The EASIEST Way to REPLACE A SCREEN in DaVinci Resolve 18 | Planar Tracker Tutorial

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Today, I'm going to show you the easiest way to  replace a screen in Davinci Resolve and I'm going   to show you two techniques both in the Fusion  page but don't worry you should be able to do   this even if you're a beginner and I'm also going  to show you why I almost threw my computer out the   window while making this tutorial yeah it was bad  frustrating but first things first if you're going   to film a screen yourself like I did so if you're  not going to use stock footage you're going to   need a screen replacement tracking image I don't  know what it's called it's these things see a lot   of times they're green but also white and you  can get them on stock footage websites but I   mean why would you pay for something that you can  easily make yourself I made mine in Photoshop just   a wide background type a plus sign copy it a few  times and done and then of course you should have   that image full screen on the screen you want  to film now there are a number of reasons why   someone would want to do a screen replacement but  usually it's because you can get better quality   of whatever it is you want to put on the screen  because there's no annoying Reflections or Mo   or whatever and and it also allows you to be more  flexible and have more control because you can add   things later if you want okay but let me just show  you how to replace a screen in Davinci Resolve and   I'm going to show you two techniques the first one  is the simplest one but you can only use it for a   static shot so when there's no camera movement so  this is our clip and let's go to the fusion page   right away then with the media in node select it  add a merge node and it will connect automatically   in between the media in and out node then drop the  clip of whatever it is that you want on the screen   in the node area here connect it to the merge node  there we go then select that clip or that node of   the clip and hit shift plus space bar look for the  CornerPositioner and add it and now all you have   to do is drag the corners in the correct position  like this and done now if the contrast or the   colors or the sharpness or noise of what's on the  screen doesn't match with the rest of the video   you can of course of course add some other nodes  to correct that and to make it look more realistic   but I'll show you that in a bit first I want to  show you the second technique the technique that   you can use for a moving shot a handheld shot for  example like this one okay so again in the fusion   page with the media inote selected hit shift plus  space bar and look for the planar tracker add it   and then make sure that the play head is here at  the beginning of the clip and draw a rectangle on   the screen like that doesn't have to be super  accurate just make sure that you include the   plus signs that's important then hit set and start  tracking and now resolve will track the movement   of your handheld shot okay and then once it's  finished drop the clip of whatever it is that   you want on the screen connect it to the plan art  tracker and set the operation mode of the plan art   tracker so make sure that it's selected set the  operation mode to corner pin and then again like   before drag the corners to the correct position  and done not too difficult right and and you know   you could even add some Motion Graphics or some  animated titles from motion VFX for example and   what do you know what a coincidents they're  sponsoring this video no look seriously ever   since I started this channel I've only been using  plugins animated titles and Motion Graphics from   motion VFX for all my videos I love them not only  because everything they offer looks super cool   just check out their latest editions for example  m style cinematic a cinematic toolkit and then   M review everything you need for your tech review  Channel but I also love that everything is easy to   use Plug and Play drag and drop and on top of that  you can easily customize everything by adjusting   the settings go check them out the link is in the  description okay and now let me show you how to   make your screen replacement look more realistic  first what if the screen replacement looks too   sharp for example well just select it and add  a blur node but the problem here is as you can   see the blur effect doesn't affect the edge of the  screen replacement see but it should of course cuz   otherwise it looks a bit weird so what you need  to do then is first set the amount of blur you   want not too much of course I just want a tiny bit  of blur then select a screen replacement clip and   add a transform node scale it make it smaller see  and now you can see the edge is also being blurred   let me make it more clear if I go to the blur Noe  again make it stronger see and then all you have   to do let me set it back is select the plan art  tracker node and reposition the corners so that   it covers the screen and in the same way you can  also add some grain hit shift space bar look for   grain and add it and then just match the grain  of the screen replacement with the grain of the   other clip of the surroundings of the rest of the  video or another example let's say you want to put   a horizontal video on a vertical screen so the  aspect ratio doesn't match well just select the   video Hit shift plus space bar and add a crop node  and then crop the image in this case it's useful   to check this here keep centered and then when  you're done reposition the corners and boom done   but what if the colors or the contrast doesn't  match well I'm going to show you and this is where   I almost went crazy like it was so frustrating  calm down it's okay I found a solution I'm going   to show you so select the screen replacement clip  and add a color correction node and then you can   adjust the gain or the Satur duration right  so far so good but then when I tried adjusting   the lift for example because I wanted to mute the  blacks and let me exaggerate it a bit now see what   happens what is that it does that weird thing here  some kind of invisible mask that like I don't know   and I have absolutely no idea why it does that  when I adjust a lift but not when I adjust the   gain or the saturation what the hell is that and  I didn't know how to fix it so I started watching   a bunch bu of YouTube tutorials and you know what  in most of those tutorials they only adjusted the   saturation or the gain not the lift so I was like  yeah great now what so none of those tutorials   showed me how to adjust lift or brightness or  contrast even without getting that weird effect   that mask or whatever but then after spending an  entire Sunday morning gulping buckets of coffee   and getting all frustrated I finally found a  solution and it was super simple here it is   all you need to do is select the color correction  node then add a rectangle and then set the width   and the height of that rectangle to one and boom  and I have no idea why this works but sometimes   I guess you don't need to know it works so yeah  but if one of you can tell me why that happens   you know why it does that weird thing with that  mask and it looks all weird tell me because I do   want to know let me know in the comments thank you  so much for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 16,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve tutorial, Davinci Resolve 18, Davinci Resolve 18 for beginners, Davinci Resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, Davinci Resolve tutorial for beginners, Davinci Resolve screen replacement, how to replace a screen in davinci resolve
Id: ugUYBgf-11c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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