ANARCHY! Corrupt Leaders & The Greatest UNSEEN War (Ephesians 6:5-11) | Dr. Gene Kim

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remember this is a word for word verse by verse bible study so the goal of this is that you understand every single word in the bible some people have a hard time understanding the bible so that's why i strongly recommend watching our verse by verse bible studies because i literally explain every word and once you get the gist down as you keep listening for hours then pretty soon the rest of the bible will become easy to understand all right let's look at ephesians chapter six we'll go to verse five now servants be obedient to them that are your masters so notice that there is a class of people called servants that god commands them to obey to those that are their masters now some people are wondering what kind of masters these are could they be spiritual no these are literal masters notice it says according to the flesh so these are flesh and blood masters so yes there was slavery back in the old days that went on for the majority of human history actually if you keep reading it says with fear and tremble with the with fear and trembling so the bible says that when you obey these masters you have to do it with fear and you have to do it with trembling it also says in singleness of your heart so there has to be a unity of your heart not like a double-mindedness two thinkings here like one of bitterness and then you obey him at the same time no actually it should be with your whole heart in singleness like i want to obey as unto christ notice that this obedience is surrendered to jesus christ when you obey him why because the idea is when god tells you to obey somebody then it's obeying god as well we saw that with children obeying parents wives submitting to husbands and that was this and that's the same thing with these slaves to their masters now some people might think that this is referring to a higher class but that's not actually true this is not where we get like butlers or a higher class of people today although at times it can apply to that we do know in this passage it's not you might say how do we know that it's very simple because of context if you read the if you keep reading down it says that verse 8 knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth the same shall he receive of the lord whether he be bond or free so notice here that this is referring to slavery now this and other passages in your bible are used by critics to show that we'll see you know god he actually condones slavery over there but no that's not true uh if you look at the old testament it's very very infamous concerning about slavery where some atheists still play well didn't you know that in the old testament that god says that you can sell your child to be sold as a slave and then people get baffled by that so then how do you answer that well the answer is actually more simple than you think you might say really yeah because number one you have to understand the culture of that time i think that's what people don't understand they don't understand about the culture of that time the culture of that time if people actually really dig into it is that slavery was the norm you might say well i don't agree with that well here's the thing is that if you put your cultural norms of today especially with the legalization of what you're smoking and then the marriages that you're legalizing if you enforced it uh during that time then they would actually say the same thing about you they would actually say well i don't agree with that so what's the point here the point is which people don't understand the point is that god he's not the type that forces people away from what is the norm of their culture that time a good example is polygamy god allowed that during the old time but actually god for some of you who don't know this god actually did not want polygamy during that time he wanted it to just be uh one man and one woman but uh some people they think that oh well god he allowed polygamy he commanded polygamy no that's not the case the case is is that because mankind wanted it the mankind they said that if you look at what jesus said when he was talking with his disciples that it was originally one man one woman the disciples were saying well then it's good not to marry at all if we can't just if we can't divorce whenever we want to because uh they had a polygamy of wives so they can choose whoever they wanted so that was the norm of that time but in our timeline we would think that you're a male shabbat or something like that you're a horrible man imagine wives that your husband did that to you be a reign of terror so to speak perhaps so the idea is this the idea is is you have to think about what's the cultural norm of that time and god because he's such a it should actually magnify his grace rather than how mean god is see some people think that when god had slavery that time or polygamy or other things like stoning to death and other norms cultural norms of that timeline when god mentioned about those things some people think that god is being too hard but actually it's the opposite god is extremely gracious why because that was the norm of the people that time and if god changed that and said no i want it to be something different then they would have collapsed i mean think about uh the norm of this time is basically it's normal for you to take god's name in vain and to say the f word that's normal for you guys and you have no single guilty conscience about it shame on you but during the that time of the children of israel if you took god's name in vain the norm was stoning you to death see that so thank god that we're not going through that process today of stoning to death why because that's an example of god's grace to you to allow you with your cultural norm of this time so you got to realize that actually what god allows mankind to do like saying the stupid f word and people where they had divorce of women just like that at the old testament or slavery and etc you got to realize that that's not actually the meanness of god but rather his grace and mercy he's allowing people to do that because if he changed it then it would have ruined all of the entirety of structure and society and it would have been too much for those people to bear i mean that's what the disciples said when jesus told them that it was originally one man one woman that's not supposed to be divorcing whoever you want and have a polygamy of wives and the disciples says this is just too much for us to bear see so people don't understand that so you got to realize that when god talks about certain things in the bible that was the norm of that time now returning to the passage another thing is this is that go to romans chapter 13 romans 13 so then god understanding that this was the normal practice of that time where they had slavery then god realized if that's going to be your norm that you have to practice in your society then what is important to understand is that you have to have a good practice of where the servant is acting submissive and obedient to the leader and the leader has to be the leader has to be compassionate and not abusive to the servant that principle applies notice that principle applies with children submitting to the parent and the parent as a leader not being abusive but compassionate and understanding with the children same thing with the wives with obeying and submitting to the husband and the husband as a leader making sure to showing uh loving the wife as much as he would love his own body not abusing his authority and that's the same thing with today's principle with people submitting to the government leaders that they never changed and government powers is even worse than a status sometimes of a husband being a leader a parent being a leader or the master being the leader sometimes the government can be worse you might say why because government is always corrupt in every historical timeline masters husbands and parents you'll get a large amount of good people and there are those abusive bad ones too but a large amount of them you'll get good people too but in government nearly every government about 99 of your government throughout all of history is always corrupt and god says see even with corrupt leaders we as servant status so to speak or people obeying the leader status we have to submit to the authority so the idea is this the idea is not about slavery or men abusing wives because i'm the one in charge or children not having an in children not being able to grow and become more mature because they have to obey their parents it's not a see this is what society is teaching us they're stretching so much to the class of freedom that basically it's what they're deceiving you is it's not freedom it's rebellion god what he's thinking about is he's not thinking about slave status or uh women being abused in all of ephesians five and six what he's simply thinking about is obedience to leadership and authorities those who have authoritative positions god does not want to see rebellion see that's the idea because it is a sin if there is a society if society is set or uh god sets up a principle in the bible where a person has an authoritative position god expects obedience not rebellion see that's the whole idea do you understand go to romans chapter 13. look at this verse what let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of god whosoever therefore resists the power resists the ordinance of god and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil uh notice verse 4 for he is the minister of god to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the soreness sword in vain for he is the minister of god and not only that we have to give fear and tribute just like the servant does to the master at ephesians 6. look at verse 7. render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honor to whom honor see that so notice that there is no difference right here with the citizens submitting to the government with ephesians chapter 6 where the servant has to submit to the master now going back to these facts then brings up this question the big question is well what what about an example pastor like the american revolutionary war were we wrong so that is a hard question to ask so then the idea is this because we especially during the times where we're hitting with the coronavirus situation there's a lot of christians and churches who are really going for the anarchist route see rush limbaugh he had to disable a lot of his accounts because he was saying that you know those people back at the american revolutionary war i'm glad they did not uh submit to the government i'm glad that they spoke out and they spoke out against the taxes and then they dumped the tea off the ships and they uh raised up a rebellion we should do the same thing too and you remember that riot that they had at cap capitol hill so because uh limbaugh was basically where it appeared as he was condoning a riot he had to condone all the social media accounts so see it becomes a really abstract line now where okay then up to what point then up to what point is it were we wrong in rebelling so the simple answer which is actually not a simple answer but it is a simple answer when you take it with simplicity is i don't know that's the best position because uh there are bible-believing preachers who say that the american revolutionary war that uh we were right for doing so and that there were baptist preachers who were involved in that and then there are other people who would say that uh no they were wrong that you uh they should have obeyed the government actually so there's a mingled opinions amongst bible believers and me the safest opinion is to always say i don't know and why because i'm not at the american revolutionary war timeline so i don't have to worry about that but i am in this timeline and i know from my spiritual conviction what's right so the idea is this is that in order to tell uh uh who was right and who's wrong it's the same chapter romans 13 romans 13. for some people who didn't notice that it's actually in the same place all right so if you look at romans 13 when the bible talks about submitting to the government notice when we keep reading down at verse 8 oh no man anything now remember verse 7 is submitting to the government the powers that be the very next verse says oh no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another had fulfilled the law now did you see that that's the key there so notice that god says oh no man anything so in other words uh make sure that you don't go in debt pay your taxes submit to the government but the next line he says you have the idea is we're thinking about loving one another why is it that we have to submit to the government because we love people we love one another what do you mean by that pastor because realize this government and structure is set up for the people it's to have an organized society not chaos all over you have to have rules i mean no matter how much of an anarchist you are you do have rules you do have principles even gangs and criminals have rules and codes didn't you know that so the idea is this is that the idea is is that if you care for your society you love the people that's the reason why submission to the government is in principle but the idea is this is that the next part it says for he that loveth another had fulfilled the law do you see that you're not a law breaker when you're thinking about other people and you love them did you hear what i say you're not a law breaker when you're thinking about other people and you love them so the idea is this so i'm not saying i condone the revolutionary war but to share the side of the people of the bible believers who condone the american revolutionary war the idea is this those guys weren't law breakers you might say how so the reason why is because they were thinking about the principle of loving the people loving one another so that when you're thinking about people what's best for them and you love them you know that hey it's because of that i have to follow the government even though they're corrupt in some things and submit to its authority why because i burden the people or it can go the other way well because my family is in jeopardy we're in heavy taxation my people are being persecuted by brutal british soldiers etc a baptist preacher was i believe uh killed murdered because of the british soldiers so because i love my fellow christians who are being basically i guess persecuted by these uh britons i am going to join in the american revolutionary war see that here's another example another example is even if you're submitting to the government here's a great abstract example okay let's say we're submitting to the powers that be we don't get involved in a rebellion or in a war and they even persecuted christians and we're not involved in a war at all in a revolutionary war we're willing to lay down our lives for jesus christ be persecuted etc but let's say that even at that point they were to grab your wife and your children okay in your home and then these soldiers brutally beat your wife and your children and then they did god forbid they sexually assaulted them etc what are you gonna do as a man submit to their authority or you're actually going to take out a gun or maybe even fight back see that so even in a very abstract point let's say that happens to me i submit to the powers that be okay and i'm willing to be persecuted for jesus etc and then they arrest me etc but at some point i'm gonna break because when these soldiers come inside my house i uh i get arrested my wife and children get arrested but all of a sudden they start to beat up on my kids and my wife and maybe even sexually assault them you think i'm just going to sit down like a good boy or you think i'm going to get up and beat them see that so you got to understand this that's why god never said a a a fine line on how much you can submit and how much to rebel god simply sees it as at verse eight that is crucial key if you love one another if you love people you fulfill the law you're not a law breaker so then why would i submit to the government today for example right why would i get involved in a revolutionary war and some onliners might get upset at me and they say why don't you get involved at the capitol riot why are you condemning those people for doing that the reason why is this is because i'm not just thinking about myself everyone when they get involved in a war or revolution they're only thinking about their rights my rights my rights my rights my rights but you don't think about people because uh am i willing you got to realize this just if i get involved in a stupid riot like that is that worth the sacrifice of losing the ministry of my people in san francisco bay area because of one riot that i got involved in because of just one and not only that it wasn't even worth it too they squelched me out is it worth it where onliners you don't hear bible believing truth anymore how many of you got saved how many of you heard about bible believing truth because we're still on you know why because i didn't get involved many years ago in something stupid where it would arrest me or i would uh where i would get arrested or i'd lose my ministry just because i get involved in some kind of riot or something like that so some of you onliners can be very very critical towards me saying you're such a compromiser pastor why won't you go out and why won't you speak out well then uh why are you watching me and why how did you get saved how did you hear about bible believing truth that's very ungrateful of you it's because i did what was right because i cared about your soul about people's soul the only time that i cannot submit remember that's the same principle in any leadership position and any submissive rule the only time you don't submit is what when they make you sin when it violates scripture but when it doesn't do that you submit as much as you can because why that scriptural principle that's the idea okay going back going back ephesians chapter 6. so i hope that was extremely helpful so you trust me you wanna know this because the times are gonna get a little bit worse in our day and age it's gonna get worse all right let's look at verse six now we're going to look at uh verse six the bible says not with i service so then those servants they're not supposed to just uh please the masters where hey look at me you see what i'm doing no then uh you're a people pleaser then yeah you're a people pleaser you're basically a lap dog actually i mean the bible did say to submit but the bible never said to intend it to be like a lap dog like hey look at me am i not a good guy and sometimes you might be doing it hypocritically too you don't mean it all right continuing reading on the bible says you don't do it where the masters get pleased by seeing you as men pleasers we don't do it to please men but as the servants of christ that's the idea so then these slaves during that timeline they were supposed to obey the masters why because they were thinking about i'm doing it for the lord not for him because there are masters who are unsaved people as well you know actually it's a huge blessing where these servants were able to lead their masters to salvation you might say give me an example a great example is the syrian general at the old testament there was a jewish slave girl she was captured from her homeland in a pagan land but because she was a proper uh slave girl and then she abided by biblical principle and was a good testimony she was able to lead her master to salvation and her master was a high-class general in the pagan army see that's a great example so obviously it's not like there's slavery today but we can consider this in a spiritual application where there is a servant class and a leadership class so to speak so whether you're a person as an inmate in prison or a worker in a business job or even a butler serving uh the man or the woman of the house the point is is that if you have some kind of servant class position you don't want to do it where you try to serve them gaining their attention or to please people you're doing it for jesus christ so that's a great example for all of you who are working in jobs to do it because of jesus christ not to please your boss and then get a higher pay right doing the will of god from the heart so that's the whole idea all of it is from the heart all of it has to be done from the heart go to the book of colossians please go to the book of colossians some people don't understand that when we serve the lord we have to do it in a way where all of our heart is put into it we can't just do it because it's just tradition or because we just do it the idea is is when we serve the lord and when we do things for him all of our heart and mind has to be put into it uh look at verse 17 look at verse 17 colossians chapter 3 excuse me chapter 3 chapter 3 and uh verse 17 please notice that the bible reads and whatsoever you do in word or deed so whatever you say and whatever you do god says do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him so notice that it's doing it for god it's doing it accordingly to his name uh look at verse 23 verse 23 and whatsoever ye do do it heartily as to the lord and not unto men knowing i have the lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance that's the idea so when returning to ephesians 6 if these servants so i'm not just limit limiting to slaves because we're not under slavery today i'm applying it as a servant class in general because everyone has that kind of class and status every one of you when you're serving you're a leader or quote unquote your master so to speak you got to realize it's not done for them or to gain their attention attention and that's what people do for money money money you got to do it because i'm doing it for god that's what you got to do uh even students when you're studying in school you got to realize you're not doing it to please your professor you're doing it uh for the lord you're doing it for the lord and then you just trust god with whatever grade or score you get out at the end it's that simple let god be the one in charge of your internship externship your higher pay your promotion a good grade your transfer to a better position etc let god be the mind out of everything and don't do it to please people and then the lord so that's why when you do that then the lord can bless it so then these slaves during that timeline they were rewarded and blessed by god when they have the same mentality like you people do today uh let's look at verse seven with goodwill doing service that matches with our colossians chapter three you have to do it with the right heart good will good intention not like grudgingly oh i have to do it or you complain you do it with goodwill try doing that in your workplace that's difficult right i could probably park it a little bit right there your boss can be a jerk and other people too but you have to have good intention and you got to realize i'm not doing it for him i'm doing it for the lord that's the idea slaves had to do at that timeline and they had it worse than you did back then notice over here at verse 7 with goodwill doing service as to the lord and not to men and that's key now this thus ends at ephesians 5 all the way to ephesians 6 6. all the passage is all about submission that's the key so god all he cares about in these passages is how much are you willing to submit to authority don't be rebellious uh don't be a bad testimony make sure that you do it in a way where it's uh pleasing to the lord that's the idea so notice that ephesians five and six violates today's uh anarchist type of society and if you don't believe that today's liberal-minded principles is full of anarchy just look at antifa all right that is anarchy that and you know how they talk they talk this is freedom this is as one stupid government leader said summer of love see that's the delusion that is delusion delusion is when you have to get rid of authority and that includes people who are against the liberal government today too who are so much into conspiracy theories both sides of the left and right wingers have a problem with submitting to authority and we absolutely refuse to follow this kind of rebel generation because it is what the devil uses a rebel generation to raises up a bunch of rebels and remember this satan always uses freedom to uh disguise rebellion think about the communists how did the communist governments come out the communist governments they came out because they fooled the people into thinking this is freedom so finally we get rid of our aristocratic leaders and we're all equality wrong the dictators use the equality excuse the freedom excuse put them in bondage think about the liberals generation a lot of people didn't know where uh mlk uh his name is actually not martin luther but it's actually michael uh luther king jr his real name is michael but him and then the other liberals who picked it off michael was actually tied to communists you didn't know that did you they weren't uh they didn't release the records until supposedly last year last year supposedly so i don't know what happened to that because the virus may have changed things but he was with communist ties why because of that equality status that people were brainwashed into thinking then the liberal generation picked it off deceiving people and minorities this is all about equality status but now you just push that what you call freedom but it's disguising rebellion and you push it more and more and more and more that's gone to a point of no return where at 2020 you're just justifying whatever riots and anarchy is coming out there what's the point the point is is that when the lord sets up authority people don't like that that's the bottom line the bottom line now did people suffer oppression and unfairness sure but guess what we do too today still that will never change oppression and unfairness that never changes so it's not to justify abusive authoritative positions there were aristocratic leaders before the communist leaders who are abusive who were dictatorial in their authorities tyrannical etc we get that but guess what uh it will always remain in every generation when people have a position of power they get drunk on it and they carry that power further that will never change so what you got to understand is what god is looking at is the root cause the root cause is man in his innate nature has a rebellious attraction right a rebellious attraction even look think about it get rid of all abuse in authoritative positions all right will that get rid of your rebellious nature within you it will never it will never whether you get rid of authority or you have authority nothing's gonna change we will have rebellion forever that's why god realizes that submission is important one important thing is this all right this is the last thing i'll say and then we'll go to the next part because i'm parking on this because it's very important because when i look at history this has always been our problem is rebellion that's why genesis 6 happened genesis 6 no government that time uh they had a rebellious nature imagination of the heart was only evil continually so god had to drown them out with the flood and then they finally had some sort of human government but that didn't help either the last thing that i want to say is this is that the lord is really going to try and test your submission by uh putting leaders who might be unfair or who might have problems right that'll be good preaching you might say why is that good pastor because trust me one day okay a lot of people attend bible believing churches all happy and all joyous but they see some flaw with the bible believing pastor because no pastor is perfect including your pastor here and then when you have that your expectation comes down and then you backslide you don't go to church and then you're all by yourself in the flesh that's why because we have this mindset of we that i can only submit when the leader is perfect in an ideal perfect world then i can follow the rules but guess what that's that's fantasy no leader is perfect only jesus christ why do you think that at uh verse 5 6 and then when god was speaking to the women to submit to husband 29 to 33 children to the parents why did god say that it's submitting to the lord not to men because he knows mankind is imperfect sinful so he says when you obey remember this just look at me as your perfect leader okay this is going to be helpful because times are going to get worse times are going to get worse and i hope that especially onliners remember what i caught today that way in the future the devil don't take your rebellious nature streak and ruin your lives okay uh let's look at verse eight knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth so any good thing that you do the same shall receive of the lord you're gonna get your reward from the lord remember that was colossians three you read that passage you get an inheritance from god whether he be bond or free so whether you're bond or whether you're free the point is whatever good thing you do god takes account and he rewards it now obviously this does not uh god does not allow masters to become abusive in their position same thing with husbands not being abusive or parents being abusive so then the lord says at verse 9 and he masters do the same things unto them forbearing threatening so god's saying that the masters they have to do good will good intention to the slaves too of that timeline forbearing threatening so god says that threat threatening slaves is actually wrong they have to forbear it they have to withhold it knowing that your master also is in heaven that's scary why because they've they've got a master up in heaven and if he threatens you when you actually deserve the threatening you and i would have been shot to hell a long time ago neither is there respect of persons with him now that's an important line that god mentioned to the masters god is saying that with individuals god doesn't take respect like oh the masters have a better position than the servants to god's eyes every individual is a child of god to him so he says over here that how well i treat the slave is the same thing how well i would treat the master so then that was the problem with the masters of that timeline and then no wonder that the people had a rebellious uh they had to rebel against the masters no wonder people during the american revolutionary war had to rebel against the government and then even today today children and wives rebel against the leadership and authority why because of abusive positions remember i told you about that hippie generation i know they're rebels and they're in the wrong they're totally in the wrong but they did have a legitimate reason their parents were people who did not raise their children right they took uh abuse uh they took an abusive authority so to speak they weren't compassionate loving parents you know if you have a leader who's compassionate and loving towards you you'd listen to them more you'd follow to them more so that's why it's important that uh leaders don't abuse their positions no wonder we're in a messed up generation so don't uh so here's something that i have to say actually you really can't blame some people might get upset at me but it's true you can't really blame the blm rioters you might say oh pastor no no you really can't blame them because they're trying to find any excuse out there of some kind of white man somewhere where they were oppressive and just 10 white people is good enough for them you got to realize now it doesn't give them legitimate reason for what they do but it still doesn't change the fact that if look if they couldn't find any abuse to begin with they don't have a good excuse but they're digging anywhere for anything that's abusive out there to justify their reasons for rebellion so guess what don't give the world an excuse don't give your children an excuse to rebel don't give your wife an excuse to rebel leaders when you have a leadership position don't give the people who are serving you uh excuse to rebel never do that so i know that this is talking about slaves and masters at verse five and nine but we definitely can take a lot of spiritual application over here basically is that if you're at a serving position and then if you're at a leadership position then you got to realize that the leaders should take their authority their position very seriously and can't blame the people who are serving them if they rebel if they abuse their authority god forbid this pastor does it a lot of ifb pastors independent fundamental baptist pastors have that problem they have that major problem because why they're thinking about building an empire and controlling everybody and then guess what the lord judged them severely so we have to look at this passage look at james look at the book of james now look a master position is not fun you might think that oh it's unfair that they can say and do whatever they want but no it's not what you think look at the book of james and then we'll look at uh chapter three chapter three verse one james chapter three and then uh we'll read verse one notice that uh the bible reads that we are not supposed to take too much ode to joy about our master class position and take it very lightly verse 1 says my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the what greater condemnation masters receive a worse condemnation than the servant when they mess up you might say why because they're a leadership authority well then pastor are you saying that me as a husband gets it worse than the wife [Laughter] do pastors get it worse than the members yeah do um uh parents get worse than the children you think that you can abuse your power after that go to ephesians 6 ephesians 6 see the lord's uh when he sets up a structure even the worst time where people might think today about slavery one god tries to meet it that's comfortable to the norm of that timeline that shows his grace and the second thing that manifests his grace is that he makes sure that everybody is treated rightly he rebukes both the leader and the person who is under submission so god is never unfair remember that we're going to look at verse 10 now now this is the key passage that you want to know ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 through 18 verses 10 through 18 is about spiritual christian warfare that you must know about the bible says that ephesians chapter 6 and then verse 10 finally my brethren so paul says finally so why did he say finally because he just went on a spiel like i did about submission submission submission submission at chapter five in chapter six and then he went also on a long time talking of uh kicking against sin at chapter four and chapter three uh chapter four and chapter five and then the latter the middle of chapter five he talked about giving thanks being filled with the spirit singing psalms and then paul paul is basically giving a long sermon a very long sermon uh ephesians i mean i'm telling you ephesians starting at chapter four all the way through six is a great sermon it's a great sermon it has everything that you can talk about a sermon there so ephesians four through six ephesians uh let's see ephesians one through three is about the results of your salvation and the dispensation that paul received and then he the latter part of ephesians chapter six is spiritual warfare that's a great thing ephesians is such a great book it has it's a mixture of doctrinal practical and uh devotional and all applying to the christian all applying to the christian great passage all right now uh verse 10 spiritual warfare will probably probably be the most important chapter uh more most important topic of all of ephesians probably all right my throat was hurting so i apologize i had to do that all right verse 10. finally so paul finally wraps up his long message of rebuking sin and telling them what to do my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might so paul says that the christian that they should be strong in the lord so it's in the lore that you are strong and it's also done at the power of his might go to the book of philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3. so that's self-explanatory right you got to be strong but it's in god that you find your strength notice that you have to be in power but that power is found in his might not your might strong and power and that is all found through the lord himself okay reading on philippians chapter three notice that we cannot we cannot have confidence in the flesh that is so important when you're fighting the devil when you're fighting demons don't ever do it of your own ability don't do it by your own planning no matter how good your plan is don't say well i'll just keep pushing no you can't do that then you will fall and you will die and you will give up and you will get depressed and you will think that god has given you a burden and a battle greater than you can bear of course you think that way because you're doing it in your own strength look at verse four uh verse three for we are the circumcision which worship god in the spirit and rejoice in christ jesus and what have no confidence in the flesh notice that so god's we notice that the bible says we have to do it in the spirit in christ jesus don't be confident in your flesh all right go back to ephesians 6. never do that church that's the reason why so many uh i can even tell you this a lot of pastors fell away you might say why because they had confidence in their flesh look what i did my empire that i built all the souls i led christ the sermons that i preached i get so many altar calls all the time and that's very dangerous when you get that way you got to watch out for that [Music] uh look at verse 11 put on the whole armor of god that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil so noah said it says you have to stand you have to stand against now combining with verse 10 that word says be strong in the lord that's a command it's not an option go to second timothy ii timothy 2. all right now this is something that you know but you really don't know all right now was that too deep for you or did you get that this is something that you know or you should know but you just don't really know and you just don't get it in your mind you might say what do you mean pastor what i mean is this um you live in a very spoiled generation excuse me and you know i think that the context flows beautifully it ties with the previous verses that we talked about about our rebellious nature not being submissive because the idea is is why is it that we have this nature that wants to keep rebelling and notice the younger generation and younger generation get even more spoiled and we wonder why are they so spoiled it's because of that lack of authority and submission to follow orders see that we want to go by rebellious nature how we want to do things when that happens the sensitivity increases the sensitivity increases where we get offended more easily a person who's used to following orders they don't have that kind of mentality a person if you're in the military if you've been in the military before and you're used to following orders back in the old days and just obeying just at once and stuff like that they don't get like hyper sensitive they don't like whine about the silliest things drop down and give me 20. oh why do i have to do that you know they don't become like that or oh this is so hard and no they don't do that now they are they're trying to make them do that you know it's so ridiculous but the idea is this why do people have that nature because they're used to be given a handout they're used to being given a handout person following orders they're used to trial pain and even leaders who mess up anyways they're used to that yet they're thinking about what's right and what's following orders and they don't get spoiled as much easily so because we live in a rebellious nature that will lead to weakness in warfare and that's what the devil is looking at so we think that when we now this is going to be hard for some of you now we don't take your suffering your burden lightly amen uh the bible says bury one another's burdens and we talked about that even in ephesians two that there's a limit to that one but you've got to realize this is that quite often the reason why you're feeling so burdened is because you don't take it as the norm in life you're so used to america is so free i'm independent i deserve to be spoiled i deserve my rights and etc etc so because of that when some kind of pain or catastrophe happens and what happens then you why you complain you think life is too difficult and hard talk about uh you talk about the slaves at the dark ages you think that uh they they had the mentality like you or they knew that look this is the norm in life man it was a nightmare during you heard about the history of the dark ages from my lesson that was the norm that time that some viking would just come inside your home and your family and you have to run for your lives my goodness we're at a five generation today wally's whining about something always being weak look at second timothy chapter two verse one thou therefore my son be what strong in the grace that is in christ jesus look at verse three thou therefore in your hardness as a good soldier of christ did you see that now what people don't understand go to second timothy four now second timothy four and we're gonna have to wrap it up here saint timothy chapter four [Music] this is what we see as the spirit world in this spirit world we are facing forces and energy and powers of darkness this is the world that you're walking in it's not a beautiful world it's a world of darkness and spiritual powers you know what you think that your life is you think your life this is your problem is america what you see in tv advertisements and what hollywood displays on stupid television and what you mess up around in video games and as every younger generation wants a higher quality pick then their generation their mentality of a beautiful world gets even more spoiled now this is your problem this is okay your world is not happiness you know this is a world of doom and gloom sorry now i don't i don't know if i shattered your world and you don't want to come to our church anymore after that but it's actually a world of doom and gloom it's a world of darkness it's a world where pain has to happen where satan has to attack you where the powers that be have to tempt you where you're at warfare 24 7. why are you thinking about a beautiful house and then a nice family and then a church where we can all get along and then a job with the good pay you're in a fantasy man now look god can give you those things and there is great joy in the christian life amen but see you're so lost in that that you think that that is the greater world in the world you're living in is happiness and positivity no wonder people love joel osteen that's the world that he's offering to them a tv generation mindset you got to realize the world that we're living in is evil it's wicked and it's hard so it's expected that as soon as you get up in the morning you grit your teeth drag yourself to pray on your knees read the bible go to job be a good testimony people treat you unfairly and work go to church and things bad happen in your church or something messes up in your home that's normal wow you're being strong pastor yeah because you know what i'm doing you're in boot camp right now and you need to get yelled at a little bit because and some online said why do you yell you don't have to yell see that's the kind of a mindset generation we live in army it's normal that they yell at you why because they're trying to get that pansy streak off of you you're not used to that you're used to that siri voice which a female voice siri female voice that sounds so calm and tender that when she's giving you orders you go oh siri yes i'll make a left turn for you that's the generation we live in man that's a generation we live in it's expected that you have to sweat for god you have to shed blood for him that's normal so when you get up in the morning don't have an excuse not to come to church not to read your bible not to conquer the sin because it's too hard what did you expect it's supposed to be hard if you realize that to begin with if it's hard then that means you have no excuse then you think that because it's hard you have a legitimate excuse that's not a legitimate excuse it's supposed to be hard did you read the verse now therefore in your hardness look at chapter four and verse seven i have fought a good fight i have finished my course i have kept the faith see yeah that's how you should live till the end there's no there's no end in the middle of your life to this battle this warfare just because the lord delivered you from one problem and one suffering that doesn't mean it ends there's another one coming there's a hundred more coming you got to realize that when does it end pastor it will never end yet it doesn't end till the day you die that's christian warfare until we die and go to heaven that's where we get it so if you realize about christian warfare then you will understand about battling things in life you have to be strong okay all right let's end it here so we're going a little bit over the time now so let's close it off here god my father i pray that today's teachings are a blessing and a help to the hearers i had to preach a lot against something within our flesh lord there's something within our flesh that i had to preach against so that we can be able to not be spoiled like this generation but be the way that you want us to be scripturally minded biblically principled to glorify you in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 28,567
Rating: 4.9125314 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: kLYNyuftYuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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