Amos 'N' Andy - The Turkey Dinner (1951)

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[Music] this is amos the early afternoon the kingfisher's wife sapphire had the weekly meeting of the women's club up in the stephen's apartment the meeting broke up about four o'clock [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we're counting on you as a treasurer to make all the arrangements i'll take care of everything that's johnson it was a lovely party sapphire oh thank you dear oh and sapphire how is that husband of yours george oh he's been so big he's just after his naked word hit me off over you myself [Music] [Music] george stevens i never been so disgraced in all my life in front of all my friends honey i pulled y'all come in the back way i just laid down for a second i didn't mean to go to sleep and anyway what was all them old hands doing here a man's home is supposed to be his castle not a chicken poop george stephen don't you dare knock my club the ladies was all up here this afternoon to make arrangements for our annual club dim oh [Music] oh we're gonna have a wonderful dinner this year uh i ain't interested in that dull stuff there'll be a plenty of everything why we even got a hundred and fifty dollars to spend on turkeys alone 150 and the girls have left the money with me to make all the arrangements yeah this sounds like a charming affair yes how much money was your picking on paying a pound for these birds well in the market george they're asking 69 cents a pound you know honey offender could go out in the country and buy these birds but they will uh around 25 cents a pound wholesale then resell them to your woman's club with a nice profit well yeah somebody could [Applause] just a minute george you ain't figuring on doing that and why not i intelligent sharp-witted businessman a clear thinker and a man that knows what he is doing at all times [Music] well andy we ought to get 18 or 20 turkeys in there kingfish i don't know about this turkey deal i don't know whether i understand it or not uh you say we is equal partners in this huh oh certainly andy this is a 50-50 proposition now into the corporation i puts in my brain my ingenuity my integrity and my vast experience in the business world and all that uh you contributes and that's just great just on mine is the measly sum of 75 dollars cash you know kingfish you as one fella that can really make money sound like nothing oh no shame to have it oh don't apologize apologize just hand it over hmm you're gonna put this in the turtle back of your car and put the turkeys in this huh yeah and then we go down the country and buy the turkeys for 35 cents a pound and then we'll sell them to a sapphire's woman's club for 60 cents a pound yeah that's the deal andy kept me with this box oh yeah uh listen kingfish with the gasoline and the trip out in the country and hauling the turkeys back uh are you sure we're gonna make anything on this turkey deal well in the other way i figured with the normal profit plus the handling charges coupled with the thumb on the steel and the gravel and together we stand to make a pretty profit oh yeah yeah [Music] so this looks like good players all right yeah now let me do the talking alien good morning mr palmer nice to eat maybe well how's everything on the farm so so nice crop of cookies you got there thanks sir [Music] about 20 seconds i think we could do any business well what do you think what do you think paul [Music] don't know well i was thinking that's a point nice conversation they got there ain't it oh look mister is the money we can go as high at 30 cents a pound [Applause] [Music] well what do you think mom well what do you think paul well uh look uh we go high at 35 i don't want to go through all this again okay you got yourself a deal [Applause] there you are honey turkey that'll be 78 and 30 cents well there you are mister 78 and 30 cents drop by again anytime boys it's a pleasure to do business with you yeah thank you goodbye [Applause] [Applause] well no we made ourselves 78 yep for nothing too good thing we stopped by this here farm to rest yep and we better get back to our car too before the owner of this farm finds out what we've done oh lightning if anybody looking for me i'll be down in the basement feeding the turkey [Applause] two daring robbers striking in broad daylight managed to make a wave with springy fries turkeys green acres crumbs [Music] [Applause] can't you [Music] that old fella and his wife must have been to crooks uh it says in the paper that the police got to remember the car that the crook got away holy mackerel they found the trailers right here to the lodge hall and here we are stuck with a basement full of circuit me and andy bound to go up the river this time we found a walk the river but wait a minute we may go up the river but there's no reason that andy can take this crew by itself [Music] well come right in brother andy old partner dear well that's everything with the turkey any trouble or anything oh no uh lightning down in the basement feeding them now oh fine there did you mix the bb shot with the feed like he was gonna oh yeah and yeah i landed up the formula uh pretty good uh but andy i'm glad you dropped by there's a little bit of detail i think we better straighten out business details yeah and the uh little technicality that uh we overlooked in the rush of organizing the business andy this company has got to have a president a president oh sure and the other company got a president you know somebody to take the liabilities and the bow and the handshakes and uh raps and any other little things that might happen you mean you got to have a president just to sell 20 turkeys oh sure andy that's the law you see that comes under the tap heartburn well because i'm concerned you can be president you got your brain and everything oh no no andy we are living in a democracy this ain't no total crime state andy we got to have an election and i hereby cast my vote for you as president well it ain't polite to vote for myself so i hereby cast my vote for you [Music] run into a little snag here i think we better do this thing by a secret ballot i'll tell you what it is you write your vote on that slip of paper and i write my vote on this slipper paper well we're putting in the dirty here it's gonna be our real secret ballot now reach your hand in there son and go out of boat [Applause] one vote for andrew brown regent again son [Applause] one vote for george stephen [Music] read in again nathan [Music] another vote for andrew brown congratulations son if you read through the one practically your last slide andy you are now president of the company i'm wrong son kingfish is as close as i can figure out any but two of us here but there was three votes in that hat well andy uh you heard of a vote by proxy hadn't you well there was a proxy food in there and you just got peroxided into the job well it's been nice running against you oh wait a minute andy are you as the president of the company uh we are skipped that normal speech in the high still captain or everything but you gotta take those from all of us uh does yeah andy uh doesn't rip the iron brown thing up here on the typewriter uh read your right hand and i'll minister the thing to you i andrew brown do solemnly swear that as president of this company i will assume any and all liabilities and responsibilities that comes up in the future or has already done come up in the past i call the square that my earthquake partner george stevens shall be hereafter referred to as him declare stephen is good and he uh just uh put the john ham hock on there really you are now president of the company uh tell me something kingfisher how long do you think i'm gonna serve oh well near as i can figure it'll be in the neighborhood of uh 30 days [Music] hey hey wait a minute i've been looking all over for you this is terrible the trouble you and the kingfishers in trouble holy mackerel aimless men the kingfish is stuck with stolen turkeys [Music] that's mean you go someplace where it's nice and quiet someplace where we can have a nice long toe [Music] kingfish you better have that ironbound thing i signed real boys you can't believe a fella for trying that's better now the thing for you to do is to go to the police and tell them the whole story did you crazy go to the police you think they're going to believe a in the bulls story that we bought them turkeys from a fellow standing by the rude side yeah emma's yours out of your mind again andy the thing for us to do is hide the car get rid of those turkeys yeah removed evidence not let the police catch us with the turkey the necktie oh that's a crazy idea boy leave everything to me the old kingfish will take care of everything that's right calhoun i want you to take the turkeys out of the lodge hall basement and take them out in the country and lose them someplace all right kingfish all right i'll get a hold of lightning and we'll smuggle them turkeys out the basement around midnight tonight but believe me kingfish i wouldn't do this for nobody else but you oh thank you childhood thank you that's right mr thompson i couldn't wait for my husband to do anything about it you can deliver the 20 turkeys anytime at all tomorrow we'll deliver them the first thing in the morning mr stevens but where are you going to keep 20 live turkeys well it'll only be for two days and i thought of a wonderful place very well mr stevens we'll deliver the 20 live turkeys the first thing in the morning the mystic knights of the sea lodge hall that's right and put them in the basement please thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's a lovely morning andy a lovely morning oh yes your feels wonderful knowing that calhoun doesn't dump them turkeys out in the country someplace ah you said it boy really so nice and quiet around here now yeah yeah if the police come around looking for us they won't find a way evidence against that well i'll tell you [Music] that was a good imitation of a turkey you're down there son [Music] open my mouth that's funny i could have sworn now don't get excited andy i see what's wrong i've been worried about turkey so much it done affected my mind i hear something that ain't there yeah but that's something that ain't there i've been hearing it too yeah i don't mind a tricky thing all right both of us hearing something that ain't there [Music] kingfish i agree with you that the mind is tricky and all that but something keeps telling me that them takers are still in that business oh no no andy what me and you is here in here is what they call acoustical illusion but just to put your mind in i'll call calhoun and check with him illusion all right uh with kingfish you know i've been thinking that hello carol well this the kingfish oh how you kingfish what's up uh listen calhoun i know this is a silly question but last night you did take those turkeys out in the country and dump them didn't you sure i did me and lagging took them turkeys 50 miles out of town why are you asking this crazy question well uh me and andy having an illusion here calhoun are you sure you took those turkeys out in the country and got rid of them positive tivoli them turkeys is now naturalized citizens of new jersey that's all i want to know hold on how you see andy just like i said they're just an illusion kingfish this thing is driving me crazy i'm going down in the basement and check well go ahead but i tell you it's just an illusion let's see how much i lost on the deal here [Music] divisible by 30. [Music] yeah and there's 19 more of these illusions down in the basement well oh do you like that candy he didn't get rid of these circuits yeah what you gonna do now kingfish well then bring the car around to the bank and we get rid of these turkeys ourselves yeah you know kingfish it would have been a lot less trouble if the woman's club had decided on meatballs [Music] [Applause] oh hello sapphire don't see the way you've been oh never mind sapphire never mind i'm gonna go get a glass of water say george you can forget about the turkish for the women's club i got to turkey this morning from thompson's poultry mart good that's why i've been looking for you i want you to keep an eye on you wants me to keep an eye on on turkey mr thompson put him in the basement of the lodge hall this morning [Music] you say somebody put turkeys in the basement of the lodge hole this morning that's right oh george what's wrong george what are you up to honey i'm going to tell you something here and i'm afraid it's going to come as a great shock to you judge what is it honey i want you to get a grip on yourself i want you to be calm i don't know how you're going to take this george i've been married to you for 20 years and nothing's going to upset me now tell me what it is i'm calm i'm cool and i'm collected and i assure you i will not get the least bit excited well yeah what happened [Music] are you coming around are you coming around i told you it was going to be a shock oh george of all the things you've ever done messing up my women's love dinner 20 churches and i was responsible oh look honey it was all my fault i'll admit it i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get you the money to buy 20 new targets now what i'm going to do i'm going to get you the money 140 150. well honey i had the hockey of a thing i owned but i come through for you george if you let me do this from the beginning there wouldn't have been all that trouble i know i know honey i always mess with things up you as the smart one you is the one who gets things done you bet i do miss johnson and i are getting the today and believe you me this time there won't be none of your crazy mistakes [Applause] we have planned on turkeys but when we saw your sign we felt we just had to have ducks for the women's club dinner it's a pleasure to do business with you stop by anytime thank you [Music] we've done it again [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 45,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gsLG769GDto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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