The Water Trio is BACK with a January – June 2022 Astrology Forecast

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hey there everyone and welcome back it is the friendly water trio gals here and we are returning after a bit of a hiatus if you're new to our show and our channel let me introduce my friends and colleagues cassandra tyndall alicia youssef and myself i'm kelly sotis and we are maybe a little bit rusty but we're very excited to be back sharing some astrology with you uh we've got a few plans for how we might evolve and continue to shift our focus with our little podcast show of course as jupiter changes signs or gets ready too for those of you who've been long time followers we do tend to have a little bit of a shift in focus every time jupiter ingresses to a new sign uh but for now we are here uh bringing you a show taking a look at the astrology of the first half of 2022 so without any further ado welcome latian cass hey everyone hi guys so nice to see you girls good to be back really nice to be back i loved how we were doing our pre-show sing-alongs again just as we're getting our recording going although eminem is new to the genre that's true that is a little different we're doing a little bit of guess who's back just yeah just yeah just to get ourselves in the group for our poor sound sound yeah yeah three water trio girls go around this oh my gosh well speaking of going around in circles the start of the year it begins with venus retrograde so venus's retrograde starts actually in december of 2021 but it goes all the way into uh january venus doesn't end her retrograde till the end of january and even though we're only looking at the first half of 2022 there's there's still quite a lot of things going on and i know cass you have some thoughts about venus and her condition and what's going on with her as we kick off the new year yeah well i guess to kind of sum it up um you're sticking on track with venus she moves into 2022 fairly much in the same condition as she ended 2021 retrograding capricorn and you know doing the dance with pluto and so that's a continuation of theme that we see for venus so you know kind of how we how this year ends and how the new one starts is pretty much the same type of weather in some respects we could almost say like december is the start of 2022 from that perspective so venus continues um moving on in uh capricorn uh undergoing her retrograde phase and so you know this is so much to talk about in that respect but i think the journey of venus in a nutshell for the start of this year is kind of crispy you know she's not having a great run of it she does get a little bit of support from mars by sort of around january 25 i think that's 26 if you're here in australia so mars coming along in that exalted position and maybe boosting her somewhat as she kind of moves out of that retrograde phase but i guess um you know they have this co-presence all throughout february then by the time they hit march they then sort of conjoin mars and venus together into aquarius and then that sort of continues venus's crunchy face because then she's kind of sandwiched or what we would sort of traditionally call besieged between mars and saturn throughout march and so it's not until she hits pisces that she does get some relief she gets uh you know some goodness some exaltation back and she moves into pisces around sort of april 6. so as far as venus venus themed things uh the venus sort of houses and areas of your birth chart and even that collective space you know venus is the social sort of harmony and connection and togetherness and all of those sort of friendships and bonds with people you know it could be a little bit difficult as the year starts or that kind of can we can't we what's the the rules and the regulations around certain things so of course you know the personal um side of things it's really going to be an emphasis again on that capricorn aquarius that satin themed stuff around venusian topics for the start of the year at least until we get to that first week of april what are your thoughts on at least yeah well i mean i think it's the fact that even right at the beginning yes venus conjuncts pluto like you know this whole venus retrograde is involving pluto as well and and venus will conjunct pluto right at the end of december but this bleeds over into those first few weeks of the year and we were talking in the pre-show chat we're already seeing this i i think about it like persephone who goes down into the underworld you know is kidnapped by hades against her choice and when she goes down into the underworld she's seeing a lot of things she's never seen before she goes down all sweet and innocent as the evening star and then she gets kidnapped and taken in and it's not until by choice later on she actually chooses to become queen of the underworld she chooses to become haiti's bride because she can see the suffering that is causing the humans because of demeter in her grief not being able to give the humans food and crops and things so and in that she becomes powerful or empowered because she chooses to become queen and therefore she can come and go from the underworld as she wishes so this is their feeling especially of this venus in capricorn piece especially is that yes we'll be meeting some depths and some murkiness and things we might not have seen before it's really touching on these plutonic themes of bringing things up from the underworld of forcing us to face things especially around love and beauty and relationships and i think nick dagan best talks about venus retrograde as consensus as well how do we find consensus in things so we may have to face a lot of icky stuff or or stuff that's unpleasant or uncomfortable to look at but in doing that we eventually become empowered especially because venus rejoins pluto um with mars that's early march in early march yeah so um third fourth of march so it's almost like this exalted mars in capricorn is able to give venus the backbone or the the even the spears that she needs to be able to fight her way out or or to get what is really rich you know i keep thinking about britney spears and the pluto transits she's been going on with pluto sitting on her venus and the empowerment that she's gotten but she's had to you know dig through the depths and drag a lot of her personal life and and difficulties into the public eye to be able to do that so it does feel like that's the potential in the possibility for all of us better is specifically around these venusian themes it's a bit like khaleesi raising an army from game of thrones you know like she was this queen that was you know brought in or this young girl into the underworld comes back out and then sort of raises her army to defeat uh you get to be ruler of all the kingdoms but yeah and that's kind of that the vibe there might be like getting some support or some uh ammunition or some kind of maybe more willpower or focus to our level up into your new um status or your new um ideals or your new way of being around those kind of venusian topics as well so it's kind of like you know coming this is sometimes what is forgotten about with pluto because everyone kind of is like oh scared of it and everything like that but it is a a process it's not like a you're an iranian smack in the mouth and getting off with you know it is sort of this season of shedding and processing and you know when you get a good haircut and you take off more than normal and it feels really light it feels really refreshing it feels quite focused and you've taken off all that dead hair and you can just feel more empowered and lighter and you know more energized as well when you've shed it off the old stuff so yeah it's like doing a fast or uh you know anything what are you exactly getting where's that person yeah yeah like yeah anytime it is it is a detox venus and i always find venus retrograde as well brings us back to our value systems and after the two years we've been through it's really an opportunity to examine what are our value systems that relate to capricorn themes like success like goals like uh hierarchies and and those traditional things in our lives how can we revisit this and do a detox on those areas so we can come back to our more pure more core value systems in our choices going forward yeah yeah it's such a big cycle and i love how you were saying cass about how you know venus kind of starts the year mid-process really with this because like and the venus pluto conjunctions i love what you're saying there leash because venus is conjunct pluto twice in december and then not again for the third time until early march so there's this long period in the start of the year where venus goes off on her retrograde journey but we know she's got to come back and connect with pluto and one of the things i keep thinking about with the venus retro in capricorn is the the rewriting the rules of engagement you know the rules of social etiquette not just like dating and romance but how we're interacting with other people what what are you comfortable with what are you not comfortable with and these are things that you know always need to be in our minds you know i'm comfortable seeing this friend or i don't like seeing that friend because they always pressure me to do things that i don't like or what have you but when you add in the covered stuff into that there is sort of this need to clarify again what am i comfortable with what am i not comfortable with and and where do we all stand and what can we do within the bounds of whatever rules or um requirements we might choose or we might have um put upon us and it is really interesting what you're saying cass because venus is still in this very saturnian vibe even after she leaves capricorn in march when she goes in to aquarius and then there is that kind of extra tricky pic period few weeks in march where venus meets mars in aquarius and then is moving directly to saturn in aquarius which is quite a technical condition of difficulty of being squeezed or bound um like caught being caught between a rock and a hard place um so she does i think you were saying cass it's like she starts off the year kind of crunchy i guess and it's not until early april crispy crispy it's a great way you know when you know when you when you wake up and you feel crispy it's like oh what day is it like whatever it's like too yeah drink or coffee whatever it's like ah yeah so i think you know as we're you know on the front end of this transit i think it's important for people to remember that um you know venus as you said kel will hit pluto twice this month in december and it's not like something i mean it could but it's not like something big can happen on those particular conjunctions it's more like the initiation of a process that's going to evolve over the kind of holiday and into the new year um and then you know through until the end of kind of q1 so it is really about okay like batten down the hatches this is you know a journey um and when i come out the other side i'll have more clarity around how am i trading off my happiness for something or someone else and even though venus in capricorn doesn't have a great deal of dignity in offer her own self a bit of a throwback to you kel i know we we kind of admire each other's earthy venuses but yeah one thing i see it play out in um client charts you know they might look at and go you know venus and capricorn you know not the most functional kind of venus but what i really like about it is there's a uh doesn't want to settle for second best you know venus and capricorn it kind of knows what it wants it knows what its value is like i'm not shopping at i don't know like target i'm going to go to a nice shop and i'm going to buy you know i might spend more money on one quality item but i'm going to hold that for a long time time as opposed to the fast fashion or the fast friends you know whatever it is in your birth chart the capricorn house so it is like really looking forward to the future and what seeds can i plant what do i need to change or transform so when i come out the other side i can hold on to things that have longer lasting value or longevity that are in alignment or clarification with my own values or my own desires or my own wants because that's also really what venus is you know what do i want what joy happiness harmony all of those kind of you know the sprinkles the sugar on top stuff in life so and those things have been a little bit hard to grasp this year so this will help us really get as you said leash really in touch with our values what was on the periphery might need to stay there and dive in deeper into the things that really matter and what really count yeah exactly you know what i mean coming out with quality at the end of the process is something to to i think to celebrate yeah and also venus with the pleasure principle side of things as well this is this is really getting real you know capricorn with what truly brings us pleasure not the periphery stuff and i think it's really interesting that the second of these touches with pluto is going to happen on christmas day so um it's it's kind of interesting okay this tradition that we all adhere to not all of course i'm sure not all our listeners are christian or we necessarily celebrate christmas but it does feel like in the western world it's such a big tradition such a big thing yeah are we is does it really bring us pleasure or is it just about duty and responsibility or how can we do it in a way that it truly does and then how does this follow on into early 2022 and what we're revisiting i think i've seen it on the internet somewhere like what is tradition it's just peer pressure from dead people you know our ancestors what do you think about it is kind of what it is you know so you know you might also feel empowered to give away to surrender release transform some of those traditions um you know create new traditions for yourself yeah yeah totally um yeah i think a lot about like with venus retro and capricorn you know capricorn is such a sign about protection and preservation but it's sort of questioning what are we protecting what are we preserving is this something we want to keep protecting or preserving or do we need to kind of update our sense of what what we want to protect for the long term because venus capricorn this is venus in a saturn ruled sign retrograde we're getting four months of this vibe and you know part of it happened at the end of 2021 but a big chunk of it is happening in this first part of 2022. so it is it is that sense of what what am i creating long term in my life whether i'm aware of it consciously or not you know daily habits the choices that we do and don't make in the present contribute to what we'll have or not have in the future and i think there's something there about reworking our relationship with time or things that last like getting a clearer sense of how what we do today affects what we do or don't have in the future um coming back to intentions yes yeah and it's building you know venus magnetizes i find it's you know if we think about consciously what we want to be magnetized towards or what we want to attract towards us this is where we can think about it because that comes from our value systems doesn't it the choices that we make so totally it's a big transit that's for sure but i think yeah the takeaway like you know don't go into it fretting out you know it is a season it's a cycle so and an eight year one so that's something to perhaps think about too when venus was last retrograde in capricorn yeah yes yeah that we've had venus retro in capricorn before we'll have it again eight years from now uh and so in fact this will be the last one with pluto this close maybe yes yep yeah yeah yeah so we're just really doing some deeper purging and releasing as part of it yeah uh shall we carry on with our venus theme shifting to venus in pisces or is there something else that we want to talk about anything else in march that we want to say well i think we touched on the besiegement and she'll be co-present like sort of sandwiched between mars and venus so that's still going to be a little bit tricky for venus but um yeah i think maybe let's get to the good stuff huh the good stuff yeah i think the only thing i would briefly say um just separate from venus in march is that mars will be back in aquarius for the first time since march of 2020 so we'll have mars and saturn together in aquarius for uh all of march i think most of march and the first half of april so that's like mars return of when covert was kind of hitting the western world in march april of 2020 2020 uh so it's a little different because we don't have jupiter here this time around which we did before but it will be interesting just to see uh how that mars satin repetition uh shifts things changes things some things might get harder uh you know the stress i i i wonder a little bit about mars and saturn together again about uh mental health mindset taking care of of the mind uh you know for each of us individually but also collectively and it will certainly be a chance to kind of rework or rethink the aquarius parts of our chart um yeah yeah and there can be a strengthening with mars and saturn together but it's kind of that forged through fire strengthening you know you put a piece of iron into a fire yeah well you decide you you discover your strength through a pressured situation or a situation that really kind of asks a lot of you um it's like if you think about like how steel is forged it's the you know repeated uh fire and collision you know like blacksmithing right and i think this particular um transit of mars in aquarius with saturn you know it as you said kell it's the first that we don't have jupiter's support with this so we might see a very pure version of saturn in aquarius this time around so um you know it will be um an opportunity speaking of our songs you know where the gold gets tough the tough get going so that's going to be you know a pretty mars saturn yeah so yeah you know again look to that you know whatever house it is for you you know this is going to be where you have to kind of pull up those proverbial socks and just get something hard or difficult or you know one step at a time like mars saturn to me reminds me of like the military march where you just like live right left right until it's done you know uh zone out just focus in narrow in and um you know how they say like uh do it once and do it right or you know other analogies is like measure twice cut once like there is this sort of like really hone in and focus um with mars satin particularly in fixed signs and sort of that eliminating destruction as well so yeah that's a tricky tricky period yeah for sure yeah and that mars satin conjunction will peak in early april but mars will be co-present with satin for most of march and the first part of april but there's a whole other thing going on in april yeah exactly like from one extreme to the other yeah and i think many many of our listeners will know what that is so you want to say something leash well i was going to say we haven't actually really touched much on jupiter and pisces which will be going on in the background behind everything we've been talking about so there is that part of our chart the pisces part of our chart and also sagittarius you know with jupiter back in pisces there will be you know hope and optimism and faith and belief on the table again and that really comes forth in april especially when uh venus comes and joins in and i'm really looking forward actually to that i mentioned it before that full moon the new moon the pisces new moon that's going to happen on the 2nd of march as well yeah but you know diving into the venus in pisces energy you know what are you girls thinking about that what are your thoughts um okay well i'm personally quite looking forward to it um i had so many thoughts how do i be succinct about this i was just trying to get the exact date uh it looks like it's around the 5th of april that vs comes into pisces uh so one of the things i like on the jupiter and pisces piece which will you know jupiter is in pisces until almost the middle of may so it is there for the first part of the year and it just it's sort of pulling focus and shifting our attention and energy away from aquarius and or saturn stuff and onto something different and something that might be nourishing or satiating at an emotional level or at a deeper soul level because that's the direction that pisces likes to go in and while that is active and going on in the first three months of the year there's something really um special or sparkly or satisfying particularly about how we can nourish ourselves whether it's through spiritual energetic connection whether it's through healing experiences whether it's through connections with people at work or personally that just feels like the venus in pisces with jupiter and with neptune it it feel i don't think it's necessarily super productive i think it's more about connection uh something about getting closer and you know whether it's learning more about your own emotional self or creating closeness with certain other people in your life and it does feel very protective or stabilizing or helpful particularly to the pisces parts of our chart but probably also to the jupiter parts of our chart as well what are your thoughts on this gals because i know it's a it's definitely a feature and maybe one of the brighter astrological features for this first half of the year yeah i was watching with the kids pixar have done these really short animations where they've invited people you know budding animators to come in and present so i think it's on netflix anyway there's this really short sweet film about a boy jumping in puddles uh with his babysitter or his big sister and she's on her phone on the step and he's jumping in these puddles but he's discovering as he jumps into the puddles that he goes right into them and below them is this magical dream world so he shoots out another puddle and he keeps trying to get her attention but she's that typical aquarius energy maybe starting the career she's so focused on her phone she just keeps going yeah yeah and misses what he's doing until he grabs her hand and pulls her in and they and then her phone gets sucked up out and they're in this just magical world of all these beautiful colors and it just kind of talked a lot to me about what jupiter and pisces could be it's it's imaginative it's magical and when venus joins it in this space it's like come and enjoy this with me let's do this together let's drop the phones or drop the stress or drop the worry and just be together in this space and you know it's so much water because it's both of them are co-present with neptune as well yeah so it speaks a lot to me about emotions and emotional connection and we've felt so tight it's almost like being a drought since jupiter has been under saturn's thumb and co-present for the last few years i think it's an opportunity for us to soften and to melt towards others in our connection with others and i don't think it's going to be with everybody but i'm hoping there's more unification there's more of that opportunity to kind of see things at a bigger level like a humanity level you know that beautiful emphasis on high seas of just the oneness of the human race so that's some of my wishes for what it possibly could be but in our day-to-day lives in our you know our personal world it's just okay how do i return to the magic of my connections with my friends or how do i do imaginative creative work with in collaborations with others and and that spiritual peace too just that really finding the soulful soulful connections what about you cass hmm um lots of thoughts uh i think this transit is i don't know if i'm using the correct term but i'm thinking of the economic term um opportunity cost where you can put your energy or your money in one place but the opportunity cost of that is that you don't get it somewhere else and sort of at the same time you've got sort of perhaps surrender and flow and enticement or intoxication and a little bit of like fairy like seduction or something yeah yeah yeah losing yourself in the in the dream yeah um there's that component but then there's the other component where that's you know a bit like this so you know it's like as you said leash you know you could go into the mystical fantasy or you could stay connected to the phone aka metaverse whatever you want to call it these days so you know um i think like in the personal level there is this idea like i am holding space that it could be this massive um overwhelm of emotion a lot of grief um a lot of uh i don't know if breakdown is quite the word but if you think about it like we've sort of been white knuckling it for the last two years and we had a taste of jupiter and pisces but it was only very small and now we have it with you know closer to neptune venus you know there is this sort of really amplified and overwhelming influence of it um and it's almost like when you know what happens when you're looking forward to taking holidays and you're working like a dog to get to the um the leave date and then people finally go to their resort or wherever it is they're going then they get sick they come down with a cold or some kind of tummy bug and it's that sort of like when you finally like you know let that go in your body or let it go in your mind and then there's some kind of uh healing that needs to take place you know i know i think i gave up on holidays many moons ago because every time i went on holidays i would get sick so this was in my 20s so i do think there's that component there um you know i would like to say that this is going to be like a really great transit but you know i always hold a caveat for neptune where there is something like a little bit um unseen smoke screeny illusionary deceptive kind of quality to it so i think like it's almost might also be the overwhelm of opportunity that potentially jupiter with neptune could bring and it might also be really helpful to balance the saturn in aquarius get clarity around choices and decisions or directions because then if you know you're on this kind of discombobulated trip to under the ocean and you forget to come back up and you don't get to strike while the iron's hot or hold things for a longer period of time so it's this really kind of interesting juxtaposition of magic and fantasy but versus reality and structure so it's almost like finding that way how you can perhaps integrate a dream or a desire or a vision but then also practically or like you know i've been saying to clients in client sessions like decide what you want out of 22 now like at 2022 now because otherwise this overflow can take place and you just drown in it you know what i mean and nothing of substance comes out of it so you know maybe you don't want anything of substance you know you just want to like netflix and chill for the first half of 2022 and take that breath or take that relief and that's fine too so yeah there is that sort of i'm i am holding a little bit of tentative energy around this transit for that reason yeah so it's like on the one hand it could be a chance to take a break from the effortful stuff of all the saturn components but to be aware that what you're doing is actually taking a break and that you might have to to circle back um and then cass you're talking about not so much just venus and jupiter but as jupiter gets closer to neptune which is kind of all coming together late uh april where we'll get this kind of huge outpouring of sensitivity or feeling and that could be like a flood or it could be overwhelming uh for people especially if you've been holding on a lot and then like the dam breaks kind of yeah [Music] like yeah yeah i was on my recent trip to the great barrier reef it was wonderful but you can't stay underwater that long you know you want to stay there with all the magical colors and the creatures but you have to keep coming back up for air hm yeah well we've had just some floods near where i live and i was driving my son to school this morning and he looked into this one direction and the flood waters were gone i said oh yeah you know they've receded blah blah blah and he's like what does that mean so you know the sun will either dry out the water the earth soaks it up you know it eventually like that you know and that was sort of that very jupiter satin kind of vibe you know the overflow of water but then eventually those waters recede and it's like what's left once they've receded so well and that's interesting if we think about the analogy of an actual flood where it's it can certainly be destructive in the thick of it where the water can be the excess of water can be very damaging to property or livestock or um things like that and then it's what happens like to your point cas what happens after when the ground has been so well watered that it is you know is it water logged and it's no it's not functional for a period of time or has a parched piece of land now been nourished and wet so that it can become productive again yeah and i think that's and something one of you said maybe it was ucas in our pre-show chat about some of these cycles you know whether they're really like helpful and inspiring for you or whether they're more challenging are going to depend a little bit on what it's bringing forward in your own personal chart basically yeah not everyone's going to get a huge dose of jupiter and pisces just based on your chart and not all of us are going to get like um extreme saturn stuff i guess depending on how the planets are pulling different focus forward in your own charm true that yeah and then what happens in the middle of may what what what do we want to talk about in regards to that oh we've we've got an eclipse at the end of april we're going to talk about two were we going to talk about both of them or just that uh oh yeah we can talk about both i mean i'm slightly more like i think one is more difficult than the other yeah which is the lunar eclipse in scorpio yeah yeah of may yeah um so do we want i mean since we're on the topic of venus in pisces just talking about that lunar eclipse that's happening i think it's the 30th of oh the solar eclipse yeah and the solar eclipse sorry yeah 30th of april for much of the world it's the first of may here in australia um so it's looking to venus in pisces so it's a little bit nicer than that lunar eclipse that's going to happen on this 15 16th of may isn't it so it's happening at 10 degrees of taurus right near uranus so that's going to add to the volatility the uncertainty of what's going on you know i think it's really highlighting uranium transits for anyone that's going through them just this energy of i don't know it's it's i think cass you've used this analogy in the past that cattle prompt to the ball um you know running electricity it's getting it to run getting it to move getting it to shift so this could be an eclipse it's really bringing in okay where do i need to shift where am i feeling restless in this taurus area of my chart where do i need to bring difference and newness but it looks to venus in pisces so it has this kind of okay well i can envision what the future looks like and i'm going to shift towards that or and it's a north node eclipse as well so it's not as draining or tiring or exhausting as those like the one we've just been through this uh the solar eclipse we've just had inside as we're recording this so anything else you guys wanted to say about that eclipse i mean look it i i agree with what you're saying leash i think just briefly i would say yes and it's a good eclipse and it's got those qualities about people but i wonder about a little bit more on maybe the breakthrough side of like breaking down of all things that you've been wanting to get out of or trying to find a way to get away from you know whether it's a responsibility or a routine you're like i want to refresh this or i want to push forward to something new or different and it does feel like there's a little bit of maybe encouragement to go forward into something new with this eclipse uh what about you cass yeah well those things that um you find yourself being just a tad bit stubborn about you know uh yeah it's like do you bend or do you break you know and that's always the choice right um and you know if that's a part of your story sort of around those 10 degrees of taurus or the other fixed planets you know that's going to be the big question um and you know if you haven't learned some kind of you know dare i say flexibility when i'm talking taurus you know since 2018 when uranus first moved in there this eclipse is kind of going to potentially be i don't know if i want to say like a rude awakening and for some it may be but as you said kell it can be like oh finally that thing i've been um stewing on or trying to figure out an outcome or a solution for it's like you know uranus can just bring you know it's like that bolt of lightning and it sort of will blaze that path or that trail and you just go oh okay like this is the way forward and so it can be quite exciting and liberating for um those tourist areas of life which can be creatures of habit and routine and not really know they're stuck and until they've really got themselves stuck in something so you know it can be definitely exciting um i often suggest you know if this does impact you start you know embracing little things to kind of you know um prime you for the bigger things potentially changing in uh larger scale ways as this is the first eclipse of or actually you know we had one in um november but you know this is the kind of the solar eclipse that's really kind of with the nodes in the same sign that's really kind of energizing and setting the scene for what these eclipses will mean yeah and the technical note there cass i think is that this is the first eclipse on the taurus scorpio axis that actually has the nodes in the tourists the signs of taurus scorpio um so it just feels like it's coming in a little bit more hot or strong it's not the preview it's the full feature this is it this is the main show so coming in hot hey kel yeah yeah coming in hot and uh hold your horses for when we get to may 16 i guess with that lunar eclipse in scorpio uh yeah our that eclipse just feels like a necessary purge or something like the south node the moon is in full in scorpio which always brings a lot of emotional drama anyway and then we're getting that lunar eclipse with the south node so what needs to be and like what do you need to heal or release it feels like congestion or constipation like emotional constipation that we might need to uh take you know some sort of therapeutic support around you know what is the emotional equivalent of like an enema or something like not to be too gross but what's got congested and stuck that we need to to be releasing um old pain all hurt what do we need to heal what are we holding on to that is actually just causing us you know when we we're angry about something and when we don't do anything about it it just causes bitterness inside of us and it doesn't actually change anything externally so it does feel like having to find a way to move through more difficult emotions um just sort of at first pass but what are each of your thoughts on this one i know it's a dramatic oh i guess we are the uh scorpio taurus axis together aren't we leash yes yes um yep you go first well i was just thinking you know about that flooding analogy actually because i think this is going to be linked into helping you know this not that i look at trines for nodes and eclipses but we think about what's going on in the pisces area of our chart before this the flooding that happens here i we notice it really strongly so when the floods come through the rivers get full of mud and detritus and then they end up in the wetlands which is a very scorpio place swarms swamps wetlands much nicer name and so the wetlands are where the nutrients get filtered out before they get flushed into the sea so it's that opportunity to keep the richness of the soil to keep all of that so it doesn't get flushed away and that's the thing you know we do need to when it comes to emotions really you know this is i think the opportunity with the jupiter neptune is to to really flush the whole system through it's like going on a water fast for a while but if we don't get rid of the toxins at the same time and that's what this south node scorpio eclipse is like okay how can we do that detoxification of all of these consciously so we can let it all go and release it um because god we've been through so much in the last two years on so many levels not just with covert but social inequality um you know gender issues all of this so it's this opportunity to go okay let's flush it all out let's get rid of it let's have that colonic um emotionally to clear it all and it's it's interesting as well that it's happening right opposite where that lunar eclipse happened in november yeah yeah it's it's really close so i think november gave us a okay this is what i really want to go towards but that mid may one will be like but this is what i have to let go of to be able to get to that place so the sun will still be close to our goal um for this this full moon eclipse as well so i think there is going to be quite a bit around that touching into that dark feminine having a look at you know mirrors that you know the thing that helps us with medusa's myth um and where we could potentially lose our head um so therefore we need to follow our heart so that that would be my touches on that what about you cass i don't know whenever i hear someone like mention fasting my ears prick up and i said what's that me and my taurus planets anywho um yeah to me i guess this whole um axis taurus scorpio being very active it was active you know throughout 2021 but obviously the nodes are making that more so i really starting to play with the idea of simplicity versus complexity and where in your life are you maybe making things more complex um like making things more like you're stewing on things or uh turning emotional mo like mole hills into mountains kind of thing and you know this is the south node uh in scorpio with the full moon and so this may be the encouragement okay to cut some of that away and just go back to the other side and simplify it you know if um i know you know when you're sort of like looking at certain parts of your life well if you can't simplify it can you delete it can you delegate it can you kind of get it out of your space so it's something that you don't have to like maybe personally deal with doesn't necessarily mean um like so for me you know this is my sixth house and you know i could already see like you know projecting forward there's going to be certain tasks obligations things i have to do that i don't want to be like handling on my own anymore so i'm like okay you know thinking about what that might mean in my life so you know it's like where can you simplify things um and just uncomplicate and usually that's just either diving right in and pulling out the pieces and examining that going right into scorpio or you just cut sever away and or like sort of surrender it get rid of it uh or whichever way kind of works for you so i think you know looking at your own birth chart grappling with the idea of simplicity which is what taurus preference is and then scorpio being the complexity and where do you need to make those kind of adjustments so you can find some kind of quote unquote balance in those areas of your life yeah i think it's going to be really interesting for the pluto and scorpio generation actually this series of eclipses just what will be you know around power and control structures in their worlds and what they're kind of facing just sorry just something that popped into my head yeah yeah i do think like anyone with planets in scorpio or angles like the ascended mid heaven descended i see i think you know the south node coming in is is a really good chance to acknowledge what might be draining or depleting you around those planets or around those topics in your life and then thinking about how can you let go of that or release it or move further away from it how can there be some sort of separation but i love that cast that simplicity versus complexity that's such a nice breakdown of the taurus scorpio axis um yeah okay i feel like we could go on a massive tangent i talked about this for an hour um but speaking of keeping it simple jupiter is going to has just around this eclipse jupiter has changed signs into aries not that i necessarily think that that's a simple placement but it's certainly more straightforward in its nature um what are your thoughts on jupiter coming into aries and how that's going to kind of lead us into the rest of the year i think you need to take this one leash um look my chart i'm really looking forward to it and i know for those people who have aries placements um it will be really exciting about growth and the the person whose chart i actually looked at for this because i was doing a bit of research for my webinar that i did and it's interesting because the year 1987 was a year when jupiter was in aries and on a sports i don't know one of those reddit threads someone had put 1987 when all these sports champions were born you know people who are really good at getting active getting athletic so i was looking at novak djokovic's chart because he's got jupiter in air we have a time rising but he has uh jupiter and the moon in aries and i just thought that really that he can be really focused and really driven but you know he's called the joker um because of the way that he is on the court you know if you've ever seen the youtuber kim strip teasing uh but you know because you've got wolf whistles from the sidelines he's someone who brings a lot of fun a lot of lightness a lot of play into what he does i mean he has gotten himself in hot water and i was going to say he would also there's a temper component or a reactive quality to his personality as well yeah totally and look you see this and russell crowe who also has a jupiter in aries for those who know yeah yeah and and he's played so many soldier parts in his life as well yeah think about it so you know there's definitely this martial quality to this but there is a fun playfulness as well i mean blake lively is another one with jupiter and aries uh fairly strongly placed in her chart we don't have an exact time but you know the her and ryan reynolds on twitter the banter that those two have back and forth is hilarious so i do think jupiter and aries look were coming out of the wetness you know as you perfectly described it earlier cass of what's left when the waters recede so the waters are fully receded things are drying out what are we ready to start what are we ready to initiate with this really strong cardinal fire energy so there is excitement there is enthusiasm but there's also impulsiveness and there's also frustration and there is that idea with this that we can speed too far ahead you know speeds do really pick up we move from the ambulance of pisces um into the excited heat of this of aries so i think you know i always say aries are really good at butting things with their heads and that's where we'll feel excited for but i think there's also a lot of courage and a lot of emboldenment uh embolden emboldenment with this with this energy too so i think it's it's just generally a sense of okay we can get things done under this energy let's let's just go ahead and do it and maybe think about the details later so it'll be an interesting energy i think especially if we consider this year's jupiter back you know you know under rulership of a malefic it's going to spend part of its energy and time present with mars in aries as well but i do i don't know i like that period where jupiter first moves into aries and we've got mars in pisces so there is that reception between the two or generosity or whatever you want to call it the two um they don't see each other but there is a able to help each other out both of them have a bit of dignity in what they're doing as well um jupiter is in its triplicity um at night in in aries and mars as well in pisces so the two of them can definitely help each other out so that's happening mars moves into pisces around the 16th of april um and it is in that period so when jupiter moves into aries that's the 13th of may so the two are kind of together right up until the 26th of may when mars moves into aries so there is that generosity or that reception happening there where they can help each other out so i do think that'll keep jupiter and aries energy a little bit slower and keep the vision and visionings together but marzis can conjunct neptune at that time so we may be a bit confused or hesitant or not quite ready to bolden ahead with our jupiter and aries dreams so that's more potential to come through towards the end of may when uh mars moves into aries and so the two of them are there ready to go so we could potentially spend that time dreaming um end of may towards beginning of june and then and then we hit the ground running after that so what do you think um my thoughts i think i've used this analogy on the podcast before it might have been when we had mars in pisces maybe 2020 and then it moved into aries and squaring saturn and all that and i often think of when we have heavy pisces influence that influences that then shift into aries it feels like astro rehab where you're drying out right so there is that sort of drying out quality to it and the first sort of little piece of jupiter in aries is looking to mars in pisces and so it's like you've got out of the rehab facility and the whole world looks wonderful and full of possibilities because you're seeing it with a renewed clarity and renewed focus and a renewed perspective and um i believe in sort of aa and you know different type of rehab situations i'll say to you you know don't get in a relationship for a little while you know 12 months whatever the number is yeah don't do this for a while like it's this you know jupiter in pisces is like a horse that i saw jupiter and areas like horse at the gate right just wants to go to that cafe of crazy and do all the things but it is this sort of like let's kind of like look at the world with wonder and possibility and opportunity and then kind of line up your target when um mars then moves into aries um in i think may 26-ish i think mars will move into areas and join jupiter yeah so it's almost like as um jupiter goes into aries it's like you know hold your horses a bit mate like just you know just survey the landscape decide what it is that you know what direction you want to take because it could be like too much too soon and then you burn out so i feel like there is this sort of tentative quality before we move into that you know uh like double punch of uh you know like jab hook or whatever the jab jab hook or whatever it is of um mars and jupiter together and that is really like all guns blazing um you know philly boots kind of energy go for it but it is a little bit like for me i'm looking at that as a little bit like you'll feel the energy um you know going from water to fire to me is such a transitional elemental quality that's really stark um but there is just that little bit of caveat maybe just spend the first kind of like couple of weeks just sort of you know figuring it out or what have you first not even a couple of weeks maybe like 10 days or so or maybe two weeks yeah just figuring things out first so what about yeah pulse totally yeah i i love what you guys are saying because you're kind of breaking down the fact that yeah jupiter is going into aries early-ish in may but it's not until mars comes into aries towards the end of the month that we really get like the energy the enthusiasm the motivation and the drive and that's a huge shift in in the in the landscape of 2022 jupiter wrapping up its its main time in pisces and coming into aries is like a whole shift and there is more of a lively quality to jupiter and aries there could be uh you know it might create some tension or mean that you've got to like work through things where there's a bit of disagreement but the jupiter in aries plus mars in aries period which is late may all of june and very early july that is really unique to me and and it feels like you know you if we think about our own charts where we have the sign of aries it feels like making decisions it feels like taking action it feels like getting things started or getting things moving and it has been 12 years since jupiter was in aries so you might think back to 2010 which was the last time jupiter was in aries if you want to try and get a sense of how jupiter and aries could stir your chart there are things that are different now to then you know when jupiter was in aries in 2010 we had uranus there we don't have that now so we just kind of have jupiter in aries but i really do think um individually for sure we're going to see that sense of maybe the drying out cass i love that you know i think we're all of a similar mind with like planets going from water signs to fire signs you know the dry out the clarity the cl the sort of specificity of purpose or action that comes with that i might not be pleasing people or connecting with people but i'm getting this thing done and that's i really think that's a vibe coming into june with that mars and aries there together so um kind of like yeah the busy bee yeah when i was a child i have a lot of placements in aries when i was a child my parents said i always just said i do it like i do i wouldn't let anyone else do it for me i do it and i think this is a strong part of what this can be around it's like i do it i'll do it for myself i'll i'll do it but also i'll do it you know it's less about the connectivity and the liberal side of things and more about that okay what's in it like how can i have been focused on self yes in this period of time too yes hmm but be exciting yes there'll be um no sleepy time with that you know the the sleepy time of maybe april with the excess of pisces will be done by the time we get to the end of may yeah so gals that probably brings us towards the end of our you know look at the first half of the year uh are there any final thoughts that if you want to share on the astro of the first half of the year i guess it's just holding that duality of one part of your life can kind of go quite well but the um other parts of your life that have maybe been a bit stirred or shaken in 2021 will sort of continue to be but there'll be relief or there'll be another point of focus or you know some uh greasing the wheels pleasant distractions or breaks from yeah from that yeah yeah nice and i think we talked about this in our pre-show chat and it's important to say it's just satin will be satin now you know because it doesn't have jupiter there with it so it's like it'll be interesting to see what happens in those satin themed areas those satin themed parts of our chart okay how will satan restrict or restrain or contain us during this period of time without that moderating influence of jupiter yeah yeah so we look forward to hearing your experiences and your comments via the the comment section below uh what do you each have going on over the next few months that you might want to share about uh i know we should each mention our websites um i don't know if you guys know what your schedules will be for the first part of the year if there's anything you want to give a special shout out to well i have a workshop coming up uh in the week between christmas and new year looking all at 2022 so it's a runs over two days so um all the details there are on my website uh winston will be a supporter of that workshop he's letting other people know that uh there's a cat um so yeah they're supervising yep yep he's my apprentice so yeah that's astrology of 2022 um december 29 30 um and yeah more to come in 2022 for sure but that's the next thing on the on the horizon for me what about you alicia oh cass just give a shout out your website it's that's right okay lishi uh mine is alicia i have just recorded uh astrology of 2022 webinar so um that is available on my website to download now and i have some counseling slots i've been um i've had to close off my books but my books are reopening in january i've got a couple of counselling spots for anyone who'd like to use those jupiter and pisces neptune you know to kind of work through the emotions and get through that i do use uh counseling with astrology so it's a bit of a unique offering there and yeah um more to come i've got plans i've got dreams i've got envisioning but we'll see exactly how that plays out yes so keep an eye on everybody's websites and winston is and newsletters too i guess we all have newsletters oh yeah newsletters to the newsletter so subscribe to the youtube channel if you don't already and then if you want to stay in touch with each of us uh check out our websites cassandra 10 tindall alicia and my website i will be uh teaching as always and you can catch all the updates for upcoming courses some of them are on the astrology of 2022 and some of them are on techniques uh i think we have a timing with nodes webinar and a webinar on fedaria coming up in the first part of 2022. so all the details will be on um the events calendar on my website uh so that is that's it i think we're done yeah fantastic so great to be back recording with you gals again and thanks to all our lovely listeners for sticking with us over our irregular schedule in the last couple of years we do appreciate your comments and your feedback and we look forward to sharing more as 2022 unfolds wishing you all a magical 2022. bye bye
Channel: Water Trio Astrology Podcast
Views: 1,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water trio, astrology, astrology podcast, 2022 astrology, Australian, Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries, Venus retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Taurus, Scorpio, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Constellation, Zodiac, Horoscope
Id: WZmi-jWOg78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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