Amos 'n' Andy - The Girl at the Station (1955)

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[Music] oh these are the most wonderful jers i yes and i'm enjoying it thoroughly and what are these georgies mom floating around here somewhere again how do you like the way our hostess has been strutting around here oh well you've got to expect that as glorietta but say did you see the way she was walking across the room a while ago well it takes all kinds of wonder gloria is now oh she's probably somebody trying to dazzle some man why don't she find herself a man once and for all and settle down she's trying hard enough while last week at the charity bazaar she was selling kisses for a dollar each there was charity and george was the biggest philanthropist there 42 dollars i remember it took him [Music] [Music] uh when are you all uh having your next bazaar oh i guess not until next year stop the tree that'd be to help me with the confidence season oh not at all not at all i was glad to you'll see we're gonna have a party someday and we're glad to have you come over oh thank you i have a bit of there's a month ahead of me but i'll try to screech in yeah give us a squeeze sometime oh darn it oh the cloth on my necklace broke and it dropped down my butt it's caught right here in my next line i wonder if you could help me with it mr steve be glad too looks like lauren crump is percolating around here i dropped something down the back and i was just fishing it out well pulling your line isaac walton we're going home for this good night gloriana thanks for a wonderful time it sure is nice to be mad to an understanding woman with night glorieta i just went into the kitchen to help her with the coffee and that's all look george you are not called upon to sneak off into the kitchen and have a hostess get coffee there's no excuse for it about that try to explain it's always the same the minute you see a new face you're gone oh honey you're wrong a new face don't mean nothing to me i'll take your old face anyway now what i mean honestly with no other woman but you well george we won't say any more about it but i'm warning you if i ever see you paying such attention to another woman again that'll be the end i ain't interested in no other woman but you better not be because i mean it george i need it as much as i ever meant anything i'll leave you good night honey i'll take one of these and then andy she told me if it never happened again she gonna leave me yeah that must have been some evening all right hey tell me kingsley what is he doing down here at the station well amy i find a way to calm a sufficient wife is to buy a present what you gonna buy a locomotive or no and then let's do it on this train named joe bennett that boy didn't owe me ten dollars for about six months i'm going to collect it and buy something nice for sapphire you ought to be coming in on this track here fine making doctor i'm a photographer from the harlem tribune can i go down to the platform i've got to meet some society girl they'll be out here in a minute why don't you wait oh it's all right i think this is steve fund me uh are you miss evergreen yes i am well i'm a photographer from the harlem tribune our society editor heard you were coming to new york and he asked me to get a picture of it for his column well could you wait just a second i'm looking for my uncle he's supposed to meet me here i haven't seen him for years but that'll be perfect i'll get a picture of the two of you old barry is now pardon me uncle's darling now wait a minute what's going on here i'm a married man let me get in on this thing i thought you were my uncle i haven't seen him for so long uncle oh there he is over there please forgive me hello king fish you ought to come down here and be more training like this i going on the train here and see can i find this fella joe and get my 10 bucks yeah hi hello there honey hello george ah this is for you i bought you a present what have you done wrong now oh nothing honey i bought you this out of the goodness of my heart to show you how crazy i is about you oh well thank you nothing's gonna pop out after me is it joy oh no honey believe me this is a nice bed that is a big box what is it joy well that's the latest perfume on the market is called manslaughter yeah that's the court economy side well thank you george this was a nice gesture yeah honey i want you to know that you're the only gal in the world for me well george i'm the only girl for you just as long as you don't try anything funny and i know you know what i mean uh don't worry honey i have eyes only for you holy smokes the king just didn't know they made a picture of this if he lives do this he's got a long life ahead of him yeah the things that can happen to a fella just by accident hey fellas well i'm happy that i install it with my wife again oh when a fella knows how to handle the situation i ain't got nothing to worry about uh what's the matter fellas oh that's a crazy yellow right society yeah huh yeah like i was a saiyan on my way i didn't know nobody took a picture of that yeah good likeness too dizzy then boys sapphire never swallowed this oh nothing of this picture gonna be the cause of the breaking up of what's been the most beautiful love affair in our community yeah i am your freak all right romeo come out good compared to what's gonna happen to look kingfish maybe if you just tell her the truth and explain to it it was an accident i've been looking expression for accident i've never seen it don't even know what happened last night now if i ain't gonna believe this is no accident and she bound to see the picture because we have this paper delivered to our home kingfish the thing you got to do is to get on home and when this paper's delivered to your house this afternoon you got to cut this picture out of that before sci-fi sees it yeah andy i guess that's my only chance i'll hurry right on home uh kingfish is there anything i can do for you just one thing in case i don't get this paper in time make up your bid for two tonight [Music] and what happened here oh that's just a little item of a business deal that i cut out for future references well i wish you wouldn't cut up the paper until i finish reading it it's very annoying i'm sorry honey but i thought you wouldn't mind hello mama well mama it doesn't happen again what do you mean it's right here in the paper in black and white mama what are you talking about look for yourself therefore you don't have to look for ourselves i know what you want us to say bye but i ain't gonna let you have the pleasure of doing it because i got the same thing right here in my pocket here there sapphire that's what she want to show you what does this mean you ain't a woman hugging uh look honey uh that was just a coincidence i just happened to be down to the depot when this woman run up and kiss me by a mistake so this explains the perfume well george this is it i warned you if anything like this happened again it would be the end of a time i don't even want to discuss it we're through i'm moving out of here tomorrow and mama i want to thank you for finding this picture well i know nothing about the picture you didn't no i wanted to show you what was in the paper hamburger's gonna force them to pound again take it easy kingfish i know andy but you checking out of the place tomorrow and it's going to be all for luncheon for me when i move back there well you know you can stay here with me as long as you order i thank you andy and living here with me like a couple of bachelors at certain advantages like what well uh you won't have to kiss me good night hey there's a whole lot to see about that good night eva and i want you to know that these are one d arrangement that i had completely innocent of let's get the bad things hmm this is going to be kind of tight squeeze yeah well i'll give you a three man well that gets in the bed i could oh the teddy bear type yeah oh me don't worry kingfish remember the old thing it's always dark as before dawn yeah and yes but this look like one dome that's never going to see the light of day yeah well [Music] well are you sure you ain't got a gal any methyl registered at your hotel hmm i see well thanks anyway gene at that hotel neither andy if i don't find this gal and get it to tell sapphire that the whole thing was a mistake my marriage is over yeah well finding a gal in new york city is like trying to find a new line of haystacks i don't know where the time hi fellas oh i am any if lucky no found her yet oh gee that's a shame she'll wake up i'd be the truth instead of taking the attitude she do yeah she won't and kingfish ain't got no way of proven it was accident yeah it's too bad you didn't have some honest reliable witness down at the station when a thing happened that sapphire believed trouble is i was the only one to speak boys terrible can't why ain't broke a word to me since that thing happened yeah that's bearing yeah this silence is getting on my nerves oh what i wouldn't give just to hear her sweet boy nagging at me again i guess the thing that got sapphire was the expression on your face there kingfish you sure look like he was enjoying that kid well the kingfish couldn't help that expression amen after all when a man has been living on hot dogs all of his life a porterhouse they look pretty good all i know boy is i got to find this gal evergreen and have her come to my defense or my marriage is all over campfire checking out tomorrow hi fellas how's everything thank maybe you can help me you see a lot of people walking around don't you oh yeah yeah with the trouble king see well calhoun take a look at this picture and see if you know that gal yeah let me get a line on this thing here i kingpiece to say that i think i can help you i look calm i do you know oh no but i can swear i see this man somewhere before that kingfish in that picture is oh yeah yeah yeah you rascal you now look calhoun that's the most important thing in my life if i don't find that girl my marriage is gonna bust up but wait a minute let me take another look here gentlemen this girl's face is familiar to me i definitely see her somewhere before oh where i count them well now i know i've seen her but the trouble is where did i feel oh think hard calhoun don't let us down now i'm concentrating wait a minute i don't know where i've seen this gal before i know exactly where i see them well calhoun where at home oh [Music] if i can give any further help to you let me know another blind ally i don't know what i'm gonna do i gotta find this apple green well kingfish let's not give up yet tea face fish yo did you come to the hotel i found out where she sings that's nowhere she ready to hotel about eight blocks from here let's see i wrote the name down but let's have a draw let's have it so i know i had it on me so please i know i wrote it down well finally i knew i had that number you know i bet you i lost you why you idiot you there you go and find out where the gal is at and then you lose the name of the hotel you're the biggest dumb skull i ever met so listen here don't you call me no numbskull it is the ladybug hotel 187 west 175th street well i'm certainly glad you find it i'm gonna call up and see can i get over here to the lot i can't tell you how sorry i am this whole thing happens yeah that's a tough break all right but if you just write a letter and tell my wife that the whole thing was a mistake i think we can smooth things over i'll be happy to do anything you say yeah sit down right here there you is now i'm just quitting that you want me to write yeah mrs stevens semicolon new power giraffe is a certified that i evergreen then snuck up on your husband and screwed him by mistake i thought he was my uncle and furthermore that look of pleasure on your husband's face in the picture was just a misprint and in conclusion in my opinion before mr stephen would be found kissing another girl he'd rather be founded [Music] hoping you are the same [Music] uh tell me mr stevens are you sure your wife will believe this letter and forgive you well i ain't sure but it's my only chance well how's it going mr stephen i'd hate to have this on my conscience well that i had anything to do with breaking up a happy marriage and just so there won't be a chance of any sniff up do you think it would be better if i'd go up and speak to your wife personally oh would you miss mean oh that would be perfect i appreciate it very much i'll be happy to we can go up right now oh yeah we get on up there now yeah come right in and have a seat right over here after this green our thief she's in oh sapphire we're here here right now but i spent my back any minute cause she got all our things laid out on the bed ready to pack well we'll just wait until she gets back oh i appreciate this especially how a man can think he happily married and then a little thing like this come up and put the whole thing on a ragged edge yes that's why when i got off that train i was so excited i didn't know what i was doing you see i had just come up from atlanta oh is that so oh that's a beautiful suitcase football fan snapchat i like it well now you're all set and you'll be on that midnight train to chicago yeah i'll join you there in about a week so right after i straighten out things around here you know mama i've been thinking maybe i have been too hasty with george what do you mean well that girl he was hugging at the station maybe it was just a coincidence and i suppose that seen at the party where he had his hand on the girl's neck that was a coincidence too how many coincidences are you gonna allow this woman no mama i'm going to give george another chance you see i might be mistaken myself and my marriage is entirely too important for me to throw it away on what might be a mistake where is that too so when i came out of the train i was looking for my uncle whom i hadn't seen since i was a child i saw you standing there and looking like you were waiting for somebody so all i did was just run up to you and throw my arms around you like this and then [Music] [Music] mr stevens i hate to leave like this isn't there some way i can speak to her no she's gonna draw conclusions from everything she sees they know you can even try that flame to us but thanks anyway i'm so sorry about this whole thing and if there's anything more i can do please call me yeah i sure will goodbye goodbye ms green ah sapphire won't you let me explain that this is another coincidence look george coincidences like this just don't happen all the time honey you can't meet me i love you that i don't believe honey i've been your husband for 20 years though that proved something to you yeah prove that a woman can stand anything [Music] honey i don't believe you're gonna leave me half all of these yeah well if you think i'm fooling just take a look at my tickets here right there midnight special to chicago car 456 compartment e now you know i'm not fooling oh honey before you go have you thought how different it gonna be for you living alone without me what about money well it'll be a little strange at first earning money from i said instead of the two of us well then all over george it's all over [Music] this one matty thank you here you are thank you i take your pardon i thought this was compartment e is this compositing this is strange i think you're in the wrong place madam my ticket here says i have this compartment well let's see i'm in the right place my ticket says car 456 composite well that's my car too so we'll just let the conductor straighten this out for us now mind if i sit down here and wait until it comes by i'm not at all thank you i guess those ticket agents are so busy they make mistakes like this once in a while yes i guess no matter how efficient the system is there's always a slip up someplace and i imagine so are you going all the way to chicago yes i am i have a sister out there chicago quite a town with a towel the windy city you know one of these days is going to blow itself right in the middle of the lake excuse me excuse me sir but you're wrong about this i never mind a lie i can see in my own two eyes what's going on i wasn't born yesterday so this is your game huh this is what you've been wanting all the time mister you've got entirely the wrong impression here uh you shut your big mouth so i throw you out of here never mind i'm going so helpful this was your scheme huh leaving me for somebody else look george batman just happened to be given the same tolerant ticket as mine for compartment e it was just a coincidence coincidence you didn't believe none of my coincidences so how do you expect me to believe that god coincidence joy i never taught that man i don't believe you and now that i caught you i glad you are leaving good riddance [Music] well kingfish all i can say is i'm so glad everything's all right again between you and sapphire yeah she followed me out of the train and made up with me now she understand that the little things can happen in life to break up a home you know kingfish that coincidence on the train was a lucky break for you what do you mean well the coincidence of that man having the same compartment of sapphire that was lucky andy luck didn't have nothing to do with it i paid that coincidence 10 bucks to be there [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] foreign you
Channel: reelblack
Views: 75,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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