Make ANY Template Better in DaVinci Resolve

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edit page Fusion templates are awesome because they save you so much time by getting you about 90% of the way there then you just have to change a couple of the settings and you're good to go but sometimes you always have that certain template that you make the same changes to every single time like changing the colors to match your brand or in the case of my editor collection tools the animation controls instead of making those same changes every time today I have a free tool that's going to work with any Fusion template from any company or Creator the new tool allows you to take an existing template make a couple of changes and then save it as your own that way you don't have to make those changes every single time that you want to use it let's check it out so this tool is extremely easy to use and install thanks to Asher Roland who help me develop it he makes some pretty cool stuff so check it out down below with the Venture resolve open just switch over to the fusion page then you just need to drag this installer file into the fusion no graph once you do that it's going to have this little popup just telling us it's not installed and we can just press this install button and just like that it's going to put that into the program to make sure it actually works come up to workspace come down to scripts and make sure it says Whi re macro somewhere in this list if it didn't you might just have to start to venture resolve also Fusion macros and templates are the same thing so as I call them different things it's all the same so first let's take a look at my whip Zoom tools so that's in the effects Library I can just drag this down onto the timeline and what this does is just creates a simple Zoom animation with a bunch of controls in the inspector the default animation is 1 second animates in and then at the end it's going to animate out let's say every time I use it I just want it to be half a second long so in the inspector I can come over here set the animation length to be .5 now it's going to be a little bit faster I'm also going to turn off the out animation and you'll see why in a second and then set the motion blur to be point4 so now we have a little bit of motion blur at the beginning so that was all pretty easy to do but when you have to do it 20 or 30 times in each project it gets a little Annoying to save this as a custom template press this go to Fusion button in the top right of the inspector what you're going to want to do is copy the actual node so in this case whb Zoom I'm just going to click on that and then copy it then come up to workspace come down to scripts and run the whip remac R script that's going to give us another pop-up window and this is really easy to use the first thing we want to do is give it a name so I'm going to call this whb zoom in fast that way it's going to be easy to find in the effects Library I also have the option to add a preview image so if I do this I can just hit browse click on an image and then hit open now this image does need to be a PNG and I'll show you an easy way to make those in just a few minutes so once we have the name and the preview image selected let's just hit the save button and it's going to open up a window asking us where we want to save it this should always match the location of the original template so a title is going to go in the titles folder an effect is going to go in the effects folder and in this case a generator is going to go in the generators folder once in here I can save it as is or I can put it in another folder to help with organization in this case I'm going to put it in whip templates and I'm going to make a new folder called custom tools once I go into that folder I'm just going to click save and then a lot of times D Vinci resolve is just going to hang up for a second it's just going to freeze and that's because it is loading that effect into the effects Library once that's done we can just switch back over to the edit page and under effects click on generators and now you can see under custom tools I have that new tool with the image and everything if this doesn't show up right away sometimes you just need to restart to Vin you resolve and now I can drag this down onto the timeline and right away it's going to have all of those changes that we made applied by default I also made those same changes to my whip pivot tool so now watch what you can do I can just drag down whip zoom and have it zoom into a set spot on the screen let's say I zoom into the viewer and now if I wanted to move over to the inspector I'm going to grab whip pivot and in the inspector press this match button and then grab the end pivot and make sure this is off on the right so now what we have it's going to zoom in and then it's going to pan over to whatever we set this end pivot too and I can keep going as long as I want for this so down at the end here I could grab another whip pivot hit that match button and then move the end pivot and bring this all the way down to the bottom left corner so now it's going to zoom in it's going to pan over and then it's going to go all the way down to the bottom then at the very end I could add in another whip Zoom press this match button and set the end size to be one now right at the beginning it's going to zoom out back to the full view so this is going to take already really powerful and really good tools and make them work way better inside of your workflow let's take a look at another example let's say you have a title that you use at the beginning of every single video maybe you want it to show the lesson title and you have a certain font that you really like to use once you go through and customize everything to exactly how you like it you can just press that go to Fusion button but before you save it let's make a thumbnail so I like to use just the exact title and then after the node do shift space type transform so that way we can make this a little bit bigger that way it's easier to see and now anywhere in the viewer just right click and then do save image like I mentioned this does need to be a PNG so usually I just name it thumbnail.png you got to make sure you add that at the end and then click save now let's copy the node go up to workspace scripts and run the script let's give it a name so let's do lesson title template and for the preview image we can select that image that we just made now when you hit save we want to save this into the titles folder and I'm just going to do into whip templates and once you give D Vin resolve just a second import that you can see we have the lesson title template right here and we can drag that down and it has all those changes already applied I really hope that you can see the power of this tool and like I said it's available for free so check out the link down below to download this today and if you like some of the other templates you see such as those zooms and pivots and the corner camera that I use throughout this video check out my editor Collection Pack also linked down below it is a huge timesaver and easily pays for itself there's also the editor titles pack so check that out as well if you guys have any questions about the pack please let me know thanks to Asher again for helping me make this project possible and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jake Wipp
Views: 4,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom templates davinci resolve, davinci resolve custom template, How to create custom templates in DaVinci Resolve, custom macros davinci resolve, save macros davinci resolve, fusion templates, how to make fusion templates, WippReMacro, WippTemplates
Id: rvpbXYgvNNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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