Amos 'n' Andy - The Kingfish Finds His Future (1953)

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d-r-e-s-t-a b-l-a-n-c-a cresta blanca cresta blanca from the cool limestone caves of historic crestablanca winery comes cresta blanca california sauterne a delightful compliment to your meal the wine of sheer delight crest to block a wine company livermore california amos and andy will return at the same time week after next well folks here comes andy down the street and he's wondering what the light is doing on in a large hall at this time of night well we'll soon find out oh hi what's going on here kingfish well i just getting my belongings together to make room for the new kingfish i going away going away well today i lost my fifth job in two months andy i the failure well kingfish you know you was a failure before but it ain't never kept you up this late well i remember my record before and in all my life i discovered that i never held a job more than one day wait a minute kingfish what about that job you had with the construction company he was on that morning one day oh that was luck because see i fell off of a ladder into a tub of cement and it took him 36 hours to chip me out at least you got overtime you know kingfish uh maybe you lost confidence in yourself maybe you've got an inferiority complex like i had what do you mean any no i was in bad shape i even went to one of them mental doctors and had him to psychoalkalize me really you had an inferiority conflict well he said i didn't have no complexes at all i was just plain inferior on me because i ain't got no money i'm gonna throw in the sponge i'm gonna leave my friends and my wife and forget about the whole business i'm gonna be a fugitive from civilization well uh where's you sticking on students well i don't know andy it don't make no difference i know what i'm going to do i'm going to send this group and then i'm going to stop it at ransom with my finger and that's where i'm going here indeed i want to go three or four thousand miles from civilization on some desolate waste oh where to stop it jersey that's not a city kingfish sapphire can always drag you back through the holland tunnel let me spin it for you all right andy this is going to be it [Applause] what you got there longitude seems like i've heard something like that but ain't no using going there cause i don't speak the language hi fellas oh i emma hey what's going on here anyway well amos the kingfisher says he's a failure said he don't feeling no job or nothing and he's running away just a minute kingfish this is crazy we can't let you do nothing like this well don't worry about it lima you can't be no help i just have many kingfish maybe i can be some help so you figured that you can't make a success or nothing that right well what about it well it so happens that every morning i drive the man to work by the name of mr gladstone now he's the director of the vocational guidance center vocational guidance center well what's that got to do with me well now they worked on the theory that there's at least one thing every man does well and can make a success there and it gives test to find out what that thing is then you mean that there may be something i can do good and i don't even know about that's right kingfish so why don't you go up and see this man tomorrow morning i'm sure he can help you yeah kingfish that show sounds like something you can take a chance on well thank you amos i might do that yeah i think i'll go over there tomorrow morning well the thing is mr gladstone i can't think of a single thing that i could be a success well if you could mr stevens you wouldn't be here now with a series of tests it is our job to determine your mental aptitude and to find out just where your talent lies oh i see what you mean well just when do i start taking these tests well let me look at our schedule here [Applause] there's another gentleman going to take the test tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and you can both take them at the same time oh thank you sir you know i got a feeling that this is the beginning of a new starting life for me i ain't gonna stop at nothing to be a success i'm gonna do everything i can i'm gonna be a success at any cost that's just wonderful mr stevens just wonderful pardon me additions no uh my name is stephen how do you do my name is walker are you a failure like eyes no i'm merely here to properly evaluate my intellect in order that i may satisfactorily perform an economic readjustment oh you don't say though oh no no i just here to see how to make a book so you see the director this your place wants to judge my mental altitude well gentlemen we're about to start a series of tests which i'm sure will prove to be a tremendous aid to both of you now the first of these tests is a very simple test of coordination to phrase your mechanical ability now there are no two holes alike and there are two pegs are right so you must fit the proper peg in the proper hole now you will be allowed 10 minutes for this test you may begin [Applause] hey uh all right time is up now we've come to the written portion of our test there are six tests in all and each test will take 15 minutes now you may begin just as soon as i hand you your papers all right you may begin all right time is up i'll take your papers now we come to the concluding test this is to determine your perceptive artistic ability we want you to draw from memory a horse and in drawing it we want you to make it as detailed accurate and as true to form as possible now then are there any questions yeah you want a jockey on him no yeah very well you may begin so all right gentlemen this concludes our test we will evaluate your papers during the course of the day and mr gladstone will call you about our findings tomorrow morning thank you sir ah thank you very much [Applause] [Applause] they just finished with scranton good i'll take the test this is mr walkers all right and this is mr stephen um quite nice hello oh mr gladstone oh hello mr stevens we've just completed tabulating your test uh well i could have done a whole lot better if i had more time oh no no mr stevens i have wonderful news for you your tests indicate that you have an exceptional talent of which i guess you aren't aware it has obviously been dormant well i had a job at no man once but even that didn't work out well mr stevens why don't you come down to the office this morning and i'll tell you all about it uh yes i thank you i'll be right over oh how are you mr stephen oh i find mr gladstone well what's the big news where do i make my fortune well mr stephens you show a remarkable aptitude in many fields but there's one field where you show an outstanding talent well i knew i was loaded with talent but i didn't know just what direction the load went mr stevens you are an artist uh mr gladstone my left yeah i've been kind of back and closed on me here lately uh would you let me have that again what's my talent you are an artist mr stevens and your particular type of art has great commercial possibilities there is where your future lies is you talking about uh drawing stuff well this can't be too much of a surprise to you stevens you must have made drawings before this well i did once in a while but my wife always use them to line their trash basket with well mr stevens i'm here at the state without qualification that you are capable of earning a hundred dollars a week as a commercial artist i can guarantee you that a hundred dollars a week why yes after seeing that drawing of the horse i know with that kind of talent you can draw anything oh yeah you know i can draw pigs too they're even easier for me cause they ain't got so much hair on the head well look stevens i'll tell you what to do brush up on your drawings for a month get your technique down and then we'll get your job i'll do that and thanks for everything mr gladstone i admit i a little rough around the edges but the chance is i'll end up a big artist i'm quite sure of it and the man guaranteed me that in 30 days i'd be making a hundred dollars a week oh george that sounds wonderful but what is it that you're fitted for what is your talent i ain't gonna tell you honey until i brush it up on it but in three or four weeks you're gonna know the good news oh joy can't you give me just a hint well honey if you had uh kept your eyes open when you were lying in the trash basket you know what i'm talking about y'all you got my curiosity up about this hundred dollars a week this is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us yeah now i got to go get ready for everything i'll see you later okay georgie bye bye bye dear thank you sure you heard the man right uh he's a you artist oh no doubt about it i even gonna be better than this fella leonardo comiskey kingfish i always thought that artists had long hair yeah of course if you artist uh you can paint them on yeah either that or else i'm gonna let the fringe around here get a little shaggy you know andy this is gonna make a perfect studio for me you see i got the north light coming in here yeah well uh where is he gonna do the pain oh right there that's why i'm gonna put my weasel yeah little kingfish i've been thinking here you say there ain't gonna be no money coming in for a month now where are you gonna get the money to buy paints and brushes and stuff like that well brother andy that's one of the things that i wanted to talk to you about uh sit right down there our lover well andy for a long time i know you had great appreciation for the masters of the arts oh yes huh but only seeing how you like art i'm gonna give you a chance to develop the cultured side of your life well uh what you mean well uh by you giving me 50 bucks that's going to give you the opportunity of becoming a matron of the arts 50 bucks huh but what does that get for the 50 well any i'm going to give you my first 15 masterpieces well uh does you know what they're going to be let me think here i'm going to give you a picture of a horse a pig and maybe a giraffe two landscapes a house and three full sunsets yeah well uh how about something a little higher class uh something like an engine sleeping on a horse all right andy i'll throw in a couple of sleepy indians yeah well i can't go wrong with nothing like this kingfish come on down the bank i'll get the money for you andy you're in on the ground floor help me with this thing here oh well andy here's another one i just been cooling an hour and a half here and then knocked out 14 paintings yeah this is 14 uh that leaves one more to go wait a minute kingfish you said you were gonna paint me a couple of sleepy indians where's the indian but now andy you know as well as i do that's too hot for them any to sleep out there in that sun they're in the weak one move coming let's see what you got here there's the pig there's the horse and there's the landscape now any what would you like for the last one to be i see kingfish i see the jungle scene once with a tiger in it uh could you give me one of them well that ought not be too hard for me i just draw a little horse and put some lines on him one tiger coming up hi king piece hello andy what's the matter the kingfish didn't found out he's the artist he's playing the masterpiece well there it is hi accountant hi kingsley well there's another one andy yeah let's see what we got here just want to make sure this was the right size out here holding it too close oh yeah yeah yeah now i think i got it king p yes i know what it is and it's darn good phew yes sir that's a blue blueprint spreadsheet with sparian a jungle team with a tiger and a sunset it is huh well whatever it is it sure looks good enough to eat oh you ought to see some of his other pictures oh yeah yeah yeah and i have one now this is nicer than that of the jungle thing oh no calhoun that's the thing he wipes his brushes on kingfish frankly i ain't been around many artists now guess i just don't understand that kind of thing well calhoun you don't understand it andy don't understand it and to tell you the truth i don't understand it myself but for a hundred bucks a week i'm gonna keep on slopping away yeah yeah that's what the man said well i guess the man know what he's talking about all right well i got about 15 more minutes before lunch i guess i knock out a couple more paintings yeah where my palace well you had a minute ago yeah it'll be around here somewhere not bad not bad at home yeah that might even be better than the tiger oh my goodness look at that man in my good suit too kingfish what i gonna do well calhoun until you can get home and clean it up the best thing to do is hang a sign on there wet peeps i feel kind of bad about not letting self i know what i'm doing after all this is my old triumph and i think she should share the joy with me yeah she suffered with you through the bad times she ought to be able to enjoy the good ones yeah wait a minute here candy i'm gonna take all these pins that i made this morning and i'm gonna take them home and show sapphire what a glorious future i had now wait a minute kingfish remember you just borrowing these pictures i know andy i'd bring him back okay well honey i see you've been doing some shopping oh yes george we spent an awful lot of money but there are the things i've always wanted and with your job starting in a month why we haven't anything to worry about well george how do you like my new outfit oh honey it's beautiful just beautiful i'm glad you got it yes indeed it's just wonderful what money can do well i guess i better start getting trouble all righty mama well honey i wasn't gonna tell you about my talent till i really started making money at it but i just can't hold out no longer honey move to the bedroom and feast your eyes oh joyce this is so exciting i've been so anxious to know what it is [Music] oh i know honey the beauty of the thing don't struck your sweetness oh don't try to talk honey i know your heart is too full of emotion yo is that how you expect to earn the money well that's what the man told me he say i had a double genius in there that's how george expects to make his money oh george how could you how could you well honey you don't understand oh that's nice send the things back now wait a minute what's going on here don't you two appreciate art a three-year-old child could do better than that you have no artistic talent this is ridiculous ridiculous huh well a smarter person than you told me that i had loads of talent the greatest he's done ever seen george stevens you're out of your head yes this crazy idea of yours has got us into worse trouble than we've ever been in all right go ahead and insult me i guess grandma moses had to go through that same thing grandma moe yes and see that you too don't appreciate what i doing i go down now and take those pictures and show them the mr gladstone and tell him what you said and make your eat your word eat your word can you mean i ain't got no talent then no you haven't mr stevens none at all [Applause] mr gladstone yes i checked on it and i don't know how to explain it but somehow i got mr steven's test mixed up with mr walker's test oh i'm very sorry mr stevens i don't know what to say about it uh that's all right harper well mr gladstone you certainly don't got me into a fine mess my wife done went out and spent a fortune on clothes i don't know what i'm gonna do stephens is the first mistake of this kind we have made in 22 years and i do feel responsible for the whole thing you were enjoying your work weren't you mr stevens oh yes i was really getting a boot out of it but i guess i wasn't going no place but look steven i'm sorry for giving you the wrong information but as long as you like the type of work you were doing i think we can arrange something along those lines to get you out of your financial difficulties oh thank you mr gladstone i really appreciate it because now that i've been doing another day or two i certainly hate to get out of the art world 100 bucks a week my [Music] ah
Channel: reelblack
Views: 101,701
Rating: 4.6377797 out of 5
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Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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