Amos 'N' Andy - The New Neighbors (1953)

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ah [Music] george will you come in out of that window why there's nothing wrong with it well just because we have new neighbors moving in next door you don't have to snoop on everything they bring into the house i look honey i can tell what kind of neighbors they're going to make when i see the type of furniture and stuff what they got then i'll know rather to cultivate them or plow them under well i don't like to be so nosy if you tend to your own business instead of other people's business you wouldn't be in trouble all the time it's just a disgrace staring out that window think i'll get something so i can get a better look at the stuff [Music] they go a tv set look like a 17 inch screen the last neighbor that moved out had a 21 inch screen it looked like we lose four inches on the deal for the last time will you please come away from that window you got some nice furniture there too look like that brand new stuff had just come in style french prudential difference is not finch provincial it's chinese chippendale hmm it looked like when the cat was away the mouse took a gander look george stevens all i have to say is you come in out of that window before i get angry well i can't get much of a line on the quality of the merchandise down there from way up here so i wait until you get moved any department and then i strikes thanks very much mr foster well the next stop are on the south side well they all moved in honey i going over there george those people aren't even settled yet look honey they got a lot of stuff over there that we can use and the time to boy is when you can catch people all confused and off guard george you're just impossible i'm not gonna have anything to do with it well that's up to you honey i going over there i'd like to introduce myself my name's foster we just moved in next door to you well this night i was just coming over for some friendly and neighborly chit chat oh how very nice say we are unpacked yet and i was just wondering if we could borrow one or two little things borah yes you see we need a broom a mop a box of cleaning powder some light bulbs about a dozen coat hangers and some sheep now wait a minute yeah mr foster i'm mrs stevens how do you do it we'd be glad to let you have those things oh thank you very much don't we much time do you bob oh well you know how it is just moving in and all that yeah i've admit the fact i accidentally uh looked into the moving van down there and i see you have quite a wardrobe and if i ain't mistaken me and you wear the same size say suits glad you mentioned that because if we wear the same size suit we probably wear the same size shirt too mine aren't unpacked yet you don't mind if i take one of these but i have one for tomorrow too now wait a minute here here you are mr foster oh thank you how very nice of you oh don't mention it oh i better open the door for you thank you you're certainly welcome goodbye folks did you get a load of that fella he swept through here like a plague of locusts oh george let's be honest you were just getting ready to go over there and borrow everything you could from him well that's a different thing i've been living here the longest and i got seniority george you shouldn't resent helping out your neighbor after all you remember reverend dobson said last sunday we should love our neighbor we should be kind to our neighbor and generous i going over there that's what i'm gonna do don't buy the folks if i can find it myself well what do you know about that he doesn't even cut out the middle man all right electrically haven't been turned on yet you don't mind if i plug in here do you oh no go right ahead go right on maybe you like to boys from our dust too huh [Music] that does it i ain't gonna stand for no neighbor like that i go into the landlord and put in a complaint [Music] yeah i went to montgomery i had to put in a complaint about the new tenant that moved in next door to me yes what about now you've got to get him out of there or else i'm going to do something drastic i'm going to pick myself up and i'm going to move no i didn't see that oh but i can't understand how you could allow a little clap cannon like that to move into this building now let's face it stephen since you're in here we can't get anybody else uh well my regards to your wife [Music] yeah i tell you fellas i just don't like this neighbor mine so he raised a boring kind of gangly well just one thing kingfish you know a lot of people bother yeah but not like this fella he come in and took the vacuum cleaner without even asking i didn't know you had a vacuum cleaner kingfish oh sure i bought it two months ago from smith down on the first floor yeah well i gotta admit it's pretty bad having people move next to you that's worse than you is oh yeah yeah uh what's that again andy well i know all about this bar and kingfisher a fella moved right across the hall for me last year and he's always borrowing things one night he wanted to buy my car well let him have that and then he come back and board five dollars for gasoline oh boy now that's really something yeah but the payoff was he called back and wanted to know what my guy was doing that night i'll tell you something fellas when it comes to mooching ain't nothing worse than a smoocher but what does sapphire mama think about this fella well you know sapphire everybody look all right to her when she compare them to me and mama ain't met the fella yet oh she ain't yeah no she'll be in jersey taking care of sapphire sister she got the virus or something well i tell you kingfish if you don't think you're gonna get along with this fella i think the best thing for you to do is just keep your distance and then that way you won't get in no trouble well even if he's the type of fella you can do that with i met him in the hall this morning and he told me that his wife is going shopping or something tonight and he invited himself over sounds like this boy is going to be hard to slow down emmy why don't you come over tonight and then i won't have to buy the blunt or this fellow by myself okay kingfisher i'll be over uh what time is supper andy i think you got a little of that foster in you too [Music] that was a darn good stuff for sapphire so well thanks andy i'm glad you enjoyed it george i guess mr foster will be here any minute now and i've got so much darning and mending to do i'm going to spend leaving in the bedroom well whatever you say honey you know andy i've been studying about this guy foster and i think i got an angle that really going to slow the boy down what's that kingfish well when he comes up i gonna suggest a game of cards and you know how i can handle myself when it comes to gin rummy oh yeah you're good at that stuff all right oh i tell you andy i'm gonna a good evening i want you to meet my friend brown here how do you do bro uh likewise and me and brown were just talking he thought it'd be nice that the three of us could have a very pleasant evening by playing a friendly little game of gin rummy well i'm not very much of wanted cards but uh that's what the majority wants i'll go along oh sapphire where's the cards well i haven't seen any around for a long time george i don't think we have any look uh perhaps i can help you out i just happen to have a deck on me you know kingfish the last time i played cards with a fella just happened to have a deck on him i had to sleep in the park for two weeks [Music] sit on andy i'll get a patent pencil [Music] huh [Music] you think it's going to be cold in the park next week [Music] let's see if they're all here yep 52. now we'll uh keep those things cool so nobody will get hurt anybody want to come well i would but i don't think you're going to do much good [Music] [Music] four thousand eight hundred ninety seven brown you owe me eight dollars stevens i'll take 11 from you well thanks very much we'll have to do this again sometime yeah night good night good night and all came i always thought you had crust but next to him you is just a cupcake yeah what's that behind there she get on the extension and i just can't put up with this guy foster and i got to figure out a way to get him out of this apartment you mean make him move yeah but they were just some way to make him move or just somewhere and what make people move well some people move because the neighbors is obnoxious but he don't seem to mind you kingfish and some people's move on account of the noise but the only thing here i don't guess we make too much noise well that noise is a good angle all right george that was mama on the phone yeah well how is your super nelly well knowing some better but mama's afraid the baby might catch her cold so she's bringing the baby over to stay a few days now wait a minute yeah i like babies and all that stuff but a baby crying around here after all a man got to get some sleep and the noise of a baby the noise uh when can we expect your little darling my mom will be here in the morning with a baby [Music] it is sapphire oh yes you darling joyce look at the baby how do you do that little fella that's all right that's all right he's only related to you by marriage don't do too much time now sonny boy can save the heavy artillery for later two i'm gonna fix him up in my room with sapphire all right my mouth being unhealthy in a minute and as soon as you're all set i'll get right over to jersey and stay with nelly listen george mama's tired out from taking care of nelly so while i'm away if there's any little thing you can do to help her i wish you would oh honey i'll do more than that now mama can take care of a little tight during the day and at night he can sleep in my room and if they cry then i'll take over well now in case he does cry you know you'll have to get a walk with you oh i'll be happy to honey be happy too just my love to get a good natured baby [Music] uncle kingfish my little leaf breaker [Music] wow [Music] listen to that baby cry does it keep pounding away son keith [Music] the family [Music] you think you're done all right for the first night i can't believe oh yeah i know i scored cause i run into foster this morning when he is on his way to work yeah what did he say he didn't see nothing but you all have seen the look that he threw me through them bloodshot eyes are here and you soon have him on the road oh yeah it is a night i gonna step up the big offensive i really gonna hit him with a broadside well a matter of fact i got to be running along now and then cause there's a couple of things i got to get see you again tomorrow indeed yeah see you later [Music] on top of that they got a you'll never get lost well i'm gonna do something about it i'm gonna have a talk with that stevens right now all right good evening mr foster did they come wrong look stephens isn't there any way you can keep this baby quiet we can't get any sleep oh i'm sorry to hear that i was just trying to keep him quiet with this little rap look all i know is we can't please i guess it's just a matter of patience you know this little baby here is only a year old they ain't going to stop crying after a while so he is yeah they see they stop crying when they about seven or eight look all i know is if i have to go through another night of this i'm going to move out of here [Music] babies are sure wonderful things all right when you know how to use them yeah i'm just fella fossil fed he don't think he can stand one more night at the crying and when he hit a baby tonight i think that's gonna do the trick and i think by tomorrow morning we're gonna have a vacant apartment in the building hello hello charles i just had some sapphire and she said that nelly is much better so i'm taking the baby back today taking the baby back mama you can't do that calm down body you ain't got nothing to say about this i just called up to tell you that i'm leaving with the baby and salva and i are going to stay at nellis tonight and we'll be back tomorrow i crazy about him and he like me why he even commenced to imitating me well that's as good a reason as any for me to take him out of here well that does it boys here i had the guy on the ragged edge and they took away my ammunition yeah that's tough all right ain't no way getting another baby no but if i just had that baby crying for one more night i had that guy out of there well looking fish is the fella just got to see the baby no we ain't got to see him if you just hear him crying or that'll be enough well in that case i got an angle for you you see i know the fellas work down at the radio station he's a a sound effect man sound effect man yeah you know when you get a wind blowing that ain't the wind it just turns all the record and the thing go and when you hear machine gun that ain't no showing off machine gun it turns on the wreck in the thing goes well luke calhoun you think they got a record of a baby crying well they must have and if you get the record and clearly tonight that'll be having the baby there by proxy which is just as good as having a real show enough baby fellas i believe we got something here andy you go around see you can scout up one of them record playing machine and calhoun you see if you can get that baby crying record from that friend of you and both you all be in my house tonight at 11 o'clock 11 o'clock here and andy when you get the record player be sure you'll get a loud needle oh yeah yeah [Music] yeah now here's the record that has the baby crying on it calhoun oh good now it starts right here uh that's it well what's all the other grooves on there well you see we have many sound effects on the same record dew on different parts of the platter oh on this particular one we have everything from a train whistle or whoop call uh crackson even cricket [Music] now andy the man said the baby cry is in the fourth groove get it got it and now you stay here andy and mama's room and work the thing yeah i our god well it's 12 o'clock i guess the forces ought to be found asleep by now and they know better time than right now to strike calhoun me and you go into the living room and andy you keep the baby crying right [Music] am i going to keep the door closed in case that brought in all right andy started [Music] i'm going over there that sounds good doing it i told you i'm moving out of this place tomorrow i can't spend it any longer all i have to do is to keep that baby quiet so i can get one night's sleep before i go well i would like to miss the but the only thing is well the baby stopped crying over his own accord he didn't do that the last two nights maybe he's getting over it maybe i won't have to move after all yeah but there's a chance that he liable to start crying again any second yeah babies are strange things all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that the baby certainly doctor you better go in and have a look at him yeah yeah yeah where's my trip well it's lucky that the previous doctor happened to be up here what happened well the label doesn't fell off the thing and i can't find out where the baby is crying gabe is the fourth move the food group now put yourself together let's get on the ball oh yeah oh yeah [Music] these are them open safety pins really brings on some yelling don't they oh that's what it was the open safety pin well i'm sure glad to hear he wasn't just crying for no reason like the other night maybe that's what's been bothering him right along you know i really don't want to leave that apartment we like it very much here well uh when he ain't crying that's great but when he starts crying while he really goes at it i see he really goes at it yeah babies is funny things all right i don't know uh what do you think doctor well it sounds like the chicken pox from here did that sound like a baby to you well it sounded like a baby chicken so i am the right girl and it's the false goose the phone blew the food through my holy mackerel oh yeah yeah i got it i got it [Music] well doctor well it wasn't chicken pox don't know what it is you ain't buying a can been feeding that baby gravel is you oh no no i just can't understand it well if he's crying because he's sick i can understand that because when he gets well he ought to stop on me doctor well yeah but you just can't tell how long that's gonna be he seems to quiet it down now maybe he's feeling better yeah that's right and on the other hand uh he might start off again now louder than ever outside yeah one i said louder than ever you throw that baby over your shoulder after the last season i believe i did believe i did i give up but there's one thing i know i just can't stand it anymore oh you can't no i'm sorry i haven't moved in this apartment and i tell you right now i'm moving out first thing tomorrow morning good night well it works he's moving out the first thing in the morning calhoun you is a genius oh man yeah boy that baby really got it [Music] well i can understand how you feel about mr foster it's just one of those things well goodbye bye uh park need do you know anything about this apartment for rent yes i'm the landlord it's 60 a month on the second floor hey that sounds fine would you like to see it uh yes just one more thing is it a quiet apartment oh yes it will be from now on come on [Music] george stevens get that strong out of the house we've been in all these years you don't have where the last of it that's why i told you a long time ago never to marry him i told you it wasn't my fault i told you it was my hope the amos and andy show has been presented by flats milwaukee's finest vehicle the amos and andy show is shown to our armed forces overseas on film [Applause] [Applause] amos and andy has been brought to you by the blatts brewing company of milwaukee wisconsin a division of chandler industries fifth nurse of delightful cresta blocka wine producers of superior farm feed products to keep america's livestock healthier makers of penicillin streptomycin and other pharmaceuticals serving medicine and mankind gently leaders in quality control and research for better living amos and andy will return at the same time week after next this is the cbs television network
Channel: reelblack
Views: 84,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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