Amos N Andy - Kingfish Teaches Andy To Fly (1955)

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[Applause] hello charmaine this is your great big dream boat andy how is you you vision of loveliness uh everything okay for tonight y'all man uh oh oh it is huh yeah well i'll call you some other time charmaine uh why did she break the date hannah oh she's going out with another guy he's gonna take her for a ride in his boat she said i too dull ain't got no glamour she said i'll put it dirty real come on foot i'm gonna lock up the office now get on home how can i get me some of that glamour and it is gonna take all night to figure that one out or just give me the dime for the phone call so i can get on home well what's matter don't you trust me oh yeah andy i trust you but the subway don't trust me uh i'll run you home kingfish come here i think i don't buy me one of them little sport model cars and that'll make charmander think i was a hot rod guy andy forget about her a lot of other girls will like you just the way you are yeah but who wants to go out with one of them stupid chicks look at me take my advice and seaweed from the gals all together else you're liable to wind up like me with a wife to greet you with the devil loving words quote when are you going to bring home some money unquote look at these bills what are we going to do about them well uh honey uh we'll pay this one pay it with what well i might get a refund on my income tax good income tax you haven't had an income since there was a tax oh been that long huh george stevens i'm laying down the law right now i went over and saw the manager of the eagle arms apartments today and got you the job as dorman doom and yes and you're going to take it well honey that's a dangerous job i might get my hand caught in that their revolving door i hurt my ear jumps up on that whistle for calling the taxes you're not going to get out of it we need some money in this house and it's your job to bring it in honey ain't i always been an adequate uh provider no well i was going to answer that question myself but mine just give me a couple more d can i get a deal to go in then i'm through with your deals i got you this uniform and tomorrow morning you go over to the eagle arms apartments and go to work and don't you dare come back here unless you have some money calhoun i got to find a way to make some money without taking that job at the eagle arms well i wish it could help you king fish but i don't know what to tell you sure it's a nice looking uniform you got though it reminds me of one of them have co outfits yeah air cool hey that reminds me i met a friend of mine a couple of months ago that was a flower he's judging i got his card yet somewhere yeah it is hmm he's judging flying instructor yeah he got himself a plane and they're giving lessons at 150 of course and he told me that if i could sell some courses he'd give me fifty dollars whatever course i sold fifty dollars like that's good commission yeah why don't you try it kingfish with your gift again you ought to be able to sell some of them courses you might make yourself some money yeah i wish i could afford a flying coast be a fly boy like olay's judson he got a gal in every airport yeah yeah why take off and fly to chicago and land there and a beautiful gal waiting for him and he take off and fly the same noise there there's another beautiful gal waiting for him and then they take off and fly to salt lake and zoom right on past the field oh what do you do that far uh that's where his wife lived damn oh man them have you eaten surely the glamorous life catholic just a second i think you don't give me the key to fort knox at whom you say that these are gals really go for these flyers oh that's one of the wonderful hazards of the business calhoun i think i got a surefire prospect for one of them courses the kingfish you mean well here it is now what's this business about me glamorize myself up uh kingfish what is you uh excuse me i need my phone to ring it i don't hear nothing well any other flyer can hear a thing that you common uh walking around down the earth folks never here hello ceilin uh zero of albuquerque visibility six uh how to win oh north uh east by southwest well thank you wilco i'll roger you back later beautiful flying with andy kingfish what that dolmen outfit you got on andy i apologize for your ignis but this happened to be the official long-dress uniform of the flying eagles do you see that eagle embellishment up there oh that's an eagle huh well that's the first time i ever seen one off a laundry truck kingfish you trying to tell me that you was a flyer that's right andy hired one of the early birds i flew with the wright brothers well well right between them had that first great flight in chicken hawk how come you ain't never said nothing about being a fly before oh well andy uh you know how them things is sooner the pretty girls find out you're a flyer they're always testing you to take them up in the plane and they want to smooch it right up in the clouds but i am married man and flying is strictly a hobby with me oh pretty yeah girl that reason i called you i remember you saying that you'd like to have some of that glamor on you so you could impress that they are charming yeah well andy flying is the best way i know for you to do it well i don't know nothing about no flying oh they're too bad andy i'm going to try and get you into our squadron of the flying eagles hey when charmaine see you in this your uniform or that boy with a speedboat got to go down by the poop deck well let me i guess i'd be getting on over to the flying field and do a few barrel rolls and loot myself a few loops that's a real snappy uniform you got there oh why thank you andy well uh the senior leader earthbound uh smooth flying a happy landing and all that other aviator stuff just mentioned how can i learn how to fly with an airplane well now uh there's my friend ace judson he can fix you up with a few lessons is it hard to learn no any all you got to do is have a good brain a quick eye and a strong constitution and a hundred and fifty dollars have you got any of them qualifications well i got 250 well anybody with that much money are bound to have a good brain a quick eye and a strong constitution do i get the uniform when i graduate oh yeah andy uh you get the uniform i'll take the code well then andy you can give me a hundred and fifty dollars wait a minute king i know that this flying coast is on the level well any cause i'm gonna take you out to the flying field and turn you over to our chief instructor ace judson all right i give you the money when i get to the airfield uh look andy i want to give you your first lesson as a fly boy now an aviator is a devil may care glamorous seller free and easy with his money yeah so straighten up and fly right oh mr jackson can i help you are you mr jetson no judgement around well i got a flying student for him i want to give him the money so i could click my commission you're a little late judson left town so he could get away from these creditors we're holding this plane here for hangar rent oh what are i gonna do well the honest thing to do is just give the student back his money yeah that would be the honest thing to do but uh sorry i can't do that or might be someone else can give him lessons well i thank y'all thank you very much gang fish well i needed to call you girl yeah she picked up when i told her i learned to fly and i gonna take her up in a plane well andy uh let's get the lesson started where's mr judson well andy i got some good news for you what's that well uh i talked to this fellow judson and they found out you were a personal friend of mine he thought you ought to have the best instructor of the whole field that is good news uh who is this best instructor hotshot stephen stephen that's your name in the relation yeah andy that's me no sir now look at auntie oh there's my license that's a driving license well then you flying a plane and driving a car about the same thing oh no if i got to learn from you i don't want to be no fly boy well look andy i didn't try on uh the flying eagle off of that cab there hot dog that can't do it you look like a real gal catching red hot pilot i think fish can it brown when you come in the presence of an instructed officer are the flying eagles snap to attention well i ain't snapping at nobody till i get something straight well take two pieces forward and state your beef kingfish i've been thinking about this flying course i know you ain't just taking my money and gonna pull some kind of a razzle dazzle on me andy you are protected by the united states government that is how in this book right here andy the official c.a.a flying regulation had put out by the united states department of commerce yeah it says united states department of commerce on there all right but what's that c.a.a that's the code of heavy hating and airplaning and this is the book that every pilot got to go by when he learning to fly they do huh yeah i mean i ain't gonna put none of my own ideas into this they're gonna do the whole thing out of the book well that sounds legitimate uh can it brown attention now we're gonna start the flying course now the first thing it say here is that the candidate that's you must be physically uh qualified so we're gonna give you a few official tests this ain't gonna hurt is it oh no andy now you're gonna examine your heart hmm that's running all right yeah and you know any every pilot got to have a 20 20 vision so i'll step right around here and i'm going to give you a visibility test our india face the blackboard now come up your left eye how much is full time five twenty die india cover up your right eye now how much is 10 times 2 20. well andy you uh got a 20 20 vision all right get down here let me give you a equilibrium test what does this look well that's a cepheid librium that's equal to flying i ain't even going to spin you around and centrifugate you oh wait a minute oh no i guess dizzy hmm well then uh we got to find a way without spinning you oh andy how do you get dizzy when you play rotation pool now okay you passed the test now andy you're in good physical shape uh so now we start with the instructions yeah well let's start flying i want that uniform what's the next thing we got to do well andy i hear what you say uh before uh student can qualify for the solo flying permit he got to have a minimum of eight hours dueling trucking dueling yeah on god what's this well andy i see right here in the book that you got to have dual instructions so i'm going to instruct you how to do all what this got to do with flying well andy did you ever see them in the army air corps often on the parade yeah well they catch so didn't they i guess they did well that showed that they had dual instruction so andy put up your sword we got eight hours of this and let's get flying well andy you'll pat your duel instructions uh what is we gonna get in the airplane well andy you see right here in the book uh that after eight hours of dual instruction the candidate is qualified for a solo flying permit cadet brown attention there's your solo flying permit report at 10 a.m in the morning on the flying line and flying close and ready to go keep a nose up andy i don't look yeah any uh uh banking wings i'll circle the field and bring her in for a landing i drop you again without your flaps look out you're coming in too fast give me the brakes a lot to do kingfish well andy you bounce a little bit on the landing but you uh passed the test yeah but wait a minute what kind of flying is this i didn't even get up in there andy i do just like the book say let's see you got to have solo flying and you flew so low y'all didn't even get off the ground oh yeah yeah kingfish i gotta talk to you uh disregard any mutual and personal friend of ours yeah oh then we better talk outside oh what the matter is kingfish did you tell andy he was an airplane pilot well i might have conveyed that impression unknowingly but he begged me to teach him some of the rudimentals that's why i'm not responsible for any illusions of grandview that he got i don't care nothing about that but andy's walking around town in that doorman's uniform and he says he's going to take that girl charmaine up in a plane tonight why he'll kill himself that way exactly that's what'll happen if he gets his hands on a plane now you got him into this and you got to talk him out of it well i don't know why amos i uh if anything happens you're going to get into trouble with the authorities yeah i thought well we can't let nothing happen to our old pal andy that's right you're strictly an am flyer so you better cancel that date with your gal tonight well i can't take her flying in the daytime she works well i say andy but the law is the law oh yeah kingfish island paid you 150 to teach me how to fly a plane you ain't said nothing about no am and no pm now either i take charmaine up in the plane tonight i'm gonna get my money back from you pdq now andy we had brother officer then the flying eagles all for one and one for all and i for one i'm going to help you oh well andy meet me at the airplane hangar tonight at 8 o'clock and tell charmaine to be there 8 15 and everything's gonna be all right well it better be andy you sure look snappy in that uniform there son oh i do oh yeah it's a killer meet me tonight at 8 calhoun calhoun you got to help me now [Music] listen yeah putting on good and thick there captain we don't want them to be able to see nothing through the window yeah i'm putting it on nick can fish well it's eight o'clock yeah it is what you gonna do kingfish well andy everything gonna be slick as a whistle there you are kingfish i'll finish all right then calhoun move all of this stuff out of here will you please danny you're now all set to take your gal for a flight over the city without ever leaving the ground oh come here i'll show you yeah and yes are very simple now you see me done blacked out all of the windows now you and your girls sit in here and all you got to do is run the motor and move the controls and they believe you're flying and me and calhoun will be hanging on to the tail end of the plane and you'll never leave the hangar i don't know kingfish i don't promise y'all man i'm going to take offline well and it is the best way to take a flying and after all you know you're safe on the ground and then you can take both hands over to control and use both arm for smoothing yeah well what's all this stuff up here this ain't like that contraption you had back there in the office oh indeed don't worry about that all you got to do turn the wheel and uh move the controls and make it look good then andy you can even talk in the radio here feel like you're doing the moving picture yeah you can call the tower and uh talk to roger and give him the wheel co and the out and over and all of that stuff yeah i look pretty good doing that uh this huh oh yeah hello andy uh pilot brown welcomes you to the airplanes y'all man uh allow me to introduce you up with flying eagle officer stevens how do you do that how do you do i just love you glamorous aviators uh pilot brown i think you better get in the aircraft and uh take your passenger in there too oh yeah come on shot me the other thing all right andy oh yeah why are the windows blacked out oh that's called pilot brown is strictly a beam flyer he take off on the beam fly on the beam and he land on the i beam always on the beach uh yeah uh press the starter button there pilot brown rev it up to hang a door though menu and take right off don't you taxi out into the runway oh not pilot brown he take off from a stand and start right out of the hand and i didn't know you were so daring yeah fasten the doors king face calvin told the pope's side roger we'll call we'll do uh come on get a hold of him well let's start up before he takes over i better call the tower hello roger this is vinegar brown figgin getting ready to take off here and we'll go to without the field did you hear what i heard yeah what was that on the target southeast runway geronimo wings unflapped wheels down tail up beam velocity 23. who is that this is the tower back to the plane it's calling yeah i'm getting something who are you identify yourself over hello roger this is me and charmaine he's taken out right out of the hangar talk to you later how do you figure this hello hello back to the plane that's calling where are you well we're getting ready to start hold on calhoun hold on taking off i mean this blind is up but how can you fly when you can't see anything oh it's nothing i own the hold beach there's some crazy guy taking off out of the ringer over there he's cutting right across the field there's an airliner coming in adt flight 77 approaching runway 4 clear for landing the crazy guy in the little plane is flying right in front of him power the airliner pull up pull up look out [Music] what was that noise it sounded like a big plane oh maybe that's the slipstream's living a little uh i'll fix that fine estimate what's that crazy fool trying to do here he comes down unidentified lunatic flying over new york alert all stations how did you do all these stunts it was real easy i guess i better check with the tower [Music] how did you ever let him do a thing like that he was all of my teeth ah the thing that slipped out of my hand slipped out of his hand and he got away come here brian come in how about a great big kiss for your flyboy andy oh cut that out hey he's heading out the seat it's a seat andy andy can you hear me i just see the kingfish hello dang fish how'd you get on this hookup you're doing a good job right there boy i ain't back here no more i don't turn the tail loose my new is flying every flying with the fond farewell to our dirty party lot brother pilot andrew brown who flew off into the great horizon to the big landing field in the sky hello hello kingfish this is andy andy what happened the last time he seen you you were flying out over the atlantic oh where is your andy way easier this is the london operator london deposit four pounds ten shillings for five minutes
Channel: reelblack
Views: 36,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EhwvuiD8TGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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