Amos 'N' Andy: The Light Blue Car (1953)

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[Applause] oh george george will you come in here a minute please what's going on in there anyway sapphire um what's all this oh i was just trying on my former you know tonight's the annual policeman's ball oh yeah that's right uh the long arm of the law going to shake a league tonight you know george i certainly am sorry i have to wear this dress again this year no what's the matter with the honey it looked good why george it's old it's out of style just looking to say how short it is they're wearing them almost down to their ankles i wish they haven't you could afford to buy me a new one now look honey you know that the last thing in the world that i can afford to buy you know the money i use all over town people are closing in on me and everything yes i might as well forget about a new dress if anybody needs a new outfit round here it's me have you took a look at my tuxedo here lately how green it is look like in me with chlorophyll but that's the dress george okay okay and incidentally i got a few things to do and while i out i gonna stop by the lodge well don't forget we have to leave at 8 o'clock don't worry honey i'll be home in time to dress and i hope that i use a green spotlight tonight so i don't stand out [Applause] yeah well okay honey i'll pick you up at eight o'clock tonight for the dance bye hi india all right kingfish all set for the policeman's ball tonight it's going to be a big thing kingfish they're going to have a 12 piece orchestra this year so what with all them flat feets cropping around out there who going to hear what's the matter kings moving kind of down well the same thing emmy money sapphire she's been bothering me about a new dress all the store keepers after me for money i tell your son i got my back to the wall oh yes huh yeah andy you wouldn't want to buy my car would you 400 no kingfish i don't need no car especially those with that crazy maroon color and that big white stripe all around well i got to be running along kingfish you going home no not at the moment andy i a little tuck it out i think i'll get me a little rest yeah okay well i'll see you later well follow me who slipped a thing for seven o'clock that'll give me plenty time [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] are you sure there's no answer operator thank you so [Applause] mmm 5 30. yeah i feel a whole lot better after my little nap get down get on home get dressed for the party hello you what are you doing delivering milk yeah 5 30 in the evening what like 5 30 in the morning kingfish morning holy mackerel i gotta take sapphire to advance nine hours ago well i better get in my car and get on home well of all things what's the matter kingfish i wish i knew last night i left my car right here in front of the lodge hole now it's over across the street that's a mysterious thing well maybe somebody used it well just uh get on hold on [Applause] i thought i'd catch you trying to sneak in here oh no no honey i thought i'd hit the ball early this morning got up and just made my bed and everything i just leave it where have you been all night look honey uh you wouldn't believe me if i told you i will believe you george honey i'll tell you you won't believe me i will believe you well then i dozed off at the large hall and i never woke up until just now i don't believe you honey it's the truth it was one of the deepest duties i've done ever had that's one of the most ridiculous excuses i've ever heard look honey you've got to believe me we'll talk about this later ah but just a second honey if you by any chance come over to the lodge hall last night and use my car to go to the dance huh i wouldn't go near that old wreck are you coming to bed no honey i don't think i'm going to need any more sleep again for two or three hours [Applause] now for the news on the local scene in a daring pre-dawn robbery a gunman broke into a safe at a loan company on 8th avenue jewelry value at 400 was taken the only clue to the identification of the gunman is that he made his getaway in an unusual maroon colored convertible roadster with a big white stripe around it authorities are starting an intensive search holy becca the crook used my car i gotta tell the police george will you please come to bed but honey not another word yes dear and if you have any information regarding this maroon automobile with a big white stripe around it contact police headquarters at once that's kingfisher's car all right a 400 robbery now i see why he didn't come to the dance last night ain't no two ways about it cause everybody knows the boy is desperate and needs money this is awful awful the king fishes this people now and then but he ain't never stolen before you know the human mind is is just like a watch and if you put too much pressure on the winder it snaps the mainspring well that ain't too serious ain't serious no there's a man down the street he fixes mainstream for three dollars hi fellas [Applause] i can't understand how he can be so relaxed after staying up all night blowing the hinges off a safe harborina connect me with the police department kingfish why did you do it i do want calhoun listen don't ask me what you done did after you done done it wow i would like to speak to the sergeant please ah thank you it's all on the radio they even done identified your car oh i didn't know that that's the reason i'm calling the police about it the police king see do you realize they can clean you up for 20 years for this calhoun you mean they think i pulled a robbery why did you do it uh uh oh uh uh uh a sergeant uh uh on that car you are talking about well i just want to let you know that i is an anonymous person that don't know nothing about it calhoun i didn't have nothing to do with that robbery well you wasn't at the dance and everybody noticed that even sapphire tried to cover up for you by saying you was working but that broke down the house calhoun i was right here on the large hall asleep right there on that couch somebody must have used my car oh kingfish i'll tell you even if you didn't do the job they can nail you on the circumstantial evidence they got against you oh calum they can't do this to me what do you mean they can't do that kingfish if you ever been face to face with a prosecutor no if they mean mean they won't let them in the united states army on the counter that frightens the soldiers and kingfish if you get the wave on his finger in front of your face like this only his thing is going to be twice as long as mine he'll have you confessing to everything from the shooting the damn magrude to the kill in the robin what am i gonna do well now let me see the team nav if they can't find the car and if i was you i dispose of it just fooled over to somebody yeah this fools of it calhoun i think i know the disposal unit i gotta use um [Applause] wait a minute kingfish i got that message up at my place for me to meet you here what you want to see me about well now i'll tell you auntie old pal hold it king fish hold it whatever it is i don't want to hear it what's the matter i don't want to hear nothing that starts out with and the old pal i can never fold it oh no no andy i had you come over here cause i want to do you a favor what's that well any this car here are mine that i want to send you later look kingfish the answer is still the same i ain't paying 400 for that junkie now look andy [Applause] i look handy forget the 400 price i done saved it a little and if you act right quick you can have the car for two dollars two dollars but i don't know look handy would you take the car if i give you two dollars yeah well tell you the truth king [Music] [Applause] i don't need no car like that would you take the car if i give you the four hundred dollars oh okay the thing is beginning to sound silly that car might be all right but if i was gonna well come here andy yeah yeah but but look kingfish the thing i can't understand is why are you so anxious to get rid of this car all of a sudden well any i can see that you haven't heard about the economic conditions of the country what you mean by that well you know last year and the automobile business how it went from a seller's market to a buyer's market yeah i'll hear something about that well yesterday it took a turn for the work yet now when they call to give us market yeah well kingfish i know you just kidding about the 400 but is you serious about wanting to give me this car for nothing that's right andy how you know when i licked you really got me over the bell you really sensed the trend of the times didn't you i did still trying to play dumb huh you just sneaky all right but andy i know when i beat and i got the contract all made out here [Applause] see i don't sign my name there already where it says victim oh yeah i guess i was slick all right yeah just put your john hancock down here [Applause] say kingfisher seeing here you done did you think three days ago well yeah and yeah i had to make the thing i read dramatic y'all see i ain't worked in the past two days so that makes the last third day my last uh legal business day oh no inside anything yeah congratulations abby you are now a full-fledged recto addict car owner with no kickbacks yeah you know kingfish for a while there i thought you were trying to jip me but like you say i guess i'm too smart for you oh i am hello fellas uh lining to me i might find you here uh say kingfish that suddenly was a terrible thing about your car here being using that hold up last night what a tough break about your car here annie but if you need me in your trouble just call me see you later boys now wait a minute here andy take it easy start talking kingfish now wait a minute fellas what's going on here i don't know amos i just signed the radioactive contract for the car here john ham hock on it and everything jump in the car on andy ain't gonna get you off the hook cause you own the car when the robber was done amos i didn't have nothing to do with the robbery well i'm sure you're getting kingfish and that's the reason why i can't understand why you don't go down to the police and tell them just what happened you mean go to the police station with my own free will and violation so he was gonna try and pin the wrap on him huh and maybe i'd get 20 years in jail or something well you would get in the car for [Music] nothing what you do about the thing ain't none of my business but with every copy in town looking for this car i'd go down to the police and get this thing straightened out if i was you that's all i can tell you daddy must go to the police he always want to do everything in a roundabout way kingfish give me back that contract andy what is that gonna do it ain't gonna take the police long to find a maroon car like this with that big stripe around it cause yours is the only one in town oh if it only wasn't but look andy i think you give me an idea there why not paint the car and that'll throw them over the trail thank you car yeah that's the only thing to do andy i'll go up to my apartment and get the vacuum cleaner it's got a paint spray attachment to it i'll go get it wait right here andy okay [Applause] [Music] hey you better take another look yeah me too [Music] [Applause] what you looking at kingfish i don't know anything but there's something different about you i just can't put my finger on it well these are the same clothes i always wear henny how long you've been wearing a white dirty [Music] well the first chance i get i'll spray it brown for you come on let's get this stuff out of the way [Applause] well andy we've done a good deed work here today uh yeah now i can really breathe easier or they'll never be able to chase me now [Applause] well how do you do that say what is that something new a white derby uh yeah this is the new style this year i see say that's a fine paint job you got there is that a new one oh no that's the original pj i've come with the car that's the 1939 model you mean that's the original paint job uh yeah that's right you know they might did a much better job in those days yeah they really made cars that could stand up believe me you don't find paint jobs like this on the cars they put out today look at that still smooth just as if it was done yesterday [Applause] well they use our slow giant painting them days [Applause] with a big fight i think i'll take you boys down to the station house oh you can't do this to me i'm innocent you can't put me in here i didn't i tell you i is innocent i innocent i tell you i didn't do it i innocent mr stevens we're here to determine the true facts in this case so will you please keep quiet so we can continue yes sir mr brown one of the things i can't understand at this point is how you happen to get involved in all this with a car and everything well your honor i just wanted the empty kingfish here you mean in connection with the robbery no no your honor he pulled the robbery by himself all for now mr brown yes mr stevens according to the arresting officer's report you claim you were asleep in the lodge hall during the time of the robbery that right your honor oh mr stephens yes your honor now mrs stevens you say that you went to the dance without your husband that's right your honor and i telephoned the lodge hall several times during the evening but i didn't get any answers your honor i object my wife can't testify against her husband shut up yes man on the other hand your honor mr stevens is quite a sound sleeper and he could have slept through the telephone ringing your honor as mr stevens's wife i of all people know that he is not perfect and i certainly can't excuse his actions in this case but i can assure you that he is not a faith thank you mr stevens well there seems to be an additional fact here that might have some bearing on this case it is commonly known stephen that you have been very desperate for money in recent weeks well uh i admit i've been a little strapped just what is your business mr stevens well i will you might say i is a financial manipulator a financial manipulator uh excuse me you are but he's telling the truth uh he's been nipping my finances for years you step up please mr jones yesterday amos we've all known you around town for a long time and you're one of our prize citizens what do you know about all this uh well your honor the kingfisher has been a friend of mine for a long time and well we all know that he promotes a few little deals now and then your honor i object that's her villain and uh different kind of driven but what i started out to say is your honor that the kingfish would never pull a robbery or nothing like that i'd take my life on that thank you amos well i'm inclined to agree with amis after listening to all the facts in this case i really don't think you're a criminal type and i feel that this is all an unfortunate misunderstanding which wait a minute you are wait a minute hold everything so your honor with the permission of the coast aye algonquin j calhoun would like to throw a bombshell in this case here i intend to prove to the satisfaction of everybody that mr stevens here was not in a large hall of sleep during the robbery but was with me in my room playing generally till five o'clock in the morning stevens doesn't seem to recall that mr calhoun do you know the meaning of the word perjury plaguery do you know that you can go to the penitentiary for deliberately lying to protect a friend team and do you realize that giving false testimony is a criminal offense whatever you say about that your honor how would i go about turning states evidence oh mr calhoun yes stevens i think in view of this conflicting testimony here instead of dismissing this case we're going to have to go into a little deeper now wait a minute shawna i don't know nothing about his testimony excuse me your honor yes johnson may i speak to you a moment it's very important certainly well folks that follow this case what do you mean your honor i tell you i didn't do it i know you didn't stevens we just picked up the thief who committed to robbery when he was trying to find some of the jewelry he confessed to the whole thing he admitted using your car in the robbery you mean hi it's free i can go that's right oh thank you johanna thank you you guys thank you yeah yeah i feel happy this is over here let's get out of here oh sapphire darling that wonderful you're a very lucky man george stephens but it just so happens you wouldn't have been in any trouble like this if you'd lead a normal life like other men work in the day and sleep at night when you're supposed to now wait a minute yeah i mean and to make sure that nothing like this gets a chance to happen again tomorrow morning at seven o'clock you're going to get a job but i'm not fooling job you wanna could i have to flee love the court what's that stevens would you mind slapping me in jail until this whole thing blew over you
Channel: reelblack
Views: 76,903
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Id: h0tJjFMixl4
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Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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