Amos 'N' Andy - The Meal Ticket (1955)

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[Music] is that your joy oh yeah you can open the door sapphire just ain't the landlord hold your eyes george i got a big surprise for you oh yeah though now keep it close tight i'll lead you over come on i sit down okay you can open your eyes now well uh what the surprise well you're sitting at it the new dining room set holy smoke uh where'd this come from i bought it you said i should buy whatever i wanted for my birthday and this is what i wanted well when i said that i was talking about something small like a dust mop a bottle of fingernail polish or something uh what was wrong with the old dining room set why it was just horrible and besides i got a wonderful bargain on this it's only going to cost you 30 a month 30 and i told him you'd be in with the first payment in the morning look honey i ain't got no thirty dollars to put out all this stuff got to be going back get a chair there put that down i'm keeping this dining room set for years i haven't been able to have anybody worthwhile to dinner i was ashamed of that old set yeah anybody worthwhile don't have to come to dinner they can afford to buy their own i'm talking about intellectual people authors musicians artists scientists people like professor adams from the university yeah 30 dollars a month woman you're gonna bankrupt me i don't care oh you don't come no i'm going to have some sparkling conversation at the dinner table for a change sparkling conversation yes something besides pass the salt bath to ketchup well if i don't sparkle it up enough for you i'll take my conversation elsewhere i need and in the words of the sparkling intellect goodbye hey kingfish oh my hello andy hey i'd like you to meet boys this is joe pritchett he's a house theater uh how do you do that i am and kingfish this is harry nguyen he runs the news time down by the subway oh yeah yeah i've seen you before yeah and this is eddie cooper he repairs jukeboxes around town yeah like glad to know y'all likewise well i guess i'll be getting on over to the counter i don't want to interrupt nothing you can sit here we were just leaving yeah sit down that king could do my night all right so long boys well don't let me keep gandy i just want to get a hamburger or something all right finish my fire yet but say what you doing eating out will me and cap i had another financial argument oh one of them thinks that any known i made sapphires for richer but it looked like i ain't going to get no richer because she always staying out way to make me poor so amy take my fight and stay happily single but being a bachelor ain't so good either kingfish you see uh me and them three fellas is bachelors we have to eat here every night at this restaurant i'm sick of it well what do you have to eat here for there's a lot to other places yeah but it's safer to eat here look at that mean the boys each buys a meal ticket at the beginning of the month and that way we know we're going to eat every day until payday and the boys got to get our meal tickets for next month i sure hope i got my 25 25 is that what i each are you full pay to eat here every night yeah [Music] it's a funny coincidence are you talking about a meal ticket and i just lining up my new organization what up missouri sf hmf sf hmf what's that society for home-cooked meals for unwed bathrooms [Music] well anyway i'll be telling you what to do now before you fellas buy your meal ticket why don't you stop by the lodge hall in about an hour from now and i explained the whole thing to you well i'll talk it over with the boys yeah now let me get this straight kingfish we paid you 25 for the meal ticket and we get to eat dinner at your house free every night for a month well that's uh phil uh harmony game of the society i don't know is the food at your house any good ah look harry but we organized this here society we scoured a neighborhood to get the best of eating for you fellas and by some strange stroke of faith my house was rated a one source by duncan fight dragon boat sapphire little stars there you are gentlemen unsolicited uh testimony sounds good to me i'll take a meal ticket ah me too oh i'll take what count me in that king well uh here you are fellas there you is i will see you tomorrow 96. you show until sapphire we all paid up oh what's up that just remind me now listen boy this is a non-profit sharing organization having never discussed money matters with the cook because that takes it out of the non-profit class oh but we won't say nothing i'll see you tomorrow night well goodbye society members say don't slam the door when you go hmm six o'clock how's it going oh honey you look fine but you didn't need to go to all the trouble with the decoration these intellectuals ain't used to know such fancy chimpanzees well i want to make sure they enjoy themselves so they come back again oh well honey they'll be back i would tell you about please annoy me hello yeah we brought our good appetized vlogs out bye they're acting like this is a restaurant well honey that's the way with them there are big intellectuals why they don't ruin for them social greases and all that sort of stuff they are non-conformal so honey just put the food on the table in a few moments the conversation will be floating all over the house well it certainly is nice having all you men up to dinner tonight that's the peppa pig mr cooper i understand you're in the music business just what do you play oh anything you want uh automatically oh it must be wonderful to have talent like that how did newspaper man you must meet lots of interesting personalities uh yeah uh camp callaway was up to my place the other day oh did you get a story from me yeah did you hear the one about the oh something must have went down the wrong windpipe all right what was you saying andy uh i didn't say nothing and i have another one oh certainly here you are mr pretty tell us something about your painting oh they keep me busy why would you paint mostly portraits or landscapes kitchens kitchens yeah you know them my little baby cats well those are cute well the boy had uh ruined my day you couldn't understand it so good [Music] um mr cooper were you at carnegie hall the other evening when heifetz played brahms no who won um i suppose you're syndicated mr wind no but i've been vaccinated [Music] this is nice i got to get a pencil write some of this stuff down [Music] uh mr richie do you care for picasso ah i'm gonna skip this right that was a good meal miss stephen well i got a date i'll be seeing you me too yeah i gotta go too well thanks for everything zappa well so long boys well well i feel mentally invigorated i don't know why well you should too you always said you wanted the intellectuals here they are not my idea of intellectuals well they are mine and i'm going to invite them same food seller back here tomorrow night oh no you're not they're not eating here tomorrow night or ever again the amos and andy show continues in a moment [Music] what made milwaukee change its mind what made milwaukee change its mind hello i'm rex marshall yes the big beer question these days is what made milwaukee change its mind about beer well if you like milwaukee beer i guess everybody knows it's the best beer in america i'm sure that you'll be mighty interested in the answer what made milwaukee change its mind well i tell you let's ask a man from milwaukee he ought to know yes i certainly do know and i'll tell you all about it you know this is the city where almost all the fine world famous beers are brewed over the years more and more people right here in milwaukee have come to realize that black is the finest of all the fine beers that's why today in these modern times flats is milwaukee's favorite beer by far yes there's no doubt about it the flavor of black is what made milwaukee change its mind about beer the milwaukee journal proves it in black and white you know every year this newspaper makes a city-wide survey on beer preferences and publishes the results now see for yourself how blacks have been preferred by milwaukee year after year after year and take a look at this nowadays milwaukee prefers blacks by an even greater margin you know winning an honor like that year after year after year in america's beer capital is certainly the greatest possible tribute to the flavor of any beer don't you agree so the next time you order beer remember it's so easy to enjoy milwaukee's favorite beer just be sure that you ask for black milwaukee's favorite beer milwaukee's finest beer there you are thank you okay oh hi j fish oh hi amos hey you buy stuff out the flower yeah just a 35 cent deluxe bouquet uh what is the pizza yeah just a few polishes too along the rocky road of matrimony yeah well that's a good idea all right i'll say kingfish and it was telling me how you and sapphire was feeding a group of bachelor fellas yeah you must be here do not help the national heartburn no i think it's wonderful if sapphire to put herself out that way oh she put out all right well you must have better be getting these flies home have you seen anything yeah speak english yes professor adam well i'm very sorry you can't make a definite dinner date with us but um suppose we leave it like this the first night you're free just call us and then you come right on over oh it'll be no trouble at all i'm looking forward to seeing you all right goodbye hello george hello honey i got a little surprise for you for me oh thank you well don't thank me that's just a little talking of the appreciation from them for intellectual minor candy that was here that night oh boy now that ain't no way to act they just want to show you how they enjoyed being here last night and how they looking forward to joining us again tonight we're not having those phony intellectuals if we have anyone again it'll be professor adam well at new point let the table go to waste while we are waiting on him now these four fellas no and that's my final word now go get ready for dinner yeah we'll we having for dinner well you got enough in case i want second third fourth and fifth there's enough ten minutes to john oh yeah yeah honey those friends of yours soiled my best tablecloth would you take this laundry up on the roof and hang it on the line please yes my dear [Music] oh six o'clock [Music] holy dandy oh hello kingpin just getting ready to ring your doorbell here yeah but there's been a little difference made in the arraignment here will you be we're going to eat oh sure and i got a special treat for you boys tonight uh kind of warm in it yeah it's so bad really kind of hot in the apartment there you know the oven going all day cooking that big pot roast to you fellas and so i got pictures so we can eat up on the roof garden what a little gun well up on the roof daddy you know what's cool and the breeze wasting around oh step this way i don't want to eat all those well now that part of the itinerary of the society well uh we break something monotony for you one night we eat in the apartment and the next night we eat up on the roof garden and uh next night uh who knows where we i don't care where we as long as i eat all right follow me on up the steps well these boys make yourself comfortable and chew on the breadsticks this room is hard oh but when that big pot rolls come up you're going to forget all of that when is that going to get here we all know uh in a few minutes you all are lower the basket down and i filled it up then you haul it back up again and as they say in france from africa boys we need anything else we'll come down and get oh yeah uh honey would you mind not changing faces with me uh you sat here with your back to the window and i stay over there why change where you can uh see the television better from here the television's in the bedroom [Music] oh honey uh water glass empty hour would you mind not feeling that for me again uh [Music] here george would you like some where is your plate great we'll play with the pot roast i drove oh i'd love something well i'm sure i gave you one one place that's supposed to be for all of us ain't even enough for me turn the basket down again [Music] would you mind filling that for me again [Music] what's your kingfish trying to pull where is your plate well if i had a plate i'd be eating wouldn't i well i didn't remember giving you one there's something funny going on here i don't know what it could be i just waiting on the food that's all we'll turn the basket down again george you're acting very strange tonight well i just hungry that's all uh honey how could i have another freak please give me one from the kitchen you seem to want to get me out of the room for some reason but i'm not going back in that kitchen here use this yeah honey they're kind of small i'll fill it up as often as you want but i'm not leaving the table well honey you sitting in a draft yeah i'll just cool the window oh thanks that's good because it was a little chilly on my back elked it what's going on down there i'm going down and see hey it's stuck it's slop [Music] hey kingfish [Music] no answer i'm going to put a note in this basket and bang it against the window i'm sure i heard somebody calling you nobody out here say george you want your coffee now oh yeah yeah [Music] we are starving do something [Music] put them in the basket [Music] you [Music] ah you say you ain't seen andy but we had a misunderstanding here last night uh luke halloween if you see andy you tell him i don't left town yeah a big mining deal yeah i had to take a load of coal to newcastle ah thanks calhoun thank you oh george hello honey who's going behind the chair well i'm just examining the spring on a chair here well i have a surprise for you i want you to meet professor adams well i pleased to meet you professor i hope i am not inconveniencing you i ran into mrs stevens and she insisted that i join you for dinner oh no we glad to have you now you two men just make yourself comfortable and i have dinner on the table in no time mine is going to be so nice just for three of us you'll have some real boston conversations yeah have a seat there but huh kingfish kingfish [Music] hold on wherever you is he's not in there and after last night he better hide it's nearly separate time this scripture is a farmer yeah i'm getting hungry but tell me boys what's the only force of the situation shall we eating this property king creation shall we pop him in your work dinner be so fascinating professor what you teach medieval history oh yeah that means had a fascinating history all right a fastest foot he's in there all right [Music] honey uh that's the back door i go see who it is [Music] [Music] excuse me professor [Music] hello sapphire where's kingfish hey hello hello there you remember what i'm trying to do what's the meaning of this how dare you come in here who's an inviter we're supposed to be here the kingfish that sold us all meal tickets meal tickets yeah you remember the sf hm fub no what is it well run by sapphire and the kingfish here society for home-cooked meals for unread you the bachelor you better get in on it but the meals are great do you mean george sold you tickets to eat here in our house we paid him 25 bucks a pizza in here for a month yeah he said the bachelors wasn't eating right and they ought to have uncooked meals and he was doing this as this is the most unusual thing i've ever hired after giving the situation due consideration i have at last arrived at a desperate conclusion well what's that calum you is in a bad mission i don't need you to tell me that i've been up here all night and all day today and now it's six o'clock king fish but you got to go down sometime yeah calhoun but the question is how do i get down do i walk down or jump kingfish the only thing for you to do is go down that way to sapphire and please insanity in canada absolutely to do what you done done a man has to be out his mouth [Music] [Music] professor adams joined your society society yes he said it was the most original idea he ever heard of it he told some of the bachelor college professors your friends are here too all right this is working outside oh i could have told you that ah look honey my hungry uh from my place i'd like to get in with this sparkling group well george there isn't any room for you and besides you have a meal ticket a meal ticket why this is my home and i entitled to eat here well yes you're right about that and considering all you've done you deserve a special place [Music] why do i have to eat out here i'll have you know that i am the president and founder of this society oh yes you are mr president and when you're finished eating yes you can wash all these dishes [Music] [Applause] the amos and andy show has been presented by black milwaukee's finest fear the amos and andy show is shown to our armed forces overseas on film [Applause]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 119,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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