The POWER of the Vector System in Davinci Resolve Fusion!

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today we're going to be talking about the vector system inside of D Vin resolve Fusion not Vector from the Despicable M movies so if you came for that I'm sorry but I'm excited for this one grab some popcorn something to drink and get ready to learn a lot to start off with some fundamentals vectors are Graphics that are made up of points and lines rather than individual pixels this means that you can scale them up as much as you want without noticing any quality loss and believe it or not you probably work with vectors every single day the stuff as simple as font or vector objects that's why you can set the size to 400 in word without seeing any equality loss now why would you set the size to 400 I don't know but it's a good example at some point though vectors need to be converted from those points and lines back into pixels so that way we can view them on our screens and understanding how and where Fusion does this is what's going to make your motion graphic look like this and set it like that let's talk about the different Vector tools that we have available inside of denture resol Fusion the first one are the mask nodes like your polygon rectangle Beast blind and so on the catch with these ones is that they switch to pixels as soon as it leaves the node so when you're inside the polygon node you could scale it up as much as you want without losing any quality but if you do the same thing with a transform node right after it you'll notice pixels and this is the case for all fusions generators the text plus node is Vector while it's inside the node but once it leaves it gets converted back into pixels and as a side note my whip text plugin from the editor collection Works in Vector so no matter what you do to the text you'll never notice any quality loss but the reason all of this stuff gets converted to pixels is because that's how we're going to view it in the end and it needs to be compatible with everything else inside of the fusion page when when we merge text above a video the video can't be converted to Vector so the text has to be converted to pixels back in eventure resolve 17 Blackmagic design introduced a new system inside of fusion the shape system and when it comes down to it it's essentially a set of vector tools if you view any of the nodes you'll notice that there's not a resolution in the top of the viewer like there normally is inside of a mask or text node this means that you can send Vector information to the other nodes without losing any information but you can't just connect a s rectangle node into a background node or a merge node cuz those ones are working in pixels that's where the S render node comes in you take all of your shapes and put them into that one node and it converts it back into pixels but everything we do before that node is working in the vector space so anytime you work with shapes or logos inside a fusion you want to use the new shape system and next week I'm going to be doing a video on how to import SVG graphics and logos so if you're interested in that make sure to stay subscribed a good example as to why the vector system is so powerful is animating in this example we have a rectangle that slides up and then scales up and the one on the left here is inside of the shape system and the one on the right is using a normal rectangle transform and background note just on this beginning animation they both look identical but once they scale up you can immediately notice the difference between the two systems off on the left here we have no loss in quality when we scale the shape up but on the right when it scales up we can notice all these pixels and that the edges just look awful and super sharp cuz it's having to stretch those pixels so not only does it look better in the shape system but I've also noticed that it has faster performance so win-win another for example is like a duplicate note if we look at this we have the same setup using both systems on the left we have the shape system and that one looks perfect but over on the right we have the normal system and you can see those edges really started to get stretched towards the end here and finally another really cool thing that we have about the shape system is a new feature to use it in 3D so if we do shift space and type extrude we can add in the extrude 3D node and if we take the output of some of the shape nodes into that node we can view it off on the right and now we can see it in 3D and with just one slider we can extrude that and add some depth to it unfortunately this system is not Flawless yet since it's relatively new but using some fusion smarts you can typically find a solution one main thing that I want to see is the ability to use gradients when changing the color of shapes right now what you'd have to do is grab a background node take the output of the render into the background node's effect mask and then just use the normal controls in here to create a gradient so definitely a functional method but I wish it was just built in natively the the other thing is X size and y- size controls are never linked together they're always independent as an example inside the transform node you'd have to move both of these to the exact same value if you just want to scale it up a good solution right now is to right click on the Y size do expression grab the pi whip tool and drop it on X size and now those two are linked while it works I wish it was set up like in the transform node that you have your normal size just by default and then you can uncheck the size and aspect so that way you can use a y size and a X size independently and finally there's just some missing features in some of the essential nodes the shape duplicate node doesn't have a time offset where the normal duplicate does and that just eliminates a lot of the possibilities that we could do with that node thankfully these seem like pretty simple features for them to implement and I'm really optimistic that they take care of this in D Vinci resolve 19 and next week I'm going to talk about importing SVG files and using it inside of the shape system and I have a lot of really cool tricks for that so make sure to stay tuned if the video is already out click here to watch that next
Channel: Jake Wipp
Views: 4,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve vector, davinci resolve shape system, davinci resolve vector animation, vector graphics davinci resolve, importing svg davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion vector, davinci resolve fusion svg, fusion advanced motion graphics, motion graphics davinci resolve
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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