Among Us with NO RULES!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to crew live hello hi everyone happy friday the 13th friday oh wait it's friday the 13th i didn't even know that that means we should all be wearing scarier should be much more scary oh i thought you were thinking of this hello guys welcome to crew live we hope you're all having a wonderful friday the 13th and today we decided to play among us live with all of you but the difference is we have no rules open mic do whatever you want stab kill murder gold that's not even look scary guys does she look scary or not so you can see the cute little lunar panda covering the icon um it's up for grabs so this is just today it's just everyone free for all sometimes we'll share it with the crowd members early sometimes we won't but for this one it's going to be free grab for everyone so let's go because it's friday the 13th 13th it's cursed it is first the code is there for everyone and by the way guys we'll be answering questions throughout the stream so make sure to take crew live on twitter we'll be checking it out very often yes yes now the biggest question is why was there no video today um anybody gold you answer oh that's you guys we were told everyone applaud first okay i i don't know i just want to make it feel awkward for gold okay go go ahead gold explain sweats in my towel on my head we were too ambitious we thought we could edit the cool collab video and we couldn't so uh-huh here we are streaming last minute yes so video was fun and perfect yeah i mean should we spoil it i don't know how to guess which collab wait if we get a specific amount of likes can we oh lunar luna's making a curse thing okay yeah let's do it um we're at 7 500 likes right now hi everyone joining hey everyone what's up what's up get it to be like 1000 how about 20 000 likes and now i'm ambitious i want 20 000 likes and we'll tell you we'll tell you guys there's 25 000 concurrent viewers if everyone just hits it we should be good okay let's start playing this everyone should be pretty smart okay well it's no rules hello everyone subscribe yes hello what's the problem clicking the button equals vote off vote dracco because there's no rules no fun boy oh i don't know i guess we know we might loki might vote off fun boy they're like hi guys vote fun boy oh are people actually going to listen to draco or fun boy i don't know honestly let's see i feel like these games are cursed regardless either way we're cursed um if you don't vote we'll kick you next everyone's laughing yeah that's right [Music] guys we're making a roll if you click the button without proof you get heated off the spaceship wait but you said no rule shut up lunar i want rules you're right it is no rules um they're saying the server's full yeah it's it gets pretty full pretty fast oh no fun boy eated himself sometimes it gotta be like that welcome to the most chaotic stream here is a good question from cora noob they said who likes spicy food the most spicy food it kind of depends like rainbow really loves hot sauce oh i feel like a rainbow rainbow why would you just ask that you killed ice cream i didn't kill ice cream um where uh i like i mean i think rainbow likes spicy food out of all of us and then it's i love eating spicy meats it depends on the spice oh wait draco likes spice gold how's your spice level hey coach you better say where i'll eat you nobody's here but not a spices rainbow please don't get me fine kochi i won't i won't but i don't know who it is and it's us we skipping there's no proof we got skipped we're at 12 000 likes can we hit 20 000 and we'll explain we'll explain what the video is tomorrow because he was lunar though yeah i'm sorry we were talking about the other day so she can't handle any spicy food but when she eats like those really hot spicy noodles she like loves them and she just like gobbles it up really fast i can handle spicy food to an extent but i don't like eating spicy food if i don't enjoy it okay so we're not really making progress here guys not really yeah uh so all of our manga server guys is always in north america or else we'll lag out [Music] wait what was luna eating the other day that she couldn't handle and it was she was eating curry it was like spicy curry yeah and she was like hey hey like sitting at the top but it's not the spice isn't worth it for my butt but then when it comes to like spicy noodles she's like slurp it yum yum yummy yeah because it's worth it's worth to sacrifice my tongue because it's delicious okay don't understand we don't oh hello cochi do we make a truth i i don't even know if i'm saying their name right whatever i'm gonna call you cochi oh my gosh you know what white from uh i love amazing questions all languages or have the ability to speak to animals why who abilities speak to animals i think it'd be so interesting but what is animals i would say all languages yes all languages because animal language is all languages imagine i'm going to the yellow thing doing my chore shut up you're probably bad very smart because you know for dogs you speak their language because you can tell already welcome a bunch of new crown members what someone died and chloe said i love you guys video so much thank you thank you chloe okay um near the top right sorry i didn't read the bottom floor who killed wee-wee you mean where who killed wee-wee it got blocked who did it who killed wee-wee here um i didn't girl okay it's definitely not white white was with me white sure i was that reactor yeah yeah white's good are you i saw white i didn't see gold though how was that scan no i i saw gold at reactor with blue i saw golden blue at reactor okay so lunar and rainbow aren't confirmed i was um downloading those files i forgot which room again but i swear i'm not the killer i probably spelled alibi right i was doing that uh that thing when you pull the lever and the legs fall down luna and rainbow no stop skipping gold we need to vote come on chad who do you think did you vote for what do you mean i voted for rainbow leaf why weaver because rainbow sussing me i'm just saying you guys listen to me right now funny and white are like buddy buddy and okay because we saw each other we saw each other traitor why would you vote me i'm not even a buster yeah i'll pin a message that says 25 000 20 000 likes for a secret for the comments for new people coming in that have no clue what we're talking about ah smart then why we could not post a video today we have seriously guys no one was ejected again yo wait here we go why you listening in the stream both of us we good people that one yucky person follow her wow don't call me yucky i didn't even go where did you go luna no yeah what do you mean she probably mentioned that i don't see her no no no you didn't there's no way you could get to navigation that fast me i don't see her all right navigation is so fast look uncle was literally there everyone's suss stream do you think did you guys think that draco said something weird no he said it weird he just saw me in the hall yeah okay i saw luna coming back from navigation now you better say that i'm you guys she's a liar no we have to get rid of her everyone thinks she feels like funny switches who she accuses so fast right that's why i think okay so it's probably dracco luna and rainbow gold oh my god i think it is [Music] okay that looks bad on me yeah that's right wait there's only one imposter i don't know that oh oh you would imposter well i'm clearly doing my task why would i be in pasta i'm too lazy i want to go do my tasks uh-huh see i'm going to med bay wike's got my back oh sorry what's the hashtag for questions again hashtag crew live luna it's on my twitter do you not follow me i do but yeah i finished all my tasks white is following me why two guts that's right you make a truce okay someone shut the door that ain't good someone's gonna vet and kill me oh my gosh i thought kochie died rainbow what are you doing what are you talking about i'm saying let me wha what if if i was going to kill them i would have already killed them you guys are all suss i'm going to hit the button no please don't just let me finish honey you saw that it was funny excuse me jocko do you really do that in front of my face you think you think your fake scream is fooling anyone okay guys draco just killed in front of me okay rainbow's clean because she did download it we all know it's you put stuff inside on crew live what no funny kills in front of me it was in the game so like going through doors is possible and don't vote lunar off no it's luna you should have said that like before you die ed by the way thank you it's too late it's too late for you so if there's only one fresh kale yes so fresh straight in front of my face i don't know how you're still lying how are you still alive it's not me wow we have like almost 40 000 viewers guys this is insane thank you so much everyone happy friday jackal junior junior will still kill you thanks for joining guys thank you we got to put the lunar teddy back up just like that back up three imposters oh that's why it was so slow three imposters and let's do ten posters oh my gosh is this safe you better give us like no tasks because three impostors is really hard what for real okay um let me show the code with y'all real quick yeah nba oh i'm reading it out loud we're attracted to the emergency room button everyone ignore that real quick you heard nothing do not copy do not copy that over towel on her head looks like a pile of poop well you know what's under this a towel fabulous hair oh yeah i do here yo let's make a savage since this is going to be fun 30 second voting no 15 second voting time wow okay i had fabulous hair underneath better get less less uh less past even less time okay this is gonna be insane um make us fast i wanna be fast no dracula not too fast okay we're gonna share the code with everyone let's go boom let's do this everyone's freaking out they're like yo hello everybody whoa this person has no gear let's do this hello crew fam welcome [Music] welcome new crowd members to the crown society and three imposters are you kidding me coming from very epic merch always excited to come in late november by the way everyone if you got your crew teddies make sure to share us on instagram we'd love to see them oh we're almost at 20k likes let's go oh [Music] [Music] because i knew someone was going to try single voting somebody so just saying my gosh [Music] is one of your best season imposter no of course not what is this voting story we're never gonna get anywhere with those voting talks oh you guys we got 21k likes we did okay after this crazy game we'll tell you okay we'll sit in the lobby we'll talk right now come on cool it's clearly gold bestie she's gonna stab me in the back oh i forgot to minus the task too this is horrible this is a bad idea this is so bad this is so bad okay so let's do this thank you guys so much for twenty thousand it was draco hello rainbow you killed everyone yeah i saw a lunar report and then i killed her before you could get through those game roles were way too fast yeah okay time time to kick it back we gotta kick it back that was that was way too fast my two imposters is the ideal number uh let's get back before that we must reveal our secret let's get into a lobby first okay let me share with you all real quick you should say it out loud i mean should i no loki want to okay whoever wants to get in right now crew get in hurry all right i'm in okay i'm gonna say it and whoever can get in first is tall brain okay g p x l j f there we go wow now we'll wait all right so uh the cool thing is guys roblox actually uh we got a collab with little nauseas that's so cool we were so shy you're so shy he's really cool though he's a really cool guy um we're also big fans so like we're editing that whole video it's going to be so cool we played we played roblox spider with him it's very epic i think you guys love it we hope you guys like it oh oh and we have face cam on oh yeah everyone's got face cam uh-huh so isn't that more exciting yeah all right we'll see us being fan boys and girls because it was really awkward because we were so nervous so yeah oh it's a big map this time wait a minute why are you saying like that are you like the killer again draco like yeah i'm never the killer and it's probably better all right he's the killer cause she said she's never the killer i'm never the killer i think someone just died [Music] it's funny i was going to electric and the report button popped up oh where where i was fixing like i said electric yo where are they at who wants me to what who wants me to guard oh it's a security person oh yes yes me senpai yes thank you thank you thank you much love okay so it's not that it's rainbow what who is sus you guys let's figure out who it is stream who do you think is i don't know no one was that electrical and rainbow's the only one who said she was that electrical i think it's rainbow what was that i was at electrical fixing lights yeah and that's yeah well died in electrical you know that right it was dark draco the only person i could see is brown who was literally on oh my gosh rainbow's the murderer no i'm not everyone will die to electrical rainbow is an electric easy vote come on we gotta take some wins around here and nara said who remembers when draco's voice always cracked i actually don't remember jack was cracking his voice didn't crack it exists it only cracked when i wanted it too yeah it's kind of like a super cool thing why is there still no lights yeah wait there's still no lights rainbow might be i'm not here yeah because she clearly didn't think i'm coming to you guy lights right now kind of quiet oh that's why jack was being so annoying no that's exactly why you're the killer you guys all kind of stuff the bread they were stalking me behind the wall and i just died not from red though oh my gosh i was about to do my tests does anyone want to see the thumbnail tomorrow youtube it's so funny should i die outside of the building what wait come on i mean it's gonna be like the video's gonna be up by tonight anyway that's true the thumbnails of this building i don't want to keep i don't want to keep asking for likes i feel i don't want to be don't ask for like i so no you know i'm gonna ask for them and ask for subscribes subscribes now whoever subscribes now i will show it okay we get one subscriber wait wait yeah only one subscriber in or died wait guys no i saw her dead body i don't know i think i saw brown or black running away from it but okay brown or black choose wisely do you think black um i don't know i saw one of them i can't remember the color because i was still shocked i feel like it's black because they're like which broom even though they ran across that's all black black okay i don't know was the security one with you funny they said they were with you were they with you uh no no one was actually with me all right security one is security the traitor oh it's either black or brown uh [Music] good job good job okay yo security guard why aren't you watching me you're supposed to imagine my back oh yeah this is vitals i don't know how to read this i feel dumb i'm not advanced yet it's okay everyone i'm going to the specimen room are you going to follow me mr security yes security hey hey follow me follow me you guys security is not following me and they said they would watch my back 24 7. i'm going to say glue to vitals okay cool let's go well let's go specimen and i hate this one science so much i am alive i'm trying to concentrate [Music] hey everyone i'm doing electrical i turned on the lights for you all right i didn't murder someone okay so oh look guys security even opens doors for me i feel so luxurious okay i know who it is brown brown and blue are good i think she's gonna say me it's rainbow well i've been sitting on vitals so just just keep track of who you're with and then i can scream let me keep trying unless i die then i will scream myself but everyone is still alive so whoever the imposter is is among one of the groups oh like white's dead who was with white white is dead i saw it in vitals he's being an emergency doctor uh okay dracula it wasn't red it wasn't red it wasn't red i saw red on the camera it's not security either i think it's rainbow i think it's rainbow it's rainbow it's rainbow train ball rainbow monster no it's rainbow there's three or two imposters please tell me guys he's smart it was a fresh kill and rainbow she wasn't on the security camera so yeah i was in labs i was in the lab doing the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten test um i saw red so red's cleared but i didn't see rainbow i didn't see rainbow ava might be suspicious blue rainbow stop lou isn't talking the thing is i ran past white because white was following me the whole time but i didn't see anyone like near me so they might have vented hmm who was following white i don't know i i walked past white like outside that door and then i was walking to that lab to do my last attack rainbow is lying oh my god i'm not lying obviously because it's rainbow she lies all the time and i will continue to look at vitals even the live stream saying the rainbow stuff oh wait they're saying it isn't rainbow who is that like a waste of a life uh i think we can waste it we have six we have to vote no no it's a waste of a life oh my god i think it might be funny now yeah right it's kind of quiet when white died yeah okay this looks bad it's blue okay it's a little funny shut up hey the security guard has my alibi okay lion is alive mine's live brown is live red is alive and blue is alive okay which ones are gonna are you even looking at vitals yes i am i highly doubt it no i'm actually just looking at vitals so i'm done everything okay are you looking at vitals cause you're doing a pretty horrible job at it what do you mean i told you white was dead and might is dead um you should be careful who looks at vitals with you why is it you there's like three other people here now that means hey oh who broke home all right it's probably draco okay i definitely think it's funny now what you're just pretending to look at vital what do you mean i can't look at vitals because toms is broken [Music] wait did you show the thumbnail yet funny i'll show it give me a second okay one subscribe equal one thumbnail and fifty one thousand concurrent viewers that's insane thank you guys oh hello i think this is the most we've ever had really happy friday 13th the stream is not cursed [Music] [Applause] oh yeah jacquel's being salty he's telling the ghost to do their task yeah everyone in this lobby already ghost do your task or will you test you it's your ass there's like a quarter of the thumbnail because i don't want to spoil it all right like you said isn't that great um i'm scared i think the security guard is a traitor or red um that's a lie red ran out i don't know security no i was i was and security was watching my back and then red ran out okay i think it's red then okay i think it's red too stream do you think it's red everyone's saying it's red red red all right stream we're going with rounds let's go yes they said yeah it's me it's me mario subscribe to funny yes wow subscribe to me hi i would just like to announce guys funny is in the crew we are the crew i do just whatever funny in the crew is just don't do it it's a meme funny isn't the crew so funny subscribe to crew gg guys well played gg crew fan well played well played that was good guys now funny can stop acting so sad what what what's your favorite holiday [Music] okay that's my favorite holiday mommy okay let me show the code wait why we press play again why did you press play again yeah dracco all right let's change my costume getting longer what oh yeah it's getting longer yeah the letters are pretty long oh there's probably a bunch of games i don't want to put a toilet plunger on my head i all right from twitter said how did you guys get little nozz x on your roblox friends list so he added us yeah but it was actually pretty cool so roblox uh set it up it was very you guys want to hear like a crazy story so like a week and a half before rainbow was like walking around the house saying like nas is coming out with like a christmas song and it'd be cool if he had an album because we would just play that one and ariana's album winter albums and then all of a sudden like two days ago they contacted us and we were like no way we were like yeah guys it's actually insane it's so cool yeah so we were like already talking you didn't because we were freaking out too much but we were like we can't say like you know like yeah say you're just so shy we're just like this i just want to look at the wall oh girls can you join uh we're missing gold gold john joy i mean fangirling hey i commenced everyone put on clothes for this stream no i feel thankful oh rainbow you're so naked junior yes are always naked thank you mila for the super sticker it says you're amazing thank you raw thanks oh that's a beautiful super sticker okay let's get the code out um i hope you guys are ready the code is three two one bam doesn't it feel exciting when the panda goes off the screen gold what what is your outfit i am a party security guard oh you know what we should have an among us fashion show imagine that everyone okay everyone be looking fabulous let's do this hi should i make her walking slower or no three imposters in this game hey draco chill chill all right guys let's do this stream can you figure out who's the imposter before we can are you bigger brain from watching tons of among us content and once again not an imposter same here time to go snap everyone what what what you know where to open mic right you know it opens yeah usually everyone kills draco first you know what how dare you i feel like funny just died i did it okay okay i always hate doing tasks cause it's always like okay when am i gonna die all right this is a pun for you rainbow i love you guys i have a pun what is an alligator wearing a vest called i don't know don't answer this um [Music] you ready i don't know investigator oh that's funny you guys are so funny i'm crocodile i'm crocodile oh yeah everyone's wiped out guys good job i'm crocking up white was dead in the hallway rainbow tv yay i hope you guys like our teddy's rainbow stop distracting everyone killer i can't trust that anyone says anyone is clear draco is clear wait you guys know how to clear people i think it's black all right yeah that's pretty sus you two trolls are you trolling rainbow is clear wait rainbow's dead oh wait no she's there i'm not are you what the is dead yeah yes okay we gotta start voting draco we're gonna vote blackmail what do you mean i'm with you lunar yeah i know i said we're gonna go black oh i voted you guys can't just vote black and draco and gold that's not how you guys that's not my only goal for claiming lunar is clear how you know i'm sorry you saw me yeah i know you're clear but how would gold know you're clear because gold wasn't even with us oh you're right yeah that is that's gold i was just trolling because you guys were calling each other clear so i was just not [Laughter] how dare you i was just chilling and walking you just stabbed me gold i hate you i'm happy whatever i'm going out this is where we should chill ghost we chill on the outlands now this is where we live we live in the clouds may i party with you on the cloud no get out you know why you can't party with me because you killed me oh my gosh someone is not letting us do the light who is doing this what is happening this oh my gosh the lights still are fixed i did it totally who was trolling blue and dark green are definitely going to kill us draco we have to click the emergency button draco you gotta chill out let's answer them let's answer them let's do it let's go let's go stitch since i'm having a party out here ask us questions well there's no emergency meetings in this game who wasted it [Music] wait should i be doing my task i feel like i don't want to though yes ghost funny [Music] the question must wait gold everyone wants to have a ghost party it's rainbow it was in the door lock thing not me i think it's black you guys remember what you said before i was doing my rainbow there are three imposters so it's either you are black yeah black i'll vote for black right now it's i know it's great if we do one wrong vote it's we're done yeah draco and luna were together like the whole time yeah we got you okay now i think it's rainbow let's pull her off now no it's not rainbow no it's not rainbow it's hot it's the green one okay we'll stick together everyone remember the green one was sabotaging our lights lunar green is draco no it's a dark green one everyone's just following luna luna just chill i like coke i like cola yeah [Music] kill someone can't hey stream what's your favorite slushie let us know and the ghosts do their task while we stall why fine i'm gonna talk about slushies everyone picks you guys are so paranoid together together together yeah they're together i'm with rainbow this is where we die oh stop okay you clearly know who it is are you kidding me how are you rainbow it's rainbow oh are you kidding me let's see i [Music] no talking you didn't listen to what i said i saw a quick movement when you killed them what is it what do you think don't you think it's suspicious if i killed right away wouldn't i have like uh reported well if lunar messed up my vote i blame her [Music] well played well played oh let's do two i see a lot of people think cola and then cherry from you get a funnel slushy don't you think it's weird how every slushie you mix always tastes the same if you mix theresa from youtube said combination we do we try combination not really yeah um yeah when i was a kid take the same though yeah if i did do combos i would pick the pretty colors and then taste the same yeah it just is like sweet sugar join guys what's the combo let us know join yes the code is a funnel world code is funnel world okay let's do killing kill oh my gosh okay what you know what would be fun you have to sound out the code like like read it like a word and then whoever gets it can get it oh that's actually a good idea okay you guys look for questions [Music] who's tall brandon actually dude our stream yeah whoever's going in here they're like what is oh my gosh [Music] guys the imposter boo said what's your least favorite amusement park ride the ones that have loops spinning rides i hate spinning i can't stand the dropper i like the wings gold on the dropper is so funny she screams it's so funny like i'm scared of height but the dropper makes me chuckle to a point i don't like droppers sometimes because i just i feel like i'm flying you know and then it hurts my [Laughter] butt i feel like the thing that i hate the most is ferris whales i can't stand ferris wheels no guys who in the live stream thinks ferris wheels are horrifying they shake they're in the middle of the air like a hundred feet and they're slow so it's even more torture because you're in the sky so i hate them most hated hated ride as a child oh okay golden eye walked in oh yeah that was me see the one place i know for once boom electric did you see gold like turn awkwardly no no no no no both no no no both of us walked in okay lights weren't even out so i don't know no they probably vented oh yeah they probably vented i guess we should keep i guess we shall see funny and gold hello crew fam what's up it was beside vetna they killed the funny imposter there is two we got two imposters so long [Music] who's being quiet rainbow's being awfully quiet i thought i have to sneeze did you not hear me rainbow and peppa were fixing o2 oh do you have like oh you have like pepper near your desk that's why you sneezed i don't know okay someone keep tags on rainbow she's being weird i'm being weird i'm being sucked because i'm sneezing oh guys hold up i gotta sneeze real quick there i go let me go stab somebody in the face that would be kind of funny a sneezing serial killer okay don't trust her hey rainbow you kind of look like what what no no no [Applause] no i wasn't gonna say anything oh i think it's funny okay well i was gonna say what type of fruit are you rainbow because like you have a stem oh yeah and you come here a fruit of a cute hey do medpay do scans i can't do stan i'm doing the poster why is gold standing by the lunch table security guard for the cafeteria i don't want people like having all right my name is security funny and i'm gonna rattle every single stinking person on this board looks like brown is doing stuff no i don't work with parties i said i'm a security guard you're a pilot you are not oh someone just died okay rainbow's being weird can we just kick her yeah oh my gosh not me oh no well where's the body rainbow it was in the reactor room uh who else was in the reaction self-report [Music] um the thing is i saw someone go up to that to the left of me but i don't remember the color because i was too busy freaking out orange isn't talking hi orange everyone's saying sucks orange like literally everyone on the stream oh my gosh you should just do chat controls who we vote that would be genius yo let's do it okay electrical whoever you vote chat will eat oh yeah robin's trying to be cool how orange sauce when i sauce you brown because it's probably just cute it is it because it is because it's both sides i don't know everyone's saying orange this is from the live stream okay live stream let's see if you did good or do we vote but wait ramen has a cute egg on their head i know they're so cute funny give me a reason or your sus i am brown is defending orange a lot that's sassy hey you sus useless too everyone on stream saying orange guys i hope you're right because this is going to get this is going to get too rando well it's almost rainbow they're right stream is so good wait oh yeah yeah i put on anonymous nice that'll be fun i know right oh okay well i think it's brown now keep them away from me what putting on anonymous makes it like more hardcore you know what i mean i'm once again doing vitals everyone pass completely i don't think it's called vitals i think it's med bay hello security why wasn't why were you taking so long to flip the last switch draggle what i flipped it it's just legacy okay like even after i finished i wouldn't ask that to a murderer okay gold you watch south wing look at me trying to sound like a security guard we are being security thank you see doing tasks see doing tasks yeah yeah she's she's safe stream who eating eggs because we don't even know if that person was good or not oh my goodness where's my security guard partner i lost them i'm trying to i don't know where it is no guys oh my gosh brown is in here i think that means it's brown and brown was super defensive [Music] rainbow is dead when you still accuse rainbow when she's dead brown so rude brown why aren't you helping o2 because you're in the right room why wouldn't you go left also they defend orange a lot draco come on spell properly defended orange we're gonna have discussion time a little shorter next time yeah i mean like too long everyone's saying draco why are you so chill today a bubble tea that wasn't even a good bubble tea and it was just sugar it was slimy yeah hey talky people no one's talking in here why is everyone so chill yeah i think brown just gave up oh my god oh this ain't good everyone's saying it's frowned okay brown like voting it's like oh i don't know it's about skip or volcano we'll see who it is okay shouldn't the game have ended if brown that's true yeah huh draco who voted me what the heck i literally i literally have been like everywhere no no no no no this ain't good this ain't good why didn't brown defend themselves honey now gold i trust you no gold you you agree we trust each other yes we do because you know why we're the cutest securities no one kill me because i'm loud who knows i'm loud i mean somebody can kill draco because he is a little loud yeah can you kill him maybe you're not dying now because it's open mic usually you're always yeah are you killing me because i say everyone i see i say everyone i see uh-huh uh-huh gold we need you to gold pepper pepper get away from us what are you doing where did luna go is luna dad no i'm in i'm in admin you're really quiet she's walking into walls don't say anything gold don't say anything if draco's dead if it track was dennis luna we saw in the camp who saw in the camps lunar lunar lunar luna are you so dead you're so dead come on come on let's see you know how this ends for you right it luna pepper spinner not funny lunar why did you stabby draco i didn't let it down okay then where is he we were all in security luna you can't even come on you can't even guys luna's a psychotic murderer okay you know you know why she's already she's wearing a business suit with a witch hat who does that okay um we know wait wait before you vote me off let me kill let me kill uh one of you one more time no he'll win the game no one wouldn't there's still two votes don't vote lunar come on you know what to do what lunar stops stop stalling lunar stop stalling please what i don't understand we got one more game after this guys let's go let other people play lunar yeah luna wait why didn't why didn't the third person vote for me hey someone was trying to sabotage us it's probably draco you sold one i'm dead i can't vote yes look at the securities okay the next one is about the room code again yeah we just found it out in another one i can't believe you guys got it yeah i feel like big brains yeah okay let me share the code yeah um here's a question from carrie they said have you guys put ketchup on pizza before my dad did it once and i think it looked gross i do it no guilty i did it i do it on really old pizza that's like three days microwaves old okay i think i did like my crust with ketchup before but i don't think i put on pizza when i was a little kid like the same thing as tomato sauce it is not okay for this one i want it to be a little more challenging let's do it i'll sound it out i cannot sound that out what this is this is going to be challenging for you guys all right okay what do i want my ending costume to be guys i think i think we should just all be a spa day it should be a spa day all right sure yes do we have a spa outfit a stinky spider oh junior you're staying at home with spa day you can't come okay you ready uh how we off how we it's six letters no you haven't hey that's like that's actually pretty good like that's how we all how we you know how we have sounds like bunnies trying to pronounce somebody's name and feeling howie of six letters perfect question for you from jaden they said what is your favorite type of dumpling wow pork dumplings or soup dumplings the other day we ate these really delicious soup oh big brains wow look at these big you guys all deserve it friday the 13th yeah you didn't even let them put on their own yeah i want soup dumplings draco okay you can have them picked up you can have them after stream and i'm never allowed to have soup dumplings it's always closed yeah it is it's always closed by the time we're done it's okay hey hey you watch me hey watch me hey you yo you're watching me you all of you where are you why are you saying you and i don't i'm in med bay i'm in med bay come on come here oh okay you see that whoa look look oh she's wait why aren't you doing it all the way that's us what what do you mean i'm just showing you i don't want to like because i have to show other people from now on what's happening in my day i want to see i just wanted to show you proof this is seriously not my game today guys i didn't even get impostor once maybe that's a good thing sniped wait why can't i use this thing for you so sad whoa this uploading's new uh spa day draco keeps going near me i don't like it spotted draco get away i have to do it again ooh why is draco so quiet unless he's thinking about dumplings oh i'm thinking about dumplings rainbow died no rainbow died in the dead yes rainbow was alive what are you talking about what oh it's from fox oh rainbow fox rainbow fox die oh wait wait a fox died in the the cleaning thing that sounds bad i think draco's suss because he always kills dark green first i don't always kill dark green first what do you think i am in a monster i've noticed that since he was a killer dark green always dead draco is quiet oh uh brown like white is accused died but funny saying she was near brown and chuck was just thinking i i'm pretty sure it's dry i think raymond i think it's lunar or funny you didn't even know who died luna luna you saw me right i saw you you're safe yeah you guys all saw me scan you all saw me scan okay i didn't see you scan i'm voting dracco voltron everyone's you could order dumplings by yourself okay you can order dumplings for us it takes like 60 minutes to deliver though it's okay then order it just order something baby i don't know i mean you can eat it while the stream is like still playing technically oh it doesn't tell us draco you could order it and we could like play more in the stream but you know all right buddy keep an eye on rainbow i think rainbow only only if you want it you guys want dumplings of course i want dumplings six pieces i'm gonna be really mad welcome to the stream where we talk about what we're going to overeat this is what our stream has become [Music] uh funny can you go with me to the reactor the reactor of course yeah the reactor because i must have passed i'm kidding i was pretending to make you murder me hello okay now they're just talking about dumplings are they actually ordering food right now guys can you mute your mic if you're going to order food obnoxiously guys type it in discord mute your mic okay i'm muting them i'm going to mute them luna if you're ordering food you have to boot your mic and just type it in discard my gosh girls this is exactly how you leak your address delivery blah blah blah confirmed my revenge rainbow um you could believe me because i i proved myself okay i proved myself that i'm inno okay why me i was gonna go fix reactor like who um can you stop can you guys decide lunar's afk so that's horrible stream who do you think it is i think it's rainbow i think it's rainbow too rainbow you always [Music] i don't know stream what do you think now the streams all the streams talking about is i want dumplings now too everyone wants something oh i know right what type of realistic game would that be imagine a future oh my god rainbow's really angry inky vibes get out of here rainbows you guys voted me stick together i think it's funny it's funny cute i'm a spa lady that's right um what's honey should we go fix crew memes on twitter thumbnail is the chef's kiss the one that you made for another oh thank you thank you thank you chef kiss come here to get kissed everyone this turkey potato pleb said if you get dumplings dot dot dot mukbang with crews hey no i don't want to go there by myself hey why isn't my code working dude come on all right i already know who it is it's probably red and yeah yeah right you're gonna go stab why the dumplings are coming okay draco get out of my room go back downstairs jacqueline's going around saying the dumplings are coming funny funny plushies knows us so well they said 35k more likes for you guys to play three more rounds winky face i mean the dumplings aren't coming until like an hour do we want to bet i need more uh let's let's bet at 35 fine 35k likes 35k likes and we'll extend the stream because you know we have to excel 35k likes guys okay lunar red did it yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna unmute lunar now lunar you're good to talk and jacqua's gonna talk about food i mixed tension hi dumpling everyone please thank dumplings in the chat yeah because of dumplings you know if you didn't read me that tweet about dumplings i wouldn't have craved dumplings what no you you're a liar you said you're gonna buy a lunar valley i'm planning but then i was like no i'm not gonna buy dumplings today and then now i want dumplings okay yeah he wouldn't like i feel like today's the day because he wouldn't shut up about dumpling so all right coming in an estimated hour should have ordered them when we started the street well that's what i told you i wasn't i thought that was a long time so then i was like i'm not gonna have okay let's go um this is the next one here a lot of people are like for the next one can you not sound it out okay for this one it will be up for grabs it will be behind the luna teddy let's go all right all right discussion shouldn't be too long i don't like that yes if i was gonna get the dumplings i would have ordered them at the beginning of the stream but then i was like i'm just going to save my dumpling ticket everyone's saying i love dumplings now thank you dumplings we're supposed to add it we're supposed to finish this is literally what procrastination is we're supposed to be editing the little nas video okay now you get dumplings okay i mean i think it's a habit right now i'm gonna get more of no sleep i haven't published okay let's share the code boom codes up for grabs everyone hey dumpling hat oh you don't want to flip a good live stream of being obsessed with dumplings yo let's all look like dumplings complain flavor you guys i feel like an egg all right i am just a dumpling that's a white color okay all right do we have tall brains in here i guess i'm gonna have to retexture that one hat to be a dumpling now huh for unnecessary reasons maybe we should have speed like lightning that's too fast i was just messing around okay i'll smash around since we got time let's do 1.5 imposter oh we how about all of us can't see the imposter what oh like you're going to turn the bad vision yeah and let's do let's do short tasks let's do three no long tasks let's do five of these all right this technique murder mystery let's go all right this is from bb crew they said what's your favorite type of cereal question mark question or question [Music] um um i like i like cinnamon i like rice krispies those are my favorite as kids i like cinnamon toast crunch no i was a kid i like i like them [Music] i love rice krispies what i don't really care about cereal i just like coffee i'm funnel i watch definitely funny go funny out no i just want to go with everyone it's not me uh-huh i know you killed gold because she said she didn't speak crackle killer get out of here [Music] i know deny on you for now blueberry wait why'd you just scream no funny no one was ejected oh yeah yeah she's like right why is it darker now all i can see on my feet what's your favorite cereal what's your favorite cereal is it dumplings is it dumplings draco oh no she's gonna kill me gekko what is that you kill me you hate dumplings what's your favorite cereal draco what is it i got you draco i got you i'm a frosted flakes boy stop defending him i'll get away with this one too no you won't you guys bonnie just killed draco in front of meh she's a serial killer that's funny yeah thank you why you hate rice krispies i have to tell you guys this because i was really uh embarrassed because i made a pun while we were in the call with nas and he was wearing like this santa outfit and then i was like can i call you santa you could just call me nas and he didn't laugh he probably was like do i what am i legally allowed to say to myself i embarrass myself but it's okay it's okay she's always being her typical cringe okay finally yeah chill draco i'm dead now all right so rainbow to the imposters voted me out what i don't know they wanted to vote me there's two when we were voting for a funny luna stop being sus i am going to die yeah she's definitely gonna die i am going to die then you're going to kill her everyone my friends killed her my friends kill lunar why you know what to do triple dumpling draco's highly distracted by dumbledore that's gonna like look at my phone julie yeah sorry um juliana said what is your least favorite food huh everyone stream what's your least favorite food we'll answer too um we're at the task here um what cotton candy i hate cotton candy i think it's i don't know oh that's a good one yeah i hate cotton candy cotton candy isn't it food i know but like i feel like i don't like it is it a food dude what's something that i don't care about i can't pick i love all wow someone super chatted me play gaming and more you said funniest imposter in the super chat who doesn't read the stream they're not allowed to that's yeah i don't want to or else like you know might cheat uh kermit everyone's just yelling at each other that everyone is sus someone said rice krispies are you guys taunting me yeah hey i like rice krispies rice krispies comes with a season assist at our stream stop making fun of us every food is amazing you guys hate kermit i don't know someone said my least favorite food is a brick i don't think you can eat a brick doesn't sound good that doesn't sound healthy man seaweed oh someone fiona says seaweed seaweed's good blue said pineapple yeah draco doesn't everyone he hates seafood but he'll eat the seaweed that's weird i love salty crunchy seaweed unless it tastes like the seeds there was the seaweed they brought that taste like the sea was horrible draco was a dead dumpling no it was seaweed it was like a seaweed roll it was gross it tasted like a fish bait didn't it okay well yeah there's certain seaweeds oh that was really descriptive yeah honestly we thought of it and we were like we don't want to do it but then like we got so many tweets we're like oh gosh we gotta do it you know so i feel like we have to have me a tradition no you're gonna say it right now so then they can't not do it okay stream chat crew miss this year yay or nay please let us know dude you could eat dumplings then i want to do a dumpling mukbang [Music] that's just the excuse for you to eat everyone make draco make his own mukbang channel the unknown person said me and draco are the same this is the dad chat this is the dead chat oh you're in the dead chat yeah man that that's pretty chill yeah hi hi all dead people everyone's saying yay what about thanksgiving canadian thanksgiving is over yeah oh yeah maybe thanksgiving was like october 13th right yeah we didn't do that yeah but i see a lot of yay so we will do a crew mess we'll just figure out what we're doing there's a lot of snow this year right we were talking about vlogging the thanksgiving but then we didn't want to suffer eating at like one yeah and cooking dinner and taking forever and stuff and then cleaning up yep because we're starting to cook it just yeah way too much water again but one day maybe one day we'll have a redemption yeah maybe next year that will be our redemption yeah [Music] okay guys remember this draco's like um saying what he wants right now he's just pre-predicting it wait don't what happens if i can't buy it then you better figure out how to make one for dracco are you ready what if we make him a giant dumpling he'll be fine i'm gonna give him a stomachache because like the meat's broth jacob what come on jacob get in come on jacqueline you're so slow for me try again oh i'm here now draco you got this already out he's just thinking about dumplings now he doesn't and the code is well bam bam hurry up guys [Music] let's make um no hitting emergency meetings and voting time let's make it quicker zero zero seems impossible can we be really fast i want to be like the fastest oh you guys plan on doing a charity stream this year if so one yes in december yes in december see we're planning it all that's why it's just so crazy and busy i feel like um i feel like december break does that so because of a pandemic like this is everyone like online school or what's happening what's happening please tell me everything oh yeah in december break but we just don't know what it is yeah we just want to pick like a good time where everyone could like stay and chill for the stream is the stream like different time zones and they just want to see like a little bit of it you know so okay whoever kills me does not like dumplings who doesn't like dumplings who doesn't like dumplings why aren't you surprised that draco's dead huh because i didn't see it what do you mean i don't care if draco's dead who's the guy here what even here um let's see i'm sorry i'm reading super chats welcome crown members and happy rose i'm not steamrolling i'm reading the chat rainbow what yeah reading stuff what i'm reading the chat rainbow oh so you want me to ignore the chat fine i'll ignore the chat rainbow the attention is all for you yeah which is all about rainbow now yeah these two are gonna this chat the chat's not cool let's let's just look at rainbow what would you like to say yeah what would you like to say rainbow rainbow what would you like to say huh you got something to say you got something to say rainbow [Music] jackal junior junior is just in the hallway now where's the dumpling in there it's obviously it's so obvious who the dumpling hater is luna what me why that's no fair that's not fair they're looking at you makes me cry don't make luna cry she cries luna start crying show everyone yeah see you don't you want to make luna cry it's sad is i cry is my cry annoying i'm sorry is it annoying i i would be pretty annoyed hey we oh yeah we should fix this together some lights there is no lights oh good suspicious luna suspicion strong okay hey what's your favorite cereal what's your favorite cereal culture you hate dumplings now they don't get dumplings guys um they hate them don't be nub don't be numb okay for this one let's sound it out i think we need a longer voting screen because clearly everyone's taking some time to vote i'm nothing but the janitor so do not hurt me i am just a janitor same i'm nothing but a plunger couldn't join the game i could not join the game let me see oh i'm in all right all right rainbow be our guest and sound it out okay goku's off that sounded horrible that is not no i'm gonna say i'm gonna be more like mozart this is like we could have like a fashion a fashion runway look it's me the janitor with my sidekick toilet plunger i am just an accessory okay i'll show the code you guys are so good at pronouncing it oh there's there's the big brains hey welcome to the code or are they big brands no i showed the code i showed you no left the game no no come back no um camille said are y'all planning to go on a trip around asia crew femme asians are waiting we actually make an instagram account where i just take pictures of this crew fam draco i think you should just cater like a whole page to dumplings i'm just gonna go after this dreamer i'm gonna make an instapost of my dumplings i'm gonna be liking dumplings make sure everyone likes it or else we'll be upset he'll be personally offended because that is dumpling photos does not have views can we turn on the lights i hate not seeing things oh wait how long has it been out for oh that's why you guys suck when i was the killer that makes more sense not really dude i totally forgot sorry i'll go turn it on after oxygen is so far oh wait i gotta fix that someone go fix that dumplings go fix that go fix that i'm gonna do nav dumplings dumplings yeah dracula names dumplings now guys it's not draconite dragon anymore it's draconite don't i'm not fixing it because you told me oh yeah no rules okay so i ran down and i saw orange on top of that body and then they reported at the same time okay so orange self-reported we have no time to discuss let's just vote stream is orange i think it is it's self-report from orange oh wait they already said it they're the imposter guys oh no they saw goals okay oh i came down and they broke up they're lying oranges with eggs are always sucks they said they put like that puppy face is it you didn't turn off the function no no how do you have these room settings always set up i have garbage room settings welcome to no rules in among us all right one two three four five so you guys are doing my time see i'm counting why would i need to count out loud i'm in electrical i will all to i too will be coming to electrical okay i saw her she's not a liar thank you and i am doing that task that i could barely do oh she's a lot she always does that okay let me get this code up yeah i want to assign i want to oh i can't sound better i'm gonna fix the rules let's do okay so zero zero discussion zero dude it is going to be fast uh no anonymous learning chill actually who cares there's no rules okay kill distance short visual task okay let's just have a bunch of give us really big vision give us all really big vision no that's stupid okay fine kill cool down dying um this is from tiffy they said hey crew my birthday is coming up but i can't do anything due to coven it would mean the world to me with me a happy birthday what did the pasta say to the imposter i know you're the impact all right y'all speed let's go one imposter everyone put on a birthday hat we're celebrating all everyone who has a birthday today oh it's not me oh it's not me either everyone come look at me no don't look at me no no i can prove my innocence okay fine everyone always like move my intestines we're super fast and we don't care where'd you go no i'm at my baby i'm into med bay looking good gold's good okay okay now look at me look at me dumplings i'm good too okay anyone else dumpling and gold are good draco stop okay we get it dude anyone else anyone else have to confirm no no no okay i heard luna scream i think she died somewhere did you die okay she's ready no i was gonna do my task all right luna is dead at launch in launch pad there you go funny why are they calling me funny uh-uh jack-of-slash wait draca's in the lobby dracus us instantly jack is already sus insulin you're not the real drakka it's rambo well why is the voting time so short oh no i'm just gonna i've only had the wrong person i feel like it's track if it's not you track i'm sorry colors are on by the way i was just watching what oh wow you tricked us no i didn't yeah you were gonna smoke gold [Music] hey i watched draco scan i can prove both of them good okay super chill no rules among a string let's go you should be like more like super chill crazy i hate roles asteroids destroying asteroids someone go do that or are we all just gonna get nice okay we're all super speedy it's like okay why isn't it fixed yet hey guys guys are we being lazy because we're too fast i got it no one's screaming rainbow what's happening i already said i fixed the second one rainbow's lying she didn't fix the second one i fixed this oh rainbow actually knows these are growing plants hey i also got zelda please no card swiping one what is this five five eight oops five five eight seven seven oh i love doing speed tasks this is fun i feel all look straight across that's amazing hey oh you're right dude you wrecked something beautiful draco what's up what's up jacka follow me to medbay oh that's a long time ago what the are they saying they can scan i think so where guys we have 14 seconds i saw black run youtube okay let's do it black let's do black black it's not me [Music] yeah wait why is salooner saying that she's like i'm trying to voice us that's draga oh hey [Music] random guessing oh yeah oh i love speed it's so fun yes let's do that again but can we do it for three yeah let's do three let's do three okay i'm gonna get in the call and i have to brb okay what call what call i didn't get into the uh the game okay yes i'm real confused whatever just just go okay she's gonna join the lobby should go mute herself yeah chuckle i'm a mohawk now i'm extreme wow cool i'm gonna be rb everyone's brb but don't worry guys i'm still here and i'm still sharing the code the code is for everyone everyone okay guys you ready you ready for the code let's go boom said when's the deadline for crew reacts um crew reacts oh wow we're actually so crazy we want chris we want like a chromis video we want crew reacts and we want we want to do the charity stream video crew reacts in december yeah maybe we should move it to january no no no no no no no december no it's gotta be december for life okay summer's gonna be crazy three vlogs in a month is that what you want yeah um guys is that what you want do you want five that's that's more than like a daily vlog that's more than what we do in a year i know right that's oh we're crazy it's like a whole year in a minute i am sorry that's actually crazy i don't i think yeah luna she just said i am sorry and gold sister yo why is this person beside the vent that's being weird man i'm just gonna go play find the body wow rainbow's not even back yet that's how fast the round was okay wait why was that so fast i mean i think i think we can play another one without rainbow no it's fine no it's fine why it's your fault you didn't find it what are you doing okay then how am i supposed to join y'all join you i'll join y'all join speed oh my gosh that sounds so crazy you guys what what it's poppy said did y'all collab with lil na's x because draco sang old town road at vidcon in the 2019 panels oh my gosh i i forgot that it wasn't because rainbow joined it was too fast it was faster than speed yeah you got a question rainbow it's funny they said that did we get to collab with lil mahaz because draco's saying old town road at vidcon yes look at that beautiful singer boy we oh we should have showed him it no no we shouldn't tell you embarrass [Music] okay let's do this uh it's funny fennel tuesday hey crew have you guys tried chicken katsu it's so good did i say it right oh yeah is that like a pork cutlet but it's a chicken cutlet because yes chicken cutlets are delicious oh it's the simon says thing i hate this now i know why rainbow was angry hey let me be noisy hey jocko make sure to press four five five five oh my god i love her kale gold gold this doesn't look good this time she cannot blame anyone everyone just killed that many people saw me was that was everyone just having a party in that room yeah you shouldn't have killed beside jacqueline you know how noisy it is wait what rainbow jersey was lunar no rainbow's also being popular you are guilty i said it's funny because everyone saw gold kill and then gold's just like it's lunar no i don't know what she's trying to pull oh my god it was fun while it lasted it only lasted one second all right let's do this crew is all castles [Music] three vlogs in a month okay see they're ready pre-remind us so if like we don't have it like that's gonna be so disappointing so we so we gotta do this we gotta do this okay let's do this don't worry we're gonna buff up we're gonna buff up for december we'll be ready we'll be ready than ever look at the camera what okay clearly dumpling died luna how much do you want to kill a dumpling what that wasn't me wasn't you funny yeah she's like i was doing my task what i was just doing the wires in the opposite room i was trying to find draco hey funny what's happening thank you kermit i was doing asteroids i'm on asteroids she's lying i'm black wait how am i lying or was i on asteroids wow lunar and rainbow are so stuff you saw stop you all suss hey hey hey important message the dumplings are done they're getting picked up okay okay how long is that going to take for the drive to deliver hey hey talk about this oh you shouldn't talk about your time bro do not say that no no no no no no no no say that on discord dude wow who was it oh my gosh it was black and green sweet so rainbow and gold just uh sorry rainbow and lunar just helped yeah what do you mean you helped okay we got some more uh joins up in here guys the longest among the stream we've ever had dracco why did you have to order dumplings right now that time span looks so long dude that looks so long um hey let's answer another question you know what you understand let's keep going what if the kill distance is really long but everyone's slow that's all that's funny no that's like so boring yeah goals oh is draco still gonna talk about dumplings so you an underscore crew said hey crew this is my first time watching crew live at the exact time i'm from philippines filipino crew fam really love y'all and we want to see you we want to visit filipino philippines too yeah yeah yeah we love you guys too and then they said another thing what's your favorite canadian food meat it's poutine but i haven't tasted it yet but it looks delicious i love donaire's and i don't even know it was canadian no donation no no no poutine is amazing [Laughter] rain was like i'm not dealing with this today canadian food poutine probably is the best place remain in halifax though all right so if anyone if anyone else knows this donairs and that means it's not canadian and oh man i put too much task up and we're really slow canadian food yes draco oh wait ham and pineapple pizza is canadian oh yeah wait wait also onion green onion all right whoever the killer is we're gonna just see them leap and kill somebody what a chill stream look at this we're just all walking through it um it's good oh my gosh did someone just die yeah i don't know if she was i think buddy just died don't worry funny i'll find you [Music] i was just faking it i just want to be done stop calling me and um [Laughter] yeah it doesn't help i'm gonna hey you said rain pro train hey um here's a question from it's cookie cruise what is the most useless talent you have to the back of my index finger it's a useless thing no what if you can escape handcuffs i can uh grab my hands when they're behind my back i can roll my tongue how much people can roll their tongue open doors okay monkey i cannot touch my toes [Laughter] everyone what is your useless talent um leave it in the comments what is your useless whoever the killer is is really slow please don't take your time to kill let's just kill us please please please this is already tortured rainbow why are you laughing what because okay draco and you right now i don't know and luna are chuckling no i'm sorry dracula sorry sorry jacqueline rainbow crazy dragon rainbow chocolate rainbow's dead funny oh she has the right to travel because she's dead yeah i was just feeling like oh she's watching someone who are you watching rainbow i was feeling the gas station with you i was being your ghost buddy oh thank you ghost buddy everyone's like my internet i am double jointed my useless talent is eating guys no eating is a talent wow this stream got hilarious all we do is eat wait wait sleep hungry i'm making the my useless talents oh singing don't worry [Music] living with liv said i can chug ketchup i mean that is a talent that doesn't sound useless that sounds yeah it sounds overwhelming that would definitely qualify as a useless talent no the thing is i love ketchup but i could never i could never never chug find me like a wrap i'd be pretty amused if funny talk is an opportunity frosty i saw that you guys want that album there it is lunar going frosty just get some high notes yeah who wants luna's album i could scream if you want me to scream very high i'm extremely flexible and have strong taste buds are those useless talents i feel like strong taste buds are not useless you can taste as new crown society members hello welcome what's up welcome welcome welcome welcome okay ah please murder that as the ghosts were slow around the murder table oh that's funny because there's oh anyways let's do it hey come kill me someone will die i mean murderer do you not want in no i have to go do my task this is something looks so tasty dude i'm so slow oh my gosh 32 more minutes till the dumplings are here draco's just excited okay stop complaining about your junk yeah no one cares i'm playing stabbing and move on wait i think he's just distracting us why would i distract you i'm dead that wasn't even the imposter are you sure about that yeah how would i be dead if i wasn't the imposter i don't know i think the imposter is playing actually ring around the rosie with us over here what are you guys go do your test what are you doing you guys are concerned you're not doing my time you're not contributing to the among us crew why am i we're slow yo they are so sucks let's start why did we never get this task bar up i don't honestly i don't think i'll ever will we ever beat among us by be doing tasks i don't think so oh my gosh it's the slowest gang i hope these people aren't the imposter i've been wearing these headphones for so long now one side of my ear good to know good to see you so i have like half a head but phone on my ears why do headphones hurt our ears okay i read the chat beyobi why did you venture off by yourself you should have just ran around the table oh wait bunny left and died [Music] it's gold is gold the imposter why why did gold say something it's miami [Music] i believe you i think it's nia because nina was with jordan and me or crew crew fam crew fan not crew fan yeah why is this so light because i'm trying to read stuff no questions no there's questions oof we didn't get the imposter wait how many more imposters are there i wasn't keeping track i think there's two or maybe there's one because there's only no way there might be two no actually there might be one because there's three left yeah i know who it is it's probably gonna be easy i'm gonna click the button stay away crew man don't come near us this is did you figure it out here i figured it out i'm just waiting to click the button it is red why because nina was with me and jordan we were like playing around the table bunny died no red got caught oh my gosh she's better on you're gonna you better decide who goes where you guys it's 49 seconds you have to move guys go babies i'm never gonna make it you're gonna lose stabilization i want to go left someone's gone [Laughter] that was amazing okay let's let's see and i was screaming everyone [Laughter] it's okay jordan said i'm sorry gold i couldn't protect you okay you tried i mean right crew fan you did pretty good i gotta say you're happy you almost murdered everyone good job they didn't see what no they saw no we'll jail i think they know okay [Music] okay i think three three impostors and the fun dude you gotta say this is like the longest stream we ever did the fun never stop just including charity streams i still want to be slow though i want to make sure the longest parody because of draco yeah draco which i'm kind of okay with you can blame rainbow for reading that tweet about dumplings otherwise i would have just been like i can guys i'm just saying next time um the dumpling tweet will not work on draco i last night was the swear that i was craving dumplings you're still naming yourself today okay this is the win-win situation we get to play longer and we get to eat dumplings i want to see something range okay that's your one that's all you want to see you just i want to see someone kill from long range no one ever does it that's okay i feel like you just want to kill people no i just i want to see how long long ranges like i actually want to know fine emergency meetings no emergency meetings let's go um i got eyebrows my talent is eating potato chips same amazing agreed 10 out of 10. i eat too many potatoes i'm a sheriff around here wait let me see if i get um yo let's all be suss and wear hats my time is that i can singularly raise my right eyebrow but not my left one [Music] that's a pretty useless talent i want to be an astronaut okay well i'm a fancy person i'm getting a cop howdy y'all i'm a fan hey don't you look like me hey she's trying to look like me so she can uh blame me if she murders anyone oh my gosh i'm not an imposter again because someone just killed me from long distance i want to see oh my goodness you have issues yeah he's just hungry yeah i agree hi rainbow what are you doing yo let me vibe as a crew mate that wasn't long distance [Laughter] um who was with draco it was green yeah they did so thank you thank you big fans we love outside electric but it's time for some serious bibiness okay like how they just said okay oh dark green darkness like okay i'll throw in the towel let's go i couldn't vote i was typing too much oh ooh all for dark green what's up milky way galaxy six two eight one two craft going to a dumpling okay you guys ready here another talent fire and i said my talent is eating eight pizzas and being hungry i mean pizza is pretty good that's kind of crazy you should join like those that is competition yeah a pizza eating competition wow now does anyone want pizza because people are not talking about pizza we talk about food too much yeah we should study hungry we're also going to make the whole stream hungry is anyone hungry in the stream or who's actually eating in the stream i'm hungry hungry it can cry on demand and it's useless i don't think it's useless and wow rude i wish i could cry right now i could crown demand oh wait what no yeah whoa this is too many of faucets i think you need like two honey daddies not her with a top hat yeah it wasn't no i wasn't the killer yeah wait why why are you saying that it's like killers i don't know what it literally shows the killers what are you talking about yeah because we were wearing okay join guys for this one to be fair next i'll put it in the youtube chat whoever's the fastest you'll see it get your fingers ready got your fingers right i'm gonna paste in the youtube chat the chat that was talking right now come on go let's go hey everyone we should all dress fancy dress like this okay offense gotta give them time to dress you like quick girl you have like a whole 20 seconds you should know i get more time not enough time that is enough what happens if everywhere everyone wears like these suits and then you won't even know who the imposter is luna but you can still see the color well you have your name yeah but like it's harder okay i want to be a fancy dumpling i am fantastic i'm gonna change never wear the same clothes or hey you're not wearing the same oh i see you guys want to be twins and not triplets like us dumplings for life dumplings we must stick together do not trust the others all right i'm waiting for dracula's dumpling now now that youtube is waiting live for draco's dumplings how does that feel jacko i will make an insta interpose yeah so everyone head over to draco's instapost after he's gonna you should like cut the dumpling in half to show them how delicious or anyone's story will fall out or jack will make an insta story on it what's happening it was luna it's just killed kill no funny was i was doing electrics electric was doing the wires the wires [Music] you can abuse them i'm sorry lunar you're confusing everyone you're throwing out misinformation oh it was lime oh okay this is from the crew fan they said what type of animal would you be this goes out to the stream chat too what type of animal would you like to be i want to be ah what do i have i'm going to be why peta because i like pandas hey discuss crew or i'll follow you and rat you out i wanna i i i can't think of anything like i want to think of something like legendary cool well but i like to rag you out is one of the crew members why don't you want to be a draft rainbow what the heck what ponies are cuter i want to be i want to be uh uh uh uh i want to be baby chick this is the only thing about funny open mic because you can hear all of draco's death oh where is he oh report mine report mine what did he say he's not two dead bodies gonna report brown but you know um two of our delicious food morsels just died interesting two delicious morsels someone said that would be elephant oh elephant sounds cool and elephants are nice and chill interesting gold where were you inside was this stealth report i was bottom left self-reported poor i just saw it and dracula literally just told me selfie oh yeah you're right wait i think it's green because in the beginning they said it was green or it's orange but orange didn't kill me so oh green and if not that's not even split y'all i voted for you guys yes it's okay yes you got this all right and there's one more who's not the best it could be gold gold was kind of trying to get me voted out lulu falls oh i did it i just remembered i just remember people saying blah blah blah luna going off do do not touch me uh-oh rainbow we gotta go get the light i'm leaving you rainbow it's okay i'm gonna go get the lights too you guys better go get the lights i am here i think my computer's like lagging is it clear low i'm pretty sure gold's the killer because ike was helping me gold behind people i don't know where she comes from she isn't terrifying i'm gonna go click the emergency luna i think you should chill i'm gonna kill you connor oh my goodness rainbow's still nagging goes to do their task [Music] oh my goodness i saw orange on lunar's body oh my gosh imagine lion goals imagine lives you can't even type gold oh my gosh yes yes goldman sachs oh crush a cat spell so bad so bad [Music] you know why you're out i could have i could have beat this by myself it was pretty good though gold it was luna she exposed me [Music] i was like i was taunting gold to kill me all right um here let me give you guys the code we got one more game guys let's make it epic for crew fam let's do this all right let's go come on join y'all i'm joining i'm joining oops oh draco why are you burping excuse yourself yeah you're better better yo what should we dress up as for the last one i feel like it should be actually i'll dress the same outfit confusion i feel like let's all be plants today yeah being a spouse is so cute look at me with my little baby yeah i am sprouted golden carrot a gold carrot yes yes draco you do not look like a sprout with where's your baby baby oh we need a baby i mean my alien is a baby um let's do player speed faster kill cool down let's make it really short and fine you ready look at the chat there it is there's the code this is the last game guys thank you so much for chilling and hanging out with us you're you're gonna be so excited for the video tomorrow it's gonna be so much hype you're gonna love it we're gonna work so hard for you guys we're gonna yes we are and december oh man it's gonna be a roller coaster you're working hard after we eat dumplings yeah that's our home really fast that was like let's see we are not as talkative in that video because we were very shy we were yeah we were so so we were socialized we went in we were like we gonna we're gonna ask all these things and then we forgot because we're shy yeah literally that was us so now we know how you guys feel when you forgot to ask him what his favorite food was but we're also shy when we meet crew fam too yeah guys we're just osh why look at me i'm just all shy everyone be a sprout or die tomorrow is gonna [Laughter] okay i see how this is you don't want to be a sprout i'm gonna hurt you no i'm kidding i don't care and this stream off epic let's go yeah we still got 37k watching what's up thank you guys for tuning in you guys like around yeah we really appreciate it murderer murderer i don't understand it confuses me i just turn it stop being babies oh you're supposed to turn it horizontal and leave i get it now why are you who are you talking to i'm talking can someone fix the lights or nah lazy okay i'm fixing it when i am hungry i talk a lot more to myself than when i am not hungry so if you want draco to talk more let him starve [Laughter] i mean loki sounds like a good idea everyone just do your finish your task oh oh that's why she was crying i thought she was hungry no no rain noob lime greens plus okay stream who do you think it is let's take a gander everyone everyone is saying it is let me take a vote right now everyone's saying good night yes if it's night time for you nighty night y'all thanks for tuning in good night have a good night we appreciate it um but good night because some people have to go to sleep oh goodnight sweet dreams wait who are we voting for skip i'm scarring i think i don't know what was happening i think it's green i don't know wait why don't you call me dumples why'd you do that dumples hey dumples um are you kidding me he's cookies he's a killer dude he's obviously the killer okay we're gonna vote dracco after we beat this wow you have voted you don't even have any excuses yeah dude you're not even going to contribute i am contributing i didn't no you thought you just please you said you're just going to eat and that's not contributing are you no this is like so painful all right we can all come all right what do you mean i wasn't even there draco is safe of course okay why would we trust draco guard their names dropped yeah and i was eating doughnuts hmm okay he could have killed rainbow last round what do you mean where was the body even um [Music] yo sauce of these two i don't know if dumply and draco guard are like teaming up bloody wait why are you voting me again draco dragon the imposter i know you're impossible i think draco and draco guard are imposters i mean even the stream thinks draco's imposter so oh i'm gonna click the emergency button and rat you out all right oh it's not me amethyst is asking if you guys can be in an anime which one would you be in and would you be the main character or just hey yo are you kidding me luna stop flicking your brother dracula's luna because draco's flicking the switches that i'm trying to fix all right [Music] um what anime would we be in yeah would you be the main or secondary character i would be secondary i don't like being named because they're stronger yeah i agree with draco maine because they're strong i would be the stronger ones secondary characters they can get replaced by another secondary character um which anime um i'm trying to think of one where there's no death okay then you better choose a really really good anime with no sugarcharge has no death that's that's like a that's a friendly show there's no death in there there you go well there's peaceful naruto he has a long timeline he does someone go do that please never mind i wouldn't be in charge that's a safe one too i'm finishing my task like a good citizen by the way is gundam seed considered an anime of course it is or sailor moon rainbow no welcome power plays thanks izzy lynn and ivy trashcan oh hey kiki what you doing in here draco's killer i don't know why we're just letting go i'm not killer i literally have been following you this whole game and i totally could have killed you if i wanted to yeah jackal kills fat i'm not killed because you don't want to kill me because i'm not streaming because i'm not killer and the killer is slow and i'm like why aren't you killing people killer right there's two of them too are you laughing could be eaten aren't they yeah what time is it for everyone let me let us know 3 am oh my gosh you should go to sleep someone died all right dracula it's time i finally time to say bye bye to you bye time not me i was at calm i think luna sucks she keeps sussing me i don't care i'm voting i was like with her yeah you keep voting gold gold we should eat him and dracula hey dracula just says gold just killed orange can we just no i didn't what i said i believe electrical guard probably did it no i believe i believe jackals are you guys are wrong it's gold she's been quiet the whole time i was right from the start dude why would i be quiet literally you guys were talking about whatever oh my gosh it's cool [Music] i mean [Music] funny okay draco guard we trust you now okay go kill us kill me so we go yeah go do it do it do it go do it you guys are ensued everyone right now to think probably no that's a lie kill me now do it just murder me you know you know he wants you know you have to go electrical right you already did can someone get on the other side please someone come on oh no [Laughter] okay now i don't know who it is oh my gosh are you kidding me it was draco guard are you serious [Music] oh my god i tricked you [Music] well played everyone well uh we hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and we hope you look forward to december for all the crazy fun stuff we have in store guys thank you so much for chilling and hanging out with us we really appreciate it if you're new here make sure to subscribe because why not it's free and like notification yeah hit the bell because yeah it's very epic very epic have a wonderful weekend guys we're crew and we'll see you on the next one bye-bye [Music] oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,227,696
Rating: 4.888988 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, krewlive, livestream, itsfunneh livestream, krew livestream, krew live, roblox, among us, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew
Id: SH4wFB7LO_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 31sec (7591 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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