We're the CUTEST MONSTERS in Pikuniku!

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hey everyone welcome to our crew live stream today's live stream is sponsored by epic games don't forget to use our creator code it's funny on the epic game store to support us while buying games welcome everyone happy friday happy friday guys this game is called piku niku it's uh i might explain it first but guys if you want to tweet us throughout this video i mean sorry live stream hashtag crew live sorry it's a friday i'm too excited all right so thank you to epic games as always yes epic games is epically awesome so nico is a puzzle adventure game guys today we're going to be solving puzzles we're going to be learning stories and we're going gonna we're gonna crash this thing together use our brains again hopefully we don't lose brain cells right i know right no only gain brain cells we have to use 100 of our brain energy today so how everyone it's friday what's up what's up everyone how is all of your week kf or kfc crew fam call that's what i've been seeing around twitter hey at copyright kentucky fried chicken who all right let's start this is everyone ready can we get hype in the chat everyone's super excited welcome new crowd society members thank you so much and thank you evan for the super chat art ellie cat bunny thank you guys all right so we ready to start this pikuniku the adventure of the little blobs let's do this legs the best we're gonna start this thing fresh guys who's that that's you rainbow oh that is me hello come closer i don't think so you look like a bubble gum bubble gum i'm gonna give you something like a brain guess what [Music] guys this is the best live stream ever this little weird how to drink honey this pink gumball's gonna give us money for free sorry let me tell you how it works [Music] you probably have a lot of junk in your town we do yeah it takes up a lot of space and you don't have to do anything sounds good to be true [Music] heck they'll even give you money for it free money free money [Music] well trust this guy what after this trust me it's free money d i told you so next time you see one of my giant robots flying over your town let them work peacefully and i'll make you rich in no time until then take care and remember i still think it's a scam sunshine inc a better world to wait so what did we learn from this video free money free money money guys i'm kidding everyone is free free being objective wake up okay i guess i'm the read this oh you were just dreaming about free money oh that's sad that's you gold you're a ghost yeah hello oh cool you're finally awake can you move well i am a red cherry blob can i move let me see if i explain you throw them yeah oh yeah nice i'm sorry i woke you up you've been sleeping for a long time i think it's time for some fresh air so you're leaving who are you again um i don't care who you are so you're leaving yeah i don't even know where we are come i can't go outside i'm a ghost it would kill me that's true can we leave sad ghost emojis in the chat [Music] main objective find the way out this is a puzzled game we have played enough games together kf that we know this i don't think you can go in the purple goo yeah we just got push you have to test it for science oh they can't go in there it's not dangerous nothing here is dangerous nothing is so calm wow that's so cool ah this big rock seems a bit fragile maybe you can try kicking it we must kick it with our feet strength kick it again when we tell you to smash the like button this is how much power you should be using boom don't break your tablet of course yeah or your phones i like this game look at this ooh mushroom is this draco oh bounce [Music] i like the music in this game too it's very yeah it's very difficult hey funny blob layla says funny likes money money likes fun days that's true that's why free money yeah we gotta get out of here to get free money yeah because that's our dream as a little blob person our dream kit is to find free money oh great this is going to be a problem i think we gotta push it just imagine you're a cat we got pushed right you gotta push what oh maybe this thing is slowing where we go swing swing oh oh kick remember guys kick the button you can't go nowhere in life if you don't use your legs to kick things like this get out of my life oh you just you could go nowhere is there a restart is there a restart is there a pull control um no amount of strong oh no what do we do guys everyone's laughing this is pretty sad thank you for the super chats guys um sad cry that's a big i don't know what you're doing is it gone that was giant l game put the menu because we for real wait what settings do they have control controls press controls maybe there's a grab like we can roll we can talk we can kick but we can't sorry technical difficulties no that's the first run i'm sorry i used the legs for evil they're for us before we lost it guys everyone was saying last night that was nice that was nice guys don't worry i haven't learned the controls see legs of evil imagine if my legs were this long i wouldn't use them you wouldn't want it i would use them to kick things all right you'll see we already know what happens here we kick this and break it watch the speed run look how fast oh yeah there's a question from what was the scariest game everyone from the crew has played um for me it was half-life i didn't finish it because i was scared you mean half-life alex oh yeah on vr that's scary that was scary that would yeah that would be the scariest for me to realistically that one was this i'm dumb and i never played scary games because i know i got scared therefore i don't play what about paranormica are you dumb are you smart for not i'm smart i don't think we we never played paranormal that's the thing oh they're not paranormal we didn't i'm sorry i meant phasmaphobia no paranormal is not scary it's roblox i think you're good to go good luck out there be careful and send me postcards i'll send you a postcard from canada i don't know chat what's your most scary game that you've played or heard of i've seen games oh resident evil scary i never played it but i saw into the light yeah it's pretty scary i've never played resident evil yeah i would never i've seen gay i think i've seen like people play it this morning do not open this door the beast sleeps ahead who's the beast the beast we ain't scared no beast beast fighters did we learn about kicking rocks i'm sorry i'm playing kicking this game's so fun look at the legs guys come on it's irresistible to kick like this thank you so much 1781 people tuning in we really appreciate it welcome guys welcome welcome to the stream everyone oh it looks okay oh hi twitter [Music] if verb guys had legs like this would you use them for evil like us okay um how are you good good good just chilling in the field what about the scarecrow seriously it looks more scared than i am whoa it's true it's not scary the twitter bird is very sassy what's this a bridge of some sort i kicked it i'm sorry i have a problem i'm trying okay i'll stop i'll stop guys i'll just be gentle she keeps kicking everything hello do not kick them that's you rainbow okay let's okay fine every color is us yeah you got okay okay coming from the fields yeah don't worry it's probably just a bird i don't know it sounded pretty snappy [Music] you are loud the sound of a beast coming to eat you don't joke about it it could be lurking in the fields ready to jump as we turn around totally hey relax nobody has ever seen the beast it probably doesn't even exist let's go back to the village yeah they can't see you in those corn stocks yo we have a question from it's a freaking human they said what's your favorite drink crew what is it pink ooh drink coffee iced coffee are we talking about like drink from like a store or like drink drinks draco oh wait wait wait we have to hold up on this question there's a drama happening do something i think you're the beast [Music] the beast is awake it doesn't look ferocious at all i thought it would be bigger a bridge east no why are you here oh my god say that oh yeah i'm going to eat i'm going to eat you all that's good but you don't seem to have a mouth you're rude [Music] you don't look very frightening i mean no offense but aren't you supposed to be gigantic and mighty i am kind of what else we got what am i supposed to be wait what am i supposed to be hmm yeah yeah that's a good question honey that's weird or an angry tomato you better let us out of this cage i think we should free it yeah i don't think it's a threat it doesn't look like a beast to me [Music] well okay we're gonna set you free that was easy but did you break our bridge [Music] will you help us repair it if we open the cage um we'll see what we can no way no way okay we're being we're being aggressive okay then [Music] sorry but i'll have to keep you in this cage what wait no no no whatever kick it kick that cage we're being rude you still don't want to help us with the bridge no way we're getting a bit tired no funny business okay bunny is the channel's name so yeah so it's all funny business here thank you let us know if you fixed our bridge we got your gem gram everyone all right everyone's saying the music the music is music to my ears yo you look like a green avocado get eated get eaten wow stop it so you're the beast eh you look very different from what we pictured from the story um what did you picture i don't know giant full of tea oh they're scared of teeth oh okay hey stop falling how do you speak with no mouth kick that fly tell a cat oh the fly is just vibing man i don't want to kick it i was told to keep my door closed when the beast is around who's in here come out let's go fix our bridge okay we have to do the task we gotta go fix the bridge guys yeah stop here oh but everyone else has to answer what their favorite drink is oh yeah favorite drink anything matcha i love matcha like soda or like white like drinks i just drink matcha soda apple apple apple i don't know i like roasted milk tea and also mountain dew there we go i like strawberry acai from starbucks and coke and pepsi see this is why you don't ask me but not dr pepper i hate dr pepper there you go no you also like root beer yeah i said i like every soda but i like some japanese soda i forgot what it's called yes are you gonna fix this yeah oh wait we can't pull so wait what's in that tree oh yeah crew fan let us know how we're going to go [Music] cute oh hi why did you wake me up um we need i need to repair this bridge [Music] did you break that bridge no well if you were a spider which i happen to be you could possibly fix it with one of the most sweet spider webs but you're obviously not so good luck with that honesty is the best policy well why did you break it in the first place fix your own damn mistakes okay that spider's not gonna help oh my gosh savage it's going to go to the right i don't think the stuff you need to fix it is over here yeah that spider was no help chad what do we do the spider said we need something sweet maybe if we give it sugar it's going to like build a bridge for us i don't think so why is it fly following you you know if we go down the well we could feed them an apple oh is the fly to give to the spider no i did it again i don't think you can i don't think you can hit this fly no you can't hit it yeah look you can see me you don't see me you see me you don't see it so we got a friend all the way to the right yeah i don't think we're supposed to go backwards that oh wait climb up here yeah oh oh you can be a spider wait there's no that's the beast i don't trust fire wow go up go up higher there's i think there's i can't believe the legend of the beast is true then again the beast was just you so maybe it was a story in that sense i am confused i think we need three of these guys what's that little honey place that's so pretty i don't want to piece inside my house hello i still don't trust you no one trusts then get off the couch exactly why legs i told you don't give me long legs i will use them did you fix the bridge yet without this you can't access our crops do you understand the robot will not come anymore and that means no money for us everyone in this town wait the robot took all this stuff already what do you mean the money guy he took all their stuff free money we need fruit no fruit around dairy that dude that dude took all their money i mean he gave them money and he took all their stuff oh camera oh what kind of world is this okay guys we have to find three apples everyone's saying you gotta find the apples thank you chat we got this all right go to the right say kick the spider i mean if when we come back i'm using these legs to kick the root spider for sure bro hey uh sorry you can't go there i don't care you can try that but that's not gonna get you very far okay i'm sorry we'll stop being rude why no there are birds on the cable i can't even operate the ropeway while they're still here easy kick the words how do we get to the oh man let's go all the way to the top oh yeah you have to jump so we gotta get birds get out of here oh a mailbox sorry i don't think there's mail for you here hey are you going to help us get rid of exile can you wait where are more apples i think we're going to cross the river okay with the power of luck [Music] how do you get out of here what happens when you're stuck here oh no you gotta go to the left great that's just great first you destroy my door then you enter my house uninvited and now tea is ruined only way to save the day would be to play hide and seek with me okay so cute try to find me yeah i'm the hidden rock we're sorry that was rude we just bursted into the rocks home broke their tea party we are ruining this whole village we are legs i think she's gonna find the hidden rock i don't know if this is anything [Music] you found me again really but oh my gosh oh horrible come on guys i know he's so cute i can't i love midnight that's adorable rock is this the rock [Music] it's very challenging to find these apples yeah everyone's saying we gotta find these apples right there they're not on the way on the windmill i swear that's the rock oh you're right again what no ah i hate that i like crazy find the rock three times it's wallace cursed dude wait do you think the rock will give us an apple maybe maybe everyone's saying oh the rock is so cute what should we name the rock the rock doesn't have a name chad please name it [Music] okay i gotta roll this game's just so chill i don't think the rock would be this way you look shame on you drink me twice not nice and trick me three times it's literally my fault let's go up here come on i wish we got like better legs our legs aren't long enough we need to be a stronger character the rock is more smooth i told you it's quite uniform up here it's not there very explored rock don't tell me it's across the [Music] okay ready the strength of sadness oh i think there's not a mechanism where you're able to like pull the trolley over but everyone's saying their name is rockian or rocky i mean i like roxanne i think it's roxanne i love it wait everyone's telling me to kick this guy kick him down you go down oh no it won't work what wait can you kick him into the birds no we can't wait can you kick the bird yes that's what no oh this is so sad guys oh i looked at the walkthrough and supposedly you could you can't enter one of those houses oh oh oh the house has this house yellow yellow honey no we can't we tried okay let's try i'm pretty sure we tried that one i swear i tried opening every door another camera thirty one thousand seven hundred ninety nine people that's amazing thank you guys for tuning in wow hello everyone hello guys wait can you jump on their parasol oh tonight another thingy yeah jump on it can you get on it maybe i'll send you somewhere oh whoa what's that present please be an apple oh it's a statue that's cute all right there has to be something in the clouds oh right there right there you can jump on these clouds yes we can okay it's like mario all right we have to find roxanne i don't know where roxanne is hiding but we gotta do this kf see me she's probably partying hello bring us to the next platform what does the fly do anyway hey [Music] you know what i'm gonna do oh my gosh [Music] what have you done to my children where did they go what do you mean it wasn't you your feet are still on the shelf you broke my eggs and now my children are laws are probably very hungry find them fix your mistakes no my god too many we have this yeah oh man please go to the left fall down for yourself yeah fall down off the left side ah we're failure you go back to your mama hello are you okay hello your mother wants to see you why it's true we haven't bonded very much lately you haven't bonded at all but i need time to find myself well okay sure i'll go see you there okay oh my gosh this game is quite a tour the camera's there again but we must find rockstar we don't we don't know where it is you have to fix the bridge i feel like you can't do anything until you fix the bridge you guys there is actually a very easy way to um fix the bridge what oh so remember when krugfram said to like literally just kick the spider oh my gosh all right um thank you kf we're just gonna go go kick the root spider thank you i should have took the i should have took the dude rolling is like the fastest i was too lazy to go back here okay off i'm gonna listen to one wait you just kicked the fly just let me wait but how to get my butt up there oh there you go hey you this is from kf don't ever do that thank you crew fam is it me or is this the nicest bridge ever it's very nice okay sorry this is a spider so now we gotta go in right everyone's like yeah finally okay good job good job guys big brain big brain let's go we've been there for 20 years repaired the bridge yes [Music] oh sorry you did repair the bridge we owe you an apology we thought you were a ruthless monster but you seem pretty okay thank you feel free to stay as long as you want in our village i think our painter is struggling with something maybe you could go see what's wrong your painter pikuniku puzzle game this is like advanced chore game where they think we're monsters but we're not would just hit a vibe and try to escape i was looking at a tweet it was like from crew underscore forever and they said they just want to know draco would you eat dumplings that looked like seafood bracket goldfish is it easy for you to pull up pictures or no uh yeah just send it over for discord i could pull it out okay it's pretty insane okay yeah send that first gold straco do your line oh oh hey what are you doing look at the definition getting some killer legs for the bass kick championship did you see that championship you don't know about bass kick it's our local sport here but you should talk to its creator she lives right next to the mill anything else where am i you're in the old mail we used to make flour and bread from our crops here but since the sunshine inc robots started collecting our crops we don't really use this mill anymore the sunshine ink is bad then i heard they're giving away free money in exchange but i'm too busy pumping out these legs anyway the money isn't free if you're anything else uh no that's it bye take care those legs those are the legs we want we want strong strong imagine the kicking you could do with those legs can you kick the green blah blah i mean just out of curiosity hey your legs are strong look at these legs oh wait is there a secret up here i love you can you jump on those nope it's just a windmill i mean whatever so um dracco do you want to see this i sent it on discord dracco take a look oh my goodness oh okay give me your no i could not eat that that was that's disturbing to me [Music] no i can't eat i don't even think someone who eats fish could eat that fish and it looks like raw like you're eating it alive and it's scaring your soul i know you're excited stream does not see it yet do not react to rag if you would eat a dish okay here it is guys it's a dumpling no yeah it's on the stream would you guys eat it okay it looks scary i wouldn't it's too honestly i would not eat it that's so freaky it's like a dumpling but it was like a fish that's insane guys would you eat it yes or no nice oh man that's i feel like i would eat it because it's a waste of food but then again i would never like like why why did this why does this exist you know it's it's scaring me this image now all right i think this is where the the leader of the basic leg kf is scared they're like no no no no no okay what's up pinky i'm a workout the basket championship is on wait is that purple or pink pink oh okay did you come here to challenge me yes nice game on wait we gotta fight her with our legs let's go okay well your legs are thicker so you got okay look at those little legs you must kick the watermelon into the basket on the right and mine is the left one first one with three points wins the game understood yes okay let's go oh [Music] oh look at her slick moves no guys her legs be powerful her legs be get out girl get out of here yeah let's go oh yeah [Music] come on you can do this you can do this you're a basketball championship you've been training your whole life oh we dumped her too do you get like extra points for that whoa she just kicked me midair how many points do we gotta score why she keep dunking herself no no no no don't dunk please don't stop get away get away get away no no no no no no no no no no no get away go no oh intense battling riveting no can you stop you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it trying to kick it no she's so good at defending she's really strong get it oh yeah oh you see that that was all right all right easy oh wow you're good at this thanks for playing with me take this oh thank you for the call oh the bass kick championship is on present we're missing a lot of things we still have to find the birds um and the rock i don't know how the rock is so good at hiding i'm pretty sure it's on that mean rockstar oh yeah the other shop what can we now we're not exiled anymore whoa hello what's up you ruined my business um what business exactly i was selling merchandise of the beast mugs posters and plush toys i sound so sad people were afraid and excited at the same time i was gonna sell these like hot cakes before you appeared i was going to release my hit song simply the beast it would have been so great talking about much guys wow this this merch is fabulous what is that thing eating do you want to buy this plush yes great oh wait i'm sorry you don't have you don't have enough money whatever um the beast doesn't look that scary i think that's the more of the beast than us what there's more things now we're just trying trying trying no [Music] it's okay where is the room there that building yet where is roxanne have you entered this building i don't is this the windmill yeah she did it's also what nose is do you have an apple in here we're really looking for an apple but i guess we'll talk to you what's up i heard someone in town is trying to launch a new sport called base cake yeah just kidding it's bass kick it's like pokemon that's a dumb name if you want my opinion wow okay well it's not dumb it was fun so get bass kicked come out yeah you're talking to the bass kick champion where yeah let's go there oh wait can we get the crops now oh yeah i mean we did save i think oh wait there's the other flapper it's the bird hey yes oh hey what's up your mother is looking for you okay your mama you know that why can't i have my own life already i guess i should go you guys were just born you should go see the mom oh [Music] when you scream it doesn't pick it up [Music] they asked me to draw a face for the scarecrow but only the birds liked it and that's not good they are supposed to be scared it's a scarecrow it should scare the crows i don't have the strength and on top of that i lost my pencil oh sad it's probably in my basement though can you see if it's there wait why wouldn't you is that the pencil i'm pretty sure it's a pencil head like the tip of a giant pencil oh [Music] oh i feel like you have to stack another one oh oh yeah you're almost done that one kick okay okay there you go and you have to drop the new one on top yeah and then press the button big brain very good job beautiful smart don't push it on can you kick the paintings while you go up nope picnics do nothing this is the basement where they keep their garbage all right we got it oh you found my pencil well you can keep it oh i'm not i'm not up to the task it's probably the end of my career what [Music] oh do you know how to wear it um where's the pencil yes wear it have you ever worn a hat before no yes no did you spend your life in a cave or what don't answer the question okay let me explain first you okay we don't need that thank you you should draw a face for the scarecrow do you know how to do it oh you're oh you're gonna draw oh no okay thank you we don't need this tutorial h oh yeah oh my gosh thank you we love you ever yes let's go we are cute bye bye my gosh we're still now up to the mother bird up to the mother bird buddy sorry i got too excited i want to go draw on the scarecrow but we're gonna go poke her with our head wait what kind of face should we draw on the scarecrow chat leave you happy chat you have to comment now so we can know we'll draw something very beautiful there are you happy your rebellious children are back yeah they really don't my children are back home thanks for bringing them back also no thanks for getting them lost in the first place do you promise you won't break the eggs that don't belong to you again what do you mean you can't help look it's quite simple the eggs do not break them do you promise you won't break any eggs that don't belong to you again i promise good take this i tried to eat it but it didn't go through apple hope you'll find something to do with it all right i'm pretty sure the third apple is from the rock i know oh we have to find that stinking rock guys all right rocky you've out you've surprised us oh you gotta draw the scarecrow first though yeah we give up come out already wait let's go we also want to see if we can take this fruit now oh yeah yo can we have these watches i heard mr sunshine is meant to make an appearance today he doesn't come in person very often how exciting sunshine's coming today of course sunshine's back my free money hello i love flowers i'm trying to grow some here for some reason it won't work i must be missing something love water water no water yeah right i would have known if flowers needed water to grow all they need is love uh-oh oh you need help no water you gotta water it it needs water all the no flowers can grow with love guys didn't you know that you just say i love you and then it grows exactly why are all my flowers dead that's that's a you problem that's a water problem stop recording this okay let's go draw everyone wants us to draw it's scary like very scary okay kind of scary everyone wants to draw a very scary face let's do this oh oh my gosh i keep maybe i like falling in the well catcher said the rock is probably in their house if they are okay i've actually seen a lot of comments saying make the scarecrow look like draco which i don't know if we can do that but they don't they want a dragon does anyone remember where the scarecrow was i'm going the wrong way aren't you far left is far left okay i'll try my best to draw scary girl oh there they are we draw um you press h right uh oh i guess we should have followed the tutorial oh my gosh we never listened to tutorial this is awkward anyone remember see this is the throne well now we have to go back this is the life we chose we're not reading the rules you guys ever play games like this where you like skip through the instructions like yeah yeah yeah i know how to do it and then you're like oh big i'm purposely i purposely did that this is not where the rock lives either wait where'd the heck go you have to put it back press h yeah there you go everyone's saying that to go to the canvas [Music] wouldn't that be so cool if chat could play the game yeah and i just sit here and commentate one day one day this is where the artist lives right yup yup okay i would think it's honey but it's probably paint we're sorry i'm sorry for not listening to you i'll draw now okay time to draw drag wait how do you oh you draw with a keyboard color color color wait can all right first you have to do draco's hair i'll draw the eyes first give me that that's pretty sweet scary those glasses are those sunglasses she has that scary red sunglasses glasses yup oh yeah all that's too late that's her mouth i'm not changing and she's very we're making an angry girl eyebrows angles nice eyebrows oh her hair's black red eyes red and black i know oh my great eyes let's see if we can draw hair on her guys okay so okay she has those nice red highlights those money pieces this is her hair oh yeah she got them she just got it done guys make sure to leave her comment or else to hurt you color her hair looks good and then some more hair this is like the new look oh yeah this is so hard it looks good there you go guys it looks awesome what have you done i know it's gorgeous it's a masterpiece i didn't know you had such talent oh thank you now you should put it on the scarecrow's head yes here take it yes you guys are ready do you love this chat look at that okay we gotta go put it on right now and then we'll go find roxanne this looks amazing we have to run we have to run there there's no time we gotta roll yeah i'm so excited it's very good funny i think in love stupid well thank you i appreciate it let's go let's run our little butt meanwhile then it's creepy um here's a fun question for everyone do you like savory or sweet food leave comments now favorite sweet savory i think all of us are savory people really actually are dumpling sweet for savory depends on the food savory crap or sweet crap well i actually like both okay he always does this i'm putting the face on all right a true nightmare to hear first even burbs are afraid of draco wonderful wonderful all the birds are gone this new face really scared them good oh wait sunshine is it mr sunshine whoa whoa no don't take draco watch out oh no we didn't finish our apple meeting yet what are you okay what is that ah i reckon i should have told you about that robot okay yeah see we have corn in our village a lot of corn we made a deal with sunshine inc and every week one of their robots comes here to collect it in exchange the robots spread money everywhere in our village what do you eat free money everywhere sorry for not telling you before at least it scared the birds away you did a good job thanks yeah but i thought mr sunshine was coming here in person explore the world take the money go see if you can get that robot [Applause] oh [Applause] okay we have to go find out yeah if roxanne is in their house i'm going to be rocking and where are you hiding quite surprised it's a pretty good place oh dear friends [Applause] but today i have a surprise for you as many of you know i installed the sunshine inc headquarters inside old volcano [Applause] it is a truly wonderful place and i feel bad none of you can enjoy it yeah yeah it's sad so sad so i decided to give one of you a free tour is that our house yes but unfortunately there is only one seat left in my robot robot i think this is evil who will be the lucky winner me me choose excuse me well i have the name right here today the lucky one who will get to see the sunshine ink headquarters is ellie who's ellen it's me it's me i'm going to the i'm going to volcano congratulations no no no no belly please remain still while i wake you up ah that's not time to get safe hey nice well that's it for today i'll come back next week um where's the money till then enjoy your free money [Music] wow free money everyone i'm like concerned for ellie ah mr sunshine is such a nice guy yeah i'm so jealous i didn't get picked up everyone's saying scam in the chat yeah super well maybe next time guys oh my gosh it's a giant scab it is okay but you got to get the money oh so much and then we could buy the money oh [Music] [Music] can you push something why would you drop it yet i don't think so no no no no no i don't think you can get the money you am i starting to lag is it lagging i don't i don't think so i think you're slower for some reason which i don't know why it's not lag okay cool let me go in the house real quick okay i look fine in here okay we're gonna go to roxanne we're gonna see if roxanne's chilling in their house still come on roxanne oh it is lagging for me let me go to menu oh it's lagging oh no it's not lagging it's just like it just doesn't look smooth in my opinion don't worry i probably just like relaunch nothing now it's good now i think the robot scammer made me lag i look good now all right let's not fall into this we gotta go find roxanna guys crew fan page said i think ellie is dead meat i think so too but the thing is what are these creatures are they like potatoes or like green avocados chat what do you think they're just blobs or a pear it could be a pear i mean it can be a pear what do you guys think everyone's like the mare oh the charlie works yeah let's go excuse me thank you [Music] wait what next level where are we going no please oh cat do you think roxanne would be all the way out here uh do you want to walk through where to find roxanne yes please it's in the house isn't it no he's on a cloud oh my god whatever we're not going to the new world yet we gotta figure out what to do with these apples yeah okay so we have oh oh no why did he place the money around so complicated and still hurt us you can't actually get the money like why you do that okay so pure evil you gotta find roxanne on one of the clouds which cloud probably got that one we need all the money because we really want that beastly plushie it's fifteen quarters right we can't end the stream unless we get to plushie okay let's go where you at all right are you kidding me what oh roxanne there you are roxanne why you such a good hiding spot that was fun thanks for playing with me give us your apple please accept this modest gift as a token of our friendship sorry for ruining your tea time yeah we got the apples let's go welcome new crowd members welcome we welcome you as a pencil 33 000 people watching us be a pencil that is amazing hello thank you yasmine zendiva gaming girl logan and little luna for the epic super chats we appreciate you guys like this very cute adorable game so yeah what do you thought the art was so cute everyone's saying um the creatures look like avocados like a lot of avocados hybrid avocados excuse me what are we doing again oh no wait yeah we gotta go give the apples to whatever oh yeah hello hello are you the ruler of this towel are we unleashing something that we don't shouldn't be i don't know [Music] secret outside always go inside dark caves yes how did you end up here if it's getting too difficult for you i can get you out of here but be careful if you ever come back you'll have to start from the beginning do you want me to teleport you yes all right please remain still why teleport you what wait what i want to explore this dangerous world wait no oh go back i think it's just um to get out okay we're not talking to the frog yeah see to get a hook in the air oh it's like yeah ow no okay so it's kind of there's a challenge to this okay you go down don't touch that that's right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait control tomato body i can't it's so slippery okay let's try this this is actually pretty cool what the whoa your legs your legs those are some strong toes careful careful oh you gotta land right on that red button okay schwing schwing so close okay oh you [Music] all right okay okay button buttons right here right here right here there yeah right there we need the money though we need the money okay let's go maybe it's not worth it i don't think it's worth it y'all um oh my bro oh [Music] oh man these legs his leg be cursing me today all right go down [Music] this probably will make us rage soon secrets welcome to one hour of epic gaming skills oh speed run time so this is rage inducing i thought this game was going to be ch [Music] okay the problem is i'm rushing it i'm rushing i'll go slower chat okay i got this it's chill game i don't think the music is helping my ears [Music] the music is something has somehow like peaceful but chaotic at the same time i like it i love it okay we got this ready whoosh yeah all right yes oh is that a hammer wait [Music] froggy oh my gosh that almost killed us how did you end up here if you're getting no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i know what you're supposed to do what you're supposed to kick that frog on the button are you sure you can't kick him i'm trying to kick it no it doesn't get kicked he won't it won't move wait hey oh wait move the ball into that perfectly positioned part right there no then you press the button you're trying to get the ball up to that [Music] get the ball into onto that platform and then you have to kick the ball down to get onto the button oh [Music] onto this platform i guess that is this is going to be quite hard oh wait that's or do you put the ball into here and then you try to get the ball to sit on top of that one of the that x button over there to turn it green because you're gonna need you know what i mean um i want to see what's over here though yeah you're going to need to move like you're going to need to move this ball onto this button as a placeholder and then you need to move the other ball into the other leg right here right here move it right there yeah like that keep it like that and then that ball needs to go onto the other side but you need to lower this platform yep okay so we don't see i was overthinking it i wanted to put [Music] okay guys we got this with the power of kicking okay it would be easier for it to go on to the pillar knees please don't wonder the frogs that is too hard it's too hard you got this basketball do you want to tell them there you go there you go now open it okay now go go on the other side and try to kick it the other way yeah basketball soccer no you didn't use your legs strength where are your powerful legs they're like they do they probably feel like jello now from all of them oh my gosh guys i got this no this is like everyone there's so much money there's so much money that money okay it's the pet we have to concentrate we got we got to okay everyone's saying eat the ball okay touch make it strong kick it strong what the jump kick on the opposite side okay what what do you mean jump kick oh my gosh this ball is quite a nuisance to me [Music] maybe you have to talk nice to the ball try 100. i understand the frog means everyone says rage um there's so much i'm out so what's the tutorial lunar the walk through is it just that easy come on come on die ball die um let me see this ball is getting on my nerves all right all right boom maybe you have to go from now you kick the ball into the left side i just said you just have to kick the ball straight oh yeah it's easy no no so is it the second platform i feel like we have a better chance at the second platform no this platform is better no no no get left kick it left whoa that's a brave you know what just kick it here yeah yeah stupid ball i hate you money but okay we can buy all this for some money that's it that's a lot of money you get more items from this from feeding this free money frog you're annoying me goodbye i'm out oh my god oh my goodness yeah skills you got nothing oh [Music] okay you gotta move the crate you gotta move the crate you gotta you wanna move the crate oh yeah i see what you're supposed to do now oh so you can get into the secret oh how do we carefully move the crate you gotta get under it under it and go from the side oh you gotta dive under it oh no you gotta restart oh wait no no you don't right yeah right here right here perfect perfect all right jump on it oh yeah what am i doing you jump from the water up oh a little bit more to the left i mean right [Music] that's it okay yeah oh you're supposed to go to the other way yeah oh wait a minute is mr sunshine holding like hiding all these coins here what is this the villagers it's the spiders hello baby wait a mask now we can scare the townsfolk okay this is that epic well we've conquered this world scared of you you should go back to little rock's home to get the trophy oh yeah oh wait oh yeah little rock you owe us a trophy and then we got a bite even though we ruined your tea time we go up mm-hmm we must go oh and we have to buy the beast mask everyone's saying we gotta buy that beast plushie you're right i don't know why the robot wants our corn maybe it's because the robots have to eat anyways we're not allowed to eat it now oh you have to eat my sweet little blobs [Music] weird um what no we're going to shop after we go to rocky's house roxanne's house i mean i just saw it saying from leila saying i'm watching your awesome stream instead of doing homework well i i have a cool fact for you you could do homework while watching streams do your homework layla multitask yo what's up rock oh thank is a small sacrifice for an everlasting friendship you'll have to pay for it at one point though what why would you pay for everything here it should be free we're heroes i'm kidding all right guys notice your beast let's go get that i want you to go scare people we'll try i don't think anyone's scared of us though hey you scared gotta get the ball the full beast costume oh yeah let's go get the beast costume um yeah i'm pretty sure we're not that scary yet we must do the shop okay let's go to the shop everyone everyone's saying yes we must go to the shop let's go up here i feel like i'm a little heavier with this costume on okay let's go let's see if people are scared of us after this hello avocado we finally have enough money do you want to buy this yes great it's a plush it's not a quick it's huge what wait what to do with this going to the items wait hold on hold it huh i think you're supposed to give it to someone who what that's maybe do you think we should give it to the the basket the bass kickball champion because they what no they don't get us fine it's ours why do we need i think we got to go to the new area yeah conquer this see you later it's time to move on we are leaving this town nothing but going must go into a new horizon where it gives us something better make a wish make a wish i really want to see what that evil evil guy is doing with the volcano all right time to speed [Music] [Music] this is called speedrunning i'm a pro at it no i'm kidding oh i think you look much cuter as a cute little beast oh it's a new level stop please stop you're hurting me mushroom oh my oh my goodness ah oh you got it nope no coin needed oh what is up oh you're just being like a trapeze artist now oh water oh don't care oh whoa what is happening in this world i feel like you have to keep going up i literally don't know what's happening there's so much stuff maybe we need these rocks where are the people [Music] [Music] oh yeah let me try doing that as i am a pro player no no no no no thank you keep going up what's this a giant [Music] do we have enough money oh well hello there hello welcome to my pottery gallery i am sam the local potter i made all these potteries haha they're beautiful please take your time exam beautiful no no no this isn't zelda you cannot do this yeah there's no roofies there's no money where's the money uh well maybe potteries are meant to be full oh that was sorry we're horrible awkward well there was no oh we got a trophy though for ruining stuff okay our legs be doing everything all right so there's nothing over there i think you just gotta keep going up yeah i heard a dog too is that our puppies i don't think wait was going left you gotta get on the clouds i know you gotta get on the clouds there's nothing this way though get on that cloud get on that [Music] imagine if you could travel by class eating so pretty oh there's just a lot of coins but i don't really need water and i'm the other [Music] please take us no no no grab on wait there's a secret in there oh this is the corner hi we need to wait um it says now just head to the right to enter the forest so when you're at sam's potter you could just keep going to the right okay we need to go to the forest because this world is world wacky let's go we have ruined all of sam's project [Music] wacky leg world okay we got this back low and steady slow and steady what wasn't that a shortcut to sam's pottery oh [Music] i thought you couldn't walk through the trees for some reason me too i was thinking of too much where are we going little rain huge cloud we're heading rainbow everyone really wants a pun can you give them a pun oh a pun for sure let me look let me just go to the ponder dome okay [Music] we need a food place to spend our money whoa why why that was close they're like harvesting everything and is he giving money for it you're taking the tree this robot is cutting down the entire forest what a jerk and now my friends are stuck go save them where's your friends oh okay we will help your friends where your friends at let's help them mr sunshine ain't so sunny i think sunshine um but there's a darker meaning to the game sunshine just wants to wreck things and just pay people in coins is that you draco it looks like draco exactly guys oh i don't i can't hear draco talking i can hear him from the other one what you can't hear me no i think i told you when you oh now you can hear me i said when you scream i'm not screaming no you're screaming and just don't like that man it cuts you off oh i'm not screaming okay i really don't get this pun but i just think it's funny and relatable so i'm just gonna read it okay what's the most jamming fruit oh gosh no [Music] you can't it's mine oh brain wait this is not compute so wait why you still figure out this joke this one's cute and funny how do the smallest parts of your body communicate with cell phones okay you're small that's the problem biology joe go tell your biology when you have to turn it um vertical you need to stand on the top of it so there's some height oh you're right just kick it down kick down that thing yeah hey you saved me thanks this stupid robot took me by surprise i thought i'd never be able to leave this tree thank you that was save the leaf okay we helped the villagers no nothing better than my explosive pinecones when something big needs to be destroyed okay one saved one more to go i don't know we have like mine um what is rainbow a pink leaf i am a crazy crazy little pink blob that has explosives oh my gosh [Music] help me get down please it'll be impossible it will nearly be impossible oh man leave now you can do it you got those legs for a reason you were born with him because this is what you were meant to do long legs for days okay swing i don't even care for that money one two oh okay this is gonna be a problem whoop that's pointless that made me cry that's a buff squirrel oh yeah oh oh we still said to go up there there's no other i want to leave please don't make me play this level what's that you won't be able to leave that sounds dangerous whatever that is okay our goal is to save the orange one that's our second last friend and then we see what's up okay uh juliana said if you guys could be one of your pets for a day who would you be um definitely floofy aria maybe a cat cat's dude like absolutely nothing oh yeah kiara is pretty lazy i don't know question they all of our pets pretty much really do they're really chill all our pets are yeah they're super chill they sleep they play they eat so it would be any any of them that's kind of true oh hey you made it okay big brain time let's see what we're dealing with right yes that's good oh oh oh come on oh this is easy owl well funny if you kick that down the owl will go bye bye subscribe wow i don't know you but you saved me thank you if you could be an animal for a day what would you be let us know right now or you can leave an emoji what type of animal any animal in the world rainbow what would you want to be a giraffe elephant no elephant okay rainbow the crew is back let's go back to the village [Applause] the robot is still here oh no don't please don't squish them what can we do huh i have an idea hey you not again um thanks for helping us i think there's seeds oh do you mind doing one last thing for us here just kick that oh we can do that oh yeah uh of course we're gonna kick it [Applause] i see the chat wanting to be a cat or a dog a lot of and a polar bear bear nice what what they seem to be useful what's happening maybe they can help us like full time no i don't know we don't know them or their motives we have bad motives maybe we can test them see what they can really do why we saved you we have bad motives clearly hmm okay hey you seem hey you seem eager to help you might be interested in our organization what the benefits meet us at the club the club wait are we joining uh why are we doing i don't trust clubs y'all they scare me they'll see those kids definitely yeah they're part of a scary car they have weapons oh even the water here's polluted in the forest batter world can erase a better world what kind of propaganda is this mystical sunshine mr sun oh i see basketball [Music] it looks like we need a key card is that a store a lot of um animals live here what is this are these houses yeah tree houses oh again oh he needs a game oh we need a lot hey if you put some grated cheese on your pasta do the dishes right after your dinner otherwise the cheese is going to get solid and stick to your pasta dish that's actually good tips and you don't want that i mean thank you point can you give me pasta the helpful tip i guess we gotta get to the club though we are looking for this oh [Music] please i can't play any more basketball games fast kickball [Music] oh hello please please oh there's a shop but but how we need to get on the elevator oh go from here and then walk the tightrope and then go down all right hippity hopper are those knives on the house oh or like garlic yeah hey you look nice hey there sorry i'm a bit busy oh they're too cool i'm trying to finish a track for my next album it's almost done oh it's a dj a singer oh wait do you want to help me yes nice in the moment let me set it up oh my gosh we're making amazing songs yeah let's go oh yeah okay it's ready wait it has to be good you have to kick this horn at the right time when the red circle overlaps the yellow rectangle all right easy go okay oh no x wait spacebar what was it oh it's c oh it was kick [Laughter] it's not that easy this is harder than i uh thought bruh right in the middle [Laughter] is that close enough oh yeah yeah thank you perfect that was great thank you hmm wait let me edit that can we hear it i would love to hear it nine it's truly a masterpiece you guys ready take a listen mm-hmm [Music] so what do you think your part really adds something to the mix it was i guess everyone has different tastes anyways thanks for helping me no here consider this your royalties [Music] thank you that's so precious maybe we shouldn't have said it was trash but now [Music] see you later seed alec gotta go to the club we gotta get the secret stuff all right let's go that's fire hello do you want to enter sunshine club yes let me analyze your style first please remain still our style is popping right we got the drip we have one flower [Music] don't move countdown we belong in the sunshine club is this good enough i said don't move are you moving i'm not moving i'm not moving oh wait am i this is a troll computing hard don't move it seems you don't have enough style to enter this glove come back and get some wow it's active okay i really don't want to fall back to the bottom you know what you should get swaggy get sweaty you should stop that right now let me kick you out of the map okay it's impossible excuse me okay brah thank y'all thank you but i think we look pretty cute i don't understand what this bot means there you go i'm going to get oh i see the swaggy and then oh my gosh okay chat let's let's guess swaggy you guys gonna decide what is swag i think there's no you gotta help us get that drip yo what's up i think the 70 is definitely the swaggiest who wants to say the oh oh i don't really know why sunshine inc wants to cut down the trees but they throw money at us every time they come so i thought maybe i should open a shop and here i am the mighty merchant nobody comes through they're too busy dancing at the club everyone is saying you should get the expensive sunglasses oh we're too poor we agree i think we should try the cheap ones first do you want to buy these cool glasses great sunglasses that thing is the only thing we can afford you should have collected more coins you want to buy this postcard oh wait you can send that to the ghost oh oh yeah everyone wants to be swag yo we do look like we got okay they have still not enough for the club we're not swaggy enough robot i don't know what it is now i have to be frugal i have to collect every time i need it what's in here sunglasses do be looking good uh oh is this dracco this is literally we did toasters bro room would look like hello hey i think something is wrong with my toaster that looks fine man can you check uh i think we're gonna get electrocuted but okay why would you say that oh whoa oh that's a lot of toast toast it's possessed that is who dares make wake me from my slumber the preparator shall be punished the perpetrator blah blah blah okay something is definitely wrong yeah no kidding what okay are you ready to face toestopia the challenge shall begin what is toasttopia are we going to have your face because does anyone or does anyone feel dancy get out of here [Music] i don't have any that's scary please let her sleep thou may be strong but children will overcome you children hopefully my children tell their children whoa visit me or this feedback okay well it's a great oh doing all [Music] and steady wins the race what are you doing gotta jump and roll jump and roll you're stressing me i think the toaster noise is stressing me out now i'm just stalling [Music] i can't oh my gosh who's got the toast with the most so how did i come so far wow okay so what do i do you have to wait okay go now now go down [Music] now oh gosh you gotta roll you have to roll oh yeah can you get rid of your legs [Music] wait roll roll roll roll yes drop feet [Music] let's go enough children unleash your rage guys the toast us oh they're going to trail you better run rolling i don't want to be so cute run run fast this toast is so easy speed speed speed oh my gosh [Laughter] we got the keys jump to the left roll roll roll roll i hate you okay honestly i didn't think you get this far i must say your determination impresses me so maybe you woke me up for a good reason i don't know i didn't expect a visitor i didn't set up anything i don't have tea i don't have music so now this is the two of us i guess stuck here forever make yourself comfortable not stuck here for seven watch this die no what have you done we have murdered the toast guys they toast we don't taste it without these everyone's toast tiger that's like toast tiger's epic backstory if you remember you remember draco i guess i won't be eating toast for a while that was horrible um we got distracted [Music] sunshine club so they can check on our drip and make sure we're good wait there's a president oh is that for the toast what's this i hope so yeah let's go the demonic toast was demonic and it does look like toast tiger no oh i pressed the wrong c [Music] wow okay this is the whoosh yes hello [Music] rainbow do you have a toast pun you can come in i mean don't get me wrong darling this trend is so last year but you seem a bit desperate please come back [Music] desperate shades are never last year funny funny you tell him we know draca we know drakka everyone's like rip toast yeah leave f's in the chat for toast this is the club guys oh god god's fault okay we are sorry okay we're here you're in the sunshine club sunshine inc built the uh i'm sunshine inc built this club in our own town to make our lives happier but now they're cutting down our trees and everybody is too busy dancing to do something about it oh you seem to be on our side but we have to be sure yeah we don't know where you're from you could be a spy as far as we know do we look like a spy or worse mutual cognitive illusion point is we need proof that you're with us you see that robot over there which one it's the self-proclaimed dance king of the club no one has ever dared challenges we are gonna do a dance battle if you're with us you should have no problem with beating it in a dance battle yeah crush him we're watching you all right we got this okay um here's a the king of the dance floor did you come here to battle me yeah let's do this okay here's a toast pun what is a toast favorite body part toasty bread it's toast okay beat the robot in the dance battle i could beat a robot one two three four oh yeah [Music] you can't miss a single thing i'll concentrate she totally dance with us yeah everyone get off your jawline do the hippity hop this [Music] the robot's glitching [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh did we lose oh that was a close one yeah in your face totally butchered though oh it's broken all right let's talk to the robot talk to the rebels rebels hello you got some moves [Music] look at this juice drink it or break it off it looks like ketchup excuse me nope just wrapped it up all right let's go to the rebels huh ah we see you're not afraid to beat the robots take this you'll know what to do with it what do you want us to do oh the secret chamber the secret cheater the elevator dude the wrappings you were dancing crew fan page said big question did funny learn how to whoa no everyone wants the wall one day again isn't it where you just like take two of your you throw you throw it up and then you actually there's a lot of woe variations i don't understand i'm leaving but which one is the true woe which is the official whoa everyone can you woe and with emojis in the chat find the purpose of the magnetic card what's up wait can you whoa while you hit the like button stranger [Music] and welcome to albanco these are some rebellious seedlings white nobody calls it albanco but it's a bunker no it's not the word it doesn't even exist sounds cool though yeah no in fact we're in the old metro station we weren't born yet but i heard it was sunshine inc's very first project they wanted to connect the whole island but it got cancelled and they re-routed all the power to their headquarters and it has been abandoned since then but we needed somewhere safe to plan our missions at a place where the robots wouldn't come so we established our base here okay follow us and we'll show you we gotta see the space oh my secret hideout we gotta call it the biggest spy let's go oh here it is oh come on it's not a bunker don't call it albunco [Music] so this is the main room where we get together behind me you'll find some beds in case we need to rest [Music] oh we look so swaggy yeah let's go yo this is an organization and this is our briefing room where we plan our mission [Music] we have to be super prepared before going to the field otherwise the mission could be a complete failure yes like getting stuck on top of trees moving on well these are intense seeds upstairs you'll find the computer room because it's always cool to have computers in a secret base fair enough and we have pinball on them [Laughter] yeah but no time to play we have our next mission soon everyone albanco in the chat mission ah we should start with the beginning [Music] you may have heard sunshine inc the big company that gives free money to everyone yes we must know the secret free well it's not that simple i knew it mr sunshine claims he helps the villages get rid of their junk but he actually picks up essential resources from every region i knew it and the whole money thing is just a ploy to divert attention the attention from what his robots are doing so no one is we don't even know why he needs all this stuff we know what the moment is if we let him take everything all the villages will soon be gone in a day or two they'll be done cutting all the surrounding trees next step for them will be to cut down the actual village we live in these trees our goal is to stop sunshine inc from whatever they're doing we'll start by eliminating this big robot in our forest talk to us if you want to know the details wow well well well this was look at that chocolate something i want to go lay on the computer i don't go see the bedrooms [Music] [Music] excuse me we don't want to look at this we want to go look at the cool stuff in your bunker the computers i mean super top secret everyone's saying albanco with heart eyes yeah everyone loves the word albuquerque i don't know everyone el funko i guess we're fighting the boss and we're gonna end the stream that's it i cannot we cannot turn off the stream without murdering the robot bass first let's go yeah let's do it [Music] rainbow yay what oh sorry as you have already seen we have designed a special kind of pinecone that explodes on impact on twitter we'll launch them towards you and you'll have to kick them in the air whoa oh with a bit of luck they'll fly toward the robot and explode on his face but the robot is smart be prepared to avoid his circular saw if he gets angry he will try to cut you in half oh that's foreign and then crew sister on twitter said here's how you whoa they did the a rolling eye emoji a hand and then it going down and then fist what does that mean i'll show i'll show you that's clearly not in my tick tock you have to roll your eyes though why do you have to roll your eyes rolling your eyes i don't know because it's like it's like cool okay everyone roll your eyes in the chat so we can confuse everyone how to beat up the giant robot where's it at oh left it's left right yes i all i just know is i don't want that robot to saw our legs i don't want to play soccer with you no no thank you what what whoa acorn squirrel secrets the wait we got the giant robot i don't care about this i want to go get rid of the giant [Music] giant robots where you at oh i bet you it was at the end remember when we heard that giant scary sawing sound so am i going the right way huh um i think it's all the way to the right no no you're going the wrong way all the way to the right what like what is this anyway is this soda or is this like rations rations i mean like what is this true it might be rashes maybe it's soda doesn't look like soda everyone's rolling their eyes in the chat yes i love it i love it we must go defeat the robot with our power of rolling eyes it shall die oh there they are oh yeah are you right here oh my goodness where's the where's the explosives she said she'll throw eggplants and you gotta kick it you're talking you're gonna talk to her she's right here kick the giant robot when you're ready be careful he might get angry okay hey you you just go up to him and get you we have rolling eye emojis for you okay attack detected defense mode activated that wasn't nice hey we're here beware of the robot saw okay why do you guys get to stand on pillars okay okay okay dude i feel like okay i got this move fast jump jump okay this is going to kill me oh my god yes yes that was so cool this is scary come on can we say who's gonna throw it can you tell me who's gonna throw the acorn it's strange these little seeds oh this is gonna be the death oh my gosh this robot i mean it is realistic because if you do get hit with a saw you would be dead in one hit so yeah i don't i don't blame the game for not giving me three hearts i have no complaint yeah yeah i feel like they would take turns okay the pink one should throw it now come on come on come on throw it throw it i wish you guys there it is faster got it yes use those toes [Music] orange [Music] they're not yeah yes hey it works yeah look up yeah [Music] the robot is gone our village is safe done it without you thank you hello [Music] who who are you find us do you leave the door open i always close the door behind me the door was open my bad i'm sorry i can come back later if you want [Music] hi this is supposed to be a secret base called albanco we don't want the robots to find us well this is why i came i live in the village right next to the forest sunshine inc is sending their robots there to harvest our corn in exchange they give us money but i don't know we already super rich there's nothing that we could do with it besides i really like eating corn oh we're familiar with this the same thing is happening in our village what is happening our new friend helped us stop the robot i know i followed you and saw what you've done if the robot in the village keeps on taking our crops will soon be out of corn and that means no food anymore oh that's sad ain't your people doing something about it no they are all waiting for the robot to come so they can get some coins which are basically useless at this point too much currency [Music] so i'm here asking for help to get rid of the robot i guess we could give it a try yeah we're great team let's go kick this iron butt thanks all right another mega robot we're saving both villages okay i feel like i have to save this village too well time to go kick some more megabytes um yeah let's get details okay first i'll go back to the village it's rainy season down there who cares we're not gonna go through and struggle look at the board they drew it right there it sucks up we're running with long legs that's it oh wait wrong way we got this i got a rainy village we have to save two villages we saw the two villages story so therefore we are the rebels the rebel blobs gold hey i used some of the metal pieces i found to make you something for you a hat what did you mean here take this water powder so cute maybe you'll be able to grow some flowers here and there oh you can give it to that person that couldn't that was giving no he just needs love no he uses love he doesn't get this oh it's get the water hat wait so wherever you waterfully wait wait wait but the most important thing is like uh do we have to walk back yes you do no like all the way back that's right i have a feeling the watering i i think the watering can is to kill the robot no you're trolling me lunar no no no no bar no no oh my gosh in the meanwhile do you guys have questions for us while i slowly make my way back to the village and suffer crew live ashley crew live brb okay also thank you so much everyone that's watching still with us you guys really appreciate it guys thank you so much um welcome new crown members item gaming caitlyn evelyn and we got some stupid chats from xango art is amazing hawaiian cookie ali is the spot thank you so much guys how do you go back i don't know oh this is pain probably just walk backwards keep going i just say comments saying every day is like day monday tuesday wednesday yes yes for these creatures yes oh my gosh the suffering water i just see comments of albanco karate chop [Music] so very very epic chore to get back to the epic monster now look what i have to do i have to crawl on my legs i have to push this up the hill [Music] kick it up faster i guess okay here's a question from um ash they asked if you can't give hints on the numerator can you at least say when it'll come out we have quite a few like the thing is there's coming out of stuff yeah i mean i obviously you don't get what no no you can stay first oh i was like obviously you guys know that we're not re-releasing the teddies again just because they were so so so popular and i don't know if i can say the other stuff no you can't say that i'll say it so um for those who don't know we are we are dropping like i forgot the dates when we're still working on it there's still a lot of stuff but we are re-releasing the little squishies so if anyone missed it during the holidays you can get it but i can't say wednesday we saw like tweets with um some of you guys saying you like missed a few of the squishies and we're like oh they're going to be excited to hear that they're going to come back so you can complain one last time or one last just for the squishies yeah for those little cute little balls of the belly yeah but there is something that we've been working on for a while and we're really excited about it but it's not coming out for a while so you cannot say anything about it it's all it's all um it wait can you just use your water no your water sure you have to do all of this to go back [Music] i'm gonna say you can't just walk back normally yeah yeah like why is that now like you said the tutorial it said bar the plan here to give yourself a platform to climb so you can enter the whole ball above did you do that funny didn't water any plants i did water plant and now i'm here okay while you guys figure that out here's a question from chocolate milk they said who got into the most trouble as a child honey i think funny too i also agree i think if you and we're like why why did you get that she's like oh i was like hanging off stuff again bro i'm just a trouble or like just drawing wait for the ball to go all the way up ball stop being problematic get your butt in here come here ball this way just press it all the way press it all the way press nope is there like an acorn or something you can get just go supposed to be down here just come here you stupid ball you're stupid oh okay wait wait try standing on the bus but don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move stupid ball no funny i think i got it i think i got it okay go down no let it go let it go let it go let it go kick it into the left side kick the ball put the ball into the left hole kick it kick it right now [Music] well this is the epitome of okay and stand on the button don't move oh wait no you wait you have to wait on it get back to the left side you gotta stand on the button yeah you gotta stay there okay physics physics physics physics anyways oh but it was so close the tutorial says kick the ball to kick onto the pink switch i hate the ball i hate that i'm kicking it [Music] take this you dumb flat i'm kidding pods are beautiful i'm sorry for yelling at you it's just that oh yeah you gotta make sure to give them love yeah okay random question from scar how one doesn't what are you guys's least favorite vegetables celery celery's good man that's an easy one for me i don't like celery but okay i forgot that name what's that thing that i say don't like in the soup you guys all the time that it was it was water what is that it's not a fruit vegetable no vegetable vegetables yeah i don't remember what it's called i don't know some kind of white water chess vegetable water chestnut is i thought it was a type of nut i don't think it's a fruit oh yeah i think it's your most hated vegetable leave comment um i don't i don't know well i'm not that big i used to hate bitter melon but i grew onto it so i don't know what i'm not really picky that's a good question yeah i'll kind of eat anything um i have to fight the valley robot trying to think yeah i'm not that picky i there's nothing that i would be like you know i got nothing i got nothing for you maybe by reading the live chat something will pop up but for now i got nothing oh wait i know what you guys don't like but it's a fruit but it's like one of those hybrid foods you guys don't like cotton candy grapes oh this one is so disgusting oh wait like i know what i could tolerate i like but i don't like at the same time i don't like spinach i think like it's okay like because spinach leaves like this weird grimy taste on your tongue i don't like it yeah okay dracula is still there from the right side go from the right platform kick it here some people say white broccoli which i think is a cauliflower right flowers i got i'm kind of scared of cauliflower i got really big lead the robot all the way up here then we'll take care of him don't let him catch you this is intense excuse me are you ready for the ultimate battle you don't [Music] [Music] this if you if you water that dude's plans will give you arms oh oh that's dude well i don't really have time to talk about planets right now kind of fighting is gonna get like murdered by giant no you got this you got this run oh no that guy's one little pig blob oh snap no no no no all right you got this boyfriend this is so cool kick the door [Music] i don't even know where i'm going that's just a little bit of a ball oh my gosh don't fall down jump jump you got this you got this onto the button jump right into the button no you're not supposed to go in the hole roll oh my gosh this is so much this way oh my gosh oh my god this just roll through just roll through roll through you don't have to do that it's faster whatever no time no time no time here we go the rebel group is scary i'm scared of that yeah i'm scared they did it we did it again i don't like snow thank you for helping me in my village i forgot that zappos was a sweet idea the robot is definitely out of order now yeah and you did a nice job luring him into it thank you are you kidding me we needed more protection for our base so i added intrusion detector system what does that mean that we have an intruder what does it do it shuts down the power i need help what you can't enter other people's bases like this sorry i'm just so warm well what do you want we live in the old mine me and my family just under the lake it's not great usually we drink water that falls from the ceiling i know what they're gonna ask but the water stopped dripping let me guess mr sunshine could it have been something to do with sun shining sounds like it maybe we should go check it out that would be nice be nice of you all right we'll go see what's wrong with it thanks i'll meet you there that's enough choice for us what a strange creature yeah quite wiggly oh hey you should come and see this oh we get to celebrate we get to drink that kick down that bottle no whoa whoa worm hole gold hole doing here i don't know it must have collapsed during the alert room oh yes it's starting to fart out oh maybe this is starting to fart out can you go and have a look no um wow okay guys let's just see what's in this room but i think we solved two of the problems of sunshine inc we did it we semi-beat the game and if you guys want to check out the game yourself make sure to go to epic game stores check it out and use our creative code it's funny to support us i'm going to finish reading up all the super chats and crown crown new crown members because that's amazing welcome new crown members thank you so much for joining and shout out to layla strawberry camila vanessa brodyman it's not me insert unique name quicksilverdude to titania theresa some max kind of roblox glitch afton purple ramen guys thank you so much and thank you everyone for the super chats thank you guys so much for tuning in to this epic um adorable game yeah this game was so cute i loved it guys that is it have a wonderful weekend we wish you a very great weekend that's from crew um subscribe if you're new to the channel we appreciate it thank you so much for watching we love you thank you for watching have a great day guys alright bye guys [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,686,095
Rating: 4.8988662 out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, livestream, live, itsfunneh livestream, funneh livestream, krewlive, krew livestream, pikuniku, pikuniku gameplay
Id: p81py563A60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 4sec (7984 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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