Amos 'n' Andy - The Kingfish Gets Amnesia (1955)

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[Music] foreign and where in the world did you get that thing you remember that convertible sports car the kingfish wanted to sell me for 50 bucks sight unseen yeah well this is the site been verified or unseen and yeah this is extraordinary bring the camera back i'm going to tell that kingfish him from them all right just a second man ain't no need for violence now i'll go in there with you and we'll tell the kingfish he just got to give you your 50 bag come on oh yeah i got the 50 right here in my pocket well i'm so glad to hear it i've got to get a new dress before phoebe harris arrived in town oh that's that old girl friendly to me about the one who'll be i'm a famous steve actress that's right george i want to impress it so don't let anything happen to that money because i want that dress don't worry about a thing honey i'll be home with the money in a little while goodbye okay kingfish give me back my 50 bucks what's 50 bucks the 50 bucks you done snooping me out of but i don't beat up jalapeno now you give it back john andy kingfish give anthony back his money now look him if this was a legitimate deal and he said he won the convertible automobile and it has represented it it's convertible and that's the automobile looking fish it was a crooked shield and you know it now either give andy his money back i'm going to advise him to go see a lawyer unhappy with the car huh well everything i sell he's got a money-back guarantee and if you're just satisfied i give you back the guarantee i need the money put your cash right there kingfish here he is 10 20 30 40 50. now andy if you would like to buy oh no he's not buying anything more from you kingfish why do you always have to be dishonest who me why don't you turn over a new leaf start right now make a honest man out of yourself you never get away with crooked deals remember that old saying your chickens always come home to roost think it over kingfish all right i will well so long hold on bye we'll see you later i guess that teaches you a lesson not to mess around with me kingfish yeah and yeah i guess you're right you're too smart for me it's time you found that out yeah i should know better to try to put over anything on uh alert wide awake a high iq fella like you yeah that was a big mistake and i've been thinking of what he must did i should turn over a new leaf come out of the cocoon of questionability and become a butterfly of respectability i give you three to one you don't even get off the ground it's gonna be tough everybody in town say i have crooks the world to give me no friends even you have deserted this taking ship i ain't deserving no ship ready there you see that uh true and faithful old pal sick and thin friend called now the time that i really gonna need you was look to help convince the world that i the reformed man and from now on i want to be known as honest george stephen i'm george stevens i am he is going to sound strange here's the way we gonna do it uh-huh what's the most honest thing in the world well uh right a bank and why do people say that a bank is on it well right are they holding your money for you and anytime you want it there it is yeah that's right i'm glad you agree with me andy so i'll accept uh fifty dollars uh offer deposit now wait a minute but andy that's the only way we can do it now you give me your fifty dollars to hold and anytime you wanna see it i show it to you and that make me honest just like a bank yeah that makes sense uh but i know i'm gonna get it back look handy when you go to our bank and ask for your money you get it back don't you sure damn what are you worried about yeah but how is that gonna prove that she was honest cause andy you going all over town and tell everybody that honest george turned over our new leaf stevens it's a man that's holding your money and you can get it back anytime you want it disprove the point now let me get this straight i give you fifty dollars then i goes all over town and tells everybody you was holding my money and i can get it back anytime i want it and that spreads the word to choose honestly that's the idea happy now you just give me the fifty dollars and then get out and get the good word to rolling that after all of these years you can trust the kingfish hmm okay there he is see you later oh i think i see him yeah give the old boy a pat on the back and tell him he's doing a great job hey joe wait up there what's the matter andy the kingfish then turned over a new leaf he's going straight ah you been set on this so long no no on the level i'm letting him hold fifty dollars for me to prove honesty fifty dollars huh yeah oh excuse me joe i gotta drop by the drugstore and tell charlie hey joe hold on a choice even just pay me back five dollars you guys out of me on the season pass great honest charge how about that ten dollars i'll pay you to show me how to cut my telephone bill in half well i'll give you the scissors tonight you just gave me my bed there you here thanks honest george hey fellas honestly i know wait a minute [Music] then beat me that's my last five well thanks honest joyce i'll be thinking okay will come your chickens always come home to roost now tea here amos [Applause] oh hello honest joy hello chicken oh i mean andy i just making sure there wasn't a hole in my pocket yeah seen a lot of fellas come up here i was supposed to congratulate you and stuff and ringing your hand yeah they took me through the ring already man well uh how's my money coming along oh fine fine yeah well let me take a look at it now look andy you can't be coming in here any old time and stand at the money well you said i could look at it anytime i wanted it well that's true in a way what do you mean in a way look andy when you got money in a bank how do you know what's in there well they showed me the balance on a piece of paper exactly there you have any balance fifty dollars oh she was better for a minute there i didn't think you had it yeah i'll take another look at it oh i'm convinced but i'm closing out the account now and i want my money back now look handy you can't be coming in here open and close your account that way and let it be draft into the bank no but i need that 50 to pay my room rent for a month i just let you have the 50 so you can convince people that you as honest they convinced now i want my money back but look andy there's a whole lot more people need convincing why i ain't even scraped the bottom of the valley okay well you can keep the money until five o'clock kingfish but i'll be back together and i want it in cash well in the uh five o'clock in a little after bank an hour but two we'll work some out yeah be back at five for the fifty yeah i need to be back at fifty for the five i'll be looking for you guys why don't you answer the phone calhoun i concentrate with myself i've been pressed all over with pressing matters would you want me to answer this for you no i don't know who it is but sapphire quit ringing in a minute calhoun leave me alone i got to concentrate here five minutes to five it's in five more minutes they closed the trap on me down there you coming in no you stopped to talk to somebody for once in my life i wish i was somebody else you know what the funny thing king i read in the paper the other day about a fellow over in jersey and found out he was somebody else quit rin i ain't gonna answer uh calhoun uh what was you saying well you see it happened like this this fella got hit on the head and when it come to they found out that he had had amnesia for 20 years uh the hit on the head brought him back to the fella he was 20 years ago he didn't know nothing about what had happened that a whole time 20 year lost weekend all the time didn't remember calvin i just remember an important job i got to do down in the storeroom so oh hello hi andy where's the kingfisher he's here where he went down the street room for something it's five o'clock i gotta see him i'm going down there kingfish kingfish kingfish you in there [Music] kingfish what happens keep it speak to me is you all right kingfish think them again please uh who the kingfish anything serious doctor there's a little bump here uh listen fellas with your plea tell us total stranger where he is oh cut out that kingfish who the kingfish i tom smith and all i remember was that i had walking down michigan boulevard on my way to the moon please in chicago voting place yeah by the way did calvin cooley get elected is it possible that he could have had amnesia all these years and that bump on the head they have brought him back to himself well there have been such cases i think he's faking i've seen something like this on television oh what television has radio with talking pictures what's talking pigeon don't you know me yeah you look like swim johnson the one who won the turkey trot contest uh at liberty lake last week he's just doing this to get out of giving me back my 50 bucks he's the kingfish i tom smith look in his wallet there's nothing in here no money nothing that's the kingfish all right give me back my dough you got it here somewhere careful he may have a concussion he ain't i'm gonna give him one kingfish uh who's the kingfish i had tom smith and come here now look aunt ain't no sense in getting all excited but he's got my money i got to pay my rent that's just a stall well maybe it is but we can't be sure not even the doctor can say definitely now he didn't get a bump on his head you know well the only thing i'm sorry about i wasn't the one to give it to him what are we gonna do well i suggested you take him home if anybody can tell if he's faking his sapphire yeah she got the x-ray eye uh doctor we decided that andy will take him home that'll be best uh thank you kind friends come on tom yeah now i'll show you how we get there we go down state street and we catch a trolley somewhere down there about to loop and then we are shut up well 23's can do to you hey there's my car well where do you get that beautiful new model car no yeah they just come out to each other you sold me this thing for 50 bucks 50 bucks for this beautiful new model car i must have been out of my mind yeah and i'm sticking with you till you get back in your mind then i'll get my 50 back from you but i'm sorry kind stranger but i can't be responsible for anything that i might have done while i was at fish king king face kingfish oh get in well thanks for calling amos personally i think george is just pulling a trick for some reason and i think i know what it is no as far as i know he's never been to chicago don't worry if he's faking i'll soon find out and you see i live here a kind stranger you know dawn well this is where you live i never seen the place before my life that's your apartment right there yo steven who george stephen that's the kingpin uh who the key fish you asked me that just once more and i'm gonna clobber all over you george uh who's george oh stop uh who sapper now you know very well who i am george uh dear madam i think you were mistaken my name is tom you're george stevens my husband well i appreciate the compliment that you implicate that i was uh married to a beautiful young girl like you but i never seen you before why is chicago man oh get on in there tom well what a beautiful and luxurious apartment you have here madam your husband must be a kind and generous man to give you all the finer things of life the emma's called and told me what happened uh who emma's john oh i know a fella named clyde jones uh he helped me put out the chicago you're fire and i know it you haven't got the money for that new dress you promised me how will i ever face phoebe uh who's phoebe uh she uh uh yeah george youthful some pretty raw deals but this is the worst well now beautiful and uh charming stranger just like i was telling the fat boy here you know my name is andy well just as you say fat boy i was walking down the street in chicago on my way to hope for calvin cooley's and some bricks fell off of a building and the next thing i know i wake up here in new york and they tell me that 20 years done gone by i the victim of amnesia amnesia yeah i mean i'm nicole easier and now i kind of tired i think i go get in the bed now if you will just show me bed nothing if you're not george stevens you're not my husband and you can just get out of this house now hold on emil or whatever kind of jewel you is if you say we are married we are married for better or worse richer for harmony they are non-amnesia and when you take the nuptial vowels you'll knock your leader and that's death [Music] all right you can stay but you sleep on the couch what about me where i'm gonna sleep tom here then got my room right now you can sleep on the couch too good night never understand this oh it's awful mama he's been like this ever since andy brought him home last night tom smith's a chicago huh let me talk to andy he had to go downtown oh mama what am i going to do let's go in the kitchen i'll find out if he's faking george john hong hello who is this diamond you know who this is this is my mama oh what a young charming cute mama you got oh don't try to paint and when you finish eating breakfast you can wash the dishes i'm sorry madam but tom smith of chicago don't wash no dishes oh if you're a tom smith of chicago i don't suppose you're anything like george oh no we are two total strangers [Music] well george never did work i suppose you do oh yeah i'm going to look for something today and what line of work are you in oh i am the armed guard of manufacturing dinner you see that them elastic band that men use on their arm to hold their shirt sleeves up oh well they don't make them anymore and it's going to be hard to find a job then how do you expect to pay all these bills bill george stevens george stephen needed mine i tom smith and i only responsible for what i'd done back in chicago come on hello tom oh hello everyone oh sit down for me tom i apologize you were right i was i is uh uh oh what about about being tom smith you're exactly who you say you are oh yes of course i how you know well i just came back from the missing persons bureau and they ride chicago and found out that a tom smith did disappear from there just when you said you did well yeah that just like i told you and your wife was so happy to learn they found white yes she flew out from chicago as soon as she got the news come here mrs smith and now i have you again uh yeah hello i'm glad uh excuse me i got a putin and even out the back we come back here you that's how you disappear the last time now look at here that's me and our nine children and all of those bills nine children and bills are you sure that uh you got the right tom smith you know the phone book are just full of them you probably got the wrong number you're my husband all right i recognize you anyplace you know i can identify you you have a scar on your left shoulder well i have to and that's something only a wife would know get your things together tom smith you're going back to chicago with me to our nine children and the bills oh well i'd like to but i can't leave my wife here oh i'm not your wife i'm married to george stevens the man who owes andy the fifty dollars and you are tom smith father my nine children make up your mind who are you well uh i better go get me a drink of water let my head clear up a little and think this thing out oh what is that gonna do if i say i tom smith i got to go back to chicago with that battle axe and if i go back to being the king fish i got the peace andy oh what am i gonna do he's been an awful long time what's he doing i don't know he fish thanks how nice honey i'm sorry about that dress you wanted well at least you know who you are now yeah funny thing about that i remember going down in the basement over to large hall and when i come to i laying out there in the kitchen you don't remember being tom smith no uh wait he from uh detroit oh george you answer the door while i go get dressed for the theater the theater yes we're going tonight hello tom uh who's tom i ate a kingfish oh so you're back to yourself again huh no rough stuff andy i'll get you a 50 bucks somehow oh i already got the 15 a lot more kingfish huh yeah amazon automobile dealer who bought that old wreck for me to use in the showroom as a display he gave me 300. 300 you sold my car whose car well andy you just started fighting with the car and i give your money back and it's mine yeah then you took the money away from me and i never did get it back so it's my car well i need to be there some question about the ownership why don't we just split it right down the middle but i'm going to give you 50 bucks so sci-fi can have that dress did you enjoy the place oh yes you were just wonderful thank you phoebe i want you to meet my husband george how do you do uh how do you do that dean i've seen you somewhere possibly did i look anything like this this is smith this would be a wonderful actor but you should have seen her in her most successful play yo what was that when the chickens come home to roof [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] uh
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 203,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WdE86E9yn30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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