Only using ONE COLOR in Bloxburg!

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the one color Build Challenge each crew member only has fifty thousand dollars to spend don't forget to subscribe for more challenges like this everyone you have a perfectly cropped square that is nine by nine to build your magnificent Masterpiece sign all right Square you later I'm gonna start oh my gosh okay is anyone gonna tell rainbow you have to start at the mailbox it is time we are all building our plots at the same time go ahead everyone go crazy don't waste too much money 50 000. if why would you just build a basement with a full box aren't you oh that's I don't even know how big this is okay I'm gonna build some more class on like lunar I'm gonna make my house I think an L shape because I still want my house to be cute and blue so I'm gonna make a tiny L inspired by phone don't look at my house and copy a gold hey what's happening with my wall hey guess what since you said that now I'm gonna make a U I'm gonna go ahead and grab the traditional door I'm gonna put it on it looks like my next-door neighbor lunar is making a two-story wow she's wrong yeah that's right I just made it better yo this is pretty extra I feel like I need a two-story now so let me go ahead and I'm also working on my second I see only I can own two stories get off my oh well do you have an elevator an elevator might make me run out of budget so I'm not gonna do that that'll be very dumb oh I never knew swirly stairs before let me do this I feel like we're gonna put them right here for now that looks pretty good remember everyone you only have a fifty thousand dollar budget they'll run out of money you're gonna cry you're gonna be so sad so my upstairs is pretty small but I'm okay with that let's just finish building it because I still want a walkout balcony maybe it was a smarter yeah let's close this off like this I still want to make it modern I love modern houses you know what let's delete this we'll make it a very skinny balcony my house is looking pretty good I'm gonna add some glass railing to the front so we can still make it pretty modern it looks like everyone's houses yeah everyone's going for the Second Story Gold's house uh I think her doors are too big for her front but we're not gonna talk about that right now let me go downstairs downstairs looks pretty good I think I'm gonna build a small little slide place so I could plant blue plants all around the house just like this so our house could still look cute and green at the same time it's time to remove this blue tarp and actually put proper flooring into the main floor of my house just like this easy and we're going to choose a blue floor so let me go for blue because blue is my favorite color and I think I'm gonna go for blue wood because who doesn't love some blue colored wood in their house which one looks the smoothest though this is probably one of my favorite Textures in bloxburg and I might go for a dark blue oh dark blue is kind of an eyesore I don't know if I want to go light you know what let's go for this one mid blue it is a blue house after all and for our walls I wonder what color I'm going to choose probably some more blue I might do yeah I think I'm gonna do a darker blue for this one for the wall texture though I feel like I want to go for something pretty simple so it doesn't take away from my floor I mean the metal is pretty nice I'll go for metal for the main floor let's paint this all metal and obviously we kind of make those stairs blue too this is insane we got ourselves some blue steps not to mention blue railing I think I mean this dark blue looks pretty sick oh I like this blue and then some more blue along with a dash of tint blue for this wall I'm gonna make it a future wall so let's actually make it a darker blue I think this one this has to be the same one as my stairs right perfect okay I'm gonna put my modern fireplace right here I wonder if I can make the flame blue though wait for real okay this is amazing we got blue flames with a beautiful um blue Pebbles along with tons of more blue the darker one doesn't really fit so this has to be lighter the fireplace should have a pretty nice marbled look to pop out that looks pretty good and we're gonna make it pastel light blue so it could really Pop I don't want my guests to be bored while looking at this beautiful blue fireplace so I'm gonna go ahead and place some bookshelves around I wonder if there's modern bookshelves nope that is a traditional modern dresser that will not match these ladder cells really match the vibe I'm going for so let me place them down and once again paint them all blue medium blue looks the nicest and for the shelves let's make it a nice pastel light blue I mean that looks pretty nice it matches with the Vibes it doesn't take away from my fireplace now we need to find the matching sofa I love the look of this beautiful tuft sofa it matches perfectly I'm going to place it right here I don't know if that's too close to the fireplace where it becomes a flammable Hazard but I'm gonna take it back one definitely a big rug is going to help make the living room look a lot bigger than it actually is I repositioned the sofa because I thought it was hogging up too much of the room so now I got to put in a modern coffee table I mean that looks pretty good I repositioned the couches because I didn't like the way they looked and now time to put in a very large coffee table I'm gonna give the couch colors a very nice pop so they stick out of the living room and for the carpet I mean this blue isn't bad either but it is taking away the giant beautiful fireplace look so let's make it more basic I'm coloring the coffee tables to this nice storm blue because it matches perfect I mean if this ain't a blue living room guys I don't know what it is this is the bluest thing I have ever looked at so we're gonna add some decoration and obviously you know what's gonna happen again we're just gonna keep blueing it up a couple of books in the shelves I really love some spiky plants so my place could look alive we'll put a spiky plant there I added some books but there's something wrong with these books these books aren't blue enough let's add some more blue to them I need to make sure that the blue doesn't blend into the wall or else we have just a bunch of books that are the same color as the wall there's my Blue Book pile I'm going to copy this over boom and easy No One's Gonna find out that I was lazy with these color choices perfect oh wait these plants and the pot it's not blue let's make this blue like this and a pot that actually that pot's too dark let's go for a nice pastel blue green actually you know what we're gonna go for light blue perfect paint that one good okay it's finally done guys the blue living room is complete now time for the kitchen it looks like my house is pretty small and I don't even know if I'm gonna fit a kitchen so we're gonna have to design this sort of like a cool Loft Style this ain't good I don't know where to put my stove maybe over here the only thing that we will cook in this house is microwaved food I'm Gonna Make Room for my fridge this fridge looks pretty cool but it hits the rim of the cabinet so we can't do this I really like the way this Arctic fridge looks so we're gonna place it here and time to grab a very expensive microwave yes oh cool look it looks built in that's pretty sick okay now I'm just gonna dye it all blue once again does this match okay this Blends into the floor too much we don't like that let's go for something more dull like storm blue and for the fridge we're gonna go for cyan yeah sand blue looks pretty good for the fridge we'll do sand blue and then for the handles we'll do baby blue we got some pretty cool color tones on the fridge now we're gonna put on the microwave perfect my bottom floor is done now it's time to build the bedroom the very tiny bedroom which is going to be pretty interesting I'm gonna have a little bit of fun with this so I'm gonna choose the coolest bed ever I don't think a family tent will fit in my house sadly this tent is too big so it kind of shows outside of my house which kind of sucks think we're just gonna have to go with the basic sleeping bag for the upstairs I want to give it a nice camping fee let me go over here and check out the fairy lights to make it more cute let's get some hanging lights up in here oh that's perfect this looks so sick I hope no one sees this this looks amazing this upstairs is gonna look so magical and here and then maybe one across there but these light bulbs these won't do for us they gotta be a tint of blue perfect oh I forgot I also didn't make the Rope blue don't want to mess up my blue house I'm adding in some small Shrubbery but I regret one thing about the fairy lights because it's making it really hard for me to place down items because it's clashing with the beautiful fairy lights I've posted okay let's get some grass up in here everyone's gonna walk into my house they're gonna be so confusing me like what the heck down there so blue but up here is like insane time to add a stump chair because I can't actually put trees in my house so I finished painting my entire house from bottom to top everything Blue from the pot lights to the floor to the decorations oh wait never mind there's a green plant disgusting I must fix it into the color I almost forgot the one thing blue and blue and then I look over oh wait what there's Brown in the planter I'm deleting it you know it's gone planter you have been replaced with this other modern one can I I still can't dye the brown out of that nope this is my blue house and then guys when I was building I'm kind of concerned because rainbow and Gold Have Nothing on their floors and we've been building for about 45 minutes now so that is concerning me I hope uh they finish soon I almost forgot I didn't have a doorbell on my house what type of house am I without a doorbell for people to ring the door with perfect and a dash of blue I am done my blue bloxburg house is complete one hour and 30 minutes wow I think I think we've outdone ourselves please don't laugh at us so we have pink yellow blue purple and green all based on our favorite colors boy oh boy where do we start I can't even believe we did this yeah I think this is the cutest little neighborhood I've ever seen but should we start from Green start from the right okay sure let's start with it okay okay Draco welcome to the bank of dragons my eyes are really hurting wait what it's a bank yes it's the bank House of Draco all of this is made from money oh okay um do I look green yeah I like this is actually hurting my eyes Draco this is my green kitchen the only food we serve in the green kitchen is green smoothies and this is not green paint oh that doesn't seem safe oh I feel like I'm in like an alien Dimension and this is the green dirt table you sit on it and you eat dirt what green fruits and they can go out to the background he has a Zen area that's kind of cute what do you do here wash your hands in the green Fountain but it's kind of moldy so I would recommend washing your hands with some real water whoa oh Jacob this is the green treadmill it's so you can run and enjoy the green view or the knocking view outside nice nice [Music] um wow I rate this very green where is the only Channel we watch is green uh-huh so nothing he just watches yeah green screen and this is the cleaning supplies in case you know there's a mess I feel like we're in a green filter gold just took a cleaning supplies I gotta clean the green away Draco I'm cleaning the green away so I don't think you can clean it away my eyes I need to take a break from the green you can always go outside and lay on the green hammock thank you guys this entire house okay what else what else do you got here Gold's trying to clean up this is my green bedroom as you can see it fits the aesthetic of the whole house it is green and this is my leaf blanket made out of I'm trying to figure out if you actually made your house entire green or you put green lights everywhere and you're trolling and then this is so true I don't know you might be tricking us and you know you can see your porch neighbor and you can be like a green person and let's just jump across the roof because I don't want to go through the hallway and this this part's cute a creepy Rocky this is the biggest future of the house the bathroom oh I'm leaving okay okay wait wait I have to tell you the most special thing about this bathroom we don't use toilet paper we use leaves oh I just sold my leaves okay um can we just head back to the front clean green go away come again another day I think it's very creative though I give them 10 for creativity I give you 10 green toilet leaves because my eyes hurt from all the green I'm stuck in the Green Door gold get out of there oh wow Draco what do you call this masterpiece again the bank of Draco wow wow okay my eyes Okay lunar I would like to clean my eyes with purple now is your house very little purple too you will see welcome to the purple people's home wow it's pretty nice it's cute it is nice yeah cool the purple people's mini washer lunar did you get lazy hey you two realize this is the entrance where guests come in so they'll see your purple people going to the bathroom no not really because when I take a shower there's curtains see okay how about the toilet why didn't you put the curtain behind the toilet that would have been better hey who turned off the lights anyone did you not pay your bills lunar hello no that's your job not mine someone turned on the lights oh the bills are out I guess my green house uh used all the money yeah you're using too much power traffic yeah Draco now all of our houses don't have power and we have to go back to the mailbox and pay the bills continuing from my beautiful washroom here we have the beautiful purple people fireplace Purple People kitchen with a purple people fryer oh is your counter missing the doors no where's the purple ketchup yeah lunar why is this oil not purple I don't think I can make oil purple okay I just thought it was a purple people house also like kitchen sink I mean very awesome sinking a taste but okay seems like she became lazy throughout her build just saying that lunar has no toilet paper yeah Lena you also don't have toilets use your hands Luna just finished with your house bills yeah please just hurry come on all right Purple People piano beautiful Deck with purple ketchup and purple bowl and purple mustard cool guys try out because they can't actually really thank you wow Gold's even drinking out of a purple cup [Laughter] wow very purple all right and lastly is this like a new lighting Trend like two lamps right on the bottom and the top yup that was just for the lighting lunar may you please close that door again sure why do you see a problem with your door I see one I see one yeah what is it deductive points it's not purple nope it is lilac it is a white purple it is in the Hue of purple and the comment section can tell you that is a hue of purple okay it's not white it has a light purple um okay yeah just just open it a hue of purple for purple people only okay okay we got it we got it purple people let's go in here lastly the Purple People room oh yes more lilac yeah yeah yeah is this like kind of like Indigo it's not really like purple indigo is still purple you're not a purple people it's kind of blue um [Music] okay beautiful computer the thing beautiful the outside gorgeous the inside I feel like Luna got a little lazy yeah yeah it's kind of like empty there's like no Furnishings oh you're making Draco salad in this purple house you could have also simply just put we just need a wall I rate this house a breach of privacy and a tint of lilac white not purple purple uh-huh well lunar house um welcome to Blue I feel blue yeah that's right this Fountain looks green shut up yeah okay maybe rushed it she's so fancy she does an outdoor pool inside our house this is where you go in and you take a dip before getting into my house welcome to the blue so if you're making people wash themselves in the pool before entry yes I don't want you to get my house dirty this is supposed to be a mirror I don't know why it's appearing pitch black that frightens me [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] group meeting except for funny everyone come over here okay fine I won't listen guys is it me or does her stuff look really expensive what are you talking about the same budget there's no it's in the budget two thousand dollars that's what you were able to four dollars I couldn't even afford it for my purple people wow no the stuff are you in budget it is a budget I'm just smarter at building see fridge beautiful cabinet a chill living room area where you vibe to Blue only Ponder this over a lollipop Stop opening all the empty cabinets it's just pushed out now nice though hey hey this is my house tour get your butt back down here Jacko it's blue candy this house is very very nicely big their house is purple I mean if your house is for blue people why is there grape juice because you pulled it out of the fridge lunar so come upstairs with me up here I really wanted to make it look like a blue Forest a fantasy board lunar at least funny has a theme okay like deducted straight Outdoors yeah this is the Outdoor theme and then this is the beautiful balcony where you can look out at your other neighbors and be like wow blue is truly the best color and I can also kind of lacking in privacy there's like no curtains and like do you think the Nature has privacy dude it doesn't have privacy on to the next house doesn't have Plumbing either the great cheese it's a cheese home it's a beautiful yellow home yes yes she's home or the yellow it's not cheese does this look like a mouse home to you huh answer the question yes straight to your house whatever here's my grand yellow door not cheese block door welcome to the kitchen a giant cheese piano this furniture looks expensive um for a real cook that's concerning can you make us something I'm hungry it just you know it just looks expensive because it's gold okay but what I think what funny is trying to say is that's like a Chef's Kitchen yeah like for a real Chef yeah cook something yellow I'm hungry there's your cheese juice oh cheese juice Jacko please taste what the cheese juice tastes like does it taste okay exquisite is that a grilled cheese oh yes it's like I don't like the texture it's kind of Sandy Draco it's cheese juice what do you think it's gonna taste like next up cheese cereal oh you can't is it me or she's taking forever to make cereal on to the next place he likes my gold stars it stands for the most beautiful home people raided this home see every time they like stars they placed a gold star so pretty interesting and if I don't like it can I take one away yes I want to rip one off touch my stars now come up my luxury string stairs g-string stairs it's really cute wow it's blinding this is where you take a shower bathroom oh my room oh um you have the bathroom Under the Stairs isn't that kind of creepy why is everyone complaining me about privacy and literally all your guys's washrooms are in the public this is about me wait I relax isn't it beautiful look at this intricate wood wall right here that I built I mean this is pretty nice pretty intricate like cheese like a cheese wedge okay this I bet none of you have the chilling barbecue top floor view where you eat barbecue and you look at the view up here see this yeah none of us built where's your mozzarella wait you know what has a lot of cookies yeah yeah I rate this house very cute cheese thank you thank you I voted squeaky uh I want to take a star away and then there's the last house welcome every wait wait everybody don't step on it yet okay oh gosh welcome everyone to rainbows Castle okay that doesn't look like a castle yeah it doesn't look like a castle what it is a castle okay whatever you say everyone listens to or else she won't let us in all right so very dark pink um well we're in a pink filter oh no this seems like a filter I want to get out of filter what would you guys like to eat wait wait you guys are nothing nothing it hurts my eyes a water does water look pink in here I don't know can I get a pink smoothie don't ask for that okay it's blue water thank you um here have more glasses of water thanks why does she want to serve us water I don't know I want you guys to give me 10 Stars I want to win okay can we see the upstairs then it's a texture glitch okay you have to ignore it up these gorgeous spiral stairs handcrafted floor is white um you forgot to take your floor what that's light pink it's light pink she's pulling a lunar she's pulling a looter okay go to my house this is you oh okay I'll rate it good since you are threatening us with a punching I've been training her artwork is scary yeah I don't think she filled it in either see all of us forgot about the artwork the cute little pink bedroom it's very quaint it's super small and then you open these doors up here this is the princess balcony this is my favorite spot in the house very nice um very cute I don't know what to say but I expected it to be a lot bigger is it me or after everyone saw me implementing the balcony everyone has implemented a balcony on there yeah you don't own balconies no I don't want you to invent balconies oh I rate this pinky burned my eyes I write it bigger than a smaller than I expected what did I tell you if you waited my house about it okay so I'd just like to say rainbow and draco's house blinding to the Stars very blinding I think yeah that's a good made a lot of use of his space I was surprised at how much stuff there was so now the biggest question is we want you guys to tell us which house did it the best pink yellow blue purple or green leave a comment in this comment section below because we can't decide who's the best clearly mine but yeah what do you mean yellow purple yellow blue blue remember I'm gonna cheer your own color on come on um my house is kind of not that great oh oh wow she's being so hot no she's playing the guilt cards [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 21,398,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, itsfunneh, funneh, itsfunneh roblox, funneh roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, no swears, roblox game, roblox mini games, roblox trolling, roblox video game, role-playing game, roblox adventures, roblox adventure, funny, moments, funny moments, roblox family, family, roblox family funneh, funny moments in roblox, roblox family roleplay, krew, bloxburg one color challenge, one color challenge, roblox one color challenge, one color bloxburg
Id: Ux3A0GoLWR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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