Amos 'N' Andy - Second Honeymoon (1955)

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ah [Applause] 25 years [Applause] george do you know what next tuesday is for next tuesday yeah oh yeah do you know what it is yes but do you oh sure what is it well honey you tell me i want to just make sure that you haven't forgotten it's our 25th wedding anniversary yeah our 25th wedding anniversary just waiting to see honey if you holy remember you and i have been married 25 years yep you're a pretty lucky girl all right man i found our old photograph however what is it here oh that's a rose from the wedding bouquet you gave me yeah them how to fix your flower shoulder hold up don't they look our wedding picture yeah but who the fellow standing their side here oh well that's you george that's the way you look when we went away on our honeymoon hmm where'd we go uh indian country oh now you know we went to niagara falls look there's a hotel where we stay yeah oh matrimony manor [Music] wouldn't it be wonderful to go back there again what for wait for a second honeymoon george wouldn't that be a romantic way to spend our 25th anniversary the same hotel the same room everything just like it was 25 years ago see honey that's a great idea i still have a suit i wore when we went away i saved it yeah i think i got that outfit of mine around here somewhere i think i'll go see yeah it seemed like i've seen it yeah a couple of weeks ago ah there it is let me try that thing on all right i'll help you hmm i must have stood a little too close to the fall this thing here i shrunk up a little oh that's george let's face it we're both a little heavier than we were 25 years ago at niagara falls well i guess i did take on a little weed around the international boundaries oh mama we're in here [Music] oh stanford now hello mama don't start nothing me and sapphire are just hauling cupid out of the mothballs i don't know do you know i've decided to celebrate this year our 25th anniversary you're gonna get a job uh what i mean uh me and sapphire i decided we're gonna have a second honeymoon and we're going to niagara falls the same hotel the same room everything just like it was 25 years ago yeah i better be getting down to the station to get the railroad tickets uh oh something wrong george uh look mama hi a little short uh would you advance me the money to give them tickets yeah just like it was 25 years ago this is the second honeymoon that's we now want the same car in the same seats just like it was 25 years ago well though thank you all aboard for the honeymoon express well india i do say so myself i look better than i did 25 years ago i'll be careful mr stevens that jack is just basted yeah i bet you had to do a major construction job to get that thing to fit oh i had to add a little material and i moved the buttons over a little if you move them buttons over anybody you're gonna have to throw them to his stomach oh that's all right boys go ahead and laugh it up i fell expect a little uh joshing on his uh honeymoon but you make sure and have these clothes all lit up by tuesday oh don't worry they'll be ready yeah i got the clothes i got the ticket and i got the bride and twozy me and sapphire take off on a second honeymoon yeah but kingfish you ain't really gonna wear that outfit is you yeah why not are you too old for that cake walking outfit look handy i wore this 25 years ago and i can wear it again today a man is just as young as he feels [Music] [Music] that my jacket or my sacrifice oh that must be george now i'm so glad you waited until he came i want you both to meet him i've seen him in the hall and he seems like such a dignified quiet man i didn't know we had company george i just getting into the honeymoon fair honey well i know what you mean mr stevens florence and i were just married yes george this is florence and ed miller the young couple that just moved in upstairs oh just married huh yes three weeks hmm just starting to race for me and the little woman here is just finishing up 25 laps yes we know and congratulations florence and ed are going to feed our goldfish for us while we're away on our honeymoon oh that's quite neighborly oh we're glad to do it well we've got to be running along yeah thank you thank you very much so nice of you to stop in thank you can we be seeing you goodbye i think the cutest couple's yours yeah honey they remind me a little bit of me and you 25 years ago well i only hope they'll be as happy as we've been really well after boy had as much patience as i've had what do you mean well uh the ability to give and take uh see the other fella's point of view uh two sides to every question and all that stuff well yes a successful marriage is a 50 50 proposition all right yeah 50 yen little arguments and break up a marriage yeah that kid stuff it caught all the trouble all right man if it hadn't been for a childish quarrel i had with uh henry foster we might never admit yeah i mean you telling me about you blowing your top at him and then went for a walk in the park to cool off and there you were sitting on a park bench yeah and you come along and i dropped your handshape to uh check my attention oh no george you tipped your hat to me and asked me what time it was i didn't even see you before that honey your memory is slipping a down as if it was yesterday you made the it's little first move you asked me what time it was well if i asked you what time it was it was because i couldn't see the tower clock on the count of you waving that hank around in front of my eyes before you drop it i did not drop any handkerchief now look i was sitting there on that bench just like that and you come a walking by oh you were walking and you spotted me sitting there and you're stuck and your eyes bugged out at my handsome little like that and then you opened your purse and you took out your hatchet and you weaved it all around in front of my eyes and then you dropped it on the ground it was pretty corny but it worked that's not true you asked me for the time uh you dropped the hangar i did not you did do wow well to you all right and that's the way you feel about it you can just forget about the second honeymoon well that's fine with me and i don't want to go on no second honeymoon with no woman who forgot how she met her husband [Music] and there your sentimental anniversary present [Applause] judge oh georgia aren't we silly arguing like this thanks so much for the anniversary present a haircut yeah a symbol of our first meeting [Music] okay kingfish now give me all the plain and disreputable facts of the disagreement between you and sapphire so i can turn them over to the lawyer well calhoun is the way it was i bought the ticket for the second honeymoon and i come home and sapphire greeted me with a smile the planer returns home to find his wife in an ugly mood didn't you give me a little kiss the wife immediately starts nagging [Music] there was a young couple there from upstairs the place was jammed with vicious hula they promised to feed the goldfish they threatened him with mayhem a and battery and hit him with a fishbowl will you please write down what i say is kingfish i is i just put it down in legal language that's all now proceed now like i was saying hello king fish hi calallen hi hello you missed the gang vision i got the rice and old shoes to throw at you when it takes off on your second honeymoon well uh don't forget to throw those shoes back they're the only pair i got it i'll take you and sapphire down to the station in the cab kingfish uh thanks demons but they ain't gonna be no second honeymoon well what happened well according to the fact in the case of stevens versus stevens uh the kingfish being the first stephens before the verses preceding the second stephens the plaintiff were entered into a matrimonial disagreement in which ended in him being the the victim of a cruel and murderous beast ever has a fight why to open and shut caves the kingfish opened his mountains have i shut it first well everything was going along fine until argument started about how we met the next thing i knowed i was out in the hole with my hat in my hand waiting for the ambulance quit putting words in my mouth you mean you and sapphire split up over a little thing like that it was no little thing amos she said that i was sitting on a bench in a park and she come along and you stopped her and asked for the time and she dropped it i did that's right kingfish you don't bore us with that story a couple of dozen times hmm now where did that hate you come in there you spread the handkerchief out on the bench so she could sit down at least that's what you've been telling us hmm okay kingfish what happened after the hoodlums pushed you out the window yeah will you please get out of here some days a man can make a nickel this is childish arguing when you're getting ready to celebrate your 25th anniversary and you two going off on your second honeymoon what are gonna do sapphire pretty mad well go home apologize sapphire forgive me and everything will be all right harris i think you're right i know i'm right what's that for just in case you ain't [Music] if you see i asked you what time it was well that's the way it was oh george you know i think that's why our marriage has lasted so long we're both willing to forgive and forget yeah that's right i don't know what's happening in florence upstairs they must be having a difference of opinion honey we knew when we started that the road to romance gonna be a long one sometimes it seemed pretty dark before the clouds break through the silver lining we got to taste the bitter with the bella honey that difference of opinion up there of doing a lot of damage down here yes maybe you better go up and see what you can do about it spontaneous uh conclusion oh back single fire one at a time well i guess we've been getting on each other's nerves how little things it started this morning at breakfast yes every time he sits down at the table he picks up his napkin flaps it around and then he sticks it under his chin and it drives me insane how about you the minute you pick up a piece of toast you start scraping it scrape scrape scream and what about you now we we're just creeps creeping in the bang bang in the decline of clatton breakfast at your house must sound like a spike jones record you're both being silly those are the childish little things you've got to overlook in a marriage well i guess so well they don't sound very important yeah now boy go and give a little kiss there and make up and live happy ever after [Music] [Applause] george breakfast come in honey hello georgie more than darling hmm well they're kind of quiet up there the love bird might be having a happy breakfast yes i guess we show them how silly it is to let little things interfere with their happiness yeah you got to overlook the little things do you always have to flap that napkin around and tuck it under your chin well i never noticed that i did [Music] do you have to scream that toast like that well i've done it every morning ever since we've been married yeah get on a man's nerd with that straight [Applause] screams guys will you please stop banging on that egg and you have to make all that record when you stir with that flatter clatter platter you do plenty of things that get on my nerves like what well for years you'll use our clean towels to shine your shoes yeah and you do a lot of things to annoy me too like what we'll uh by hanging your stockings all over the bathroom sometimes there's so many of them i can't get to the top well what about the way you squeeze the toothpaste too yeah and what about the way you leave your hampton scattered all over the house who snores all night well uh you don't bother me with that noise well if i'm so unbearable you don't have to put up with me yeah if i'm so unbabel you don't have to put up with me neither and that's the end of the second honeymoon and the first marriage and you dropped the handkerchief [Applause] yeah that's what happened when the kingfish and sapphires really busted up this time that's terrible yeah ruby and after 25 years it just don't seem possible the whole thing started when the kingfish stuck his napkin under his chin and sapphire scraped the toast yeah it seems silly people getting upset over little things like that it certainly does andy take your feet off the coffee table dear ruby yeah you're right i i shouldn't put my feet on there now that hadn't been the kingfish and sapphire that would have started the fireworks but anne and wouldn't it be ridiculous to start a fight over a little thing like that yeah uh maybe if the kingfish and sapphire would see somebody else fighting over the little stuff they fight over they'll realize how stupid the whole thing is yeah uh ruby do you love me what a silly question of course i do good cause i think you and i are gonna have our faced fight are you sure sapphire's coming yes when i invited her i told her to be here to quarterback well i told the kingfish eight o'clock i wouldn't want them to meet outside or they never come in oh hello sarah hello amos hello ruby would you sit down oh thank you this healthy night love you to invite me out tonight would have been kind of hard staying home alone especially tonight oh yes this would have been your 25th anniversary yes if it hadn't been for that stupid stubborn oh i just lost my appetite i'll see you later i will if i can sit with my back to the table now you stop that if you don't want to talk to sapphire you don't have to well that's fine with me because i certainly don't want to talk to him well come on folks and let's order dinner hey mr you have to do that well now let's see we'll have a fruit cup chicken soup a green food wait a minute i'm the host i'll order the dinner you always order the dinner and you never get anything anyone like i never had any complaints well i'm complaining well if you don't like what i order you don't have to eat are you asking me to leave the table suit yourself very well i'll be happy to and if i never uh hold on yeah what's going on i've had just about all i can stand with these pesky little things ava's ruby i'm surprised you two of all people fighting what's so surprising about it you and george fight don't you well that's something different well what's so different about it you fight over little things we fight over little things and personally i'm fed up with you noticing every little tiny thing i do you must cut that out are you and ruby acting like a couple of kids haven't you and sapphire i've been acting like a couple of kids well perhaps so uh but they're different with you and humans you love each other well you and sapphire love each other don't you do we honey of course we love each other and we've been mad 25 years today and we going on our second honeymoon server we better hurry are we going to miss our train we'll make it yours we'll see in a couple of weeks and don't fight no more oh george i'm so happy yeah and i'm happy too honey and everything going to be all right now oh wow i don't forgot my glasses well i will get them for you that's worked perfectly you're a good actor oh you're pretty good yourself they never even suspected to receive that little fight just to bring them back together well so you and amos and ruby stay in the whole thing uh what are you talking about pretty smart having amos and ruby put on that fake quarrel so i'd make up with you so the whole thing was fake huh you have done well it was i knew nothing of the kind and if there was anything fake that was done by you know who namely you oh kingfish i'm glad you're still here you forgot your glasses thank you how do you see [Music] pretty late to be out there you better be getting home how can go home oh it's fat with a little woman huh yeah that wife of mine is a stubbornness woman in the whole world know what you mean yeah she's the stubbornest woman in the world [Music] oh excuse me what time is it welcome to niagara falls that's the same thing he said us 25 years ago that's right george sign right here please yeah and i'd like to have room 508 uh that's the one we had we're here on our first honeymoon george the hotel hasn't changed a bit everything's just like it was 25 years ago george george get me a room yeah everything just like it was 25 years ago
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 35,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _-wGk4ZoaDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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