no guys no no y'alls don't forget what is wrong with us today starving guys get your black friday toolbox down below next week we'll do something else black friday marketing related you didn't even tell me what you guys wanted for black friday i didn't what do you guys want for black friday what do you want us to make let's do let's do black friday marketing photos uh next week you guys want to do that does that sound like fun make how to make black friday teasers in yeah black friday teasers in canva yes next week we'll have a uh yeah we'll do a friday being next week are we even going to do one on the 15th they might not have one on the 15th we might not our anniversary is on the 16th of this month so you may not get a black you might not get a black friday you may not get a friday being on the 15th so make sure you catch next week's if you uh come up with any questions otherwise you might have to wait another extra week chopper you don't catch bye guys see you later we're gonna go eat i'm hungry we're delirious we get stupid when we're delirious bye see you later
Channel: Starla Moore
Views: 2,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy tips for beginners, etsy tips and tricks, the friday bean, handmade alphas, starla moore, get more etsy sales, Etsy for beginners, etsy earn money, how to start a business, start a home business, home based business, starting your own business, grow my etsy shop, etsy for newbies, etsy holiday prep, erank for etsy, etsy trends 2021, etsy black friday, etsy black friday sale, get more sales on etsy, make more money on etsy, how to make money on etsy, etsy christmas
Id: Xl6fuQgKmmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 36sec (4656 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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