Amos 'N' Andy - The Rare Coin (1951)

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ladies and gentlemen this is amos i just want to tell you about something that happened to my friends and then the kingfish and they found a nickel in an old trunk it was dated 1877. so andy wrote a letter to mr wilton a rare coin dealer and right now mr wilton is answering and his letter andrew h brown care of the mystic knights of the sea lodge hall dear mr brown in reply to your recent letter requesting the value of an 1877 five cent piece the current market of this coin is 250 dollars if you care to bring the coin in we will be happy to pay you this amount i hope our offer meets with your approval yours truly is that all mr yes and i hope this andrew brown accepts our offer i'd like to add this coin to our collection uh get the letter right off yes sir good morning kingfish well good morning joe how about hailed a meal man this morning any meal just one letter king fish it's fandy brown i'll see the boy later at the pool hole i'll give it to him well i guess i better be getting home now see the battle axe got any lunch for me see you later pal is that you charged yes therefore just me lunch ready i just come from [Music] honey thought i told you not to come out in that region i got something in my stomach you just keep your big mouth shut what's that letter you got there the letter family from a rare coin dealer hmm maybe i better open that letter and see what they're writing the boy about george stevens you ain't thinking about tampering with the males is you now wait a minute let's think of this thing you know i pay taxes it's my government what about where was my government my post office and with my post office and you know how i'm going to fill open his own meal isn't it mr andy brown 1877 holy mackerel andy has got a nickel worth 250 dollars george stevens it was bad enough opening andy's letter you ain't thinking about dipping him out of that coin is you who me innocent stevens i'll see how he is well you just better not because i ain't gonna stand for no more people around here you understand that and if you start dipping in your anybody else i'm gonna break every bone in your body well henry van poda hello king fish uh have a seat henry charming to see you simply charming yeah cheers charming i dropped mrs van porter at the beauty parlor and came right over as soon as i could now uh what's this i hear about andy having a nickel worth 250 dollars that's right henry i accidentally found out about it now all i got to do is figure out a way to get it away from me well knowing you kingfish that should be a minor operation i know the boy got the nickel on him someplace but how i gonna get his pants off so i can go three pockets well let me see a man takes his pants off when he uh goes to sleep or when he goes to the doctor wait a minute doctor that's it henry doctor say i got a lot of doctor equipment that i got when the drugstore up the street burned down yeah dr george stevens henry i think i had about to pre-form a nicolectomy english i've been expecting a letter that was supposed to uh uh uh uh skewed mandy can't you see i've taken a blood count here c head full subtract two hmm that's the most anemic blood i ever did see oh yeah hello pal it's good seeing you uh skewed the rubber glove i just come from a big operation kingfish you mean to say that you is a actual doctor well i ain't been flapping it around but i've been taking a correspondence course and docking from that big uh medical school down there in uh uh baltimore john i didn't hear granville that please yeah uh what's the matter but wait a minute yeah um kingfish is you um and good or pooh and bad well in between uh better take another look here i see you was suffering from a slight inflammation of the optimistic nerve there oh me now i don't want to worry you're frightening or nothing like that but if you got any reason to do you better do it within the next two weeks two weeks okay doctor what must i do well i can't tell till i look into it a little deeper how deep is you got to look uh pretty deep uh take off your pants wait a minute kingfish if this troubles with my eyes how come i got to take my pants off that's a secret of obstricity so don't argue with the obstrucitor yeah put that on and hurry up too cause i got a full schedule of doctor in here so i think i'm gonna have to squeeze you in but treat an appendicitis and uh loose liver you don't locate the trouble with my eyes yet kingfish it ain't hitting your head noids uh turn around [Music] better take a look in this ear here sure is dark in there wait a minute until i get my flashlight here andy you hold this there while i run around looking at the other side [Music] any light coming through all right ah good good yeah well i see the trouble now is with your eyes all right what you mean with my eyes well after giving you third examination i find that the root of your trouble is high strength yeah i'm a boy you don't change your eyes yeah i know i ain't been seeing the way i order you ought to see some of the girls i've been whistling at lately india that you give your eyes complete risk yeah you got to rest them at least an hour each day yeah but ain't it kind of hard to rest your eyes without resting the rest of you no son uh medical science doesn't find out a way to overcome that yeah yeah you got to shut out the light completely yeah you got the out all in life all the lights don't want you to see nothing nothing down uh oh not there anything not there i hear the chill over here now you sit right here sit down there on the chair and i just said yes sit down yeah everything won't be all right can you see anything i can't see nothing say kingfish where is you i scared no no no wait a minute now i'll sit down we're gonna have to sit down i'll sit down enough i'll just sit there and relax everything gonna be all right kingfish hold my hand hold your hand yeah hold my hand if you don't hold my hand this second i'm going to take this advantage don't don't don't don't do that don't i don't do that uh here my hand now just hang right on to it there hang on ah that's better well i'm sure it's cold uh that's because i've been having chills here lately kingfish i know you is here but it sounds like your voice is coming the other side of the room you just sound like that away and it's acoustic i stand right here alongside you oh good boy you know kingfish use a real pal to stay so close to me when i was scared like this yeah you sure [Music] mr wheel telephone right back there i think [Music] [Music] well hello mr william luke i got that let about the 1877 nickel yeah and i got the nickel right here in my pocket and uh [Music] holy smoke i don't drop the ram nickel in the telephone say kingfish for the last half hour you've been awful quiet you ain't dead where's the rest of you andy what is you doing with that crazy thing in your hand amos 30 minutes ago the kingfish was on the other end of that thing yeah but what is your parents doing down on the floor over there with the pockets inside out amos my nickel wait a minute this whole thing is a trick of the kingfish he then got away with my rare nickel and what you gonna do now and amos i'm gonna find that kingfish and i'm gonna beat him to a pub [Music] and then i'm going to beat up on the pill yeah and now that you explain it that way kingfish i realize that you is my pal oh yeah i've done it all for you i only took the nickel so you wouldn't lose it and he made a deal for you to get 250 and the best part of the deal is i only gonna take half the money and i even count on taking as small as hell kingfish i don't know how to thank you uh but tell me this where is the nickel now you got it in a safe place well yes and no uh how come that node messed up in there brand new old pal the nickel is in the telephone coin back down them in the drugstore whoa go down no doubt something just kind of wheels by me that king it seems to me uh i heard you say something about uh telephone coin box when a team nothing to get excited about the nickel is in the telephone coin bob down the middle drugstore change fish are gonna bust you right in the nose now now take it easy calm down calm down we ain't gonna get nowhere fighting with each other the reporting thing to do now is figure out a way to get it out yeah i guess that's the thing you do all right now when could you go down there and pry the box off the wall oh i could go down and try that box off the wall uh i could uh hold it hold it what you means when can i do it well you is the illogical one to do the job being the owner of the coin you have got prior rights oh yes huh yeah so having pride rights it's up to you to do the pride [Music] you know kingfish for the first time today you is beginning to talk since come on here good afternoon hi hello kingfish is you sure that we won't get no trouble messing with that phone box of course not andy you was only getting your own nickel back you has got legal juice spruce is huh yeah now you get in there and i take a dangerous part i'll stand god out here that what i'm gonna do oh kingfish you is a pound come on [Music] uh [Music] ouch you make so much noise you guys [Music] get out of here there's hard enough ruling over me to work [Music] hello roy hello norman say would you change this for me i want to use the phone sure are you on duty today right i'll know in a few minutes i have to call the death sergeant down to 30-second precinct are you oh in there andy have it for you in a minute kingfish is someone using the phone oh it being used all right a friend of mine used it yeah well uh will your friend be long i gotta call headquarters what that last thing you say you gotta call headquarters oh you mean uh republicans are democrat headquarters if you are a politician or something like that police headquarters i'm a plane closure certainly the noise he died on that phone in there hey kingfish give me a hacksaw i can't get the money back uh what's that you saying stranger hey what's going on in there trying to rob the coin box i never see the man before in my life hey hold on and you come on out here you're both under arrest hey mister you can't rest me kingfish tell him what you told me tell him i got juicy prunes over everything [Applause] slashing around in the full freedom when they get us on their stand they're liable to turn you again me and me again you they'll have us cutting each other's throats yeah you said it i see that in the picture with humpty bogart once we gotta do is stick together and don't forget we as all brothers in that great fraternity the mystic knights of the sea we got to be loyal to each other face this thing with a united front all for one and one for all that's the spirit kingfish [Applause] shake this court will come to order george stevens and andrew h brown breaking and entering attempted robbery destroying a public utility the two defendants were apprehended at the scene of the crime with burglary tools violation section 498 new york state criminal code how do the prisoners approach the bench please [Applause] you are he's the one who's done it [Music] are you represented by council uh yes iana we got a council yes sir he ought to be here where is a council for these two men all right here you honor i'd like to say that their home the judge is up there i blacked out the plea of not guilty for these two crooks on what ground according to the report these men were caught trying to break open a telephone coin box in the presence of a witness who also is a police officer of this city well yes sir y'all but they don't learn their lesson they never gonna break up nothing in front of a cop no more isn't your name calhoun that's right your honor algonquin jay calhoun and didn't i disbar you three years ago excuse me honor but how much ground did we lose while our lawyer was in defending us we're wasting much too much time here how do you please guilty or not guilty not guilty your honor uh yeah not guilty well uh slightly guilty if you the defendant's refusal to enter a plea i hereby order these two men i'm the arresting officer in this case and uh this is amos jones a friend of mine we have some evidence that has a bearing on this case evidence uh yeah i'll see you anna i i think there's been a mistake made here these two fellas wasn't really trying to steal nothing uh you see this y'all nickel your honor yes in other words mr jones these men were trying to recover this 1877 nickel from the corn box yes your honor that's the whole story well mr jones from what you and the arresting officer have testified i believe that there was more stupidity involved here than criminal intent yes sir your honor in view of these facts i'm going to dismiss this case but i'm warning you too you got off easy this time but if i ever hear of your tampering with a coin box again you'll end up in jail i'll guarantee you that oh loser don't worry about that johanna we have tampered our last tampa it's dismissed oh boy it sure feels good to get out of here do sir i know this is one place that they never quite seem like home to me to me the boy fellas uh what do you want cameron i'm sorry about what happened in the coat there but if i don't judge hadn't thrown me out of the courtroom i got you fellas off with 90 days [Applause] oh yeah i got it right here in my pocket see there's a phone right there we can use uh what does we want with a telephone well here's the rare coin dealer telephone number call him up and tell him that me and you will be right over to get the 250 wait a minute kingfish the thing that i has never understood is why has i got to give you half this money andy brown you made a verbal deal with me and try and back out now and i'll carry you right back in there to that code again all right [Music] oh me kingfish what's the matter now i didn't put the rare coin in the telephone do you mean to see that you don't put the round nickel in the telephone well you got me so nervous i couldn't think you stupid bum how in the world could you do a thing like that you heard what the judge said about tapping with the phone boxes yeah but kingfisher set up handy brown as long as i live i'm never going to speak to you again goodbye you big dummy what number did you die el dorado six three five three i'm sorry there is no such numbers i noted uh would you please [Applause] retire [Music] foreign [Music] um
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 106,922
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Id: ayWogGxu7vg
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Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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