Filthy Entertainment & Christian Idol Worshippers (Ephesians 5:4-10) | Dr. Gene Kim

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so remember ephesians 5 3 is listing the sins that paul warns let it not be named amongst the church and these sins are common in churches and ministries have been caught doing this so i've i've explained with some names as well so this should not be named amongst our church so these are very common ones and you have to keep an eye out for these things and not allow it to happen now verse 4 is going to be important because a lot of people they think that these things are absolutely necessary in order to enjoy a good time that's the problem with people nowadays they think that in order to have a good time and find happiness in life is where they end endorse and immerse themselves in sin now you ever thought of that a lot of people the reason why they don't want to become christians is because they think that it's so religious and dry that it's weird and that you're not going to have any fun in life one thing that's important to understand is that fun does not equal joy that's one thing you gotta understand didn't you know that people that because that they laugh and they have fun that deep down inside they can just be as empty as hell they can be empty and they're just doing it to fill the void they're laughing to fill the void they're used they're go seeking after sin something filthy to fill in the void and they think that fun equals sin and comedy this is so common in amongst our wicked world the wicked world things say you have to have something dirty and you have to have comical in order to have fun in life which is true so to speak but they mistake that to equal joy true joy god gives you a different solution to find true joy compared to sin and comedy so let me explain one by one so verse 4 is good for you especially if you're drawn into the world especially if you don't feel like this church fits you and then you want to go to a church that appeals your flesh that gives you some sort of fun that meets your taste that's not true joy you have to understand that so let's look at this verse 4 neither filthiness so all sorts of filthy stuff dirty stuff it could even relate to something sexual nor foolish talking people think that you have to talk a lot even to the point of foolishness act like a fool in order to have fun in life to be happy nor digesting so making jokes being comical now the last part of the verses which are not convenient it's not convenient but people do these things for convenience that's important to understand see this is what people want it's not more so fun it's more so of convenient what is convenient for me for my flesh what draws a person back to that mega church oh that pastor is funny oh that pastor doesn't hurt my feelings oh christians are too legalistic so i want some so i want something that's more fun to my taste you mean sin you want that's contemporary music you want uh the worldly dressing you some preachers even put within worldly conversation can you imagine man all this kind of foolish stuff going around and there is foolish talking amongst churches nowadays and people think this is that the person that's fun to hang around with or i want to be friends with is the guy who talks the most or who acts like a fool this is all done for convenience people like something convenient but god says that that is not the case it's not convenient the opposite effect should be giving up thanks look at that last part that's the key that's good but rather giving of thanks that's what god says he believe god believes this god believes that in order to find convenience in life see true convenience is not found in this right in order to have a convenient life it's to give thanks and praise to the lord amen when you give praise to the lord and give him the glory that he deserves then you realize how convenient life is and you realize how much joy you have in life you know why you don't have much joy you're the typical wicked world you immerse and drown yourself out in comedy and in sin and the bible also mentions foolish talking so you have to talk so much to the point where it's foolish you believe that this is necessary to have a convenient life it's convenient for you it makes things fun for you it makes things enjoyable but god says that's not convenient he says that to find convenience is to give thanks why because he deserves all the glory that's one number two it's because you're discontent that was the key reason why you know what the problem with america is you are a bunch of discontented brats and snowflakes and i'm sorry to say that amen oh that includes you yes sir absolutely right in america we're prone to a machine where it feeds the flesh i want something better on the tv advertisement i want something better on the internet that's more catchy used to be myspace now they're pretty uh now the other parts are out instagram why it's more convenient for my flesh see that's the problem of americans they're not contented people they're on high demand for something more pleasing to their flesh and that's very very dangerous you have to stop and realize that you're on a dangerous road where it's going to a point where you'll forever be spoiled and you'll never be satisfied that's dangerous to be satisfied in life is to stop and be content how do you be content give thanks you know why you don't have a convenient life you don't think about all your blessings that you're thankful for you know why i enjoy my church not because we're funny not because we enjoy a lot of talking even though we do have some of that and i'll explain a little bit more uh each reason okay that some that it is good things what we're doing in some of these things but not all but i'll explain that a little later first i just have to explain this part about giving thanks it's not all the talking that we have because i've been to churches where they hardly talk and then i enjoy fellowship it's not because uh we're funny because i've been to churches that are just deadbeat serious and i enjoy a sermon look uh i don't know if you've heard of evangelist jim light or you've heard uh bill eubanks and some of these people but they're funny they're very funny and i enjoy their preaching so much alan ryman funny all right he's the highlight pretty much of the revival meaning that people want to listen to kyle stevens he's not funny but do we get a blessing yes we get a blessing because we don't depend on these things for joy in life we're thankful yes for our preacher for the people god put in our life the church you look at too many flaws and you try to find something that's funny to you or who does more foolish talking or something that's dirty and these are the kind of crowds that you got to get away from that's not convenient for you in life but you're deceiving yourself thinking that's the convenience for you that's a convenient life that's wicked as hell what if you're at a church where people don't talk i've been to those churches people don't talk because perhaps the culture is different or just people are different they're more serious-minded people but i can enjoy fellowship i don't know about you you might say how so because i give thanks to the lord i'm saved like they are i'm at a place where we talk something clean i don't have to worry about something where they're going to talk something liberal or wrong the wrong doctrine i'm at a place where i just focus on the lord i'm not by myself anymore like a lot of onliners who are suffering through loneliness and they want just bible-believing people around them i mean if i keep thinking about that then i realized man this is a great church to beat and what a convenient life amen brother that's how you should think when you do that then what happens right here yeah you enjoy convenience you can enjoy a convenient life it doesn't matter about our cultural age gaps i keep saying that over and over again i look forward to the time when i play with the uh kids in our church doesn't have to be people my age i always look forward to the time when i always talk to an elderly person in the church why because i try to focus on the good points that i'm thankful for what can i enjoy they're saved like me blood-bought like me some of them pray uh the elderly people it's a blessing that they would pray for you when they're bed-stricken and it's a blessing when you see little kids you know singing hymns see that that's greater joy than this kind of stuff yeah but people think you need this for a convenient life when you think like that you'll never be happy you'll never enjoy truly enjoy convenient life it's not convenient the bible says what's convenient is giving thanks start doing that and trust me your perspective in life will change you'll enjoy the food you eat the living situation you're at uh even the job situation you're at the money that you have the people that you have and everything has imperfections but guess what so do these things too these things have imperfections and you're gonna find something that you don't like and then you're gonna see something darker and darker right here heavier and heavier right here and heavier and heavier right here and then what kind of person are you gonna turn out to be you're going to turn out like some of those comedians who shot their brains out right because they think that to find joy in life is to act all conical so let's go to here at this text so verse 4 each pointer let's cover neither filthiness so obviously filthiness is sinful and it is wrong and that should not be justified so god wants filthiness out of the picture but there is a sense where it is so to speak quote-unquote justify so that's where people get confused they think verse four filthiness foolish talking or adjusting means absolutely nothing of that period so let me explain the balance here now sin is not justified obviously but then it says filthiness so let's use our heads now obviously filthiness is wrong we shouldn't use filthiness but let's be honest didn't paul mention something filthy go to the book of philippians keep your hand here go to philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3. there's something you don't understand this the world thinks that oh christianity is so boring so you're saying that i shouldn't joke one time and that uh in life that i cannot even say something this hard when i feel like it or you're saying that we can't enjoy a long conversation and laugh about it no the problem is this see these people when they go up this ladder they're so focused on this that's their focus in life for convenience god says the focus should be giving thanks that's the focus but it does not mean that you cannot talk and enjoy a long conversation not everyone is john wesley john wesley did not believe in talking more than 30 minutes you might say why is that because that man believes that the more that you talk something foolish might accidentally come out that you don't intend to so that guy was so holy so that was his rule is that not to talk more than 25 minutes that was his uh conviction but this doesn't mean that the lord forbids people from talking to each other hours and hours of fellowship uh comedy this doesn't mean that people cannot joke or use humor and this might surprise you even something filthy is justified here and there which might be shocking to you because look at philippians chapter three let's look at verse eight verse eight yea doubtless and i call i count all things but lost for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord for whom i have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but what dong that i may win christ notice that the apostle paul that he used something filthy in holy scripture did you hear what i just said holy scripture use something filthy now if you think that uh that's pretty extreme you don't know what extreme is did you did you read the major prophets the language of god when he rebuked the nation of israel this is god himself speaking he mentioned that their righteousness are nothing but filthy rags and actually i don't know if some of you knew this but that was referring to uh menstruated cloth so to speak this was really i mean the lord will use uh filthy stuff is it because he's a filthy god no get your mind out of the gutter you're so focused here god if you're focused here and something holy and spiritual some of these things you'll know when to use it in line in the right context as a proper christian okay why did paul say dom because god wants you to understand how filthy it is in his eyes that he says that's how wrong it is that's what he isn't it interesting what he said about when he used the strong language dung at philippians when he mentioned all our righteousness our filthy rags that was referring to man's self-righteousness that's how much god hates it like filthiness wickedness uh dark sexual stuff that was just taken for granted the lord will say it's filthy it's evil but he uses strong language for what self-righteousness he hates that way more so it's at the right context sometimes your preacher will use harder language right sarcasm and that's justified why to show you how much god hates it how wrong and evil it is that people have been you know what the problem with people are they've been programmed to justify and make clean good works and wrong doctrine but when it comes to filthy humor filthy language filthy sexual stuff they think that's justified and we should keep that you know what kind of you are you are programmed to insanity this wicked world you got to switch it around you got to put the filthiness upon what is truly filthy and wrong you got to make it that bad and that evil but you don't or you're too hard on some of the preachers i mean they love jesus yeah so did the pharisees they loved god they loved god but jesus christ rebuked them harder than prostitutes see you gotta put your you've been programmed wrong because you think preachers are so holy that it's untouchable and then you've been programmed to keep cussing using filthy language laugh at filthy humor especially some of you onliners that's that's weird to me you onliners get upset at me when i go hard and point out the filth of uh and when i actually use some hard language and hard humor on some of these preachers you say oh that's just wrong but then when it comes to uh filthy humor on the next youtube video clip that you guys watch you laugh about that and you think that's okay to let go but when i preach hard and use hard language on wrong doctrine and false preachers you think that should not be let go you've been programmed wrong how many dislikes have i got online already all right go back all right go back now foolish talking the key is this the bible says at the book of proverbs i don't know the passage but you can pretty much uh just write a small note on that the bible says multitude of words they're wanted not sin when you talk a lot there's going sin will pop out somewhere so that's why it's a matter of control so look there's nothing wrong with talking the bible says that the they exhorted themselves with fellowship and people have been doing that every day the apostles have been doing that so there's nothing wrong with talking for hours and hours in a long time but the thing is this there's a tendency there a tendency where you talk too much that all of a sudden you say things more loosely that you shouldn't have said and then it hurts somebody's feelings or you said something that was inappropriate as a christian so that's why you have to control that see this scale the point is using the scale here it's some it's a matter of balance what are you using it for right when you do that then talking much i mean sometimes let's be honest it could sound and appear like foolish talking if we uh talk about you know our pet cat the foolish thing that the pet cat did that was so funny and we all laugh about that so that can be a little bit of foolish time but at what context that's the thing the context is it used appropriately same thing here i even use the most extreme example this can be used but to what ex to what ex context what situation that's what explains the next part so we understand filthiness that it's used at the right context foolish talking right context but the next part gesting is also used at the right context so comedy joking around that's jesting so why did the lord put that as not convenient very simple because like i told you people think that's that's their focus in life and when that is done then that's what the lord rebukes good example uh there was this one comedian who is very funny and he did so much joking but the point is it's joy it's joking to a point that has no worth you're just joking you just feel like that you have to insert a joke to enjoy life that's where it gets wrong it's like you just joke for the point of it just uh just without point uh without any point to it you just want to joke it out and then one comedian when he was asked about why he would where did he get his jokes from his comical style he just says that uh he just uh he'll just joke 24 7 he just laughs even when it's pointless and that he'll laugh that's why some of these people you think they're a little little weird you go to uh robin williams jim carrey some of these guys i mean very funny some of these guys but then you can tell and it's easy to tell when they're joking that look you're just being pointless now you're just forcing it that's the problem so that's the key then the key is is that in filthiness foolish talking jesting it's just that is your complete focus in life if that's your complete focus in life if that's what dominates your life then that is sin that is wrong that's the problem there if that's the dominant thing in your life i would uh here's a great thing to do okay how you can tell you're off balance you're ready this is the easiest to tell if you're off balance do you give thanks more than you do these things when you do that then you'll know you're out of bounds then you'll know your focus in life what you're focusing on you're focusing on these to keep life going rather than this then you know you're way out of bounds so in life uh comedy there's nothing wrong because there are plenty of examples in scriptures is that if you uh for example if you look at the book of genesis uh god told abraham that you're gonna have a child abraham laughed and so the lord thought it'd be nice to laugh back at him why don't we name your son laughter you know what isaac means laughter the lord has a sense of humor lord has a sense of humor humor is actually a great asset as well the apostle paul when you go to uh let's look at this example go to acts 16. let's go to acts chapter 16. here's another example from scripture paul used humor and it was a great asset because paul he actually now this is some kind of extreme humor here but it got his point across he allowed these people these official city officials to beat him and he let them beat him but actually he could have gone away with it he had a legal right he says it's illegal that you beat me uh before uh proper questioning because i'm a roman citizen but they beat him without doing proper questioning but paul he saved that because he want to publicly shame them man look look at the dark humor he had there that's some dark humor like look at verse 36 and the keeper of the prison told this saying to paul the magistrates have sent to let you go now therefore depart and go in peace verse 37 but paul said unto them they have beaten us openly and condemned being romans and have cast us into prison and now do they thrust us out privately nay barely but let them come themselves and fetch us out you know what he basically said he basically say hey biden harris why don't you come down over here and give me apology i said instead in public until then i'm just gonna stay right over here and show that you've done so many illegal actions against me look at that man this is awesome this is laughter right here this is humor verse 38 39 guess what they came out they apologized and went out publicly with paul to show people that they've done the wrong exactly that's something to laugh about so humor can be an asset in sermons there are times where preachers use humor why because it can be a great asset but uh here's something that you don't know about evangelist jim white great preacher but even he said one time that he felt like the lord dealt with him at a point where he has been using too much humor so he's got to calm it down see that so that's why the important thing is this is that there's nothing wrong with using these things but you have to make sure they're not the dominant point they're not the focus in your life that's the key if they're the focus in your life then that becomes an issue and a problem amen all right let's go back to ephesians five okay so i exp i gave a lot of explanation here but i hope that made you understand now but it's also a valuable practical lesson in life how to enjoy life how to feel more fulfilled and that these things there is a balance to it there's a balance to it amen now let's go to ephesians chapter five and then we'll read uh verse five for this he know that no whoremonger so paul's saying there is something that you do know and what you do know is that no whoremonger so that's sex outside of marriage nor unclean person that's a person who's filthy the context is following three and four as you can tell context is following three and four the sins of america basically okay that's three and four so unclean person that's delving into dark uh filthy stuff nor covetous man that's a person coveting things that you don't have but you want it interestingly the bible says who is in a idolater ah did you see that now i don't know if you knew this but covetousness is idolatry covetousness friends is idolatry so this typical american who's all into this in life will obviously also have this too his imagination runs wild and don't say that you don't do this and then you see a tv commercial and then you go oh i want that house because the bay area just stinks man and i hate my stinking apartment why can't i have a nice house one day juan your thoughts are too low you should be looking up there house you got a mansion up in heaven i don't know what you're looking at that's one uh number two the reason why covetousness is idolatry is because what is idolatry idolatry is basically something that you worship you adore something that's uh focused more exalted more focused than god that's an important note if that's the idea think about it that makes so much sense like covetousness is idolatry you might say why is that because the reason why is you adore you practically i mean let's be honest even we use this in our everyday language like americans practically worship hollywood they worship their celebrities you know why people say that because they adore these people so much and exalt them so much to a point that wow i want to be something like that and then uh sat uh sad so many sad cases of women today not being happy with the natural beauty god gave to them women today trying to dress more worldly more wicked more sexual because of what they saw on tv with what they coveted either a model or celebrity star um same thing with the guys as well so this is something where why consciousness is idolatry it is idol worship why do you think hollywood are called idols hollywood idols so we know now what idolatry is it's something where you worship to a point or it's exalted to a point that's why i don't know if you've heard this before if you've heard of preachers or sermons that might say oh you don't worship idols i'm not saying that like wood and stone like you're worship to this idol but you do have idols in your heart and that is uh basically a sin that you're struggling with that you believe is more important than god or something in this world that you love more than god you ever heard of so many sermons like that like the idol of tv the idol of a good job job the idol of your flesh the idol of friends the idol of get rid of that thing and make god the lord over your life and cast down these idols there is a truth to that statement the truth to that statement is this verse this verse is true it shows what the idolatry is it's confectiousness what is conventiousness something that you exalt or you prioritize or you make it practically a god in your mind that you love and adore that you don't have that's good so that so when we talk about idols in your hearts spiritually speaking it does doctrinally as well in the word of god that matches yes and the verse to prove it is this one if you want to use next time okay it would be this verse at verse 5. all right so i so guess what pretty much all of you are idol worshipers i hope not i hope i'm wrong but pretty much every one of you has an idol somewhere that you need to repent and get right with god and you need to make god the lord over your life what is the idol in your heart that you need to cast down and get right with god all right let's keep reading so these people hormone girl unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater so that's everyone guilty as charged have any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and of god now the people who have covetousness issues they do not gain an inheritance look at this their focus is in the wrong place if they were coveting for the right thing so to speak looking and enjoying the right things it should not be here it should be up there right it should be the glorious kingdom of god now this place is like a thousand if not a million times bigger than this pitiful little house that you're looking at i mean what are you focusing on man what are you focusing on so the lord has something beautiful prepared for you up in heaven he's got an inheritance laid out but the problem is is that you don't enjoy the inheritance that the lord has given to you you lose your focus on the inheritance you keep your focus on the things of this world the treasures of this world when you shouldn't be looking at the treasures of this world some people will say that this if you you do these things and you can't go to heaven that's what they take it as but they're not reading the verse the verse says hath if you do these sins you cannot what hack what any inheritance that's the key so it's not losing heaven no matter what sin you commit if you receive christ for your salvation that's all you're trusting in is his shed blood not on how well you live then you're relying on your works so you've got to realize that one saved always saved no matter what sin you commit so you're not going to lose heaven but there is something you lose and that's the inheritance so you lose the inheritance up there notice that the verses inheritance where at the kingdom so the inheritance that's in the kingdom god's kingdom has an inheritance for you of christ and of god so christ and god they're always combined together that proves jesus christ deity he's just not a normal man he is definitely at a god status he's close with god when the kingdom belongs to god it belongs to christ as well so this kingdom belongs to christ and god but they have an inheritance for you in this kingdom are you going to get the inheritance of the kingdom are you going to get the inheritance of the kingdom for some people who might be confused because the tendency is to look at the latter part of verse 5 inheritance of god and inheritance of christ so they think that there are two inheritances that you're missing out at verse five that's pretty possible that some people might think that way but the inheritance focus is not the word christ and god it's kingdom inheritance in the kingdom so the idea is the kingdom's inheritance that you lose so it's not an idea where you lose two different inheritance christ and god in case some people might be worried about that going back to the main text let no man deceive you with vain words so paul warns don't let people trick you deceive you vain words you notice that words that are vain it has no worth what is it for because of these things ah all these sins paul was talking about it's these things so paul saying people are going to trick you that hey isn't that funny laugh along with me come on hey why don't you hang out with us we're going to have a great time let's act like fools for one night you know drink and do something crazy you know something naughty filthy oh come on hang out with me huh uh why don't you drop by my place at the middle of the night you see this yes all this you know what the bible's uh covetousness don't forget your little idol whatever your idol is and then deceives you don't you want to do that again isn't it fun isn't it a great time you know what god's vain it's all vain words you know why it's vain i'll tell you why they're all gonna burn they're all gonna burn at the end some fun that would be huh can you take these at the grave with you you can't but you take jesus to the grave with you for all eternity he's inside you right now and it'll take you up to glory so this is all vanity so you got to realize don't let people trick you with all this remember this their vain tell yourself that keep reading the bible says for because of these things it's because of all these wicked things comment the wrath of god upon the children of disobedience so it's because of all these things god's wrath falls the children of disobedience remember the lost world is designated as children of disobedience so i covered that at ephesians chapter 2. why are they children of disobedience because they disobey god they don't listen to him they don't obey him they constantly when they live in these sins it's a life of disobedience it disobeys god so you gotta remember this whenever you follow into the vanity of this world just know this you are disobeying god you are not obeying him what he wants you to do so being a child of disobedience god's wrath falls on them so why does as america gets more wicked and gets more heavy into this and more sensitive about holy preaching guess what god's wrath is building up higher and the damnation is hell man that's scary right that's why it's not a good idea partaking this kind of stuff because god damns a person forever in hell these lost people for that now thank god that's not you because why you're not the children of disobedience you're the children of god once you're a child of god the holy spirit he does not see sin in your outer flesh because that's not the real you that's not the real child the real child is the inner man the holy spirit and the holy spirit is pure holy clean and it's separated from your sinful flesh that's why no matter how many sins you commit in your sinful flesh god does not count sin in you because he does not see that as the real child the real child he sees is the one inside this outer flesh and that's the holy spirit nature you know what happens to this child this child turns to dust that's not this is not god's child so understanding that the context is children of disobedience verse 6 so that's why we don't have to worry about god's wrath so that's why we're delivered but verse 7 that's why god warns you about that be naughty therefore partakers with him so god says he warns you because my wrath falls upon children of disobedience you see how i damn them with hellfire how i take it seriously these sins that's why i'm telling you look don't partake in these things that's how much angry i am with that so don't partake in that bunch verse 8 for ye were sometimes darkness that's very true were past tense before we got saved we were of this kind of lifestyle we were in that darkness this is all considered darkness and sometimes we just made re we fell really deep into that but now are ye light in the lord god considers you as you are in the light of jesus christ so because you're in the light the verses walk as children of light so god says you're supposed to walk you're supposed to walk as children of light therefore this is all considered darkness and you got to get out of that and you got to get into the light this is the path you should be going you shouldn't go back there's a song that goes uh no turning back no turning back i have decided to follow jesus so this is where you should be going friends go to first john 1 first john 1. now it's important that the bible says walk as children of light did you notice that it's walk as children of life some people think this some people think that and this is the problem with paul washer and some of these heretics and i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings but again i'm not gonna explain why i go hard on wrong doctrine and false creatures but the problem with these people is that they think that if you walk if your christian walk goes into darkness then automatically their logic is you're a child of darkness that's what they think now no you're not the bible says that you're considered to be children of light we totally disagree with this we believe that you're a child of light you might say why is that because i already explained it here because jesus is the light not you so jesus our salvation is dependent upon not what you do it's on jesus christ if it's dependent upon jesus christ and jesus christ is in you you're made of his nature as soon as you received him for your salvation you're automatically light but the idea is this it's not the flesh the flesh is never of light it's the spiritual nature people never divide the two natures if you don't divide the two natures you go into way uh you go into way heresy you gotta understand the dealings of the two nature flesh is never listen flesh is never of life it's wicked it's evil it's dark so guess what is your flesh evil and dark yes is the spiritual nature inside you of light holy pure yes so guess what you're gonna commit two things see you're either gonna uh you can either commit the action see that word walk walk is an action so you can commit the action you can walk in darkness or you can walk in light you can do either or people think that oh it's impossible to do this no don't tell me paul washer you never thought one dark thought ever in your life like never ever they give this kind of excuse that well you know uh i'm not saying that nobody uh nobody ever sins of course we sin here and there but if you tend to do things that are holy and pure people consider you and label you as holy and pure person or a safe person or a child of light if you tend to do things in the light then you're known as child of light that's how paul washer logically makes it but look to god if he says light then that means this light has to be pure not even one percent of darkness god's holy uncompromising god's not going to think oh if i let a little bit of darkness over here it's still considered light no god's like no what light is light and guess what darkness is darkness period the better answer well the scriptural answer actually his answer is not even an answer so the right answer the scriptural answer is that you have two natures inside you the spiritual nature is of life but the fleshly nature is never of light it's of darkness it commits dark acts so you can act in darkness or in light does that mean you're a child of darkness when you act in darkness no you're considered child of light why because god is only looking at the spiritual nature inside you not your fleshly nature he considers you his child because he keeps looking at this the work of jesus christ not your work not what you do and thank god for that if he saw that all he would see is filthy rags because good works are considered as filthy rags in his eyes at the book of isaiah all right first john chapter one the bible says verse six if we say that we have fellowship with him see christian fellowship if you say you fellowship with him and what walk in darkness if you do things in the dark then the bible says what we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another so john he's a saved apostle do you think he went to hell or did he went to heaven he went to heaven right but he says we here he realizes that he himself can what at verse six and seven he can walk in darkness or walk in light he can fellowship with jesus christ or he can lose his fellowship in jesus christ so notice that walking christian fellowship christian walk is never ever the same as salvation never confuse the two all right if if cults do that i'm really sorry some of them may not be called they're just false preachers who don't know any better but some of these people try to mingle fellowship and walk with your salvation cut it off that is wrong all right now go back to uh so then if you damage your walk in fellowship what should you do you do verse nine if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness he'll repair your fellowship he'll repair your walk going back to ephesians 5 and uh let's wrap it up here going back to ephesians chapter five for the fruit of the spirit so paul is saying that you should walk as children of light why because of the fruit of the spirit the fruit of the spirit's sake is there fruit developing in your christian walk the fruit of the holy spirit that you should uh bring forth for him notice that the bible says three parts is in all goodness so all goodness all right and righteousness and truth these are the three things that is labeled where you can have the fruit of the spirit so notice that these three things contradict you notice that they contradict the things of the uh filthiness foolish talking conventiousness jesting etc did you notice the difference with those so the fruit of the spirit is obviously distinguished from your wicked flesh now let's talk about these three things these are very important and i'm gonna go through them at a quick pace as much as possible goodness righteousness and truth now before i discuss this i better talk about the modern translations because they made a boo-boo as they always did right now in the fruit of the spirit that you're supposed to bring forth for him they think the modern translation says fruit of the light they say light instead of spirit now uh what's the problem with that the problem is this the problem is is that it's not uh the bible mentions when you go to galatians 6 go return to galatians 6 it's the holy spirit that produces fruit that's important it's the holy spirit himself that gives you fruit another thing is this if you get rid of the word spirit in there and just put light then how am i supposed to be assured that uh i'm gaining more that i'm being more filled with the spirit do you know the feeling of the spirit is one of the most important doctrines ever in your life and if you never heard of that basic doctrine which is such a basic of basics you should learn yes it is an important subject every great great awakening revival preacher mentioned that their preaching is nothing without the filling power of the holy spirit that's how essential it is so how am i supposed to be assured that i get the filling power of the holy spirit if you get rid of the worst spirit another thing is this is that i don't think that it's a good idea if especially if i'm a translator of the word of god that i just uh dropped the word god i dropped the word jesus i dropped the word spirit i think that's a dishonor these guys have no fear of the lord in them that's right all right ephesians uh chapter uh galatians excuse me chapter 5 verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace so notice the fruit of the spirit is mentioned here notice that the fruit of the spirit is distinguished from verse 19 through 21 works of the flesh notice that matches with ephesians right at verse 19 fornication uncleanness verse 20 idolatry matches to a t with ephesians so going back to ephesians chapter 5 go back to ephesians 5 the justification for the translation is well the context is light at verse 8 so we want to put light no if you look at the context they don't go further back they got to go as back as far back as verse 3. it's the flesh with its works contrasted with the fruits of the spirit but you get rid of that context that matches with galatians 5 when you put light in there so proper context for your translation which they can't even do a great job at is more appropriate with spirit going back to verse nine so do you want the filling power of the holy spirit that's so such a valuable ask him and the charismatics think that oh i'm filled with the holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost and they make so much mention of the holy ghost that they don't even have an ounce of the filling of the spirit but just flesh you want evidence the evidence where you're filled with the power of the holy spirit is these three things let's look at that the first one is in all goodness now did you notice it says not just goodness but what all goodness now some of you might be a good person you might be good to people in the church you bible believers you you're good to people in this church but there are just some things you're not good to the person about or you're good at the situation didn't god grant you all goodness upon you do you know how many verses are unlimited about god bestowing goodness upon you and you go the lord is so good to me that's why there are so many songs about god is good all the time all the time so you should have the same thing too if you don't have it i don't care how much right doctrine you have in the church the holy spirit is not in your church right now before you get all charismatic on me and say oh so you should be good to people and nice and what's the big deal about doctrine ah all right notice the last part is truth you have to speak truth and i don't care how much goodness you show toward people come in as you are you know we love you in the lord but then you t you let wrong doctrine slip in the holy spirit is not in that place you're no different from a typical liberal showing goodness to people that's all secular humanism yep that's very good why do you think i make a big deal about right doctrine if you guys don't make a big deal about right doctrine you're in trouble and before you bible believers go off balance and talk about write doctor wright doctor wright doctrine you lack goodness for people and then the next part and both crowds don't like this and living in california i start to understand that more and more but righteousness the holy spirit is not in a church when you're worldly it's got to be righteous i don't care how much you call it legalism all right people tend to call what we do legalism no it's about righteousness it's about holiness that's why we don't have worldly stuff within our church we make a big deal about the right mute to the t about right dressing right music right conversation and the right activities and the right things to do in the church even for children all right we make a big deal about righteousness otherwise the holy spirit cannot be in our church and he'll never bless that effort instead it's flesh your church is flesh man all filled with flesh something that pleases you and that's churches today cater to the systems of the whims of the people what pleases them then you are not in a holy spirit-filled church and god cannot produce you fruit when you brag about fruits oh these are all my fruits all my fruits no there's a contrast the bible says fruits of the spirit and the what works of darkness you know what that is work of darkness that is a work of darkness how do i know it's a work of darkness there were two million uh i'm exaggerating but you know they'll say like there were like uh ten thousand people who came to the meeting they came to the meeting because we had because you churches are super duper strict but we loosen the rules and we love them who they are and that's why we had 10 000 people and you bible believing churches have less than 100 hahaha now that's a work of darkness you might say no look at my church membership there's so many no the fruit is not your numbers it's what that's your fruit you know what your members consist of i'll tell you your fruit you know why your work of darkness your members consist of this and this that's your fruit that is your fruit no matter how many people you both got saved or ended up in your church or even forsook uh a false religion and endorsed christianity satan don't care satan just uh created the monster roman catholic church considered to be christian he don't care as long the point is as long as you disobey god that's a point that's the point child of disobedience he just wants some kind of action where you disobey god that's his point all right i hope you learned a lot let's close with the word of prayer uh before i close it i gotta combine it with verse 10. otherwise it's not going to make sense verse 10 says proving what is acceptable unto the lord see that all this it proves that god accepts it so then when these false churches do something that is not truth it's not righteousness and when you don't bestow goodness guess what that your worship service is not acceptable to the lord not even your attendance to church all right so let that be a lesson all right i just had to nudge that sermon in let's close it with the word of prayer god my father i pray that today's uh teaching mixed mixed in with preaching has been helpful to the hearers edified them and glorified your name in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 28,347
Rating: 4.9355359 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: xyn3iFoeYPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 33sec (3453 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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